Do-it-yourself renovation of steel with plastic panels: installation technology

Until quite recently, we did not show ourselves that we could work on the wall, okrim. Well, make some water mulsions. Yakshcho want something "cheerful" -. The arsenal of design solutions includes stretching, suspended, mineral, glass, mirror, stained glass, plasterboard, sheathed with wooden panels.

Covering the steel with panels made of polyvinyl chloride is a good indicator of price and strength. With a perceptibly low height, the stele looks unusually that “European-style renovation”.

The pragmatic originality does not have a trace of overflowing into kitsch. It is best to choose PVC panels in calm, neutral pastel colors. I don’t draw an eye, and I keep my eyes open. With extremely low stelae at the apartment of a richly topped booth, I do not call.

An important advantage of this type of work is that, with the folding of the work, an unseen amateur-amator will have to force himself to install the plastic stele with his own hands. Also, at the request of professional revitalizers, you can save.

Do not confuse the stele panels with the walls!

Budmaterials stores offer a wide range of PVC panels. Differently long and wide, the stench is lacquered, glossy, matte, under the tree chi marmur. Price for your taste; smut - do not confuse with stіnovimi.

The current market promotes the impersonal variety of stele panels. It was only left to choose the ones that would fit the same for your interior.

Retail - at the vase. Plastic panels for important walls and zhorstkish. Stelovі richly easier, scho ask the robot. Krykhkіst calls out the need for careful handling of them: a dent can be filled with a hand, and not with a tool.

More about the benefits of plastic panels

Ozdobluvalny material mіtsniy, dovgovіchny, plastic, vіdrіznyaєy garnoy zvukoіzlієєyu, vologostіyky, do not vigoryaє on sontsі, easy to clean. It's not surprising that the zavdyaks for special additives are environmentally friendly, stable up to high temperatures, do not burn and do not see any unacceptable smells. Therefore, you can replace the main electrical wiring on the circuits, which allow you to install light, halogen,.

Renovation of the steel with plastic panels gives the opportunity not to pay attention to the unevenness of the surface of the steel. If you can see the pipes or the wiring, the panels should be masked. Truth be told, take up to a second centimeter of the height of the room.

Take the skils in meters and pieces:

Tovshchina sound of plastic panels is 5-10 mm, width - 25 cm (standard) up to 50 cm.

Dovzhina- Width 2.7 meters (standard) up to 3 meters. Completing a three-meter dozhina.

In order to expand the number of panels, it is necessary to divide the area of ​​the stele (the sides are to be multiplied one by one) on the area of ​​one panel, indicated on the packaging. Dodamo 15 vіdsotkіv on vіdrіz, yak delivermemo insufficient; rounded up to a whole number.

  • Calculate the number of metal profiles for installation. More folding. There is a slight change in the scheme of the stele on paper. Depicting a vzdovzh one line parallel. I look back at those who have the same profiles as one per 60 centimeters. Let's pretend that skils are needed for the whole room.
  • Get more zhorstkіshі profiles, yakі walk along the perimeter.
  • The number of screws that will secure the panels, and the dowels that will fix the profiles, are insured with the improvement of the number of that and the other plus the margin.

For bazhannya, you can replace the profiles with wooden beams, and self-tapping screws with staples. To reduce the cost of the process and to simplify the process of choosing plastic panels. Ale ten years of stench stand like newcomers in any weather will not.

  • І, nareshti, stele plinth. We divide the perimeter of the stele into three (the length of the segment is three meters) - the cost and quantity of the plinth is necessary.

With tools and other materials, you need a perforator or a drill, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a knife, metal knives, a miter box, rare flowers, a ganchirka.