Forward caresses. Front caresses: that's right. Navіscho need forward caresses. What do people love

Too many sexologists come up with one theory at once: the main reason for dissatisfaction with women is the constant presence of frontal caresses. Even more often there are such pardons in sex: supra-worldly hurry (the person is more likely to go to active activities), rudeness (parts of rivka or nadto rіzkі ruhi), wrong reasoning with women and human erogenous zones (both partners have it the same way). Ale and perevischuvaty for an hour caresses are not guilty. Chervoninnya on the shkіrі, blue vіd pozіlunkіv tongue, surplus vershkіv on tіlі, fragrant aroma of candles - dosit an unacceptable sign.

Front caresses: erotic games

An important moment at the front caresses is a feast of stosunkivs, for help Igor and prelude between partners. The widest one fun gra- "I give up!"

For that lad, that girl wears a weight of clothes, a crime of peace. Head-to-head met all gris - so that one of the partners began to shout “I give up!” In erotic games, everything is good - kissing, hugging, stroking one by one. With whom, the partner is guilty of waking up, if the other wants to take up the head method - sex. The last result of the vlashtov oboh.

“If the kohantsi constantly mingle with one another in great ways, they will achieve the body. The erogenous zones begin to develop sensitivity, and it will not be enough to stimulate that part of the body itself,” says one of the sexologists, therapists Lori Buckley. The more we see the front caresses, the more we see the sex, the brighter and more unforgettable. Organs, nipples, breasts are extremely important, erogenous points, but stench is not the only one. You can shukati and іnshi, you just need to їх shukati, and do not shy away from it.

Front caresses: 3 erogenous zones, you didn’t know about yaks

persha zone

One of the strong points, as a kind of creation of emotions. the edge of the lips. The price of people and women. You can try to try a small test: you need a sprat once, even quietly draw your finger at the edge of the mouth. In such a way, it is possible to see it easier to scrape. It’s better to try it with a kiss on the bed: if you wake up in front of caresses, it’s necessary to kiss on the cob, then run it with your tongue across the entire surface of your lips. And what an unforgettable sight can be delivered with such a look of caresses at the lower part of the belt.

Another zone

Unforgettable, apparently, a small dot calls out, as you know the base of the back. In order to destroy it correctly, it is necessary to hug a partner and lightly massage your entire back. From the cob of the shoulder blade, and then the giblets go lower to the kuprik. In every city there are the most sensible points, which can wake you up.

Third zone

Even a great potential inguinal zone(The inner upper part of the stegon). This zone is sensitive to all dotikіv, building up all the sumnivities of the people in front of the caresses. It is best to deprive the foreplay of the rest, and cover all the erogenous masses with kisses.

The prelude before sex is the fundamental part of everything to take the bait. More people and women are known to be sexually aware that the best sexual contacts are guilty of including love and tenderness.

More merriment in be-yakіy poїzdtsі tse ways - to gain your own affection and do not miss yoga. An important kind of foreplay will bring more satisfaction for both partners.

How to behave before sex?

The partner needs a few additional spices, so that he will be awakened to achieve maximum satisfaction. It is possible for men to continue the prelude to an erection, and a woman, as a rule, requires the same, in order to become well-dressed. As if you are insulting, you just want "sweet sex", there is no such speech, as if you spent too much time for prelude. The trick is to start splintering, if the partners are offended, it’s important to control the burden after the front caresses.

Frontal caresses include a number of entries, such as kissing, kissing, caresses and oral sex, but you can add your thoughts to the list. Sensitive foreplay is even more important for good sex, the stones help both partners to enjoy the state act more, and it is more acceptable to women more often. Most women need stimulation to achieve complete awakening, and preludes give them the necessary encouragement.

The creation of diligent minds for a statutory act - ce respect for details, which is especially important for a mature stage of recognition. For example, change your mind, it's warm in the room, the lighting is dimmed and the music is loud. To know the hour, to break one of the two properly, to know your partner's clothes can be an important part of a successful prelude. It’s good for someone who cares that rozdyagannya zbіshuє bazhannya - stimulating and activating the senses.

Front caresses before sex

Under the hour of prelude, start kissing and kissing properly. A kiss, as a rule, is the first physical expression of love and a blessing, but often it is forgotten under the hour of a state act. Under the hour of the state act, it is necessary to separate the parts of the body of your partner, and not to be separated by more than a mouth. Too many women complain that their partner does not want to finish them long, and they throw themselves into the wreckage without intermediary in the area of ​​state bodies. Do not experiment on the skin part of the body (for example, a lot of women wake up in the face of the shoulders).

Another reason for the previous caresses is important to exchange the word. The prelude is a wonderful hour, to understand those that your partner loves, that without it, you will not understand at all that it is true and stimulates the whole world. Don't be shy, share your bajans. Having offended partners, they will be satisfied with a good connection at the hour of foreplay and sex.

Remember that only when we are talking we can understand what is necessary for improvement - and that we will thoroughly work on the practice!

Sex foreplay video

Vіdnosini between a man and a woman will not be equal in any way, even if one of the partners does not take satisfaction from sex. It's a pity, the human and the female physiology are quite different, it is necessary for the wealthy women to spend a lot of time in order to improve on the sexual whistle and to begin to take away satisfaction from the statute act, then more people are ready to complete it in the first 10.

For happiness, there are some ways to increase your sexual desire, speed up your libido. For whom one needs forward caresses.

Forward caresses: how to properly destroy a woman

For the first time people should know that memory about those who wake up in a woman in front of her head. In order for a woman to begin to become sexually attracted to a partner, it is necessary for you to make it erotic. What kind of forward caresses give priority to women? One of the misunderstood methods is to write a text message to an erotic zmist or say in the ear to the lower ear a whisper of a compliment to the skin of the skin part of the body of the kohanoi. Tse help the woman to relax, see yourself as bazhan and sexy. Here is a lie individual features sprynyattya: deyaki girls love, what is called, “brudni huskies”, others, navpaki, you can only calm down romantic phrases, And vulgarity can influence them.

Although it is customary to respect that women “love with their hands”, on such representatives of a beautiful state, compliments and beautiful words can not do justice to the hostility. At this time, it is necessary to go over to the offensive. Potsіlunki - the simplest and most important variant of the prelude before the statute act. Ale, I’m still new, someone is awakened by the lower lips, and someone is addicted to calling out those hot French kisses. Not less important and simple dots. However, this variety of prelude is not less zbudzhuvalno dіє і on people.

Massage and dotiki

The French writer-publicist Frederik Berbeder at his famous book "Ideal" human body not a day can be spent without hugs, shards of yogo zmalka instilled in the day to take their dose of licorice dots from fathers.

Growing up, a man and a woman can no longer be treated kindly like before, even after a century they become obscene and become wrong. Then, try again to take the necessary amount of dots, people find a bunch of pennies on professional massages, relaxing SPA-procedures, perukarian services, manicure and pedicure with one method, people - look at their own skin. Then why not give them to your beloved partner without cost? Golovna, learn the techniques of massage, how to spread caresses in the front with unforgettable ones and give miracles.

Technique. Front caresses with massage

Until the end of the massage itself, you can light it up aromatic candles. Prote tsia is not a good time to go to everyone, the shards of deaky choloviks and women of exotic pahoschi are less likely to play. Masazhne oil can also be beaten up for bazhanny, sometimes sticky or oily traces are left, and caresses in the front, it is possible to interrupt by going to the bath to remove the lotion from the shkir.

Massage can be started right from the head, the lower dots should be drawn with protective chink tips of the nails, gradually lowering down, massaging the shoulders and arms, the back of that quilt, the legs and feet. Such caresses scream goosebumps all over the body, which is worthy of being with partners. It is important to give respect to all the servants of the head and body: the potion of the forehead, hands and obov'yazkovo fingers on the hands and feet. If everything is done correctly, until the end of such a session, the body will be relaxed, awakened, and ready to continue the sexual act.

What do people love

Most of the time, the person himself will not require front pests. On the vіdmіnu vіd zhіnki, vіn zbudzhuєtsya mає vіd іmоtsіy, іkіn іnіd physical contacts. Therefore, it is possible to bring a young person into the camp of extreme ecstasy by zastosuvshi a sprat of tantric or oral techniques. The first way is by pouring on the organ with your hands: drawing strong and lower clenching, as well as massaging. Another option is caresses with an empty mouth: tongue, lips and teeth. It is important to change the speed of the dotikiv, sometimes quickly, sometimes uplifting the pace. And do not forget to give respect to all the main ones and to the rest of the workers themselves intimate space. Possibly, such methods are not suitable for everyone, but the most sensitive and most delicate way to give a partner a heavenly pleasure. Forward caresses for people often wake up women.

Role playing games

Deyakі bet for "pіdnyattya mood" vіddâtâ vіddâtva prev this method of foreplay, like role-playing games. At whom there is nothing criminal chi vulgar, navpaki, the ability to reconcile wine with a mask allows other people to open up, to be more daring, to indulge in deep fantasies.

The most popular role-playing games: a nurse and a patient, a teacher and a student, a housekeeper and a hireling, a housekeeper and a housekeeper. For the most natural inspiration in life, in specialized stores you can buy special sets of clothes. However, it is possible to settle down with the people who are in the wardrobe, having voted for fantasy or for yourself. article act. Do not obov'yazkovo follow patterns, richly tsіkavіshe vigadati vlasnі options igor. Golovnya, sack rubbish and take away satisfaction, or even process with a proper rank on both partners.

Sexual whiteness

Who, after all, does not like such an option for re-playing, like role-playing games, for the front caresses, you can lose more sexual bliss. And here the skin woman chooses the most suitable for herself: innocently white, fatally bright-red, sexy black, merzhivne or satin. Be-yak, like you are worthy of yourself and bring you to the tone of a state partner. The whiteness helps the woman not only to look grimly and erotically, but also to grab a small figure, as if to take care of relaxation and to show herself bazhana and sexy.

Adult toys

For couples who are not complexed, who love diversity and creativity, and such a bold version of forward caresses, like vikoristannya іgrashok for grown-ups. At the shops of sexual goods, you can get a great assortment of fritters with warm, soft, fluffy or vibrating elements, homely pleasures, bring the most extravagant tastes. It is important not to cheat without a partner, so that you don’t shock, or you don’t get sexual desire. So lay it down more beautifully at once. Erotic toys are not only brought to state of life gostroty, and th to help dodatkovo stimulyuvati partner otrimannya dogoochіkuvanogo satiation.


Striptease - tse perevіrena hour that dosit popular form of front caress. Erotic music, muffled light, smooth movement - the axis of the main criteria for a successful private dance. Be a man to appreciate such a prelude. And the woman can see herself as swell and roaring, which is positively positive for the sexual act itself. Golovnya, ahead of time, get ready for the process: choose a suitable composition, make a sprat of dance ruhiv, pick up robes, you can get rid of which you can easily and not badly.

Forward caresses are not yet a state act itself, but a smut of satisfaction in front. In order to reach the maximum ecstasy, it is important to throw out all rubbish and irritability, to trust your partner, even if you are deprived of clothes and having seen the hugs, there is no way back.