Regulation of vicons winter-summer

The large number of modern sklopaketіv can function as the transfer of fittings from the winter period to the summer. Basically, such power is present in the yakіsnih vіknakh vіd vіdomih vіrobnikіv.

Adjustment of metal-plastic veneers from one season to the next is carried out with the method of establishing effective ventilation. For the rahunok of which you can increase or change the tide more often in the fallow time due to the temperature on the streets.

When varto regulate the season "winter-summer"?

After the carried out regulation for the summer period, the windows do not fit so strongly. Zavdyaki tsom krіz porch utvoryuєtsya additional ventilation. At your room you need to freshen up again when the window is closed.

It’s foolish and illogical to let krizhane povіtrya near the apartment. Do not hermetically close the windows, create stretches and lower the temperature in the room. At this time, it is necessary to transfer the fittings to the winter mode. What does the chairs lie closer to the frame and save heat in the middle of the life.

Move the fittings for the winter more quickly in the last month of autumn, so that the cold does not catch the sign. After the arrival of heat, the pvc windows can be turned back to the summer mode.

The procedure for seasonal adjustment of metal-plastic windows

The procedure for adjusting the winter-summer season is to be wound up with a trunnion. The eccentric (also called the trunnion) is rotated for the help of a special twist, or manually, fallow in the winding system. For lower temperatures, the maximum thrust of the trunnion is stopped. Regulation of vicons to litas transferring the lowering of the vice to the booster. At whom the natural circulation is increasing.

It is not obligatory for you to figure out how to regulate vekna for summer even tse right fahivtsiv. Varto is less likely to understand the whole need for this process.

Professional regulation of windows "winter-summer"

Adjustment of windows can be done independently, and the axis for folding problems is better to ask a specialist, if you don’t know and don’t know a person, you can easily have mercy, if you bring all the windows or other fittings to breakage.
Our company knows how to regulate winter-summer season. We professionally and promptly bring the fittings to the required mode. Dovirte regulation vikon winter-summer to our specialists, and without hiccups, for the sake of death, we will carry out all the necessary work as accurately as possible.