World of Tanks is a shakhraystvo from the side of the system. Why did I stop (throwing) grati into tanks (World of Tanks)

For five years now, it has become famous, for a short term it has managed to glorify the whole world of Belarusian retailers, the Wargaming company, and, as a matter of fact, in a cult way - the thunder, as it is not easy to guess, is World of Tanks. Immediately after the release of WoT, the “tank-mania” began, as it flooded the minds of all schoolchildren, old gamers, and not knowing today about “tanks” became simply obscene. It's an hour, the retailers predicted new chips for the fans, esports events began to be held, and everything went smoothly and evenly. And now, in the gaming community, they began to whisper about those who are becoming less and less fans of WoT, and the reasons for such a decline in interest, and sometimes again, in the eyes of the green, they are induced by the same difference. So what happened to the "tanks"?

Perhaps, it is necessary to start from the fact that there are some problems, as there are a decline in interest in WoT, in one of the interviews, the director general of the company Wargaming, Viktor Kisliy, was named. Vіn talking about those who "... torіk mi let out new version World of Tanks, in which they made a lot of technical pardons: the storyboarding in grі became more povіlnіshoy through those that were badly painted there. The speed has dropped by 10%. We let out unimaginable historical battles: those who killed us didn’t give up to the end of the battles. І tsі two factori mittvo appeared on our results, but the number of koristuvachivs, who fired at once, fell by 20% in two months.

Come out, scho are sensitive about the support of the fanatics. Ale chi є christened by Viktor Kislim causes the same? We energized the manager of the Arcade eSports team in the discipline of World of Tanks, Evgen Makarov aka Oberst_Fuchs: “It's important to have gravity, and wine to become approximately 20-30%. Why is it related? The sound is banal: the game is just coming on. Adzhe, in fact, there are no cardinal changes to be made, as if it were a waste of time. So, there were clan battles, there were tournaments, they were strengthened at once, try to create new modes. Ale, everything is spinning around randomly, and wine for five years is already full. Wanting for the whole hour of new tanks, there were more than enough, but all the tanks are of the same type. For example, all STs of the 10th equal can be divided into three types, but in fact there are two dozens. The right furore was caused by drum tanks - it was a great innovation! Calling on those who at once start from the forest to bring out deak tanks, and instead of them to introduce “drums”, talk about those that the novelty was far away, but it started to finish a long time ago, from 2011/12 to the rock of the bula. Then there were more binary tanks, but it was not so global.

Another important reason to waste fans is those who play everything powerful and powerful. The transition to the HD-client - tse, extremely, cool, but the average gamer plays on the filthy "salіzі". Take, for example, remind me: until 2013, I was comfortable engraving on the budget “salize” of 2009, and then we’ll change the patch, and that’s all – the FPS fell heavily. Now I have, obviously, a new "zalizo", but I need to understand that the average statistical grave of WoT is not a problem for a gamer, it's just a matter of time to work on an upgrade. Vin great person, which is gray after the robot, or the beginning, and, perhaps, more or less in nothing.

What is the crisis, like pouring into the audience ... On the WG’s hand, so, pouring in, but in the “tanks” themselves you can even pour in. І one more arcade moment - tse chiti, yakі є at WoT. Maybe it stinks, obviously, and not so stingy, like CS, but still it’s clear. Previously, it was taken without cheats, but now it has changed in right: woeful warpacks, reasonable aims and otherwise. There are problems and cards: stinks are being reworked all the time, but it’s even better, but if one and the same card is remade many times, it’s not worth talking about those that are rottenly reworked. Axis є, for example, maps from the first pool, and part of them, take Ensk and Khimmelsdorf, practically did not change (boules, obviously, change, but not global). Perhaps, these are the main reasons for the decline in the interest of graves.

Well, Yevgen Makarov's thought is entirely fair and primed. But in order to get to the truth more closely, we found out from the gamers-old-timers of World of Tanks themselves, why are they the reason for such a cold to the bone. The axis, for example, is the thought of Sergiy Zmushka, who couldn’t live without WoT earlier: “I’m losing popularity for three reasons. First of them: people grew up. Graviyshla five years to that, and those, who, having started from her cob, have really grown up. Ale, the reason for naviting is not with the vice, but with the fact that it’s simple. Back to back, it’s just a cottony interest: slander on the tank, turn into the enemy’s NATO, “give out” to everyone right-handed and left-handed! And then I began to ride around on historical tanks: our T-34, the German Tiger II, the American Rudy ... I bought one premium tank for 3,000 rubles (Russian - auth.), so that I could save a lot more. Ride, put a tick, and at once, I’ll learn how to properly on the tanks, grati, maximally win over the skin: armor, maneuverability, speed of fire and more. I think that's all - work for me there is nothing. That one at a time is already picking up one and the same.

But the biggest problem, yak has become an ailment for skin gravel, є artillery! Її to hate absolutely everything! Axis to show: you are dueling with the enemy or two, you stand behind the guards, carefully look sideways, shoot one on one, and as if you are correctly standing sideways, then the enemy’s projectile will ricochet in you. The first axis is folded up perfectly, you are crowned with all the tank's moves, you are wise, you are red... And then... Bang! You've been beaten! Arta! Your emotions need to be seen! That tse tezh same, if you may have picked a kartkovy budinochok, and you need to get back shtovkhaє. I think that art can tell me earlier, then I will destroy everything that I want! Before the speech, the best of my emotions can be explained by the video - I react the same way.

Without a doubt, Sergiy's thoughts are far from being one grave in WoT, such a ploy of strength, pennies and nerves for a beloved game. Alas, it didn’t happen there, we hope World of Tanks will restore the fan balance and develop farther.

The head mind for a successful development in an insured for a rich coristuvach grі World of Tanks - it is correct to shoot at the opponent's combat vehicles, if the armor of the tank breaks through literally with one shot, and the cim wins are out of whack. On this day, there are impersonal cunning, as if to help reach the mark set before the grave. And the most important of them is the nobility of the weak field of tanks. World of Tanks has selected impersonal models of military technology, which I will copy the original combat vehicles in, so I can look at a few options that gamers can speed up without blame. To allow you to take more credits, as well as raise your game rating.

What is necessary to protect the first hour of shooting at tanks?

So, like a skin model of a tank in its own peculiarity, which includes the body of the armor, cut it out on the cheek, the speed of dressing up and shooters, we sing at quiet moments, as if to help you grow, as if you were worthy of them. The peculiarity of all types of vehicles presented at World of Tanks is the armor of tanks, which I repeat the original military specimens. To itself, the front part is already a mitzna, and it means that shooting at it simply does not make sense. The good side of the vehі and the corps is thinner, moreover, from the tsієї pozitsії with special rightfulness, the shooter can hit the wrong shkod the enemy, having fired the yogo ammunition.

It is also important to choose the right aim, for the help of which you do not miss. Of the three types - automatic, free and hinged - there is a sense of choice for another option. In addition, it is important to win over suitable projectiles, so as the armor of a lot of cars is reinforced, the bagatma is taken in by unaccounted-for impenetrable graves. The tighter and larger charge, the greater the chance of hitting the tank of the opponent of the critical shkodi. However, don’t worry about spratsovuє. In the case, for example, with the Mau tank, it’s better to replace armor-piercing shells with high-explosive fragmentation. Well, and, obviously, it’s worth knowing at least a little about those who are weak tanks in World of Tanks to warn us ahead. About the results of our article.

Yakі m_stsya at the tanks of the weakest: zagalni vіdomostі

Guess for the cob varto old look all models of armored vehicles. Vіdmіnnoy їх osoblivіstіє є vyavnіst on sіy ovnіshnіy ploschі tovstіh leaves, yaki play the role of brоnі. However, to build such a fortification near the walls grі WoT Weaknesses of the city of tanks cant the city. First, look at the gaps, the crew of the machine is visually oriented during the hour of battle. Having drank in qi, open it, you can bring the crew into harmony. In another way, caterpillar tracks. With an unruly machine, make it easier to drink. Thirdly, there is a small gap between the hull of the tank and the vezhey. Having set up a bad house, you can mess up the control system of the window, so that you can choose the enemy’s building to direct the harmata to the target. I, nareshti, we will quarrel with the place of saving ammunition and the tank of the machine. Having struck them, you provoke the sleepers, or vibukh the fortune-telling technique.

How to get the running gear of the tank out of the way?

As we have already said, the weakest tanks in World of Tanks are laying down caterpillars or running part. In order to neutralize the enemy’s technique, it’s important to shoot correctly at your gallery. It is important not just to put a sprat of shells on the caterpillar, but to drink at the back or the front sock. In addition, even more positively in this sense on the tracks, they can lay a caterpillar when it hits the hull.

Seen in harmony with the crew

It’s not so easy to get the crew that’s in the air, but there’s nothing foldable in it. Golovne - good aim. Quiet vipadkivs are especially worthy, if you dared to carry small optical installations on the upper part of the tank hull. It is possible to work less with an insignificant age between the archer and yoga method. It’s easier to eat something in a glance, open it, especially as a fortune teller, the car went into a frontal attack. At the time of a hit, a mechanic appears, like a tank, which means that the enemy has spent time before maneuvering and rob him with an easy method for you. Also, in weak areas of tanks in World of Tanks, there are hatches and windows on different parts of the hull.

Well, then the share gave you a gift, and the enemy’s tank showed up for your car, just think about the shooter on the bottom armor plate. In this case, you will be able to destroy the entire crew of the enemy by about 80% of the time. Warto vrahuvat only one thing: it is necessary to shoot at the armor plate in the area, which is located on the 1/3rd line on the edge of the hull, even if the crew itself is equipped there.

How to get a tank occupied?

The description of the tanks tells about those that are the weakest part of this type of technology - motorized, which, before that, is often rotting in the immediate vicinity of the fire tanks. Potraplyannya to a new one can significantly reduce the speed of the enemy’s machine, and even more quickly її borrowing. Most of the time, the crew does not dare to put out the fire, so having shoveled the car, then by stretching dekilkoh khvilin in it, the bones are filled with less charring. We are in front of a lot of virobnitstv, even if the stench works on the arc of fire gasoline. The most suitable projectiles for shooting at a motor vehicle have been adopted to use high explosives. Sometimes one volley is enough to turn the opponent's tank into a tar-skip.

Programs for forgiveness: Skins for WoT

In the rest of the hour, gamers, like groans in World of Tanks, have become popular programs, recognized for being shown in the corps of weak missions. By installing an additional program (so I call the “skin”), the engraving can indicate the place that breaks through, and more accurately aim. On the thought of bringing the graves, it is not necessary to add more color at the stage of getting to know the gamer with WoT, and then you can turn it off or see it. On the right, after the installation of this mod, the tanks will fill up with invisible zabarvleny, and they will lie down without a middle in the form of a degree of protection of the armor. Behind the words of rich graves, you need to focus on the game process.

World of Tanks- One of the most popular games in the lands of the SND. Gracefully b'є all records like for registered graves, so and at once roaring koristuvachs. Tse to what WOT really cool gra, sob did not say competitors. Miraculous physics, miraculous sounds, pumping system, minimal donation. Donat want and cost pennies, and without it, it’s important to take money and money, but it’s not enough to pay, to see other cities. You can literally afford a premium skin record yourself.

Ale, let's turn around to feed why I left the tanks. Again, I want to guard that it’s purely my thought, I don’t pretend to be the truth in the rest of the instance, but if the readers of the blog also threw grati into the tanks, be it another game. I often talk with lower graves, and if I stick around with those, then sticking with fiercely unreasonable and obviously wrong arguments, I will point lower. So I want to tell you right away that I won’t talk to the comments and let anyone know. Be-yaka diya - tse is your choice, and you are given a choice to live. Some go along the path of self-development, and some go along the path of degradation.

Yak I engraved in World of Tanks or prehistory

At the tanіk, I started grati from the distant 2011 roci. I don't know for sure. How to ring out tse and buvay, having begun to thank for the recommendation of one garniy know, some way praising physics and even cheaper donations. Gravity is not rich, good at the weekend or a couple of years at the evening hour. Totally, during this great period, I have accumulated only 8,000 battles. What, in principle, is not so rich already. It got to the point where we all know that, having pleased me, we were talking about tanks, updating or changing moods in battle, which inspire a large number of not strong gravity. What bula I have igrova staleness? Maybe not. Ale vydvoliktysya in the grie it was hard for me to finish it. It has gone so far that for one of the Days of the Nation there will be less gifts of the premium LOWE tank, which at that hour, in principle, at the same time, bring a lot of money to the nefarious, like with a premium, and without it.

In the face of the grie, the maiden, with whom I live, most often tried to pull. To that, if її it’s not possible and my “sticking into the monitor” in the world is not energizing, I’m engraving at the tanks. So gravel, if she was at home, but she cleaned up and cooked zhu. One of the spring days, the maiden went to the fathers in another place, so that we could help, but I left myself, for a week and another 5 working days. Like a sing-song reader, the first thing I did after that, like putting її in a taxi - tse opened a laptop and started the tanks. Having played until the very evening, the year until 20:00, after which he played the game and watched the videos on CarambaTV, simultaneously planning the upcoming working day. Tsієї hvilini vіd vіdalennya tanіnі vіddіlyalo 12 years.

More time spent on World of Tanks

Sob we spoke to you alone with me, let's worry, how many hours did we spend on WOT? Aje lyric lyrical, but the figures can no longer be crossed out, as if I didn’t want to.

Take for the butt of such an average grave: less than 8000 battles. You can boldly take your tribute and let's praise it at once. If you drive in the skils “the skils are trivaє bіy at wot”, then we know that the average biy trivaє 6 hvilin. Deposit with rich parameters, start with the speed of the technique, on the way you ride, ending with a card and a command. If you go to Mouse and Turtle, then naturally you will have a long time, and if you go to T50 or else, then the bet of good will be enough for you. Ale in the middle of the skin engraving has a trivae of six whilins. Take my number of battles and multiply by 6 quills.

8000 * 6 = 48000 quills spent at the battle. But it’s not forgotten that before the skin fight there is a 30-second delay to capture the map and plan the fight. Dear.

8000 battles * 0.5 points of credit = 4000 points. Plus, you don’t need to forget that we’ve been sitting in the hangar for hours, reading forums, marveling at guides or CTTS, having fun at WOT just fine. At the same time, it’s already a good time. Ale rahuvati mi yoga will not be, because Now the emphasis is less on bare figures, those that are brought up and cannot be offended.

Otzhe, in battle, that in battle, I spent 52,000 hvilin. Abo 867. Looking back at those, the working day of the average person is 8 years, then dilimo 867/8=108 working days, or 3.5 months. So we can say that we took a permit for 3.5 months ... and just three and a half months we missed the tanks! So, so, I know, sound our tanks gravely at the weekend, and in the evening, if it is physically impossible to practice. Ale about tse troch lower and troch pіznіshe.

Why am I throwing grati at WOT

Lying on the couch and marveling at this inspiring video, I thought that I don’t have time to look at the initial course of EMPO, which is a 2-month-long online training, I don’t wait to watch Torvald’s videos for the right light-gazing, etc. e. And here I understand that the hour, which I am using on the game in tanks, can be just converting the hour, which is so necessary to reach you chi inshoy meti. Ale chitach, like me, zhvavo start to finish yourself. You can’t spend the whole hour pratsyuvati! Required to vodpochivat іnodi! Playing in tanks, I realize that everything is fine. The axis of deyakі vіdpochivayut marveling TV, and I'm the axis of the tanks. Pratsyuvati is not possible to start, you will burn out and everything. It is necessary to act step by step. But if you really want to grow up in yourself and deeply, even deeply marvel at the root, then the argument is known to be obvious, as we ourselves tried to be attracted, or simply didn’t conceive ...

Argument: I get tired of robots, and I can’t in the evening, or at the end of the day, work on the day, as if rozum’s stress is high. So I can’t take care of learning, for that brain for the end of the working day I can’t take anything, and instead of understanding the information, I’m just superficially її listening, not roblyachi of the everyday visnovkіv.

Suggestion: So, so and so, after an important working day or an important working day, the body does not take anything. But if we want to improve, then we can finish the intellectual work a day, and leave the mechanical one over the evening. For example, sort out the keywords in AdWords, put lots on the auction, edit the prices, comment on the comments in the blog, clean up at home, that and a lot of things you can do in the evening.

Argument: It is necessary to repent, it is not possible to practice.

Suggestion: So loud. Required. A good repair is the first point, because I want good and productive practice. Without repair, you often burn out. Ale chi repair tanks? Ni. Tanks won't help. It used to be that I spent all my holidays, with breaks, like a normal deep sleep, I guess, I watched a couple of films. Having spent the holidays, wandering around on Mondays, I did not see myself updated. Well, no matter what. For myself, I’ve made a visnovok, which is all right in that the brain does not grow during the hour, the wine continues to work hard, reshaping the mittevu information, as it constantly changes.

My robot is sitting, the one, as installed rich ten years ago, best looking Vіdpochinok tse zmіna diyalnostі. Ale shdo tanks, then everything is navpak. Sitting on the robot at the computer, I continue to work on my own at home. It’s natural that I can’t normally vodpochiti. Rather, I’ll go for a walk, walk the dog, do yoga, wrestling, learn to play the guitar. More contented than that, I take away whatever. If you don’t want to go anywhere, then you can, for example, learn how to repair a bicycle. Zavzhdi hotiv, it is important for him to know the service of the service, which will carry out repairs on a high level.

Argument: Tanks are stressful. He came after work, after shooting and taking off stress, go to sleep.

Suggestion: No, we don't think so. It’s enough to marvel at the pose of gravity: it’s already strained. And it’s not uncommon for a grave to start terribly swearing at the VBR, its team, as it is made up of some schoolchildren and noobs, who without a doubt don’t know stress, but just add it. To relieve stress, there are ways to both active and sedentary / home. For example, yoga, martial arts, a hot bath, meditation, a walk.

Argument: I’ll look at the rosette, read the rozvazhalnu book - tse tezh same, sho grati.

Suggestion: On the right, in that gra in tanks is one and the same is repeated. And the book is brand new. If tanks do not bring anything new, then the book will bring something new. New plot, new characters, new character, new undertones.

Then why am I throwing grati into the tanks

Playing in tanks, I see more importantly: those who are in me are those that no one can turn back. Hour. If you can earn a penny, you can make a light, you can get at the entrance, then if I don’t timidly - an hour, you can’t turn around on unimportant and not ugly speeches.

I'm reasonable. The way to inner harmony - the goal ...

at the skin moment, the hour is the best, what can you do!

Ni, don’t work, like a lot of people who thought of you, but just rob the best from what I can. Just put a query: I'm doing the best at once, what can I do, what can I do more? What is more important / better? Asking yourself: at the moment the best thing I can do is to play in World of Tanks? Don’t spend an hour out of the house, don’t add an hour to the girl, mama chi tatov, don’t go to the dacha, just walk around? Chi read a book zreshtoy? Nevzhe tanks є effectively better what can I rob?

As for the question: “So, the tanks are the best that I can rob,” then I don’t mind anything, more than that: I can’t mind anything. Tse your choice. Your responsibility and responsibility for them may also lie with you. And I will rather add an hour to what is important to me. Sim'ї, girls, walks, active type of recovery.

A lot of girls and retinues squabble that their man is sitting at the tanks and doesn’t want to see the vilazit. There are a lot of such people on the forum. If it’s your attitude, then I want to turn your respect - it’s early on for you. And from this I give you all the life of life. Give an hour to the most important thing that you have - sim'ї, and not to a soulless computer.

Other materials on the topic

After writing the article, I surfed the Internet, and stumbled upon a few videos on topics, which I also recommend to look over. At the first video, the author also porahuvav an hour, which we spend on tanks and thinking, where could we spend more often and buy something.

In another video, the author rozpovidaє, scho mi otrimuemo roaring into tanks. It’s not enough to bring the game, but what do we need to replace our time spent on the game.

I want to guess that I do not pretend to be the truth in the rest of the instance. My thoughts can be pardonable and not correct. At this article, I have given my opinion, which I will be as brown as the graves at WOT, so for the girls / squads, as if they want to lead a dear person from virtual reality. Ale, I give you respect, that in life you always have to change from time to time. Health for a penny, an hour for a penny, a penny for good things, an hour that penny for a good figure is thin. In the wake of the tanks, you change your hour for best tank in the hangar. Vіn that varty?

Ammunition rack - a place for placing ammunition or shells at the tank. It is safe not only to secure it on the built-in missions, but also the possibility of a swedish training for the shooter.

In order to make sure that in World of Tanks you have the best and most possible battles, for the first time you should get to know the most weak and conflicting places, which are the greatest number of tanks. Also, the greatest damage to the opponent’s combat vehicles can be done in two ways: by splattering and vibrating.


In this way, the crime of shkodi, otrimanoї in the form of a projectile, the fortune-telling technique will take away the permanent shkoda in the spalah. And you can fire the opponent, so you shoot youmu in the stern - there, de є dvigun and tanks. Tse rule zastosovuєtsya to all machines. So, for example, the Germans are miraculously falling, if you break through their lower armor plate.

Attach ammo rack

Might be one nedolіk - it’s important for someone to kill shkodi for one shot and it’s more impossible to defeat the opponent. That one is not with usima tanks "go through such a number."

Important: As a rule, the ammo pack swells less than a second shot, because it could take critical hits.

Remember - the vibrations of the ammunition are most often seen in light and medium tanks, but sometimes they are also used with important equipment of the 10th level, such as the ІС-7.

In addition, you can fire explosives at vehicles that are weakly armored, for example, the top tank destroyer Waffentrager E-100.


The name of these articles is not meant to be slightly provocative. Wanting, for a lot of obscure things to call impersonal nutrition, thin algorithms in grі, it would be possible to apply it more richly, prote, through a day of direct evidence, to be able to walk right and right, nothing is sternzhuyu sing-song, nourishment is only slightly moving in turn , stating the deacons are not handy, for the lads from Wargaming "a, in fact. So, let's take it seriously, that we won't call anyone here, but by the power of a bet on the article's sides, we'll put a spice here, not the same facts, but speculations , let's suppose and hypothesize: a wild zm_st їх bude polagat that іgrovі protsesi in the popular MMO-grіzovsіm not so obvious and honestly not so.

Ban for food.

Possibly, varto guess, the whole tank action comes from Belarus, de deservedly cool vdacha of the Batka there, in part, passed on to the deakim її bulkers. The fact is overwhelmed by the fact: for the least pressure on the nefarious game, or for the “unhandled” food, given on the official gaming forum, which is the question for yourself style terms to ban, moreover, to shy away, іnodi zovsіm without a line. Ban when tsomu expands not only on the forum, but on the game. Why is there a sense of such a horrific occasion for chanuval tankers? It’s possible that here the ceremonial order is growing: - if you are afraid, then you feel the truth. It’s clear that forum provocateurs and rude people need to punish mercilessly, but if the forum member reveals the topic, it’s easy to put food about the marvelous not penetrating the enemy with a projectile, otherwise, navpaki, about the marvelous penetrating yourself as a kokhan, then you should see such a topic, and the axis of gravity can be vibachiti on first, but more often one senses rosy opinions about the useless baths for similar food. Trochy marvelous, isn't it?

Red general.

Especially I happened to be a bit of a legend as a person, as a chula as another person, as a chula as I know, as I know one of the Wargaming programmers, as I took part in the World of Tanks development, as, nibito, I told about those who are often and densely seen " chervonoi "commands fall on you zovsim not real graves, but help and official gamers. Nibito, a sprinkling of graves there can still be real ones, but you should set the tone for yourself on the choli with the Chervonim General. Behind the words of this word of mouth, the Red General is easy to recognize. Start an important tank, start with camouflage, start shooting with gold, start piercing everything and everything, and yoga, at your back, may not break through. But the worst thing is that such a General brightly shines a little on the map. A partial proof of this is those that it is impossible to drag such a General into the rozmovu for these simple reasons, that this is a robot, kerirovanie system z-pіd linden oblіkovogo record. The presence of the Red General and the sides of the enemy can be brought to the troshki by this rite: take and house with the whole team and rule “rush” along the flank of the map. If boots will fight for the red ones, then on that “unsupported” flank they will take you and shoot you, practically with the whole team. Zstrіnut and roznesut at triska.

The classic variant of the participation of the Red General is angry with a rahunka at about 2:11 in the first 2-3 battles. In case of such battles, they can be repeated 5-10 times before. Gravtsev, having drank at a similar strum, nothing is left behind, as if they simply turn on the game and change the game server, spodіvayuchis on the best to the new one. Well, all other claims are not only paranoid, but a whole series of condemning tankers, so often, especially with the release of the remaining patches, they began to traipse in the edge of marvelous impenetrability, ricochets and pіdozrilіlіn "vanshotі vіd svіd" call. Ale about tse trohi pіznіshe.

World of Tanks: scandals, intrigues, investigations.

To keep up with the trend, as the retailers are pushing through with the release of a new skin patch in World of Tanks, the increase in volatility in looking at the marvelous trajectories of the shells, nibito for the benefit of physics, as well as the steps of changing the intensity. Working on new models of technology and new maps, the retailers themselves have increased the number of fires for an hour of targeted fire. And the effectiveness of the self-propelled guns was shot up to the point of impossibility. Now you can’t get a good guide with a pumped navigator, you can’t normally spend on a guide tank. More precisely, you can drink, but the situation after having consumed / not having consumed is put on the shoulders of the hooked game mechanism of “vipadkovy numbers”. Internal tank mechanics, like, like bi ni, take the right to determine the accuracy of the projectile. The situation is very sad, I think that UEFA doesn’t want to introduce a video repeat, after, no matter what, gazing at the scoreboard of the wrong decision of the court, they are furious, but really, the hulks from UEFA, that and FIFA, just don’t want to waste another important thing the management of the thunder is like a cherry of the court of justice. So it is here: if there were no fires on the kshtalt: - “but what, I’m flying for sure, but the projectile was fired from far away?”. To that, the sights were expanded for the gravel. As before, the technique of the enemy was more likely to fit into the sight, but now, not on a grand scale, 3-4 such tanks can be placed in the “point” of the sight. There is one more reason for you to get involved.

Marvelous impenetrability and light.

For the beginning of the light. Navіt yakscho vydkinut napіvmіfіchny Chervoniy General, the problem with unintelligent glare continues to be spat for more than one month. The most typical situation looks something like this: stand, for example, "Shtug" with new optics, a crew, enlightened skinny. Mustache perished, only one. Here, as if behind the team (none of the dead did not tell), one of the tanks is built at the bik "Shtuga". And the “Shtug” itself, it is necessary to say, stand at the pit, so as not to shoot through. Artie is dumb. In a flash, the tank lights up the T-34-85, if the “Shtug” itself doesn’t run it, if it’s guilty, and a deadly blank of the KV-2 with a 152-mm harmonica arrives at once (for which accuracy it doesn’t matter), which stands through pivkartki . Alete is not enough: the projectile wasted on the "Shtug" with an overhang, for another explanation, the YaK projectile could be consumed by the tank in a moment, which would stand in the days of deep pits - no. Ask food on the game forum - do evil. I have a lot of such applications. A whole book can be written.

Now to break through. Zrazok: stand Beth Chat at the bushes, here sideways you can see ІС-8. Chat treasure from the reel 6 shots to the side. 5 of them are broken. Recharge. Check. Vizhdzhaє taka ІС-8 itself (that cardboard box, you need to say). Chat starts beats the same way at Bik. The result has 0 penetrations out of 6. Chat is angry. There is only one Visnovok: the limit of penetration, visions of the system, “drawings”. Obviously, the team vlіtaє 3:15.

And in order to guess the mass of unreasonable incidents that are faced with beaten tanks, as in the watchful regime, they really told their allies that they were deprived. It’s possible to guess a lot, but it’s a big mistake for someone who proves that the World of Tanks retailers are unclean at hand - no, and it’s unlikely that they will be, even if it’s due to the fact that the script didn’t tell the story on kshtalt “I got called from MTS, that’s why I we will tell you at once ... ". In the meantime, only hypotheses and checks are left, if WoT fans are gathering and explaining to you that you are a deer.

If you don’t know what the essence is, then know: the essence is pennies.

Provіvshi simple vysnovki on kshtalt zhurnalіstіv s RenTV, we can firmly say that all of the above descriptions can follow one single method - to download more pennies from gravel. With the outcomes of the remaining patches, which they clearly demonstrated that the axis of the style was earned at once, and the axis of the style was instantly earned, like a grave at the "prize", a lot of awkward speeches began to happen. A lot of gravity began to sag, as before, according to statistics on a particular tank, for example, it fell close to 53% of the wins, then for the rest of the month, the wins were saved up to 42% on the same tank. There were frequent wild falls of 10-13 stingy zlivivs after a short time.

All these problems with application, problems with penetrations and so on can be directly related to it, so that you can save money and pay real pennies for a premium tank, or often buy a premium account. And if you play shy in order to make money on them, then the retailers can’t even “promote” the merchant’s ability. It's no secret that in the process of winning the "premium" the amount of gold is radically changing, the statistics are getting better, and the gravel is often found in the top. And without a premium, grave, they throw on the air to the "premium" tankers, like they threw a boar earlier and shot a pan. Ale at the wild boar did not have a vibor, but the axis at the engraving є.

From i think now. From one side, nachebto є vіra is clean, always good. Її pіdkrіplyuє vіdsutnіst material evidence. Winning retailers is not so easy. And from the other side, rozuminnya of the fact that everything in the world can fight through pennies. So why not add a couple of options, so that a little bit of embittered and unsatisfied gravitation, more money to start pouring into the project with a method of improving comfort. If you want a premium, obviously, it’s not a complete panacea for playing a game, if T 34-85 can’t break through the top garmata into a T-50 bik, if you have optics, then a pumped “little light” is not a lucky light, but you yourself are driven in according to the new, without any tracers. Moreover, the characteristic black of a particularly inveterate swaville is those who show such symptoms even if the team is clearly going to drain. The system cannot see that the team has been repairing the operation for a long time. The servers are re-deployed, you are guilty of dying more and giving up money to others, and not chіplyatis for life from the rest of your strength. At the same time, if you have similar symptoms to impenetrable ones, with a wondrous light, then you will immediately be notified of what makes you angry. As a rule, this thought appears to be 100% correct.

Chi is not evil pislyamova.

Zagal comrade, tsia statya do not pretend to be the truth of the rest of the instance. More than that, the author has never been able to denigrate someone there or comment. It can be said that in this article, some of the best examples of ambiguity in the interpretation of game processes in World of Tanks, game physics and other similar speeches are selected.

Play and play, and if you start to play it in rapt, then add a few pennies to your account and work for a while, so life will become more beautiful, life will become more fun. By cabins!