Love horoscope for twins

It’s important to watch out on the love front this month the very end of the month if Venus on that very day - 25 chest - to break up a sprinkling of friendly aspects from the main planets. Catholic Rizdvo which fate is a special day: it’s time to get to know each other, start new relationships and enjoy the acceptance of love experiences.

On the vіdmіnu vіd defoliation, the chest does not seem to be folded and superbly podіy in love stosunki zagal. Of course, among us there will be those who are vigilant more foldable who can survive the unacceptable separation. Prote takі podії mayyut but dosit rarely.

Perebuvannya Venus at the sign of Aquarius ( March 7, 2016) to crush people more peaceful and friendly. You want to weld and marry a couple less, and you want to make friends more easily before you start romantic weddings.

It will be easier to know the same month love in friendly teams or collectives of the same mind. Lyubov, like a vine in this period, can be founded on shared interests. As partners have few interests, they have few interests, they it will be difficult to lose at once for a long time.

This month is the best pidide for tax break like there are cracks in them. You can more easily understand one alone, it will be easier for you to compromise and make domiciles. Too much incomprehensibly vindicate yourself, or do not blame yourself.

How many months can your love life be blamed various mismatches. Venus in Aquarius does not have its own arrangement of serious stounks, but we want to form couples novelty and change. It is not included, if you want to work out the proposition of the hand and the heart of your kohanoi, moreover, you have to complete the non-primary form.

The one-hour aspect of Venus and to Saturn and to Uranus, the sheets of the other planets, can put you at a deaf kut: from one side, you will want to change, from the other - you will be able to work smoothly krok to a new life. These aspects, better for everything, show the essence of the speeches: de right kohannya, and de less ilusion. If you want honesty and straightforwardness, then at the same time you will be pragnetized to versatility and change.

Love horoscope: men and women

WOMEN. This month will not be too friendly for those women, who are seriously put up to the ship and stosunkiv. One hour at a time easy flirting and there are no goiters to speak of stosunkiv, but not serious and stable feelings. For the very same reason you want to start a trival and serious relationship, rather than a new month of new acquaintances.

How is your meta - just be worthy, play, flirt and have fun for an hour, yourself vіrne solution- Virushiti in friendly company or at the club for the interests. It is easy for you to make new acquaintances.

Even though you already have stacks, it’s not turned off, what your partners want call you. So, for the sake of trohi, make everyday life easier, make a new zachіska, buy new clothes, and proponuvaty like a busy day. Your partners appreciate your enthusiasm. And the little ones won't win much!

CHOLOVIKI. What month can you suffocate shvidko and unmatched for yourself, prote far-sighted plans for you will be vibudovuvati smoothly. Forget that you will be remembered by your feelings, you will not be remembered that you can be deprived of a person forever.

Well, well, your stosunki have long been folded, but you still don’t know how to continue them, at once you can save a thought naynespodіvanіsha thought. This very hour, if you want to change your bachelor camp, or bring something unsatisfied with your stosunki.

When is the best sign of fun for breastfeeding 2016?

They don’t marry the chest, for the one who needs to be tied from the period for the whole month Happy post To this, we veillya rarely at the same time. Still, you still dare to go to the registry office in chest 2016, rather choose the ear of the month - from 1 to 3 breasts or the end of the month - 30 breast. At the end of the day sign of Capricorn, to a strict and streaming sign.

Until then, Venus in the day has not yet passed into Aquarius, you will also change at the sign Capricorn. This hour is ideal for quiet couples who seriously put up to whore, well, so, as in friendship, there is a great difference among the widows, but as a matter of fact, there are some of them to which widows.

Read also:Monthly calendar of the date of the month and the best dates for the party of 2017

6 chest Month perebuvatim in Rib sign, even if it is a strong sign of kohanny, but it will collapse to the aspect of Saturn and approach to change monthly phase To that, the whole day is not varto vvazhat the best.

Best days away for acquaintances, that tying up vіdnosin: 11, 12, 21-25 December 2016

Best days away for zaruchin : 21, 22 chest 2016

Best days away for the registration of the gateway: 1 (after 12:00), 2, 3 (until 13:00), 10 (after 16:00), 30 (until 11:00) thursday 2016

Best days away for marriage: no

Best Not far away days what month for love vіdnosin ta dating: 7, 18, 19, 28 December 2016

♈ Love horoscope Aries for chest 2016

This month promises to be successful at the plan of kohannya and stosunkiv: everyday special stresses do not mean special life, just on the spot: bring a lot of joy and that receiving whilin. For the second month you have a chance to make new blues with the same wonderful partners, as if they were standing in a rank for the cordon. foreign languages or higher enlightenment. Good spend more than an hour with friendly teams, so you have a chance to know romantic girls.

Springtime : temple

Go into a special life : new acquaintances

♉ Love horoscope Taurus chest 2016

For the first month you can turn to a lot of vodnosin, otherwise you will be too busy thinking about those that were in the past. If you want most of your thoughts to be occupied by a robot and professional access, it doesn’t mean that you don’t think about special life. It is not included to get in touch with a lot of kohanim or get information about them. As we ourselves develop further away, we are less likely to lie in front of you.

Springtime : middle

Go into a special life : turn the number of kohanikhs

♊ Love horoscope Twins on breast 2016

In the love life of this month, checks of deeds of failure can be on you, as if on the back they can lead you into a stupor. You can get better on the road, you can make new ones, but not goiter. As your meta is a serious stunner, it’s better not to be especially spodіvatisya, to that this month will be a month of flirting that easy splintering, but it didn’t start a serious zvyazku.

Springtime : middle

Go into a special life : acquaintances abroad or with foreigners

♋ Love horoscope Breast Cancer 2016

This month you may have a chance to try to bring strong emotions to a special life. For the best, there will be the most positive emotions, you will be wiser among the partners. Vtіm, special life is not obіtsyaє buti nadto burhlivym, and new vіdnosini vіdnosіzati vdaschi vdas, navіt yakscho you'll be thogo pragni. And the axis of your constant partners you have every chance to try out new and unfamiliar things in a right way. Your partners can cheer you up.

Springtime : middle

Go into a special life : strong feelings, surprises for partners

♌ Love horoscope Leo chest 2016

How many months of special life is occupied by one of the most important areas , and the greater part of your energy in the same sphere of life. As long as you have a good time with your partners, this is the perfect hour to make them better: receive surprises and that good time will be appreciated by your partners. Levi's own self can recognize bright emotions from new acquaintances and acquaintances, romantic pranks. Not turned off kokhannya at first glance.

Springtime : temple

Go into a special life : yaskravі and nespodіvanі podії, zakohanіst, kokhannya z first look, surprises in the form of partners, not podіvana proposition of the hand and heart.

♍ Love horoscope Diva for chest 2016

It’s also not in your mind that the old kohanna may appear, otherwise you will reject the news about too many kokhans. It is not varto to whom it is put even more seriously, to that which cannot be taken into one river by two. Receive tsі podії zі with a calm heart and do not check anything special in them. This month you can start romantic dreams on a robot.

Springtime : middle

Go into a special life : turning a lot of kohans, romantic blues in a working middle

♎ Terezi's love horoscope for chest 2016

For the next month you can try the splendid signs of the plan of the cohanny and the stosunkiv. This month may be especially lucky for you. Do not be afraid to show initiative, to inspire everyone to rely on partners. This is especially worthy of quiet Tereziv, who is dreaming about new zustrichi and stosunki. At the same time, your behavior may appear slightly non-standard, and you yourself will know an important note. Tue, closer to the end of the month, partners can embarrass and disappoint you.

Springtime : middle

Go into a special life : new acquaintances, zakohanist, kokhannya at a glance, roses at the kokhanny

♏ Love horoscope Scorpio for chest 2016

This month is a good part of the cherry-picking family meals. We will occupy a special life with a sufficient amount of time at once, and I will happen to add a lot of time. Selfish Scorpios may have a chance to make new acquaintances, but family people can try new things, marvel at their old partners in a new way. Garniy month for the improvement of stosunkiv іz partners, as you have є yakіs razbіzhnostі, the stench will be easily settled.

Springtime : temple

Go into a special life : new acquaintances, cooperation with partners

♐ Love horoscope Sagittarius on the chest 2016

This month promises to bring you a lot of new things, including a special life. Particularly spare the lonely Striltsy, to the one who checks for them new cіkavі znayomstva, rich splkuvannya. As soon as you get to know each other, it’s better for everything, that people are ahead of us to call you in a way. At the very same time, if you can just talk with a vipadkovy susіdom near the subway chi pіzdі, and then you will know a rich sleeper.

Springtime : temple

Go into a special life : new acquaintances, kohannya at a glance

♑ Love horoscope Capricorn for chest 2016

For the first month of life, a little bit of life will be thrown into the background, you will basically get pennies, earnings and new income, if you want to come to the coming month. There are few hopes for new acquaintances, but more kohans may appear, otherwise you will reject novelties from them. You will not be particularly confused by the day of a special life, the shards of thought will be occupied by other speeches.

Springtime : low

Go into a special life : news from the number of kohanikhs

♒ Love horoscope Aquarius for chest 2016

Special charm and privacy for the last state of the month can easily get you new acquaintances, but there is little chance that the stench will be friendly and trivaly. This month is to bring stress to you, so it’s better not to joke about new acquaintances. At the sights that have been formed, old problems may turn around, and you will actively discuss them, but you will know how to finish the cherries.

Springtime : low

Go into a special life : turning old problems

♓ Love horoscope Rib on chest 2016

This month to confuse you to leave you at the inner experience, you will try to grow up in yourself and your feelings. Your dreams during this period can be recognized as a deaco crisis, prote vershennya problems can come to settle unbearably for you. Specialists of life will help you to take the strain and that, during this period, you will have a lot of happy times, regardless of the problems.

Springtime : middle

Go into a special life : Crisis at the Vіdnosyny

The impertinent twins nareshti sang their vibes on the serious stumps. The choice is great, but the presence of the representatives of the sign will require a negativny vykonannya conceived.

The ear of the month promises to be emotionally friendly to the representatives of the sign. Ale, I’ll take the atmosphere to break the dribni welding with cohanim, so as not to take serious steps. And yet, until the middle of the month, to start seeing colossal changes, like bringing a lot of unexpected surprises to the life of the Bliznyuks.

During this period, the representatives of the sign should set priorities, and come to an understanding - what a meritorious person entrusts them to that trust, how to stink. The breast will become for you an hour of cardinal changes, as it is unlikely that your other halves will fall to the soul.

The time has come for the lonely representatives of the sign to prove their own feud and the right to be especially happy, having less reported all the zusil, they can get a mutual respect for their faces. Irrespective of those that the planets offer intercession to the representatives of the sign, it is still necessary for them to report maximum knowledge and wisely set priorities. Rishuchist will become the main mind for the vikonnanny bazhan.

Gemini Woman: Love horoscope for Breast 2020

The representatives of the sign are obviously lucky in their chest, which they are passing. An hour is flying for them, and yaskravikh farbakh, that, without a doubt, to soothe the sensitive representatives of the sign. A lot of church acquaintances prepared stars for you, one of which will inevitably end with a loving celebration.

Not far off is the moment, for which all the women check in front of you - the sound of your own, single people, as you can please all the points.

One more chance to introduce yourself to self-made and smart women, the stench can turn their kohanih, for other reasons, they broke the studs with them.

Representatives of the sign will show with wonder that the share itself gives them the opportunity, for the conquest of the most merciful dreams. Everything looks like a kaztsi, okrilenі representatives of the sign, flutter, start on wings.

The sexual side of life represented by the sign will be just a surge of emotions and unforgettable feelings. In the rest of the month you take away such an unforgettable sexual experience, think about it, you will be for a long time.

Cholovik-Twins: Love horoscope for Breast 2020

Breasts with calm farbs. Yaskra scandals zirka obіtsyat these representatives of the sign, yakі mayut namir to make friends or woo a kohan woman. After that, as a trap over a twin man slams shut, he will become irritated and fuse, to cause low unacceptable scandals.

On the smoldering vineyard, rose the stosunki, ale mіtsnі pochutya, yakі pov'azyuyut two halves, trim in the rіshuchogo krok to the rest. Zirki recommend pokati z prinyattyam residual solution. The deputy of the separation, it is necessary to report the zusil for reconciliation, at the extreme, take time out from the natives and rethink your feelings.

To the friends of the representatives of the sign, astrologers are pleased to add respect to the home pit, spend more than an hour in the family, and try not to disappear for nothing - kokhannya, as if to take away the stench, bring rich happiness in your heart.

To twins-twins, who parted in the recent past, the stars do not say anything positive. There will be no annual changes for the “same” status.

Closer to the end of rock, the representatives of the Bliznyuks are trying to complete all the work earlier. Get over those, in front of the stench, to name the real goals and boldly seek their permission. Similar tactics are more appropriate for the representatives of the star sign, even if the rest of the hour the stench is overwhelmed by a small passivity and we must not forget the pleasant changes of the day. Horoscope for Twins on the chestI strongly recommend that you take up a brown and vociferous business. Obviously, in the share of the rest there were few problems, but it’s definitely impossible to get hung up on them.

The period is good for a conversation. For the rest of the month, the Twins tried too hard at the professional right, at the great part of the chest, it would be possible to dedicate a full-time remembrance and a receptacle. The period is miraculously suitable for getting to know new and different people, and the time has come to step out of the damp silence and take a good position in this difficult life. It is more positive and accepting the conflict to help you deal with the problems of life and life, and to accumulate in the soul of a representative of the zodiac a positive attitude.

Closer to the planned completion of this icy month in the souls of the Bliznyuks, an unbelievable optimism will creep in, complete the meeting effectively. If there will be signs in them in front of them, whether they are tsili, then the stench will destroy right through to the її cherry. This period should be dedicated to good times professional problems. If it’s a shortfall in this sphere of life, then now the share will help them all the virishiti. More than that, I see financial horoscope for breastfeeding 2018 for Bliznyukiv, itself, at the end of the winter month, it is important and carefully placed before the problems of material resources. On the eve of the new urochistas, representatives of the zirkovy way can have great windfalls, it’s important to think about the beginnings of the economy, and also the day of the increase of the wet gamantz.

News on the topic:

The outlandish privatility and inner charm of the beautiful women of this month will become their main attraction. Acceptance of intercourse with the people of the urn-manipulating life of women. Flirt and romantic blues bring their own corrections to the share of dear women. If earlier the stench didn’t break the pledge of serious vindications, then at once they can really put their minds on us.

An hour suddenly comes for self-realization. It is important for women to know that part of life, in which they are most successful. And if so, it is necessary to develop and improve your life in this straight line.

Horoscope for chest 2018 for the twins

Small problems, caused by professionalism and just a working job, are prophesied by people. This final river of the month would be good to dedicate more to the implementation of rights, which have lost a lot of money. The period is completely suitable for reaching high blessings from the material directly. As long as the Twins do not linger, then they will be able to accumulate some financial potential.

And the axis of the love sphere of life is still not for the people, obviously, the stench is not inspired by the respect of beautiful ladies and by the intriguing intercourse with them, but it’s definitely not possible to be seriously swayed by women.

Love horoscope for chest 2018 rock for B lick

The next breast month is more suitable for single Bliznyukiv - it’s better to change at the share.Love horoscope for Twins on breast 2018hard-heartedly for the sake of the representatives of the zodiac, stop being afraid of the opposite status and in your soul stock up on the sing-songness and the openness of the ruckus. At the same time, it is necessary to communicate more with positive and kind people, no matter what kind of flirting. Only in the least correct variant is it allowed to correct one’s own special share and direct the life of the troch in a different direction.

The family representatives of the zodiac should be pleased with the least manifestation of their negative character. It is not uncommon for the ardor and the impulsiveness of the rest to roar the family's heads. If the twins value their love and their love, it is necessary to learn how to stream their “evil” blows. Krіm tsgogo, esp. It’s impossible to admit such a thing, because, as a rule, it’s like a stubborn ruining hat.

Health horoscope for chest 2018 for Gemini

Most of the Bliznyukivs are lazy and don’t particularly need to regularly and regularly go in for sports with others active activities. You can't overpower yourself. Ale in the chest of some representatives of the mirror sign "switches" interest in sports, it is not excluded that the Twins should start doing either fitness or other kinds of physical activity. The constant presence of physical activity in life will help the representatives of the zodiac to improve their body shape, as well as minor minor defects.

Health horoscope for Geminito immaculately please the rest of them to go through the obstezhennya of their body according to plan. It turns out that for the sake of health, the representatives of the sign of the new order, but the unwell, all the same, follow them. It is even more important to explain the primary cause of illnesses, and then we will describe the qualifications of the exaltation of the manifested ailment. It is recommended to greet at the likuvanni not only with medical recognition, but also with the orders of folk healers. More than that, folk therapy is often more wild and not sloppy in likuvanni raznyh ill.

Financial horoscope for breast 2018 for Gemini

It is necessary to dedicate this winter month to the planned completion of all accumulated certificates. It is not necessary for the twins to actively seek change in the power sphere, but it is also not possible to eat at the power of nights. All the accumulated things should be done, and the task is important to try to virishiti until the end of the fate. Careful value and even more respect for Bliznyukiv’s viable practice, so the rest of the time you can fully rely on a good material wine-growing.

The material sphere of the share of the Bliznyuks is in their hands. The rest are recommended to have less stained-glass windows, especially not to splurge on new presentations, on the way, a greater part of the financial state will remain. At the same time, it is necessary to bathe only the most necessary, and then on the representatives of the dawn sign, you will see material collapse. Spodіvatisya on material support chi financial support, apparently, the Bliznyuks are stupid, the stink earns on their own needs. Similar furnishings do not disguise the representatives of the sign, but, on the contrary, they only reflect their inner strengths.

Babies 2016 Twins need to pray more often!

Gemini horoscope for chest 2016 fate.

Babies 2016 Twins need to pray more often! Why? Deputy Explanation rozpovіmo short fairy tale about tsutsenya. Alive-bulo tsutsenya. Bouv vіnіchiy. Lives at the box on the street. Mustaches were passing. I buv wine is not needed by anyone. Potim pishov board. The puppy became cleaner and more beautiful, and people took him home! What is the star of the visnovok? So. MITIS MORE NEEDED! And then you are obov'yazkovo who is worthy! And as I show the horoscope on the chest, the coming month you will also need to be like others! To the one that you have at the breast of 2016, you are rarely like that. And here food is not self-esteem. It’s just that in the chest of 2016 you won’t have anyone to call you in what happens or not in your life. And if there is no one to call, the Twins will feel very calmly! So, Gemini, make yourself at the breast of 2016 so that you can be with you for the whole hour, and besides, it’s who you belong to. Tse podkoriguє change your mood and self-esteem, in the rest of the month of fate.

Zagalom horoscope for chest 2016 fate for Bliznyukiv to be friendly and positive. So you can get a little bit relaxed and plan New river and for the whole coming river. Until then, there is a high level of mobility, that this month you will get to know new people, or you will bring new allies. The life of the Bliznyukivs often lies in the sight of those who are present in their life of kindness and pleasurable patrons. Also, try to keep your chest out of the reception of hostility to spitting people. Be careful with the splurge. You know, like a bag with a laptop in the hands of a baby and a bag with a laptop in his hands gives +50 to sleepiness, so Twins in babies need +50 to sleepiness, but we are in front of sleepiness. It is especially worth celebrating the already grown-up Bliznyukiv, the people after 1992. And quiet, who already really knows what is up to the people of a child rich, who thinks what is more terrible, what you can let in, what a laptop!

Even the horoscope for the chest 2016 for the Bliznyukiv is ahead, so that you of the coming month were trying to be afraid and afraid of the best fantastic ideas. There are even more kinds of "experts" on the Internet who have their input. Otherwise, you can get into the situation: “Why can you buy pancakes here at once? - 31 breasts ... ask for a bag at the nearest fox with 12 men - they will help you there, іnfa 100%.

How does New 2017 mean to Twins?

Fairy tale, chic, glare, brilliance, and a light touch of nev'*…bezness - the axis of the key ingredients, for which the Bliznyuks will need to create their own unique image, for Novorichnu nothing. Tse is uniquely suited to the Red Fire Pivn.

Twinkies, do you want to shine at a chic evening choice? Be kind, Pivnyu - it’s worth it. Do you have an idea for a bigger smile and an outrageous option? Miraculous! Golovne - tse bright lights of colors and your Bliznyukovsky greyly mood. Ale, as if you are hard to lose weight on New River, try not to relax for a month. Otherwise, it will be similar to the situation: “What are you robing? - Virishila lose weight. Yesterday I bought CDs from fitness. - Well, how? - Siju, I drink tea from the liver - I am amazed. І to finish the topic with new choices for Bliznyukiv-zhіnok, it is significant that you will definitely not miss it, as if you will see the New 2017 river in the rich color of the wild jungle - lush greenery, yaskrevy birds, black sky, marvelous creatures, unique colors of the wiser widows, but do not overdo it. Be similar to the new resin skip - so sorted out for Bliznyukiv.

To twins-twins, be a male image. Vid agent 007 to India Jones. Golovnya, you sounded like a brutal man's sexuality. And why do you want to drink a lot of James Bond cocktails? Let's guess, the recipe: 75 ml of bitters, 15 ml of dry vermouth, 1 green olive and 1 part of a lemon. "Zmishat, don't worry." Shaken not stirred. The axis is so and can be your new costume - "Zmishat, but don't worry."

Where does New Year 2017 mean the Bliznyuks?

Homemade bird piven. To this, the horoscope recommends zustrichati Novyi Rik at home. Ale, in Persian, not obov'yazkovo. In a different way, a lot of Bliznyukiv will feel like they are at home. So the axis is so amazed at the power supply. de signate New 2017 river for the Bliznyuks? Yes, screech! Skrіz - de Vi feel like home. Try to choose "your own" company for the sounding of the New Rock, in which case you will not need to think and be too "confused" about your image.

To that it is the height of the imovirnіst of that which is in Novorichna night, You can sit at the holy table, and don’t think about it like that І EACH YOUR HAND ITSELF TO GET A VIDRAZA 2 BUTTERS WITH ICROY AND A BOTTLE OF WHISKEY ONE HOUR!

Breast Horoscope 2016 Gemini pleasant days- 2, 4, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24, 27 and 31.

Breast Horoscope 2016 Gemini unfriendly days - befitting - not befitting, but today lies lie early and as good as it is not to be discussed!

Horoscope for chest 2016 Twins career, work and business. Twins, like working in the office, you didn’t have such a thing that you threw yourself - they sat at the computer. They came to practice - they sat at the computer. Turned back home - sat at the computer. And as a result, they felt like an outbuilding, which needs to be connected to a computer. In breastfeeding 2016, you often feel the same way. Moreover, you should visit the Bliznyukiv, as they don’t work in the office, I feel guilty about the fact that you are the best friend. Because there are a lot of your colleagues, clients, and it’s possible to inspire curiosity, it’s the same way to accept you - like a foreign attachment, well, or like a third pedal, or like a wheel. Apparently, your task at the breast of 2016 is to change everything that you want and wear the wheel, but you won’t go far on our roads without a “reserve”. So try to give yourself something that is not important, a member of the team, then, as a minimum, we will need it. Rob a sweet disguise and be, like a mow - jambs are rich, and drown Skoda). Twins-humans - a joy about "cute cocoons" and to lie down before you.

We tell the twins-kerіvniks and the twins-businessmen that we said three times more - The life of the Bliznyuks is often to fall in line with what is present in the life of good and pleasurable patrons. So try to keep your chest out of resentment against spitting people, and be careful with splintering.

Horoscope for chest 2016 Finance. A lot of people say that deyaki girls can absolutely seize mood for sex with phrases like “Who are you?”, “What are you doing here?” or "help". The situation will be approximately the same for Bliznyukiv in finance. It’s a high level of humility, what on your mind is fair food for pennies to tell you “Who are you?”, “What are you doing here?” otherwise, “help”, be prepared for that, so that not all of your financial hopes are true.

Love horoscope for breasts 2016 rock Twins. Horoscope for chest 2016 Twins Love. I use such a steady viraz - “People are like birds: they can sleep beautifully for a long time, and then don’t give a shit and fly!”. So from to the Bliznyukіv duzhe go tsey vislіv. Moreover, to all, and to Bliznyukiv-people, and to Bliznyukiv-women. Tilki with a deaky amendment - “Twins, like birds: sleep long and sleep beautifully, raise moods, sigh in yourself, and then rapt everything together (moreover, your own image, and otochyuchih)!”. To that, Twins, pray at the chest of 2016, don’t step on your beloved rake, and don’t spoil anything, neither your image, nor your reputation, nor stosunki. Just don't need to quote Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and say, "You don't stand up for those who were DESTROYED." Briefly guess the other words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “Wanting The little Prince And having fallen in love with the beautiful flower and serving you radiantly, but at the soul of Yogo, doubts were thrown. Having taken the empty words of wine close to the heart and feeling unfortunate for yourself. Therefore, flirt with your skils in advance, and enjoy your respect, but don’t snuggle at your chest, don’t play two or three violins at once, and don’t chase three hares at once. Especially as you are in the rabbit hole, de all one to know one.

To that family of Bliznyuks and Bliznyuks in serious hundred-year-old women, to make a horoscope on the chest for the sake of spending a calm and boring month, without giving any leads, not only for jealousy, but also for suspicion.

The lonely Twins' breasts of 2016 will be similar to the situation, if in one yard there were no young girls, like garno dressed up, and wild lads, then the grandmother on the bench was called the booth a drug addict and like a doorman. To talk about whom there will be opportunities, and to flirt. And the axis to turn to vipadkovy sex, not seeming already about new serious sex, there will be few chances. No wonder it seems that all the gay men baked in the woman. In a person, before speech, so. Also, gobble up old contacts for choosing a company in Novyi Rik, and especially don’t overspend on marvelous things. Ale, Tim is not less, and decayur can change yours life special. Shards, as we have already said more, it is a high level of mobility, that this month you will get to know new people, or you will bring new allies. The life of the Bliznyukivs often lies in the sight of those who are present in their life of kindness and pleasurable patrons. Also, try to keep your chest out of the reception of hostility to spitting people. Be careful with the splurge. You know, like a bag with a laptop in the hands of a baby and a bag with a laptop in his hands gives +50 to sleepiness, so Twins in babies need +50 to sleepiness, but we are in front of sleepiness. It is possible, new contacts to change your special life in the future.

Useful taka kava statistics: If you are 1-11 years old, then Novy Rik will give you gifts and tangerines for you! If you are 12-17 years old, you will swell, but if you don’t burn anyone and tangerines ... If you are 18-24, then you should swell up, sex and tangerines ... If you are 25-40, you can swell only those, like bi cheerfully swell ... I just after 40, your life will turn again gifts and tangerines.

So from Bliznyuki, if you want fun and radiantly chat New river - don't forget about tangerines!

Twins, as you have been honored by our horoscope for breastfeeding 2016, press "like" and even more "likes" is necessary to chat New River!

In breastfeeding 2016, the Twins will have a chance to show their insolence on the way to the end of the plan. All your actions will be directed to the reach of the sacred mark, and the will of the wine will be revealed.

Zavdyaki streaked zusilly that purposefulness of the bazhan will not be realized. In the first decade of the chest, the Twins will experience energetic advances that will help them achieve miraculous results.

In the first half of the month, it is necessary to show respect and turbot to the kohan people. The twins can superficially get drunk on the number of turbots and troubles, leaving their loved ones with respect. To bury the image and unreasonable, it’s important not to forget about the kohan people during this period. Tim is bigger, that the sexual energy in the breasts of the Bliznyuks is literally over the top.

In the early days of the war, stream your activity and indulgence. During this period, it is not possible to quantify significant results in work, all business processes must be complied with for the next hour. It’s better not to drag out a gift to friends and loved ones until the next period. It’s better to work in advance, on the cob of the month. Chosen with love, this turbot present will bring to your recipients much more joy and confusion.

For the Twins will be friendly: 4 , 5 , 13 , 21 , 31 breasts.
Unfavorable days will clear up: 7 , 14 , 17 , 18 , 28 chest.

Family see blue. Love

Spilkuvannya with children to deliver to the Bliznyuks a lot of yaskravih and radio whilin. The breast will be called out for romantic juveniles. The twins are literally sharpened by the turbot and love of those close to them. It is also important to take this turbo and show it warmly in the air. It is not necessary to deprive the posture of respect of people dear to the heart, it is necessary to think about them, getting ready to be holy and stealing gifts for them. Let the rest of the month of rock be filled with warmth of the soul, that will be somewhat enlightened.


The first half of the chest is the ideal hour for reaching what was planned. During this period, for the mind of an active work, the Twins can achieve a splendid success. The twins, like no earlier, will be smarter before thinking about that planning, their productivity will change at the same time on a high level.

After the 18th of the chest, it will be significant to match your pace. At the change of the active period, the hour has come to comprehend what has been reached, to think about those who still need to grow in the nearest future. This hour is the best time to analyze your activities. The twins should be given water for the smut of the other row. Such a pіdkhіd іѕ аlѕο important thаt thаt vague speeches dο nοt call аnd vikonannya zavdan. It’s better to dedicate half of the chest to a friend in preparation for the future working fate: to get acquainted with the documentation, to fill in all the necessary information. And then luck will become the inevitable companion of the advancing fate.

beauty and health

In infants, the Twins can add their own free hour for vikonanny physical advantages. Tse allow me to give a great amount of energy, in such a stench you can’t smell a little, especially in the first decade of the month. You can go in for sports, watch a sauna, a swimming pool, a kovzanka. In a word, to bring yourself into a miraculous physical form, so that the holy days will make yourself feel good. Do not varto experiment with new cosmetic procedures, which are the risk of allergic reactions, which can obscure the new holy.

A smile and a beautiful mood will become for the Bliznyuks a miraculous embellishment until the New Rock.