How to build plumbing with your own hands at the bathrooms

With the need for repairs at your apartment, leather is sticking. And if you decide to hold yoga near the bathrooms, then you can’t do without replacing the pipes. And if the manager of the apartment wants to immediately change the design of the bathroom, or make any other cardinal changes, then building plumbing for the bathroom with your own hands is inevitable. Just don’t make it ahead of time to buy materials, prepare tools and take them to the respect of the listener.

Preparation stage

This stage is the most important, the shards are transferred to the plan, de showing the arrangement of all plumbing. Tse permits to evaluate the entire future work and the selection of the necessary materials. That's why it is right for you to install pipes near the bathroom to lay down the comfort of the place and the sturdiness of the skin element of the pipeline system.

For the cob it is necessary to create an armchair, de show the quantity and roztashuvannya of all plumbing fixtures: a large number of sinks (like a large bathtub), a shower cabin, a washing machine, and a changeover for a bath. Tse allow to appoint a number of pipes and fittings. If the toilet is divided into two occupants, then the separation can be carried out with one's own hands in both parts of the bathroom at the same time.

After folding the plan of the bathroom, you can proceed to its implementation. There are no particular foldings here, so that breeding can be done in more than two ways:

  • vіdkritiy;
  • closing.
Open pipes
Attachment of pipes. After the plastering of the walls, the opening of the pipes at the bathroom will not be visible to the eye

Vіdkritiy sposіb maє on uvazі roztashuvannya kommunіkatsiy vіdnіy z zovnіshny side. From the aesthetic point of view, everything looks no more pleasant, navіt like trumpets prolyagatimut bіlya podlogi. Do-it-yourself installation in this plan is the shortest, because all communications are attached to the eye, which is not a wild design. Tilki є i zvorotny bek - it takes a lot of strength for that hour.

Breeding scheme

  • last;
  • collector.

Collector not diluted
Last divorce

The two schemes are the widest. Krіm them, zastosovuyutsya іnshі, but only rarely. Therefore, the varto is more detailed in the first two options. The essence of the last method is that the installation of the pipeline with your own hands goes in stages. As it is possible to bachiti from the name, plumbing fixtures come together sequentially. Only varto vrakhovuvat one moment. Under the hour of operation of the plumbing equipment of the kilkom with accessories, the water is distributed unevenly at the same time.

The installation of the collector is rational for the equal distribution of the water between the usd priladіv. This scheme for the skin vodozabirnoy point has its own okrema plot of the main. And the installation of a skin attachment crane allows you to install repair robots, without turning on the entire system. Self-sufficient collection of rozvedennya robiti smoothly, chimalo stained material, which will inevitably cause great financial vitrati.

Like trumpets go

Today, pipes that are victorious for plumbing at bathrooms can be prepared from such materials as:

  • stainless steel;
  • mid;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • sewn polyethylene.

Vidi pipes

More people care for better victorious pipes made of polypropylene or plastic. For hot water, a metal-plastic pipeline is suitable. And if you take the term of service to the point of respect, then drying for towels made of steel in this plan is better, lower brass.

Modern sewerage pipes are made of plastic with different walls and different diameters.

Steel pipes vikoristovuyutsya even rarely, to the fact that their installation with their own hands folding and stench expensive in price. Mіdnі trumpets mayut high corrosive stіykіst i mіtsnіst. Ale installation of such a pipeline vlasnoruch vmagaє vikoristannya special obladnannya.

Metal-plastic pipes are already more beautiful, so it’s good to resist corrosion, finish the bellies, ale nadine. Please call for additional special fittings, which are expensive in price. If the opening will be vikonan with pardons, then it can be brought to the opening of the pipes.

Metal-plastic pipes and the most popular

Polypropylene pipes have imperfections. One of them has a high coefficient of temperature expansion. The pipes from the cross-linked polyethylene were removed from the front materials. Ale є і vagomі nedolіki - tse temple varіstі і nebhіdnіst vykoristannya expensive especial tool.

Reconstruction of water pipes

Depending on the type of installation of piping and the choice of the type of piping, smut, it is important not to allow a large number of bends in the pipeline and successful knots. Start the installation following the installation of the control valve. Kozhen miraculously knows that the water from the central water supply main is not of the highest quality. Therefore, think about installing an additional coarse filter, which sounds right behind the valve.

Pipe splitting

Next, the installation of the collector was carried out, as a distribution scheme was selected. The collector can have 2 to 4 exits. If necessary, a few collectors can be combined into one system, only it is important to install a skin outlet through the control valve. When choosing a subsequent scheme, attach to the water supply for additional triplets.

Behind the towers you can install a lighter and a filter for fine water purification.

Butt of piping

In some fluctuations, it is possible to move over the pressure at the water supply main. In any case, you can’t do without the installation of a hydraulic reducer and a bag with a pressure gauge. Tse allow to establish the optimal parameters of the functioning of the water supply system. Sound 3-4 atm.

According to the obvious scheme, it is necessary to draw pipes with the arrangements for the fact that a part of the skin tube will be inserted at the fitting. At the end, it is necessary to solder the polypropylene pipes and fix them on the walls in the chosen way.

Sewerage development

Robots need to be started from the most folded d_lyanka - a riser. Chavunna pipe is replaced by a plastic pipe of the same diameter. It is necessary to start the installation of the riser from the installation of the tee. In front of the entrance, it is necessary to place a gum cuff and apply a ball of sealant, and then install a crossbar. Let's sweat to the riser, the angry pipe under the stubble. When fixing the bagan, it is necessary to twist the clamps.

At the end of the work, a trial run, to check what is leaking. It seems that the robot is vikonan yakіsno.

Properly arranged sewerage
Drainage of sewerage at a private booth

Plumbing installation

If the bathroom of the room has enough space, then the order of installation is not important. And if not, then start following the great fittings (bath, shower). Before that, as you move on to the pipes, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory work: dismantle all the old plumbing and prepare the surface. If necessary, tiles are removed not only from walls, but also from underlays. After that, as the surface will be lined with veneer, next clean it well.

If it is planned to build a slab near the bathroom, which is more suitable for this application, then at this stage the frame is sporadzhuetsya.

We will then carry out a rosette and a riser of pipes in line with the folded back plan. The first time you can proceed to the final processing of the surface and the installation of fixtures.


In fact, the installation of the sink is clumsy, everything is reduced to elementary steps. Vaughn mozhe krіpitisya on brackets chi pedestals. The first one is the widest one, although there are plenty of people who can think of another option.

Sink installation

Bracket - to make a good mark on the sink in the same way it is necessary to carry out the marking. Sound the washbasin to be roztashovuvati at a height of 80-85 cm from the bottom. Vіd tsієї mitki it's necessary to see if it's good for the comrades of the wall-mounted sink. Brackets protrude on qiu dozhina.

Next, put the brackets to the wall and sign up, as if you would be between them, rolyachi of the badges. On them, open the dowels and screw the brackets. After that, you can install the sink on the fixing. If everything is done correctly, the washstand will not be hit. Now we need to connect the siphon to the washbasin, and then we will install that plug in the zmishuvach.

P'edestal or pedestal - in any case, the shell can be trimmed on tulips (lower) or in a set with a pedestal. To trim the plumbing, you can also use brackets, or you can build it so that the sink is trimmed on the pedestal itself. Before installing the pedestal, it is also necessary to carry out a layout of the sub-logs of that wall.

Let's drill after the marks, open the dowels. Then the sink is screwed to the wall with various spacer washers and nuts. Do not tighten the warto too much, because the sink can crack. If necessary, a p'edestal or a curbstone can also be fastened on a plinth. At the end, it is necessary to install a siphon and a zmishuvach.

Tulip sink installation

After the completion of all work, the next check all the days of the month for tightness. When the leakage is revealed, they should be covered with a sealant.


Installation of a bathroom starts with the selection of old plumbing. If necessary, open the maidanchik so that the bathtub stands straight. Before installation, read the instructions carefully. It is necessary to install the lower legs or special stands, as they sound to go with the complete set. For their presence, they can be replaced by a whole.

Now you can move the siphon from the guide to the tee with instructions. It is better to cover the best places with sealant to ensure the shortest tightness. It is necessary to install a zmishuvach.

Fahivtsі recommend grounding the bath for additional safety! In order to increase comfort in the bath tub, you can decorate the front part. I can do this by looking at the masonry and installing special blinds.

Bath installation steps

Toilet bowl

Before installing the toilet, turn off the supply of cold water and turn the sewer inlet. Varto respect that the choice of the toilet bowl should be left in the fall with the placement of the sewer pipe. Primach with whom you can roztashovuvatisya in a different way:

  • vertical;
  • horizontally;
  • sickly.
The main stages of installing a toilet bowl

Vykhodyachi z thogo, next take a model іz vіdpovіdny output of the collector. For an hour, you can close the opening with a ganchirka, so that the unacceptable smell can be neutralized. Putting the plumbing on the floor, making a socket for opening the plastic plugs, front closing the outlet pipe. Before that, how to creak the toilet bowl on the sole of the foot, it is necessary to apply silicone. Then, bolt the plumbing with plastic washers, just do not tighten it too much, otherwise the bottom can crack. Allow the silicone to dry completely (after 4 years) and install the pouring tank, securing it with screws, and then pushing the flexible hose up to the new one. Now you can close the tank and turn it over to the robot.