Yaky uhil maє buti bіlya sewer pipes

Pratsyyuchi over the project of the system of home drain, varto nobility, how many degrees needed to heal the sewer pipe. With the obvious simplicity of the design, improperly installed pipes can lead to bad consequences and the robot will have to wind up again. In most of the rivers, the sewerage in the booths works by self-fueling, so it becomes obvious that over a small kut has been brought up to insufficient passage, and in another flood the system is not practicable.

At budіvelnikiv-pochatkivtsіv, it is often blamed to install a chimney under a great arrogance, so that sewage passed through it, however, this pidhіd was pardoned. In case of zayvomu uhili, the trumpeting begins to trumpet that the water goes even more quickly and does not grasp all the impurities, as if it sticks to the sewer system in the middle. Also, due to the reasons, there is a sight of water constipation in siphons, through which you can take it again from the purification system to the living room. Chant, not varto explain, what a smell you can see of sewage.

There is one more reason, through the varto tube, fill it with an underfilled one. A rush of air for the minds of aggressive media increases the development of corrosion, which reduces the term of service of the system.
The main problem is that the unsatisfied alarm clocks are sticking together, they are trying to independently conduct water supply, relying on the fact that they succumbed to the unseen loneliness. For housekeeping rules and norms, for all other rules for housekeeping, tens of fractions are required, for example, 0.03 or 0.0012.

More people sound sicker in degrees, so the stench can understand the meaning of these numbers. Ale, everything is easy to finish. Tsey drіb means spіvvіdshennya height of lowering the trumpet to її dozhini. It is best to show її in centimeters. For example, 2 cm by 70 cm or 1.5 cm by 70 cm.

Let's explain in an example. Let's assume that the trumpet bells should be 5.6 meters high, for the bell, you need a decrease of 0.07, at the same time, there can be a drop, equal 5.6 * 0.07 \u003d 0.39 hours 39 div.

The main parameter that needs to be taken care of when laying pipes for sewage is filling. This show can be recognized by dividing the height of the water in the pipe by the diameter of the sewer pipe. If the value is more than 0, then the pipe is completely empty, and if it is more than 1, it is clogged. The optimal values ​​of this indicator are in the range of 0.5 to 0.6. Itself in tsomu vipadku stіk pratsyuє normally.

A small rozkid po'yazaniy іz raznimi dominennosti materialiі vgotovlennja piping їх zdatnіst utvoryuvati prikordonny ball scho utrimuєєєєєєєєєєєє віля vілішної міні ї trumpets. For example, chimneys made of plastic or break a smooth surface, their filling is ideally to be 0.5, and chimneys made of asbestos and ceramics make a short relief, which is optimal for them 0.6.

The value of the filling allows for the safe passage of drains from the speed of 0.7 meters per second, which eliminates the solid fractions at the starry station and does not allow them to stick to the walls of the pipe.
So, the rozrahunkovі characteristics of the sewer pipe can be calculated by multiplying the swidkіst by the square root of the pipe zapovnyuvannosti. The value can be greater or more equal to the optimal filling level (0.5 - 0.6).

Minimal stole the pipeline near the apartment to fall due to the diameter of the pipes. As a rule, for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, set 0.03, which means 3 cm per meter, and for 100 or 85 mm pipes - 2 cm.
How, after all, do you virahuvati blatantly trumpet for sewers and do not have mercy? Most of the time, the logs in apartments and private booths cannot be called absolutely equal;

You can also help tighten the trasuvalny cable. When pipes are connected to the riser, they can speed up the designated reference vertical. In order to change the value, under which sewer pipe will converge with the riser, it is necessary to open the arcsine of the reduction and choose the result as 90.

The rules and norms of everyday life stipulate the optimal expansion of the pipeline of the external sewers, which should have a large diameter at the pipelines with internal communications. With a pipe diameter of 150 mm, a short meter / meter of a pipe is to blame for becoming 0.008, and especially for 0.007. In the variant with a 200-mm pipe, the meter / meter cost 0.007, and for special minds 0.005.

Special minds - so mind, if for various reasons it is necessary to create a necessary drain, we can’t, in other words, show special minds with a minimum level of reduction, which means creating an optimal drain for an outside sewer.

Use and maximum value of the parameter. The cost is 0.15, which means that if the pipeline is lowered by more than 15 centimeters per skin meter, the system is even more ineffective, the pipe will be flooded with water at a slight convergence and it will be easily contaminated with sewage. The Motherland is simply incomprehensible to the firmament of uncleanness.

Rozrakhovuyuchi uhil, you can and іnshі osoblivosti system, for example, the nature of її navantazhennya. If the glass will vibrate from the washbasin in the apartment, then you will not be afraid of flooding, and, if necessary, you can kill it with a great, but in such a rank, so that the vision of water constipation at the siphons is turned off.

Dotrimannya tehnologii laying lines of sewerage, and navіt rozmіrіv, recommended by standards, є bases of trouble-free robotic system. Do not think about those, how to choose the optimal pipe, just check the BNIP and there you will know the advice on all food.

According to the above, varto zrobiti vysnovok, that the most optimal value of reducing the pipe for sewerage is in the range of 15-25 mm per skin meter of the pipe, and exact data can be found in the documents.

Uhil sewer pipe 110 mm

The main dovіdnik, є SNiP. Some people say that pipes with a diameter of 110 mm have an optimal cut of є 0.02. However, keep in mind about other nuances. When installing pipes, it is recommended to have unique turns under a straight cut at any flat.

In order to get away from him, varto zastosovuvaty poslіdnannya kіlkoh vіdvodіv with a small kut. As there is no such possibility, you can install revisions (cleansing) in such places. All the details of the sewage system are to blame but are fixed behind the help of special clamps, which are installed to a length of 10 pipe diameters.

It is necessary to equip the internal sewerage stack with fan ventilation, which will protect the premises from being ingested in the new unacceptable odors, as well as to ensure the correct operation of the system without seeing water locks.

The fan pipe must be installed vertically without retraction. At a private booth, sometimes it is necessary to mount a horizontal plank, their varto vikonati with a small trick. At this point, I lost the fan pipe straight from the bik system. It is necessary to fight in order to let the atmospheric condensate fall off, which was drained into the pipe, immediately drained at the sewerage system and did not clog the pipe.

For the installation of a 110-mm sewer pipe, a minimum clearance of 0.03 must be added. When installing an external system, it is necessary to follow other rules. The sewerage line must be laid 30 cm below the freezing line of the soil. Otherwise, there is a need for special thermal insulation. The ditch is guilty of buti 20-30 cm deeper than the pipe laying, and, as if it were deeper, it is necessary to sipat її madness from squeak and earth from distant rammers.

Pull the rhіven of the ditch by hand for an additional thread, stretched for the necessary rіvn. The rest of the bed under the pipe and the sewer drains are molded with a pillow, on which the system is mounted. Pipes for sewerage must be installed with a socket pipe to the flow, in order to ensure the greatest level of tightness.

If you want to shorten the pipe, you can cut it with a great hacksaw and chamfer along the edge of the rose. The pipe cut is fenced. All the material, which is stuck in the pipeline, is to blame but without chips, cracks and breaks, otherwise the system needs to be insulated. Special wells are installed at the turns of the lines and the drops of the river. After choosing that laying of pipes, it is necessary to reconsider their ribs. For the consumption of food, the bed can be pidsipati, so that the vagrant would shove the pipe on the tretina. The trumpets of guilt lie zhorstko, without the satisfaction of voids under them. Only this time, optimally drained sewers are formed.

After the adjustment, the pipe is sizzled, and the spigot is squealing, so as not to allow the system to be shaken by heaps of earth. Then you can continue to sipan the trench for additional equipment.