Tupa gra world of tanks. I'm pushing gratis and not going into World of Tanks. I don't see video memory anymore

World of Tanks- One of the most popular games in the lands of the SND. Gracefully b'є all records like for registered graves, so and at once roaring koristuvachs. Tse to what WOT really cool gra, sob did not say competitors. Miraculous physics, miraculous sounds, pumping system, minimal donation. Donat want and cost pennies, and without it, it’s important to take money and money, but it’s not enough to pay, to see other cities. You can literally afford a premium skin record yourself.

Ale, let's turn around to feed why I left the tanks. Again, I want to guard that it’s purely my thought, I don’t pretend to be the truth in the rest of the instance, but if the readers of the blog also threw grati into the tanks, be it another game. I often talk with lower graves, and if I stick around with those, then sticking with fiercely unreasonable and obviously wrong arguments, I will point lower. So I want to tell you right away that I won’t talk to the comments and let anyone know. Be-yaka diya - tse is your choice, and you are given a choice to live. Some go along the path of self-development, and some go along the path of degradation.

Yak I engraved in World of Tanks or prehistory

At the tanіk, I started grati from the distant 2011 roci. I don't know for sure. How to ring out tse and buvay, having begun to thank for the recommendation of one garniy know, some way praising physics and even cheaper donations. Gravity is not rich, good at the weekend or a couple of years at the evening hour. Totally, during this great period, I have accumulated only 8,000 battles. What, in principle, is not so rich already. It got to the point that everyone knows about it, having pleased me a group, they talked about tanks, updating or changing moods in battle, which inspire enough gravity to accumulate in not strong gravity. What bula I have igrova staleness? Maybe not. Ale vydvoliktysya in the grie it was hard for me to finish it. It has gone so far that for one of the Days of the Nation there will be less gifts of the premium tank LOWE, which at that hour, in principle, like at a time, will bring a lot of money to the nefarious, like with a premium, and without it.

In the face of the grie, the maiden, with whom I live, most often tried to pull. To that, if її it’s not possible and my “sticking into the monitor” in the world is not energizing, I’m engraving at the tanks. So gravel, if she was at home, but she cleaned up and cooked zhu. One of the spring days, the maiden went to the fathers in another place, so that we could help, but I left myself, for a week and another 5 working days. Like a sing-song reader, the first thing I did after that, like putting її in a taxi - tse opened a laptop and started the tanks. Having played until the very evening, the year until 20:00, after which he played the game and watched the videos on CarambaTV, simultaneously planning the upcoming working day. Tsієї hvilini vіd vіdalennya tanіnі vіddіlyalo 12 years.

More time spent on World of Tanks

Sob we spoke to you alone with me, let's worry, how many hours did we spend on WOT? Aje lyric lyrical, but the figures can no longer be crossed out, as if I didn’t want to.

Take for the butt of such an average grave: less than 8000 battles. You can boldly take your tribute and let's praise it at once. If you drive in the skils “the skils are trivaє bіy at wot”, then we know that the average biy trivaє 6 hvilin. Deposit with rich parameters, start with the speed of the technique, on the way you ride, ending with a card and a command. If you go to Mouse and Turtle, then naturally you will have a long time, and if you go to T50 or else, then the bet of good will be enough for you. Ale in the middle of the skin engraving has a trivae of six whilins. Take my number of battles and multiply by 6 quills.

8000 * 6 = 48000 quills spent at the battle. But it’s not forgotten that before the skin fight there is a 30-second delay to capture the map and plan the fight. Dear.

8000 battles * 0.5 points of credit = 4000 points. Plus, you don’t need to forget that we’ve been sitting in the hangar for hours, reading forums, marveling at guides or CTTS, having fun at WOT just fine. At the same time, it’s already a good time. Ale rahuvati mi yoga will not be, because Now the emphasis is less on bare figures, those that are brought up and cannot be offended.

Otzhe, in battle, that in battle, I spent 52,000 hvilin. Abo 867. Looking back at those, the working day of the average person is 8 years, then dilimo 867/8=108 working days, or 3.5 months. So we can say that we took a permit for 3.5 months ... and just three and a half months we missed the tanks! So, so, I know, sound our tanks gravely at the weekend, and in the evening, if it is physically impossible to practice. Ale about tse troch lower and troch pіznіshe.

Why am I throwing grati at WOT

Lying on the couch and marveling at this inspiring video, I thought that I don’t have time to look at the initial course of EMPO, which is a 2-month-long online training, I don’t wait to watch Torvald’s videos for the right light-gazing, etc. e. I here I understand that the hour, which I am using on the game in tanks, can be just converting the hour, which is so necessary to reach you chi inshoy meti. Ale chitach, like me, zhvavo start to finish yourself. You can’t spend the whole hour pratsyuvati! Required to vodpochivat іnodi! Playing in tanks, I realize that everything is fine. The axis of deyakі vіdpochivayut marveling TV, and I'm the axis of the tanks. Pratsyuvati is not possible to start, you will burn out and everything. It is necessary to act step by step. But if you really want to grow up in yourself and deeply, even deeply marvel at the root, then you know the argument on the skin, because we ourselves tried to take care of ourselves, or simply didn’t dare ...

Argument: I get tired of robots, and I can’t in the evening, or at the end of the day, work on the day, as if rozum’s stress is high. So I can’t take care of the training, because the brain for the end of the working day can’t take anything, and instead of understanding the information, I’m just superficially її listening, not roblyachi of the everyday visnovkіv.

Suggestion: So, so and so, after an important working day or an important working day, the body does not take anything. But if we want to improve, then we can finish the intellectual work a day, and leave the mechanical one over the evening. For example, sort out the keywords in AdWords, put lots on the auction, edit the prices, comment on the comments in the blog, clean up at home, that and a lot of things you can do in the evening.

Argument: It is necessary to repent, it is not possible to practice.

Suggestion: So loud. Required. A good repair is the first point, because I want good and productive practice. Without repair, you often burn out. Ale chi repair tanks? Ni. Tanks won't help. It used to be that I spent all my holidays, with breaks, like a normal deep sleep, I guess, I watched a couple of films. Having spent the holidays, wandering around on Mondays, I did not see myself updated. Well, no matter what. For myself, I’ve made a visnovok, that everything is right in that the brain does not work during the hour of the fire, the wine continues to work hard, reworking the mittevu information, as it constantly changes.

My robot is sitting, the one, as installed rich ten years ago, best looking Vіdpochinok tse zmіna diyalnostі. Ale shdo tanks, then everything is navpak. Sitting on the robot at the computer, I continue to work on my own at home. It’s natural that I can’t normally vodpochiti. Rather, I’ll go for a walk, walk the dog, do yoga, wrestling, learn to play the guitar. More contented than that, I take away whatever. If you don’t want to go anywhere, then you can, for example, learn how to repair a bicycle. Zavzhdi hotiv, it is important for him to know the service of the service, which will carry out repairs on a high level.

Argument: Tanks are stressful. He came after work, after shooting and taking off stress, go to sleep.

Suggestion: No, we don't think so. It’s enough to marvel at the pose of gravity: it’s already strained. And it’s not uncommon for a grave to start terribly swearing at the VBR, its team, as it is made up of some schoolchildren and noobs, who without a doubt don’t know stress, but just add it. To relieve stress, there are ways to both active and sedentary / home. For example, yoga, martial arts, a hot bath, meditation, a walk.

Argument: I’ll look at the rosette, read the rozvazhalnu book - tse tezh same, sho grati.

Suggestion: On the right, in that gra in tanks is one and the same is repeated. And the book is brand new. If tanks do not bring anything new, then the book will bring something new. New plot, new characters, new character, new undertones.

Then why am I throwing grati into the tanks

Playing in tanks, I see more importantly: those who are in me are those that no one can turn back. Hour. If you can earn a penny, you can make a light, you can get at the entrance, then if I’m not timid - an hour, you can’t turn around on unimportant and not ugly speeches.

I'm reasonable. The way to inner harmony - the goal ...

at the skin moment, the hour is the best, what can you do!

Ni, don’t work, like a lot of people who thought of you, but just rob the best from what I can. Just put a query: I'm doing the best at once, what can I do, what can I do more? What is more important / better? Asking yourself: at the moment the best thing I can do is to play in World of Tanks? Don’t spend an hour out of the house, don’t add an hour to the girl, mama chi tatov, don’t go to the dacha, just walk around? Chi read a book zreshtoy? Nevzhe tanks є effectively better what can I rob?

As for the question: “So, the tanks are the best that I can rob,” then I don’t mind anything, more than that: I can’t mind anything. Tse your choice. Your responsibility and responsibility for them may also lie with you. And I will rather add an hour to what is important to me. Sim'ї, girls, walks, active type of recovery.

A lot of girls and retinues squabble that their man is sitting at the tanks and doesn’t want to see the vilazit. There are a lot of such people on the forum. If it’s your attitude, then I want to turn your respect - it’s early on for you. And from this I give you all the life of life. Give an hour to the most important thing that you have - sim'ї, and not to a soulless computer.

Other materials on the topic

After writing the article, I surfed the Internet, and stumbled upon a few videos on topics, which I also recommend to look over. At the first video, the author also porahuvav an hour, which we spend on tanks and thinking, where could we spend more often and buy something.

In another video, the author rozpovidaє, scho mi otrimuemo roaring into tanks. It’s not enough to bring the game, but what do we need to replace our time spent on the game.

I want to guess that I do not pretend to be the truth in the rest of the instance. My thoughts can be pardonable and not correct. At this article, I have given my opinion, which I will be as brown as the graves at WOT, so for the girls / squads, as if they want to lead a dear person from virtual reality. Ale, I give you respect, that in life you always have to change from time to time. Health for pennies, an hour for pennies, pennies for good things, an hour and pennies for a good figure thin. In the wake of the tanks, you change your hour for best tank in the hangar. Vіn that varty?

Previously, no grave from the tanks. A few years ago, in the midst of the hype, there were dozens of battles at World of Tanks Blitz on iOS, and then I saw the program a day later.

Povnotsіnі World of Tanks having installed it through a special football mode, which was released for the hour of the 2018 emergency.

Zupinili a sprat of millions of earned coins and tens of thousands of points of free evidence. Bad baggage for a first-time tanker, having tried the first battles.

Having begun to look at the statistics of gravity and troch zdivovaniya. Often there are accounts from 60-70 thousand battles. Just think about it: 70 thousand fights for 8 years base of tanks - very close 25 battles per day! A day without holidays for eight years!

It didn’t drag me so much, literally in a month I saw all the problems that the current one had. Axis of some major claims of gravity to WOT today:

1. Famous random

So ranks VBR (great Belarusian random) do not commemorate the new unfinished graves. You must understand that the grit may have an element of inconsistency and on the other hand, it is richly taken for pure vipadkovist.

With good reason, you understand that the role of a random person can be too great in some battles, and after a thousand sprats, you begin to suspect him of being ahead of the curve.

In the meantime, all the game shows during the rozrahunku on the server are counted for the help of the vipadkovyh change, but the regularity of the vipadance of quiet and other values ​​can be conveniently called the vipadkovy. In similar games, a simple “survival” of gravity has been stagnating for a long time, so that they could win over.

Having seen a sprinkling of good fights - take off the ricochet that impenetrable, quickly get angry at a few rounds of sleep - the axis of you is attracted for any kind of shooting.

Randomness manifests itself in everything: accuracy, rapidity of penetration or ricochet and in the application of mischief. Indications can revitalize by 25% if the normal value is higher, then I am smaller side. So two gris up to a row can be vigorously challenged for the game's interest and luck of gravity. It’s worth noting that the floorings are what you need to work out of them.

In one game, you win the enemy, joking at points, checking for new information and feeling drastically “without breaking through”, and in another game, it’s practically navmanna, if you get more frags for the enemy tank, regularly earning frags.

Idea for Wargaming: even in life and do not trap like that. Turn on even more parameters for FBR. Fight against defective shells, if they don’t vibrate, spontaneous breakdown of equipment on an equal footing and punish the commander who sabotages the crew.

I don't mind the vipadosity of grі, but WOT їх is too rich. It’s amazing how often one tank can fight against three or three superniks, as the enemy regularly loses 5-10 units of firepower after I shoot, like a rich hit, traplyatsya in the last second before it, like a tank shovaetsya in hiding chi vide іz light.

Accurately ilyustruє situation zagalna statistics of gravity. Most of the tankers may have 40 to 60% wins. Findings are smart enough to win in some battles out of ten, and those who kill a sprat of fate cannot fight less than a couple of hits in ten battles.

Visnovok: tі, hto graє for otrimannya satisfaction, early chi pіzno throw the game through the great burst of randomness.

2. More parts change

Vіsіm rokіv for such a project is a great term. The distributors are great fellows, who did not allow the project to die and regularly boost the interest of the koristuvachs to the tanks.

It's a pity that some methods seem to be quite radical.

Innovation in Greece is miraculous, but now it’s chіpati those who have been practicing for a long time.

understand "upnuli"і "nerfed" so much they have reached the lexicon of the graves of the WOT, that the rozmova of the tankers cannot do without them. Practically the skin of the month is growing, bringing new and new corrections.

New maps are coming - it's good, new tanks are being imported - it's also miraculous. ale koli start reviewing the parameters of technology, what the grіlka rokіv has at grіlka – it’s very confusing.

Graveets kіlka mіsyatsіv passing through the penny gіlka, enduring the folds of non-handled tanks, accumulating expensive dosvіd that coin. I bought a car from the result, and її “nerfed” (changed the showings) from the black patch.

What work? Dekilka mіsyatsіv gri cat pіd khvіst? Sell ​​a tank for pіvtsіni, spitting for an hour, dosvіd that pennies?

Rozrobniki gri proponuyut just checks. It is possible, for a few months (or a rock) the tank is recognized as too weak and even “upset” (adjust the parameters).

In other words, the grave is to blame for his mother in his hangar and not one, but 5, 7 or 10 top tanks, so that you don’t fight on the one you want, but on the one that “nagina” at once.

Idea for Wargaming: for a long time, an hour to grow a tank horoscope. Jupiter is in Orion's narrower zone - the penetration of German tanks decreased by 8% before the onset of the New Moon.

WOT test servers, de-rolling new technology, actively requesting gravity testing various modifications tanks before seeing them for a deep look. Why can't you successfully fit new models into the current system without balancing old tanks?

With new tanks, the same ones are regularly seen. A little bit of a stink seems to be even better, so that the graves want to buy a new product, and after a few months, if another one acquires a car, its characteristics will improve.

More trapleyaetsya "hot nerf" tanks. The rozrobniks deprive all showings that appear on the field, but also change the number of parameters “under the hood”, as they appear on the balance sheet.

So, for example, you can change the coefficient of the ground support for the tank. The tightness of the parameters at the same time is left unchanged, and the axis is torn apart to turn the wines later.

Get premium tanks (like they buy for real pennies) get better with the year, abi motivate gravity to buy new. Even if you pay a thousand rubles for attached equipment, then through the process of it, the tank appears as a banal average machine.

Visnovok: more gravel, there is no need to follow the skin snake at the grit and after the chergo patch look over your hangar.

3. Greedy economy

Dosvіdchenі gravtsі often began to skarzhitisya on marriage srіbla. The price is the least currency, but it's not enough.

I have pumped one of the simplest and most popular big tanks of the Radyansk important tanks for a month. The most storehouse has accumulated the most money. Navit dosvіd, which you can’t buy for the same pennies, dripping like that from the treasury, but they didn’t want to accumulate money from the coin.

On the cobs, gravel is generously bestowed with a silver, a copy repair of equipment, cheap shells, and on the order of the fireworks. With the skin advancing level of technology, prices for tanks and components are growing at a time, repairs become more expensive, and ammunition and ammunition become golden.

According to the idea, there is a lot of churn, which is applied with gravel, which is guilty of turning into more earned coins, but it’s not there. Here i enter at the celebrity group randomly.

Navit good gravel on the adventitious technique often sticks out of a series of near misses, ricochets and impenetrable, even skin ejections the projectile is worth not less than 1000 coins. Five shots "at milk" five minus.

Even if it is necessary to repair the equipment, then for three consecutive battles it will be heavily budgeted.

Idea for Wargaming: why didn’t they introduce the group’s zhu for the crew? Tse are guaranteed to recover coins after a skin fight!

Assured marketers have competently split the goals of converting cash into small microtransactions. Proudly showing off 50K sribla on the screen after the battle they transform into 3-5 thousand following the repair of equipment, replenishment of ammunition and purchase of supplies.

Zreshtoy, like grati without an investment, on the remaining equals it will be even more foldable. A penny hour from hour to hour is not enough, for the purchase of an offensive tank, you can accumulate enough money quickly, and the axis of accumulating coins can be doubled or doubled.

It’s possible to get a chance to sell a tank ahead of your loves, what a sound. Natomіst otrimaєsh stock zagotіvl, yak happen to re-pump, and "stained-glass windows" on it cost twice as much.

Visnovok: do not solve the problem of regular gifts, reward for simple tasks and various promotions. It is necessary for retailers to look over the economy of the gri, it has become greedy for graves. Without an investment on the highest levels, it’s even more difficult to grow.

4. "Zadrotstvo" on the rest of the rivers

For my own knowledge, I will say that the maximum interest is that I was satisfied with grі on tanks 6-7 rivnіv. Tanks drive fast and fast, shoot accurately and often in the world, bring a lot of pennies and regularly.

The price of pardons rises at the razi, the risk is practically never true. It's easier to take a far-reaching position and try to shoot the opponents, lower the attack of the power team.

At the result of the skirmish on the tanks, the rest of the rivnas turn into a gloomy “zadrotist”. Ten people are waiting at the narrow passage in the middle of the map, hovering behind the hoods and trying to hang out to build a post.

At the same time, miniature hatches are brought to the fore, bashti and other conflicting places of the opponents. This is how to go through all of ten battles on similar technical equipment.

Idea for Wargaming: Swiftly introduce tanks XI and XII equals into the group, shoot 1-2 times per group, and let the projectile cost like half a tank.

This is how the great game looks at the tank of the X century: check 30 seconds to look for graves, check 30 seconds before the beginning of the battle, 30 seconds before the firefight, two fires at full zoom, and two fires for the check

Somewhat satisfied.

After crazy matches on the middle levels, if more battles bring good satisfaction, you’ll spend a lot of time like eSports, if it’s necessary to set the aim from a dot on the screen, which collapses, and immediately press the shoot button.

Grati chi ni?

How practice shows and shows more than once, sometimes World servers of Tanks can just stop working. The cost is to expand that serious problem for more gravel.

Sometimes it is impossible to get into tanks for a whole year, or even a whole day. Most suffer from a similar gravity, for some purchases a premium account or . To go out, having paid a grave for a new penny, but you can’t go up to the greatness of yoga. So, the pennies just went to the wind.

We can see the main reasons for these statistics why not practiceWorld of Tankstoday. Few problems and skin problems should be looked at closely.

Unable to log in

Trapplyaєetsya so that the lesser owner of the company could simply fall and through it more graves could not get to your account. At the moment, work is underway to solve these problems. Like official statistics, the problem was eliminated by more than 80%.

Unfinished session on another server

A similar problem can be blamed even more often and it is simply impossible especially for those graves, who often go out and come to the group. To correct the pardon and go to the public record, varto see the official website of the grit go to special office. There is a function - "reset all sessions". For more vipadkiv, such a crochet can solve your problem.

If it didn’t help, then it’s less than a check. The session at any time will end automatically with a maximum of doba - 24 years. The axis is already known to you that you will go to your physical record - 100%.

Strongly revantaged servers - the problem is not less widened. Buvay, scho servers simply do not show the flow of gravity and can easily fall. In such a time, checks, docks, retailers do not renew their work. Most of the time you don't have to check for a long time.

Cherga at the gr

Similar reminders are coming, if the flow of gravity is too great, and the clusters are too few. The servers are very busy and can't miss the graves. At such a time, you have to sit by the devil until the moment calls. In general, you should hang no more than a few quills in the sky, but in extreme weather, be prepared to hang about ten or twenty quills.

Tankers, who have already gone into the game, better know about the problem and I won’t give you my job, so we’ll sit in black again later. Ale, yak just a little htos іz gravtsіv go out of the gri, the first person in the black people in the same time borrows її space.

Tsikavo, but the priority for entering the game may be grave, some of them have an active premium account at the same time, or those who can earn a large supply of game gold.

Galmuy World of Tanks? Do you have a weak computer? Chi Wee went into the group after the devil's update and WoT became a motor galmuvati? As you know everything, but such an overrun is not in your power, then we read this article to the end, delving into the skin of the text. I, if everything is done correctly, then you will be separated from the galm gri forever.

Let's start with:

Why galmuє World of Tanks:

For the cob perevirimo such banality, like systemic vimogi. I know, I know, at once you will begin:

Otzhe, minimal systemic help for gris in world of tanks:

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
256 kb/s.
Processor (CPU): and here is the best one, in 2014 what number bula 2.2 GHz, in 2015 added to the numbers: "supporting SSE2 technology", a in 2016 roci cleaned up the numbers of 2.2 GHz, but written in words "With two and more physical nuclei"(although I know 2 cores started to release, just like the frequency of the robot exceeded the threshold of 2.6 GHz, so it’s robimo visnovki)
Random Access Memory (RAM): 1.5 GB for Windows XP, 2 GB for Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10.
Video adapter: GeForce 6800/ATI HD X2400 XT with 256 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c.
Audio: combined with DirectX 9.0c.
close to 27 GB.

The minimum is also the minimum, that you start the load, and the axis will be comfortable to play with comfort, turn it up. So tidy up the "galma" that "pending" the client is unlikely to go away. Here you can’t do without an upgrade of your hall. Recommended before replacing a part, naturally, a processor, a video card and a RAM.

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 - 64-bit.
Internet accessibility: 1024 Kb/s or more (for voice chat).
Processor (CPU): Intel Core i5-3330 (for those who are not in the know: 4 cores at 3 GHz - not sickly).
Random Access Memory (RAM): 4 GB (or more).
Video adapter: GeForce GTX660 (2 GB)/Radeon HD 7850 2 GB, DirectX 9.0c.
Audiocard: combined with DirectX 9.0c.
Vіlne mіsce on zhorsk disk:~36 GB.

The recommended recommendations are obviously not zahmarni, but for old computers, as it seems, “like a pishka to China” and so you read this article, since you have an average between two characteristics. As always, or the video is weak, or the RAM is not enough, or it’s getting away from the recesses like “splashes”

Galmuy World of Tanks! What can you do here?

What lags and galma you have because of the processor and even more so, since the processor is single-core, you can’t do anything about it, happen to miss, Well, “do not import” wine at once, if in 2014 it was still possible to take such a load ... it’s a pity

Before speech, about those, how to choose a good computer, I wrote in the article, I recommend before reading.

Dali go random access memory (RAM). What can you do with her? Physically, obviously nothing. Ale, you can see the uncommon smіttya, all the programs yak vantage in your tray (who is not in the know, the thrіy tse de vіndovsi year, call the right lower cut). The axis is right for you there with all sorts of managers (viber, mail, icq, skype, etc.) - shut down! Torrent? Definitely WICL! Not only that, the fault of the “zhere” is the operative, but the fault of the Internet channel is also noticed. Dali browser, brrrr ... Look at the dispatcher skilki "zhere" google chrome. Get excited! Let's close! Other browsers (because they can stink too much), you can shut it down! I would have closed the antivirus for an hour (before the speech, NOD32 has a game mode, which allows me to be a part of the operation during the game), but it’s not so easy to turn on the new antivirus.

Especially, there are programs like Wise Memory Optimizer, which clear the memory of data that are not broken (especially I wouldn’t be happy to be so chirpy, because I caught the “blue screen of death” on the test computer with the installed winXR).
It’s better to buy up to 4 GB of RAM, since the more you have an old computer, then the efficiency for a new one (DDR, DDR2) will be worth the right penny, and the comfort in it will be more important for a long time. On the test machine, gravitated to dual-channel RAMe (DDR2) at 4 GB (2x2 GB) and everything was wonderful!

Step on the devil with us video card.

If we don’t see video memory, then we try to see the application for help programs W.O.T. Tweaker zavantazhyuchi її for the current version of the client gri on the Internet. At the tweaker, you can see such additions. effects, yakі v_dklyuchiti z klієnta gri not viyde, tse type vilіtaє brud z-pіd caterpillars, optical effects vіd stinger tank and so on. Ale vono of that varte, take your word for it!

If the fps in grі shows a little 5-10, you can try launching the client in "safe mode":

turn on all installed modi And you can boldly say that fps is being passed through modi. For example, I've recorded the fps data of the mod. For more detailed adjustment of the graphics, I will expand the video clip for example statistics. Read more…

Somebody has such a thing, that the computer is far from weak, and dosi remaining versions, and there is nothing in the tank (like a torrent), but the worl of tanks are all the same. Then here on the right, better for everything, in the Internet providers. To restore respect for the ping of the gr, if the vin is moving 50 ms, then something is wrong, or the provider is vinny, or you are running a program for the robot, which is necessary for the Internet connection, or your computer has a virus, a type of trojan, which constantly manages packets on your Internet channel.

A word about 3G modems

Pro 3G modems(4G modems) I don’t want to say anything here. A whole article is written about it:. I have explained why, when connecting via a USB modem, everything is so bad and on some server WoT games do not connect, all the same ping is great, up to an hour up to 300 ms. There are only a few fools of such people, for example, Crimea 3G, they don’t have any i-no, and there are quite a few of them. And to say that they have a galmu of world of tanks, but do not say anything.

That is the remaining reason for what is in the operating system itself. It seems like the programs “windows must die” ... I seem not without reason. In an hour of work windy, any slag is collected in the system registry, starting from old records about long ago and far away programs and games and finishing with new records from any satellite mail, Yandex browser and, God forbid, from such a virus, such a virus can be created before millions of records , in order to take advantage of the vіdsotok completely.

So the axis, after an hour, everything is navantage to the robot of the operating system itself, then it’s not really possible to start the program for a long time, or the same text editor will open it for a long time or take documents. Here you know that the winds come to a halt. І don't check if you need more cash comfort grill at WoT.

Here, everything comes out 2. The simplest and most painless for the brain, tse remove windows and install a new one. Another one, mostly outside of cleaning the computer, not visible required programs, disk defragmentation, cleaning the registry Long and boring. Ale virishuvati you.

Well, as I said, for example, I write the stats video of the retailers themselves(before the speech, great for the new one) about those how to optimize graphics in World of Tanks. In this video, it is reported about those that have such fps and for which the skin bug is fixed in the patches, how you can achieve an increase in fps and what you will need to fix.

Improved graphics in WoT version 1.0

And I'm all for it! Thank you so much to all of you, who, having tightened this article to the end! Good luck in getting the client, great fps and happy lags for you, so that later you don’t ask what the galm of World of Tanks is.

Do not forget to share with the comments, who and how have changed lags, galma and friezes in World of Tanks. Aje Your comment can help hundreds or thousands of people!

Shanovnі gravtsi, first put your food, try to read all the comments, maybe, there already є є dpovіd on new. All food that is repeated is ignored. Dyakuyu for razuminnya!

You can't boast that you have a super-hard computer that can achieve 150 FPS on maximum graphics settings. Navpaki, the statistics show that the most tankers have the weakest computers and World of Tanks galmuє so that " nіpanaginati". Let's figure out what's the problem, can you rob it?"

World of Tanks for weak computers?

Vikoristovuvany at grі dvigun BigWorld hoch i nadaє chic server Chastain, structure yakogo zdatna trimati kolosalnі navantazhennya i viklyuchaє mozhlivіst vikoristannya klasichnih chitіv, ale klієntska Chastina shkutilgaє Troch, zokrema in food optimіzatsії, rozpodіlu vikoristannya resursіv on bagatoyadernih komp'yuterah and takozh grafіki. Ale scho robiti, like galmuє world of tanks?

For the first time, you need to understand your patient (computer) alive, or better for the dead, look at the settings and marvel at the characteristics. The axis is so minimal systemic, we can recommend the retailers themselves:

  • Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
  • Processor (CPU): 2.2 GHz
  • Random Access Memory (RAM): 1.5 GB for Windows XP, 2 GB for Windows Vista/7
  • Video adapter: GeForce 6800/ATI X800 with 256 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c
  • Audio card: sum of DirectX 9.0c
  • Hard disk space: 9 GB
  • Internet connection speed: 256 Kbps

This does not mean that if your computer does not reach the minimum level, the game will not start. It's just that the more you will explore your parameters of the system according to their characteristics (on a higher basis), the more folding you will be in the future of different pebbles.

Understanding the cause of the problem

Let's figure out why it's not comfortable to play in World of Tanks. Gra galmuє nasampered through the marriage of system resources. If you are allowed to, then, obviously, the shortest option would be to buy a new PC, or if you want to replace the processor or add RAM (which the system allows).

Why should you give respect? Let's take a look at the sprat of the most distant bays:

  • processor - the head of your computer
  • video card - follow the schedule
  • operational memory - save time data from your buffer

If you wind one of these elements with a weak bow, then you can slander a galma. Obviously, within the framework of these stats, we don’t get lost in such no less important details, like a tire maternity pay or the core frequency of the video card.

Forget the memory

World of Tanks why the galmuє mi with you have already been sorted out on top, now let's get down to action.

I don't see video memory anymore

Here, everything is at fault with your weak video card. Rejoice at the lack of a way to reduce the quality of the graphics in the patches. Also, you can get into the program, so that you can turn on the additional effects, so just don’t virubaty in the country.

How not to recover operational memory

It is necessary to look at what is possible. If you have 2GB installed or less, then my pleasure to you is to buy more. The RAM at a time is not expensive, I took 2 strips of 1000 rubles each for 8 gigs of skin, I wanted to know if it was cheaper.

And yet, there is no such possibility, so, we need an operative. Nasampered, even before the launch of the grit, that reasonable power "what work is the treasure of the world of tanks," you need to marvel at what programs you have running. Close everything! Browser, player, Skype, all sorts of ICQ and QV, torrent and other programs. Let's shut up!

Even if it didn’t help, you can go to the help of special software, which allows you to operatively remember data that doesn’t beat. One of these programs is Wise Memory Optimizer, you can look at the instructions for this in this video:


Some people have problems, put food, without comfort in World of Tanks - why does it freeze? If all the listed above did not help, then you can get a little hardcore and delve into the power optimization of the client and your computer as a whole.

Master Yoda:
"Galma World of Tanks has a weak computer tweet".

  • - this material is taken from your own best of all and modi to improve productivity.
  • - too rich brown information, including a description of the program for overclocking the video card.