Satellite map of a high-rise residential area Google maps. Map of Rennes from satellite - streets and boudinki online. Activate Google Maps satellite view

Google Maps- the leader among modern cartographic services that provide satellite interactive maps online. Recognized as a leader in satellite services and for the number of various additional services and tools (Google Earth, Google Mars, various weather and transport services, one of the most important APIs).

At the gallery of schematic maps, for the first time, leadership was “wasted” on melancholy Open street maps- To a unique cartographic service in Wikipedia, where a volunteer can enter data on the site.

However, regardless of the price, the popularity of Google Maps may be overshadowed by one of the most popular mapping services. Often the reason is that in Google Maps we can find satellite photographs for the widest regions of any country. Navit in Russia is so great that successful company is like Yandex You can’t surpass the quality and coverage of satellite photographs if you want to be in your own country.

With Google maps, be it possible to admire satellite photographs of the Earth practically in any point of the world.

Yakіst znіmkіv

Signs of the high permission As a rule, it is available for the largest places in the world in America, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Asia, Oceania. On this day, high-quality znіmki are available for places with a population of over 1 million inhabitants. For smaller places and other settlements in satellites, the image is available only to the obezzhennym allowed.


Google Maps or "Google Maps" have become a reference guide for corystuvachіv Іnternet and vzagali all koristuvachі PCs, having given nechuvan and nebacheny early the opportunity to look at your own house, at your village, dacha, lake or river, de stinks looked like a companion - from a companion. Indulge the beast, from such an angle, from which it would not be possible to marvel at the daily furnishing. Apparently, the very idea of ​​giving people easy access to satellite photos fits harmoniously into Google's overall concept of "easy access for all good people to any information on the planet."

Google maps allow you to watch from the companion at once and speeches and objects, which, if you are careful from the earth, it is impossible to watch at once. Companion maps are reviewed according to the sig However, in the satellite photographs, all the naturalness of nature and the objects of zyomka, natural colors, forms of lakes, rivers, watering and forests are preserved.

Staring at the map, you can only guess what is there: a forest, a field or a swamp, just like on the satellite photograph, you suddenly realized: objects sound round and oval in shape of a unique marsh color and є - swamps. The light green areas in the photo are fields, and the dark green areas are foxes. With a sufficient degree of orientation in Google Maps, you can distinguish between coniferous targets or confusion: coniferous maє more brown. Also, on the map, you can distinguish specific laman lines that pierce the foxes and fields of the non-solid Russian expanses - tse zaliznitsi. Just marveling at the satellite, you can realize that the bay is richer automobile roads pour into the most natural landscape. Also, Google Maps has the ability to put on a satellite image or place a map with the names of regions, roads, settlements at the scale of the country and call streets, numbers of houses, metro stations at the scale of the place.

Map mode and satellite view mode

Krіm satellite imagery can switch to the "map" mode, in which you can look at the territory on the surface of the Earth and see in detail the planning and roztashuvannya budinkіv whether there is a greater or lesser great place. In the "Map" mode, it is especially easy to plan moving around the place, even though you were already quite surprised at the satellite views of your place.

The function of searching for the number of the booth with ease will tell you to the required booth, giving you the opportunity to "look around" the territory for the next booth and you can go to the next one. To search for a necessary object, it is enough to type in a Russian language in a row and ask for the form: "Location, street, booth number" and the site will show you a special marker for the location of the object you have searched.

Yak koristuvatisya Google Maps

Open up like a place.

To move around the map, press the left button of the mouse on the map and drag it in a sufficient order. To turn to the cob position, press the centering button, which should be between the buttons directly.

To increase the card - press the button "+" otherwise, spin the mouse's roller, if the cursor is above the map. You can also change the card under the clapping mice in the world, what to call you.

To switch between satellite, mixed (hybrid) views and with a card, use the double buttons at the top right corner of the card: Mapa / satellite / Hybrid.

Russia is roztashovana at the pivnіchnіy part of the mainland of Eurasia. The country is washed by Pivnichniy Lodovitiy and the Pacific Ocean, the Caspian, Chorne, Baltic and Azov seas. Russia may bedroom cordoni out of 18 countries. The area of ​​the territory is 17098246 sq. km.

Levels and lowlands should be built over 70% of the total area of ​​the edge. Zahidni districts of roztashovani on the Skhidno-Europeian rіvnіnі, de cherguyutsya lowlands (Caspian and іn.) and highlands (Serednoruska, Valdaiska and іn.). The mountain system of the Urals supports the Northern-Europeian plain overlooking the Western-Siberian lowland.

Map of Russia from satellite online

Map of Russia from satellite. Mіsta Rosії іz sputnik
(Given a card I allow you to see the roads and other places in different modes of review. For a detailed drawing, the card can be re-tightened in different sides and zbіshuvati)

Russia is rich in great reserves of fresh water. Before to the largest rivers seen: Olena, Angara, Yenisei, Amur, Volga, Ob, Pechora and other tributaries. Baikal is the largest freshwater lake.
Flora of Russia is composed of 24700 varieties of roslin. The largest growth in the Caucasus (6000) and the Far Descent (until 2000). Lisiv lie 40% of the territory.
Raznomanitny creature's world. Vіn representations by big bears, tigers, leopards, wolves and impersonal representatives of creatures.
Oil reserves are known to the whole country. The Siberian platform is rich in stone water, potash and stone salts, gas and naphtha. The Kursk magnetic anomaly includes the largest deposits of ore deposits, and deposits of copper-nickel ores on the Kola Pivostrov. In the mountains of Altai, there is a lot of saline ores, asbestos, talc, phosphorites, tungsten, and molybdenum. Chukotsk region is rich in deposits of gold, tin, mercury, tungsten.
Zavdyaki geographical location Russia belongs to different climatic zones: arctic, subarctic, peaceful and often subtropical. The average mid-season temperature (in different regions) is indicated in the ranges from plus 6 to minus 50°С, linden - plus 1-25°С. On the river fall fall 150-2000 mm. On 65% of the territory of the region there is permafrost (Sibir, Dalekii Skhid).
The last day of the European part includes the mountains of the Great Caucasus. Pivden Si-birі occupy Altai and Sayan. Pivnіchno-shіdna chastina Far off the bat and Siberia bagata on the middle high mountain ranges. On the islands of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands - volcanic territories.
The population of Russia until 2013 was 143 million inhabitants. Representatives of over 200 nationalities live near the country. Of these, Russians make up about 80%. Reshta - Tatars, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, Chechens, Mordovians, Belarusians, Yakuts and many others.
Russian peoples speak 100 and more movs, as if they belong to the Indo-European, Ural, Altai sim's. The widest range of language: Russian (sovereign), Belarusian, Ukrainian, Virmenian, Tatar, German, Chuvash, Chechen and others.
Russia has a numerically Orthodox population in the world - 75% of Russians. Іnshimi expanding denominations - Islam, Buddhism, Judaism.

In your own way sovereign order Russia to lie down to a federal republic of the presidential type. The warehouse includes 83 entities, including:
- regions - 46,
- Republic - 21,
- Krayiv - 9,
- Mist of federal significance - 2,
- autonomous districts - 4,
- autonomous region - one.

Russia has great tourism potential. However, this sphere still checks its development. At the moment, near the well-known resort tourism, a new direction is being developed, for example, rural tourism. Explore different types of rural tourism: ethnographic, rural, ecological, illuminating, culinary (gastronomic), crafts, sports, suitable, educational, exotic, health-improving and combinations.

Silsky tourism (agricultural tourism) - tse nasampered navkolishnya nature, reminders of architecture and historical space. Spіv pіvnіv vrantsі and lad milk until evening, natural hedgehog and tourist routes, riches on beautiful lands, holy dzherela, monasteries, relatives, beauty of the forest and watering, fishing on the birch of the lake, knowledge of the rural butt, with traditional crafts, you can reach the reach of wood the middle and cultural recession, zdіysnyuvat pіshі, cycling and kіnі walks. Before that, rural tourism promotes the role of local knowledge.

This type of tourism flourishes in Europe, in Russia and wines - still unaware of the divin, but those who want to in the style of "country" are becoming more and more.

Such a change far away from the mischief and noise gives a colossal charge of energy.

Interactive map of Russia tse satellite photo high permission, zіbrane z impersonal space known in one image.

For zbіlshennya sign of Russia from satellite Ink the navigation bar at the top left corner.

Satellite maps of the city of Russia:

This map is based on the technologies of the Google Earth service.
In 2005, one or two months after the appearance of Google Maps, Google introduced a program called Google Earth, as it appears in front of a virtual globe, for the help of which you can bachiti objects in a three-dimensional model, photographed from space with high brightness. Ukrainian version, tse version under the name "Google Earth".
For a visual image, a trivi- mer model of the earth's earth's core is fixed, and the height above the sea level is protected. For the implementation of this trivi- mer model, two interfaces are important, such as OpenGL or DirectX. Coristuvach vikoristovuyuchi, as I call it, "virtual camera" can freely move around the virtual earth shoal, looking into the place where you can chirp.
There are two types of programs - free and paid version of Google Earth. Free version of the victorious one geodatabase, as it is composed of anonymous signs and additional special balls. The free version of Google Earth has a number of possibilities, so you can find a way, saving and rozdrukivka znimkiv, the ability to open it in the Google Maps browser, search for the best places and routes, report review mist. What is noteworthy, great places can be seen from the sight of hotels, gas stations, street names, numbering of booths, shops and rich others.
It is possible to create your own special marks, design paths and bagatokutniks, put your own image on top of the signs of broken space satellites. Such special tags are saved on files and used for exchange with other people, as well as winning this program.
To determine the date of the rent, it’s enough to point the bear at the flower for you, and “Google Earth” will show the day and month of the rent.

For a safe watch over the Earth's surface and a review of the satellite's satellites in online mode, you can select a program. Two of them are the most popular in Russia: Google Maps and Yandex Maps. Offending services can boast garnoy yakistyu znіmkіv іz companion vysokoї razdіlnoї zdatnostі bolshostі kraїn.

Yandex Cart is an online add-on to Russian retailers, which in a new way is more accurately processed by the city of Russia. New є vbudovaniya functional for revisiting data of interest in traffic (great settlements), demographic and geodata. Maps like Google don't have less pictures from the satellite of the territory of the Russian Federation, but according to land plots That traffic is available only for the USA.

See the map of Planet Earth from a satellite online

Below you can find out from the Google map provided on the site. For a more stable work of the plug-in, it is recommended to use the Google Chrome browser. As soon as you know about the pardon, update the plugin, after which you re-advantage the side.

View Google Earth from satellite, in real time online:

Another advantage of Google Maps is the presence of client software for robotic satellite signs. Tse means that access to the service can be taken not only through a browser, but through a proprietary program. The new one has more opportunities for revisiting that sightings from a satellite, robots from a trivial virtual globe.

3D map from satellite view Google (additional acquisition, not online version) allows:

  • vikoristovuvaty shvidky search for required objects for naming chi coordinates;
  • robite screenshots and record videos of high quality;
  • work in offline mode (requires forward synchronization via the Internet);
  • be a flight simulator for easy movement between objects;
  • save the "love of the city" for the quick movement between them;
  • look not only at the surface of the Earth, but also at the sights of other heavenly bodies (Mars, Moon is too thin).

You can use Google satellite maps for additional client software or a browser. There is a plug-in available on the official side of the program, which allows you to win interactive map on any web resource. It is sufficient to enter the address of the program code for the site. To display, you can select the entire surface, so I will sing the plot (you will have to enter the coordinates). Control - for the help of the computer mouse and the keyboard (ctrl + mouse wheel for scaling, cursor for moving) or the icons shown on the map (plus - close, minus - distance, move for the help cursor).

The Google Earth service in real time allows you to work with decalcom types of maps, the skin of which displays on the signs from the satellite and other data. Between them, it is easy to switch between them without wasting progress (the program is remembered, de vie knew). Available review modes:

  • landscape map from the satellite (geographical objects, features of the Earth's surface);
  • physical map(Detailed pictures of the surface of the satellite, city, street, their names);
  • a schematic geographic map for accurate drawing of the surface.

The sign from the satellite is automatically picked up in the area of ​​proximity, which requires a stable connection for the robot. To use Google Earth online, you need to get a program for Windows or otherwise operating system. For this work, the Internet is also needed, but only for the first launch, after which program it synchronizes all the necessary data (images from the satellite surface, 3D models of the alarm clock, name the geographic objects of those objects), for example, what you can access without direct data to the Internet.

What is Google Maps? This service, which is made up of a number of programs that are free of charge, and includes the Google Maps cartographic site and a program for laying a route (Google Transit). Maps like Google show the view from the satellite for the rich places of the planet and include a report scheme for roztashuvannya streets, budinkiv, roads for traveling by public transport or cars, and other objects.

Features of the robot

Google Maps is displayed in two options:

  • the ultimate traditional card (similar to the Mercator cards)
  • that znіmkіv іz sputnik (not in online mode, but zroblenі singsong time).

The scale of the maps is also based on the Mercator projection, so the wine is constant and changes from the poles to the equator at the back of the change.

From Google Maps, it is closely related to the corporation's other water-reinforced project - Google Planet, which shows the globe, on which the polar regions of the Earth are clearly visible.

How are the moons of the companions' signs? Not all, less than the great places of Russia, England, America, Canada and others.

Not all orders praised such placement and victories of signs (shards of placement of deyaky objects, it is well seen on the maps, they can victorious terrorists for planning and launching attacks).

The very same rich objects on the maps are shaded. Before such "classified" objects, for example, the White Dim or the Capitol is mentioned.

Different places on satellite signs are found in different different buildings - the less the area is populated, the less it is detailed. Likewise, the deacons of the month on the stars can be shoved through the shadows of the dark.

Google maps online

  • switch to satellite mode- lower livy kut;
  • sbіlshennya / zmenshenya scale- lower right corner.

Choyno company presented new service, in the whole world, the wind of interest swept through to the sign from the companion

The creation of sites began, on which satellite signs began to be placed with free access cіkavih mіsts, non-primary architectural monuments, stadiums, anthropogenic lighting.

Since 2008, the US Weather Service has become a contributor to the preparation of its forecasts for the Google Maps service.

It is necessary to note that not all images are seen from the satellite - more signs of the light of aerial photography from a height of 300 meters.

Google Maps online maps are widely tagged with JavaScript. If the coristuvach is changed with a card, pulling it over, new plots are picked up from the server and displayed on the side.

As if searching for specific objects, the result of the search is inserted on the white panel, and the page itself does not change. Raztashuvannya on the card is displayed dynamically through a red marker.

  • U 2006 The first version for mobile phones was released, and in 2007 another version was released. For the purpose of arranging the phone, a service similar to GPS is used.
  • U 2008 roci Google Maps can be downloaded for Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian, BlackBerry, Java (type 2+), IOS (Apple), Palm OS (Centro+).
  • U 2011 Why did the corporation announce that it provides a cartographic service for over 150 million customers.

So that the owners of third-party sites could cheat Maps, Google announced in 2005 a cost-free service Maps API (Application Programming Interface).

The card can be placed on any site for additional technology for interoperability software security. Today, there are over 350,000 such sites in the entire world.