How to glue tiles on drywall: 3 main steps

Leaves from gypsum board vicorous are used to visualize the working cover and sporud partitions, from which you can construct an arch or mow. Tse mayzhe is a universal material for the repair process. Let's figure out how to glue tiles on drywall, including water, where possible temperature differences

Qi can put?

To find out if you can glue ceramic tiles on two-ball cardboard layers, you need to look at the material warehouse.

Gypsum board sheets are two-ball bud material with paper. Another different type of drywall is kraft paper (the village of triska has been recycled). The material is examined in the form of other coatings, based on the mechanical strength of a different nature.

Two-ball leaves may come forward:

  • material may avenge resins;
  • cardboard, seepage by a special warehouse, not afraid of moisture (swelling is not included);
  • the material does not deform under temperature changes and moisture movement in the application;
  • safe and environmentally friendly material;
  • medical structure;
  • maє heat-insulating power.

Listed perevagi about those who can lay tiles on drywall. Powerfulness, such as material, also means that gypsum board sheets are suitable for the basis for facing material, which can be mineral or synthetic basis. Such a basis is installed at times of great defects in the working surface, if it is important to repair the plaster. The tile will be trimmed on gypsum board, because the cardboard base can give you power.

Visnovok zі said: it is possible to glue the kahel on drywall, the smut choose the right warehouse, what to glue.

See sticky warehouses

For lining the surface, which has a gypsum board base, cement glue can be used. Sumish maє garne zcheplennya with kahelny facing material.

It is possible to glue the tiles on drywall, vikoristovuyuchi as a glue warehouse of independent vikonaniya z cement. For the preparation of a yakіsny rozchin, it is necessary to vikonat such a diї:

  1. pisok asks for help. For whom you need a sieve with finer cores (no more than 5 mm);
  2. The glue warehouse is prepared with M400 cement and sand (sp_v_dnoshennia 1:3).

Before the prepared warehouse, it is added a little bit for the looseness of the rozchin. Do not add water to add water to the friability of the adhesive warehouse, otherwise, when laying the cough, the strength of the seams will decrease.

You can lay tiles on drywall, vicorist for fixing the base putty (cement or acrylic). For laying tiles on drywall, only water-resistant putties are used. This characteristic is important for water areas with frequent temperature changes (bath room, kitchen).

You can glue the kahel on drywall for additional bustilat (special wake-up glue). True, such glue is not often used for the installation of kahl, because it has a fluid base and can shrink a lot. When laying tiles on two-ball sheets from cardboard behind additional bustilate, the first row (horizontally) is responsible for supporting the starting profile, or a straight rail, fastened to the wall. Just do not twist the support, facing material on the surface.

Tovshchina leaves

Laying tiles on drywall near the bathroom is more than necessary fixing to two-ball leaves from the raised moisture. The leaves can be of different comrades, and they will fight for the vaga. The required cardboard sheet for the tile can be replaced by putting on the required rozrahunki with wimirs.

By themselves, drywall sheets are not important enough, so it’s easier to choose tiles for gluing on drywall, no more than 6 m.

Laying down at the bathrooms

When laying tiles on gypsum board near the bathrooms, you can immediately remove the coating and cladding, as well as add additional work (sanding the walls with putty and further sanding).

When choosing a cough on drywall near the bathroom room, you can speed up with the following recommendations:

  • choose the facing material with a clear little, so that during the installation process it is easy to remove the elements;
  • Pay special attention to the surface of the kahel tile on the drywall near the bathroom. Vaughn can be without defects and smooth, without bevels and chips on the edges.

Before the cob of work, it is necessary to learn from the following video about laying tiles on drywall near the bathroom. We are going to be prepared to come in. It is necessary to get ready to come to the working surface, before sticking the tiles on the drywall:

  1. stikuvannya between sheets are cleaned and covered with a ball of putty;
  2. processed with a ball of primer;
  3. rozrakhovuєtsya number of oblitsyuvalnyh elements;
  4. a rosette under the bottom line is laid out for an additional level, which supports are fixed;
  5. fix tiles to drywall from another line of facing.

In the process of installation of the face covering, it is important to control the strengthening of the skin two lines.

To lay tiles on drywall near the bathroom, it is necessary to cover the following steps:

  1. processing of working surfaces with putty;
  2. priming;
  3. vimiryuvannya that rosrahunki;
  4. fixation of the lower direct;
  5. preparation of adhesive warehouse;
  6. installation of tiles to drywall at bathrooms;
  7. at the final stage, the seams are overwritten.

It is important to complete the steps during the installation of the cover, otherwise you will not need to carry out repair work. Now let's talk about how to glue the tiles to cardboard sheets from two balls near the bathrooms.

Vikoristannya putty

Putty, when installing tiles on drywall with your own hands, is used for processing sticks between sheets, as well as a glue base for a smooth surface. For oblitsyuvalnyh robots, putty is suitable for looking like dry sumish. In front of the wagons, the dry warehouse is diluted with water to a plastic consistency.

After that, as the putty is completely dry, the surface is cleaned with a spatula. When cleaning, defects are fixed at once.


Priming when installing stickers of kahel tile on drywall Processing at another time is carried out after the complete hanging of the cob ball. It is necessary to see a little more than a year between two people.

In order to stick the tile on drywall in bathrooms, it is necessary to vicorate the primer brand with deep penetration to the coating structure. For example, the brand of primer Monolit may have offensive characteristics, and it will become stable, like gluing tiles on drywall:

  • maє garni zcheplyuyuchi power;
  • protects the surface of flowering fungi;
  • shvidko pidsikhaє;
  • odorless, she is safe when vikoristanni;
  • after finishing the surface, you can cook evenly;
  • I create a vologost_yku basis;
  • penetrating ability.

Laying tiles on drywall near bathrooms with primer is necessary after cleaning the floor from the grove and credy. Before applying the primer to the ball, mix well. As a tool for priming, when installing ceramic tiles on gypsum board, a brush, a roller or a sawing roller are used.

It is not possible to vicorate the primer at minus temperatures and on frozen surfaces.

Laying cladding

After vykonannya preparatory visits in front of the facing robots, it is necessary to learn from the proponing video of laying tiles on drywall with your own hands, and you should hurry up with such recommendations:

  • installation can be started only after residual catching of the primer in front of the ball;
  • a kind of adhesive warehouse for laying kahelnoy tiles on drywall to stagnate, it is described above;
  • try to zastosuvati rare flowers (with an acrylic base).

You can stick tiles to drywall in bathrooms in the following ways:

  • mount elementi opposite one of one;
  • fixation of the first line of facing elements from a half-part suve at the back of the front line;
  • yalinka installation;
  • diagonally;
  • glue the tile to the drywall with yalinka.

Regardless of the chosen method of masonry, before installation, it is necessary to vikonat all refurbished more preparatory work. It is necessary to correctly lay the tiles on the drywall, starting in the center of the wall, while lightly squeezing the element near the warehouse, what to glue.

Kitchen cladding with kahl

Gypsum plasterboard sheets can be used to create decorative structures, arches, to shut down communication pipes, as well as to repair walls and stele covers.

The water-resistant material can be vicorated in applications with a change in moisture and temperature throws. That is why it is often necessary to put drywall for laying tiles in the kitchen. Navit when hit by water to the gypsum board base, the material is not rozbuhne, also included is yogo rozharuvannya.

You can learn from the video how to put a kahel on drywall near the kitchen. Plates with gypsum board can be attacked when victorious and facing with kahl:

  • wrinkled smooth surfaces of leaves do not need to be turned forward on the working surface;
  • you can insulate the wall, if necessary, by laying the heat-insulating ball to the cardboard layers;
  • the design of the plates does not require special skills and additional materials;
  • after the installation of cardboard sheets, laying kachelnu tiles on drywall is easy.

Gypsum plasterboard sheets practically do not cause minuses in stosuvanni. To stick ceramic tiles on drywall, try different types of tiles, similar to when installing at bathrooms. Covering the kitchen walls with a slab is laid in the same sequence as when laying the material of the bathroom.

To lay the tiles on the boxes with plasterboard, you need to provide information about the special features in the case of vikonannny oblitsyuvalnyh robots:

  • An important moment during installation: glue the tiles on some kind of drywall. Here it is important to reach the right roztashuvannya to the wall. The front side of the leaves is bright for style. Fixing facing material on the necessary side;
  • to stick tiles on drywall, the adhesive warehouse is to blame for the mother's consistency of thick sour cream;
  • as an element of facing the great rosemary, it is necessary to vicorate a humic hammer for their fastening;
  • It is not possible to lay tiles on drywall in one day. It is explained by the fact that the intervals between laying in 5 rows become the least of the year. Such an interval is necessary for the hour, in order to retard the further deformation of the facing;
  • laying a tile on a plasterboard wall is awkward, it is important to trim the coating technology for installation. So, after the completion of the work, it is necessary to get to the harvest, first proceed to the mashing of the seams.

If you have glued ceramic tiles on drywall, you can proceed to fixing decorative elements (installation of skirting boards, cutouts).

How to glue the kahelnu tile on drywall, according to the rules and to the time intervals for the installation process, cover the cladding to last three hours, and do not require emergency repair work.