Yaki buli cards at wot. Historical excursus of WoT: maps shown. Skіlki koshtuє issuance and service cards

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On the eve, before that, how to introduce a tank premium account in the 1.5 update, we told you about a special cold period. If you priddbali or otrimuvali in tsey period premium account, you automatically got the same amount of tank premium. Return respect: * Pilgovy period will end on 1st spring 2019. Pіslyа tsogo when buying chi otrimanny […]

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Details from retailers: This vehicle comes from a family of British assault tanks on the same site as the Badger. Vaughn is similar to a new name, so for performance characteristics. Again, it is possible to indicate vitality: the machine's capacity to become 1,400 alone, and at the same time the value is higher in parity with classmates. There is no armor that reaches the value of 228 […]

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Golovna. 1. The twelfth season on the Global Map will be short - less than one month. Start on the 12th sickle and end on the 12th of the spring. 2. On the map there are two types of high-grossing provinces (

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Vlasne, the axis is looking out. 2 months in tanks. They folded it on the arc of a wise card. From an unexplained vzagali, the “SHOP” [end of spring] was filled up. No information. I didn’t really understand from: “Festival Fairs” [middle sickle - middle spring]. What is a festival without a fair? Today, right at the customer's place, a new premium tank will be displayed for sale.

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Tse turning the so-called Battle Royale mode (Korolivska battle) from World of Tanks. The name, obviously, was taken away from the haze. Why? The fact that in Greece there was already a great regime with such a name in patch 9.9 (14 April 2015) 'yat like that? BUT […]

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The most interesting fan mode is racing. - "Tank ferries 2019" (end of spring) - the final stage of the "Tank Festival". Distill start like spring and three days a week. In the photo we can show the HD racing map at the Port location. Hmm, what is the check for the full return to Porto? * There are also 3 tanks in the photo, we understand that […]

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The skin dot means that I may have the date. LF, marathon, fan modes, sales, shop too soon. Put all the dates more smoothly and understand them, but on 2 screens, scribbling sketches (it’s still inaccurate (!), Let’s close the cob and the line to the front). Usogo 11 dates and 12 dates. * Document (clean, new expansion): vk.cc/9Eygco

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Dates at the spring: from 4 p.m. 07:00 (MSK) to 23 p.m. 04:00 (MSK). 3 new: Nova 2nd map (Zimova) "Kraftwerk". Vipada randomly, you can't get in. It's possible to take the final city - the tank

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So, I'm talking about the new one. 8 typing on a spring bear the name "Hotel" (Hotel), similar to the ICAO phonetic alphabet. What do you know about yoga warehouse at once? Well, for now it's hard to understand. First, the package has spent its national binding, and also, perhaps, there will not be a unique commander. The preview of the picture for the spring shows two nations by heart: China and the United States, and […]

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... - Small update 31 lines, WoT [Modi do not get angry]. Tomorrow is a lie, 31 linden, we will see a small update, as if to correct the pardons in the "Remaining Frontier" subdivision. Game servers and clan portal will be unavailable from 06:00 to 06:45 (Moscow time). What will be corrected: Pardon, if after the car’s failure it’s impossible to pick it up. A pardon, for which they were afraid […]

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UPD2: In the photo, it was written, as if on a Gif-image: imgur.com/ryAcMT4 Sanya (@SanyaTranslate) from Twitter: “Now let's fold the axis. To take away the offensive element, to try hard. Raju respectfully look around the picture. Before we speak, what do you know about Imgur?”

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The author of the site is that mobile add-on WoTBase, having returned the respect (vk.cc/9DxSlH), but in the rest of the micropatch in one ...

… from the update files (localization file) by adding marvelous rows. The localization file lootboxes (Lootbox) has the following. terms: Twitter_Account_SPECIAL SanyaTranslate Twitter_Account_SPECIAL SanyaTranslate The lootboxes file itself is replaced with the text for new luck boxes (lootboxes) and in the rest of the micropatch, rows have been sewn up in the new micropatch, in which messages are sent to the Twitter account. twitter.com/San… I’m sorry I’ve been eating […]

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On another iteration of the Zagal test 1.6, customization decals were added again (11 pcs. Zagal) and a new category was added: Pin-Up. Same for those lovers of pin-up-girl. It's a pity, gra 12+, there is no right nudity for that, but Skoda

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Main changes: New map for front line Kraftwerk and British Lt: LHMTV: Jaguar J.60 engine pressure changed from 135 to 140 hp. The pressure of the Rolls Royse FB60 engine has been changed from 135 to 160 hp. GSOR3301 AVR FS (GSOR): Daimler D2458 V-8 engine exhaustion changed from 250 to 265 hp. s.. X rіven - […]

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New list change (patchnote) of another hottest test 1.6: We are launching another hottest update 1.6. Main addition new map Kraftwerk for the regime Line to the front. Mapa. A new map "Kraftwerk" [Zimova, European] has been added to the "Line to the Front" mode. Big map "Suburbia" on the supertest. Corrected problems. On Line Front, the hour of respawning has been reduced from 30 seconds […]

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You already know all the locations, only for PvE the stench is short. And the axis of new screens of interest for them did not grow, maybe, they didn’t get a penny. Everywhere 1 ide.

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"The Remaining Rubizh". Stay until the end! From 25 lines to 5 sickles, World of Tanks will have a new PvE-podia - "The Remaining Frontier". Play alone with vipadkovym allies or choose a team of five participants and stand on the defense of the Hidden chi of the Western Front. Your task is to beat the wind of fortune-telling attacks, the skin of some strongest in front. Opponent technique […]

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… Minsk_exp4. Vіdminnіst there is less in 1 position, so let's omit this information. Nezabarom Minsk broke the anti-record for the number of reworks at the supertest. It’s just that succinctly for 1 whilin we suggest you marvel at the linden corrected in this card in the form of cartons. Theoretically, already in the following. patches change due to the release. In this version, they added […]

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in the same place on Reddit at the subreddit of the tank, there was an additional session “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) or in Russian language: “Ask me about what you want”. On the supply of English engravings on Reddit in live mode, the following people reported: Andriy Biletsky - Creative Director of World of Tanks Maxim Chuvalov - Director of Operations of World of Tanks […]

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Shanuvalniki Games World of Tanks often talk about the advantages of these and other technologies, poring over these advantages and shortcomings. However, such gurus often forget about the invisible part of the game, without some simply unbearable gameplay and other features of the game mechanics.

Tse locations, where hot tank battles take place. A lot of veterans from nostalgia guess the cards, brought by retailers from the wild, and newcomers don’t suspect about their foundation.

Therefore, it is suggested to you to take a small excursion in the light of nostalgia and to re-guess the old game cards. There are 12 such locations, let's visit them again.

The location appeared at the game client April 18, 2013, with output patch 8.5. On the back, the passage through the central part of the map is closed: there is a monumental hump. Therefore, the battles took place on the outskirts, where the gravitational forces of both teams straightened out, pragmatically occupying strategically important positions.

At the distant renovations, at the structure of the central hillock, crossed corridors appeared, to which the marny nasip turned into a key point of the location. A crim pagorba, in the center of the map a river runs through and there is a small village, but here only light tanks were panning: heavy tanks, which poked into the center, immediately dismantled, shooting from the field meadows.

The locality of the bula is characterized by a bagatari-vneva mіstsevіst, which obviously made the life of the artificers easier.

The map corrupted to the archive in spring 2015, with the release of the update on 9.10.

This is one of the oldest game locations, yak took the “Nightmarine” award from tankers. The name came from an unbalanced respawn, through a sleazy gameplay. Map entered y zhovtni 2010 rock, if wiyshov patch 0. 5. 5. 1 (Just think about that number!).

Also, the location represents an average village, roztashovane in a marshy moor. The release of the card was remembered richly: the tank hitting the doghouse, accompanied by the hysterical bark of the broken creature, the bases were ripped from one side, the spear from the other. To this, the tankers proudly stood up on the suffocated base, bewildered that the timer did not go.
Update 6.4 view weed 2011 roku brought to the map a pevne pozhvavlennya. The central island was equipped with huts, a handful of green plantings scurried away. Patch 7. 4 includes a map of vicious battles, making it more accessible only for training.

Through the river, autumn 2013 (updated 8. 8) Komarin turned to the random deshcho revisited. Upcoming edits were made before patches 9.2 and 9.4. Changes, what to introduce, could not get into the gameplay, wanting to be like Komarin to the rich shanuvalniks of the World of Tanks.

Historical map, consecrated to the allies' residences near Normandy.
As a matter of fact, the map looked more like a barista, but absolutely non-robbery. The imbalance caused the fact that the team, as it occupies the top respawn, took a clear advantage.

Location appeared April 22, 2015, if it was update 9. 7. The location was not processed for 12 months and it was taken from the game client. Tsіkavo, scho WG having conducted an experiment in the middle of the gravel, trying to reveal the most important game zone. Overlord wins from the great wind.

This map depicts the district's crafts, crossed with strings of kolіy kolіy.
Location "Port" appeared at the city Vletku 2012 rock. At this hour it became more global Update 7.5 if the gravity was first known from the middle tanks of the 10th equal. The map was piled high with budіvels, pipes, hangars and railings.

The rest were presented in the name of the number, so among the carriages that stood, you could get lost. Tsikavo, which on the map were emblems WORLD of WARPLANES, which was getting ready for the release.

Tsya mіstsevіst appeared at grі spring 2012 rock: Update 7.2. Tse miniature location size 600*600. As a result, the high-tech technique lit up the opponent immediately after the command “In battle”, and an orgy began without tactics and strategy.
Vikonan's map is like two adjacent schilivs, despawning respawn teams, near the center is open space. The location cannot boast of ukritts, that її was transferred to the “sandbox”, so that the technique could be scaled up to the 3rd level inclusive.

Tse became three months after the release of the card. On the 1st of spring 2015 the card was updated on 9.10 and the game client was banned for good. It is necessary to indicate that a lot of people with a sum and a lot of money will create dynamic battles on the map "Province".

We don't know a clone of the "Ruinberg" card in the distance. Why have the fire? The rozrobniks added dima, which they respect for everyone, and introduced the effect of the board, which only appears at the maximum graphics resolutions.
Dane incomprehensibly appeared at the grі at once from the location of "Winter Himmelsdorf" and swept up to Update 9.5. Before the speech, zasnіzhenі Khimki dosi hush the eye of gravel, and "Ruiny", scho smoky, went to the archives. So richly unreasonable are the ruhi of the retailers, like adding modifications to the video cards, zasmichyuchi the game client.

Beautiful autumn maps that imitate the mountain regions of Central America.
Location appeared in new 2013 rock: release update 8.9. Barvy of the region, the atmosphere, which intrigues, and introduces an imbalance for the gravity of the lower republic.

The problem was taken up by further updates, if new lines of attack appeared. The location was cleaned up in the 9.7 update, as it was in April 2015. The retailers motivated their decision on the corridor card, but they did not dare to correct it. Daremno, the location was really bad.

Provincial zasnіzhene of the town of Radyansk hours.
The location appeared in patch 8.7, the release date is summer 2013. It's clear that a reference STURMTIGER was hiding in one of the hangars, commemorate through the slit. Unfortunately, there was only one reminder of the carti.

Large spaces, chaotic heaps of gir. In the upcoming patches, the retailers tried to solve this problem, but to no avail. In 2014, the card was withdrawn from the game client.

Tribute to the graves of the Asian region, ale vikonan nashvidkuruch.
The card has appeared update 8. 10, as it has become December 20, 2013. Blooming sakura and rounded dogori dahi budinki instilled Japanese mood, prote beauty did not harm the food with gloomy gameplay.

There are only three attack vectors available to the graves of the Bulo, for two panuvals and a znevira. Namiri to make corrections were not successful, so the card left the group with the release of the update on 9. 10.

The historical map depicts the real quarter of Viysk Stalingrad.
Location appeared in leaf fall 2014 rock, patch 9.4. There were bulging huts, opening trenches to make it easier to move the equipment around. The card called out in two ways: one was glad, the other wept.

Unfortunately, the retailers listened to the rest and the card was removed from the grid in 2015. It was announced that after the "Stalingrad" branch office would turn up to the green.

A map based on Chinese motifs to bring gravity to hysterics.
Location appeared spring 2012 rock and called out at the door after the game's bed. 10% of the plundering capacity in the central area of ​​the map looked like a sign over the tankers, who were walking around here.

Zvayayuschie on postiyni landscape landscape, vlasniki poіlnih tyazіv could zagali not їhati s respú, but go to brew their own tea. If only a person with a phenomenal memory could remember it in this heaps of things, then passing along the Dragon's Ridge predicted Susanin's journey into obscurity.

The card of chotiri razi (!) was sent for processing, but they could not change the situation. Nareshti, the retailers resigned themselves to the shock, and in the updates 9. 6 it appeared, crying out tears of joy of the absolute greatness of graves.

The location is attributed to the battle for the Crimean Pivostriv, to that of the resort shores.
W'appeared in patches 7.5. In principle, a whole rake location with a few direct directions for an attack. For unreasonable reasons, the card was taken off the grid in 2015, after trying it in advance.

Cards were squandered from i, they delivered to the gravel people a lot of radios and summary whilins. Regardless of the grabability of the gameplay, the number of locations are worth remembering about them.

In World of Tanks, gravity has a wide range of vehicles, battle modes and locations. The skin location is unique and non-repeated, the proteo can be divided into summer, winter and desert.

Desert maps World of Tanks

"Food river"

Winter locations

"Wintering Himmelsdorf"
"Sacred Valley"

Summer maps World of Tanks

"Live Ox"
"Line of Siegfried",
"Fire Arc"

"Industrial zone",
"Ribatska bay",
"Quiet Beach"

On some game locations, there is more equal space, on some “do not get together, do not get together”, and on the other hand, navpak, it is a big place. Є cards, yakі include і field, і place. For example, you can look at one of the skin type cards.

A typical city map is Himmelsdorf, among the people it is known as Khimki. Mentally, you can divide it into three parts: the upper place or the mountain, the lower place and the center and the outskirts.

Ring out, gravitate to take the mountain, from which the whole map can be stretched. At this location, it’s easy to know how to stosuvennya the ability to “arty”, shards “to throw at the booths”, like vin to get high, not to go out.

Typical Zelenka, map-field - tse Stepi. Vaughn is a practically equal mass, which may be buried at the sight of the road in the center of the map. Even more comfortable is the battlefield for those who love dynamic battles, zіtknennya "cholo on the forehead." Є ukrittya like rare bushes and stone.

One of the cards, which you can use at your own place, and “green” - “Ruinberg”. Location Nada wide possibilities for training in battle of all types of tanks. Here is the opportunity for artillery, as you can practice in the field, often supporting allies in the city.

We have small World of Tanks cards, which are available for battle only on low equals, so like "Mittengard", so like tanks with high levels you can't play here, the projectile can fly across the whole map.

Gra "World of Tanks" rich on location. Mustache stink barvist, well thought out and unique.

Can you get gold in the game absolutely free of cost? Chi do not see the purchase of a penny from your budget? So definitely a tankist! Now you can increase the “golden reserve” of the grі without special zusil and additional vitrates from the World of Tanks card * from Alfa-Bank.

Just do your regular shopping and take away some of the spent pennies from looking for gold on your game account!

* The map is available in Russiaі Belarus.

Detailed information about the World of Tanks map for Belarus can be found, and all the details of the map for Russia can be looked at at once.

How does it work

  1. . Abo to the game's oblіkovogo record (as if it was zamovlena without intermediary in "Alfa-Bank").
  2. Pay with your card for your primary expenses: shopping at stores, public services, mobile phone calls.
  3. On the cob of the skin month, costlessly take gold for a fraction of the spent pennies from the previous month, as well as other bonuses.

What bonuses do I take?

1. Starting bonus

30 days of premium account you take away the gifts at once from the first turns of gold.

2. Monthly bonus

6 turn to your game account for skin stained glass 100 rubles *
* (With a monthly turnover on the card up to 20,000 rubles).

8.5 will be returned to your game account for leather stained glass 100 rubles *
* (with a monthly turnover of 20,000 rubles inclusive) .

3. Premium store bonus

When paying in the Premium store for an additional method "Wargaming Map" you turn around at the sight of gold 5% vіd vartostі skin bought goods. І price for an addendum to a sixty-sixth gold return, as it expands to inspire purchases in Premium stores.

4. Additional Bonus

If the turnover on the card for a month becomes 30,000 rubles and more, you also take away the amount of gold:

Replace the World of Tanks map - win gold and bonuses!

Details about the withdrawal of bonuses
Starting bonus (30 days of premium account):
  • get paid once for the entire program for one issued card;
  • narakhovuєtsya in the same terms, what is the first turn of gold;
Monthly bonus (gold rotation):
  • get the hang of physical record, Until the card is tied;
  • charged for the actual turnover on the card per month for the repayment: 6 for skin staining on the card 100 rubles with a monthly turnover on the card up to 20,000 rubles, or 8.5 for skin staining on the card 100 rubles with a monthly turnover of 20,000 rubles inclusive;
  • narakhovuetsya once a month - on the cob of the offensive for the month of roses;
  • is rounded down, as if a shot sum came out of the bag of the Rosrakhan month;
  • narakhovuetsya like for everyday purchases, and for purchases in the Premium store.
Bonus at the Premium Store (+5% for leather purchases):
  • narakhovuetsya only for the choice of a special one, but not for the method "Bank card Visa / MasterCard / Maestro". Using the "Wargaming Card" method, card holders of World of Tanks, World of Warships and World of Tank Blitz at some kind of distribution to a Premium store.
  • narakhovuetsya at the project, at the distribution of which the purchase was broken.
    Butt: you have a World of Tanks card, but you want to make a purchase not in the "tank" but in the "ship" distribution - pick up the cruiser "Aurora". To pay, you can use your World of Tanks card, and a bonus 5% will be earned from looking World of Warships doubloons.
  • narakhovuetsya on the account, from which the purchase was broken in the Premium store, and not the one to which the card was linked;
  • narakhovuєtsya once a month - in the same term, scho y shomіsyachne gold;
  • cannot be transferred to another physical record;
  • do not get sick of buying packages from gifts to anyone;
  • are calculated from the number of purchases converted into gold, made at the Premium store during the annual month.
    Butt: IC-6 package purchased (tank with slot). Tank rank in gold - 11 800, slots - 300. Zagalna vartyst package in gold - 12 100. 5% of the sum will become 605, which will be credited to the account with the term installed.
    As a package of purchases for a share with a reduction, then 5% is secured not from the total price of the package, but from the price of the reduction.
Additional bonus (collection of special reserves):
  • get better, only if the turnover on the card for a certain month becomes 30,000 rubles inclusive (as long as the turnover of the warehouse is less than 30,000 rubles, there will be no bonus for this month);
  • narakhovuєtsya in the same terms, scho th shomіsyachne gold;
  • narakhovuetsya on the oblіkovy record, to which the card is tied and how the gold was turned;
  • cannot be translated into another oblique record.

Updated 11/11/2012. Imagine game cards without grid popular MMO games World of Tanks:: World of Tanks, where all battles are fought - in Swedish “battles” before the campaign, which in no way is blamed for global dominance with epic clan battles.

At the moment, the city has three types of cards: Polish, Moscowі Russian. Battles on Russian maps are conducted on the territory of the Radian and German cities. The size of a standard card is a kilometer per kilometer. There are objects on the maps that are being destroyed. More maps will be introduced with dimensions of two by two kilometers.

At the time of version WoT 0.8.1, grі є offensive karti:


Aerodrom map. Minimap for WoT 0.7.5 and WoT 0.8.0+

Map є british vіyskovim airfield with adjoining outskirts. Misce dії - Pivnіchna Africa. The bases of the teams were roztashovanі at two small port settlements. At the center between them there is a skeleton high ground, which allows you to control the vast expanses and exit to the bases. The location is buoyed by handy places for ambushing and numerical paths for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the upper part of the map, the airfield itself is spread out without a hitch, from two large aircraft hangars and an ash-landing haze.

Mapa. Minimap for WoT 0.7.5 and WoT 0.8.0
Karelia- Swamps, rocks and stony shavings subdivide the map into three main operational lines. The day of life is small and the number of skelenyh ukrittivs is to be used by the artillery. For success, it is necessary to concentrate the forces attacking one of them directly, while inciting the forces of the enemy in other sectors. Lasville- a small place in the mountains with a lake and a mountain range. The isolated mountain valley on one flank and the Russian quarters on the other allow you to reach the opponent at the distance of the final throw. Open the lake in the center of the field, allowing you to give fire to your fawns to reach a great distance.
Malinivka- The positions of the teams are separated by a flat field, which is good to stretch. The map is good for defending the enemy's enemy with artillery forces. Get around the vikoristannyam ukrittiv can change the result of the battle. A coordinated attack across the field, for the help of artillery can bring success. Operation "Seidlitz" took place in Malinivka. Prokhorivka- the scene of the Battle of Prokhorov in 1943. Vіdkrita humpback mіstsevіst, divided by zaliznichny nasip. Groups of trees to give monsters a cover for anti-tank self-propelled guns. Attack, follow the flanks. Defensively, attack the flanks of the enemy. Artillery can give freedom to others, but even more so to the raids of the swedish light forces.
Pagorki(map changed to mines) - a humpbacked mіstsevіst on a birch with water and two fortified points. Murovanka- Village, fox, pagorbi. On this card, you, no doubt, want to find out about.
Himmelsdorf- The labyrinth of the street and the square, which is almost inaccessible for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for sweeping penetrations and detours of light and medium tanks. Bypass ways - through the pan_vny over the mіstsevistyu the hump from the castle and along the stakes of the railway station - building the position of the deaf kut. Ensk- a labyrinth of the city's quarters and even a field divided by narrow passages between the coniferous stakes. Concentrating forces, guard the strengths and weaknesses of the combat vehicles on the skin directly: artillery can strike across the open field, but it can be hopeless against the opponent’s bud, who is fighting behind the walls.
Erlenberg- winter map, є 3 bridges and a small place in the center, the start points of the team and the distribution of the bases of the distribution of one type of one. utyos- Utyos, this area was protected, from the skeleton, from the plateau and boulders and from the narrow road to the plateau.
Monastir- at the center of the map, there is a place where there is a place, there are two bypass roads to the bases, along the edges of the map along the canyon. Food river- empty mіstsevіst, dunes, a village with similar spores.
El-Khalluf- the card can be called "Pishchana river 2". Є pagorbi, є small villages, navit river є! Prote raznitsya є, moreover, it is significant: pagorbi roztashovanі on the bases of the team, from which mustaches are stretched. Ruinberg- go to collect the simplicity of seeing the wisdom and the labyrinth of the place. Vuzki vulichki, courtyards and primіska territorіya roam tactics on this map, like on "Himmelsdorf" and "Malinіvtsі", it's just richer dynamic.
Komarin- The area is slightly swampy near the river, 3 bridges are to be led through the yak, the village is knotted in the center of the map and the fields are flooded, the starting points of the command and the distribution of the base are significantly spaced one type of one. Westfield- a map that guesses the Lasville hybrid with El-Khalluf in relief, with spacious green onions and pagorbs, as well as with a great number of chagars. Near the center of the map, there is a small village, and also a small village of houses was the starting point for teams, not far from the village there are winding viaducts.
Pass- Hirska mіstsevist with narrow passages between mountains, transfer the enemy's head to it is very important.

mines- humpbacked mіstsevіst on the birch with water and two fortified points. Mriya be-yakoy ST - occupy the central pommel.

stepu- Vidkrita rіvninna mіstsevіst. From the fence there is only a large stone, folds of mistevity along the edges of the map Zalizna road on the couch. Line Siegfried- Tsіkava map with an old city on one side of the map, with large fields on the other side.
Arctic Circle- in a right way, the winter map of grі. It is covered with numerical high places, so on the map in certain places there are military fortifications. redshire- Scottish mistsevity is rich with humps. It is subdivided into 2 parts by a river, in the center of the distribution of places.