Passage. Skyrim rest like open doors Skyrim 5 like open round doors

On the back, there is little need for the basics of the passage of the day. The compass is on the interface, and the icon next to the inverted tricoutnik indicates directly where you need to collapse for the exact tasks:

Like the same icon "hanging" over the NPC - you need to collapse to the new one (otherwise behind it):

Open the map (M), this same icon will indicate on the map where you need to go. And when you open the journal (J), read the description of the day, and choose (as if it were a kilka) the one you want to pass at a given moment (only one day is indicated on the map and compass at a time).

These basic knowledge will help you pass the quests at the Skyrim.


For tradition The Elder Scrolls Axis and all at once, just having appeared at the grі, you bachite yourself among the aggravated ones, who are to be taken to the stratum.

To freedom!

While we are being taken by the cart, we feel like we’re hurt by other people, it’s understood that Skyrim is going to rise again, like the Brothers of the Storm. The emperors kindly greeted us with one of them, and took us to the stratum in Helgen.

Upon arrival, the character editor will be available - you can add extensions, and you can create the character of your character the way you want.

important: 1) the field for entering the name will appear after confirmation 2) it is recommended to enter the name in the Latin alphabet, in order to avoid problems with the dialogues in the Cyrillic alphabet.

You bachite as if you are striving for one zі spіymanih, and the next - you. Ale, already under the sokira kata, the dragon arrives, and panic begins in the place. At the moment, you become an accessible character.

I want everything to be ruined and burned, nothing collapsible, I don’t smut and follow the compass and the guards over the NPC. Practically, you will be given a choice - to follow the Nord, which will change you for the list, or for your own visa. There are practically no further retail outlets to choose from. Just as you walk with a rebel, then on the way all those who are in contact will be your enemies. And if you choose Bik Empire, then along the numerical corridors and rooms, allies will be sent to you - carefully, don’t beat them. And yet, all the same, hit them a few times (with the first exposure, the stench seems to be “Who did you care for?”), And the stench starts to attack you - take away the zbroy, stink to take.

Following the new partner, you will know the screenshots of uniforms, learn to break the locks, shoot from the stealth thinly. In essence, the task of "Freedom!" є chief. It ends on how you come out of the oven. At this moment, the whole world of Skyrim has been announced to you. And where to go, what to work - choose only for you!

Before the storm

As soon as you left the oven, a new task will begin - “Before the storm”, the best moment for this task, when your partner says “Now it’s our fault to split up”, but if you don’t need to split up, follow him. Show the stone of strength along the way (because the stench is called there) - by activating one of them (mage, villain, warrior), the skills of a powerful one will be pumped 20% faster.

Following your partner, you will come to Riverwood - a small village. Your partner will take you to your bed, so that you will be ordered to eat and spend the night. For an hour, tell us what is necessary to break up to Whiterun and tell us what happened in Helgen. Ale, do not hurry to go, the head of the family is Alvor, as a farrier, with his forge. At the new one, there are assistants, and they will help you to get on the right hand.

You can also find other side jobs near the village. And to continue the main task - go to Whiterun (follow the guide on the compass, and you can also open a map, that estimate will go to the city).

At Whiteran, a guard will come to you - tell you how you are from Riverwood, to the Jarl - let you through. The city needs more wake-up call for you on the very top - Draconian peredil. And the Jarl is sitting at the head hall, on the throne. Talk to him.

Windy peak

Under the hour, speak with the Jarl after that, as you told you about the dragon's attack, we led you to Farengar. This magician and alchemist have been dealing with dragons for a long time, and, without a doubt, they will start to fall into a trance, which you have risen. You can know tables for Alchemy and Enchantment from him.

Farengar will give you a new task - to break at the Windy Peak and know the Dragon Stone there.

Windy peak - a temple high on the rock (for a joke, like before, use the map and the compass). Two groups of bandits will strike you along the way. If you know the temple on the top of the rock, enter the middle (large rounded doors), beyond its greatness, and it becomes clear to the inner interior that dragons were worshiped at the new one. There will be a sprinkling of bandits in the back, but more than that, the more unsafe opponents will be stalking you.

Windy peak may have two puzzles. The first step is that you need to turn the stone figures, so you can twist. Correctly roztashuvannya, after some, having closed the doors for the sake of importance:

Go far, drive in dragons and spiders. You will have a spider web - to go through it, you will need to hit it with an arrow (just attack with a web). There will be a bandit at the cobweb near the room with the great spider. The new one has a cicavius ​​for us, the subject of a dragon's claw. You can drive in yoga, but if it’s vtіk, it’s not far away, having walked a troch far away, you will find yoga’s corpse. Obov'yazkovo obshukayte yogo, taking the claw of the Dragon.

Another puzzle, similar to pershu, here you need to place three stakes in the correct position:

The tip is found on the back of a dragon's claw (items in the inventory can be wrapped with a bear).

Go further and further until you see a great room, in the center there will be a beer, with the text of my dragons. Pіdіyshovshi to tієї stіni - you will read one urovok. At this hour, from one grave behind your back, weide the Lord of the Draugr - you check an important beat. Having entered from it, take the Dragonstone from the corpse, now know the passage to the exit (you don’t need to turn around, you will know another exit from the underground beforehand).

Viyshovshi in Skyrim, open the map and make a transfer to the Dragon Pass. Straight to Farengar and give him a stone.

All food and drink will be discussed on the side of the golden claw.

dragon in the sky

Do not hurry to go to Farengar, and find more - follow him. You will feel the rozmov’s cicada, for example, the guard will come, and the roar, that the dragon attacked the front patrol. Now you need to follow the woman Ariylet. You will take with you a sprinkling of soldiers, and straight to the front gate. There you are checked by the first bey with the dragon.

  • Shoot the dragon with a bow, doki vіn litaє;
  • If you are sitting, try to go to the new side, or to the back, to hit;
  • Shout moments, if the dragon is called upon other guards.

If you win, you will perish the soul of the dragon, and the first cry of the dragon will be available to you - Pitiless power.

Turn to the Jarl and tell me what happened.

Nagorod: Rank of Tan, the ability to buy special booths from Whiterun, the special hire - Lydia.

Way to voice

Now you need to get to Greybeard, as you know high and high on the rocks at the exit from Whiterun.

Important: getting there straight, according to the compass is practically unrealistic. Follow the road to the exit, as if bypassing the mountain, you will lead you to this temple. On my way, two trolls (a strong opponent, with a sprint - the Alt key) and a shable-toothed tiger (a strong opponent, but he ran into it) were on my way. And also attacked by a dragon (scripted podia, or vipadkova zustrich KhZ). Zagalom, you won’t get anywhere along the way, take care more often.

At the temple itself, you will need to bring a good deal, that you can swell with your voice - sing the cry of a pityless force, and also teach a new one - A strimky ryvok, for the help of which you can change your head to a small one.

For example, they will give you an early test.

Rig Jurgen

Siroborodі will guide you to the rest of the sampling - get rіg Jurgen Zaklikati Vitra, from the yogo tomb in Ustengrі, near the swamps of Hjaalmarch.

We marvel at the map, and break to the tomb, yak, in fact, to the devil's, great undergrounds, with devil's riddles. I'll go straight to them:

Riddle #1

You rest against the passage, which is a closing of three sections of grating, and in front of them are three magic stones, rising up to them, one grate is lifted, but varto is seen - and the grati are lowered. Don’t try with a great big, why work?

Stand right opposite the aisle, in front of the stones, put “Strong Rivok” on the active cry, squeeze the levi alt and begin to bigti to the aisle, as soon as you will be in order with the third stone, and you will be activated - emboss Z- rob a swedish rivok, if you get enough of a troch, try it and that's it. I got it the first time.

Without overdoing it, it’s more painful to lubricate the stench, to go through the whole stage with the help of the Cry “Strong Rivok”.

And for example, you check the lack of a twist in the plot, it appears that you have already taken it to you (to show up, that the quest of failures), but after leaving a note, on the big screen:

We will fail the search for the horn, it’s okay.

Virushaєmo to Riverwood, we know a tavern, and from Delphine we rent a room on the mountain. You will say that there are no stones on the mountain, but “you are there”. Going into the room, I’ll tell you (I’m orienting myself to the clerk), Dolphin will come in after you, and say that she won’t leave you a note, and I will ask you to go after her. Vіn vіdvede you to єї її sekretї kіmnati, і rozpovіst, scho іy іy nebіbnі.

At this stage, we stick with a crooked dialogue, we don’t get into details ... drink Delphine in a rage dodatkove zavdannya.

The blade at the bird

Delphine - the remains of blades, and so you will guess the reason for the appearance of dragons in Skyrim. Її perekonannya - so that the dragons do not turn around, the stench "resurrect". I want to change into someone else, and it’s possible to start a Sunday, you’re violating in Gaikin.

You can follow her, or go there yourself. I chose the first option - because I didn't want to think about where to go. And so - just follow Delphine and that's it.

On the mission, come and dance, like one dragon turns to the life of another, and start fighting.

After the defeat of the dragon Dolphin, it changes, what do you see, and tell about the new task. Ale first, go down to the new one, I leaned over to complete the sampling of gray beards.

Rig Jurgen (kinets)

Robimo Shvidky crossing at High Hrothgar. We know the “head” gray-bearded one (you can’t find out about problems, you can turn on the compass when you’re looking for a person, you don’t know how to run around their temple). І vіddaєmo yomu rіg. I’ll tell you that now it’s necessary to officially recognize you as a dovakin, and learn a new word with an infection.

We go through the procedure of expulsion, contagiously whistling the third word at the cry "Relentless force." Now you can turn to the Delfini's quest.

Diplomatic incompetence

One of the most mind-blowing tasks during the first pass. Ale, I sing, with repeated passages, you will take away the first one of satisfaction.

Turning to Riverwood, we speak of Delphine. There's a chance that you need to get to the Thalmor embassy and find out from them about the dragon. That one won’t be able to make it right - she’ll organize everything for you. Your task is to go to Solitude, and meet with Malbourne there.

In order to survive, Malborn can bring you a shard of items, if you leave through the "front entrance" without dropping those possessions. It is important to know one thing about it - in Skyrim you can transfer items to companies, the R key, if you show up at the window. It's enough to give Malborn a badge.

They handed it over - now it’s virushaemo to Delphine, it’s already in order, for a place in the school (marveling at the compass of those everyday problems). Vaughn will give you a dress robe, and ask you to hand over all that armor to you, for safety. You can pass it on, or you can put it in the order here. Let's talk, dress up the ceremonial clothes, we say, what are you ready and ... see already "on the holy evening."

We go to the defense, we pass the request, we pass. Sob Malbourne could take you to the kitchen in an instant, as soon as you can turn the rest of the people in. For whom we take at the new drink (at the dialogue “I want to drink), after which we start rozmov with this comrade:

Give you a drink, why ask for one service -> make some noise.

Why should we go to Malbourne. Start a dialogue not ob'yazkovo. If Roselan is more of a riot, he himself will open the door to the kitchen, and lead to the screen, de lie the speeches, as if they passed it on to you. A handrail from the screen door - you go there. From this moment you can cut all the strings.

You will need to clean up one day, then go to the subway, knock it out there, go to the tortur, there you can kill all and clean 2 screens, after which the clerk disappears (I’ll put it in at the stopper again), but you just need to talk to the person like katuvali (The key to the camera is taken from the magician), call yogo, after which prompt to vibirate. Vіn pіdіyde up to the hatch, power yogo, nav_scho yogo was rolled - and you know those that are necessary for the tasks. Now there is less vibratisya, and the opening hatch, why work? Approximately at this hour, or maybe you’ll need a little bit of budding - in the house you’ll see the guard with the words “come on, we took your sleeper” - drive it in quiet, who, having come again, guarded, knowing the key to the hatch - it’s ready, it’s only left to go through the underground (be careful, there is a troll), she’ll get out of Dolphin.

At the result, having come “to cool lads” in one shirt, you will see with the full swarms of possessions, stocks, potions and other junk. And so badly pumping!

Patsyuk, persecution at the kut

We turn to Riverwood, and tell Dolphins everything that they knew about dragons. The next task is to know Esbern. For whom it is virushaymo in Riften (place of villains and robbers), and Brynolf is known there (in my opinion, wines at the tavern "Bjola and sting"), which, before the speech, is the head of the guild of villains. I don’t know, now the main storyline was tied up with villains, but you will happen to vikonate one villainous task, so that you can stick out in jokes.

The report of the passage of which chief marvels at the side of the Guild of villains. It’s not a great pleasure - like intestinal steals are not pumped - save yourself in front of the very stolen - so that in times of failure, you’ll be taken aback and try again.

We went down to the dungeon of Brynjolf, we went down to the underground under Riften (let’s go to the water, we know go down, and there are doors), the underground is deep, add up to a lot of water:

  • 1 rіven - robbers, drive in all boldly;
  • 2 rіven - the headquarters of the guild of the villains (for the bajans you can continue to win over their tasks);
  • 3 rіven - agents of the Talmortsiv, drive in all;
  • 4 rіven - rіven, you will know the room with Esbern.

Speak to him, tell him who you are, and whom you are - to open the doors. І rozkazhe tsіkavі speechі. At the same time, the task ends, and at the same time, a new one begins.

Stina Alduina

The old man, save your speech, and the hour has come to choose from the tsiєї dirka ... but not here those boulos, the agents of the Talmorts break into the room and the battle begins. The old one appears as a miraculous magician, and gives the enemies a bad idea.

There is nothing foldable to the passage to it, so don’t take it too far to go far, plus three dragons attacked along the way. And I won’t tell you about Alduin’s wall itself, so that I don’t tell you first of all, I’ll tell you more about devil’s riddles (this time, don’t fold it):

Riddle #1

To go through one stage, you will need to lower the place, for which you need to burn the stone figurines as shown in the screenshot.

Riddle #2

Kіmnata, with fiery pasta (to lubricate it even more sore), that with slabs, like reacting to the attack. The solution is to walk only on the slabs as a sign of dovakin (see screenshot), go to the fire installation, sigh for the sake of it, and join the pasta.

At the end, you will have an excursion into history, then we will have a dialogue, we will understand what we understand, that we didn’t understand anything. I need to go again to the syroborodim.

I would like to say a big thank you to the retailers, for the behavior of the partners of this manager. How alive people are - commenting, looking sharply, discussing puzzles.

Throat to the World

Get ready for the next big dialogue.

Let's turn to gray beards. Shukayte again їх head and start a dialogue. Pragnut need to those "Parthurnaks" -> "I want to get in touch with him." After what to teach you with a new cry, and show the way.

The whole road to Paarthurnax is in some kind of marvelous fog, which kind of rottenly pours into the character (without becoming an experiment, it’ll be like standing in a new place), but with a new cry, this fog is blown a great distance forward, so for an additional cry and pushes to the top, to the most heady “siberian”.

At the top of you, there is a cicada twist to the plot, a new cry, and a choice of a distant path - a gray beard or blades.

Long known

For zavdannyam є vibir - turn to the gray beard, or to Esbern (blades). I chose the option with Esbern (hocha, judging by the comments, there is no particular choice between them) - we turn to the wall (we will be on the “rear” exit) and we say to you about a long-standing suviy.

I'll tell you what you need to turn to the magicians, because. they have a large library and rich knowledge. І send to the Collegium of Winterhold, there is a guild of magicians (marked on the map), there you will be known ... at the end of the world. We get there, at the entrance they will tell you that you can’t just go away - you need to join the guild. And if you want to join, show that you can use magic. You are asked to demonstrate one of the spells, if you don’t have yoga, then the NPC will ask you to sell it to you. Buying, demonstrating magic skills - it's ready, you will be escorted to wake-up call. The new one has a head - Urag gro-Shuba. We talk about him about the suvi, vibivaemo z new information, until we give the additional task - "Shalidor's robots".

Robot Shalidora

Note: Vikonannya tsgogo zavdannya can be changed.

It is necessary for us to know the records of one vcheny - we are virushaemo to the designated underground. The underground will have one, already known riddle - important, statues that wrap around, and spratsovuvannya pasta with the wrong choice. A hint before that, like a statue, I turn it sideways - joke on the protilezhny botsi. Two statues to show what kind of figure it is necessary to flare up.

There will be one more unfortunate moment - you will be struck by a strong dead, after the driving in of wines, I will be reborn to life. But really, there are no riddles in this day - beat the yogo sprat once, and you will stop resurrecting. You take the notes of a great man and turn to the Collegium of Winterhold.

Zustrichaєmosya z Uragom gro-Shuba and vіddaєmo you know notes. I'll tell you what an hour is needed to decipher. Scroll two dobies - and talk again. The manuscripts have been deciphered, and a book will appear on the table, as follows to read:

After what is said anew with Urag gro-Shuba, and one more additional task is begun.

Behind the bounds of everything

Rozmova wrote about those who were one of the teachings, which was already chirping with dremers, and then pishov on pivnich and sign. You are guilty of yoga. Trohi pіvnіchnіshe bіdznachenno speck - let's go there.

It is known there, and after a long dialogue, we take two objects - a Dremer cube and a bag, and a point on the map is marked. There, huge dremer undergrounds are checking on us. Before speech, in them you can also know an amulet with a bonus of up to 15% alchemy.

The dungeons are great, but there are no special mysteries. Obviously, without pastes and closed doors, you can’t get enough of the “hell-find de” thing, the axis is one of the most important jokes:

Grati below, and importantly її vіdkrivає uphill.

At the result, we distance ourselves to the room cіkavim pristroєm. Know there "Keruyuchu panel" and install the cube:

And then ... to learn how to "play" on this instrument. Video instruction for Sub-Zero.

After what task " Long known When it's finished, it's still necessary to record our "play" on the sack. For whom, just lift the cube, which you installed on the panel, and turn it to the other man, that he was delusional.

Okremo tse vdannya is discussed on the side of the door mechanism.

Alduin's Curse

May be beaten with the head dragon - Alduin, and before the cym the cry of the Dragon will be available. The head dasher himself does not sit on the ground, it is necessary to beat him with a dragon slayer, after which he rub / smear / freeze, according to the victorious cry of the dragon (as if not vicoristing - I will again fly and circle).

Let's remake yoga, but it seems that it's impossible to kill yoga, and fly.


If you win, speak from parthurnax. Vіn rozpovіst svіy plan, how to overcome the rest of the trouble. For whom we need the help of the Jarl, virushaemo to the new.

It's time

The manager herself doesn’t matter, but she checks on you a bunch of dialogues.

We speak with the Jarl, with the drive of the dragon, that kind of world. Vіn come in handy to help you, but only after that, as a viynu in Skyrim it will be called. Now we need to be unbearable - to reconcile the two sides, as if they do not choose to be reconciled, and I think only about my victory. I didn’t come to the right side, so I acted neutral. I don’t know how the dialogues are raging there in the fall, as if you took the side of the Empire or the Brothers of the Storm.

Let's go to the gray beards, we say to Arpgeir, we ask you to voice the choice about the way of the world.

Let's go to the empires, we'll talk with Tuli, we'll talk yoga over.

Let's go to the rebels, we'll talk with Ulfric, we'll change our minds to talks.

We turn to the gray-bearded, there the pickings are broken, and our old-known blades can come without asking. And scho vіdbuvaєtsya in the negotiations (yakshcho delve into) - vzahalі zhakh. Kozhen thinks only about his own, ale mi abiyak (hoch, I think there is no nasty result, but the situation is tense) I urge them to install a timchasovy light.

After the end of the world, the task will be completed, ale and Delphine to insert your five kopіyok - it seems that the parturnax can die. Your rozmovy vіdkrіє new zavdannya "Parthurnaks".

Zanepaly (continuation)

If the timchasovy light is laid, the hour has come to make pasta for Odaving. For whom we turn with the Dragons, and we say with the Jarl. Vіn say that everything is ready, everyone checks your decision.

We say that we are fixing and we are going after him. How to viklikati that spіymati Odavіnga? Come out onto the balcony, beat the cry “Dragon’s cry” (don’t forget to squeeze it in, so that the cry will come again), the dragon comes, beat it with the “Dragonbreaker”, after which (it’s not necessary to drive it in!) - step by step into the “balcony” glib, according to the vikoristovuyuchi drakonobіy, schob vіn not flying. I will follow you into the mud, and then eat at the pasta.

Budinok devouring the world

Talk to Odavingom. Now you need to let yoga in. Why would you want to - lift up the mountain and say it as a guard.

After which we check, if we see to the edge of the balcony, we speak with him again, and break on the dragon in Skuldafn.

We have to clean up the territory and the underground of all the Draugivs, and so we can’t do without new riddles:

The first riddle with crumbling slabs, the first position opens the right grate (there I’ll screen with junk), the other - the lion, for which we continue to reach the underground:

І third riddle, with doors with rings that are spinning, there will be a draug in front of it, having driven it in, you know it from the new “Diamond Claw”, at the gate of which a hint is given:

After what we seem to name, to the portal, but don’t hurry to teleport, here you will be entrusted by a cool representative of the sweating world - Nakrin. After hitting it, you will take out a new mask (+50 to magic, spell damage and renewal will be 20% less per magic) and a club. You need a club to start the portal again (get up on the command line for the mission and press E), after which you strebayte in the new one.


We kindly ask you to the abode of the dead. Dzhe garne mіsce, ale blackened by Alduin. I'm going to demo the arrows, we're talking about Tsun;

dragon slayer

I guess, you went to the finale.

If you win, talk to Tsun, to turn around in the light of mortals.

The city of Skyrim has a great number of quests and tasks, both for the main plot, and for care for the tasks. The decals should be so that the quest is impossible to vikonate, so that the bugs are responsible for the soundness of the river. Obviously, the retailers are constantly releasing patches, so that they can fix more bugs, but it’s not enough. І navit moderi, like slacking off the unofficial mods, to fix bugs, not back to the zavdannyam. Ale solution for sure to know.

Most of the newcomers are blamed for the problems of opening the doors at the underground, for which the treasures are attached. Skyrim is a great game with a bunch of mechanics; Aje is not a skin newbie, first of all, read the basic information.

Let's take a look at the report, how to open the doors of Skyrim for the help of claws and other tricks.

How to open doors in Skyrim cigtem

The first dungeon after the main quest is Windy Peak. The very same way the doors are banged, as if it is necessary to change, having chosen the correct code. Until that moment, if you come to her, you can have a river under the name "Golden Claw".

If you don’t want to deal with the long-term selection of the code on the door, go through the options, buy enough inventory, know the claw, for the help of the bear, turn the yogo so that you can dance 3 signs on the paw. Qi signs indicate the sequence of the code, as if opening the door. Let's do it just twist the stake on the door and set the correct code. Doors open.

Skyrim has a majestic number of underground lands, and in riches there are doors, like you can’t work without a claw. It is possible to know the pazuras both for quests, and just at the vipadkovy places. If you knew the doors in the underground, but you didn’t know the claws, then don’t be embarrassed. You will turn to her later, if you need a river with you. Well, dial the code on the door and it will not be so smooth, as you ran into the first door at the Windy Peak.

But not all doors open easily. Sometimes, a bug will make you open the lock doors on the way to the quest. For example, let's look at the quest from the magician Esbern. How to open such doors in Skyrim?

How to open the doors of Esbern

One of the inaccuracies in Skyrim is a bug, if Esbern does not open the door for the quest. In the Russian version, the grunt is called "Shchur, persecution at the kut." For the quest, you need to know the elder Esbern, who is based near the town of Riften. It is not easy for a deep-seated person to know yoga. There you need to know the doors of the waterfall, where the old magician is.

To open the door, after the quest you need to talk to the magician and name the code word. However, often there are unacceptable bugs. For example, Esbern does not open the door, but he does not seem to call. It is impossible to pass through the quest.

At the first drop, you can re-vantagize yourself and repeat the rozmov with the magician. Help may not be the first time, but all the same, often do help.

However, if the bug is manifested in another option, then the solution may be to download the English voice-over file for this quest. Most often it fixes the problem.

Esbern may not open the door and do not speak, because you did not pass Brynjolf's quest for the return of the camp. Try to do yoga, and then we'll talk from Esberny again. Once upon a time, the magician begins to speak to you after completing this simple quest.

Well, if you are a gamer, who is aware of modernity, you can download the BSAUnpack utility and extract it from the VoicesExtra.bsa file to the Data folder. After that, you can enter the group and complete the quest.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim College of Bards (walkthrough)

College of bards (passage)

To enter the lava of the bards, go to Solitude, find the booths of the "College of bards" there and talk to Viarmo. I’ll tell you, why not take all the fugitives, and to bring your self-reproach to the collegium, it’s necessary to vikonate one day ...


Orders are taken in Solitude, at the Clegia of the Bards, at Viarmo.

Vіarmo rozpovіst, scho z bardіv, z immemorial hours іsnuє holy bedroom fell down King Olaf. Ale, at once, sacredly under the threat of skasuvannya, and what would entice the authorities to deprive them of the holy need to know the old “Song about King Olaf”

The underground will be marked on the map, in the yak and virushaemo:

Get ready to clean up the great underground, with a couple of riddles and pastors. For the first time, be respectful to the importance on the wall, the stench opens the doors / grates, for the passage of the distance, for example, it is important on the wall to open the gates in the underside, where you need to strebnut:

It is known from the marker that the room is closed, the victory is important, the “doors” open and lie “The Song about King Olaf”. After you take it, follow the mayor.

Vіdkriє sealed the magic doors, if there will be a riddle of the door with kiltsami, if it is necessary to turn at the right direction (before the speech, the back of the earth, on the table, I will fall down and take yoga?). Turn the ring like it is shown on the little one, wink the claw, and the doors open:

Dalі chekaє bіy z majestic number of Draughіv, on choli z King Olaf Odnokiy. Drive it in, take from the body the key and the ebonit one-handed sword and choose a name. Do not forget on the way to the exit to see the screen with the king's belongings. And so go to the wall itself, so that you can live up to the new draconian word:

Turn back to Viarmo, look at the book. Let me tell you, the deacons of the side of writing, then we will encourage you to finish writing the book yourself. I choose the first options randomly. If we should lie down at the vikonannі pisnі, then we will know Jorn and say that it will be holy, and it will be necessary to do it, if we come at the place indicated by the marker, marvel at how to fire the opudal of King Olaf.

TES 5: Skyrim - Peace.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim- Gra, undoubtedly a miracle with a cіkavim plot, decorated with that music.



There we say s Viarmo once again now you are a bard! We take 1000 gold coins, the task is completed.

To take other tasks, to talk with three professors in the guild of bards.

Inge Six Fingers ask us to know Finn's lute

For whom it is virushaemo to the stove "Kam'yaniy Strumok".

We go uphill behind the stream, marveling at the feet of the shepherds, driving in the sprat of bandits. The first turn to the right will lead us to the screen from the lute.

Protecting Yogo one Marauder Alchemist (me in the new Daedra's heart was trapilos). Yakshcho pіti gave a glass to be a place to see a bottle of a month stone. Turning to Inga, she will pay for our work to the navchannyam Alchemy, Light armor, Evil, Kishen's steal, Attachment and Krasnomovnist move one point.

Panthea Atheia want to turn the stolen flute

The bulo flute was sold to necromancers, because. nothing can revive the dead. We follow her to the Khob's Furnace. Making our way through the creeping corridors, we drive in a sprig of necromancers and skeletons. Having reached the small hall, Bachimo closed the passage, separating the lancet right-handed into the new one.

(Here on the police levoruch, at the pharmacist's bag, I trapilos Daedra's heart)

Vityaguёmo kamіnnya douche іz derzhny stovpchika і passable. In front of the bachimo pidyom zі descents that kіlka of necromancers, on the hill near the screen there will be a flute.

Zistribnuvshi z ledge opyyaєmo bіlya entrance and let's go back behind the city. Panthea move Change, Illusion, Chaklunstvo, Renewal, Ruinuvannya and Enchantment by one point.

Giro Zhiman needs Rjorn's drum

Our way lies at Cairn Holdir. Uvіyshovshi to the oven, Bachimo mysterious stovp energy and sprat of corpses. On the pedestal lies a scoundrel, from whom one can find out about the share of the nearby bandits. We handed over the key to the crypt and went to the new one. The primari and the draugr entice us to chime in. Having reached the closed passage, it is important to know the importance of wine behind the stone armchair.

Farther there will be a room with stones, the doors are evil, do not hurry to activate the important pasta. On the walls, there are signs of images of creatures. On the contrary, the skin bet is a stone, which is necessary to turn, so that the image sings with the tablets.

Behind the year's arrow at the entrance there was an eagle, a snake, a fish. Now, having mixed the importance, we pass far and chat with Kholdir. Himself vin є primara, but to settle in the body of draugrіv.

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And majestic is the imovirnist of the fact that during the first passage of the sky "Skyrim" the engraving winery has a lot of food, calling out various riddles. So, the quest from the golden claw was set at a deaf kut, the prote was given an article called to explain to everyone, like at "Skyrim" open the door with a golden claw.

golden claw

A golden claw is an object that, with its shape, guesses a dragon's paw for a pazurist, for which, maybe, and so names. On the inner side of the “paw” there are symbols that depict the creature, which the Nords worshiped long ago: a blizzard, a witch and an owl. At its essence, there is nothing else, like a key to the doors to the Hall of Legends. Skyrim has a lot of dragon blues: ruby, sapphire, glass, ebonite, coral, brush, diamond and gold. Leather from pazurov is a quest item and serve for making doors.

On the back of this claw of knowledge was the treasurer of the Riverwood Merchant, and not long before the main character appeared there, the storeroom was robbed, and the claw itself was stolen. Lukan Valeriy (Vlasnik of the "Riverwood Merchant") or his sister (like Lukan Valeriy will be already dead at that hour) is a rose, de golden claw at "Skyrim". Shukati yogo sled at Windy Piku, three bandits guarded until the new one, so as not to cause trouble for the main character.

About those who know the golden claw at "Skyrim", you can recognize it and vipadkovo. For whom it is enough to pass the location "Wind Peak".

Windy peak

Windy Peak is a temple that stands high on the hill by itself, you can know yoga either in a vipadkovo, more expensive light, or in the process of passing storyline. On the way, there are two groups of guards of the mood of the bandits, which you can pass for the bazhanya, it’s not in the line of the quest. If you find a temple on the top of the rock, beat in the bandits who guard the entrance, after which you enter the temple. On the cob of the location you will see a sprinkling of bandits. With high knowledge of confidentiality, you can listen to two bandits, stink to talk about those, like at Skyrim, open the doors with a golden claw. After the bandits were killed, they would go further. In the world of passage, opponents will be only unsafe and strong.

Windy peak has two puzzles. At the first one, it is necessary to spread the stone figures, which are wrapped, in the correct sequence: snake, snake, riba (angry to the right), after which it is necessary to close for importance, and the doors will be opened. For the time being, we don’t give advice on food about those, like at Skyrim they fix the doors with a golden claw. Go far, along the way, driving spiders and draugrivs into your path. Sometimes the passages will be covered with cobwebs, just attack with your armor to get through.

In the room with the great spider, you will find a bandit wrapped in a spider web. Hit the spider on the back, and then let's call the bandit. Vіn try vkti vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіdnі, go farіnіі і in the advancing hall you'll know yogo corpse, vin all the same will not tell you, like at "Skyrimі" vіdchinit doors with a golden claw. Find out about the draugrs, if they gave you a service, then scold the bandit. You will know a golden claw from the new one, which you need far away.

Hall of Legends

In order to get to the Hall of Legends, you need to open a puzzle door for the help of a dragon's claw. The puzzle is essentially similar to the one on the back. Only the replacement of a stone - doors with three stakes, on some images of creatures. You need more than to put them in the right order. It’s more correct to roztashuvannya, and also to tell you about food about those, like at Skyrim they open the doors with a golden claw, indicated on the claw’s claw. Just spread them out in the order in which the stench is shown on the pazu: witch, blizzard, owl. After that, as you open the door, go into the room and go to the wall of the dragon. If anything, the King of Draugrív will be thrown behind your back. Kill Yogo and take the dragon stone from Yogo's body, you will need wine at the quest "Wind Peak".

Old-time Nordic ruins, which are ubiquitous in Skyrim, the right monument to the genius of the Nords of the past. Sporudzhuyuchi the rest of the peace for their rulers, the stench created such a cunning and victorious system of zahistu, as if by stretching out to protect the tombs from stealing and the looting of marauders. Head streaming force є draugr and numerical pastes, їх faceless - like a simple stone that falls with dotik to a stretch, to folding mechanisms yakі let out rіy darts, if on the pіdlogіy plate the vaga is too big. The most innovative engineering structures are not recognized for driving. The way to the treasury is often blocked by riddles, for the sake of which it is necessary to victorize different mechanisms in a different order - lances, important, pressure plates ... The simplest zahist in the Nordic ruins is the sealed doors, broken from the great stone kil. To complete the puzzle, it is only necessary to spread the stake with the symbols so that the stench runs with the symbols on the very pazu. The cones can be seen up to the folding zakhistu, which are spinning, from the images of the creatures. Most of the solution to the puzzle needs to be known in the way of trials and pardons, but sometimes it is attached here to the ruins themselves.

The symbols on the doors made of stone stakes are not a code, but the easiest way zakhistu, so that only living and thoughtfulness could enter the middle of the sanctuary, and not draugr that other unreasonable creation. A single person, who will let himself go through ancient castles, will be Mercer Frey, the head of the Guild of villains. For the evil door, you did not need the blues, but you could not share your secrets with the wines. You can carefully look at the symbols on the azure in the inventory by hovering the cursor over the object and changing the scale with a large mouse.

Puzzles at the ruins of the temple at Bleak Falls Barrow:

  • Behind the ruins of the temple on the Windy Peak, two quests are connected: "Golden Claw", like Lucan Valery from the Riverwood merchant in Riverwood, on the day from Whiterun, and "Wind Peak", like the court magician Faringar from the Dragon's Meadow near Whiterun . The golden claw is taken from the bandit Arvel Bistroy, which is stuck at the cobweb, near the hall with a giant spider.
    • : snake, snake, whale
    • Combination of symbols (golden claw): vedmіd - great colo, blizzard - middle, owl - small.

Puzzles in the ruins of the burial mound Shroud Hearth Barrow:

  • From the ruins in the burial mound, the Funeral Fire is tied to another row of investigators from the investigation of mysterious phenomena, on a yak, Vilhelm, the master of the tavern Vailmir, from the village of Ayvarstead, beside the pivdenno-hidden shila of the Throat of the World, rules. Vіn vіddaє sapphire claw after the delivery of the son of Vindelіus Gatharion.
    • Combination of creatures in the bridge: whale, hawk, snake, whale.
    • Combination of symbols (sapphire claw): blizzard, owl, wovk.

Puzzles in the ruins of Yngol Barrow:

  • From the ruins in the mound of Ingol, which is located on the exit from Windhelm, you may be able to tell how to turn the sholom for the Jarl of Winterhold (the location is chosen according to your choice). Coral Claw can be bought for 50 Septims from Birni at the Birni's Goods store at Winterhold, or you can pick up stiles in the ruins after the first sash doors.
    • Combination of creatures in the air doors: snake, hawk, whale (start evil).
    • Combination of symbols (coral claw): snake, wovk, blizzard.

Puzzles at the ruins of Folgunthur:

  • Behind the ruins at Folgunturi, which is located on the main exit from Solitude, another row of the plant "Harrowed Legend" is said, as it appears in the magazine after reading the book "Insights of the Legend of Skyrim", so you can shout "Frosty breath". Arriving to Folguntur, it is necessary to look back at the old draft table and read the first part of the book by Dainas Valen. A brush claw to lie on the body of a bent vchennogo in the middle of the ruins.
    • Combination of important in the interior doors: first near levoruch, other far right hand.
    • Combination of creatures in the air doors: hawk, whale, snake (start from a distant entrance)
    • Combination of symbols (brush claw): hawk, hawk, dragon.

Puzzles in the ruins of Geirmund's Hall:

  • Behind the ruins in the Geirmund Hall, which is located on the slope of the village of Ayvarsted, beating the pivden-hidden shrine of the Throat of the World, there is another row of the plant "Harrowed Legend", as it appears in the magazine after reading the book "The Lost Legends of Skyrim" that in Folwdunya.
    • Combination of creatures in the air doors: hawk, whale - left wall; whale, snake - the right wall (begin from the nearest entrance to the entrance of the cones, standing up to the closed doors).

Puzzles in the ruins of Saarthal:

  • Behind the ruins in Saartali, which is located on the first stop of Winterhold, two other rows of events are connected: first - "The Legend is Harrowed", as it appears in the magazine after reading the book "Insights into the Legend of Skyrim" and Folguntur; to another - "At the glens of Saartala", as Tolfdir gives at the first stages of training in the Collegium of mages of Winterhold, if a group of mages break into excavations. So here you can play one of the Slavs of Strength to the cry "Krizhan form."
    • Combination of products in the first air doors: hawk, snake, whale - lion wall; whale, hawk, hawk - the right wall (start from the cones near the entrance, standing up to the closed doors).
    • Combination of products with other outside doors: 2 zlіva cone - twist 2 times, 1 zlіva - 1 time, 2 zlіva - 2 times, 2 on the right - 2 times, 1 on the right - 1 time

Puzzles in the ruins under the lake skeleton (Reachwater Rock):

  • From the ruins under the Ozerniy Strimchak, which is located on the top of Markarth's descent from Markarth, another row of the plant "Harrowed Legend" was shown, as it appears in the magazine after reading the book "Introduction of the Legend of Skyrim". The book can be picked up from the body of a dead junkie before the door at the entrance to the ruins, and the emerald claw - from the stand right there. I will reward you for vikonannya zavdannya camp v_novleny іz three parts of the amulet of Goldur.
    • : witch, whale, snake
    • Combination of symbols (emerald claw): hawk, hawk, dragon.

Puzzles in the ruins of the Dead Men's Respite:

  • Behind the ruins in the Rest, which is located on the first day of Solitude, the other row of zavdannya “Pidzhigay!” is called, on the yak, Viarmo is right for the book “The Song of King Olaf” cry "Strimky Rivok". The ruby ​​claw lies on the table near the entrance.
    • Combination of symbols (ruby claw): vovk, hawk, vovk.

Puzzles in the ruins of Valthume:

  • Behind the ruins near Valtum, which is located in the mountains on the pivdenniy skhіd vіd Markarta, another row of the plant "Evil dreaming" is shown, as it appears in the magazine after the conversation at the entrance to the ruins with the spirit of Valdar, which guards the tomb of the great dragon, so here you can remember one of the words to the cry "Auri Whisper". Zalіzny cіgot lie on the station in front of the door of the catacombs, on the lower level of the ruins.
    • Combination of symbols (splashing claw): dragon, hawk, wow.

Puzzles in the ruins of Forelhost:

  • Behind the ruins near Forelhost, which is located in the mountains on the first day of Riften, another row of the mission “Falling at the cult of dragons” is written, as it appears in the magazine after the conversation at the entrance to the ruins with the captain Valmir, led by the “Imperial Legion” behind the mask of a cherry dragon. here you can play one of the words of Sili to the cry “Thunderous call”. A cursed claw to lie on a stand in a room with great oval doors from the lagoons, at the pub-rear part of the refectory.
    • Combination of symbols (curse claw): fox, owl, snake

Puzzle with lenses at the Tower of Mzark:

  • From the dvomirskoy vezha Mzark, which is found in the mountains on a pіv day vіd Dunstar, po'yazano plot task"Old-time knowledge", on the way Septimius Sagony is violating from his krizhany porch, on the pivnich on the Collegium of Winterhold, behind the old-time suvo, to avenge the Words of Sili from the cry of "Dragonnoe". You can get to Mzark through Alftand and Chorniy Mezh, cross the vicorist pylons.
    • Sequence of diy from lenses: button 3 (open) - press 4 times, button 2 (closed) - 2 times, button 1 - 1 time (press the buttons to the right).

Puzzles at the ruins of Skuldafn:

  • Behind the ruins in Skuldafn, the plot of the “Budinok Devouring the World” plot is told, as if it were revealed after the completion of peace negotiations between the Storm Brothers and the Imperial Legion at the temple of Sivoborodikh on High Hrothgar. The location is available for viewing once for the entire game, there will be no more dragon Odavіng letati in Dzherolsky Gory. So here you can play one of the Slavs of Power to the cry "Thunderous call." The diamond claw is found by the draugr-volodar in front of the door.
    • Combination of products in the left air doors: hawk, snake, hawk (stand with your back to the door).
    • Combination of products in the right interior doors: hawk, hawk, hawk (stand with your back to the door).
    • Combination of creatures in the bridge: whale - levoruch, snake - in the middle, hawk - right-handed (stand in disguise to the bridge).
    • Combination of symbols (diamond claw): fox, blizzard, dragon.

Puzzles in the ruins of Korvanjund:

  • From the ruins in Korvanjund, which are located on the west side of Windhelm, there is a story line. jagged crown", as if to repent after the death of the dragon Alduin and I will enter the lavas of the Brothers of the Storm or Imperial Legion. So here you can remember one of the words of Power to the cry "Uplifting the hour." Ebony's claw to lie on a stand in front of the door.
    • Combination of symbols (ebony claw): fox, blizzard, dragon.