Great trojans from corrugated paper meister. Do-it-yourself trojans from corrugated paper: instructions for postcards. Trojandy from corrugated paper

Kviti always bring joy. And great gifts bring more joy! And even more tsі kvіti smashed with their own hands, even tse absolutely zahoplennya! How can I create a majestic Troy from paper? Tsezovsіm is not difficult. Golovne - stock up on corrugated paper and three patience. Read and repeat after us.

Trojans and papers are more likely to fight for other colors. It sings to the fact that the troyanda is already beautiful, but the flower is alive and quiet the eye is not long. Therefore, today we are smashing a trojan from a paper. Moreover, it will not be just a little Trojan, but a majestic bud on a high low! Before the speech, such flowers will become a miraculous embellishment, be it a urochist, and also go for an original photo session. So let's do it! We need:

  • corrugated papers: whether there is any color for a bud and greens for a leaf and a stem;
  • floristic drіt;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • green sticky line (floristic);
  • paper template.

Oskіlki mi with you robitimemo z paper giant troyand, then the template will be a giant heart! Paint yoga on the entire A4 sheet. You will need five or six of these pelyustok with a teardrop shape.

Edit the template-tse will be the petals of the card.

Fold the corrugated papiers at the ball joint, put a template on the beast and staple it with a stapler, so that the papier is not kovzav. Build a sufficient number of axles of such pellets. Then, with your fingers, lightly stretch the pellets to the sides horizontally, smooth them out, making small filigrees in the center.

For the help of the olive, rot the edges of the trojans' name. Just wind it on an olive and press it with your fingers.

Wrap one third of the back with a floristic stitch. Tse will be a stalk of trojandi.

Let's start picking a bud. Take a nettle-shaped pellet and glue it to the stem, wrapping it around, and close the ends with a floral stitch. In such a rite, all the steps of the paddles are closed. Close up all the pellets, lowering the skin will step on the pellets a couple of millimeters down.

Take one heart-shaped pellust and wrap around a trojand bud, seal with a floral stitch. Repeat, the docks don't beat all the fluff.

Find little hospitable green hearts. Tse bude filizhanka under the paper's paper trojand.

Screw them with a floristic line on the cob of the flower, under the pellets - the base of the cup.

Wrap a cup of trojand and the stalk with crepe paper and attach it with a leaf.

1 roll of a quilt stitch;

6 shmatochkіv tovstoy drotu (stick);

4 rolls corrugated paper erysipelas (crimson, lilac thin) color for vibr, for pellets;

1 roll of corrugated paper green color(For leaflets);


PVA glue;

Preparing templates (you can order here)

3 templates for the droplet shape;

8 templates for the heart shape;

2-3 templates for leaflet form;

1 template for the cup shape (for the bud).
Krok 1: Preparation of pellets

There are 5-6 petals in the form of a droplet and 5-6 - in the form of a heart from corrugated paper.
IT IS NECESSARY to lie: the shirring of papers can be straight, it’s even more important for him to cut it himself! Change your papers so that they are tucked vertically, not horizontally.

We put together two pieces of corrugated paper, put a template on top and sew the top edge.

We continue to fold the corrugated papers, applying a template, the docks do not see enough pellets.

Krok 2: Viewing leaflets and filizhanki.
For the same technology, described above, it is necessary to cut 2-3 leaves and 1 cup from green corrugated paper.

Krok 3: Zrobimo Stovbur Trojan.

We take 2-3 small pieces of a thick dart and wrap it with a quilted stitch.

Krok 4: Pellyust form
Gently with both hands we smear the center to the edge of the bent pellust of the name. The papyr will wobble a little (it will help to give our corrugated paper the shape of a pellet).

In order to give the pellusts a shape more similar to the trojand pelyusts, it is necessary to turn the pelyustok i, vikoristovuyuchi round olive, troch bend the edges.

Krok 5: Now it’s time to mold the inner part of our bud.

We take one template in the form of a droplet and wrap it around the stovbur (prepared for kroci 3). Let's sweat the edge with a kvіtkovoy line. And also attach all the pellets in the form of a droplet to the trunk of the trojandochka.

Krok 6: Completion of shaping the bud - the perfect part.

Now you need templates for the heart shape. We continue to attach templates to the heart shape to the stovbur of a trojan, vicorist quilt line (as described in paragraph 5).

Krok 7: Attach the leaves to the stem.

We take 2-3 pieces of dart, smearing the giblets with glue, wrapping them with green corrugated paper. Let's glue templates to them near the leaf shape.

Krok 8: A cup for a bud.

We wrap the pattern of the filizhanka around the base of the bud of the trojandochka and fasten it behind the additional flower stitch.

Sob a cup of little trimal bud, you can make it with a little paper.

Krok 9: Dodamo leafing to the stalk of the tripod.

Vicorist glue, attach the skin from the leaves to the stem. For clarity, you can vikoristovuvat zatiskachi, sob to give the glue the ability to dry.

Dare! If you don’t borrow more than an hour, but if that original alternative to bouquets of living flowers is amazing, until then you can save this gorgeous spring bouquet forever!

Paperwort vvazhayutsya cіkavim and brown employment for children and grown-ups. Paper copy of the building will replace the original. It is worthwhile for us to decorate the interior of the booth. How can you replace living tickets? Paper trojans, vicons, forgive them with accessible means.

Іsnuє kіlka methods for preparing paper colors. Below are the instructions for the photo of the trojans with different paper.

Trojandy with colorful paper

It is easy to destroy the trojand from a colored paper. It rushes in like a child, so the master-pochatkіvets.


  • colored double-sided paper;
  • olive;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

From the sheet, a square with a size of 10 by 10 cm is drawn. On one side of the square, a spiral is painted, then we draw along the contour. A curl comes out that twists, appeasing the bud of a flower. Kіnets, scho zalishivsya, glued to the base of the Trojans.

The card, created in this way, is suitable for topiary or wall decoration.

Pishna troyanda from colored paper

For vikonanny virobu zim way to get:

  • color paper for A4 printer;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors.

To die a leaf vzdovzh on a equal part. Potіm kozhnu polovinku vkotre zginayut uzdovzh. Come out chotiri equal smuga, like rozrazayut she glued one to one behind the help of adhesive tape.

After these manipulations, one will go out for a long time. For clarity, take an olive and twist the husband, glue it to the base of the bud. It’s true that a ticket with food pellets comes out.

The stalk was left to be tied up behind the back of the prepared stalk. Having made a sprig of flowers in such a rite, you can take away a whole bouquet of trojans from paper.

Trojandy from corrugated paper

It is even lower that the trojans look beautifully from the corrugated paper. Schob zmaistruvati їh need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • drіt;
  • scissors.

From the corrugated papers, they encircle a 7 cm wide sleeve. The husband is guilty of leaving the openwork edges of the vzdovzh of one side.

Troyanda from fortified paper

Bagato mastrіv give priority to the fortified paper. It is more pliable material. Її the texture of the soft is velvety. Guidance lower than the master class will help you to grow up with food, like building a trojan from a fortified paper.

For the viscount you need:

  • crippapir;
  • hot glue;
  • scissors.

Papir is folded near a bagato-spherical rectangle. At the line, as it happened, two kuti are folded from one side and begin to twist the line. Under the hour of the procedure, it is necessary to see rounded bulges in the appearance of pellusts. K_nets lines are glued to the foundation.

Such flowers are kindly victorious as an interior embellishment. It is important to choose the width of the paper jacket. With a width of 5 cm, the card will come out small and neat, with 8 cm - large and fresh.

Great troyanda with fortified paper

For venerable craftsmen, a folding option is offered for preparing great trojand from fortified paper. The ticket is collected from the okremikh pelyustok.

For work it is necessary to prepare:

  • crepe paper green and red or horn color;
  • prepare patterns of pellusts, leafing that sepal;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • stem sticks.

The paper sheet is folded once, put a template on the new one, outline and outline the details of the future card. String green color tape on a stick. Virizani pellets are glued to the stem along the stake.

So just glue the details of the sepals. For the sake of spice, seal the sepals and pellets with adhesive tape. Glue the skewer in the middle of the sheet and fold it over. Attach to the stem with green tape for help.

The great troyanda for the urochist vipadkіv is ready. Instead of a crepe paper, you can vicorate a corrugated vane.

Troyada is that kind of paper

For the help of a ready-made template, you can create one more flower variant. Papir take be-yak_ textures. It is necessary to prepare virizan and numbered patterns of pellusts at a later date. Dodatkovo prepare:

  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • stem ready.

For nadannya pelyustka with a frizzy edge, varto smooth them with scissors. Leather leaf folded navpil.

Around the stem, twist the pellet No. 1 and fix it with glue. Still clean up the stalk and continue the work with the pellets. Glue the pellets No. 2 and 3 next to the first pellet. Then the pellets No. 4, 5, 6, 7 go, so they fix one over one. Glue a detail to the trefoil in the rest of the line.

Zrobivshi otvіr in the basis of the flower stretch the stem. The twisted embellishment is ready.

Troyanda from servos

Svyatkovy stіl is usually decorated with paper servettes. To impress guests, you can easily make triplets from single-ball servos.

The servette is flattened again, having taken a square shape. The edge from one side protrudes five centimeters. Gently burn at the roll.

With one hand, trim the rolled edge of the roll, with the other hand twist the yogo, looking at the stem. In the middle of the stem, cut the lower edge of the servlet. Tse leaf.

Continue twisting the stalk to the end of the roll. For the stability of the viroba, the stems can be blasted with varnish.

Troyanda from a one-ball servo

One more option for making a kvіtkovy virobu from a single-ball servlet. The tickets come out small, but they strongly guess the ticket, which is more open. Cream servets for robots need:

  • scissors;
  • stapler.

Servetka kіlka once folded navpіl, until the end of a small square shape. For the help of a stapler, they creak in the middle.

Virіzayut usі chotiri kuti bіla square, giving it the shape of a stake. Now the leather ball of the servette bends to the middle of the stake, and it gently bends the edges, giving the flaccidity of the future Trojan.

The little card is ready. Preparations of this kind are often vicorated for decorating a tree of happiness. Having stopped the drіt at the sight of the stalk, you can grow a troyand to stand by the vase.

Paper trojans and miraculous additions to the interior booth. Taking as a basis one of the representations of ideas, you can create your own unique flower marvel. Having learned how to make cards, the master does not have problems choosing a gift for friends and relatives.

Kviti robyat not only paper. Beautiful triplets emerge from the fabric. Zzvichi zastosovuyut satin, organza chi tulle. Not less garno look knitted trojandi. Having become a master from the preparation of paper tickets, you can improve your qualifications by taking up folding work.

Photo trojandi with paper

To the girlfriends of the named (the same name) under the hour of the photo session, neobov'yazkovo postyno trimat in the hands of living tickets. The original solution, let's talk about it today. How majestic is a troyand for paper to you? Non-violent photographs are safe! According to the ideological inspiration Morgan Levin.

Required materials (for the preparation of one trojand):

- 1 roll of colored adhesive stitch
- 6 floral darts
– 4 arches of a double-sided corrugated paper for trojans (you can come to any place to pack gifts)
- 1 arch of green double-sided corrugated paper for leaves, flower filigree and stem.
- Olivets
- Professional glue
– Templates with white paper (available from pdf-version)
– 3 templates for the shape of the drops
– 8 templates for the heart shape
– 2 templates for leaflet form
– 1 template for the heart shape

Krok 1. Visible pellusts.

Virіzaёmo with a colorful corrugated paper 5-6 petals for a pattern of drops and 5-6 for a template of a heart.

IMPORTANT: corrugated papiers may have "grooves" in the singing directly, it is important to that, as mi yogo is respected. Reconsider that all the details of the ticket, navite the least, are sorted vertically and in one straight line.

We put 2 arches of corrugated paper one on one, and we put one arch of white paper (template) to the animal, creaking with a stapler. I do not recommend making templates from two folded corrugated sheets. І perekonaytes, scho virіzanі postati dosit readings.

Prodovzhuєmo practice with scissors, docks do not virіzhemo all pelyustki.

Krok 2 Robimo leafing through that cup.

Virizaemo 3 leaves and one cup of a flower from a green corrugated paper.

Krok 3 Robimo stalks for trojandi.

We take three floristic banners and wrap them with a colored adhesive line.

Krok 4 Formed trojandi pellets.

The wrapper is heavy paper template in the center of the name. Allow me to make a cup of pelyusti.

We turn over the pellust and twist the top of the yogo edge for the help of the olive.

Krok 5. We create a bud - the inner part of a trojan.

We take one pellust in the form of a slip and close it with a little floristic dart for an additional adhesive stitch, as shown in Crot 3. Do not be stingy and wrap well! With a mustache of speckled pelyusts, we fix it just like that.

Krok 6. Robimo trojandu "disbanded".

We take one detail from the shape of the heart and wrap it around a trojan bud, fasten it behind an additional adhesive line. In this way, all the details are fixed on the bud, from the different sides.

Krok 7 Attach the leaves to the stems.

The skin of three parts of the floristic dart is wrapped in green corrugated paper (wycorst glue).
Now we take one leaf and one stalk, wrapped with a colorful adhesive line (div. krok 3), and put them one on one, glued. Repeat with a net of leaves.

Krok 8. Let's add a filigree to the Trojan.

We turn the green cup over the base of the fluffy trojan and fasten it behind the additional adhesive line.

Let's wrap the entire corrugation of the filigree papers straight up to the stem of the trojand with a stitch, the axis is just the top of the chip is not necessary!

Krok 9 Let's go leafing to Troyand.

Attach leather from three leaves to the stalk of trojand (glue required). You can beat violins for fixing leaves, glue dry docks.

Ready! In fact, the whole process will not take a lot of time, but as a result, you will take away the majesty, beauty, and beauty of the card! Don't forget to use yoga for the riddle after fun 🙂

If you want to welcome a close person from Happy People's Day, you don't know what kind of surprise for him. As a rule, women love apartments, but some of them have an allergic reaction to growing up. What is your opinion of alternative solutions? a gift of three piece trojans, yakі can be made with corrugated paper.

Teip-strіchku іz drotom;
knives made of adhesives;
papier corrugated.

How to build great trojans from corrugated paper

Vykoristovyte a template for the creation of equal and correct blanks.

Slid vyrіzati heart-pellets (15 pieces) and droplets-drops (5 pieces) for one trojand. Virizaimo pelyustki so that the stench of Mali Suvoriy straight smug corrugated paper.

The needles are shaped like darts, wrapped with green paper and glued to the leaves. The needles from the leaves are fastened on the stalks of the trojand. Vikonuemo diї, brutal respect for our photo-applied, as if stitched below.

For the help of the handle, or the olive, it is necessary to bend the beech edges of the pellets in the shape of a heart, and the tops - in the shape of a dot.

The next stage is the preparation of the stem

It is necessary to take paprika corrugation or teip-stitch, cut it with narrow smugs and wrap it around with it. We have a stem. It is necessary to glue paper on the new one with glue, so that the wine does not flare up. Let's start picking up a ticket from the speckles. Here is a good floristic line with glue for fixing the middle of the trojan.

After fixing these pellusts, we begin to glue the pelyust-hearts, fixing the leather layer with a teip-stitch.

We proceed to the design of the sepals from green corrugated paper. Yogo needs to be wrapped around a trojan and fixed for an additional teip-strip. Now let's add green leaves to a flower for more vyshukanosti and stick them to the dart. I don’t have enough glue to drip to the base of the trojan, re-wrap it with a floral stitch and fix it.

We have a vine with leaves, which needs to be attached to the stem. The entire structure is wrapped anew with a line, and the leaves with the pellets are checked. As a decor, the card can be embellished with beads, pearl beads.