How to soundproof the walls near the apartment?

The first nizh rozpochinati repair, soundproof the walls. May all soundproofing materials have two functions:

  1. Soundproofing walls near the apartment. The sounds that come out of the kіmnat susіdіv vіdobrazhatimutsya.
  2. Soundproof. The sound that rises near the apartment should be covered with modern soundproofing materials.

Vikonati soundproofing walls can be done in a different way, moreover, it is possible to build soundproofing walls.

Advanced soundproofing materials

To improve the nutrition of those, how to build soundproofing in an apartment, it is necessary to competently determine the choice of materials in advance. Today on the daily market of performances there is a great choice of materials for sound insulation, among which it is necessary to choose the most effective, and also inexpensive. Do-it-yourself soundproofing walls has two main goals:

  • vikonannya yakіsnoї іzolyatsії;
  • minimal financial expenses.

Under such criteria, the choice should be made once a few types of soundproofing materials, which can be victorious for victorious work in the middle of the application.

Sklovat - the same material, which vibrates springiness, strength, maximum resistance to varying vibrations. The fibers of this material are kept empty between themselves. Tsya power to rob the sloppy material with the best showcases of soundproofing. Sklovata is light, elastic, suitable for all fire safety, environmentally safe.

Mineral wool is made from special silicate melt or metallurgical slag. Minvata can have power, which is ugly. The effect of soundproofing here is created for the rahunka of fibers, which are spread on different surfaces one by one.

Given two types of material are recommended by those who have found the best, building soundproofing of high-quality partitions.

Main stages of work

Noise isolation of the walls near the apartment with your own hands is victorious at the sprat of the main stages. It is necessary to remove the old trellis from the walls, give a good look at the prepared surface. If there are small cracks on the wall, open them, and carefully and neatly plaster them.

The other stage of work is the folding of the frame, in which it is necessary to place the selected material. For which it is better to vikoristovuvati a frame, which is made from wooden slats. Tse z tim, that the tree can lower the sound penetration against the metal.

As soon as the profile is made of metal elements, then it is necessary to lay a lining under them. It is possible to vicorate the polyethylene backs, as well as the laminated lining.

After the completion of the work with the frame, you can proceed to the direct installation of soundproofing.

The third stage of work is the suturing of the frame with drywall sheets, which also acts as a good material for soundproofing. Krok, according to which the profile is mounted, is guilty of buti no more than 60 cm. As fastening, vicorous screws are screwed, as they are screwed through the skin 15 cm.

The final stage of the robot is gluing all the sticks between the plasterboard sheets. For this vicariously there is a special sitka (serp'yanka). We will then carry out the work of puttying, filling, gluing tapestries. If you want to decorate the wall, you can vicorist the trellis on a rare basis. The choice of the final ozdoblennya to lay down in the name of the owners of the apartment.

Leather from the stages of soundproofing at the apartment with your own hands can be victoriously and neatly.

Decorative panels can be miraculous solutions to improve the sound insulation of the walls near the apartment. Tsey budіvelniy material koshtuє troch more expensive for sklovat. Even though the walls in the apartment are perfectly equal, then the panels are fastened to the wall for additional rare flowers. The leather panel has a “thorn-groove” along the edges, which ensures secure sealing. Therefore, the method of soundproofing in an apartment with your own hands is the simplest. In addition, the leather panel may be decorative.