Bouquets of leaves and gorobini. Virobi - do-it-yourself ekіbani from natural materials on the theme of autumn: ideas, compositions, photos. How to make an autumn hare from leaves, flowers, fruits of autumn with your own hands for a child garden, a school in holy autumn? Vinogradna g

Autumn, unimpressed by all its melancholy, always inspired people to create something beautiful, so nothing marvelous, so main theme for today's article we chose the creation itself bouquet of autumn with your own hands. Tsya theme, in such materials and colors of din, nachebto lie on the surface, ala shhoroku, sticking with the need to win virobiv at the cages and school, trying to create, we vycherpuєmo cіkavi ideas. So it's time to replenish your treasury of ideas, collect different natural materials and the next few days to leave the mournful process of creativity and hand-made.

Do-it-yourself autumn bouquets from leaves

The main material, which has always been associated (that and will be a year of association) is the autumn - the color of the leaves of the trees, like the garne in this cold season. Not one trip to the park is complete without choosing a luxurious gold-crimson rim, the beauty of which you so want to save for a long time. Great idea for such vipadkiv - do-it-yourself autumn bouquets from leaves.

The theme of the flooring is great, which includes both children’s applications and other types, which will be more beautiful for home projects and creative competitions, so to add folding, rich components, as they can become not only embellishment of the interior of an apartment, but also in shops far.

The more components your finished product will have do-it-yourself autumn bouquet (photo yakі vy bache more, tse show), tim vin will be tsіkavіshim. You can look at such a variety for a long time, knowing all the new nuances of color, combinations of textures, unmatched color accents. On this day, it is possible to make a rich bagat for sale not only, from which fashionable bouquets and compositions are made, but also from the bushes or okremі osіnі leaves. The popularity of this variety of goods is motivated by the popularity of leaf decor. In the period from spring to leaf fall, in the fall of the spring season, the most beautiful spring bouquets scatter from the leaves, the decor of the hall, the decor of the table with great compositions and looking at such a selection of spring themes is simply marvelous.

A variant of the work with leaves, which lie on the surface - twist the leather leaf so that the wine becomes similar to a trojandium bud. Such trojans can be victorious in rich variants, both for children and for decorating an apartment.

Ale twisted leaves - not the only way for a good result. You can look at the butt bouquets from natural material do-it-yourself "Autumn”, in which one of the key components are, like, the main garni of leaves. Vіdminniy variant with framed compositions, if the leaves form their own pillow to solve all the components.

Ale, respect that for such an option you will not get all the leaves, you need to select them carefully for variety, for variety, and for size. A good option, as shown in the photo, is maple leaves. The stench can make a cicada shape, and at the bagatosharovіy warehouse, form a food and a mіtsnu pillow.

One more variant from the demonstrated dobrka do-it-yourself bouquets on the theme of autumn decorations for the help of a selected great oak leaf. Ale stinks for the first time fold not at the height, vzdovzh vertical lines, but across. Various floral techniques are used for shaping vicory, for example, a lip-oasis, in the middle of which leaves are embedded, or a cardboard base, in which leaves are applied. Such a variant will be a garnish for a cheerful decor, and for a simple present, a sign of respect.

Making an autumn bouquet with your own hands

Folding steps make a bouquet of autumn with your own hands zavzhd to lie down less than you. Don’t think that the topic doesn’t mean folded forms, doesn’t seem to be beautifully combined with colors, all the styles are needed, skils and in robes on other topics. Just use a sprat directly, which can be a robot. Among them, dosit tsіkavі, about yakі mi іz zadovolennyam you rozpovіmo.

A fashionable trend in the formation of bouquets and vicarious cereals and ears of corn as an additional material. Applying similar robots in the rest of the hour, no less anthrohi, lower than the leaves that are more familiar to us. You can appreciate it better, how can you look like that virobi "Autumn Bouquet" vlasnoruch. A photo to show that in such virobs there really is nothing foldable or extraordinary, and the stench looks even more stylish.

Varto respect also that for stіykіstyu cereals will be the best, lower leafing, especially if you cover them with transparent varnish, so that little bits and hairs do not cover them.

So, give respect to the butt of the combination of roses from gilt trees. You can also have a decorated vase, and a spring bouquet on one lower. In addition, marvel at how beautifully you can add splints for the help of gnuchkovy chicks or roots, as if laying them on the bottom of a transparent glass vase.

Vtіm, you can zovsіm get along without the strong additive “ingredients”, having become rich only with an assortment of standard ticket shop. Choose trojands, chrysanthemums, aistrees, gerberas and lilies and put everything in the garnier of the papyrus. The main secret, so that the stench looked like autumn itself - the color scheme is correct, let it be red, yellow, orange and green, buy more.

Do-it-yourself autumn bouquet for a child garden

The manager of the meeting a bouquet of autumn with your own hands at a children's garden blame often, as at least once during the golden season. We proponuєmo you tsіkavі ideї, like a child, just as much as possible to viskonat as independently as possible, even if you believe in yourself the essence of childish creative tasks. The easiest option for virobu is the application. You can help the little ones to prepare the natural material or the paper changer, and it will be better to glue the leaves and the vouchers on the base.

In order to graft the next time, glue it to the robot neatly, make a small vase with paper and cover the beast with all the stems of that base, as shown in the photo. To the point, and the vase itself can be decorated, embellished either with a little, or with an applique.

It is also a sign of respect that this child of a robot can be embellished with other natural materials, not only berries and flowers. It is wonderful to see cones, acorns, peas, chestnuts in it.

Bouquet give autumn with your own hands

For bouquet "Give autumn" with your own hands we need you for us not the leaves, but the vegetables and fruits. The popularity of such varieties is inspired by the fact that from long ago, autumn itself was the time of the harvest, rich and so shaky, that one wants to imagine a yakomog earlier.

And our numbers Save that inspire love for the youth of Halloween - all the same, the number is holy to the harvest. So, in your virobs on this topic, obov'yazkovo vikoristovyte vegetables and fruits, beginning with watermelon, apples, carrots and ending with hunger, gorobina, physalis. Tim more so interspersed with the traditional ones allow you to take away even more tsіkavі, brighter accents and vіdtinkivі textures.

So, for example, in the photo you can use a watermelon as the main decorative element for the composition. This product by itself is already staggering, crushing, screwing up respect as great as it is small. Breeders of selection, in your robots you can win the great or middle-of-the-world garmelon as a stand, or such a peculiar variety.

In a different way, on the other hand, ozbroyuєmosya the smallest, decorative ticks and vikoristovuєmo їх as an addition to the decor or filera. The cream of that option, which is obvious - string the watermelons on long skewers and come to the bouquet, and the original options, for example, fill a small vase with watermelons up to half, and then after that, restore the composition. You yourself will take away the ideal embellishment for the Christmas or thematic table setting. E

If you zatsіkav the butt, in which the figure of the creature is placed with quotations, then such a decor from living roslins can be extended, you can easily learn lessons from a similar DIY autumn bouquet and cover photo.

We have one more embellishment, bestowed by nature itself - the whole of an apple. Autumn apples, tight, red-sided or green, freshen up with a long-term lezhkistyu, so that the building is saved and does not last a long hour. For the same reason, apples of different varieties of them fell in love with vicoristing in the elements, adding to the yalinka or adding to the wine.

If the apples live well until the New Rock, then it’s just a sin not to win over them in the autumn decor. The pictures are better to show us how you can see such a decor. If you know the steaks, even that beautiful apple, you didn’t get far, because your booth doesn’t stink for a long time, then hurry up piecewise, so shaky and miraculously fit for our met, apples.

Do-it-yourself autumn bouquet with paper

The flowers, with all their beauty, cannot keep us quiet for a long time at the compositions, that leaflet did not look very good in them for stability. So how do you have a job to do it once and for all three months, then you can turn bouquet of autumn with your own hands from paper. Obviously, in order to achieve the best result, you can take not the most unusual color paper, like for children's applications, but a special, sublime one, with an unusual texture and beautiful, natural colors. It is also miraculous to create corrugations, reap papers, with which Merezhya has a lot of ideas to collect and report master-classes from their vikonannya.

Abo is popular with the rest of the decade a bouquet of zuceroks - for whom it is possible and necessary to vicorist papiers. For work, you need papier itself, a stone for folding the frame, weaving stems and leaves, as well as a vase or a support, glue, additional decor for embellishment and, perhaps, farba to reach the necessary nuances of color.

If you need to embellish your place in the autumn style, hurry up with one of the most diverse benefits - seasonal floristry. Today we can look at the blos, with some materials you can put together autumn bouquet, and let's talk about how to get stuck in similar thematic compositions. As an illustration, I prepared a selection of photographs for your inspiration.

Seasonal compositions

In floristry, there is a rule, zgіdno z yakim kvіti, roslini and decorative elements of the composition are due to be chosen to the extent to the extent of the fate, the mood of which we are trying to convey. For example, as we create a spring bouquet, we win the flowers of that growing period - tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, pussy willows, sakuri, greenery of the most bright flowers. Lavender, poppies and voloska, dormouse are not suitable for us, because springs in nature do not stink, and therefore, they will introduce into cognitive dissonance whoever marvels at your creation. The most obvious commentary in such vipadkas is: "It's beautiful, but it's not like that." So a person may not guess at once that you have messed with the Roslins, and її pіdsvіdomіst, basing on the primary stereotypes, you see: “there is a pardon”.

This principle is especially important for bouquets of single pieces, about which I speak in this connection. And if such non-balance is acceptable with living beings, then ours with you has a drop - nі, tk. the main task of the florist, which works with piece material, to make the bouquet realistic, as close as possible to the natural, to inhale the life of the non-living.

Another technical trick, about some varto of the nobility, picking warehouses to a seasonal bouquet - adding colors, typical for pore rock. For dermatological damage, I will tell you more about it in my other publications. Today we are familiar with the main colors of the decor of the autumn theme - orange, yellow, terracotta, red, burgundy, ocher, brown and dark brown.

Autumn bouquet from piece flowers

If you look at the assortment of piece tickets that are promoted on our market, you can see a clear lack of autumn-themed roses. The most popular here is the dormouse, which wins in the most important autumn compositions. Dormouse trees can be found in various sizes - from miniature ones, 3 cm in diameter, to great ones, like in nature, on high fleshy legs. Stop calling to show up in pіdlogovyh vases, great rims, and are diluted with dry needles, vines, grasses. For bouquets near flowerpots and floor compositions, 10-12 cm heads are sufficient.

Crimean dormouse in the autumn compositions of vicarious chrysanthemums, aster, trojandi, georgia, gerbera and various other flowers of a different color group. In this case, it is more correct to choose the color of the focal growth. Take a look at the photo - the composition looks very obvious, and only a yellow-yellow hot trojand on a dark brown background indicates to us our seasonal belonging.

Like greenery fall grapes and maple leaves in the spring. Even before the speech, the heads with red, burgundy and orange berries fall down. Revive the composition of lichtariki physalis, which you know - however, it looks good like physalis from fabrics, and natural dry flowers.

Dried flowers in the autumn bouquet

It is better to combine piece pieces with dried flowers and natural materials, such compositions look more naturalistic and perfectly suitable for decorating the interior. For the autumn theme, I would like cereals (natural and farmed): wheat, oats, lagurus, falyaris, flum; all immortelle and dried roslini: helichrysum, xerantemum, craspedia, foxtail, cardo, statice, bluehead.

Decorative natural materials can miraculously get used with piece bouquets of autumn themes. Badam, white caps, lotus pods, dried exotic fruits, rosettes, cedar trojands can be seen before them. Floristry shops sell kuli, cones, rattan spirals - the stink can also be good for our idea, the most common colors: natural light brown, red brown and orange.

You can wink and natural materials of our smuga: cones, acorns, chestnuts. Just don't forget that the chestnuts darken and deform over time, and the acorns fall out of the filigrees. Floristry shops sell acorns with polystyrene in "native" hats. I recommend them, because they are more useful and accessories for creativity. A lot of mastrіv choose autumn leaves for creativity, pick in the park, I would replace them with textile ones. Alive, the leaves will dry up soon, they will be cut and sip, and they will last a lot of years (until the bouquet is full).

Models in the autumn composition

Autumn bouquets are the very sphere of floristry, where most of the vicarious imitations of apples, pears, grapes, all kinds of tikuvans, mushrooms and yagid are made. The assortment of goods at the shops is wide and at the florists-pochatk_vtsіv ochі rozbіgayutsya, vіrazu wants to buy everything. Here I would have pleased the nobility of the world - do not varto pragnit zapkhati everything in one cat, I will threaten the over-excess.

Take models as additional decorative elements for accents, one or two types of different categories will be enough. So there is no sense to introduce an apple + pear (two fruits) into the composition, to get ahead of the next combinations: fruits + berries, berries + mushrooms then. In addition, as much as possible, try to get the real proportions between roses and other products - you can’t have an apple bigger than a watermelon, or a bigger grape.

Additional materials

Thematic orientation of your autumn bouquet can be supplemented with natural linen cords, stitches from sackcloth. Bows made of unbarred raffia, bunches of straw, additions of dry moss, saw cuts of wood.

Floral decor, such as grandmothers, panicles and bugs in autumn compositions do not vicorate - not for the season. Inserts are also not very popular, for a little wine, they are mushrooms and decorative zhzhachok.

Cache-pots, if possible, choose neutral shades, with the effects of wear, or burn on the sun, like a cat, rather take a rough (“strong”) weave. Vіnki-basis is better to bathe with straw or from uncleaned willow vines.

If the bouquet is ready, take a look at it respectfully. Put your own spice to power. What is the result of the set task? What do all the elements match the theme? What is the correct choice of colors and accents? First of all, why does my composition look realistic? Do not complete the creative process, the docks are not clear on all the power supply firmly.

Autumn is the golden hour. Falling into disgrace, bending the earth with an enchanting kilim. Who among us is not bringing a leaf home? However, if you want to stink, even if it’s unpredictable in the zabarvlenn, it’ll be richer to create an autumn bouquet from leaves and decorate your buds with them.

Proponuemo master-class from a description of how many options for creating such a virobu with your own hands. You don’t just bring your mother’s birth to your home, but even in the autumn photo session.

Tell me about autumn

We need maple leaves of various colors and threads.

Fold the first sheet across. І gortaєmo at the schіlnu tube.

This will be the middle of our ticket. Now we take another sheet, apply it with the front side until the bud is harvested. Folding yogo just like that, you can do it by 1/3.

Then we lightly turn the top of the other pellet and wrap it around the bud. Navpaki attached similarly to the third sheet.

So we form the whole ticket, moreover, the skin of the offensive row is guilty of trochs, if you lie down to the front.

We fasten the thread of the base.

For your innocence, if you make such a bouquet first, you can sew up to a leather sheet.

Wrap the bouquet with a larger sheet, then send it to the tickets, also fasten it with a thread.

You can burn at the side of the paper, or you can leave it like that.

Second option

This variant is folded with trojans, but the folding of the leaves is reversed.

The axis of what we need:

  • 10 leaves of maple of various sizes and zabarvlennya per ticket. The stench is to blame, but the trochs are dried up, made fresh, so that they will be more plastic;
  • right there at the fox you can pick up twigs, stink on the stems;
  • teip stitch of green color;
  • scissors.

We take the smallest sheet, turn it to ourselves with the inner side. Folding tops, zagortaemo at the roll. Take away the middle of the card, as shown in the photo.

We take another sheet, fold the middle top and apply it to the bud. Let's sweat along the dark edges of the sheet, wrapping yoga.

In such a way, the leaves come. It is better to put them in the order of zbіlshennya rozmіru and overlap.

We can fasten the ready ticket with a thread. We come up to a new vein, wrapped around the base of the ticket and along the whole length of the stem with a teip-string.

Please take all the tickets from the bouquet. We can decorate on the authority's judgment.

Dodaemo raznomanitnosti

We need:

  • trochs are dry leafing birches, osiki are thin;
  • jute hank;
  • I will try a bag;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue gun;
  • gіlki z yagіd gorobini.

Like a bachimo, from a jute thread it is necessary to make a kul. I’ll take a bag, blow it up and wrap it with jute, with it I’ll clearly cover it with PVA glue (it’s possible to twist the tapestries of the tapestries). Check it out, while it's still dry. We pass and see the bag.

Now we proceed to the preparation of tickets. For whom we take a leaf and burn it into a bag, the edges are creaked with hot glue.

It is turned on a new stepping sheet, so it is crusted with glue. In such a rite, all the leaves are crying, with which the skin of the attack is guilty of restoring, or the troch is larger than the front. We form a Trojandy bud.

You can apply hot glue on the pellets, imitating dew. Now we insert the ticket into the jute sack, fix it with glue.

So we make out the whole sack.

For the bazhannya, at the stage, while culling from the jute of the vologer, you can work out a flat bottom and decorate only the swollen part.

Now we fill it with empty gorobini berries so that the jute is not visible.

The axis of such a non-standard bouquet can be placed on a vase, or you can put a loop and then hang it, for example, on the door.

Fourth way

Vіn shvidshe for all pіdіyde for svіlnoї tvorchoї z ditya, more simple and will not require special mnіnіkі navіch.

Material and tools:

  • leaves (children will be happy to choose yoga for you);
  • thin needles for the stem;
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • farba is green, more beautiful than acrylic, and gouache, watercolor pіdіdut tezh;
  • penzlik;
  • glass jar pivlitrova;
  • vіdrіz fabric;
  • gumka;
  • lines from the atlas.

On a piece of cardboard, it is glued leafing over the stake with an overlap, moreover, it is chosen the most.

Leaves for the advancing row are taken troch less and spaced in the checker order in the front.

The third one, for our butt, the rest, we can make a row of three small leaves, or we can take the pellets of dried flowers.

We can close the middle with a namist, a rhinestone, or we can glue a small sheet with a name and make yogo. Here is a piece of fabric.

Until our lives dry (choose the number yourself), farbuyemo veins near the greens of the color.

If all the parts dry out, attach the flowers and okremі leaves to the nail.

Now let's get to the bank. Decorated with fabric, fastened at the neck with a goomka, and fastened with a satin stitch.

We use our tickets in the transformation of jars. If you want to bazhannya її you can replace it with a side vase.

Yak Bachimo, in the autumn leaf of the mass potential. You can create marvelous bouquet compositions, adding additional decor to the sight of berries, dry herbs, cones, etc.

Video on the topic of articles

Beautiful autumn to slowly enter at her volodinnya. The weather has long been remembered, the parts of the wood are mourning, the leaves of the tree are standing on the road, which changed the color. A lot of yellow, red, burgundy, orange and purple palettes appeared. Roslins and trees give us rich rich fruits - chestnuts, acorns, and a gorobina, a chimeric form of a box with flowers, an apple, a watermelon and a faceless flower and a marvelous leaf.

If you collect everything in one great cat, then we will create wonderful, exclusive bouquets, which you can give to friends, loved ones, or you can leave yourself in a riddle.

For those who love handicrafts, we can dream up at once and create a sprinkling of miraculous flowers, berries and fruit compositions and gifts of autumn.

Flowers and other gifts of nature, yak become a blessing for a bouquet

What can you win at your virobs, how to give us this autumn time:

  • - Trojandy.
  • - Aistry.
  • - Floxy.
  • - Septembers.
  • - Chrysanthemums.
  • - Chornobrivtsi.
  • - Rudbeckia.
  • - Sleepers.

You can cook the grono gorobini, choose different-colored leaves, bring chestnuts, a small harmelon, cones, various forms and rosemary cones, peas and other gifts of autumn, yak otochuyut us on the streets.

Speeches, how to become a god for creativity

In order to start introducing ideas into life, you have to stock up on a couple of necessary items. Tse:

  • - PVA glue or super glue (everything depends on the type of bouquet), glue gun.
  • - Strіchki, namistini, sackcloth, motuzka, gudziki, candles, other decor.
  • - Knives and drill.
  • - Shmatki, colorful paper, cardboard, floral sponges.
  • - Farbi, olives, felt-tip pens.
  • - Fantasy.

Rules of three lines and points

Before that, how to start creating, it is necessary to remember what will form the basis of the skin bouquet. In order to simplify the task, it is necessary to compose the whole procedure according to the rule of three lines and one point. Axis chi rules:

  1. Let's look at the horizontal lines of the future rose bouquet.
  2. Let's remember the basis, the basis of the composition.
  3. We insert a vertical border, or maybe a needle, a thread, a thread.
  4. We designate a point, as if it were the center. Vaughn at the bouquet is the head of the head.
  5. Creative ideas for creating autumn bouquets.

1. Vinok for entrance doors

This is a unique bouquet, round in shape, which can be used to decorate doors, hinges, or you can simply put it on a table. It’s not easy to create yoga, it’s enough from cardboard to make a colo, and start sticking it on leaves, acorns, gorobini and other berries. Everything is put on glue, a possible variant of silicone. More beautifully pіdіyde glue gun.

2. Autumn bouquet with leaves and flowers

Beautiful composition, how to embellish the room. For tsієї meti, it’s just ideal to see chrysanthemums, the stench can stand for a long time and not let the pelyusts in. Great leaves of maple, chestnut, fruit trees miraculously come to the close. Make sure that the bouquet is more bright, then the bouquet is even more bright.

3. Autumn bouquet of spikelets of wheat

Another idea for a marvelous bouquet - tea trojans, orange, cream or yellow lilies from green leaves, thyme, as they did not catch their charm. You can add a bunch of spikelets of wheat, or great spikelets that grow here. We fix the result with adhesive tape, and then embellish it with a wide line.

4. Dry bouquet

Tse for the quiet, who wants to continue the autumn and not say goodbye to her in the cold. Such a composition does not need to be watered. For whom we need dry chicks, like farbuyemo farbs in whatever color, dry leaves, lines, acorns. Everything is put together and glued behind the flowers and installed in a pot, either in a vase or in a cat. A similar still life can not be deprive anyone of Baiduzhim. More ideas for making bouquets and bouquets from dried flowers.

5. Autumn bouquet without tickets

So, show yourself, and so buva, chi is not so, it’s just chaklunstvo. At the cat, at the bottom, we put yalina twigs, along the edges of the cat, we squeeze cones, they can be turned into a golden color or shriveled. At the center there will be a gorobina, a pomegranate, a grona of grapes and a rich yellow and orange leaf. Miraculously, as if in a bouquet, there will be interspersed with sea buckthorn, dry ears of wheat, fruits of thorns. What else can you grow from pine cones.

6. Autumn bouquet with dormouse "Tell me about summer"

What can you tell us about the warmth, the hot sun at the yellow leaf fall? Tse great dormouse that Zhovta gerbera. From the leaves of a dormouse, you can create a majestic bouquet, which is framed by greenery and gerbera. Well, why not a miracle option on the theme of a bouquet in autumn.

7. Bouquet at Kelihu's

If in a house there is a great or majestic cell, then a flower composition can be created at a new one. At the bottom, you need to collect cones, an aubergine of a small rosemary. At the center, put a high candle, and from the sides, sip gorobini berries, trojands, sea buckthorn and viburnum.

8. Bouquet at the garden

We need a floristic sponge, where you can put live flowers, leaves. No sponges, quicken with dried flowers - physalis, gypsophila, lunaria, as well as celosia and nigella. Do not forget about the great and yaskravy harmelon, which is necessary to clear the front from the pulp. It is readable: what else can you grow from a hamelon in autumn.

9. Apple bouquet

For whom, it is enough to chop different-colored fruits on special utrimuvachi. Promisches are decorated with quilts and other autumn foliage - eystring, gerberas, chrysanthemums, echinacea.

10. Simple autumn bouquet

And nasamkinets, as if there is no mood to mastruvati, and bajannya, so that a drop of autumn appeared in the house, take a walk along the street and just pick up your gifts of nature. Pick up a couple of autumn leaves, a bunch of thorns, gorobini, look for sea buckthorn, pick up flowers, take everything from a majestic bouquet and put a vase at home. Order to install a fragrant candle and enjoy the still life.
Spodіvaєmos, zaproponovanі ideї inhaled chitach to create one, wanting one, small autumn masterpiece.

Photo gallery: 16 photos of beautiful autumn bouquets

More beautiful if in the autumn bouquet there are more yaskravikh and juicy colors. Aistry, trojandi, stigli juice fruits of shipshini+ small blotches of fresh leaves and stalk of grasses.

Schob bouquet looking like a single big target- є sense YOGO BELT into a single BEAM - and then insert a bunch like a COMPOSITION of AUTUMN COMPOSITION at the vase.

Neobov'yazkovo vikoristovuvati dovgі stalks of flowers and roslin ... Autumn bouquet can be planted and from a short view of the tickets and the heads(yak on floral butts below).

Gilki fruits of shipshini, gloda, barberry and gorobini the bouquet creates a special color of autumn floristry. You can also add leaves of chagar chagar or trees ... important fruits along the lower line of the composition and blue flowers along the upper node of the bouquet.

Autumn flowers: garden trojans, eystrings, fruits of herbs and wild trojans… miniature garbuziv or patison… In order for the important harbuzov fruitlets to be good trimmed in a bouquet, you need to carefully drill a hole in them… know the needle’s head… and prick the patissonchik on the neck. І axis so on the head insert our autumn bouquet.

As a vase for the autumn composition, you can but be-yak єmnіst ... for example blisha glider for milk(as in the photo above). Either the clay is a decorative amphora... or you can place a vessel with water near the weaves of the cat.

Fresh berries can also be in an autumn bouquet.

Red currant to give a bouquet of juicy flowers - especially as trojans, for the color, run for the color of the yagid. I to the speech ... in the same composition in the photo below clearly you can see the RULE OF THREE CLASSIC LINES of the bouquet(About the yak, I’ll tell you a little lower).

Autumn bouquets of leaves.

You can just see from dwarf maple beautiful little trees with maple yellow leaves. Let these beautiful rods be looked through in the crystal clear water of the vase.

And also the cicaviy hіd - if you put down the vase at the prozora purely imitі carrot roots- the badilla is not required to be seen, it is only to serve as a part of the autumn bouquet. From the beginning of the speech, in every bouquet one can see one classical rule of composition (and no less than the basic one).

Dry transparent-leaf stems better vibrati high - so that the stench created the TOP EDGE of the bouquet ... and on the BOTTOM roztashuvati yaskravі juice flowers that leaf.

YAK to fold a bouquet - the rules of competent placement of lines.

Another bouquet may RULE LINE ... This rule is well illustrated by a photograph. Required rі main straight lines (div zhovtі gіlki)- Gilka UP with a cheeky left ... Gilka VLIVO with a small foot ... Gilka RIGHT may be horizontal.

І for vrіvnovazhennia - a sprat of hіlok or a stalk due to hang down (these are brown hіlki in the photo below)

The axis of the bouquet is lower - the same is created according to the principle of THREE CLASSIC LINE COMPOSITIONS.

LEAVES AND KVITI - friendly sharing of forms and vіdtinkіv.

Beautifully look small bouquets of autumn flowers and great leaves.

Color of tea trojans and orange-yellow color of lilies іdeally zbіgayutsya Z VІDTІNKOM os_ny leaf… and in a bouquet of tsey colors zbіg supported by green-leaved dews. I need more respect - what like linear elements- vikoristovuyutsya on the stems of roslin(brown in the photo below).

And the axis of the butt of that - yak "Tea" Trojans can be made with your own hands from a great maple leaf. Below, we can better understand the essence of the technique - and to help you, it’s better to take a sticky line to wrap the bases of such leafy buds along the way (and the line is more beautiful to choose a green color - it’s sold in flower and flower shops).

DRY BOUQUETS for the autumn interior.

DRY BOUQUETS - this is a miracle idea for decorating an interior for a tribal hour. Vologa is not needed for such basic compositions. Such a dry bouquet can be made into a yogo farboa from a can (as in the photo below).

Abo bouquets can be arranged as decorative "purchase" from leaves, cones, small bolls of roslin, dry woods, parasols and other natural materials.

MINIMALISTIC DESIGN - in the design of an autumn bouquet.

Bouquet mozhe buti more modest- smut, so the design is stylish. The axis like in the photo below - from the acorns and the little krishechok in the acorns, you can glue funny flowers ... and insert such dry flowers at the vase at once with oak leaves. Tse vіdm_nny osіnnіy virіb for nursery(you can rob at once from a child). Only drotyans and trimachs are already working themselves.

Navit is so modest composition with leaves in beakers- looking self-sufficient. Also a sign of minimalism in an interior bouquet.

Aje is right, a lot of what you don’t need. Small quotes… stalks of cereals… parasols with berries – and you already have a beautiful autumn bouquet for a small composition on the table.

Abo can vikoristovuvati calyxes of flowers from zovsim short stalk- yakscho lay them on the bottom of the great keliha-wazi. For linear harmony, add a high stem here- ale, even a muffled zabarvlennya ... so that the stench did not take into account respect for itself and the center of the composition was flooded with succulent and bright social colors.

Abo cups of tickets can be garnished flower kilim in a flat vase(I go to a bowl of salad bowl).

Following the same principle you can make a bouquet of hives of the gorobini, hіlok yalіvtsyu and needles.

They didn’t know what the side of the salad bowl was ... then you can mask the walls with dry leaves- having fixed everything with coils of a coarse hank, or with a knitted knitting thread (like in the photo below).

І before speech - the axis of the photo below is the butt of that How to continue your life in "yane troyand"(like they gave you ... the stench you have to stand at the vase and already drooped their heads and the axis of the axis began to eat the pellets - do not marvel at those who churn the water and stalks pіdrіzaєte) ...

Ziv'yali cups mittevo come to life... how to look at them briefly. lower it into a small bowl (as in the photo below) and decorate the bowl with such a leafy rim. The secret is that the water will not need to get to the bud for a long time. along the old stalks ... the buds will take away water in abundance and again the pellets will become springy and springy ... and your trojands will please you again for a long time ...

OSINN BOUQUETS - on the "oasis" (floristic polystyrene).

You can see bouquet composition in Skіdna Styli - Kolya in a flat Vazhi Vazhnya Mother for a bouquet of Oasіs (Tset Stripes Porishes Material, Platalіnova Pіna. Ї Way to walked in the fetus І Ticky for the Rakhunov of the Volga Cumshots in the OAZI. sponge with water.

In such an oasis, you can build not only stalks of flowers and herbs, but also pine needles ... cones ... poppy pods ... and other natural materials. I like mi bachimo in the photo below - the oasis can be placed on a saw cut of a magnificent birch field.

Autumn bouquets - from YABLIK.

You can make beautiful bouquets with apples in the photo below with your own hands.

For that, the apple tree trimalas - it is necessary prick on the vlasniki. Tse mozhe buti metal trimach- with rose-pierced peaks ... we insert the trimach near the water ... we pierce the apples on the peaks ... and we will remember other growth.

Abo Vlasnik can replace with hospitable knots. sharpen with a knife ... prick an apple on the nail ... insert them near the water under a small prick ... and further enlighten them with the main quotes and leaves.

And you can also vicorate in a bouquet of FRUIT OF LIQUOR PEPPER.

Fruit vase - for autumn bouquets.

Citrus and harbuzov cultures - make a mica waterproof skin. Tse nashtovhuє on the idea of ​​vikoristovuvati їх - In the capacity of Vazi.

It’s enough just to see the top of the fruit ... bleed from the new pulp ... fill it with water and put our autumn bouquet in such a fruit vase.

І navit head of cabbage you can become a vase. He himself does not shake the water for a long time ... he will give you more water for everything. But you can be sensible… put a vimka in the rocker… insert a small vase with water into the yak.

Ale, the most beautifully marijuana - such a vase can be victorious a lot of times ... І not only like a vase, but also like a candle for autumn evening gatherings from quiet candlelight.

We can decorate a classic round garmelon with a vase for an autumn bouquet serve patesoni, zucchini and ornamental garbuzovі culture to make a chimera bent shape.

І navіt decorative puffy fruits - yakі not stіykі - can be put on the bіk - and the neck of such a fruit vase - at the side of the fruit. (as in the left photo below).

Otherwise, a vase can be made from birch stump ... it’s definitely not a plaid - but it’s also part of a dewy world.

Vase with decorative nasip for bouquets.

Like a sip in a vase, you can vicorate - acorns ... cones ... fruits of thorns ... apples ... kvass ... cereals ... that other bulky natural material.

І smut… pour water into the bulk material itself…and now the water is just darker and all the beauty is just rotten. Be smarter.

IN wide vase- help vuzka vase... so, between vases, buv space. І axis at the inner vase we pour water for a bouquet ... and at the open space between it and the same vase with a sip of natural material.