Palm week: holy history, traditions, examples. Palm week. All about holy Verbna week, see what happened

In the world close to the Palm Week, the examples become especially important and meaningful. At the same time, it is reasonable to make practical forecasts for the future about the weather and the future harvest.

Lazarus Saturday

One more thing is sacred, as they celebrate the Saturday of Palm Tyzhnya, - the Resurrection of Lazarus.

Jesus sent a message that his friend and associate Lazar from Bethany was seriously ill and asked to hurry. It was not clear why Christ did not hurry. And only after the bells that Lazar died, ruining the road.

If you arrived at Bethany, from the day of death, already two days passed. Rіdnі that nіkіlі pіyynogo buli y gluboіy mourning. But Jesus prayed zealously in the oven, where they buried Lazarus.

Vіn calling out to God with prohannyami to work a miracle. After prayers, they lifted the stone, which closed the entrance, and the attendants pumped the miracle of Sunday. 4 days ago Lazar turned out to be alive.

Christians celebrate Lazarus Saturday from the 4th century. After three and a half hundred years, the canon of the liturgy was vibrated throughout the day. The hymns of the hour of the service are indicated not on the vipadkovy marvel, but on respectful symbol zmіtsnennya vіri.

After sunset, at the hour of the evening service, they begin to consecrate the willow tree. Tse і є on the cob of the Holy Week of the Palm Week.

Holy Verbna Week

As it was already written above, Verbna Nedelya, according to church canons, begins on Saturday evenings. Ale, the main services and consecration of the willows are held for a week.

Until then, in Russia, sacredly celebrate the awakening of nature after the long winter. It is not for nothing that the pivnіchnі words of the yani took the willow as a symbol of this day. The tree is a harbinger of spring. As soon as the sun warms up every once in a while, spitting on the light of the fluffy breasts. The stench itself bestows faith in swedish warm days.

Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Week with joy. How holy is this day in Russia? People, no matter how old, break at weekly early hours to the nearest church, in order to consecrate the little willows. Churched parishioners stand the service, praying and taking the fate of the sleepy. After returning home, the three of them were taken home by a willow with blessings of health and grace.

Consecrated gіlki put a charge with icons, patched at the scythe, shattered their amulets, nailed them to the master's wake. For the river, ahead of the new saint, they burn the willow.

If you know the exact date of the celebration, you can prepare ahead of time. How to prorahuvat, what date of Verbna week will be marked in that chi іnshiy rіk? For the purpose of giving, it is necessary to know what day will be Great Day. Equally for the day before the Resurrection of the Lord, they mark the entrance of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem.

What is not required to work

Verbna Nedilya is a meaningful sacred for Christians. Be like a robot of that day of negligence. Deyakі navіt do not recommend the preparation of їzhi. IN to the current world everything was shattered. Such services and professions, yakі may be on the verge of a good vikonnannya work, regardless of calendar dates. Ale, there is no special need for you to be on the right, then more beautifully, splendidly, yoga.

At the end of the day, the weather was gloomy. It dawned on me that it’s hardly possible at the same time. If you want long curls, you can finish fences. Braid your hair in a braid, cover the beast with a braid, you can get by with a lot of money without rozchіsuvannya.

How else to use fences at Verbnu week? What is absolutely unacceptable to be timid, so go to the point of gluttony. The end of the sixth day of the month can’t fast at the sight of a rich bed. Trochs of wine, songs of stravy, cooked Oliya, riba - the axis of the basis of the Christmas table.

Tradition is holy

The head and main tradition is holy - the consecration of the willow tree. It is important that they can be equal in style, how many people have this. Among deyaky peoples, family amulets are weaved from these mountains. Their strength is great. The stench protect houses from unkind people and fire, rage against hurricanes and poveni, against vigilance, anger and ailment.

On Palma Week, take into account the weather, that vrazhay is especially reliable. Generations sing the stench of their families. It is especially important for residents who are engaged in a strong government.

It is a tradition to lay coins with the bread from Belarus. In this rank, you can name whoever is lucky and prosperous throughout the world.

In other regions, it is customary to invest consecrated needles at the string up to the sky. This tradition succumbs to the roots of Christianity itself. It is important that the willows can be taken at the gates of paradise and the Savior is there. Until then, the willow tree is a symbol of life and awakening.

Traditional willow markets. Particularly love tsyu rozvaga children, oskіlki the main product - malt. Krіm tsgogo, priemnі drіbnitsі for gospodarstvo proponuyutsya and all the same willow, selected in bouquets, it is embellished with lines and paper yangolyaty.

A tree, grown from a consecrated tree, increases the prosperity of the booth. Bouquets brought from the church were brought to him, placed by the water and resolutely stitched, so that the roots did not appear.

Rite that sound

Bagato folk examples on Palma week have long grown into ceremonies, calling that rituals.

As you live near the river, try to lower the willow tree into the water. If there’s a pople out of you, then in the next hour you’ll see more prosperity in a booth.

Gilks, attached to the dahu, to protect the meshkants' booth from ailments and mental anguish.

Whipping children with gilts for the holy - the widest rite. With a skin blow, the health benefits are also brought up.

And the axis is one more sound for greater prosperity. With a new fence, one should not work on the whole day, all the same, it is recommended to plant a room with such round leaves. As soon as a ticket is accepted and gurglingly grows, you can be stunned that wealth will come to the booths.

Rites for Palm Week - traditions that try to destroy the earth. Viriti їm, chi dorimuvatisya - skin virishuє for yourself. For some, it is the principle of life, and for others, it is just one more addition until the day off.

Vikoristanya consecrated willow in folk medicine

It has long been respected that the willow has a majestic jubilant force. Sprinkled with holy water, I multiply it at the kіlka times. How is it possible to wink the needles brought from the church at Verbnu week? Why work with them to improve their health? Axis deyaki apply victorious verbi with a jubilant method:

  • Taking water from the lungs, you can take care of a headache, fever, fever, sleeplessness.
  • Rubbing the vіdvara in sickness relieves rheumatic pains.
  • Nastya willow on the throat will help to get into intestinal infections and disorders.
  • Leafing through the building start talking early.
  • The forging of consecrated niroka, which have blossomed, helps with bezplyddi.
  • It is impossible to sleep calmly after bathing by the water, insisting on willow-hills.

The willow in folk medicine is victorious, devastated in growth, and is crowned with a well-deserved honor.

Folk examples

People's ideas for Palma week have long been known. The stench is passed on from the elders to the young, and they become a part of our life.

Calm sleepy weather means warm, windless summers and a rich harvest. A strong wind announced the cold weather.

A cold, scarlet clear day, giving hope for the yield of the bright.

Palm week without frost brings a chance for a great amount of fruit.

The number of earrings that were unraveled also served as an indicator of the future birth.

And the next day, thoughts are accepted to call out to the kokhan people, and the sound of obov'yazkovo will appear.

It’s already too late for the church to open the door to the skin, who believes at the order. Palm week is holy, which symbolizes the power of faith, rebirth. Willows and bouquets of willow bring calm and zahist at the houses. Following the first sleepy promises, hope is born in the hearts of the best. And don’t let yourself be confused all day long, all the same wine is a guide of the Light Christ Week and the salvation of all mankind.

Palm week - holy before Great Day, celebrated by Christians on the sixth week of Great Lent. It is accompanied by a trival service, and the main tradition in Russia is the hanging of a willow tree.


On this day they celebrate the Entry of the Lord to Jerusalem, about which we write the evangelists - Matthew (21 divisions), Mark (11), Luke (19) and John (12). The bottom line is that in those hours before the Holy Great Day, thousands of pilgrims flocked to Jerusalem for the Nearest Descent, and then a little passed, when Jesus resurrected Lazarus. People minted Jesus from Nazareth - a ryativnik to Israel. They believed that the Messiah would appear to the people herself on Great Day.

(Giotto di Bondone)

Sin of God v'їhav at the place on the vіslyuka, which meant a symbol of the world (on a horse - a symbol of war). It seems that the gate, through the yakі vіn v'їhav, іsnuyut dosi, аlе аlѕе аlѕе а richly mаnеd tightly immured. The people vitav yogo vigukami "Hosanna (glory) to the sons of David!" and the skin lightly torkavsya Jesus with a palm tree, hanging out that love. Tse i є root contemporary tradition hit your loved ones with a consecrated willow, at your kazhuchi: “Do not b'yu - willow b'є! Willow hlyost - b'є to tears!

The entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem - he came to another, if he appeared as the King of Light that Judgment. For the first time, I stood before people as the Redeemer of the sins of the human race.

Why is it called "Verbne"

The people zustrichav advancing the Tsar with palm trees - the very same її і vikoristovuyut inhabitants of the Near Descent that land, where the whole tree grew. In quiet parts it is sacredly called "Palm Week". The Russian verbiage tradition can be easily explained - there are simply no palm trees. Therefore, the church is traditionally victorious willow, like the first spring. Also, sometimes vicorist willow-trees and willows.

Willow-trees are the head attribute of the saint. On this bright day, people come from the needles to the church, to instill the Tsar, death and sin of the one who wins. The clergy wear green rizi, as a symbol of the rebirth of life.

The pre-Petrine era had its own ritual. Patriarch vizhdzhav "on a donkey" - a white horse, "disguised" under a donkey - as a symbol of the Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem. Vіn blessed from the Execution Mіsts with consecrated little willows of willows of all those present. They were gifted according to their calling, apparently to the status - the kings, then the bishops, the boyars, the duma dyaks, and in the provinces the common people.

Traditions of Palm Week

Orthodox Christians consecrate the willows of the celestial river. It is a tradition to decorate with them icons and red kuti. Having richly lords, who came from the church, first for everything they planted a couple of chicks in their house, and only then did they take care of framing the icons.

What is allowed by tradition, and what is not:

All day long you can’t practice, you can’t grow your hair and make thinness for vipas. Likewise, the traditions of cultivating hot streaks, it’s better to take a step back. What is worth living in general, then an important, fat hedgehog does not get used, then it is allowed to eat fish and vegetables.

Zim holy po'yazanі y deakі narodnі prikmeti.

  • Yakshcho time dosch - check the rich I give birth.
  • How to shine a sun - I will renew a rich harvest, and it will be warmer in summer.
  • Like a strong wind - until a cold and windy summer.

How often, without prejudice, we say "Thank God!". True viguk "Hosanna to Sin Davidov!" if in Rusalim Jesus zustrichav that same natovp, which after vimagatima Yogo rosep'yattya. People checked that the King would come, who would take his power by force and destroy the enemies. Jesus just opened up the enemy, but the enemy is not earthly. That death has overcome the suffering, having opened the doors of hell, giving people the opportunity to turn around.

IN church calendar Palm week is called “Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem”, and the day is called “Tyzhny of palm trees”, which is no wider in Russia, where palm trees cannot grow.

Palm week is twelve holy days.

History of Holy Palm Week

First, go to Rusalim, Jesus walked the land of Israel for three generations, speaking to people, like Yoma was equal, and nothing came to Yogo as a King, docking wines, not showing people a great wonder. Bethany's family lived with a friend of Teslyar from Nazareth - a brother and two sisters. Vіn zupinyavsya at them, buvayuchi at Befanії. If Lazar, knowing Jesus, fell ill, Vin did not immediately hurry to heal yoga. As soon as there was a call about the death of Lazarus, Jesus said: “Lazar, our friend, having fallen asleep, I am going to wake Yogo.” Learned to wake up did not understand that it was about death, and not about a wonderful dream. Lazar's sister Martha snarled Jesus and said: "Lord, Yakby You were here, my brother did not die," to which Jesus answered: "Your brother will rise again." And it was not about the resurrection of all the dead on the Rest Day. Jesus to speak the words, like the essence of the Orthodox faith: “I am the resurrection and life; who believes in Me, as if he were dead, come to life. Tse words are not people, but God. Those people who talk about themselves in such a way, so everyday and just at Bethany that hour, are in great trouble. Lazar spent several days in the grave, the language could no longer go about a lethargic dream or a clinical death. The fundamental law of nature was called out by the power of the Divine diva. If they removed the stone from the oven, where Lazar died lying down, Jesus said in a voice: Lazarus! Get out”, and… Lazar Viyshov. Jesus said: "Untie Yogo, let him go."

Zrozumіlo, after such a diva, yogo eyewitnesses and chuli about the new one called Jesus as God, as the King. Thank God! "Hosanna to Sin Davidov!" The viri shouted like a bagat but it didn’t last long. Ignorant of those people who fought the resurrection of Lazarus, fought against his heavy ailment, and death, and bring about a funeral. There could not be any doubt about the one who truly rose from the dead. It's a pity that people often praised God. Zabuli and about the marvel. Ale, our faith becomes mitznoy, to that we holiness zustrich Jesus as God and our Savior, Yakiy, like Lazarus, will give us resurrection from the dead.

Not all of them could hold the vchennya of Jesus, who prone to people to go to Heaven through the gate of mercy, and in an hour to rise under the Holy Day.

Uvіyshovshi to the temple of Jerusalem, Jesus zdіysnit unsafe deiї. There, they loved to trade in souvenirs, amulets, and relics. Vіn turns the table and pripinyaє trade. Vin resurrected the dead, performing marvelous miracles, Yogo was enshrined like a Tsar, and he was minted as the King of the earth, and vin came as the King of Heaven.

Chi knowing the Lord, what is on the new check? Chi zdogaduvatsya, scho Vіn resurrection? The human mind is not built to accommodate the Divine and the human cob. Ale, madly, Vin asking for Garden of Gethsemane so that the “cup of tsya” passed Yogo, as if the will of Yogo Batka would be on those, and then, having understood, that the advancement of NATO would be short-lived. Jerusalem is not ready to understand the help of salvation and the gift of Divine caress. Wiguki "Hosanna!" were replaced by cries of “Rip!”. To this the Savior wept for the holy place of Jerusalem, knowing that there would be wrecking.

Why is it sacred to call Palm Week

On the eve of the morning of Jesus in Jerusalem, people waved their palm-trees. The word "prochan", before speech, means "wearing palm trees". Going on a pilgrimage, a person taking from him a palm tree, a symbol of purity, as a sign that going to purity is more expensive. Such a buv jewish sound. At the Skhodі peremozhtsіv vshanovuvali palm trees. Jesus was called so, for Vin was a miracle worker that Messiah. And, as the building of inciting five thousand people had not yet called out the slaughter of that wonder, then the resurrection of Lazarus was insane. Jesus rode to Jerusalem on a donkey, that he had not killed the king of the earth in those hours, but had killed the King of Heaven on the vikonannya of prophecies. For example, the Old Testament prophecy about those who "in Jerusalem will see the Lagid King." If on a donkey, Jesus roared in the wake of the warriors of Herod in Egypt, where Yogo was taken in childhood. The donkey brought Yogo to Jerusalem, like the Messiah.

Jesus did not vipadkovo v'їhav to Jerusalem itself on the v_sluku. Sitting on a horse, Vin bi would inevitably rise above the mustache, who wielded Yogo. Itself so zrobiv bi earthly ruler, bazhayuchi podkresliti svіy special status. Ale, if God prayed to the people, Vіn vyrіshiv go to Jerusalem, perebuvayuchi narіvnі z timi, hto zustrіchaє Yogo. To that Vin in the sky, such a humble and quiet move, about which he sings write his famous verse:

Your Lord - he is what!

Your Lord - he is what!
Win a true hero!
Without fear, that trembling in mortal bey
Keep yourself in the right way!
I sword pіvmіsyatsem above the head,
I throw yoga to rush with an arrow!
And ours, ours - marvel, sinku -

Nasustrich of his own death.

And in the quiet, the Lord is a wine!
Vin and truly give peace,
Daruє-kushtuє eternal calm
In the midst of worldly pandemonium!
On passion-muzzle, waving his hand,
At the lotus position, I feel silence,
Osian an empty saint.
And ours, ours - unfortunately, sinku, -
And ours on a donkey - tsok ta tsok -
Nasustrich of his own death.

And in tsikh the Lord - hoo-hoo!
Vіn and true lord of the earth!
Tsey light, tsey vik, tsey head brain
It has long been pіd yogo p'yatoyu.
Navkoro throne yogo cheerful yurba
- Evan evoe! - dance human.
Maybe I'm with you.

Ale ours, ours - do not cry, sinku, -
Our ale on a donkey - tsok ta tsok -
Nasustrich of his own death.
On Zustrich zі His terrible death,
In the wake of your death and mine!
Don't cry, you won't see New,
Don't hide anywhere!

Prote Jesus was chanted with the words “Hosanna to Sin Davidov!”. So the children shouted, that the prophecy about those who praised the Lord was said “out of the mouth.” The Pharisees snarled at these words and asked: "Tell them - don't let them shut up," and Jesus answered: "Stop the stench, block up the stones." I Yogo was voiced to glorify miracles for better earlier. The scholars thought that Jesus was going to the throne, and Vin was going to the Cross. The stench of the coming prosperity, overcome the earthly enemies, but God marveled at the whole day from the sum. Orthodox Christians, vshanovuyuchi Іsus, tezh perebuvayut at the front of the future Strasny Tyzhnya.

Ignorant of those who called Jesus as the Tsar, Vin wept, entering Jerusalem, mourning for his future share. Vіn shkoduav Єrusalim, wishing that for whom there were no annual rethinks. Jerusalem prospered. The downfall of Jerusalem in 70 years was true for the transfer of the catastrophe at the hour of the disclosure of that writing, if no one else could think about it. Uvіyshovshi modestly on a donkey, Christ nevertheless accepted honors, like a Peremozhets. At once, having accepted suffering for the humble, coming, and pushing on those who are not afraid of their teachings. Knowing that on the new check, Vin was calm and lamented only a share of the ruined place. Vіn knowing that Yogo checks death, moreover, more skin, but knowing those that death affects, not the same value in the Kingdom of Heaven, as not a little longing for the earthly king. Aje same on the new check and presence, and study. After the resurrection of Lazarus, the stench was respected that there would be more miracles, knocked down thorns, and Jesus would become grim and ruinous. And we recognized Christ as others and Yogo's Savior was a miracle of mercy and love, and not the conquest of prosperity from our world.

In Russia, palm trees do not grow, that Jesus is “growthed” with the first little spring, the warm hour, the willow tree.

Traditions of Palm Week

The Orthodox liturgy has a special rank, which is a kind of revival of the gospel podia. Right up to the 7th century, the Patriarch walked through the Red Square on a horse, taken into a donkey, which was especially worn by the bridle of the king. The whole action was called "Hid on donkeys" and told people about the steps to the Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem.

At the same time, this tradition was told and they just consecrated the willow jacks to the riddle about the palm trees and the Savior's tree in Jerusalem. As a sign of readiness to vshanovuvat Jesus as the King of Heaven, a great triumph. Our ancestors remembered that if the weather is good all day, then the autumn will be cold. The willow is a sign of the triumphant's beating and the Overcoming of death, the very next of the Savior's beating. Willow is the ultimate symbol of forgiveness of kindness. We hold in the hands of a fresh spring elk as a sign that they are ready to slander our falsehoods, as the Lord forgives, whom the people sang after that, as they slew the Messiah and the Tsar.

In the presence of the people of the world, consider those who need to get a nirka of willow for happiness, make from it a vineyard for wealth and health, no more, no more, no more, the Church will not listen to them.

Palm week is a tragic holy day of the transition of Great Lent to the Holy Week, but it tells us about the upcoming Great Day.

Svyatkovo liturgy

The last day of Great Lent is before the Holy Day and ends with the great saint - the Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem. Svyatkuvannya begins with the evening service and all-night feasting on Lazarus Saturday. The text of the liturgy is guessing about the rest of the days Jesus. Vіn knowing that there are a lot of people to meet in New. In order to give their teachings hope for life forever, Vin reveals to them His Divine power at the resurrection of Lazarus, transferring the future resurrection of the dead at another Parish of the Savior. The structure of the liturgy of Lazarus Saturday is napіvnedіlna, napіvvyatkov. You will guess that our Savior has come to reveal His creative truth about the Savior. Vіn not laying on us "heavy weights and unruly", but revealing the example of life without sin to the people, afflicted by sin.

Palm week is holy, to pass, the date of the holy service is to fall on the day of the holy day of the Great Day. At the holy service, the troparion “Spirne Sunday” and “Blessed Thee by Baptism, Christ our God, immortal life was honored by Thy Resurrection, and the cry of the cry: Hosanna at the cherry blossoms, blessed are the Coming in the Name of the Lord.” Behind the field, the next greatness is “Great to you, Life-Giver Christ, hosanna at the cherry trees, and we cry to you: blessed be the Coming in the name of the Lord.”

At the hour of the divine service, the priest sprinkles willow-trees. The number of needles and lit candles people hold in their hands for the hour of vikonannya Canon. Orthodox churches are resurrected by those who pray, like vshanovut the Tsar of Glory, which kindly pishov for suffering. People are hovering like overcoming death and predicting the future days of the Stray Tyzhn, the suffering of Christ.

03/31/2018 11/19/2019 by Mnogoto4ka

Palm week or the Lord's entrance to Jerusalem is holy to its hour. This passage is holy. If it's Holy Week of Palma week, lie down if it's Holy Day. Palm week is always counted as the day before Great Day. In this order, Palm Week in 2016 falls on April 24, in 2017 - on April 9, in 2018 - on April 1, in 2019 - on April 21, in 2020 - on April 12.


Palm week symbolizes the Lord's Entry to Jerusalem. The only difference is that in Russia, in Russia, the place of palm trees is vicarious willow tree. It’s a small entrance and we guess ahead of Palm Sunday - Saturday Lazarev. Chotiri days passed, as Lazar died. Yogo sister Martha snarled Jesus Christ with the words: “Lord, yakbi You bov here, my brother didn’t die.” І v_dpov_v їy Іsus: Resurrection is your brother. The stench came to Bethany, to the oven, de Bulo buried the deceased. Having punished Jesus Christ to remove the stone, then, having prayed to the Heavenly Father, turned to Lazar: “Lazar, go get out!”. That one immediately moved and viyshov from the oven.

Jesus Christ returned to Jerusalem. Pіdіyshovshi to the place, vіn sіv vіn vіv vіslyuka i v'їhav at the gate. People already knew about the miraculous resurrection of Lazarus and called Jesus Christ as the King of the Resurrection of sin on the earth. The people greeted the Savior with the words: “Hosanna to the sons of David! Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord! Hosanna at the cherry trees! Bagato who laid clothes on the ground, put palm trees. Himself riding on a donkey symbolizes peace at the gathering, as if they were on horseback, it is a sign of war. Jesus Christ showing us that we have come with light. The Lord came to Jerusalem good-naturedly, knowing the torments that Yomu must go through. Pіznіshe before Іsus Christ, people with various ailments come, Vecheri Savior go back to Bethany.

We are with you, standing in the church at the palm week, holding in our hands burning candles and pussy willows, as a single symbol of the victory of life over death. Me, pray, for the sake of Jesus Christ, as we overcome death, that hell, the liberator of our sins. Verby, consecrated with holy water, should be saved at home. We do not grow palm trees in Russia, they were remembered for willow.

Holy is the entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem christian church introduced in the IV century, and in Russia the wines appeared in the X century and became known as the Palm Week, shards of willow are as small as palm trees. Following the traditions of the holy day before the Palm Week, in ancient times, Russian people went to the banks of the river Lamati willow, and this was the right ceremony. The willow was always consecrated near the church with holy water, vtіm, this tradition was preserved to this day.

In warm countries, all day long they chirp with palm-trees, in our country, at the same time, the leaves on the trees do not yet open. The needles of evergreen coniferous trees were traditionally zastosovulysya during the ceremonies of the funeral, so it is impossible to beat them.

For signs and beliefs, it was important that the willow was consecrated kissing authorities, that people were sticking around with little needles, bazhayuchi їm healthy, they put coals on ailments, applied to ailments, took care of children, so that you didn’t get sick for a long time and grew up healthy. The willow-trees were dried up in different beds, like vicarious for the healing of wounds and ailments. Some nirks added to the bread that other bread, and deyaks baked bread in the shape of a willow twig. Three brunioks, who are roaring, were robbed of verbena porridge. But the willow does not only heal, it gives physical strength, courage and masculinity, so many young people robbed their own amulets and talismans from the willow tree.

It was important that I was before a distant road, or I was serious on the right to pick up a sprat of willow brunok, then a person on yoga path and at the right side would be less successful. Icons were embellished with silks, they were hung in the cubbyholes of the room, so many people would work until the next day. Women also wore amulets made of willow brunok, as they did not have many children. For example, it was necessary to take ten brunok in five days after the end of the month, it was not enough to help in the conception of a child. And in order for the offspring to be healthy, then they put a pussy willow under the featherbed, and the young were covered with nirs.

Our forefathers were aware that willow could endow with stately strength not only a person, but also thinness. For the very same reason, their own creatures were hounded with consecrated willow thorns, threshing thorns were hung in the barns, and before the first vine near the field, the twigs of the threshings were happy for the creatures, so that they would not be cut off by bran herbs, they would not become a victim of ailments, the villains of those hut creatures. Joden day can not do without prikmet, pov'yazanih іz weather. I Palma week - no blame.

If it's coming for Palma week - check for a good harvest. Tsya prikmet polyagaє in bagatarіchnyh guards of our ancestors. They remembered what it's like all day go ahead, then vrozhay will be simply miraculous. Well, now, if the weather is dry, then the harvest will not be checked. And if it’s gloomy in the sky, it’s gloomy, but if I don’t know, then you’ll give birth to kindness, but not like you wanted to. It was important that the willow could protect the houses from the elements of nature. To the booth, de є the willow tree is consecrated, do not spend the bliskavka. If you throw a willow at the fire when you burn it, then it will go out more quickly, and half a day I will not go to another place. And the chicks, throwing an hour of ice drift near the water, will help to drown the great floods.

Just like the upcoming Holy Palm Week in the boudinka, non-victoraneous chicks were left, then they could not be thrown away at any other time. It is necessary to burn and throw a river into the glass, and the water is not guilty of being stagnant. Vibirayuchi new groves, gave priority to young trees, so that the river would grow. It was not possible to take the needles from the trees, so that the flower would grow, and also on those nests that hollow.

A lot of people, like they believe and no longer, and in our days ahead of the Palm week, decorate their booths with willow needles, even though the rose will give joy and awaken spring in the heart.


You knock on the body of a small willow tree - you will be healthy. Might be a single example, how people know today. The hand of the willow will be consecrated this day in the church, and after that the willow will be tapped on the body and say: “Be as strong as the willow, so healthy, as you are the root and so rich, like the earth.” Such an honor is seen by the verbi itself, which, perhaps, is the most living tree, as it is in nature. It’s important that you build a bunch of willows into the ground uphill with “feet”, then you’ll take it all the same, and increase. Cause the willow itself can give a healthy person, to that she is even stronger.

Z'їzh brunka verbi - to be respectful on the right. The consecration of the willow tree was taken to save the holy rok of the icon. If you happen to go to important negotiations, otherwise you choose to be more important to you on the right, and you are not impressed with the result, then the willow will help you here. Ale, help only that willow, which was consecrated at Verbnu for a week at the church. Virushayuchi on an important right, it is necessary to take three brunkas and z'isti їx into the air, drinking holy water, while thinking about your right. True, it is only possible to greet the authorities in an extreme mood. It’s not necessary to stay, it’s better not to shake the willow, you can walk sideways.

On Palm Week, think about the kohana people, come and see. Zaboboni? Shvidshe for everything. And earlier, a young girl, like a lad, seemed to be like him, and the wines on her did not turn any respect, she was coining the very day. Starting from the very wound, she began to think about those who are dear to her heart. These thoughts seemed to be conveyed in an unreasonable manner to any of the boys. And in the evening, when you came to her, to call and take a walk. It has long been brought to the principle that human thought is material. Everything that we think about, sooner or later, obov'yazkovo trapleyaetsya in real life. Possibly, the Palm Week has such energy, as it allows us to instill our thoughts in life richly, no matter what other day.

Plant a bedroom tree for Palma week - you will be rich. Previously, it was important that you plant a room for yourself on the same day, then you will put pennies in your life. In the localities, obviously, the room grew, but in the villages it was not up to that. Ale ti, who knew about this prikmeta, and planted room-grown, rose swiftly to their feet. Ale tsya prikmeta maє kіlka idiosyncrasies, about yaki little hto know. In the first place, like a ticket for a long month withered, then you happen to live all your life in vigilance. And in a different way, it is necessary to plant only the growths with great and soft leaves. Before speech, one of these roslins is called a penny tree at once. In order for it not to wither and grow, it is good to know the special rules for planting and keep an eye on him. Until the speech, it is noted that in that booth, where a penny tree is good growth, you will not get wealth, but you will not get pennies.

House birds are not allowed into the street - the witch zipsuє. Possibly, earlier in tsіy prikmetі were vpevneni, but not at once. It was important that the day before the Great Day, the chaklunks repaired buoyati. Aje, starting from the Great Day, that all is holy; Axis of stench and namagalis nashkoditi, so bimoviti, in reserve. It was important that they themselves played on their own birds. Axis only virit tsіy prikmetі chi nі, not visible. Ale in the villages and according to this year, whoever the bird is trimming, at Verbna for a week they are trying not to let them out on the street.

It’s holy, we know about yaki mi chuli, but we don’t know about prikmet, tied with winter day. We are not very worried about the fact that we do not know which ones we need to do. But if in our life there are inaccuracies, blame problems, then we start to think, the stars are taken all the time, and for that everything is on our heads.


On the eve of Verbne Sunday, the head bіl is fixed.
For whom, having combed his hair, remove the hairs from the comb and put him near the water.
Pour water over the willow for the Palm Week and say:
"Water, go to the ground at once from a headache."

Verbnu has a week to cast a love spell on willow.
For whom, break the nail and say:
“Docks willow behind the icon lie,
Until that hour, do not fall out of love with me, do not forget. Amen."
Put a willow for an icon. Only in any other time, do not let go of the charmed sign!

Remember that it is necessary to save the palms from the Palm Week. The stench help the likuvanni rich get sick!

It is accepted, for belief, at Verbnu for a week, slap a willow on the back of the one to whom you wish health.

But know who, banging you on the backside, is bad for you.
To the one who, having chirped with willow, is very holy, you can indulge evil, and you can do it.

Holy willow. And then we save it from the booth the whole river from the vase or behind the icons.
With an old willow, which the river stood, they throw around the mustaches, windows, thresholds, sing for service and spaly.
It is required to whip with a new holy willow on the back of all domestic and creatures, to say in a voice: “Willow-wilder, beating to tears,” - do not give health.

Nirki, pussies in the form of sacred willow help with bezplyddi woman and with enuresis.

Today you can bake fluffy holy willow in bread and give sick domestic creatures - heal.

Usim, who helps with his close forks, or in another way to get help or to wash,
you need this amulet in the form of overcrowding: today in the present day you need to take 3 brunki willows and drink it with holy water.
Let's say:
“The willow of St. Pavlo mahav, in the presence of other people's ailments, I was healed.
It’s true that it’s true that the palm week will be celebrated, so it’s true,
that other people's ailments don't bite before me. Amen."
Yakscho wi Orthodox people, Before which you need to take communion.


Willow dosi є significant growth in the folk-Orthodox culture of the Russians. Vono gave the name "Palm Week" to the church's twelfth holy Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem, as it is celebrated in the rest of the week before the Great Day. Starting from the gospel, Jesus Christ, having directly followed the teachings from Bethany, having resurrected Lazarus, to Jerusalem, to celebrate Great Day there. On the way to the place, Christ wobbled a donkey tied to a tree, on which he went to the place. The inhabitants of Jerusalem, as if they knew about the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus, suffocated the Savior with palm trees, which are called “vai”, and laudatory song. On the road that Jesus had gone, people threw palm trees and laid their robes. On the riddle about tsyu podіyu in Christian churches on the holy day, it is customary to sanctify the painted tree trunks. Willow occupied the place of the palm tree among the Russians, and the day before the saint began to be called “Verbnaya”, “Verbnitsa”.

About undivided power verbi, however, attack the roots of the pre-Christian, pagan hours. Tsya roslina, yak and birch, in folk culture appeared with the idea of ​​swedish growth, health, vitality, kinship. This statement is based on the fact that the willow releases its nirki earlier for more growth. The rosewood tree symbolized spring and, as a symbol of mythological evidence, could convey health, strength and beauty to people and domestic creatures.

The willow was widely celebrated in the calendar ceremonies of the Russian villagers. Regardless of those that Verbna week was bula church saint During the whole day, numerical rites with willow were observed, which are rooted in archaic beliefs. It was customary to follow the willow to the forest until early sun until Lazarus Saturday, ahead of Palm week. The brought flowers were most often embellished with paper quilts and lines, but sometimes they robbed only after the consecration of today, or before the great day. They went to the church of the same day to sanctify the willow until the evening service for a week. The consecrated woods were placed in the front hut on the goddess, or they were placed behind the icons, and the stench was saved until the day of Egor'ev, or the whole river. At Siberia, for willows, they robbed “teremoks” from straw, embellished yoga with ganchirs, and hung them with stitches in front of the icon.

When I arrived home, after the consecration of the willow, if they directly beat the church, they gave it to the skin of the household, and most often the children, as it was respected, "for health." With whom they used: "Verba chervona, beat to tears, be healthy!" At rich masses, with the same method, they whipped thinness with willow, and gave nirki roslini a nirka.

At the middle Russian smoothies, schob were “fed”, they were treated with special cow chi bread, at which willow brunches were simmered. At some holy days, the form of nirok was given to the ritual oven, like at Lazarev Saturday they brought it to the church for consecration at once from the willow oven. In the Kostroma province, it was called "sheep", in Moscow - "sheep", "grandmothers" or "katushki", in Ryazan - "peas", "kitka". They baked ovens for the thinness of that bird, and in deyaky mystic traditions - for all households. In the Ryazan region, when the sheep at Verbnu spent a week baking, they thought that they would bring a pair of skin lambs in pairs, and they sacredly called them “lamb”.

The consecration of gilks everywhere among the Russians was set up and placed at the red kut in order with icons. Previously, the willow was taken until Yegor'eva chi the whole river. Vikidati її after the scourge of thinness was respected by sin. They sounded the chіlka in the hut in the cold, “so that the thinness did not blunder”, or they threw it into the river, “letting the water go”; inodі - they spat at the stove. In Belarusians, the willow was saved all the river for icons until the new Good Monday. On the same day її they spat and beat the images and set up a new consecrated willow. When going to new booth part of the willow trees was taken to the old booth, and the other half was transferred to the new one.

At Yegor'ev, on the day of the rich mіstsevosti, they gave willow skin thinness for an hour of the rite of the first vigon to graze, and then the vigon was happy, respecting that the garni should be safe from the wild creatures with a protracted flock. A similar rite was repaired on the day of Mikoli Vesnyany: on the first day and especially when horses were driven by the night, the first in the season, they were beaten with willow hilts.
On Ivan Kupala on Volin in Podilli, a tree of willows was cast like a Christmas attribute: the girls embellished the rose with flowers and danced around it, and after a certain hour, the lads rushed in at the girl’s colo, groaned the willow and cut it up. This rite, for its significance close to the numerical earthworking rituals of the skhіdnoslov'yanskoi traditsії with vikoristannyam, was omitted from the growing material, and yoga meta - to spit on the forces of nature, so that you could grow.

As you can understand from pointing butts, willows were attributed to the people's evidence magical functions. The willow chicks, consecrated at Palm Week, were endowed with special power. Producing the power of growth, it is obvious from the quiet, that the magical meaning of the viroki can be, as if they were waving at the willow of the children: “Grow, like a willow!”, “Like a willow growth, so grow!” Some women have no wives, or nirks of consecrated willow, helping them to help them bring forth a child. The beekeepers built willow chicks around the apiaries, so that the bjoli swarmed well, more bjolin families were born, and the stench brought the master's honey and wax in abundance.

In the Penza province, having established the rite of calling out to the young, in which it is obvious that verba has a positive meaning. On the eve of Palm Sunday, young people went around the houses, where the name lived, and the gate shouted:
“Open, open, young, beat with a pussy willow, give more health for everything.” The young woman made the gates, and entered from the song: “Bow, give birth to bread, multiply thinness.” The sleepers near the hut were lightly hit with a willow, saying: "B'mo, let's be healthy," and also: "Get up early, beating a ram." The rest of the young were greeted, if they bowed, seeing off the young, that they were sleeping, out of the gate.

The productive power of willow victorious was also used in earthwork rites. So, after the first vigon thinness, the chicks could break and spread them across the field, and turn the nirk into grain, which was recognized for sowing. In the Smolensk region, part of the willow, brought after the vine of thinness, was planted in the ground on a grain field - “so that the earth comes to life more”, “so that the life gave birth to good and grew fluffy, like a willow”; the rest of the time they were honored for the icon - "so that the thinness turned around at home." Right there, the master's rod, as if she wrenched thinness, threw it into the barn at the rotten one; when tsiomu won stribal yakomoga more, "so that a lion was born." At certain places, willow trees were built into the fields for the protection of crops along the chotiryokh kuta. In the Tambov province, they used to hang willows on the fields with a method. In Belarus, with the consecrated willow, the first orange of the ardent field and the rose of the qilin appeared.

The Crimean-producing willow was endowed with wholesome powers, as victorious as it was for preventive purposes, so without intermediary for the people's medical practice. In the Yenisei province, consecrated willows were blessed to cows and cows near Clean Thursday - Thursday on the Last Day, at which they said: “I don’t give, but willow. Like a willow tree does not dry, so you, my God-given cows, do not dry. The willow, which was consecrated, was widely planted in the same way for the jubilation of people.

In the Kuban, the willow was victorious for the hour of the rejoicing of children's ailments. For whom early-vrantsі, until the descent of the sun, they went to the river and there they saw three willows of nine heads. With whom trichi they praised nine to one. Arriving home, lowered into hot water one bundle of nine needles bathed the child of the bіla vіkna, from which the sun was visible. Opivdni put another bundle of willow into the hot water and bathed the child for the day, just as the sun was. In the evenings, when the sun was setting, the children were working with the remaining bunch of chicks in front of the window, to marvel at the sunset. After the end, all the willows with water were carried up to the river and wagged with prayer, so that the stench was poured with water. It was important that the ailment came. In the Vitebsk region, they smoked the ailment of leanness with willow, rubbed it into powder and wounds with it, robbed it of water and drank from it, and drank it like a lotion in the fluff and zabіy.

In folk culture, willows were attributed to zahisnі yakosti. In all the aforementioned words, it was widely stated that the building was consecrated to protect against thunderstorms, storms, and other elemental evils, against unclean forces, and that ailment. The Russians in the Tambov province respected that willow, thrown against the wind, can drive away the storm, and thrown near the fire - calm yoga. Everywhere they believed that the willow, that they were going to the red hut, to protect the houses and the whole state against thunder and blisskavki. Byelorussia, at the hour of the hail, put a bunch of consecrated willows on the trail, in order to calm the elements and the hailstorm near the grain fields.

Due to the fact that the willow is widely victorious in the ritual sphere, it is an attribute of one of the largest Christian saints, among the people's beliefs it can lie up to the trees cursed by God. Zgidno with a legend, with her tormentors of Christ crushed pins for the cross. Behind the chain, the willow, behind the people's manifestations, is smart to the point of chrobaks, and the devils sit in the dry willow. Let's show the zv'yazku є vіdome ukrainsk slov'ya: "Kokohavsya, like the devil at a dry willow." Behind the manifestations of Belarusians, on the willow, especially the old one - dry and hollow, from the Baptist to the Palm Week the devil sits. In the spring, the devils grow on the willow, and after that, how to sanctify it holy, the stench falls by the water, and in the Palm week until the Great Day you can’t drink water, scooped up under the willow.



Oh, Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, persh for a century on the slaughter of preparations; Accept small things with piles and needles, which our prayer is offered to You, that on honorable days, we tear down Your traces in silence and limpness of spirit, and in distinguished purity of heart, and so let us not be with You and in the hour of the earth, dear to ours. And vouchsafe us unjudgmentally to partake of the Divine Joy of Thy Holy Easter here on earth, and then after coming to Heavenly Jerusalem we will unite with You, with the saints we sing the angelic song: Alleluia.


Archangels and angelic faces with fear and trembling marvel from the heavenly heights at Thy, Christ Savior, in Jerusalem to the free passion of entry and from the Apostles invisibly accompanying Thee, Thy King and from the Jewish children "hosanna at the cherry" Thee, O Lord our God, for in the Lord our God, and having created salvation by His people. Blessed be You, Vladiko Christ, for I have come and bestowed upon You the Cross of salvation for His child. Blessed ty, the coming Adama from glibini baked poklikati. Blessed єsi, priyshovshi Єvі vіd ancient sadness grant freedom. Blessed thou, bless the world in Israel and the salvation of the people. Blessed are you, spread the New Covenant at the drop of Your blood. Blessed be the Gryadiy in the Name of the Lord! Hosanna at the cherry trees!


Vibranium of the Tsar of the Girsky Sion, lagid, ryatuy and righteous to our willer, Tobі, on the high Cherubim of the carried and sleeping Seraphim, Bachimo Nina on the foal, which rises, and in Jerusalem to the free passion of the future. For whom we bow down to Thy indescribable indulgence, and with the vines and the groves we call out to You, and with the Jewish children we cry to You: Blessed are the ridges in the Name of the Lord, hosanna at the cherries!


Lord Jesus Christ our God, sit on the Throne of the Father with the Father, and sit on the wings of the Cherubim, who rush and sleep in the Seraphim, and in the days of His flesh on the colts of the donkey, calling for our salvation, and in the children of the hospital in the Holy City six days of the buttya of Easter, come to freedom, let you save the world with the Cross, your resurrections and resurrections! I’m like those people who sit by the darkness of the blue of death, taking the chicks of trees and vaia vіd finnik, sretosha Ty, Sina Davidova helping you, so we are not on the eve of the holy day of which we have vaia and chicks in our hands, take care and save. And like the stench of the people and the children of "Hosanna" Tobі bring, vouchsafe to us in psalms and spiritual souls with pure and undefiled mouths to glorify all Thy greatness on Tse holy and for the whole week of Thy passion and unjudgmentally reach and partake of the Divine joy of Thy Holy Life-Giving Resurrection, Let us sleep and glorify Your Divinity at once with Your Fatherless Father and the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit of Yours for ever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Verbna (Palm) week is approaching (church name - Enter the Lord to Jerusalem) - Christian holy, which is celebrated in the week for the day before.

At once we will tell you about the history of the Palm Nedil, we will rethink the main examples of the saint, the traditions and the sound of the Christian urochist.

What date is Verbna week

The Christian holy Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (traditional Russian name - Palm Week) is equal to the day before Great Day, Great Week.

Palm week is the final seventh day of Palm Tyzhnya - the sixth day of Great Lent, after which the Holy Day comes.

The date of Palm Week is unique for skin fate and fall on Great Day.

Palm Week: Holy History

At the heart of the Christian holy є evangelical tale about the entry of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem on a donkey and a tract of zustrich, as if organizing the people.

Zgіdno zvichaєm єvreїv, the kings of that cross came up to Jerusalem on horseback and donkeys, and the people of the vishikov, waking up the path with palm fronds on their hands, suffocated, flying in 'zhzhayuchy, throwing husks of palm trees under their feet, waving them all over the way.

It is also the tract in "їzhdzhav" to Jerusalem and Jesus - showing everyone that you bazhaє the world, having arrived at the young sun.

The reason for this was those who, on the Skhodі v'їkhati to the place on the vіslyuka, were respected as a symbol of the world, and the entrance on the horseback meant the symbol of war.

Christ having arrived to Jerusalem with the help of the visconate of the abode of the Savior of the world, proclaimed by God to the first people in paradise. The Jewish people chequered Jesus with a thousand riches, and the axis of Vin appeared.

The service of Jesus Christ on Earth was approaching the stage of completion, not far away was the year of Yogo great suffering and death, for the sake of the salvation of people, of all people.

If Jesus was riding on a donkey to Jerusalem, the people of the Viishovs nazustrich іz with hoarse cries of “Hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!”.

People spread clothes on the road, threw palm trees under the feet of a donkey and sang a laudatory ode.

From that hour on the day of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem, praying for the Lord to hover, chirping yoga, trembling in the hands of palm fronds (in the Slovak lands, the stench is replaced by willow feathers), and lights are lit candles.

It is not for nothing that it is sacred for Christians to call Palm Week on the Near Descent, but in the pine lands (including in Russia) they call Verbnim, because palm trees are replaced by willow trees through the presence of such replacements.

Blame food, but why such a high honor was awarded to willow itself?

Basically, it is related to the fact that the willow is the first flower and the flowers are hanging, and the flowers bloom with the hour, if the Lord’s Entry to Jerusalem is holy.

Willow has long been loved for its beauty, that lower, it has always been a symbol of resurrection, it has made awakening to life.

People from ancient times ascribe verba magical power to riches in what. It is important that she gives them good health and protects people from illness, that she, with faith, creates evil spirits, brings that joy into the world.

And the willows are also attributed to the building to improve the fertility of the earth and to increase the future harvest.

Traditions and sounds of Palm Week in Russia

Main folk rites Palm tree that week was tied with willow.

On the day of the entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem, Orthodox Christians get up from the first exchanges of the sun and go to the temple with willows in their hands, to sanctify them.

For the tradition of consecrating the willows to pass on the All-Night Chuvann - after reading the Gospel, the priest reads a special prayer, as he blesses the “vai” (trees of date palms, and in the words "yansk lands - willows), then sprinkle the tree with holy water.

It is important that the rite of consecration of the willows endows the heads with the healers and their powers.

In Russia, it is believed that willow-trees, consecrated at Verbna week, protect the bagmen from the house from the street, misfortunes and beat, bring good and grace, to that, for the call, they take the house from the house until the onset of fate, embellishing the icons with them.

By stretching out the fate of the willow tree, it is a talisman for the house of that sim'ї. With dry willow willows, which the whole river stood, they wrap around the bush, the rapids and windows, after which they hang a tribute for their service and scorch them.

Before the speech, for the view: you can’t pick up the thorn of the pussy willow from the smith, you can’t bring the chick to the church and burn it.

At certain masses, call to put the consecrated willow chicks in the hands of the dead, supposing that by faith in Jesus Christ they died to overcome death and, having risen, to strike the Savior with the willow in their hands.

In Russia, її extensions, sound at Verbna for a week, lightly beat one single pussy willow.

The fathers, who turned after morning from the church home, begin to wake up the children sleeping at the bedside, not very softly touching them with willow and saying: “Willow whip, beating to tears. Not I b'yu, willow b'є. Be healthy, like a willow.

The very loving fathers themselves wish their children health and longevity at Verbna is holy.

The consecrated willows of rich villagers in Russia were given strong cleansing forces, swinging in order. thinness in the view of the husky creatures, and the myna - in the view of the pristrіtu and psuvannya.

At the same time, they believe in Russia that it is important that willow twigs heal the sickness, drive away evil spirits, and do not allow evil people, what can be unkind to us.

We will fall in love with the busyness of people (like grown-ups, so children) at the hour of the holy day of Palm Tyzhnya, there was an observation about the “palm bazaars”, de buv representations of a great selection of everything that is necessary in the state, children's toys, malt.

At tsikh rinks you can buy bulo tied with bunches of willow, which is tied up like a paper angel. Yogo was called "palm cherub".

For a long time they believed that it was planted at the yard, the willow tree was consecrated, and, growing up, with skin rock, multiplying well-being into a booth. Listening to this sound, there is a lot of someone to plant a willow at the yard.

It is important that you want to make one palm tree at Verbnu week, to show a healthy effect, to protect against ailments and other misfortunes. Nirki consecrated willows are recommended for those who are ill and German people.

Women are especially worried, because they can’t conceive a child - it’s a lot of trouble for the one that the girl is a woman, like she made a nirka, with an uncommon zavagіtnіє.

What is possible and what is not possible to work at Holy Palm Week?

What do you need to know to mark the holy day?

One of the head fences at the Christian holy place is a fence for work - at the day of Palm Week it is impossible to practice.

Likewise, it is impossible to do handicrafts sacredly.

According to tradition, for the old hours, women were harrowed to grow their hair at Palm Week, just like on the Annunciation.

At any other time, it is not possible to beat the piece of pussy willow for a single day. Do not bring them to church and do not sprinkle them with holy water.

Steel is to blame, but we will die: the crime of fears, permitted by Lent, you can eat fish, for tradition - fish pies, and drink wine.

It is allowed to have a hot song with olive oil. Ale sacredly does not maє on the uvazі rich zastіllya.

Palm week is a weekend day, which is necessary to spend in a quiet and calm atmosphere.

It’s better to spend the whole day outside the church, and then spend yoga in otochenny close to those people.