Actions and contests. Promotions World of Tanks: how to use them and how to use them correctly

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... For the Americans, the price was not a novelty, more than the announcement of the destruction was too late. The sale of the kolіsnik is the first here after the lute "marathon". It’s really a novelty in a minor, but V wrote so richly about the price in a personal, so keep it up. I’ll show up on yoga in Europe, and we have more time in RU, well, no, definitely no. […]

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In honor of Wargaming National Day, Premium Stores are available for you Special propositions. From Sunday 2nd 12:00 pm (MSK) to Sunday 5th 12:00 pm (Moscow time) Up to 50% discounts on packages with permanent premium technology. Look at the sets in the store: From 2 days 12:00 (MSK) to 12 services 12:00 (MSK) Tank premium account for a large […]

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From 2 sick days 09:00 (Moscow time) to 5 sick days 08:30 (Moscow time) check for you: 50% discount on premium tanks II-V rіvnіv. 30% for premium tanks VI-VII rіvnіv. 15% off Premium Tier VIII tanks. 50% discount on Angara slots. 15% discount for 30 days of premium public record. 10% discount for 1 day […]

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Vlasne, the axis is looking out. 2 months in tanks. They folded it on the arc of a wise card. From an unexplained vzagali, the “SHOP” [end of spring] was filled up. No information. I didn’t really understand from: “Festival Fairs” [middle sickle - middle spring]. What is a festival without a fair? Today, right at the customer's place, a new premium tank will be displayed for sale.

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Vіdkriє "Tank Festival 2019" series is the leader of the Czech "accent", which gives strength not only to veterans, but also to newcomers. "Czech holidays" will be held from 9 to 19 September. Gravity can choose the celestial frame fragments of the armchair for the World of Tanks Czech headboard and select the unique 3D style ( for the Czech premium tank VIII of the Skoda T 27 - and […]

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New promotions WoT, - Serpen 1/2 2019. Available 7 package Twitch Prime (promotion: Live broadcast), "Golf" (Golf). You can connect here: "Tank Festival" 2019, which is three months old, will be announced from servers. Discounts on deak packages with Tank Premium Account. For sale SU-130PM (reduced). […]

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Buns on the days of the people of the tanks that vm. and other shares. And for those who haven't played for a long time, WG will tell you to go for help and take gifts for turning into the game. Try and write in the comments what was there (especially I just have a coupon for a 15% discount, but I'm on the day before):… #wg #wot

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Dates: 6 sickles (from the servers) - 7 days. In honor of the ninth river of our gri on the 6th of September (with the approval of the servers) we are launching the Tank Festival 2019 with a lot of activities for everyone who loves World of Tanks. We have prepared for you a grand program with a great amount of money and gifts. Try your hand at the new game pods and […]

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Wargaming brings back a kaleidoscope of promotions for two months — the "tank festival"! For two months of special events: races, front line, marathon, discounts and other activities!… #wg #wot #worldoftanks #promotions

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First of all, let’s enter the period of the “Tank Festival” and we’ll celebrate the holidays of Wargaming and …

... World of Tanks, I would like to conduct an experiment, pov'yazane with a gift tank. Tsіkava your thought! Even better, as it seems: 99.9%, but always є 0.1% chance of a surprise, but for better failure and acceptance, lower +/- 25% random! 🙂 Vtim, maybe it’s so, that with the efforts of colleagues from an independent independent public, they don’t take away a welcome gift, […]

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… the festival). The following quote was translated: “[Serpen-Veresen] The Serpen starts at the start of a long time under the name “World of Tanks Festival”. Through the price, we will have to change the initial schedule for the exit of shares and special promotions. Over the next two months, you can count on a series of small sub-admissions and adding new content to the game, including content that you have been checking for a long time. […]

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Czechoslovakia, but what do we have in grіє in this nation? Nothing, only premiums 🙂 Prem, what kind of style is that best, what kind of nerfs ( Hmm, as a matter of fact, the big number meant that the tank was already a swedish marathon. Škoda T 27 (Czechoslovakia, ST-8, prem, drum), for the supertest the tank was first expected on June 25th (, in 1.5 […]

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Viyshov 7 package "Golf" (Golf) as part of the promotion "Direct ether" (Twitch Prime) for a serpen. Dates for the promotion of the 7th package: from 29 September 20:01 to 27 September 19:59 (MSK) 2019. PC, all regions. The package is in German style, the whole thing is in vіdpovіdaє. _______________________________________ The most recent warehouse for the set: Ferdinand "Der Käfer" Volk (1 pc.) - […]

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Leftovers from the 7th set of Twitch (Twitch Prime WoT) for this month. Vіdomo everything, krim of the 2nd monthly tank for hire (6-7 lvl). Let's guess that the package is called "Golf" (Golf), and the tank for rent is the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 cicava Ptshka ( All the very recruitment went under ensigns

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… release date. — Hack-and-slash action RPG from Mad Head Games and Wargaming sees light release 27th of september at once from the great updates 1.0 Now out of early access. On the group, there is a new story campaign, 2 new heroes, a school of magic, a new property tree, click-to-move and a new controller support. “The release version continues to grow and develop after […]

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The update was made immediately after the completion of the subdivision “The Rest of the Frontier”. Before, 1.6 RU weide at the release of the 6th serp (on the second), or rather, at the bottom of the 5th to the 6th serp. In other regions, zavzhd on the day of the last. BZ subdivision "The Rest of the Frontier" is working ~ until 03:30 Moscow time on Monday 6th (until the servers are turned on). Chi bude prezavantazhennya patch - nevidomo. […]

World of Tanks regularly pleases with welcome bonuses like its own chanuvalniks, so quiet, who only gets to join the team of tankers. Promotions for World of Tanks will go on every other day. Tse can but and great come in, as timed to an important pod, and finish the insignificant. But you can win such small bonuses really - dribnitsa, but all the same is acceptable.

In this rank, the retailers from Wargaming will win the audience over. Promotions in Tanki always attract fans to take it “for free”, to which the hours spent online go off scale.

Actions at the World of Tanks - this is an important topic for discussion, and we will attach due respect to it.

About promotions World of Tanks

Are there any promotions at World of Tanks? The clue is simple. Nasampered, the stench helps to get new graves and to subdue the old ones. In the promotional days of gravity, you yourself can allow yourself to make more purchases, win a valuable tank or a few days of a premium account.

Premium goods can be taken in another way - having bought for real money. Ale, navіscho bathing, how can you grati at the “right days”?

Find out about the distribution of shares

Where can I find out about the nearest promotions in World of Tanks? There are two ways.


One of them is the "Calendar Podіy" on the official website of the Gri - Here you will see all the fiendish pods and those that will wake up soon.

The calendar is a kind of distribution of shares in World of Tanks, and, being hardened by it, you can spend it all day long. For the help of the calendar, you will always be able to find out about the upcoming promotions of World of Tanks in your own time, if you can grab a price, moreover, without a cost.

special office

It is possible to find out if there are any nearest shares in WOT and in the country itself.

Yak tse robiti:

  1. We go to the hangar.
  2. At the top left corner of the screen there is a special icon - "Fighting campaign and actions".
  3. Click here, and here in front of us we are merging with the usual flurry and future discounts and promotions from World of Tanks.

You can marvel at the process of consecration of that ch іnshoy combat mission, in order to win a prize for it.

Type of shares

Shares in WOT are different, all stinks are different among themselves, and it’s wise to talk about their differences.

Special propositions for the premium store

You can buy special sets, or just tanks of premium stores for a garnet discount. For low tiers - 50% of the base vartost, for tanks a little cooler - 30%, and for premium tanks of the VIII tier - 15%.

Similar promotions can be dedicated to special occasions, on the occasion of the Company's National Day.

Fighting task

Under the combat missions, the next step is to understand game manager, For the vikonannya of those graves, I will take the wines of the city.

Fighting tasks may, as a rule, the term dії. For їх vikonannya it is possible to take credits, dosvіd, obladanannya, reserves and navіt premi-technіku.


What are the reductions, explain not varto. Zavdyaki їm tanks, possessions, gold, reserves and other core game content can be bought for a smaller variant, for example, for 50% of the base price.


Events - tse special promotions, for example, the task of “driving in” a person from the WG team is given for an hour. For the cost of such gravel, gold and other valuable fences are earned.

Apply shares

So that gravity could be better seen, if you come to be held at the gr, we suggest you apply shares on tanks from World of Tanks, from which you can take a fate regularly and periodically.

Seasonal promotions

Seasonal promotions are held shortly, for example, new holy, but until the Day of Victory. For the participation in such promotions, gravity will deduct premium accounts and special promotions for the premium store. On promotional days, you can often earn discounts on vehicles in WOT.

Request a friend

"Request a Friend" special program from the training of new gravers, as before, I want a mentor of a new graver with an auction tank of the VIII-river.

Fighting task

More about combat actions. It’s only a little more to add, that in the future, the retailers announce the sufficiency of expanding that urismomania, following the accusations of graves. The butt of such a task is to fill 250 yew. zbitkiv for a month on dermal technique from the nation. This action was recently held for real, and the prize was won by a prem-tank of the VIII-river.

Vipadkov's shares

Vipadkovy actions are carried out in honor of historical podiums, from which tanks took the fate. Tse can buti, for example, famous tank battles that military operation Other light.

If you don’t only have tankmen’s hoots, but if you’re familiar with history, then it’s not important for you to send the future bonus visits to World of Tanks, timed to coincide with famous events.

One-time promotions

One-time promotions are the most generous, donations are dedicated to special podias, to the “15 Rocks of the Wargaming Company” or “100 Years of Tanks” booklet.

Similar bonuses will please any participant, make the least active one. Discounts from the World of Tanks for an hour of one-time visits allow you to buy X-river tanks for half of their vartost.


Cards with the function of cashback have already caught up to our lives. For those who are still not in the know: cashback - the return of the song money to the stained glass for the purchase of sumi. Only varto vrahuvat, that in Tanks pennies are turned not in carbs to your card, but in gold - to the game balance.

On the site you can get a card with cashback linked to WOT. With your help, you can take the “free” gold from the Greek by paying for purchases from the following services:

  • Aliexpress;
  • MediaMarkt;
  • Lamoda and others - more than 50 stores.

Victorious cashback, you can not get a check, if there are drops in World of Tanks, even if you need everyday purchases, you will accumulate gold on your balance in WOT.


You can learn more about the cashback card from our video.

Propositions have already begun in a couple of days of falling leaves for the gravel of the most popular gris. Tanks will be rich. This is a loss of victory for the victory in tanks, for artillery, so it will be built by itself. From 1 to 15 leaf fall in 2017, inclusive, there will be discounts and bonuses for Russian and French tank development, but not all. Surprises ochіkuyutsya and for the action Asya nishporit.

Moreover, even though you have tanks, you can also take away premium for replacement.

All promotions can be displayed on the official WOT website.

Even more popular is the game, in which the schoolchildren and the blue uncles are playing - World of Tanks - regularly delights its graves with various promotions, discounts, Christmas events.

The action, which has already become traditional, at the leaf fall of 2017 will propagate the fate of the next:

Krіm tsyogo, the entire leaf fall time action More gold from Mastercard (ends 30th leaf fall).

Respect! The World of Tanks MasterCard promotion is available only for the Russian Federation (valid for cards issued by Russian Federation). When paying for purchases for additional credit cards, the grave is not less than those for which you paid, but also bonus gold. The amount of gold to be deposited in the sum of purchases, see details below.

World of Tanks: discount for yakі tanks near the fall of the leaves 2017, promotion Asya nishporit

As part of the action "Asya nishporit" at the super popular "World of Tanks" at the leaf fall of 2017, in the period from the first to the fifteenth day, you can get a low French combat vehicle "Bat. Chatillon 25 t ", and in the offensive stage - from the sixteenth to the thirtyth leaf fall inclusive - the reduction will be extended to the Radian anti-tank installation "PT-SAU Object 268". Also:

At the same time, at the fall of 2017, the “Asya Nishporit” campaign at the “World Of Tanks” is generally trivial, and within the framework of the annual campaign, all graves are promoted for the fall of the fall of 17 types of tanks: there will be a medium French tank under the name Batignolles Chatillon 25 T, and in the period from 16 to 30 leaf fall of 2017, an important anti-tank self-propelled artillery installation under the name "Object 268" will be known.

This game is even more popular, and її retailers are happy with gamers with new promotions and discounts.

On the fall of 2017 rock in the action "Asya fumbling" will be promoted:

We already know that there will be a discount for the participants Games World of Tanks at leaf fall 2017, the information appeared on the official side of Vkontakte, so Asya rummage around is promoting upcoming promotions for summer 2017.

Report on the official website of World of Tanks.

New discounts at the dance on the way. The action "Asya nishporit" (In the bіy) is famous. The leaf fall has only two tanks, moreover, the skin of them is less pvmisyatsya.

What is the cost for the export of Russian developments in early 2017, we were talking about the supply of aviation equipment. Zokrema, Z'yavvilovavilovediybitzi Schodo Ekdorty deliveries Gelikopteriv ka-52 єgipta, іnformatsky about the stimen of the spyalno-Indiysky pydprinskiy of the vitus of the gelcopterin K-226T.

Russia and India made a joint venture for the release of Ka-226T helicopters

For information from the Embassy of India in the Russian Federation, on January 2, 2017, the Ministry of Corporate Nutrition of India founded the Indian-Russian joint stock partnership India-Russia Helicopters Limited Company, the main activity of this partnership will be the production of helicopters. This ceremony marked the formal creation of a joint venture between the two countries with the participation of the Indian state association Hindustan Aeronautic Limited (HAL) and the Russian AT "Vertolyoti Russia", as well as AT "Rosoboronexport". According to the information of the Indian side, this event has become a key milestone in the organization of the industrial production of Ka-226T helicopters in India for the participation of Russia. Mіzhuryadova for the sake of the establishment of this joint venture was signed at the Russian capital on December 24, 2015 within the framework of the 16th Indian-Russian Samita on the main river.

A special blog designates that the storage of Kamov Ka-226T helicopters in India, within the framework of the established residential enterprise, is planned to be fired up on a new picking site of the HAL company, located in Tumakuru (located 74 kilometers from the airport to Bangalore). The number of lines that are being discussed here is estimated at 50 billion rupees (about 670 million US dollars), and the number of people employed on the helicopter line in the warehouse is about 4,000. It is believed that the folding of the Ka-226T at Tumakuru may be available already in 2018.

Ka-226T - the first version of a light buggy helicopter helicopter, which is intended for viconnance of various missions in the important areas of high altitude, smoky climate, as well as over sea areas, transportation of paratroopers (up to 1500 kg), transportation of 7 paratrooper service personnel , tsіlevkazіvki. and monitoring the situation.

Ka-226T version of the helicopter with Arrius 2G1 engines from Turbomeca and a new gearbox. Already in 2010, the future helicopter version of the helicopter took part in the competition of the AP of India. The helicopter, having fallen in front of its Ka-226 front, is getting better - modular design, superiority, low rіven vibrations, simple technique piloting, safety of benefits, as well as non-viability in operation.

Bangladesh having killed 8 aircraft Su-30SME

For information from the Internet resource, the Bangladesh Air Force placed a contract with Rosoboronexport JSC for the supply of 8 Su-30SME aircraft with an option for the delivery of 4 more aircraft from a possible one within the framework of this contract. The news is about those that the contract was confirmed by an unnamed representative of the state corporation Rostec. The agreement is also passed on the delivery of the necessary qualifications and training of pilots, engineers and technicians for the speed of the UPU of Bangladesh. Varto indicates that the Su-30SME is now for export as a variant of the Russian Su-30SM winemaker (serial, upgrades), which, in its own way, has become an adaptation of the Su-30MKI for the Air Force of Russia.

The dual high maneuverability of the Su-30SM is highly maneuverable, equipped with thrust vectoring engines (AL-31FP), a radar with phased array antennas (PAR), as well as front horizontal plumage. The Danish winemaker can become more modern and promising high-current class of "over-the-top" and "over-over". Vinishchevach can be victorious for the preparation of pilots for promising rich functional maneuvers of one vinischuvach.

This is what was created by Sukhoi Design Bureau scientists and is vibrating at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant - branch of PJSC Irkut Corporation. Varto designate that, beginning in 2016, on the Su-30SM planes, the aviation group of the most important pilotage of the Air Force of Russia “Russian Knights” is flying.

New details about delivery of Ka-52 helicopters to Egypt

In 2015, the Egyptian army added 46 Ka-52 attack helicopters from Russia, becoming the first foreign successor to these combat vehicles. Following the words of Andriy Boginsky, General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding of the Rostec State Corporation, Russia is concluding the first export contract for the supply of Ka-52 Aligator attack helicopters until 2020. The first Egyptian helicopters will be taken off in 2017. During this time, a lot of testing of the first Ka-52 combat helicopters in the export laboratory, prepared by the Arseniy aviation company "Progres" especially for Egypt, is being carried out. Algeria, which traditionally enters the list of the largest buyers of Russian virobnits, can become another foreign successor of these combat helicopters.

Combat attack helicopter Ka-52 "Aligator" designed to destroy tanks, as well as armored and non-armored equipment of the enemy, some manpower, helicopters and other lethal vehicles on the front line, as well as tactical defenses to kill the depths be some climatic minds. Helicopter having taken off the hard work and the best avionics. The design of the helicopter can be changed according to different combat missions, and the special scheme of guiding, which is the visiting card of Kamov's helicopters, allows the machine to effectively maneuver and win folding figures of pilotage. Krym іnshoy Ka-52 having removed the system of radioelectronic protection and the addition of a reduction in litter, as well as the provision of active antidote. This year, helicopter data are transferred to the Russian airborne forces, take part in the combat operation on the territory of Syria. The ship's modification of the helicopter was included in the warehouse of aviacryl of the Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" on the hour of the recent trip to the coast of the SAR.

How to inform the official state corporation "Rostec". The results of the tender for the Egyptian Navy will become known in a month, for the results of which in Russia there may be a development of the Ka-52 attack helicopter for the ship modification of the Ka-52K. Andriy Boginsky is aware that combat helicopters of Russian manufacture can achieve a high chance of winning, shards for their characteristics of stench will overtake competitors' helicopters.

It is worth noting that the Ka-52K helicopters have already passed the first stage of sea trials, which took place from the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017. Two Ka-52K helicopters took the fate of the viprobats. Based on the results of the testing of these combat vehicles, the commanders of the testing of these combat vehicles were recognized as successful. Helicopters have already been ordered by the engineers of JSC "Kamov" for the observation of additional last work helicopter, as well as yogo okremi vuzlіv and aggregations, making changes to the improvement of the possible ones on the side of the military ones.

The combat helicopter Ka-52K is a continuation of the product line of "marine" helicopters, created by the engineers of JSC "Kamiv" and adopted for the development of the Navy of the Russian Federation. The line includes such helicopters as Ka-25, Ka-27, Ka-29, Ka-31. The new combat helicopter Ka-52K is intended for patrolling and fire support of the military landing during landings on the coast, as well as the task of anti-airborne defense on the front line in the tactical depth of the enemy’s defense. Availability on board the helicopter of the current possession ensures the combat vehicle navigation in the minds of the presence of landmarks at the sea.

In the basic model of the attack helicopter version Ka-52K, there is a shortened folding wing, which was specially supplemented for the installation of an important upgrade, as well as the mechanism for folding the blades, which allows the helicopter to be compactly deployed in the hold of combat ships. Changes in the dimensions of ship-based helicopters make it possible to accommodate more such machines on a combat ship. The presence of an armored cabin and an ejection system allow pilots to safely land a helicopter in an emergency. Krym tsyogo, on the Ka-52K helicopter, a set of ryatuval outbuildings (KSU) was transferred, which allows people to ratuvat, yak know the trouble on the sea.

Also, an important feature of this version of the combat helicopter was the choice in the design of corrosion-resistant materials, which is explained by the need for the service of a helicopter in the minds of the maritime climate (aggressive medium). Helicopter Ka-52 ship-based, having removed the modernized air conditioning system, which allows to ensure the ventilation of marine clothing suits in crew members. In addition, a short-range navigation system was installed on the Ka-52K, which was not installed on the basic model of the helicopter.

Virmeniya could become the first foreign buyer of the Verba MANPADS

Considering the information that was published on the Virmenian Internet resource, not long after the completion of the so-called "Chotirohdennoy war" with Azerbaijan in the quarter of 2016, Virmeniya bought from Russia a new portable anti-aircraft missile system3. Publishing this information, see the newspaper of the Ministry of Defense of Hungary "Hay Zinvor".
Following the words of Artur Poghosyan, the Colonel of the Armed Forces of Vrmenia, after the conflict in April 2016, in the country, there were broken up in the country vysnovyki, zokrema vіrmenskij vіyskіvі lived in the beginning of the term strength of the component of the war. Behind the words of Poghosyan, the same batch of MANPADS "Verba" and "Igla-S" were attached. With all the news about the purchase of the Igla-S MANPADS, they appeared in the fierce 2016 fate, and the axis of information about the Verba MANPADS was announced earlier.

For information from the court, MANPADS "Verba" allow you to strike repeat targets in the height range from 10 to 4500 meters and at the height of 500-6000 meters. maximum speed Enemy targets on short courses can reach 400 m/s. It appears that the 9M336 missile of this complex is equipped with an infrared tri-range homing head. If the information published on the Internet is true, then Virmenia will become the first foreign buyer of the modern Russian portable anti-aircraft missile system "Verba".