Hot winter non-alcoholic drinks. Korisnі winter napoї, scho zіgrіvayut - savory recipes. Sparkling winter weather: video

Winter is coming, and the language is not about the "Gre of Thrones". Frost and cold will suddenly wake up, and at once from them - colds, drowsiness, malaise, apathy and avitaminosis. Sob not to keep your respect in the state of health, but to celebrate the positive moments of the cold season, learn to prepare special drinks.

And to myself non-alcoholic beverages, recipesі cooking methods go to the kit. Adzhe is so welcome after a whole day in the cold to spend an evening with a party company over a cup of warm and calm chogos! Non-alcoholic and medicinal, with herbs and spices - ideas can be found to be similar. How about?

Non-alcoholic heating drinks: recipes, cooking methods

mexican cava

Let's start with badioro cavi for lovers of fragrant exotics. Whoa drink for you! Drink yoga vrantsі, and then the speck of the American sun will forever settle in your heart.


  • Nine spoonfuls of kavoi grains finely grind
  • Liter of water
  • 150 g brown outline
  • Teaspoon of molasses
  • cinnamon stick
  • Five stars of star anise
  • Saucepan or ladle with a deep bottom


  • Drink water with zucr and molasses in a saucepan, add cinnamon and star anise.
  • Cook until boiling.
  • Have okrip pour some kava.
  • Cover with a krishkoy, let it brew with a stretch of 5-6 whilins.
  • Strain before serving.

Masala tea

Virushaєmo to India, schob skustuvati mіstsevі napoї! Masala tea is a visiting card of the country. Tse zhvaviy i spicy drink with spices obov'yazkovo lightly raise the temperature and mood.


  • Two bottles of water
  • Pivlitra of milk
  • Two teaspoons of black tea
  • 3-4 centimeters of peeled ginger root
  • A selection of spices: cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, fennel
  • Three pieces of stock pepper
  • Tsukrovy pіsok for gusto
  • Saucepan or stewpan


  • Drink water with milk, bring to a boil.
  • Put the pisochok and ginger root, boil 3-5 quills.
  • Sip into the masala to eat spices, cook the whilina.
  • Zasipati black tea and cook 5-7 whilin.

Hibiscus with ginger

Hibiscus enjoys a unique drink that cools the inlet and warms up in the cold season of rock. All fall in vіd pobazhan. Instructions and preparation do not blame one point: just add ice! Remember the main thing, that a cold hibiscus lowers the pressure, and a hot one raises it.


  • Liter of water
  • 4.5 art. hibiscus (Sudanese troyanda, hibiscus)
  • 2-3 pcs. carnations
  • Caramel chi honey
  • Pieces of lime, apple chi orange
  • Muscat mountain, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger for bajan


  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  • Add all the elements of the cream of fruits, cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • Serve with pieces of fruit.

Sea buckthorn tea

Sea buckthorn is a unique medicinal rose. It miraculously glows, enriches the body with vitamins. This savory tea is recommended to try if you want to.


  • Zhmenya yagid sea buckthorn
  • Art. teaspoon of black leaf tea
  • Honey, mint, vanilla for prismak


  • I will freeze sea buckthorn beforehand and need to be defrosted.
  • Pour the sea buckthorn berries, black tea with dill.
  • Put vanilla spices and honey.
  • Cover the teapot with a towel for 17-20 khvilin.
  • Pour it into cups and live at the piddly sight.

Currant zbiten

Non-alcoholic heating drinks, recipesі cooking methods rіznomanіtnі. For example, the traditional word "yansky zbiten", like our ancestors were grilled in the cold.


  • Tablespoon leafing currants and raspberries
  • Pivlitra okropu
  • 1-2 table spoons of honey


  • Choose and trim the leaves of raspberries and currants, fill with dill, cover with a lid and pour no less than five years.
  • Sumish proceed, bring honey.
  • Let's warm up the drink.

ginger tea

A similar warehouse will help you to grow up and show the first signs of a cold and GRVI, charging you with energy and a decent dose of vitamins.


  • 0.5-1 l. drive
  • Teaspoon of finely chopped ginger
  • Far false green tea
  • Pair of lemon and lime mugs
  • Bjolin honey chi refined
  • Clove, cinnamon


  • Put all the elements in the saucepan and cook 12-15 quills.
  • Garnish with citrus fruits when serving.

Classic mulled wine

The article is dedicated to non-alcoholic options, but mulled wine is a classic, the brand of the world! Like winter without pied wine. Whose drink is vowed by an invisible attribute, like new table, so it's a romantic evening. Ale for right help is an alternative without alcohol.


  • Liter of red dry wine
  • A quarter of a vial of water
  • Їfar spoon of tsukru
  • 7 leaves of cloves
  • Musket for smell.
  • Turk
  • Saucepan with a thick base


  • Zmishati in Turkey nutmeg mountain from cloves. Pour in water and carefully bring it to a boil, after which you should take a little water on the fire. Forget about the new 8 whilin.
  • Pour wine at the pan, rosіgriti.
  • Add some wine from the spices, then we'll sip the zukor.
  • Varity, mixing and trying on the middle fire 11-15 quills. At the same time, do not bring it to a boil!
  • Take it out of the fire, strain, pour it into tall mugs, decorate with orange and cinnamon circles.

egg punch

This punch is prepared on the basis of rum or cognac, that wine, arbitrarily, is already warm, and it’s great to drink it. So be ready to zamorochlivih vіdchuttіv.


  • 200 g refined sugar
  • Crust of half a citrus
  • 3 eggs
  • Pivlitra vodi
  • Tablespoon of wine
  • A quarter (0.25) liter of cognac


  • Brew 5-8 strands of water with zukr, put a lemon curd.
  • Syrup, scho wiyshov, cool it down and strain it.
  • Crack the eggs.
  • Put the beaten eggs into the syrup, lightly pidgrit and beat the masa until it turns into a kick.
  • Pour cognac into the pin and beat it again.

Smoothies from pear

Pear smoothie reception, practical and light. Vtamovuє feel like hunger, saturate the body with brown microelements. A wonderful substitute for a party for women who want to keep watch and go on a diet. Entering the warehouse of spices will help to fight off the gain in kg., activating metabolism. Vivsyanka is valued for additional help in improving the color of the face and normalization of etching.


  • great pear
  • 25-30 r. plastics in all
  • 230 ml. milk
  • 130ml yogurt
  • 0.5 tsp ginger in ground state
  • Art. honey spoon
  • Hammered cinnamon for relish


  • Milk is consumed in a small pan on a stove or in a micro-furnace.
  • Remind the vivsyanka with milk, cover with a lid for 15 minutes | minutes |.
  • Beat a pear in a blender, add ginger root, yogurt, chickweed with milk, honey.
  • Pour the smoothie into prepared containers and sip a pinch of cinnamon to set the mood.

apple cider


  • Liter of apple juice
  • Grapefruit, lemon, pear
  • Cinnamon sticks (per serving)
  • ginger, clove


  • Bring juice from apples to a boil.
  • Fill the boiled cider with a bunch of fruits and spices.
  • Varity 9-10 quills, after the date brew 35-40 quills.
  • Pour into cups, adding spices with a stick.

Cocktails, which remind of warmth, are in all cultures and in all peoples. Enjoy the warmth of hot dishes and warm feasts!

We know what to drink can be not less tsikavimi, lower їzha, and strongly check, if you can lie down in a lizhko with a laptop, brewing kava with vanilla sylla, sea buckthorn or masala-chai in front of the cim. On the verge, as if you can fill it less tea bag sprinkle, we saw ten report recipes at the barista and bartenders.

Text: Sashko Zhilenko

Hot orange drink

Head barista "Double B Coffee & Tea"
Bogdan Prokopchuk

1 great orange
4 teaspoons cane zucru
1/8 teaspoon angosturi
400 ml hot water
3-4 buds of cloves

Peel the orange from the zest, cut the pulp into small pieces in the teapot.

Vsipati there reed tsukor.

Give the angostura, rose it to the masu with a fork, or with a spoon.

Add cloves, pour 150 ml of water.

Let the whilina brew, then add another 250 ml.

Pour in a cup, grate cinnamon on the dry tertz. You can decorate with zest.

Cava with vanilla sill

chef barista and spivvlasnik kav'yarni "Good Enough"
Anastasia Godunova

60 ml espresso
10 g buckwheat honey
0.02 g vanilla sea ​​salt
180 ml milk

Prepare two portions of espresso by the great cup.

Add some Greek honey and strength, mix it up. It is necessary to grow vanilla strength by yourself - pour seaweed for at least five days on vanilla pods.

In an okremіy єmnostі pіdіgіt milk.

Pour milk into a cup with kava with a glass.

Kindly beat the drink for help, until the light stump is settled. Viide duzhe vershkova kava with an intense honey-buckwheat aroma and a hint of vanilla salt.

Cocoa with rum and chili

head bartender of the Poykhali restaurant
Maksim Ivashchenko

Belgian chocolate bar
pivsklyanki 10% tops
2 table spoons of brandy rum
chili pepper
marine strength
orange peel

Make a bar of chocolate on small pieces and melt it in a saucepan in a water bath.

Add rum, and then lower the tops, gradually mixing the mass with a spoon or a small wine glass, until the chocolate breaks up and the sum becomes homogeneous, without breasts.

Add a pinch of chili pepper, sea salt and a little orange peel, mix.

Ready chocolate is poured into mugs.

Cocoa with condensed milk

spіvvlasnitsі «Bravo Churros»
Pauline Yurova

250 ml milk
250 ml 11% caps
15 g cocoa powder
3 teaspoons of condensed milk
half a teaspoon of cinnamon

Pidgrit milk and tops in a small saucepan, but do not bring it to a boil.

Add cocoa, mix with a wine glass until a kick appears.

Add condensed milk, churn it with a wine glass, stezhachi after it, so that the milk does not boil.

Boil until the final expansion of cocoa, two or three hvilins, then take it out s | iz | fire.

Pour into a cup, add | add | cinnamon, decorate with marshmallows. For a chocolate relish, you can melt a bar or two of dark or milk chocolate.


Katerina Pigarovskaya

250 ml crane juice
2 buds of cloves
half a teaspoon of cinnamon
zest of one orange
1 apple
2-3 teaspoons of zucru
cognac for a taste

Rose the crane from the zucrum in the saucepan, add water. Bring to a thick morsu.

Put on fire, add cinnamon and cloves.

For kіlka hvilin to kipіnnya add | add | cognac.

In the end, add a sliced ​​apple and orange zest so that it doesn’t turn sour.

Masala tea

keruyucho kav'yarneya "Starbucks"
Katerina Pigarovskaya

80 ml ginger tincture
2-3 teaspoons honey
200 ml milk

Prepare the tincture: add a teaspoon of ginger, cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon and anise. Fill with dill, let it brew.

Burn milk in the kitchen.

Pass the tincture through a sieve into the kitchen, add honey.

Hot Butter Rum

"Delicatessen" commands

tablespoon of homemade vanilla oil
(company recipe, you can replace the sum of the top
olії and vanilla frosting)
40 ml rum
spices: cinnamon stick, a pair of clove buds,
trochi star anise
50 ml peach juice
10 ml lemon juice (dilute licorice peach juice)

At the milkman, add rum, vanilla oil, peach and lemon juices, star anise and cinnamon.

Pomіshyuyuchi, pіdіgіti on the weak fire.

Serve hot at the glass for Irish cavi, garnish with cinnamon and a slice of lemon.

Sea buckthorn tea

"Delicatessen" commands

30 ml sea buckthorn syrup
10 ml honey syrup
10 ml lemon juice
vial vodi

Ready syrups are already on sale, but you can try it yourself. For honey, it is necessary to cook a bottle of honey and a bottle of water, boil it for a long time on a weak fire. Pour into a jar, let cool.

For sea buckthorn syrup 300 g of sea buckthorn beat in a blender, pass the masa through a sieve. Pour the sik into a saucepan, add a bottle of zukra, cook and stir for a long time, not bringing to a boil. Pour into a jar, let cool.

For tea, in any order, add a saucepan of syrup, water, rosemary and rosemary, cook sprats of khvilin, serve in the kitchen.

Raf masala

barista "Caffe Del Parco"
Evgenia Buchneva

2 shots of espresso (56 ml)
24 g masalu sumishi (11 g vanilla zucru,
11 g great zukru, 2 g spice masala)
320 ml 10% caps

Prepare two portions of espresso, turn the tops up to 75 degrees.

Add tops to the French press, kava and masala sumish.

Lower the plunger to the end and beat the kava yourself. Drink to go out smartly, with a lower top kick.

cava punch

barista kav'yarni "Yellow"
Natalia Goncharova

800 ml filtered alternative cavi
(prepared by the pour-over method from Arabica beans, daily sumish)
300 ml apple juice
half a grapefruit (cut into slices)
3 black peppercorns
2 cinnamon sticks
3-4 buds of cloves
40 g coconut zucru

Make kava.

In an okrema, place the mixture of ingredients, bring to a boil.

Add up to apple juice kava. Deprive languishing hvilin for five, without bringing it to boil, so that kava cannot tolerate dill.

In winter, we traditionally struggle with viruses and colds. In important situations, obviously, it is necessary to go to the doctor once in a while. And with the method of prevention, that just to wake up, we will frown in the evening, we have prepared for you a selection of vitamin drinks.

Fruit punch, fragrant mulled wine, crane tea, zbiten, apple-ginger drink and sea buckthorn-orange juice: it seems like more radiny! Drink and don't get sick!

Photo: K. Vinogradov/BurdaMedia


  • 300 g cranes
  • 1 pear
  • 1 apple
  • 70 g zukrovy pisku
  • 1 scoop of ginger root (about 3cm)
  • 500 ml black tea
  • 4 buds of cloves
  • 1 style. honey spoon
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • sik and zest of 1 lemon
  • 200 ml apple juice


  1. Sort out the crane, wash it and dry it on a paper towel. Wipe the pear and the apple, dry it, cut the skin of the plaid and remove the core from the instillations. M'yakush narіzhte parts. Together with the crane, shift a small saucepan and add tsukor.
  2. Minify the ginger root, chop it clean. Add to the saucepan, pour hot tea, put spices, honey and bring to a boil. Pour in apple and lemon juices and drink.
  3. Pour into high-walled kelikhs and serve on a table. Kozhen kelih can be garnished with lemon zest.


For 12 servings
  • 150 g zucru
  • 1.25 l milk
  • 150 ml cognac
  • 300 ml rum
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 orange


  1. Eggs vimiti and break a bowl in a glebok. Pour in half the milk and beat it for help.
  2. Pour the milk that has run out into a saucepan, add zukor and mix until the wine is broken. Bring the milk to a boil, but do not boil it. Give a little chill and, without ceasing to stir, pour in one portion of milk and egg sum, and then step by step - rum and cognac.
  3. Beat the punch and pour it into kelikhs. Garnish with thin slices of orange and orange zest.


  • 1 orange
  • 1 apple
  • 1 piece of ginger root (2 cm)
  • sik and zest of 1 lemon
  • 2 star anise
  • 4 buds of cloves
  • 1/2 tea. spoons of ground cinnamon
  • 500 ml red dry wine


  1. Vimite orange and apple and cut with skewers. Peel the root of the ginger and grate it on a fine grate.
  2. Place the prepared ingredients near the saucepan, add the juice and zest of 1 lemon, anise, cloves, cinnamon and pour wine.
  3. Put it on fire and burn it, not bringing it to a boil. Leave it on the fire for 5 minutes, cover it with a lid, then pour it into kelikhs and serve it on a table.


  • 1 bowl of Cahors
  • 1 orange
  • 3 black peppercorns
  • 5 buds of cloves
  • 1 pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon a spoonful of rare honey
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Vimiti orange, dry it and cut it into thin circles, see it later. Put orange slices in a saucepan, add black peppercorns and cloves.
  2. Pour orange with spicy cahors, add cinnamon to the chalk, add honey and stir it up. Put the stewpan on the fire and, with constant stirring, bring it to a boil (do not boil). The stewpan is immediately taken out of the fire.
  3. Let me give you a drink to infuse under the roof of the 10th century. Let's strain it through a strainer often and pour it with transparent kelikhs. Put an orange in the skin, adorning them in front with a “crown” of carnation buds.

Photo: Dmitro Korolko/BurdaMedia


  • 1 orange
  • 3 peppercorns
  • 5 items. carnations
  • 1 scoop of red liquorice wine
  • 1 pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 1 style. honey spoon
  • 50 g raisins
  • 50 g peeled almonds


  1. The orange is relatively vimiti, kindly dried with a paper towel and cut into thin circles. You can see the last. Put the orange slices in a small saucepan, add the last peppercorns and clove buds.
  2. Pour in wine, add cinnamon and honey to melena. With constant stirring, bring sumish mayzha to a boil and take it out of the fire. Close the pan with a lid and let the mulled wine brew in a warm place 20-30 min.
  3. Sort out the rodzins, resolutely wash them and dry them well on a paper towel. Then let's spread out at once from the almonds on the tovstostіnim we will see through the Kelihams. Drink protsіditi and carefully pour on kelikhs with almonds and rodzinki. Decorate for the bajans and once a tribute to the table.

Photo: K. Vinogradov/BurdaMedia


  • 1 style. green tea spoon
  • 4 spears of mint
  • 2 buds of cloves
  • 4 rye peppercorns
  • 300 g cranes
  • 100 g zukrovy pisku


  1. Green tea at once from 3 sprigs of mint, cloves and erysipelas, pour 500 ml of water at a temperature of 85-90 ° C and wrap.
  2. Rose the crane with zukr, pour in 300 ml of water and bring to a boil. Proceed.
  3. Mix the crane vіdvar with infusion of tea, m'yati and spices. Pour over the kelikhas from the tovstoy skla, decorate with leaves of mint from the bun, which is left out, and immediately serve on the table.

Photo: Oleg Kulagin/BurdaMedia


For 4 individuals
  • 100 g cranes
  • 100 g honey
  • 3 style. spoons tsukru
  • 800 ml water
  • 2-3 cloves
  • 1/2 tea. spoons of cinnamon
  • 8 pcs. cardamom
  • 1 tongs each of the mother boards
  • 1 bay leaf


  1. Wimite the crane, dry it, then we will rozimnіt by the weaver and through the gauze we will see the sik. Vіdzhimannya pour 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes and drain.
  2. Add cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, as well as dried herbs and bay leaf to the vіdvar, scho viishov. Cook 10 min. on a small fire.
  3. Let it pass, add honey, crane sik and bring it to a boil again. Serve hot on the table. At trocha ostiglia, you can add 50 ml of cognac or burners (for bazhanny).

8. Sbiten from a palenkoy

Photo: Valentina Bilunova/BurdaMedia


For 4 servings
  • 300 g honey
  • 1.5 bottles of tsukru
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 8 pcs. cardamom
  • 2 tsp cloves
  • ginger root (4 cm)
  • bay leaf (1-2 pieces)


  1. Extract honey in 1 liter of hot water, bring to a boil and boil 20 quills. Let's add all the spices and boil 5 more chills. Know the fire and protsidit.
  2. Heat up a dry frying pan and sip the zukor. Melt yogo with 3-5 strands. Then pour in about 100 ml of water and boil. I’m crazy, what happened, pip the zbiten, adding giblets to the tassel color.
  1. Wash sea buckthorn berries under running water. Give water to drain.
  2. Pour oranges with dill, dry. For the help of the state grater, take the skin off.
  3. Pour the orange peel with dill and boil for 20-25 minutes on the right fire. Let's let the vіvara infuse for 20-30 mins and procіdit yoga.
  4. Transfer the sea-buckthorn berries and orange pulp into an enameled bowl and rose them for an additional wooden tow or a spoon until the pulp comes out of the skin and tassels.
  5. Place a sieve on the pan, put yoga gauze in 2 balls. On a sieve, put sea-buckthorn-orange masa. Leave for 15-20 minutes, sob sіk stіk at the pan. On the gauze, tassels and skins are left out. Let's sweat the gauze dodatkovo with our hands, so that we drank the excess juice to the main mass.
  6. Add zukor from the skin of an orange. Help, bring, help, boil, then cool.
  7. At orange syrup, pour in sea buckthorn and orange juice, mix.
Be healthy!

In winter, you don’t sleep, you don’t get frost, you don’t get the sun, then you often get rain, and the wind blows. Moreover, in autumn and in May and in spring, they are more similar to the winter season, and you want to wrap yourself up in warmth and fluffy and pamper yourself with water, which is warm, with the aromas and tastes of summer herbs or distant lands. Mryati, and maybe th plan more expensive.

Drink, scho zіgіvayut, in disgrace divided into 2 types: with alcohol and without. Naismіshnіshe, that purely alcoholic drinks are not rich enough, and in any non-alcoholic one you can add mіtsne for bazhanya. Therefore, let's talk about more universal - non-alcoholic.

Tea is made so banal, nabridlim, sonorous and simple, but do not hurry up - sort of tea, change the setting to the old-timey drink. In China, in the Fatherland, tea, where there are already a lot of thousands of rokiv drink this miraculous drink, take into account that green tea cool, and red (black in European tradition) - warm. Chinese red tea is remembered for Indian, Ceylon, Kenyan, Indonesian and other teas of the same class.

The main postal leader of red and black tea from China is Yunnan province, Girsky district on the cordon with V'etnam, Laos and M'yanmoyu. Tea from this region has a smoky aroma, infused relish and good versatility. Tse means that wines are not afraid of thermos and "unceremonious" brewing in any handy dish, suitable for the base of herbal tea, you can add some additives to it, like we are warming, about like we are rozpovimo.

It seems that the best spices are brought to India. In fact, right Indian tea is like milk with spices and spicy brew. Such a drink is called masala chi simply milk tea. "Masala" in Indian, tse "sumish spices", the number of "masala" for different herbs and tea. The skin region has its own masal. Drink what they are warming, you can try to make it yourself, taking a couple of cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and star anise. Spice spices at the hub or scroll at the mill or in a blender, boil them in boiling water for a whiff-friend, add a trio of milk, drink a pinch of any black tea and bring to a boil. Give me some water to drink and drink. You can take masala with you in a thermos, be it a milky drink, it will warm you up better.

Tea in a marvelous order to be friends with different spices. Black tea can be served from a sum of spices, or add just one. The best butt is ginger. ginger tea you can cook at home or take it in a thermos for a walk. Obov'yazkovo vikoristovyte a new root of ginger. Ginger powder can be drunk with kalamut. If you want a delicious drink - rub ginger on the great third, and if you need relish, it’s easier to arrange it beautifully in an Irish kelikha - shake it, like chips.

You are welcome - mulled wine is also non-alcoholic! European trends of the last years - in the spirit of alcohol, and even more so in the fresh air. Ale mulled wine - so delicious! The first wine bartenders foretold a new drink based on grape juice, having abandoned the principle of preparing mulled wine without change - replace wine with juice and take non-alcoholic mulled wine. Let’s guess, for whom I’ll drink, I need to take three cloves, a piece of ginger, zucor, mint (mayzhe olії), vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, lemon or orange zest, maybe a piece of apple. Spices can not be ground. Boil the water, boil the spices, add the apple and the sik, burn it more, but don’t boil it. Pour into kelikhs or thermos. Add sprats of mint leaves, a little bit of lemon or lime to the skin, sip with zest and decorate with a cinnamon stick.

Take tea with you for a walk at the thermos. Є k_lka details, yak_ varto vrahuvati. Not all varieties are good to endure high temperatures in Trival. For example, green or lower red varieties of Chinese and Indian tea can darken and spend flowers on the aroma and lower relish. For a thermos, coarse Indian varieties are best suited, for example, Asam abo Chinese tea from Yunnan. And the thermos is good for black Chinese puer tea.

Hot recommendation for tea at the thermos. Brew tea at the best teapot and pour the tea at the heated thermos. Sklyany thermos is better for metalevy zberіgaє relish to drink. Ginger and spices can be added to a thermos, but remember that the stench will harm you without interruption, so put a small amount of spices in it. Tea, sizzling right into a thermos and poured with sprinkles, in a year or two it will turn into a “brewing” mitzna. Vinyatok - Nepalese tea from Ilamu. This is the only tea, which can be easily endured by brewing.

Puer - tse taєmna chinese zbroya. Buy greens, white and black puer. Zeleny - tse exuberant tea, in a good way to increase appetite, cleanse the blood and clean the dichal system. Biliy - tse even savory, ale "homemade" tea. And the axis of black puer - so called "tea kava", її already love programmers, French women and lovers of active work in the fresh air. Puer is miraculously taken from the thermos for a year, may not change the taste. And you can also cook puer on milk like cocoa. Take 10 g of pressed black pu-erh, wash it in cold water, soak some water in Turkey, throw pu-erh into the Turk, bring the water to the point of boiling, add milk and drink until the milk is no longer boiling. Turn on the fire and let it brew. Drink hot, like cocoa.

Late autumn, wintering and all over the world drink the autumn harvest of tea. Tse best hour for smearing and steep oolongs, red tea from China and the mountain regions of India and Sri Lanka. The best representative of oiled oolongs is the variety Da Hong Pao or Great Red Robe, which is collected from the province of Fujian. According to the legend, this tea was presented to the emperor for the exaltation of an important illness. Tea spreads quickly with an ailment, but the emperor gave tea to bushes in a red robe. (In Ancient China, only the emperor would wear a robe of red color, and such a gift would know that tea is dear to the ruler of the Celestial Empire.) Relish Da Hong Pao is more varied and changes from brewing to brewing, and one can change tea . Tse tea for friends, if you want to really zdivuvat that spend an hour for a warm conversation on a cold winter evening.

Not less popular is the turquoise oolong Te Guanin with a bright floral aroma and rich relish, but few people know about the fried Te Guanin with relish and the aroma of plums and dried fruits. The aroma of an empty cup can impress an experienced tea lover, and he himself can drink all the advantages of green and red tea. Lubrication Te Guanin maє zіgrіvalnu nature, good tone and reduce the pressure. Delicate desserts are good for such tea: dried fruits and natural malt. Ale, don’t hurry to pick up licorice at once, grow a sprat of kovtkiv, inhale the aroma, catch the aroma at an empty cup ... Take a meditative occupation for a long evening.

For lovers of black tea, we can buy Chinese high-quality tea Dian Hong from Yunnan province. The tea has a light smoky aroma, bright notes of dried fruits and yagid, a honey color infusion and a long-awaited singsong. Dian Hong is warming well, the energy of the sun and the warm wind have been picked up by the new one. This variety hangs especially low, and the relish is the best variety of Indian Darjeeling, which in England is called champagne tea.

Darjeeling - tse hirsky district on the pivnochi of India on the cordon of Tibet. Cіkavo, scho tea grew there forever, but only with the arrival of the English, they brought great respect to the new one and took away the impersonal varieties of the most famous type of tea. “Champagne tea” Darjeeling was nicknamed for its lightness, bright colors infused with that relish, for which there is a clear overdose of black tea between green and green. The best darjeelings of similar flower aromas, the smell of girsky onions, foxes and tropical fruits. Ale vodnochas darzhiling nearest for all to the splendid black tea. It is possible for the one who added trochs of darjeeling to the classic sumish of radian Indian tea.

But you don’t always want to take a drink, sometimes you need a brutal penetrating power, and the best helper for you is Assam Indian tea. The wine may have an over-the-top astringency, you may have some brews, in the aroma you can catch the smell of a good tyutyun, or you can instill cigars, who knows the similarity of the song of Assam with the best varieties of cognac and whiskey. This human tea miraculously blooms, to be friends with lemon and honey, you can add aromatic herbs, and the herb is ideally suited to homemade brew. It is customary to brew asam in the classic English tradition - 1 teaspoon of tea per cup and 1 teaspoon per teapot, 3-4 chilli infusions with repeated infusions, 5-6 chilli in a warm kovpak.

But it’s not only so cold here that you always want tea. In Pivdenniy America, de, it would be possible, it would be always summer, in the mountainous regions it would be cold, and there they would warm themselves with tea. You can see the top three American teas: mate, lapacho and coca leaf tea. About the rest, it’s movchim, and the axis of the first two has gained new popularity among the whole world, including Russia. Mate - tse dried and trimmed leaves of the Paraguayan holly, may be brewed like tea, but not with sprinkles, but with water at a temperature of 75-80 degrees. Mate tonіzuє rahunok especially mаtein's speech, advancing respect and work of the brain, kindly go to the waters or students during the sessions. Vzimku mother y zigrivaє.

Lapacho is prepared from the measles of a special tree, like the growth of the Peruvian jungle. It is customary to boil the bark for 8-10 khvilin, and then we pour more sprats of khvilin, process it and drink it in small bowls. The taste of lapacho is fresh, with a light lemon flavor. Fans of a healthy way of life will be well aware that the Incas rejoiced for the help of lapacho intestinal inflammation, diabetes, arthritis, malnutrition, asthma, impotence, hair loss and other ailments. The deyakі stverdzhuyut, scho lapacho zdatny vilіkovuvaty cancer, but still not confirmed by the scientists.

Another drink that is relevant in cold weather is kudin. Kudin - whole leaf holly broad-leaved, relative pіvdennoamericanskogo holly. Kudin tea - tse vіdvar zhovto-green koloru z yaskravim trohi coniferous aroma and even hot relish, scho to pass from the malt. No need to consume pіdsolodzhuvati kudin, just check the whilinka after the first kovka, and you will see that the receptors of the tongue are licorice, may be succulent relish. Kudіn maє miraculous power, tse cіla pharmacy, and especially wine is good in cold weather, as a preventive measure and just a reception of cicavia drink. Kudіn vіdmіnno vydvishuє zagalniy tonus organіzmu, polyuє іmunitet, likuє cough and ailments dyhalnyh ways, normalize the pressure and improve the etching. It’s quicker than a splendid tea, but you don’t care to add a cup to the great black tea and drink yoga regularly.

Hibiscus or Sudanese troyanda - red pellets of hibiscus in Egypt are poured with cold water and drunk like compote. Alas, because it’s warm there, and in other lands they drink hibiscus with hot, brewed with great sprinklings, that spicy sprat of whilin. Vіdmіnniy yaskravno-chervonyy drink from the reception of fresh, sour relish. Hibiscus is more kindly zigrіvaє, maє a dozen jubilant perevag and not maє daily contra-indications. Hibiscus garnii from malt and replace the juice for hedgehog. Hibiscus zmіtsnyuє walls of ships, fight gastritis and can lower the temperature, and after a strong wind with wood and snow hibiscus shoes - and zіgrіє, і pіdbadyorit.

Rooibos is an African tea made from the same name Chagarnik. Yoga is being prepared near Pivdenny Africa, where cold winters are coming and you can see the Antarctic inflow. The tea is not only savory, ale and corisny - to avenge the rare elements and owe not to avenge coffee, and also, yoga can be brewed for children at bedtime. Rooibos has a licorice relish and an unremarkable aroma that is memorable.

Another traditional warming drink is Russian zbiten. Tim, whom the name should be called, is explained: beaten - the price of herbs with honey and spices. In essence, it is similar to non-alcoholic mulled wine, but it can be more aromatic. Sbiten is more accepting, warming, and also a vitamin drink. For the basis of the pіdіyde motherboard, zvіrobіy i trіshki shavlії. Add cloves, star anise, winter pepper, cinnamon and ginger to them. Gently add a spoonful of honey. The technology of preparation is even simpler: you need to boil spices in a small amount of water, add sprats, throw in herbs, make fire and pour sprats of quills. You can put honey in the "fire cauldron", or you can add it to your kitchen, in which case you can save your crooks of authority. Zbiten can be prepared in a thermos - put some herbs, spices, honey, pieces of fruit, a little lemon and fill with dill.

Miraculously zigrіvaє that podnіmaє nastrіy garna cava. In addition, the preparation of kawi is a whole ritual, which is already done in a good way, the smell of freshly ground kawi raises mood and creates a calm homely atmosphere. Kava is famously companion with liquors, fragrant syrups, whiskey, chocolate and other drinks. Be careful, kava diysno podnіmaє a vice and vimivaє z calcium to the body. After a cup of mica cavi, drink a bottle of mineral water to compensate for the loss of minerals.

Cocoa is prepared in cold Europe already for hundreds of years, and during the skin season, cocoa scoundrels do not lose their positions. Hі, not hot chocolate, but the milk itself drink from cocoa powder. You can take low-fat milk, cocoa is better for natural, not retail. Try zamіst zvichnyh 3-4 spoons of zucru add more than one or half a teaspoon and one pinch of salt. Cocoa is more good to go with cinnamon and nutmeg. Well, the warming quality of cocoa and milk is a competitive pose - to bring after a strong storm from a crazy wood and snow, hot cocoa can overcome a cold that is born. Until then, you know that chocolate, and that means cocoa, raises the mood and inspires romance. Hell, don't be quick!

Black tea and pu-erh, kava, zbiten, cocoa and non-alcoholic mulled wine, teas that warm, help not only to win the winter, but also can lead to new ideas. I wish you good health, fire mood, heat that lull in whatever weather.

Cho p'yut vzimku different lands the world, how will that mood rise? We put together a rating of 10 drinks, as it is customary to prepare a charge. When it's cold, you most want to zigrіtisya de b vie did not know. Hot drinks become popular with this period, and in the skin of the country there are traditions that are similar to anything. Let's figure out what to drink in different cloaks of light during the winter period. I take something to respect for the long winter.

Chicha Morada / Bolivia

English Chicha Morada

This is one of the most popular drinks in Bolivia. Not more than a charge, but be it another hour. Yogo is prepared with pineapple and purple corn with the addition of fragrant spices of cinnamon, cloves and lemon zest. Every once in a while I add an apple and a quince. Mustache at once to cook until ready on a povіlny fire. Let's sweat it out and in the very end we add spices for gusto. Morada comes out blue and thick. As a rule, yoga is served as a snack. In some cases, the place of purple corn can be prepared from the original - in which case, the place of the water should be given milk.

Atoli / Mexico

Isp. Atole

Traditional Mexican drink, which is served at Christmas. Yogo is prepared from corn puree with added zucru, water, cinnamon, vanilla. Let's add some fruit and chocolate for bazhann. Let's get drunk and get thick, like porridge. In Mexico, yogo is used to eat during the cold season and drink at Christmas.

Hot chocolate / France

Franz. Chocolat chaud

Chocolate sound p'yut at the winter hour. Preparing yoga is even easier. At the hot milk, it is necessary to add hot chocolate and mix the dots, the docks of the wines cannot be broken. For relish, you can add tsukor and vanilla.

Grog / Finland / Sweden

English Grog

Grog (or hot wine) - the love of drunken sailors. With traditional fried salmons from Sweden and Finland. There are two options for drinking: non-alcoholic and, obviously, with additional alcohol. Offenses are served with spices - the more rich we will be in color and taste, the better. Most often add cardamom, cinnamon, rodzinki and almonds, and sometimes cloves and mint. Grog comes out licorice and thick flooring, which can sometimes be eaten with a spoon.

Mulled wine / Austria / Nimechchina

Nim. Gluhwein

Another popular option for hot wine is to drink and drink. Traditional mulled wine made from red wine with additional citrus fruits (often for orange and lemon), obov'yazkovo with cinnamon. Zukor is consumed to taste.

English Mint Green Tea

Tsey drunk, scho zіgrivaє, є part of the Moroccan culture. Yogo p'yut zam_st vodi uprodovzh day. In Morocco, they start with him and finish the day. Prepare yogo, brewing fresh leaves of mint and adding green tea and zucru. Green mint tea comes out of indescribable relish for the rahunka of non-single brewing.

Masala / India

English Masala

Tse tezh tea, ale with clear additions of spices. One of the favorite drinks in Asia and India is zokrema. Masala is a grim sum of black tea, hot milk, and some spices. How to stop walking, cloves, cinnamon, third ginger, pepper. In addition, this tea has an indescribable aroma, which gives you nutmeg, vanilla, anise. The axis of such a nameless quantity of spices can boast of the Indian winter drink.

Salep / Turechchina

Tour. Salep abo Sahlep

Salep is one of the most delicious drinks! To love in Egypt and Iran. Prote our spіvvіtchizniki most often try salep, here on the streets of Istanbul. Yogo robljat iz trimmed tsiboulini orchid, mixed with boiled milk and zucr. So I add starch for a goose and decorate with cinnamon.

Punch / UK

English Punch

Punch - tse alcoholic drink, scho zіgrіvaє. It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of the pivnoch were not frozen, but rather relaxed in the view of the Indian sinter. However, in Europe, having drunk a drink to the colonialists of the English of the 17th century. From that hour, I got accustomed to the territory of foggy Albion. The classic punch is prepared with black tea, zucru, citrus juice and alcohol - a small amount of wine and rich rum, cognac.

In our country, punch is divin. Let's try to cook yoga at home, maybe we'll become a Christmas drink for your winter evenings!

  • How to make a punch house

    For homemade punch, you need alcohol, citrus fruits, zucor and tea. Necessary ingredients in portions: 2 puffs of dry red wine with a capacity of 0.7 l; plyashka rum z tієyu w єmnistyu; 3 art. mint and fresh black tea; 1 great orange; 1 lemon; 400 g zucru - better than brown.

    1. From the lemon and the orange you can see the s_k. Let's drink yoga with wine and honey tea in a large pot. Put it on the fire and warm it up properly until the bulbs appear.
    2. Pour rosemary sumish into a large ceramic or glass bowl. At the metal ladle, mix a small amount of zucru and rum, burn it and so, with fire, roll into the sum. Add zukor and rum, which you have run out of, resolutely mix it so that the zukor is opened.
    3. With a ladle, pour the punch into ceramic mugs. It is possible for kelikhs, but in the kitchens of the drink, it is better to get hot. You can decorate lemons or oranges with circles and insert a harn tube.


Isp. Colada

This warming drink is hot sour with added fruit and zucru. The axis is such an unimaginable sweetness of the inhabitants of Ecuador.

Napoi for walks Uzimka

If you don’t try to cross the cold season of rock at home, but choose to go for walks, ride on kovzans, or walk on licks, then winter can be more bitter. And in order not to freeze, you can take a thermos with you with a hot drink. Tse mozhe buti not only traditional tea, but tsikavishі options.

We have chosen recipes for winter drinks, which are ideal for a walk. Hot apple cider, exotic hot toddy, spicy tea latte - you can cook leather from the proponated options with your own hands and with your friends.

This miraculous fragrant drink is worthy of all the members of this family. And let's have a cider viyshov right, vincify the fresh apple juice.

Ingredients for 3-4 servings: apple juice - 2 l; pear, lemon, orange - 1 pc.; cinnamon stick - 1 pc.; ginger - 1 pc.; cloves - 1 pinch.

  1. Sik bring to a boil. Cut the fruits with skewers, add to the apple juice.
  2. Add cinnamon, grated ginger, cloves to the cider.
  3. Boil a drink for about 10 quills, after which drink close to 1:00.

2. Hot Todd (with alcohol)

This is a classic hot cocktail, which is easy to prepare. In addition, you can experiment with the main ingredient - whisky. Yogo can be replaced by being like an elite drink of dark color. For example, brandy.

Ingredients for 1 serving: flower honey - 1 tbsp. l.; alcohol - 30 ml; lemon sik - for relish; tea bag - 1 pc.; okrip - 200 ml.

Place honey in a bowl, pour in whiskey, add lemon juice. Brew tea in a small container, pour into a thermos, top up with alcohol sum.

3. Chai latte with spices

To love this spice in the whole world. Wonderful drink for winter. Not rich nutmeg pea and give ginger more warming relish.

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