Creative project design and manufacture of a nightgown. Nightgown. Creative project Tools and materials behind the technology nightgown

Prioksky district

Creative project

"Night shirt"

Project prepared by: Anna Zubova, 8th grade student A

MBOU "School No. 174"

m. Nizhny Novgorod

Teacher: Gomoyunova Larisa Volodymyrivna

2015 r.


    Women's clothing of Ancient Russia

    Types of fabrics for sewing nightgowns


    Safety equipment

    Economical priming

    Vitrobuvannya virobu


Primed problems and consumption, scho vinyl

At school, during lessons, we learn to design, sew, model, etc. In order to consolidate the theory and the material we have learned, our reader asked us to prepare a nightgown.

The significance of a specific task and its formulation

To make it easier for me to work on the project, I included all the food in the form of thought patterns:

    Problem, need




    Tools, accessories, equipment

    Design, modeling

    Production technology

When I discussed the problem and need, I immediately realized that my task was to sew a practical and handmade nightgown.

Revealing the main vimogs to virobu

The shirt is:

    Practical when worn


    Made from fine fabric

    It’s easy for me to take a look.

Exploring ideas, options and choosing the best one

I first sewed a nightgown, so I needed to decide on the model. You can vibrati absolutely be-yaku. I was honored with 2 new models:

I choose model No. 2. I want to sew a rye-coloured shirt, so I’ll feel like the queen of the flower fairies.

Women's clothing of Ancient Russia

One of the warehouse women's clothes of Ancient Russia was a shirt or a shirt. The shirt was a white underwear made of coarse and thick fabric. The shirt was made from light and thin materials; it was mainly worn by rich women. Girls in Russia also wore linen robes called “zapona”, which looked like a folded piece of fabric with a visor for the head.

The cuff was placed over the shirt, wrapped around it. Women also wore such an outer garment, like a “topper”. That one was cut from expensive fabric with fine embroidery, it looked like a tunic. Depending on the variants, the top will be with or without the sleeves of a ribbed linen, in addition to which, it will not be subject to interference.

In the winter time, the sackcloths of Old Russia wore casings with a hood, and wore a shirt just like that. For the saints they wore special shirts called long sleeves. In addition, women in Russia wrapped the blanket in linen cloth and tied it with a belt around the waist. This piece of clothing was called “poneva” and was most often in a cage. Varto points out that different tribes tend to have their own colors.

For example, for the Vyatichi tribes the power was a blue klitina, and for the Radimichi tribes it was a red coin. Poneva was even wider in Ancient Russia. Later in Russia, a garment also appeared under the name “sayan” or “feryaz”, which was folded from two panels, intertwined with straps on the shoulders.

Types of fabrics for sewing nightgowns

When sewing a shirt for sultry summer nights, different types of fabrics are used, the most important benefit of which is the ability to let the wind through. Most often, models are formed from the following matters:

Calico . This fabric falls into the category of textiles. It is made of plain weave and has a soft and fine texture.

Calico – hygienic, lightweight and wear-resistant material. In exchange for cotton, there is a high value.

Satin even resistant to erasing, it will last forever. Due to its properties, satin does not differ from seam - natural or piece. This material can be composed of either natural or synthetic fibers.

Batiste - Nice material, absolutely safe for allergy sufferers. The wine is thin and hygroscopic, and is used for sewing shirts with embroidered designs.

I chose chintz, because the world has a thin, practical and inexpensive material. Calico is thicker and rougher for whiteness.

Choice of fabric, tools, devices, equipment

For fabric, my mother and I went to the store. The fabric was chosen to be delicately barked, with fine grain. We decided on a white chintz with pale green, pale black and pale brown little ones with the appearance of snowstorms and flowers. Everything you need for sewing skills is available in our school, and in technology lessons we can freely use it. I easily got some tailor's clothes and stilettos in the store. The millimeter paper was a “loss” for a large number of people from their mother.

Women's shirts XIX hundred

The spaciousness of women's nightgownsXIXThe centuries were covered with white linen or velvet linen. Their characteristic designs were short sleeves, ankle length, oval or straight neckline. If ballroom cloth was worn over the shirt, the neckline could be even deeper. In the 1870s, women's undershirts became shorter and became closer to the body. Until the end of the century, it was transformed into a sewn hem and even a simple cut on narrow plates with varied neck designs - the top could be round, straight or knitted. Popular fabrics were lost in Bavovna Talyon, and sometimes Vikoristovsya Seam. In the 1890s, the first prototypes of a daily bra appeared, which supported the breasts and were worn over a corset.

Sequence of preparation of the virus

    Design of a shirt (witness of a person's figure, everyday armchair, modeling);

    Modeling behind the main armchairs, preparing shirt cutting;

    Preparation of fabric until cutting;

    Trimming of shoulder sections;

    Trimming the yoke;

    Neck trim;

    Trimming of shoulder sections;

    Processing of waste specimens;

    Trimming the bottom of the shirt.

Instructional and technical map

Trimming the bottom of the nightgown

Increase the seam allowance by 1 cm and stitch it behind the marked line 0.1 - 0.2 cm along the fold.

Fold the part so that the edge that is being hemmed is straightened towards itself. Accept.

Place a machine row on the front side.

Remove note. Adjust the hemmed edge of the part.

Trimming the cuts with bias tape

Cut allowances for rounded edges up to 6 mm.

Place the prepared braid trim on the front (with right sides facing in the middle) and pin it to the neckline so that it protrudes 1 cm beyond the edges of the cut (at the top of the middle back seam).

Sew the binding using a 6 mm hem seam (Fig. 88a).

Turn the binding onto the turning side of the fabric (first the protruding ends, and then the entire binding) and, wrapping it around the edges, pin it to the seam allowance (Fig. 88 b).


Sew the binding by hand from the facing side using a hemming stitch, or machine stitch it from the facing side to the edge, snugging the inner part of the binding.

Processing of waste specimens

Stitch the side seams from the side front through the armholes to the bottom line. Make fastenings on the cob and at the end of the row.

Adjust the stitching seam allowances at the front. After the moisture-heat treatment, remove the stitches. Seam allowance

wrap. (Fig. 59 c)

Trimming of shoulder sections

Sew the shoulder seams from the neckline to the armhole on the side of the front using the seam line.

Adjust the seam allowances at the back. Feed off the seam allowances. (Fig. 58)

Tuck it in

Safety equipment

When working with heads, pins, knitting needles and hooks1. Pratsyuvati with a thimble.2. Save the heads and pins in a special place (special box, pads, etc.), do not leave them in the work place, and do not take the heads or pins into your mouth at all times and do not stick them in your clothes.3. Do not use rusty hair for sewing.4. Attach the cuffs to the fabric with the pointed ends of the hairpins directly in front of you.5. Save the heads and hairpins in a special box, and after finishing work, put them away in a place inaccessible to small children.6. Collect the scraps of the evil heads or hairpins and give them to the teacher.- one hour of work on an electric sewing machine1. Before work, tidy up your hair under your braid.2. Sit along the entire surface of the chair, slightly tilting your body and head forward, in front of your head.3. Stand 10-15 cm in front of the machine.4. In front of the robot, look at the heads and hairpins.5. There are no third-party objects on the machine platform.6. Hands during the hour of work are at a safe place from the parts of the machine that are collapsing.7. Connect the sewing machine to the limit and turn it off with the permission of the teacher.8. When connected to the front, connect the pedal to the car, and then the car to the limit. When switched on - back to back (first from the screen, then from the machine)9. Make sure there are no bags or packages near the pedal. Take your foot off the pedal, as the robot is suddenly sluggish.10. It is prohibited to change parts of the machine by hand when holding them tightly.11.Place your foot on the trim pedal so that the machine runs smoothly.

Economical priming

I formatted the payment for materials as a table.


Vitrat material per virib

Use materials, crb.


80 rub. per m




25 rub.

Tailor's Creed

10 rub. per piece

1 PC.


50 rub. per m



25 rub. per m


At once: 400 rubles.

Comparing with the price of a ready-made purchased shirt, you can get an unpretentious shirt, such as a shirt, sewn with your own hands, or a homemade one. But it has its own style, embellishment, color, which is not in abundance ready-made.

Vitrobuvannya virobu

If you sew the shirt from the outside, it will be necessary to try it on. Having dressed up the queen of the flower fairies, I realized what had been achieved.

The work was rated “excellent.”


In my opinion, I have a very good vibe. The shirt was sewn exactly as it was intended, and it was true to all the details. It was really easy for me to sleep in it, especially for the speck.

Vikonala robot, 8th grade student Viktoria Sabarova Kerivnik to the project: Kyle N.S. Creative project with technology on the theme “Nightgown”

  • Problem situation
  • Project manager
  • Investigation of the problem
  • Bank of ideas and propositions
  • Technological consistency
  • Economic assessment
  • Environmental assessment
  • Visnovok
  • List of Wikilists
Problem situation
  • For the theme of my project, I chose the preparation of a sewing machine - a nightgown, which is what I need! At night I like to sleep, changing into my nightgown. Of course, you can buy them in a store, or you can sew them yourself, especially since we learn sewing in our technology lessons. If I sew the clothes myself, first of all, I’ll add up to the sewing of the clothes, otherwise, I’ll win from the pennies, so I’ll spare the family budget a little.
  • My nightgown needs to be handmade, light, easy to wash and iron, and so that it sleeps well. Therefore, I need to choose the right fabric for sewing.
In the process of completing a project, I set myself the following goals:
  • - What is the shirt, as it was called before;
  • - Follow up when the forms appear;
  • - find out the types of fabrics that can be sewn;
  • - describe the process of making a nightgown;
  • - sew a neat nightgown.
Historical background
  • The shoulder garment takes its origin from the primary cloak-skins. After thousands of years, the clothes changed and became a bunch of pieces of fabric that were not sewn, but draped on the human figure. The costume is made up of two parts: the lower shirt - chiton, and the upper cape - hematia. This cape was thrown over the left shoulder onto the back and chest.
  • In Russia, the first information about clothes dates back to the period between the 8th and 12th centuries. Women of that time wore a long linen shirt - a shirt with a wide straight cut, cut along the stitches and embroidered at the edges.
  • In the 15th – 16th centuries, night shirts and pantaloons appeared, as a time of need that belonged to the toilet of the most privileged people. Nina’s nightgowns are all worn out, regardless of the place of becoming a spouse.
  • V.I. Dahl, in his Tlumach dictionary of Russian, gives the meaning of the words “shirt” and “shirt”.
  • “Shirt - shirt, shirt; wife's muslin shirtfront, to the waist; blouse, round, outer jacket, outer shirt, robocha, mislivska, etc.”
  • “The shirt, next to the white shirt with red shields, like the village women wear over the shirt and sundress.”
  • “Shirt, shirt - shirt, shirt, vest; a white robe that fits underneath, on the body.”
  • From such values, V.I. Dahl suggests that the name “shirt” is most suitable for the nightgown of our time.
  • And yet, why “shirt” and not something else? Perhaps, for a long time, the pieces of fabric have become “tightened”, formed and “shirted”. As a rule, the shirts were wide, cut from straight panels. The following sentence is: “Babies”
  • shirts and little bags: tie your sleeves whatever you want.”
  • Form– this is a paperwork detail for cutting fabric. How long has it been since she's been asleep? It appears a long time ago - from the 10th century. These products were subject to the influence of the members of the people and were carefully protected from copying. The Krauts guarded their secrets.
  • Paper forms, approximately the same as those we are currently studying, appeared in the 19th century initially in England, and then in France. They began to be published in magazines only in 1850 as an additional source, and until that time there were only descriptions of masterly Vikonian engravings. In 1860, the production of paper wicks began. The founder of the company that produces forms is respected by the Italian E. Batterico.
Bank of ideas and propositions
  • Models of night shirts


Long shirt with long sleeves

Model No. 2

                  • Nightgown made of seam fabric
Model No. 3
  • Short nightgown
  • made from rich cotton fabric
  • with full sleeves,
  • with a round neck visor.
Priming according to the choice of model.
  • Based on one form, you can model a variety of nightgowns. Out of all these ideas, I choose model No. 3, as this is a model with extra fabric, which is easy to wash and iron better than fabrics made from chemical fibers or linen. Fabric from the bavovni is not more difficult for me than the robot.
  • The world recognizes the right-handed figure; The waist is first tied with a cord.
  • When the world of extinction is removed, you must stand straight without strain; The stitches are taken with a centimeter stitch;
  • Or ease up. Write down the width and girth at half the size; The fragments of the chair will form one half of the post;

Sequence of preparation


  • Z w - neck girth;
  • S t - waist circumference;
  • C b - girth of the stegon;
  • O p - shoulder circumference;
  • D i - Dovzhina virobu.

The process will wake you up in your armchair;



We open the armrest and begin the daily reclining position:

View(.) Down in the world DI




The width of the shirt can be varied

behind the scenes Sat: BB1 = Sat: 2 +3

Back neck width:

BB2 = Ssh: 3+1, neck depth

BB3 = BB2: 3

Pobudova armchair:




Pobudova neck depth in (.) B3B4 incl. 5cm in/n

Glibin's armhole:

V1G = Op:2 + 7

Pobudova sleeve width: B1B5 – v/p = 7

Pobudova armchair:



We design the armhole of the shirt, join G1 and G2

Divide G1 and G2 halfway, raise the perpendicular 1.5 cm to the top and connect the arc.

Pobudova armchair:



We expand the bottom of the hole, incl. height H1 = height 8-10cm

Connect (.)G2 and (.)N2

View (.) H2 top of the pad 1cm

Connect with a smooth line.

Ready armchair; Rozkriy virobi

  • A cut on the fabric with a seal and a small one.
  • Mark the required entries on the form.
  • Trace the armchair on the fabric following the contour lines (from the twisted side I will open according to the rules);
  • Virize on fabric;
  • Prepare the virus for processing.
  • Sewing the seams, sewing them, trimming them in a zigzag row
  • The neck of the virobu is trimmed with extreme edges
  • The bottom of the fabric is “seamed up and closed.”
  • The sleeves are trimmed with a “seam upholstered with a closed hem,” and I laid a satin stitch along all the rows.
Design of the cost of a nightgown
  • The cost of my purchase was small - 80 rubles, so I sewed the nightgown myself, and only spent on materials. If my mother had bought a nightgown in a store, she would have spent 150 - 180 rubles.
  • Therefore, you can make a trick by sewing a nightgown with your own hands - this is probably a hopeless creation.
Environmental assessment
  • The process of preparation and operation of the product may not cause changes in the normal environment, disruption of human life, and my nightgown is sewn from environmentally friendly materials. I don’t throw away the excess fabric, but use it for the preparation of fabrics using the “clap plastic” technique.
  • You can create a pattern that can be used to sew a nightgown – this is an environmentally friendly production.
  • I created a project for a project - "Making a nightgown."
  • In the process of completing the design work, I realized the following:
  • - she said that the shirt was what it was called before;
  • - I waited until the first victorians appeared;
  • - I researched the types of fabrics that can be sewn;
  • - described the process of preparing a nightgown;
  • - sewed a neat nightgown.
  • I sewed such a nightgown, which no one wants, and it suited me well.
  • My shirt seemed very handy, light, easy to iron, as it was made from rich fabric. I found out about the sewing of the bets and won from a penny worth of money, so that I saved the family budget a little.
  • It’s so nice that I sewed this night’s shirt with my own hands, and didn’t ask my mother to buy it in the store.
  • Now, if I go to sleep, then I will only rest.
List of references
  • 1 Illustrated dictionary of Russian language. / V.I.Dal. - M.:
  • Eksmo, 2006. - 896 pp.: Il.
  • 2 Makhmutova H.I. We design, we model, we sew. Book for students. -
  • M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 1994.
  • 3 Technology: Handbook for 7th grade students of a back-to-school school.
  • / V.D. Simonenko, O.V. Taburchak, N.V. Sinitsya and in.; Per ed. V.D. Simonenka
  • - M.: "Ventana - Count", 2002.
  1. 1. Project “Night Shirt” Vikonal project: 7th grade student Katerina Kovalonok Accepted: Teacher of technology Burukhina Larisa Oleksandrivna
  2. 2. Problem situation Robe Cloth › The problem is that I don’t know which shoulder vibration to choose. And I thought I was sewing a nightgown. I chose this nightgown because the Tunika shirt can be worn with it and it doesn’t matter to me. Blouse
  3. 3. Sew the fabric and lining with your own hands and it will be a gift for the project itself. You will get better results from your work. I didn’t pick up another shirt last night? Options, what to buy in a store is expensive, but to sew from the old one will look ugly
  4. 4. Meta to the ProjectDesign a model for sewing a sleep cover.
  5. 5. Task› Conduct research and develop a draft design machine.› Organize a work place.› Select tools and devices for various operations.› Prepare a sewing machine.› P Select the fabric for testing.› Open the fabric› .› Process the fabric after trying on. › Follow the safety rules.› Control the brilliance of your work. › Assess the brilliance of the finished speech.
  6. 6. Follow-up History of the creation of the nightgown. A look at the past: The history of the nightgown begins its beginnings from the first mysteries about it in the Czech Republic in the 15th century. Then they called it a “bedroom bed” and it was so long and wide that less wealthy people could afford it. The nightgown gained great popularity only at the beginning of the 19th century, until which time this style saw significant changes and became more simple, requiring less wastage of material, and then it became available. The nightgowns of the 19th century were not recognized by other people's eyes; their dresses were attracted by the nakedness of women, reliably masking all their advantages under a long, even straight cut. Sometimes, however, minor measures were allowed and the neckline was allowed, but then, perhaps, all the innovations came to an end. The edges of the night shirts worn by nobles and nobles with expensive fabric differ little from the night shirts of noble village women. Now the situation has changed radically, in today's shirts, today's women are learning how to be confident, and the best way to enhance your beauty and define your individuality. For these purposes, fashion designers created a great variety of different night shirts.
  7. 7. Follow-up What a nightgown looks like today: The options for nightgowns at this time cannot be summed up into just one image, because they are so different, because they have individual tastes and benefits for the skin and women. It looks as tame as possible, like compression white. Buying a nightgown is not a problem; there are numerous women's clothing stores, and fashion designers talk about how women look amazing in them. Current collections increasingly feature models that have a glamorous and sporty style. Even more fashionable are shirts made from woven fabrics that are woven throughout the day. Not the best side and a classic style with a variety of noble colors (dark brown, dark blue, black or burgundy) with a minimum of details. A nightgown with a straight, strict silhouette will be a sure-fire option for everyday life for women who choose elegance and comfort and give preference to a bandeau swimsuit. Night shirts with leopard or tiger stripes, or with printed baby shirts are still in vogue. Women who value a smart and flamboyant style are unlikely to be short of such a nightgown.
  8. 8. Follow-up How to choose a nightgown?: In a woman’s wardrobe you can find several types of nightgowns, the skin of which has its own special significance. For these purposes, a shirt with sleeves is suitable, as well as a long-lasting shirt itself, which is the best material for this type, because it will preserve heat throughout the night. Just as the hot days have finally arrived, if you want to stay cold, then the material from which the nightgown is made is a seam that suits the cold and comfort in the very hot days. Well, this one has a unique look, it’s prettier than the vibirati model, it’s shorter, with a deep neckline. Those with large, beautiful breasts need to choose a nightgown in such a way as to best enhance their beauty. For these purposes, shirts with a loose top are a good choice. Since a woman has great shape, then she should not choose tight styles, but rather the fabric itself, the most suitable shirts for her will be shirts or hemlines, which will suit the best outfit
  • Creative project
  • "Night shirt"
  • Vikonala 7th grade student Ionova Kseniya
  • Teacher of technology Lobachova N.V.
  • 2013r
As if I wanted to sew the night shirt myself. And when I moved to 7th grade, I found out that I was ready to sew a shirt. I was glad.
  • As if I wanted to sew the night shirt myself. And when I moved to 7th grade, I found out that I was ready to sew a shirt. I was glad.
Developing a model will definitely reach my mind.
    • Developing a model will definitely reach my mind.
Conduct research and develop a draft design prototype.
  • Conduct research and develop a draft design prototype.
  • Organize a work place.
  • Select tools and devices for various operations.
  • Vigotoviti form of sewing virobu.
  • Choose fabric for the virobu.
  • Open the fabrics.
History of wine
  • History of wine
  • European women, right up to the 14th century, slept in the same clothes they wore during the day, or even without clothes at all. Specially designed sleepwear appeared around the 15th century in the Czech Republic and was called “bedroom sleeper”. Nightgowns at that time were significantly different from those that girls now know. The stinks were of great size, both in width and in depth. Only rich people wore them, because such shirts were expensive.
  • In the 19th century, nightgowns became available to any woman and began to be sold everywhere. Until that time, women could already buy a number of nightgowns, intended for various purposes: smart - call it a favor, with a classic cut; for travel – sports shirts; decorative - long or casual shirts for short, natural seams. In the 19th century, sexy nighttime negligees appeared - open, with immaculate ruffles and hems, similar to evening cloth.
1. The production technology corresponds to the 7th grade program.
  • 1. The production technology corresponds to the 7th grade program.
  • 2. Vitrat fabric is economical.
  • 3. Simple design.
  • 4. Smoothness of preparation.
  • 5. More comfortable to wear.
  • 6. More fashionable.
  • 7. Inexpensive fabric.
  • 8. Garne zabarvlennya.
  • 9. Don’t harm your health.
  • 10. It’s not difficult to look at.
  • It’s no longer good enough to sew, so we were told to sew the same model of a nightgown: a nightgown with a full-cut sleeve.
Version: my Russian size 37-35-43
  • Version: my Russian size 37-35-43
  • my European size is -41
I used the form according to the technological map.
  • I used the form according to the technological map.
  • Decision: I choose viscose fabric, because my mother gave it to me. The spoiled fabric is even more attractive: I have a dark yellow complexion.
  • fabric
  • viscose
  • Crepe satin
  • chintz
  • poplin
  • Vitrat fabric can be precisely opened by spreading out the wicker parts, for example, onto the fabric, folding them to the required width.
  • I vibran the fabric in width 2 m 90 cm.
For this virus you need:
  • For this virus you need:
  • Threads for fabric colors No. 40 (50.60 per model);
  • Paper scissors, a ruler, an olive for crafting;
  • Tailor's craft, hairpins, craft knives for cutting;
  • Sewing machine, praska, praska, hand-made needle, sewing pins;
To ensure that the virus is compatible, I knew what materials and how much I needed.
  • To ensure that the virus is compatible, I knew what materials and how much I needed.
  • Visnovok; Since my mother gave me fabric, I will only have the thread.
Vitrat fabric can be precisely opened by spreading out the wicker parts, for example, onto the fabric, folding them to the required width.
  • Vitrat fabric can be precisely opened by spreading out the wicker parts, for example, onto the fabric, folding them to the required width.
  • I vibran the fabric in width div. for my model I need an extension 2 m 90 cm.
  • Resolution: I need marvelous fabrics.
I’m putting together a plan for my work:
  • I’m putting together a plan for my work:
  • 1. Place the shape.
  • 2. Cut out the details with seam allowances, 1.5 cm along the edges and 3.0 cm at the hem.
  • 3. Cut out the underfacing with a width of 4.0 cm.
  • 4. Remove the following sequence:
  • -Bichni eyes;
  • - note the folding at the bottom.
  • 5. Vikonati trying on the look
  • 6. Finish the neckline with an edge facing.
  • 7. Seal the side seams with a double stitch.
  • 8. Finish the sleeves with a seam at the bottom and close the opening.
  • 9. Finish the bottom of the shirt with a seam at the edge and close the opening.
  • 10. Vikonati vologo teplov
I sewed the fabric according to the prepared preparation plan, completed the skin operation, and checked the power of my robot.
  • I sewed the fabric according to the prepared preparation plan, completed the skin operation, and checked the power of my robot.
My life reflects, in my life, environmental benefits, which are clearly and extremely unsuitable.
  • My life reflects, in my life, environmental benefits, which are clearly and extremely unsuitable.

Sergius branch of MBOU Muchkapska ZOSH Creative project with technology “Night Shirt” Vikonala 7th grade student Valeria Popova Accepted: teacher of technology Popova O.I 2015 rub.

Problem situation The theme of my project was the preparation of a sewing machine - a nightgown, because I need this product! At night I like to sleep, changing into my nightgown. Basically, you can buy them in a store, or you can sew them yourself, especially since we learn sewing in our technology lessons. If I sew the virus myself, then, first of all, I will have a good time in sewing the virus, otherwise, I will win from a penny worth of money, so I will save the family budget by a little. My nightgown should be handy, light, easy to wash and iron, so that she sleeps well. Therefore, it is necessary to select the right fabric for sewing.

Meta for the project: Create a model and sew clothes for sleeping.

Project assignment: Conduct research and develop a draft design for the project. Organize a work place. Select tools and devices for various operations. Vigotoviti form of sewing virobu. Choose fabric for the virobu. Open the fabric. Prepare the selection before fitting and carry out the fitting. Check the settings after fitting. Control the brightness of your work. Evaluate the brilliance of the finished speech.

History of guilt: European women, right up to the 14th century, slept in the clothes they wore during the day, or even without clothes at all. Apparel specially made for sleeping appeared around the 15th century in the Czech Republic and was called “Bedroom Sleeper”. Nightgowns at that time are significantly different from those that girls are familiar with at the same time. The stinks were of great size, both in width and in depth. Only rich people wore them, because such shirts were expensive.

Criteria for selecting viruses The technology of preparation suits the 7th grade program. Economical vitrata fabric. Simple design. Smoothness of preparation. More handy in your wear. More fashionable. Cheap fabric. Beautiful colors. Don't harm your health. Not more difficult to look at.

Select the best model

Name of the world. My world. Size chest circumference Sg 37 Size waist circumference St 35 Size waist circumference Sb 43 Ref: My Russian world 37-35-43 My European size 41.

Form: I used the form according to the technological map.

Decision: I choose chintz fabric, the way my mother gave it to me. The fabric is darker: on the white aphid there is a fine painting with erysipelas and violet. Select required fabric viscose fabric Crepe-satin chintz poplin

Vitrat fabric can be precisely opened by spreading out the details of the cut onto the stretch, folding them to the required width. I chose a fabric with a width of 150 cm. For my model, this height will require 2 m 90 cm. Solution: I don’t need fabric with a width of 150 cm and a depth of 2 m 90 cm.

In order to know the complicity of the virus, I explained what materials and how much I needed. Summary: since my mother gave me fabric, I only wear the same threads. Description of the product's production quality No. Name of material Reasonable price per unit, rub. Cost of material per virib Cost of material, rub. 1 Threads of cotton paper 40 rub. for 1 kitty 1 kitty 40 rub. 40 rubles at a time.

Selection of additional materials and equipment For this production you will need: Threads in fabric color No. 40; Paper scissors, a ruler, an olive for crafting; Tailor's kreida, craft knives for cutting; A sewing machine, a sander, a sewing board, a hand-made needle and English pins for sewing.

Plan for preparing the product The plan for my work on the preparation of the nightgown: 1. I will accept the peace and armchair of the nightgown. 2. Behind the main armchairs of the nightgown, the modeling follows my model. 3. I prepare the fabric before cutting it out. 4. I stitch the details with seam allowances for the cuts of 1.5 cm and trim the bottom of the stitching with 3.0 cm. 5. I stitch the hem with a width of 4.0 cm 6. I prepare the details before cutting. 6. Sweep up the wash at the next stage: - bottom edges - sweep up the bottom 5. Finish the wash and correct defects that have arisen. 6. Finish the neckline with a closed seam 7. Finish the side seams with a double stitch 8. Finish the sleeves with a closed seam. 9. Finish the bottom of the shirt with a seam at the edge and close the opening. 10. Vikonati vologo thermal obrobku virobu.

Ready virib

Preparation and checking of my work I sewed a nightgown according to the preparation plan, finished the leather with the operation, checked the size of my work.

Self-assessment and evaluation of the virus The evaluation of sewing a nightgown The preparation of the virus corresponds to the program with technology for the 7th grade, we learned all the methods of processing in technology lessons. The design of the nightgown is simple. I definitely knew the world. There was definitely a vikriya, so the fitting took place without disrespect. It is comfortable to wear, does not squeeze the arm and reaches the body. The nightgown is cheaper than its industrial counterparts. Made from natural fabric. It is difficult to keep an eye on the virus; the fragments of fabric are easily washed and washed. I ran into mine and set the orders. I ask my fathers, teachers, and friends to evaluate my work.