How to independently install a plastic window

Practically leather master-pochatkіvets bazhaє dіznatisya, how to install the plastic vіkno yourself. Before such vicons can be seen as operational characteristics, and ease of installation. These structures are equipped with fixing elements and additional details, so you can build a master-pochatkіvets with your own hands. Prote, so that everything is done correctly, you should insure the essential nuances. Respect for us in front of the varto, that the work of the viconati alone is even more coherent, it is recommended that you get a helper.

Elements that will be needed for the installation of plastic windows:

  • twist;
  • pliers;
  • mounting pin;
  • self-tapping;
  • anchor;
  • weekly rіven;
  • temple;
  • mow;
  • pіdvіkonnya;
  • apparently.

Before the arrival of the vicons, one needs to open the door for the improvement of what the construction is like. Won mozhe buti z quarter chi without. Cut through the quarter of power in everyday life from pinoblocks. Varto nobility, such constructions significantly speed up heat loss.

At an opening without a door, you will need to close a window, the length of which is 5 cm smaller, the lower edge of the window opening. The width is to be blamed for the opening opening by 3 cm. It is necessary to add 1.5 cm gaps along the contour; From the bottom, it is necessary to cover 3.5 cm for the riser.

Vikna with a quarter and without a quarter

The window needs to be repaired, having added to a width of 3 cm. Insulating stitches will need to be applied not to the plastic frame, but to the contact area of ​​the PVC quarters. Press the frame to the quarters.

In a window without a quarter, like a zahisno-decorative element, like a building foreshadowing the influence of external factors on the technical power of the assembly stump, there will be victorious and internal mowing.

Slid vrakhovuvati, scho chim bolsha schіlina, tim more vitrata expensive pіni. If you need to protect, the gaps are larger than 4 cm, you can often fill it with expanded polystyrene or whole. Widths of 1 to 4 cm are blown out with a pin.

The window of the big one is located above the middle of the opening, and in the middle of the opening, and stepping into the outside, it is placed on 1/3 of the deep.

However, with your own hands, you can mount the windows with your own hands, and you can win options for the shifts in your needs. It is necessary to insure when buying a subway and satellite outbuildings. To the width, as it will be calculated, depending on the placement of the windows, you need to add about 5 divs.

Іsnuyuchi methods of fixation

The technology for the installation of windows is dependent on the material, from which the walls of the structure are made, as well as the dimensions of the windows. From tsikh chinnikіv i treba choose a method of fixing elements.

You can close the structures like this:

  1. Fixation with dowels, which are inserted at the wall through preparation, open at the profile.
  2. Shawls made of teeth, yakі need to be squeezed into the profile. Elements are not mounted in the wall, but are installed vrozpir and fixed with self-tapping screws. If the installation is done, then the installation seams and the cuts will be installed, under which it will be possible to attach the anchor plates. Spread between the flat opening and with a slope, it is necessary to fill it with a pin. For the speedy winding up of the pins, part of the time on the supplementary virіvnyuvannya, under the plate, you can bury it.

The first way is the most important. You can beat it with more vipads for the installation of important window structures. If it’s strengthened, it’s going to be sharp, if it’s repaired by different shock pressures, if it can be blamed, for example, if it’s an hour of victorious victories with chairs, which are thrown into dekilkoh straight lines. Ankeri, yak_ pass through the frame, allow vikonati regulation of the structure vertically and horizontally.

Fixation of the frame for the hour of installation of the window

For people who like self-supporting installation of plastic windows of small rosemaries with deaf folded packs, there is a way to fix them with anchor plates.

Before the installation of the plates at the opening from the concrete or the celin, it is recommended to prepare small pits, so that it is not necessary to apply a glazing ball for screeding before the installation of the slopes.

In some vipadkah maistri vikoristovuyut offensive methods. The anchors are burried at the wall through the side parts of the frame and the base of the structure, and the upper part is fixed with plates. The replacement of anchors is sometimes vicorated with galvanized gvinti, which is self-casting.

Preparing a window that will open

The opening needs to be cleaned out of the saw, removing that excess of farby. If the installation of plastic windows will be carried out in the next opening, the upper ball will need to be tightened. Pina is guilty of mitzno zchepitisa with a cym ball.

The gaps between the frame and the lapel can be closed with a pin.

To prepare a vikno, the vikonati needs such a thing:

  1. Change the frame of the chair. For which it is necessary to remove the pin, mount the upper loop. Dali yogo required to carefully subdue at the lower part. The element needs to be lifted from the bottom loop. From the deaf vicons, we need to win the slops. For which one, it is necessary to take the back of the head, and then the cross-beads. To remove the glazing beads, you need to insert a knife or a spatula into the slot, and then properly seal. Please note that a small window can be installed without dismantling the chairs.
  2. The sklopaket under the hood needs to be rolled up to the wall, then put on a flat base, as if covered with cardboard. It is not allowed to install it flat, because cracks can appear through falling stones.
  3. Zovnіshnyoї foundations rami need to take zahisnu plіvku. Nadalі tse robiti bude richly folded, it is recommended that you take it at this stage.
  4. Zreshtoyu, the need to expand the space for the installation of the roofing elements. Recommendations for the installation of these outbuildings should be 40 cm. It is planned to install mounting plates, which will need to be fastened to the frame with self-tapping screws. Under the anchor, or the screws need to be drilled open, a drill bit should be placed from the outer side of the frame.

The structure of the window after installation

Sequence for installation of vicons

The frame needs to be inserted into the opening. In the front, you need to lay a piece of plastic or small bars around the perimeter. Qi elements will be necessary for securing the technological gap. The blades need to be moved slightly, so that the frame can be clearly set horizontally and vertically with the same slots. Roztashuvannya is recommended to be reconsidered by a weekly eve. Blades need to be placed close to the point of fixation with screws or anchors.

Speaking about those, how to install plastic windows, you know that installation can be carried out in a number of ways. To that at what stage do you need to declare your authority. The sequence will be like this:

  1. At the opening of the booth from the tree, through the hole in the frame, you need to screw in the screw, which is self-cutting. In this situation, it is not necessary to screw the fastening up to the stop.
  2. On the concrete or concrete walls, through the embedment in the frame, it is necessary to mark the specks, after which the frame should be cleaned, drilled open with a drill, which confirms the material. Then we put the frame on the floor and install the fastening element.
  3. It is not necessary to vikonuvat whether folded dії when installing on the anchor plates. You will need to bend it so that the stench arrives before the month, as it is intended for your reinforcement.
  4. Residual fixation vikonuetsya after re-verification of horizontals and verticals with a shill. It is not necessary to tighten the elements strongly, because the frame can be bent. The twisting needs to be completed, if the droplets stand in a rіven from the frame.
  5. The details, as it was taken, need to be turned in the right order, after which the order is reversed.
  6. Schіlini is required to be filled with a wakeful pin. The seams are curled up with a wicked line. From the outer side, a line for insulation needs to be drowned.
  7. It is necessary for me to fill in the gap with a water jet.
  8. At the next stage, a subway is being installed. A plastic construction on a sprat of centimeters needs to have a burkun.

Zapіnyuvannya promyzhku pіd vodovіdlivom

After that, as soon as the self-supporting installation of plastic vicons is done, it will be necessary to get around 16 years old.

The construction cannot be corrugated for a long time, otherwise the integrity of the seams will be destroyed. Install plastic windows independently, you can build a person without a certificate of work, but it is important to know the technology and protect all the nuances.