Appearing holy day of astronautics. All-World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics. History and traditions of celebrating the Day of Cosmonautics. How to mark Cosmonautics Day

On April 12, 1961, the fate of one of the quiet pod, as it is customary to name, turned the world upside down. On the first day of spring in history, a space ship, which perebovaet under the care of people, left the planet. Yury Gagarin, a citizen of the USSR, became the first legendary cosmonaut. Premiere is more expensive to space Trival less than two years. For this hour, no one knew before, the pilot managed to fly around the orbit of the Earth, earn the title of Hero of the Radian Union and forever be forgotten from the memory of the inhabitants of the world.

Yak appeared holy

On the eve of the fate of the famous anniversary, the cosmonaut-pilot, Gagarin's understudy German Titov, propagated to increase the flight of people into space and fall asleep in the country in the holy day. This proposition was adopted, and on April 9, 1962, the Decree on the commemoration of Cosmonautics Day was officially signed by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR. From that hour, the day of 12 April, becoming one of the beloved and radiant saints for the inhabitants of the majestic country.

In 1968, sacred to the honor of rooting the cosmos, it gained international status. The All-World Cosmonautics Day was approved by the Rada of the International Aviation Federation at the deciduous conference.

With the collapse of the Radyansk Union, the vinyl needed to re-harden the love of that important saint. In 1995, the Day of Cosmonautics was confirmed by the Law “On the days of military glory and commemorative dates of Russia”.

On April 2011, the UN General Assembly changed the name of the famous Cosmonautics Day and voted the all-world holy International Day for the Help of People to Space. The drive for such changes was the pivvіkovy jubilee of the greatest for the history of the science of light.

Yur'eva nich

In 2001, on the date of the fortieth day of the first flight in space, Yur'eva Nich passed earlier, organized by the Consultative Council of the Space Generation. A group of American activists became the initiator of the new format of celebrating Cosmonautics Day. Zakhid shvidko having won popularity and nabuv of light scales. The number of countries-participants of that place, yakbazhayut to come to the new format is holy, a lot of growth, but the most global come to pass from the USA.

Yur'eva Nich - the same version of Cosmonautics Day for those who want to celebrate the new program. Within the framework of the Jurassic Night, all over the world, you will visit different places directly and on a scale: thematic exhibitions, science lectures, quizzes, discussions. The grandiose art installations allow the viewers to become participants in the light of 1961 rock and in the light of the eyes of those who ushered in the new era.

Specially for young people who love parties, hosts of night clubs host grand space parties. Practically a leather rozvazhalny mortgage is encouraged to remind your program with the theme of the holy. During the night, at rich cinemas, films are shown dedicated to the first flight into the indefinite space.

On the special website of the Yur'eva night you can get acquainted with the layout of the rozva and get ideas for holding the cіkavih visits. Kozhen can become the organizer of the holy place in his own place - there are no hodgepodges for him.

The people were constantly marveling at the sky. Revealing your own distant worlds, roaming about the reasons for the great things that live here far, far away, guessing hypotheses-legends about creation from the sky. It was less than ten years ago that people could look up for obriy.

April 12, 1961 is the day that changed the history of all mankind. On the very same day, the bagmen of the Earth threw a cry to the cosmos.

How did everything start?

People have been dreaming about the stars for a long time, but first try before them, they began to work less than 1957, if the first piece satellite was launched. In the fall of the same fate, the dog Laika broke into space, the very first thing that began to reach the influx of negligence on living organisms. Truth be told, I was no longer destined to turn back to my native planet. Experiments on the underlay of negligibility were continued by the launches of the Sontsya, the famous flight of Bilka and Strilka, the launching of rockets to Venus, the installation of a link with distant objects on the Earth. The work was colossal, at the development new sciences- cosmonautics - great pennies were invested, and the result for all people, for which the roots of the underground expanse did not particularly care, was April 12, 1961 - the first day the first person broke into space.

Yuri Gagarin

When Yuri Gagarin was born, it didn’t take him a moment to realize that from a simple livarnik (and to the very specialty of his wines, having fallen after the school and the institute) he would pretend to be the first cosmonaut in the world. The army changed its share, de vin having served in aviation. After demobilization, Gagarin ventured to become a tester of new casting equipment - the very name of the Radyansk Union (unofficially, obviously) space ships. And already for the river, preparations began for the first flight of people to space. Future cosmonauts went through the most serious medical conditions, trained on the most modern devices at that time, which allow them to reach the minds of incompetence as much as possible. A couple of days before the milestone flight, the pilot of the "Skhod" was recognized as Yuri Gagarin herself. On April 12, the first ship with people on board was launched from Baikonur.

Non-transferable problems

Ale, the watering itself did not end up like that, as it was planned. Cosmos Gagarin knew three more than a year, everything went well, the astronaut gradually gave a call about his camp and the ship, and then the galvanization system gave a beat. At the result, the "Skhid" landed over the singing hour of preparation until the fire of the mist, and near a small village in the Saratov region - for her, April 12 has clearly become a memorable date. Today there, before the speech, there is a museum of Yuri Gagarin, where you can find out more about the astronaut himself, and about that polit bearing for the whole Earth.

Ustanova is holy

On the same day, the whole world felt a breakthrough at the gallery of astronautics. Obviously, America tried to repeat the feat of Gagarin. Ale, all the same, the first word in the space was lost for the SRSR. April 12, 1962 became a day of remembrance for the feat of Yuri Gagarin. And for that, six years, since 1968, have become the All-World Day of Cosmonautics. More people would like to fly beyond the earth's atmosphere without shunning such honors, the landing on Neil Armstrong's Moon is famous.

With the collapse of the Radyansky Union, the food about the skasuvannya tsієї urochistnosti is not bothered. 1995 the fate of the order of Russia officially confirmed the holy 12 April. In 2001, the fate of the world's arena became known as the International Day for the Flight of People into Space.

How is Cosmonautics Day celebrated?

It is folded to tell about the singing of the traditional Christmas celebration on April 12th. Of course, schools hold rіznі come in, dedicated to the first life of the people in space, and in the whole. Various public organizations hold "round tables", debates and a lot of other options for discussion for young people, so you can learn more about the history of the saint, and discuss the trends in the development of science directly. April 12, Cosmonautics Day, is the miracle of the possibility of consolidating with those who are right in the past in space and can discover a lot of new and sometimes unsettled.

One of good ideas for the celebration of the Day of Cosmonautics at school - an announcement, within the framework of which it is not only about the flight of Yuri Gagarin and the preparation for the new, but about the long way before the creation of the first rocket, hypotheses, connected with space, the evolution of human knowledge about the science of light a lot of something else. a lot of other things. Deyakі vikladachі undeservedly forget about those who do not get an important result, the way until the new hour is richly cіkavіshiy, low dry facts. Moreover, in any given time it is impossible to apply the merits of their merits, without some kind of development of astronautics, in principle, it would not be possible.


It is important to commemorate 12 April with such large-scale saints, like New river, fight against SNIDom, which are marked by the light of the world. Bagato, whoever knows does not guess, if the first person has broken up to space. But the development of the beyond-the-earth gave space, yes, and give the people even richer. For the time being, we simply cannot imagine all the possibilities that appear to us with further progress. It is possible, today's dreams, to sound utopian, but a hundred years later, it is not possible for people to leave the Earth. Everything is ahead. And at any time, you can’t forget that April 12 is Cosmonautics Day, the day when a person threw a cry to the All-World.

Cosmonautics Day in the world is celebrated on April 12. Sacredly erected in 1962 to commemorate the first introduction of people into outer space. Named after Yury Oleksiyovich Gagarin in the house of the bagmen of the other lands. On the ship "Skhid" the Russian representative himself gained access beyond the borders of the Earth for all people. Zahalnokorisny feat of Gagarin having sown Yogo with a legend. Russia has a lot of monuments to the first cosmonaut, naming the street in his honor.

I already love it sacredly, even if it is especially famous for all our people. The Cosmonautics Day stuns the proud pride of all the inhabitants of the country.

After dozens of years after the first flight, a lot of people were already in the cosmic expanse. Cosmonauts are aware of high ambitions, practicing in non-safe minds. All the stinks help people to learn more about the All-world and carry out important investigations. A lot of ships and stations are rebuked at space at once.

The manifestations of people about the Earth have already changed for a long time, even before they did not know that the earth is round. Cosmonautics helps to find other planets.

The Day of Cosmonautics is celebrated in the blink of an eye, reminiscing about the feat and masculinity of astronauts, designers and engineers.

Grade 4 7-8 propositions. Navkolishnіy svіt. Grade 3, Grade 6, Grade 2

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Subordination to space is one of the priorities of humankind. And to that, the whole bogeyman, as far as I can see it, will require vinyatkovo's respect, like on the side of the state, so are the hulks. The axis of this is the Day of Cosmonautics. Tse important for everyone is sacredly celebrated on the twelfth of April. For the 57th time of the coming fate, we celebrate yoga for the 57th time, so the history of this celebration is great.

history is holy

The date is incorrect. Vaughn is timed to the bottom, about the yaku good know better than anyone happy people, ale and skin grown baggy modern Russia. On the very same day, April 12, 1961, Yury Gagarin destroyed space. This was the first person in the cosmos - such a podia became a right breakthrough in the whole world. And the axis of the Day of Cosmonautics itself was already started on the proposition of another Radian cosmonaut - German Titov. The dawn of the proposition on the ninth April, 1962, a decree was signed to rock, which made the tract fall asleep.

The development of piloting benefits from the Radyansk Union was introduced in stages. From the first piloted ships and orbital stations to rich space piloted orbital complexes. Radian Union for ten years writing success domestic cosmonautics- ce and polit of the first in the world of the woman-cosmonaut V. Tereshkov, and the departure of the first space, and the best history of cosmonautics polit.

Holy kіlka was renamed once, and in 2011, another variant of such a day was recognized for the participation of the UN - already international. Now the 12th of April is Russia's Holy Day of Cosmonautics, and the whole world is the International Day for the Help of People in Space. It's not worth talking about the significance of urinals for the skin edge and skin people, as we live on our planet.