Great rivers and lakes of the country of Iran. Geography of Iran. Province of Iran. Iranian look. Supreme legislature

Corresponding data for tourists about Iran, places and resorts of the country. And also information about the population, the currency of Iran, the cuisine, the specifics of visas and foreign exchanges for Iran.

Geography of Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a power on the shore of Asia. At the brewery entrance between Azerbaijan, with Virmenia and Turkey, at the entrance - with Iraq, at the brewery - with Turkmenistan, at the exit - with Afghanistan and Pakistan. From midnight Iran is washed by the Caspian Sea, from midnight - by the Persian flood.

Most of the territory of the country is occupied by the great internal Iranian mountains with an average height of 1200 m. At the entrance, the Zagros Mountains rise, the Skhodі - strongly dissected Shidno-Iranian Mountains, the pivnich vіd - the narrow arcs of Elburz, Pivdnі - Makran. Uzdovzh along the coast of the Caspian Sea, the Persian and Oman inlets, the narrow swirls of the coastal lowlands soared.


Sovereign ustriy

Iran is an Islamic republic. The head of the state is the greatest kerivnik. Vіn appoints the national policy of the country and є the supreme commander in chief evil forces Iran. Another important landowner in Iran is the president. The President is the guarantor of the constitution and the head of the Vikonavchi rule. The legislature is represented by a unicameral parliament - the Mejlis.


Sovereign language: Farsi (Persian)

Crimean Farsi, so are Turkic pastors, Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic and other. french movie vikoristovuyutsya at business kolakh.


89% of the population follow Islam of the Shia religion (Shiism is the sovereign religion of the country), Suniti Muslims make up 10% savage number believers (also followers of other Islamic interpretations), some of the population practice Zoroastrianism (0.1%), Judaism (0.3%) and Christianity (0.7%).


International name: IRR

10 rіalіv vіdpovіdat one fog. In general, there are banknotes with a denomination of 10 thousand, 5 thousand, 2 thousand, thousand, 500, 200 and 100 rial, as well as coins with 250, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 rial. The presence of fogs is very confusing for tourists, so it may be sensible to clarify what is to be found about realities or fogs.

In tourist areas, it is formally illegal to accept US dollars, pounds sterling and euros before payment, in other areas of the country.

The currency can be remembered at the airport of Tehran, in hotels or banks, in exchange offices on the streets of the markets, and even at the official exchange rate. You can make a change in the number of private changes to the market, so you can call for a better exchange rate, but if it is officially considered illegal.

Credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted until payment at the great banks and hotels of the capital.

Popular reminders

Iran Tourism

Popular hotels

Iranian cuisine

The main ingredients of Iranian cuisine are fresh vegetables, rice, fruits and greens. From meat, lamb and yalovichina are the most victorious. Most often, the meat is ground, or it is finely chopped. Sometimes the meat vicorist is less than the scent of grass. To drink the most popular tea. Also, fruit juices, kefir and milkshakes are often vicarious. Kefir is also victorious as the basis for some national streaks.


Teas are not obov'yazkovі, but if you have a good service, you can deprive the staff of up to 5% like a low salary (salaries in the country are not high, so small teas will be rewarded with good).


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Banks are open from 08.00 to 15.00-16.00 from Saturday to mid-day, bank branches are open from 08.00 to 20.00. Weekend days - Thursday and Friday, although the big banks work at Thursdays from 8.00 to 13.00.

Natural resources of Iran

The territory of Iran has been planted on the stick of Pivdenno-Zakhidnoy Asia with the Near and Middle Descent.

Mayzhe the whole territory of the country is located on the Iranian plateau, the greater part of which is covered by mountains.

From a pivnіchny entry to a pivdenniy exit for 1500 km. the main mountain system of the country - Zagros - was simple. A lot of yoga peaks rise above the sea level at 3000 m.

On the verge of the Iranian shore of the Caspian Sea, to pass the second mountainous lance - Elbrus, in the boundaries of which the nave is stashed, the edge point - Demavend, the whole volcano, zavvishki 5610 m-code.

Mizh Zagros and Elbrus are known as the Central Plateau, the average height of which is 900 m. From the same place, cover the plateau with great saline deserts - Deshte-Kevir and Deshte-Lut.

At the borders, there are oazis, and the territory is deserted.

And in Iran and the great lowlands - near the western-western part of the region - the Khuzestan plain, and on the pivnoch - the Caspian coastal lowland.

The Khuzestan plain went into Iran and continued to the Mesopotamian lowlands. The height of the level above the level of the sea is more than 3-5 m.

The Caspian lowland stretches along the coast for 640 km. with a width of 40 km. On the shores of Persk and Oman, there is no river flow.

The climate of Iran is arid, on the Caspian coast it is subtropical.

Winter temperatures at night fall to 0 degrees, and in summer they reach up to +30 degrees.

At the middle stretch of the rock, the fall at the edges is 1700 mm, and at the exit - 680 mm.

For the Zagros Mountains, heavy snowfalls and strong winds are characteristic, and the winter temperature is usually lower than 0 degrees.

Saving the inflow of roztashovane in the zone of wet and smoky tropical climate. The summer temperature here rises to +24, +30 degrees, and the charge becomes +16, +18 degrees.

Of the great rivers that flow through the territory of the country, there is only one - the river Karun, the length of which is 950 km. Three other rivers can be named:

  • carhe,
  • Zayandi.

The main part of the river takes its ear in Elbrus and flows into the Caspian Sea. For a long time, the rivers of Iran dry up and new waters are less likely to fall in the snow near the mountains.

The lake of the country, Urmia, never dries up, but the salty lake of Urmia, roztashovane in Iranian Azerbaijan. The lake does not have any baggies through the high salinity.

Dry salty lakes are at the shidniy part in Sistan and Baluchistan, not far from the cordon with Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Fresh lakes are in Elbrus, on the pivnich in the capital - Tehran.

Forest massifs, with an area of ​​12 million hectares, are nestled in the mountains on the slopes, reaching up to the Caspian Sea.

At the lower mountain belt up to the sign of 900 m grow oak, zalizne tree, boxwood, hairy mountain, pomegranate, natural chestnut, almond, medlar, pistachio, persimmon.

Up to a height of 2000 m, chestnut-leaved oak, hornbeam, clan, elm, carcass, yew, lіshchina are transported.

More over 2400 m zavlyayutsya Chagarniki.

The leafiness of the country becomes 7.3%, and the exploitation of the forest is all leaves.

Note 1

Among the creatures are wide hoards - goitered gazelle, ibex, Iranian fallow deer, urial ram, bearded goat, mouflon, kulan, wild boar, zvichayna gezel.

Bury and white-breasted vedmedi grow near the mountains. A leopard, an ocheretyan gut, a manul, a jackal, a wolf, a swarthy hyena, a karakul, you can hunt a cheetah live from hizhakіv.

Numerical rodents and birds.

Naphtha and gas to Iran

According to expert estimates of oil reserves, Iran is ranked for 4 months in the world and is the largest mineral producer.

The main oil reserves in the borders of the Persk oil and gas bearing basin amount to 10% of light reserves or 132.5 billion barrels.

Behind the tribute is a vidobutok of naphtha in 2005. becoming close to 3.979 million barrels. Of these, 1.51 million barrels were dumped in the country, the oil was exported.

There are 1.1-1.5% of such houses, like a sirka in Iranian oil.

To the head Iranian genera of oil can be seen:

  • Agadjari, with reserves of 1.9 billion tons;
  • Bibe-Khekime, close to 1.1 billion tons;
  • Azedagan, the birthplace was discovered in 1999. and there are 4 major oil fields - Saruk, Gadvan, Fakhliyan, Kadzhdom. The stocks of this genus become 5.7 billion tons;
  • Anaran, according to 2005, with reserves of 1.1 billion barrels. Until 2011, the Lukoil company was engaged in the development of yoga;
  • Ahvaz, reserve some 4.1 billion tons;
  • Pivdenniy Pars, from supergiant volumes, reserves of which are estimated at 2.7 billion tons. Opened in 1990 The birthplace was divided into 28 companies, and licenses for the production of oil in the new one belong to the oil companies of France, Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Pivdenniy Korea.

Okrim tsikh at krainі є still close to a dozen major oil genera.

For bringing natural gas reserves, they are estimated at 22.4 trillion. cube m, to become 15% of light reserves, Iran sits in another place near the world.

The main reserves fall on free gas, and associated to become 3.4 trillion. cube m.

Vidobutok gas in 2014 clave 165 billion cubic meters m that was mainly sold for the needs of the domestic market.

Great gas condensate birthplace roztashovane in the waters of the Perska zatok - Pivdenny Pars. The reserves are estimated at 7.9 trillion. cube m. of gas and 2 billion tons of condensate.

Pivnichniy Pars is a marine birthplace with gas reserves of 1.36 trillion. cube m.

The revealed resources of the land genus Kengan may have reserves of 3 trillion. cube m of gas, and the genera Nar, Agkhar, Dalan - 368 billion cubic meters. m.

A great birthplace of gas was revealed 2000 rubles on the pіvdni kraїni not far from the coast of the Perska zatok - Tabnak. The reserves of Iranian experts were estimated at 395-445 billion cubic meters. m. of gas and 30 million tons of condensate.

Note 2

The production of oil and gas in Iran is hampered by the imposition of American and European sanctions on the country. In 2013, the decrease in the volume of carbohydrate-containing species buttocks decreased by 11 million tons in 2013. The largest investment projects for the oil and gas industry on the territory of Iran were launched.

Sanctions were called up to:

  • rіzke fast vidobutka;
  • access to modern technologies;
  • connection to the SWIFT system;
  • the presence of foreign investments.

Others see brown copalins Iran

Let's cover oil and gas in nadras to Iran and other korisn kopalin.

In addition, kam'yane vugillya, predicted reserves of which to become 40 billion tons. The stench of the heart of Tebesky and Elbursky vugіlnyh pools. Rodovishcha cover 92 hollow layers, 18 of them can work tightness of 3.8-10.9 m.

The stocks of the saline will be close to 10 billion tons from the total saliva of 36-60%. The great ore mines are located in the region of Bafk and Sirdzhan. Є ore in the area of ​​Yerak and Bandar Abbas.

Reserves of chrome ores are estimated at 30 million tons and the most important area of ​​their concentration is Minab and Sebzevar. Sebzevari has potential reserves of 1.2 million tons, and prospective reserves of 10 million tons.

In the period from 1998-2002, 14 new genera of midi and chromium were found at the convergence of the edge. The largest birthplace of chromium is found in the outskirts of Iranshahr.

Reserves of gold ores to become 3 million tons and zoseredzheno Muti - Senendedzh district. New deposits of gold were revealed on the first day of entering Zanjan.

Pererakhunka has metal reserves of 800 million tons of midi. The largest cultivator of the mid-porphyry ancestral home of Sercheshme is the Kerman region.

Polymetal ores are represented by lead-zinc in the areas of Zanjan, Kazvin, Isfahan, Yenarek, Yazd, Bafk, Uzbekkuh.

Rodovishche Yenguran with the largest reserves of 9 million tons.

From the other brown copalins, here I see the finest black turquoise in the world. In Iran, stone, barite, gypsum, sirka, marmur, volcanic tuff, fire clay, vapnyak, dolomite, fluorite, quartzite.

On the territory of Iran, which some people also call Persia, since one of the oldest civilizations in the world has long been established. This country has marvelous nature, mountainous mountains, ancient places, balneological, mountainous and beach resorts. The Iranian people are the guests of the hotel and always welcome tourists, as they respect their religion.

Geography of Iran

ІRAN of roztashovaniya on the territory of Pvdenno-Zakhidnoy Asia. At the pivnich and pivnіchny descent of Iran between Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Virmeniy, at the entrance - from Iraq, at the pivnichny entrance - from Turkey, and at the descent - from Pakistan and Afghanistan. On the shores of Iran, the waters of the Caspian Sea wash, and on the shores of the peninsula, there is the Arabian Sea (Perska and Omansk inlets), as a part of the Indian Ocean. Zagalna area tsієї kraїni - 1648000 sq. km, including the islands, and the main area of ​​the sovereign cordon is 5,619 km.

At the entrance of Iran, the Elburs mountain system, as well as the Caucasus Mountains, were planted. Vzagali, most of the territory of Iran is occupied by mountains. The best peak of the region is the peak of Demavend, whose height is 5604 meters. However, at the descent of Iran there are empty places (for example, Deshte-Kevir), and at the pivnich there are great plains.


The capital of Iran is Tehran, where over 8.8 million people live at a time. Archaeologists say that the settlement of people in the city of modern Tehran began already 7 thousand years ago.

Official language

The official language in Iran is Persian, which can be attributed to the Iranian group of the Indo-European Modern Sim.


Close to 98% of the population of Iran are Muslims (89% are Shiiti Muslims and 9% are Suniti Muslims).

Sovereign power to Iran

Founded by the dignified Constitution of 2004, Iran is a tse Islamic republic. Її the head is the President, who is obiraetsya by the way of the infamous vote for 4 years. The President, by his decree, appoints members for the sake of ministers and controls their activities.

Prote, in Iran right vlad to belong not to the President, but to the “Supreme Leader”, who is being collected by the Rada of Experts, which is made up of 86 rules (they are choosing the people).

A special role in Iran lies with the Radiation of Wart Constitutions (12 editions). Members of the tsієї For the sake of guilt, change the laws, which are accepted in Iran, uphold the Constitution.

The right of legislators to initiate in Iran may have a unicameral parliament - the Mejlis. The votes are made up of 190 deputies, which are collected by direct voting for 4 years.

Climate and weather

The climate in Iran may have a mild character. There is a subtropical climate on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Winter is cold at the pivnichny entry (there often falls a lot of snow), spring and autumn are warm, and summer is dry and smoky. Well, before the day of the country, then there the winter is warm, and the summer is smoky. In Lipny Pivdnі Iran, the average temperature is +38С. Zagalom in general in Iran, the average temperature again is +16.7C. The average width of the falls is 213 mm.

Average temperature in Iran today:

Sichen - +3.5C
- lute - +6C
- birch - +11C
- night - +16C
- grass - +28C
- worm - +27C
- lime - +30C
- serpen - +28.5С
- Veresen - +25С
- Zhovten - +18C
- leaf fall - +10C
- Breast - +5.5С

Sea in Iran

At night, Iran is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The Arabian Sea (Perska and Omansk inlets) is located on the mainland, as part of the Indian Ocean. The length of the coastline of the Caspian Sea in Iran will be 740 kilometers, and the coastline of the Persian and Oman inlets will stretch for 2,440 kilometers.

To the warehouse of Iran enter a small island. The most famous of them, perhaps, is the island of Kish in Ormuzkiy Protoci, which is at the same time a popular place for a beach getaway.

Rivers and lakes

In Iran, there is not a lot of rivers, which signify geographic expansion. Moreover, only one of them is navigable - Karun, which flows through the prairie entrance.

On the pivnіchny entry of Iran, there is also the most famous Iranian lake - Urmiya, salty water chemical warehouse similar to water Dead Sea. Zavdyaky its waters, Lake Urmiya is in Iran a popular balneological resort.

History of Iran

Based on archeological knowledge, people on the pivden birch of the Caspian Sea (tobto on the territory of present-day Iran) lived already in 10,000 BC. Vcheni vvazhayut, scho tsey region zumіv vanished all the "belongings" of the Liodovik period.

Previously, Iran was called Persia, vtim, at the same time, the name also gets used.

The first riddle about the Iranians lies up to 844 r. BC (In Assyrian texts). In the 6th century, Cyrus the Great fell asleep in the Persian Empire, yak bula was destroyed in 330 BC. Oleksander the Great.

At the approaching capital, Persia was slaughtered by the Parthians, Arabs, Mongols and Seljuk Turks. In the middle of the 7th century, after the Arabs conquered Persia, Islam began to expand in the middle of the Iranians, building on the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism.

Since 1502, representatives of the Safavi dynasty became Shahs of Iran. In the qiu epoch, the Iranian Shah Ismail I robbed the sovereign religion of Shitske directing in Islam.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, Iran occupied the sphere of interests of Great Britain and Russia. On the cob of the 1900s, through naphtha, the super nation between Great Britain and Russia gained strength, as they claimed to be injected into Iran.

In 1921, an army officer, Reza Khan, established a military dictatorship in Iran, and in 1925, he brought the title of “Shah” to himself.

In 1979, a revolution became fate in Iran, after which it was like a shah, and Iran became an Islamic republic. The founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran is Ayatollah Khomeini.


Iran is a more conservative Muslim country. Possibly, for that very reason, the Iranians have saved a lot of their own sounds and traditions. Most of the Iranian zvichaїv and sacred to wear a religious character.

Near the Iranian birch, Novruz is celebrated, which is attributed to the cob of New Rock (the Iranians make their own calendar). Before the days of the New Rock, the Iranians are obov'azkovo vyashtovuyut in their booth general cleaning, and also bathe themselves, their relatives and friends with malt and dried fruits.

Iranian cuisine

Iranian cuisine is very diverse. The skin province of Iran has its own culinary traditions and even savory flavors. The main food products are rice, meat (zokrema and chicken meat), fish, vegetables, peas, spices. However, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, and Russian culinary traditions have been added to the Iranian cuisine.

Ash-e Jow - a thick soup made from kvass, barley, cinnamon and vegetables;
- Fesenjan - cock with pomegranates in pea sauce;
- Kalam polo - pilaf with the aroma of cinnamon and saffron;
- Khoresht ghaimeh - stewed meat with peas;
- Khoresht-e Aloo - lamb stew with prunes;
- Kookoo - omelette with spices;
- Kufteh - spicy cutlets;
- Reshteh Polo - "green" pilaf (green wines through herbs, which are added to the new one).

Alcoholic drink in Iran fenced (replace alcohol in Iran to smoke a hookah). And the axis to the traditional Iranian non-alcoholic drinks you can see yogurt, kava and tea.

Significant city of Iran

To get to know the ancient reminders of Iran, it is necessary to see the sprat of time in the country. Perhaps, for the quantity (and its beauty) of memorials, Iran only comes to such countries as Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. Up to a dozen of the best Iranian memos, in our opinion, can be seen like this:

  1. Tomb of the Persian king Cyrus II near Pasargadagh
  2. Sad Abad Museum near Tehran
  3. Golestan Palace near Tehran
  4. Friday Mosque in Isfaqani
  5. Fortress Meybod
  6. Mosque of Imam in Isfaqan
  7. Tomb of poet Hafez near Shiraz
  8. The ancient ziggurat of Choga-Zembil
  9. Zoroastrian sanctuary in Yezdi
  10. The ruins of the forts of the Assassins of Alamut

Place and resort

The largest Iranian places are Karej, Tabriz, Mashhad, Shiraz, Isfahan, Ahvaz, and, most importantly, Tehran.

It turns out that Iran has a lot of beach resorts, because the country may go to the Caspian and Arabian seas, however, so far it is not so. At the same time, the political situation is often mixed up, in which Iran is changing.

Tim is no less, the rest of the rocks in Iran still begin to develop beach resorts. So, on the islands of Kish (Shahid-Zaker, Laft, Bakhman), located 17 km from the coast of Iran in Ormuz protots, in the rest of the rocks there were a lot of high-class hotels, as well as creations of miracle minds for diving. You can bathe and smooch on the island of Kish and pay. Until the speech, Kish islands, people are barred from wearing cots, because. the stench is part of the zahidnoy way of life.

In Iran, there are a lot of mineral dzherels (most of them in the savage area). The most popular Iranian balneological resort is Temriz. On the outskirts of Termiz there is Lake Urmiya, the water of which is close behind its storehouse of water from the Dead Sea.

We have already said that in Iran there is a lot of gir (especially at the outskirts of the country). It is not surprising that in Iran a small number of mountain resorts - Dizin, Toshal and Ab Ali - are practiced at the same time. The skiing season is from leaf fall to spring. Until the speech, the mountain resort of Ab Ali Buv was founded in 1953.

Obviously, the infrastructure of the Iranian mountain resorts is not too bad. Prote on tsikh resorts є mineral dzherela, yakі trohi compensate for the lack of infrastructure.


Tourists from Iran bring kilims, bags, hustkas, carpets, towels, dishes, ceramics, cats, jewelry, various malts, hookahs as souvenirs.

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Islamic Republic of Iran

Iran- Power on the p_denny entry of Asia. Mezhuє with Vіrmenієyu, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan at the pіvnіchі, with Afghanistan and Pakistan - at the exit and Iraq and Turkey - at the entrance. On the pivnochi it is washed by the Caspian Sea, and on the pivdni - by the Oman inflow, the Hormuz channel and the Persian inlet.

The name of the country resembled the ethnonym of the Arii tribe - “gentry”.




66 129 tis. chol.

Administrative subfile

24 surpluses (provinces).

Form of government

Theocratic parliamentary republic.

Head of state

President (secular head of state), which is used by the term for 4 years. Kerivnik of the country (spiritual head of the state) - ayatola.

Supreme legislature

The unicameral parliament is the Gathering of the Islamic people (mejlis), the term for the renewal of such is 4 years.

The Great Viconic Organ


Great places

Mashhad, Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz.

Derzhavna mova

Farsi (Persian).


94% of the population follow Shia Islam directly.

Ethnic warehouse

51% - Persians, 24% - Azerbaijanis, 8% - Gelaks and Mazendarans, 7% - Kurds, 3% - Arabis, 2% - Luri, 2% - Balokhs, 2% - Turkmens.


Iranian rial = 100 dinars.


Iran, according to climatic minds, can be divided into three zones: the protection of the Persian and Oman inlets, the calm, arid climate of the central mountain and the cold climate near the Elbrus region. The average temperature of the day is +2°C in the rain to +19°C in the rain, the linden is +25°C and +32°C. Falls fall less than 500 mm on rivers, less than Elbrus's pivnichnyh slopes - 2000 mm.


In the mountains of Zagros, forest trees grow, where oak, mountain, elm, pistachio tree grow. On the slopes of the Elbrus Mountains and in the Caspian Valley, there is a large number of ash, elm, elm, oak, birch. Cacti and thorns grow in desert areas.


The world of creatures to Iran is rich in diversity. A rabbit, a fox, a wolf, a hyena, a jackal, a leopard, a deer, a porcupine, an ibex (a wild goat), a witch, a tiger, a borsuk linger here. There are a large number of pheasants and chickens, and on the coast of the Persk inflow - flamingos and pelicans. By the Caspian Sea there are biluga, sedentary and sturgeon.

Rivers and lakes

The rivers are very low water. The main ship-floating river of the region is Karun. The largest lake is Urmiya (Rezai).

Significant reminders

Bastan Museum, Imam Mosque, Aka shrine, shrine of Ayatollah Khomeini, Shakhiyad Tower, Ethnographic Museum near Tehran. Tombs of the Persian poets Hafiz and Saadi, Kom and Museum of Pars near Shiraz. The tomb of Esther and the tomb of Avezenni near Hamadan. Tomb of Omar Khayyam in Nishahir and many others.

Basic information for tourists

Due to the unstable situation foreign tourists the state has practically nothing.