Mikolaj the violinist. Skripnik Mykola Oleksiyovych. Urivok, which characterizes Skripnik, Mykola Oleksiyovich

After the lute revolution, it was practiced by the Bolshevik organizations of Petrograd. From the chest m. - in Ukraine, the people's secretary on the right hand side, from the birch river. - Head of the People's Secretariat. One of the organizers of the CP(b). Fighting for the establishment of a Bolshevik regime in Ukraine. Z r. - in the most populous settlements in Ukraine, including y - pp. - Commissar of enlightenment. Becoming an active conductor of Ukraine.

1. Biography

Before the revolution of 1917, I was more likely to resist Russian Bolshovism and the Ukrainian freewheeling movement, having only arrived for Lenin’s assignments in Ukraine. Rozumiyuchi vag nat. food, wine, prote, like the last laziness, putting the idea of ​​​​a secular proletarian revolution above everything, like, on one thought, it is small to bring a fair version of all social and political nutrition, including national ones. Ale in praktichnіy dіyalnostі Skrypnyk pіddavsya witch representation chuzhinetskіy for natsіonalnim warehouse (Especially in її kerіvnitstvі) CP (b) to vsogo ukrajins'koho scho traktuєtsya him yak "kontrrevolyutsіyne" i povіv Borotba proti nіgіlіzmu ( "lyuksemburgіyanstva") in natsіonalnomu pitannі, zokrema proti todіshnіh . kerіvnikіv CP(b) U. E. Kviring and D. Lebed, the author of the theory of struggle between two cultures.

After the adoption of them from Ukraine, Skripnik became the initiator of the promotion of Ukrainianization. Particularly great was the activity of these galluses of wines, having become the people's commissar of enlightenment, to which all the galluses of cultural life were ordered. Under yogo kerіvnitstvom, the Ukrainianization of press, pochatkovo and middle education was completed; In addition, Skrypnyk, having called in 1927. all-Ukrainian (for the participation of those participating through the URSR) spelling conference, as a result of which the t.z. "Skrypnikovsky" spelling, hardened in 1928, which used the Russification infusion of Ukrainian language.

The political position of Skripnik in sovereign life URSR bula was super chliva and could inevitably end in a shock. Yak post-billed bilshovik-Leninets vіn buv dogmatic, notable to Vorogiv Radyanco Vladi, in that number of Ukrainian Nationalism, leading Borotbu, ascertaining the zesenniy of the primely part of the old Ukrainian, and the natives of the native (b) ). Zokrema, being one of the initiators of the self-liquidation of the UKP in the name of the Comintern. From the other side, knowing, for that Leninist scheme, the "head trouble" of great-power chauvinism, Skrypnik still more mercilessly fought the opposite; gradually reinforcing the independence of Ukrainian culture and independence of Russian culture.

Departing from the beginnings of the sovereign association of all Ukrainian lands, they gave a lot of respect to the nourishing life of Ukrainians in the pose of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic and willingly choosing for themselves nationally famous personnel who came from Western Ukrainian lands, especially Galicia. Zikh the Posniy Skripnik Vistypavu in 1918 Rotsi opposed to the Central Committee of the RCP (b) Vidriva VID Ukrainian so "Donetsko-Krivorizko Republiki" I Vimagav to Ursr of Similar Otta-Great Lands (Kurska, Voronezka), Zokomasyava, Zokomasyavava, Zocomasyavava, Zocoma of the Rosauvava, Zokocrem of the Rosa, Zokocoma of the Rosa, Zokocoma of Ukrainian schools and 2 universities, as well as Ukrainianization in remote Ukrainian arrays (at To a distant descent, on Wednesday. Asia too thin). Being an active publicist, Skrypnyk has left a large number of brochures, articles and promotions published by the press, often selected from the unfinished works of "Stats and Movies" from all sources: t.i. (1930); vol. II, part 1 (1929) and part 2 (1931) vol. IV, part 1 (1929), vol. V (1930).

Such activity of Skrypnik superchilled the imperial plans of Moscow, and P. Postishev, who arrived in 1933 in 1933. for Stalin's assignment to Ukraine, all the difficulties and challenges of industrialization and collectivization, which were discussed by others, attributing the "counter-revolutionary" activity of Ukrainian nationalists, were grouped under the heading of Skripnik I. The violinist was greeted with harsh criticism and called out in the wake of the people's commissar of enlightenment. Do not bachachi any other way, Skripnik forgot the inevitable liquidation, committing self-destruction. I don't care about the rubbish in political activity Skrypnyk, unparalleled merits in the distinguished positions of Ukraine, honed his name as a halos of a fighter for the sovereignty of Ukraine, on the authority of which they rely and the fiendish Ukrainian support. the rest of the decade. To that, although formally in the other half of the 1950s, pp. The violinist was rehabilitated;

2. Dumki

  • "... Glasnist is needed in something else, in that, for food, which is blamed on the party, look, like in the party, would not be in the shovankas of party life, but would grow in the afternoon light. Tilki in the sun, behind the walls, the growths can grow stronger, but in this we have a great shortfall. already seen” (M.A. Skrypnik at the stage at the meetings of the organizational section of the VIIIth edition of the RCP (b) on 20 February 1919).

Mykola Oleksiyovych Skripnik(Skrypnik, Ukrainian Mykola Oleksiyovich Skrypnik; September 25, 1872, the village of Yasinuvata, Katerinoslav Province - July 7, 1933, Kharkiv) - participant in the revolutionary movement in Russia, social democrat; ukrainian radian political officer state fiend, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the URSR (1921), People's Commissar of Justice and Prosecutor General of the URSR (1922-1927), People's Commissar of Education of Ukraine (1927-1933), and from the 23rd of fierce 1933 to his self-destruction in the same fate - the intercessor Golovi Radnarkom of the URSR head State plan of the Ukrainian SSR. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (29.06.1929, from history).

Candidate for membership in the Central Committee of the party (VI z'zd, XII-XIV z'zd), member of the Central Committee of the party (XV-XVI z'zd). Member of ІККІ (VI Congress).


Born near the village of Yasinuvata of the Bakhmut county of the Katerynoslav province, he had a salvage service. Pochatkov was enlightened by education at the Barvinkivsk two-class rural school, and then at the Izyum real school near the Kharkiv province and the real school near Kursk. Bagato engaged in political self-enlightenment, having cultivated Marxist literature. Since 1897, having respected himself as a member of the Social Democratic Party.

In 1900, having joined the St. Petersburg Technological Institute, having completely abandoned the revolutionary movement. An active participant in the Marxist group, a member of the St. Petersburg social-democratic group "Robot Ensign". "Fighting Christening" won at the birch in 1901 the hour of a demonstration protesting against the political re-examination of students of the Kiev University. Todі first arrested and hung up to Katerinoslav. Then we followed one after another new punishment and that aggravation. Usyiy was arrested 15 times, 7 times helped. At the sum of the judgments on lines 34, the fates that one time of judgments up to mortal curry 6 times big.

Glasson, Petersburger, Valer'yan, G. Ermolaev, Shchur, Shchensky - this is far from the latest retelling of pseudonyms, which M. Skrypnik was famous for, conducting revolutionary work in the cities of Petersburg, Katerinoslav, Tsaritsin (Ninі Volgograd), Saratov, Odessa, Riga and bagatioh. Became a participant in legal all-Russian z'izdiv: cooperative enterprises (1908), factory doctors and representatives of industry (1909). Having taken an active part in rich party knowledge, starting with Iskri. In 1913, the editorial board of the Bilshovitsky legal magazine "Pitannya strakhovannya", in 1914, it entered the warehouse of the editorial board of the Pravda newspaper.

Having turned after the Lute Revolution from the Morshansk Tambov province, the month of the chergovy sent to Petrograd is being robbed by the secretary of the Central for the sake of factory committees. On the eve of Zhovtnevy zbroyny rebellion - a member of the Viysk Revolutionary Committee under the Petrograd Radiation of Robotics and Soldiers' Deputies.

Since the beginning of 1917, the fate of life, that activity of M. Skrypnik was tied up with Ukraine, where he arrived for the orders of V. Lenin. The deyak hour of the wines roared. The inconsistency of the bula viklikan to the weak knowledge of Ukrainian minds, the confusion, the super-clearness of the processes in Ukraine, where the opposition between the RNC of Russia and the UCR was becoming more and more frequent.

In his autobiography, M. Skrypnyk described his arrival and early days of work in Ukraine as follows:

The First All-Ukrainian Star I was glad to invite me to Ukraine, and having made me the people's secretary of the government, and then trade and industry. Conducting the 1st All-Ukrainian Conference of Peasant Deputies in September 1918 near Kharkiv. Since Kiev was taken by the German troops, the conference of representatives of the Rada from Poltava elected me as the head of the Robotic-Peasant Order of Ukraine and the people's secretary of foreign rights, and confirmed the 2nd All-Ukrainian Star of Rada from Katerynoslav near the birch of 1918. At the last meeting of the Central Exhibition Commission of Ukraine near Taganrose in 1918, I was taken to the insurgent People's Secretariat, there, at the party award, I was also elected a member of that secretary of the Organizational Bureau of the I call of the CP (b) V, which made me a candidate of the Central Committee of the CP (b) V , and from the chest of 1918, I will see the Central Committee. In addition, in 1918, the Central Committee of the Central Committee sent me to work with the Cheka, de I was a member of the collegium and head of the struggle against the counter-revolution. In the beginning of 1919, I was reborn as a people's commissar of sovereign control to the warehouse of the robotic-peasant order of the URSR.

) - a participant in the revolution. Rukhs in Russia, Social Democrat; ukrainian radyansky political and sovereign fiend, people's commissar for internal affairs of the URSR (1921), people's commissar of justice and prosecutor general of the URSR (1922-1927), people's commissar of education in Ukraine (1927-1933), and from 23 February 1933 until his self-destruction in the same rock - intercessor Golovi to the Radnarkom of the URSR, that head to the Derzhplan of the URSR. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (29.06.1929, from history).

Candidate for a member of the Central Committee of the party (VI star, 12-14 stars), member of the Central Committee of the party (15-16 stars). Member of ІККІ (6th congress).


In his autobiography, M. Skrypnyk described his arrival and early days of work in Ukraine as follows:
The First All-Ukrainian Star I was glad to invite me to Ukraine, and having made me the people's secretary of the government, and then trade and industry. Conducting the 1st All-Ukrainian Conference of Peasant Deputies in September 1918 near Kharkiv. Since Kiev was taken by the German troops, the conference of representatives of the Rada from Poltava elected me as the head of the Robotic-Peasant Order of Ukraine and the people's secretary of foreign rights, and confirmed the 2nd All-Ukrainian Star of Rada from Katerynoslav near the birch of 1918. At the last meeting of the Central Exhibition Commission of Ukraine near Taganrose in 1918, I was taken to the insurgent People's Secretariat, and there, at the party meeting, I was also a member of that secretary of the Organizational Bureau of the 1st call of the CP (b) V, which made me a candidate of the Central Committee of the CP (b) V , and from the chest of 1918, I will see the Central Committee. In addition, in 1918, the Central Committee of the Central Committee sent me to work with the Cheka, de I was a member of the collegium and head of the struggle against the counter-revolution. In the beginning of 1919, I was reborn as a people's commissar of sovereign control to the warehouse of the robotic-peasant order of the URSR.

Head of the People's Secretariat

Yak bіshovik M. Skrypnik supported the position of V. Lenin at the negotiations at Brest-Litovsk (Ninі Brest, Belarus). Vodnochas as the head of the Ukrainian radian order arranging the organization of vidsich heaped the Austro-Nimets occupiers. It was the Second All-Ukrainian Z'izd glad to stand in principle in a difficult situation, calling out to them became the most important tasks of the Radian activists. M. Skrypnyk said in the morning (17-19 February 1918) the main additional facts - about the current and political moment.

The Bolsheviks did not have little luck in the rear: a bunch of stench became a friend for the numerical faction - 401 delegates against 414 left eseri. Prote, spiraling on the left elements of other parties (left Ukrainian social democrats, maximalism), the stench reached their decisions. Most of the delegates of the All-Ukrainian Z'izdu, after the long struggle, supported the course of the VII Z'izd of the RCP (b) for a peaceful change, and it came in handy with the Brest peace. Forget the rest, as if they were raising the link between Ukraine and Russia, voicing Ukraine as an independent radical republic and declaring that in return the republics would be deprived of them.

For information about the decision to get out, as well as for access to homeownership about the form of mutual relations between the URSR and the Radianian Ukrainian, for example, it was decided to send an embassy of the CEC glad of Ukraine and the People's Secretariat to Moscow. The special mandate read:

“In the name of the Ukrainian Robotic-Peasant Republic. Robochem-Selyanske Uryadov Ukraine - Central Vikonavchy Komіtet Vseukraїnskoї For robіtnikіv, Selyanske that soldatskih deputatіv that folk Sekretarіat Ukraїnskoї Narodnoї Respublіki upovnovazhuє Nadzvychaina sytuatsia Povnovazhne Embassy deklaruvati samostіynіst Ukraїnskoї Radyanskoї Federativnoї Respublіki before Uryadov Rosіyskoї Radyanskoї Federativnoї Respublіki oboma Radyans'ka Federatsіyami - Rosіyskoyu Ukraїnskoyu that. "

The head of the People's Secretariat and the people's secretary of foreign affairs, Skrypnik, are more important than the embassy.

In Moscow, Skrypnyk drew up the article “A New Revolution in Ukraine,” in which he tried to give exactly the same information about the subdivisions in the republic, which was often displayed incorrectly by the Russian seal. The article talked about the alignment of forces, attitudes, setting up the Brest world, together with the left SRs, the prospects for revolutionary struggle. Specially seen the distribution of "Meta arrival to Moscow", in which it was said:

“We were praised by the Central Vikonavchiy Committee of the Ukrainian Rada and the People's Secretariat to officially declare before the Rada of the People's Commissars and the All-Russian Central Vikonavchiy Committee about voting by another All-Ukrainian Z'izd of the Rada of Ukraine's Independence. We came like an embassy to an independent power, to declare that our mission is up to Russian Federation be very friendly.
It’s good to understand that at this moment, the Radianian government of Russia cannot come to our aid, but we rely on the power of strength, as we grow with the skin day ... ".

Following Skrypnyk’s speech at the meetings of the All-Russian Exhibition Center of the RRFSR on the 1st quarter of the day and the announcement of the declaration of the most important embassy of Radyansk Ukraine at the meetings of the RNC on the 3rd quarter of the year, the order of Russia praised the resolution, in a yakіy voicing its “speech heroic exploiting workers”.

Skrypnyk vvazhav rozryv federal zv'yazkіv mizh radyanskoy UNR and URSR suto formal, and unification of both republics is indestructible. However, at the same time, viniclo folded at the vіdnosinakh between kerіvnitstvom Radyansk's matrons. In the opinion of the people's commissar of the right of the nationalities of the RRFSR I. Stalin to the Ukrainians to throw “bring that republic into line”, and to deprive the Ukrainian Radiansky center of Taganrog, Skrypnik promptly prepared a special statement, in a way protesting against the hanging of one of the key fiends of the RCP (b) and the RRFSR. An unacceptable episode, perhaps, having put their voucher on the distant specialty of Stalin with Skrypnik, for an hour they tried to dosit critical zabarvlennya.

The folk secretary of Ukraine, the yogo head reached the back of the Flautes, the non -trim the Teritaal, the worships of the warehouses in the Mira іnozhagi - more than three mesynos - the native of the pantets - Kihita . The status of Ukraine as a national-sovereign enlightenment did not change, constantly changing under the influx of factors of a political, diplomatic character, zokrem, minds of the Brest world.

Creation of CP(b)U

In the spring of 1918, the great urgency of the process of unification of Belarusian organizations on an all-Ukrainian scale, the establishment of the party center. M. Skrypnyk took the blame from his right one of the original roles. Having not stood on the Prikhnikov -Livikh Platform, Yaki Vidnuili, the nozzan of the rebel is opposed to the storage of the reservation of Ukrainian, ni, on the position of the Prikhilnikovs, the yaki visited the same, without the pretext of the Russian . there is not enough strength for the new one, but the Communist Party of Ukraine can warehouse RCP(b).

At the Taganroz party party (April 19-20, 1918) M. Skrypnyk uttered a resolution, as if he gave the right to “menshovitsko-pogodzhuvalni” propositions, and “Eserist pure insurrectionism” with a “left” glance. Participants Narada bіlshіstyu golosіv weather of it i vvazhali for neobhіdne organіzuvati partizansko-povstansku Borotba in tilu nіmetsko-avstrіyskih vіysk, viznachili course for pіdgotovku insurrection proti okupantіv that їh posіbnikіv, nagolosili to "zalezhnostі of Success tsogo insurrection od zberezhennya that zmіtsnennya Radyanskoї Vlady Rosіyskіy Federatsії . further development of the light socialist revolution".

The participants for the sake of more votes again sang M. Skrypnyk. Among the quiet, who voted for the resolution propagated by him, were the same-minded G. P'yatakov and G. Lapchinsky "left of communism", adherents of the established communist party in Ukraine. Let's forgive this rozrahunok - organizing the victorious work of the RCP (b) KP (b) at the camp for the vision of the Brest world. For the preparation of the formation of the Belarusian organizations of Ukraine, an organizational bureau was recognized, to which O. Bubnov, Ya. Gamarnyk, V. Zatonsky, S. Kosior, I. Kreisberg et al. Ocholiv Organizing Bureau (becoming yoga secretary) M. Skripnik. It was praised on yoga proposition to call the future republican party organization the Communist Party (Bishoviks) of Ukraine. Narada did not bring the Proposali Poltava Grupi Bilshovikiv that “livikh” of the Ukrainian Social-Democratic names “Ukrainian Komnostic Party”, the Oskilki chipped the same “

Prote on the 1st star of the CP(b)U (5-12 lime, 1918, Moscow) M. Skrypnik did not dare to change his positions. Draft resolutions propagated by him, zokrema, fundamentally important - about the current moment, were blocked. Yak and on the Taganrozkyi people, vin zaproponuvav z'izdu edition of the document about the establishment of the Okremoi, organizational and independent Communist Party of Ukraine. However, the process of discussion showed that the author did not have an argumentative, clearly motivated logical scheme. M. Skripnik after discussing the draft resolutions, having taken his option. It was accepted the proposition of E. Kviring about the establishment of the CP (b) U as a regional organization of the RCP (b). Zvahayuchi everything, znyatya vlasnoi resolution how to vote that praised the other resolution M. Skrypnik not priynyav like a vlasno shock. Perevaga, as always, was given a statement about revolutionary dotsіlnіst, about the most effective form of life of the party organism.

On April 8, 1918, the fate of the additional on the 1st z'їzdі CP (b) U M. Skrypnik, having voted to the head of the robotic class, "do not allow the helpers and the capitalists, the counter-revolutionaries of the apparatus to create that force, as if they could take power from their own hands."

Communist Party Ukraine M. Skrypnyk has always respected his child. True, the share was formed in such a way that you never had a chance to stupefy the CP (b) V, if you wanted, it would have been better, if it was not less for him in the new, lower in others, and different plans were sometimes blamed. To add up the thought that it is connected with the pardoning position of M. Skrypnyk in the message about the establishment of the party on the 1st party of the CP (b) V, V. Lenin, and the Central Committee of the RCP (b), party activist of Ukraine.

It is not possible to recognize such a reconciliation with such logical ones. G. Pyatakov, E. Kviring, S. Kosior were robbed as the first secretaries of the Central Committee of the CP (b) V, because of the rich principles of their nourishment for that difficult hour, they often finished it, as it was officially assessed in official documents, “glanced at mercy”.

Evidently, other motives played a great role. N. Skrypnyk, as a rule, without adhering to the flow, as a rule, they formed and manifested themselves often from polar positions. Vіn_nіkoli without breaking factionality, uniting yourself like a group of people, always wanting to be more like such a behavior, spodіvavsya, scho principally in the main party interest. And the struggle between the representatives of the “left” and the right, of the wines, naturally, was not able to really claim the first role in the party, for which it was often the case that the most super-nice was.

Work at the Cheka

From midday 1918 to midday 1918 Skrypnik became the head of the Cheka in the fight against counter-revolution. At the meetings of the presidium of the collegium, they were repeatedly praised about the coming of the world to punish the counter-revolutionaries. In infants in 1918 and in 1919, Skrypnyk was the head of the secret-operational department of the Cheka.

I'm in the order

Since September 1919, the people’s commissar of the State Control and the Supreme Socialist Inspectorate has been responsible for the improvement of the functioning of the Radian apparatus of the republic. From the present days of the Belarusian army of A. Denikin, he was on the fronts: the head of the political department of the Gomel fortified region, the head of the special department of the Pivdenno-Skhidny (Caucasian) front (chi Pivdenno-Zakhidny?) [ ] .

Turning after the rout of the "Denikin" on the landing of the People's Commissar of the Robotic-Peasant Inspectorate (May 1920), M. Skrypnyk at the linden became an hour-long ceremonial representative of the People's Commissariat of the Robotic-Peasant Inspectorate in Ukraine RRFSR. 07/13/1921 appointments as People's Commissar of Internal Affairs. In addition, I was recognized by the All-Ukrainian Commission on History Zhovtnevoy revolution that KP(b)U (Іstpart), the Head Archive Department under the Narcomobrazі (Glavarkhіv), the Central Rada for the Protection of Children, the Ukrainian Commission for the Appearance and Rozpodіlu Evakuvaniy established osіb (Єvakkom), cheruvav low state and hromada organizations, being a member of rich organizations leading institutions and commissions.

Vin became a member of the Presidium of the VUTsVK, taking an active part in the meetings of the Radnarkom.

At the beginning of 1922, for the time of the head of Kh. Rakovsky (having changed at the guard), for a short hour they appointed Radnarkom as the intercessor of the head, and VUTsVK - to wind the headband of the head of the order of Ukraine (from the savings at the plantation of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs). Prote, literally for a few days, D. Manuilsky became the intercessor of the head of the RNC, and M. Skrypnik was deprived of the prerogatives of the narcotics commissariat. At April 1922, the fate of the transfers to the landing of the People's Commissar of Justice of Ukraine. At the Lipny-Serpny 1922. M. Skrypnyk again became the intercessor of the head of the RNC, and from the present-fierce of 1923 he took over the office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic, becoming the People's Commissar of Justice.

In 1927-1933, he was the People's Commissar for Education of the URSR.

In 1932 - on the cob of 1933 rock, Skrypnik actually spoke out against the increase in the pace of grain procurement, about which he specially supported his list to Stalin Kaganovich in the 1932 rock

Contribution to the socio-cultural development

Vazhlivoyu Bula role in Skrypnyk pіdgotovtsі nayvazhlivіshih Reigning dokumentіv - konstitutsіy Union PCP that Ukraїnskoї CPP - vіn entrance to the warehouse soyuznoї that respublіkanskoї komіsіy 18 of pіdgotovki vіdpovіdnih proektіv, Bravo Active participation in diskusіyah schodo printsipіv vzaєmovіdnosin in federativnіy derzhavі rights that obov'yazkіv її okremih subjective. The skrypnyk, having directed the process of creating the basic documents of the functioning of the current Ukrainian society - civil, criminal, land, family codes, etc. Truth be told, in the light of today’s traditions, important steps were often allowed in scientific ambushes, their logic and practice of “revolutionary sociality”.

Have 20 rocky. M. Skrypnyk is very busy with the development of the theory of national nutrition, the search for the best solution to the Ukrainian problem in the process of life to socialism. The authority of this galuzi was unparalleled not only in Ukraine, but also in the Soviet Socialist Republic. Skrypnyk was a participant in many large-scale public discussions, forums, at which the actual nutrition of the development of a rich-national state, national renewal and development of the allied republics were discussed. Skrypnyk was busy with the spelling reform of the Ukrainian language (the so-called "Kharkiv spelling", adopted in 1920-1930, also called "skrypnykivsky").

Significant contribution of Skrypnyk at the height of the power of the national-powerful and cultural life in Ukraine: from the year of 1927 to the beginning of 1933 the year of the wines made the people's commissariat of enlightenment of the Ukrainian SSR. The People's Commissariat of the same keruvav rozvitkoy zagalnoy pochatkovo ї sredny ї osviti, your school, science, literature, theatre, cinema, music, imaginative art. Under the people's commissariat of education, the following were used: Golnovnauki (the authorities had all the scientifically advanced establishments, including UAN); Golovpolitprosvitu, which directs the activities of the local and rural clubs, butovyh, libraries, as well as the main principal mortgages; Golovlita, which controls the vidavnichesky process in the republic. Iomu was ordered by that Sovereign to see Ukraine with the Book Chamber.

At the same time, M. Skripnik hugged the director's seat All-Ukrainian Institute of Marxism-Leninism(VIML), cheruvav of the Association of Historians, former secretary of the faction of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian Radianskaya Encyclopedia, a member of the editorial board of the journal Bolshevik of Ukraine, head of the department of national nutrition. And all its feasibility of wines has been maximized for the universal development of the nation, the development of the policy of Ukraine. Significant successes have been achieved in the field of personnel training different equals qualifications from representatives of the indigenous nationality, an important expansion of the sphere of Ukrainian culture, the development of Ukrainian culture, the creation of friendly opportunities for the activation of national and cultural life beyond the borders of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic. At one time, it worked hard to ensure the national and cultural development of all national minorities that lived in Ukraine. M. Skrypnyk's Zusillami transformed the URSR yoga into its own laboratory of national nutrition. Prote democratic, humanistic directing this process step by step was included in the irreconcilable superechnіst іz zmіtsnennya totalitarian system in the SRSR. That M. Skrypnyk himself could not reconcile, organically eat two cobs that fought in the new, - I could serve the native people more and I could later develop the international course, in practice, having recognized the transformation of the SRSR with the federal . cladding. Accountability to Ukrainianization began to qualify (as early as 1926) as a soothsayer to socialism.

Campaign against Skripnik

Volodymyr Vynnychenko resounded at M. Skrypnyk’s self-destruction in the emigration: “The Skrypnyk, having spared his life... To let his death die out to other comrades, as if they want to be honored, generous, last communists, to bring to them that the politician did not bulak, have mercy to the melancholy of yoga ambitions, chi vigod, chi like other special national namіrіv. For what argument can we reconsider for death?...”

In the fierce fate of 1933, they called from the people's commissar of illumination and appointed the head of the State Plan and the intercessor of the head for the sake of the people's commissars of the URSR.

In the rest of the life of Skrypnyk, on the other hand, an intensive campaign was sharpened. In yoga creations, the “twisting of Leninism”, “nationalist pardons”, “mischievousness in mentality” and the viciousness of the drug commissariat of Ukraine were innocently observed.

In the wake of the rest of the plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine, on some letters the presence of Skrypnik (lutiysky and red), a good boule of direct opposite. Somehow they hung up to help fold a document of repentance from the confession of their pardons. Repeatedly, the chain of food was blamed and at the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine, on which the explanations of M. Skrypnik were looked at, and all the stench was recognized as unsatisfactory.

The posthumous campaign of M. Skrypnik started at the leaf fall (1933) joint plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the CP (b) U, at the resolution of which it was already said about the formation of a “new nationalistic trick in the lavas of the party, enchanted by M. A. Skrypnik”. On March 27, 1934, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U adopted a special resolution "On the study of the works of M. Skripnik."

Skrypnyk left the great literature and the scientific and journalistic recession, which is considered by a significant number of robots (over 600) and the breadth of topics. The author's respect was turned on by problems from various fields of science and culture - history, national nutrition, theory and practice of state and party life, economics, law, literature and science, and other fields of knowledge. Over 160 works by M. Skrypnik appeared in 1929-31. in a collection of articles and promotions in 5 volumes (7 books), which turned out to be incomplete (they did not help the light of the 3rd volume and the 2nd part of the 4th volume).


Less than three decades later, in 1962, the fate of the decree of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine "On the 90th anniversary of the birth of M. Skrypnyk" became a food about the vision of his creations. Tim is no less, the vikonannja tsgogo zavdannya stretched even more for 30 years: a selection of yogo obranih tvorіv was more like another in 1991 roci.

1968 rock in Kharkiv on the street. A monument to M. A. Skrypnik was erected in Pushkin (sculptor M. F. Ovsyankin, architect V. G. Gnezdilov).

March 28, 1990 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine recognized with a special resolution that M. Skrypnyk’s political calls to the so-called national-uhilism were grounded on falsified materials and allegations about him, and praised the respect of M. Skrypnyk as a rehabilitator.

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  • Valeriy Soldatenko, "Unbreakable. The Life and Death of Mykoli Skrypnyk” (Kyiv: Poshukovo-Vidavniche Agency “Book of Memory of Ukraine”, 2002) – 325 pages.


  • Uryadoviy portal of Ukraine (ukr.)
  • (in Ukrainian)
  • (in Ukrainian)
  • at the database "History of Belarusian science in persons" of the Central Scientific Library named after. Ya.Kolas National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
  • at the repository of the Central Scientific Library im. Yakub Kolas National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Urivok, which characterizes Skripnik, Mykola Oleksiyovich

If you’ve got it, you’ve got it, you’ve got it, you’ve shot your retinue, you’ve shot it, and you’ve shot into the dima, which sharpened your armor, you can see the gunners, that they’ve drank the harmata, and, wailingly straining, they’ve wandered over to the colossus of the mass. A broad-shouldered, majestic soldier with a banner, legs wide apart, jumping up to the wheel. With the 2nd three-handed hand, clap a charge at the muzzle. A small stooping man, officer Tushin, stumbled on his trunk, swayed ahead, not mentioning the general and looking at the small hand.
“Give me two more lines, and it will be like that,” shouting in a thin voice, as if trying to give youthfulness, which did not reach the figure. - Friend! - I sipped wine. - Crash, Medvedev!
Bagration humming the officer, and Tushin, timid and ungrabable roc, not so, as if saluting the military, but as the priests bless, pressing three fingers to the visor, pidijshov to the general. Wanting to know Tushin, they were recognized in order to shell the hollow, shooting with firebrands at the village of Shengraben, which was visible in front, in front of which the great masses of the French hung.
No one punished Tushin, where and with whom to shoot, and wine, rejoicing at his sergeant-major Zakharchenko, to what a great honor, virishiv, that it would be good to set fire to the village. "Good!" having said Bagration to the officer's advice, and becoming to look around the whole battlefield, which was shown in front of him, almost wisely. From the right side, the French came closest. Below the heights, standing on the Kiev regiment, near the dell of the river, there was a rolling tricot of towels, which grabbed for the soul, and richly right, behind the dragoons, the secular officer pointed out to the prince on a column of French, who bypassed our flank. Livoruch obriy surrounded by a close fox. Prince Bagration ordered two battalions from the center to go to the right-handed reinforcement. The holy officer ventured to commemorate the prince, that after the entrance of these battalions, he was supposed to be left without cover. Prince Bagration, turning to the secular officer and looking with dark eyes at the new little boy. It seemed to Prince Andriyev that the respect given to the officer of the retinue was just and that it was reasonable to say nothing. Ale, at the same time, the adjutant galloped up like a regimental commander, who was at the hollow, with remembrance that the majestic masses of the French went down, that the regiment of torment and went up to the Kiev grenadiers. Prince Bagration, shaking his head at the sign of good luck, that praise. Krok went to the right hand and sent the adjutant to the dragoons with the order to attack the French. Ale messages there, the adjutant arrived for the first time to inform me that the dragoon regimental commander had already stepped out of the yar, because there was a strong fire against the new directing, and he had rushed the people and hurried the shooters near the forests.
- Good! Bagration said.
At that hour, like a wine in the air, the lionhander seemed to have been shot in the fox, and it was so far away to the left flank, so that he himself would arrive at the hour, Prince Bagration sent Zherkov to say to the senior general, the very one who represented the regiment Kutuzov in Braunau, so that he would step into the yakomoga faster for a yar, to that the right flank, it’s easy, it’s not possible to take down the enemy for a long time. About Tushin and the battalion, which, having crooked yoga, was forgotten. Prince Andriy resolutely listened to the roses of Prince Bagration with his superiors and to the orders that were given to him, and he remembered that there were no punishments for any, and that Prince Bagration only tried to give in, that everything that strove for privacy was necessary bosses, that everything was rushing, even if not for his order, but for the sake of his names. Zavdyaks of tact, which Prince Bagration showed, Prince Andriy remarked that, regardless of what kind of personality they were, that independence of their will of the chief, his presence was growing superbly rich. The chiefs, who, with embarrassed persons, went up to Prince Bagration, became calm, the soldiers and officers merrily hovered around and became alive in yoga presence and, perhaps, huffed in front of him with their goodness.

Prince Bagration, pointing at the most important point of our right flank, began to descend to the bottom, de chulas erratic shooter and nothing was visible in the form of powder dim. The closer the stench descended to the hollow, the less it became visible to them, and the closer the closeness of the right battlefield became. They began to get hurt. One with a crooked head without a hat was dragged by two soldiers under his arms. Vin wheezing and spitting. Kulya drank, maybe, at the mouth or in the throat. The second one, who was following him, was alone, without a towel, groaning loudly and waving his hand in front of a fresh pain, shed like blood, like bottles, on his overcoat. The guise of yoga was given more to the evil, the lower the sick. Vіn hvilinu to that buv wounds. Having crossed the road, the stinks began to descend steeply, and they beat a few people, as if they were lying; їm zstrіvsya natovp solіdіnі, among yakіh boules and not wounded. The soldiers went uphill, solemnly recklessly, and, unrespectfully in the general's appearance, they loudly waved and waved their hands. Ahead, into the dima, you could already see rows of gray overcoats, and the officer, having pumped Bagration, ran after the soldiers with a cry, that they had gone to the natovami, swaying, so that the stench turned. Bagration pid'їhav to the lavas, on which here and there the shoots clattered loudly, drowning out the homin and command cries. Everything was sprinkled with powder smoke. The uniforms of the soldiers were smoked with gunpowder and chewed. Others were beaten with ramrods, others pissed on the police, took out charges from bags, others shot. But at whom the stench was shot, who was not visible from the powder smoke, but not with the wind. Dosit often heard the sounds of dzizhchannya and whistling. "What is it like that?" - thinking Prince Andriy, pid'zhdzhayuchi to the attack of the soldiers. - You can't attack, because the stench doesn't collapse;
The slender, weak-looking kid, the regimental commander, with a welcoming grin, with centuries, like a bigger lower, half-flattened his old man’s eyes, giving him a splendid look, having come to Prince Bagration and accepting yoga, like a gentleman of a dear guest. Vіn dopovіv knyaz Bagrationu, scho against yogo regiment bіnna bіnna attack frantsivіv, but if you want to attack tsya vіdbita, the regiment infiltrating more than half of the people. The regimental commander, having said that the attack had been beaten, having come up with a name for the military one, which had come from the yogo regiment; but I didn’t really know myself what happened in the spring of the year with trusted women, and I couldn’t tell with certainty what the attack was, what the regiment was beaten by the attack. On the cob of fire, only those who in the whole yogo regiment began to shoot cannonballs and grenades and beat people, who then shouted: “kinnota”, and ours began to shoot. And they shot at the dossi not in the movie that flowed in, but in the best French, like they were built in the hollow, they shot at ours. Prince Bagration cocked his head as a sign that everything was as it was, like a wine, and letting it go. Returning to the adjutant, ordering him to bring two battalions of the 6th Jäger from the fire, they drove past at once. Prince Andriy was struck by the hvilini change, which was seen in the person of Prince Bagration. The guise of yogo showed that serendipity and happy rіshuchіst, like a person has, like she is ready to throw herself at the water on a smoky day and take the rest of the rozbіg. There were no unopened dark eyes, no deep thoughtful look: round, hard, hawkish eyes, shriveled, and disapprovingly marveled ahead, obviously, not groaning at anything, wanting in yoga ruhs too much airiness and serenity.
The regimental commander turned back to Prince Bagration, walking backwards, for it was not safe here. “Have mercy, your Excellency, for the sake of God!” saying wine, for confirmation, glancing at the secular officer, who turned into a new one. "From, be kind!" Vіn gave pomіtiti kuli, yakі squealed non-stop, sang and whistled for them. Vin, speaking in such a tone, prokhannya and dokoru, with a kind of tesler, say panov, sho taking up the juice: “ours is on the right, and you will burn your hands.” Having said this, none of Yogo himself could beat the tsi kuli, and Yogo’s inflated eyes gave Yogo the words of an even more quarrelsome viraz. The headquarters of the officer arrived before the appointment of the regimental commander; but Prince Bagration did not tell them and only punished them to stop shooting and to stay in such a way as to give space to the two battalions that were coming. If you show your guilt, with an invisible hand, stretching your right hand to the left, into the wind, the canopy of the dim, that having captured the hollow, and the opposite mountain with the French, who are crashing down on it, appeared in front of them. All eyes were miraculously directed at the French column that poked its head up to us and called on the ledges of the mass. You can already see the blob of shaggy caps of the soldiers; it is already possible to revitalize officers in the form of privates; one can see a bulo, as if rattling about the holder of his ensign.
- It's nice to go, - having said something at the retinue of Bagration.
The head of the colony went down into the hollow. Zіtknennya little statis on tsomu botsi descent.
The remnants of our regiment, which was on the right, quavering, came right-handed; because of them, ripping apart the steel, two battalions of the 6th Jaeger came up at once. The stench still did not look at Bagration, but it was a little more important, important crock, which was kicking in the leg with all the masses of people. On the left flank, closer to Bagration, the company commander, round-eyed, stately man with a bad, happy viraz disguise, the same one who beat the booth. Vіn, mabut, not thinking about tієї khvilini, moreover, that vin went through the leadership as a young man.
With the frustrated self-satisfaction of the wines, it is easy on the m'yazovyh legs, instead of the fires, without the least susilla, they are flying and breezing with lightness in the sight of the important crocod of the soldiers, who went through the crocodile. Vіn nіs bіlya legs vytyagnut thin, vuzku sword (bent skewer, do not go to zbrou) і, looking around now at the authorities, then back, not gayuchi kroku, gnuchka turning around with all his strong camp. It seemed that all the strength of the souls of yoga was directed to those who could get through the higher authorities more quickly, and, vіdchuvayuchi, that vikonuє tsyu from the right is good, vіn buv is happy. “Livy… livy… livy…”, it was said, internally applying the wine through the leather croque, and from this tact with various suvori guises, the wall of soldiers’ posts, covered with knapsacks and towels, nachebto leather from these hundreds of soldiers, uttered thoughts through the croque… levi… levi…”. Tovsty Major, shoving and rozraznyuchi krok, bypassing the bush on the road; a soldier, who, having come across, chuckling, slapped the faces for his injustice, rissu nazdoganav company; the cannonball, pushing harder, flew over the head of Prince Bagration, and the mail was in time with: "levi - levi!" hit the column. "Shut up!" I heard the whimpering voice of the company commander. The soldiers went around in an arc where the core fell; an old cavalier, a non-commissioned officer of the flank, having been beaten in, having overtaken his line, stretching, changing his leg, having rubbed at the crock and looking around angrily. “Livy… lvy… lvy…”, it sounded, echoed because of the menacing moaning and the single-mantled sound of the nig that hit the ground once.
- Well done, lads! - said Prince Bagration.
"For the sake of ... hoo ho ho ho! ..." rumbled through the ranks. The soldier is gloomy, what a lion-hander he is, shouting, looking round at Bagration with such viraz, first saying: “You know yourself”; the other, not looking back and nibi afraid to open up, roaring the company, shouting and passing.
It was punished for bulo zupinitis and taking a bag.
Bagration hung around the ranks that passed the hindsight, and evil from the horse. Vіdav vіddav kozakovі reins, having taken off and vіddav cloak, spreading his legs and adjusting his cap on his head. The head of the French column, with the officers in front, showed up on fire.
"By God!" after sweeping Bagration away in a firm, sensitive voice, turning a mile to the front, waving his arms lightly, with the cavalryman’s indestructible crochet, nibi pratsiyuchi, pishov ahead of the uneven field. Prince Andriy realized that the power of pulling him forward was inexhaustible, and he felt great happiness. [Here that attack came about, about the Yaku Thier to say: “Les russes se conduisirent vaillamment, et chose rare a la guerre, on vit deux masses d'infanterie "etre abordee"; and Napoleon on the island of St. Helena saying: "Quelques bataillons russes montrerent de l" intrepidite ". [The Russians behaved valiantly, and richly - rіdkіsna in the war, two masses of fury went more seriously one against the other, and the two didn’t give up until the very zіtknennya. Napoleon's words: [The deck of Russian battalions showed fearlessness.]
The French were already close; already Prince Andriy, who was instructed by Bagration, having clearly distinguished bandages, red robes, to instill the guise of the French. (Vіn is clearly stalking one old French officer, who, with his twisted legs in boots, walks up the mountain.) Prince Bagration did not give a new order, and so the same moves in front of the ranks. With a rapture between the French, having cracked one shot, another, a third ... and along all the ranks of the fortune tellers, who were embarrassed, the smoke spread and the firing crackled. A sprat of our people fell, including a round-faced officer, who was so cheerful and diligent. Ale tієї samoї mitі, as if having sunk the first shot, Bagration looked around and shouted: “Hurrah!”
"Hurrah ah ah!" a long-drawn-out cry resounded along our line and, defiling Prince Bagration and one alone, without hands, ale, merry and rejoicing with NATO, they killed our uphill for the embarrassed French.

The attack of the 6th Jaeger secured the entrance of the right flank. At the center of Tushin's forgotten battery, who had set fire to Shengraben, the French roared. The French extinguished the fire, which was carried by the wind, and gave an hour to start. The entrance to the center through the yar was fast and loud; the protesters, stepping up, did not stray in teams. Alley leviy flank, which was attacked at once and bypassed by the miraculous forces of the French under the army of Lanna and which was formed from the Azov and Podilsky infantry and Pavlogradsky regiments, buv confusion. Bagration sent Zherkov to the general of the left flank, by order of negaino march.
Zherkov chewed, not seeing his hands in the chest, pushing his horse and galloping. Ale, but only vіd'їhav in the sight of Bagration, as if the forces were protecting youma. On the other hand, there is an inexhaustible fear, and it’s not a moment to go there, it’s not safe.
Pid'їhavshi to the left flank of the army, not going forward, de bula a shooter, but having started the general's shukati, the chiefs there, de їх could not be, and not handing over the order.
The command of the left flank lay behind the seniority of the regimental commander of that regiment, who introduced himself under Braunau Kutuzov and served as a soldier Dolokhov. The command of the extreme left flank was given to the commander of the regiment, de serving Rostov, after which it became incomprehensible. Having offended the chiefs, they were strongly torn apart one against one, and at that hour, as on the right flank, it had long been gone and the French had already begun to attack, offending the chiefs, they were busy with negotiations, as if they were on the met to form one to one. The policemen, like a cavalryman, and like a fighter, were even a little prepared before the ceremony. The people of the regiments, from a soldier to a general, did not check for battle and calmly engaged in peaceful rights: yearning horses at the cinema, collecting firewood from the infantry.
— Є vin, however, senior for my way, — speaking German, colonel of hussars, red-faced and savage to the adjutant, scho pіd'їhav, — then deprive yoga of work, like wine you want. I cannot sacrifice my hussars. Trumpeter! Gray entrance!
Ale on the right became hastily. The cannonade and the shooter, angry, grimili right-handed and in the center, and the French hoods of the archers of Lann already passed the rowing of the milk and vyshikovovalis on the side of the bots in two rushnichny postrilah. The good-natured colonel went up to the horse with a three-way walk, angry at the new one and becoming more straight and tall, having gone to the commander. Regimental commanders sighed with pompous bows and with attached anger in their hearts.
“I’ll tell you, colonel,” the general said, “I can’t deprive half of the people from the fox. I ask you, I ask you, by repeating the win, take a position and prepare for the attack.
- And I ask you not to misbehave not on your right, - the Colonel exclaimed. - If we buv cavalryman ...
- I'm not a cavalryman, colonel, but I'm a Russian general, and you don't know why.
- It’s even more likely, your excellency, - the colonel shouted with a raptom, chiseling his horse, and roaring with a chervo-chervonim. - It’s not a good idea to wind up in lancers, and you’ll be surprised that this position is nowhere unacceptable. I don't want to blame my police for your satisfaction.
“Forget it, Colonel. I’m not satisfied with my own, and I won’t allow you to say anything.
The general, having accepted the colonel's request for the tournament of choreography, with his chest erect and frowning, having followed him at once straight to the lancet, nonetheless all the diversity is small there, at the lancet, under the sacks. The stench came to the colo, a sprat flew over them, and the stench of the moth rumbled. It was clear that it was impossible to marvel in the lances, so since that month, on which the stench stood, it was impossible to walk in the bushes and yards of the cavalry, and that the French should bypass the left wings. The general and the colonel were sternly and meaningfully amazed, like two pivni, who are preparing for battle, one on one, for nothing, for a sign of fear. Obidva vitrimali іspit. So, as if to say, it was nothing, and neither of them wanted to give a hint to another to say that the first one was the first one, s-pid kul, the stench would have stood there for a long time, mutually vіdchuvayuchi goodness, yakby at the right time at the fox, I felt a trembling of towels and a dull cry that was angry. The French attacked the soldiers, yak were talking to the fox for firewood. The hussars were no longer able to march out of the cold all at once. The stench was bouldered into the path into the entrance with a levoruch by a French lansyug. Now, no matter how unhandled the masses were, it was necessary to attack in order to pave their way.
Squadron, de serving Rostov, who only managed to mount horses, buv rebuke to the enemy. I know, like on the Yensky bridge, there was no one between the squadron and the enemy, and between them, dividing them, lay the same terrible rice of incompetence and fear, like rice, that cremated the living species of the dead. All people looked at the boundary, and thought about those who would cross the boundary and how to cross the stench of the boundary, they praised them.
The colonel went to the front, angrily yelling at the supply of the officers, like a man, like a man, like a soulful pressure on his own, giving some kind of order. Without saying anything sung, but with a squadron she missed a bit about the attack. The team was lulled, then the chablis blazed, winnyat z pikhov. And yet nothing collapsed. The troops of the left flank, and the infantry and the hussars, realized that the authorities did not know how to work, and the indolence of the chiefs was told to the troops.
"Shvidshe, sooner b", thinking Rostov, vdchuvayuchi, that the hour has come to know the attack, about the yak vin so richly chuv vіd comrade hussars.
“By God, g’b’yata,” Denisov’s voice sounded, “g”isyo, mag”sh!
AT front row the rump of the horses swayed. Grachik pulled the reins and pulled himself down.
On the right, Rostov was standing in the first ranks of his hussars, and farther ahead, he could see a dark smog, as if the vines could not be seen in a moment, but having entered the enemy. They shot the bullets chutni, ale on the vіdstanі.
- Give me the rice! - the team seemed to be, and Rostov looked like he was kicking backwards, interrupting Yogo Grachik into a gallop.
Vіn ahead of guessing yogo ruhi, and yomu became more and more cheerful and merrier. Vіn pomitiv samotne tree in front. The whole tree was bouldered in front, in the middle of the tієї between, as if the flooring was terrible. And the axis and crossed the border, and not only nothing terrible happened, but everything became more fun and livelier. "Oh, how I chop yoga," thought Rostov, squeezing Ephesus in his hands.
- Oh oh oh ah ah!! - roar the voices. “Well, get drunk now, who wouldn’t be,” thought Rostov, squeezing spurs to Grachik, and, outmaneuvering others, releasing yoga all over his car. In front of you, bov the enemy. Raptom, like a wide broom, the squadron shook. Rostov lifted the sword, getting ready to rubate, but at the same time the soldier, galloping, Nikitenko resurrected in the new, and Rostov was vigilant, as if in a dream, that he continued to rush forward with unnatural swedishness and at the same time wasted on the spot. Bandarchuk, the well-known hussar, jumped on the new one and looked angrily. Kіn Bandarchuk shied away, and vіn jumped ahead.
"What the hell? I'm not poking around? - I've fallen, I'm beaten ..." in one minute, energizing and breaking Rostov. Winning one middle of the field. The warmth of the blood flowed under him. "Ni, I am wounded, and the stone of the murders." The rook rose on his front legs, but fell, pressing his leg to the horse. Blood flowed from the horse's head. so: the tashka was tangled behind the saddle. De boules were ours, de boules were French - I didn’t know wine.
Waving your leg, moving forward. “De, from which side did that rice now grow, how did two women so sharply see?” - Vіn zapituvav itself and not a moment vіdpovіsti. “Chi didn’t get dirty with me? Why do such vapkas traipse, and what is the need to work in such vypadki? - Having quenched the wines himself standing up; And at this hour, it was clear that the curtain was hanging on the left hand of the same. Brush її bula, like a stranger. Vin looked at his hand, jokingly at her roof. “Well, from people, - thinking vin radiantly, pumping a sprat of people, that they were up to no good. - Help me out! In front of these people there was one big man in a marvelous shawl in a blue overcoat, black, smoky, with a hooked nose. Two more that is richly bіglo zadu. One of them having promoted it wondrous, non-Russian. Mіzh zadnіmi by such people themselves, by such kivers themselves, standing one Russian hussar. Yogo trimali by the hands; behind him trimali yogo horse.
“Virno, our polony… So. Shouldn't you take me? What kind of people? all thinking Rostov, not believing his eyes. "Unbeknownst to the French?" I marveled at the French that were approaching, and, without regard for those who, in a second, galloped only in order to catch up with these French and chop them, the proximity of them was now so stingy that I could not believe my eyes. "Who stinks? Is the stench ticking away now? Not before me? Is it not possible for the stink to run up to me? First? Hit me? Me, whom must you love so much?" - Youmu guessed love to the new mother, sіm'ї, friends, and the world of enemies to kill yogo was impossible. with a hunchbacked nose, it’s so close that you can see the bulk of its viraz yoga appearance. throwing him at the Frenchman and escaping to the bushes of his strength. life is not enough for the whole yogo istotu. marvel, "thinking vin, ale, pіdbіgshi d about bushes, looking around again. The French saw it, and navit that quilt, looking around like a wine, the front one changed the figure to a crook, turning around, shouting to the rear comrade. Rostov growled. “It’s not like that,” thinking wine, “you can’t be, so that the stench wanted to beat me.” And meanwhile, the lion’s hand was such an important thing, so the dvopudova gira was hung up to it. Vіn not a moment far away. The Frenchman also snarled and took aim. Rostov froze and got sick. One, another bag flew by, dzizhcha, lifted. Vin took the rest of his strength, taking his left hand in the right and ran to the bushes. At the bushes there were Russian shooters.

Pіhotnі politsі, znenаtska caught in the fox, vibіgali fіsu fіsu, і companies, zmіshuyuchis іnshimi companies, yshlis without natovpami. One soldier sang the word terribly in war and stupidity: “Break!”, And the word at once, out of a sense of fear, roused the whole mass.
- Get out! Vіdrіzal! Znikli! - Shouted the voices to bіzhat.
The regimental commander, at that very whiling, as if he felt a shooter and a cry from behind, he realized that it was scarier with his regiment, and thought, that he was guilty, approximate, having served a lot of years, not a guilty officer, momentarily guilty before his superiors . in the militia of disorderliness, so struck Yogo, who in the same brat, forgetting the unbowed cavalryman colonel and his general’s dignity, and the brand - forgetting about the carelessness and almost self-sufficiency, vin, hoisting behind the qibula of the saddle and the spur of the horse, galloping to the regiment the sack was covered with hail, but happily they passed by. I want one thing: find out why on the right, and help and correct if there is a pardon, as if it was out of your side, and don’t be guilty of you, twenty-two years to the serviceman, not marked in any way, an illustrious officer.
Happily galloping between the French, jumping up to the field behind the forest, through which our beagles, without hearing the commands, descended to the mountain. It’s time for that moral warfare, like it’s taking its share of battles: listen to the confused soldiers’ voices of their commander, or, looking around at the new one, fight far away. Disrespectful to the last cry before the voice of the regimental commander, so ugly for a soldier, disrespectful to the disguise, crimson, the appearance of the regimental commander and brandishing a sword, the soldiers all ran, spoke, shot in the field and did not hear the commands. Moral strife, virishal share of battles, obviously, was allowed on the mercenary fear.
The general coughed at the cry of that powder smoke and rattled at the rose. Everything was given to us, but the French, who were advancing on ours, raptly, for no apparent reason, ran back, got out of knots, and Russian arrows appeared in the fox. Timokhin's company was on the line, as if it were itself in the fox, it was in order, and, having sunk into the ditch, beat the fox, attacked the French uncontrollably. Timokhin, with such a most soulful cry, rushed at the French, and with such a crazy and drunken ruff, with one skewer, ran into a heap, that the French, not having caught the sham, left the enemy and were killed. Dolokhov, a kind of Utik entrusted from Timokhinim, vpritul killed one Frenchman and the first took an officer as a comrade, who got up. Those who had been beaten turned around, the battalions rallied, and the French, who divided the left flank into two parts, were beaten to death. The reserve units overtook the rear and the vt_kachi zupinilis. The regimental commander, standing behind Major Ekonomov, beat the bridge, letting his company through, which they stepped up to, if the soldier went to the new one, tying him by the stirrup and maybe crouched down to the new one. The soldiers were bluish, a factory-made overcoat, there was no satchel, the head of the bula was tied, and a French charging bag was dressed over the shoulder. Vіn in the hands of an officer's sword. The soldier's bludi, blackitnі yogo's eyes insolently marveled in the guise of the regimental commander, and his mouth smiled.

W kripnik Mykola Vasilovich - intercessor of the commander of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky district of the internal military of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation, major general.

Born on September 26, 1944 near the village of Kalininsky Kalininsky district. Krasnodar Territory. Russian.

In internal military units of the MVS SRSR from 1961. 1965 graduated from the Ordzhonikidze military school of the MVS SRSR. In 1965-1971, he served as a platoon commander, as an intercessor for the commander and as a company commander. 1973 graduated from Viysk Academy named after M.V. Frunze.

Serving at Barnaul: battalion commander, defender of the regiment commander, 1978-1980. - chief of staff of the brigade of the internal troops. Since 1980 - commander of a regiment, brigade, chief of staff of a division, commander of a division in the Siberian region, Ukraine and Transcaucasia (Tbilisi). In 1991, a number of appointments to the landing of the chief of staff of the Department of Internal Military Forces of the MVS from the Ukrainian RSR and the Moldavian RSR.

Since 1993, having served in the settlement of the Chief of Staff of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky District of the Internal Military Forces of the MVS of Russia. In 1995, the fate of the buv was appointed as the intercessor of the commander of the military district. Having taken part in the counter-terrorist operation of the Chechen Republic, commanding the tactful grouping of internal troops of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in the republic. During the operations carried out to liquidate the great bandit formation of the field commander Doku Makhaev near the village of Gekhi, Urus-Martan district of the Chechen Republic.

March 11, 1996 N.V. Skrypnyk announced positions on the borders of the blockade of the village before the cob liquidation of the gang. About 06.50 an armored personnel carrier, as a kind of wine, following, pierced a radio-ceramic land mine on the outskirts of the village. As a result, M.V. Skrypnyk and two officers were seriously wounded, having killed the mechanic-driver of the armored personnel carrier. N.V. Skrypnik was evacuated by helicopter to the Vladikavkaz hospital for medical assistance. Zusilla medics showed up as martyrs, around 11.00 that day, Major General N.V. Skripnik died without coming to you.

Funeral on the Alei Heroes of the Pvnіchny tsvintar near Rostov-on-Don.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on 18 leaf fall 1996, the fate for masculinity and heroism, revealed at the hour of victorious special task, Major General Skripnik Mykola Vasilovich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Major General, Merited Worker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Awarded with the Order of Manliness (23.03.1996), medals.

The wire near Rostov-on-Don, the military transport aircraft of the internal air forces of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia was named after him (2013).

1 Biography
1.1 Pre-revolutionary period
1.2 At an early revolutionary stage
1.3 Head of the People's Secretariat
1.4 Creation of CP(b)U
1.5 Znovu in the order
1.6 Contribution to socio-cultural development
1.7 Campaign against Skripnik
1.8 Memory

2 Dzherela


Mykola Oleksiyovich Skrypnik (Skrypnik) (ukr. Mykola Oleksiyovich Skrypnik, 13 (25) sichnya 1872 (18720125) - 7 lime 1933) - radyansky political playboy, member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, one of the followers of Ukrainian politics at 20.

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (29.06.1929).

1. Biography

1.1. Pre-revolutionary period

He was born on September 25, 1872 in the village of Yasinuvate, Bakhmut county, Katerynoslav province (the city of Yasinuvata, Donetsk region), in a similar service. Pochatkov was enlightened by education at the Barvinkivsk two-class rural school, and then at the Izyum real school near the Kharkiv province and the real school near the metro station Kursk. Bagato engaged in political self-enlightenment, having cultivated Marxist literature. Since 1897, having respected himself as a member of the Social Democratic Party.

At 1900 p. joining the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, de whole from the revolutionary movement. An active participant in the Marxist group, a member of the St. Petersburg social-democratic group "Robot Ensign". "Boyove Khreschennya" otrimav near the birch tree 1901 under the hour of a demonstration to protest against political re-investigation of students in Kiev University. It was first arrested and hung near metro Katerynoslav (nine Dnipropetrovsk). Then we followed one after another new punishment and that aggravation. Usyiy was arrested 15 times, 7 times helped. The sum of judgments in the term 34 fates and 1 time of litigation to the strata, 6 times big.

Glasson, Petersburger, Valer'yan, G. Ermolaev, Shchur, Shchensky - this is far from the latest retelling of pseudonyms, which M. Skrypnik was famous for, conducting revolutionary work in the cities of Petersburg, Katerinoslav, Tsaritsin (Ninі Volgograd), Saratov, Odessa, Riga and bagatioh. Became a participant in legal all-Russian z'izdiv: cooperative enterprises (1908), factory doctors and representatives of industry (1909). Having taken an active part in rich party knowledge, starting with Iskri. 1913 editorial board of the Bilshovitsky legal magazine "Nutrition Insurance", 1914 entering the warehouse of the editorial board of the newspaper Pravda.

1.2. At the early revolutionary stage

Turning after the Lute Revolution of 1917. from the Morshansk Tambov province, the month of the blackmail, to Petrograd, the secretary of the Central for the sake of factory committees. On the eve of Zhovtnevy zbroyny rebellion - a member of the Viysk Revolutionary Committee under the Petrograd Radiation of Robotics and Soldiers' Deputies.

3 chest 1917 The life of that activity of M. Skrypnyk was tied up with Ukraine, where he arrived for the orders of V. Lenin. The deyak hour of the wines roared. The innocence of the bula viklikan to the weak knowledge of Ukrainian minds, the confusion, the superfluousness of the processes in Ukraine, where the opposition between the RNC of Russia and the UCR became more and more frequent.

In his autobiography, M. Skrypnyk described the arrival and early period of work in Ukraine in the following way: “The First All-Ukrainian Star I was glad to invite me to Ukraine and appoint me as the people’s secretary to work, and then trade and industry. Conducting the 1st All-Ukrainian Conference of Peasant Deputies in the Sich, 1918 at Kharkov. Since Kiev was taken by the German troops, the conference of representatives of the Rada near Poltava elected me as the head of the Robotic-Peasant Order of Ukraine and the people's secretary of foreign affairs, and confirmed the 2nd All-Ukrainian Star of Rada near Katerynoslav near the birch 1918. At the rest of the meeting of the Central Exhibition Complex of Ukraine near Taganros April 1918 I was taken to the insurgent People's Secretariat, in the same place, at the party party, a member of that secretary of the Organizational Bureau was elected to the I z'izdu of the CP (b) V, which made me a candidate of the Central Committee of the CP (b) V, and from the chest of 1918 p. I uvіyshov to the Central Committee. In addition, 1918 p. The Central Committee sent me to work at the Cheka, de I was a member of the collegium and head of the fight against counter-revolution. In the Sich (1919) I re-emerged as a people’s commissar of sovereign control to the warehouse of the URSR robitnicho-peasant order.”

Perebuvayuchy on the plantation of the people's secretary, M. Skrypnyk came up to any food from the global national interests. Zokrema, vіn, practically, fighting against the vision of Ukraine in the warehouse of the Donetsk-Kryvorizkoy region and the creation on the basis of the Donetsk-Kryvorizkoy Radyansk Republic. If through failures in the struggle against the Austro-Nimets troops in the Radianian order of Ukraine, the vinyl crisis, M. Skrypnyk, 4 birch, 1918. appointed head of the People's Secretariat.

1.3. Head of the People's Secretariat

Yak bіshovik M. Skrypnik supported the position of V. Lenin at the negotiations at Brest-Litovsk (Ninі Brest, Belarus). At one time, the head of the Ukrainian radyansky order tried to organize the victories of the Austro-German occupiers. It was the Second All-Ukrainian Z'izd glad to stand in principle in a difficult situation, calling out to them became the most important tasks of the Radian activists. M. Skrypnik said in the morning (17-19 Birch, 1918) the main additional facts - about the current and political moment.

The Bolsheviks did not have little luck in the rear: a bunch of stench became a friend for the numerical faction - 401 delegates against 414 left eseri. Prote, spiraling on the left elements of other parties (left Ukrainian social democrats, maximalism), the stench reached their decisions. Most of the delegates of the All-Ukrainian Z'izdu, after the long struggle, supported the course of the VII Z'izd of the RCP (b) for a peaceful change, and it came in handy with the Brest peace. Forget the rest, as if they were raising the link between Ukraine and Russia, voicing Ukraine as an independent radical republic and declaring that in return the republics would be deprived of them.

For information about the decision to get out, as well as for access to homeownership about the form of mutual relations between the URSR and the Radianian Ukrainian, for example, it was decided to send an embassy of the CEC glad of Ukraine and the People's Secretariat to Moscow. The special mandate read: “In the name of the Ukrainian Robotic-Peasant Republic. Robochem-Selyanske Uryadov Ukraine - Central Vikonavchy Komіtet Vseukraїnskoї For robіtnikіv, Selyanske that soldatskih deputatіv that folk Sekretarіat Ukraїnskoї Narodnoї Respublіki upovnovazhuє Nadzvychaina sytuatsia Povnovazhne Embassy deklaruvati samostіynіst Ukraїnskoї Radyanskoї Federativnoї Respublіki before Uryadov Rosіyskoї Radyanskoї Federativnoї Respublіki oboma Radyans'ka Federatsіyami - Rosіyskoyu Ukraїnskoyu that. "

The head of the People's Secretariat and the people's secretary of foreign affairs M. Skrypnyk, has become more important than the embassy. In Moscow, M. Skrypnyk once prepared the article “A New Revolutionary Camp in Ukraine”, in a way that he tried to give exactly the same information about the cities in the republic, which was often displayed incorrectly by the Russian seal. The article talked about the alignment of forces, attitudes, setting up the Brest world, together with the left SRs, the prospects for revolutionary struggle. The “Meta arrival to Moscow” section was specially seen, in which it was said: “The Central Vikonavchiy Committee of the Ukrainian Rada and the People’s Secretariat have awarded us, to officially declare before the Rada of the People’s Commissars and the All-Russian Central Vikonavchiy Committee about voting by the other All-Ukrainian Independent Ukrainian Parliament. We came like an embassy to an independent power, to declare that our appointment to the Russian Federation would be very friendly.

It’s good to understand that at this moment, the Radianian government of Russia cannot come to our aid, but we rely on the power of strength, as we grow with the skin day ... ".

Following M. Skrypnyk's speech at the meeting of the All-Russian Central Exhibition Commission of the RRFSR on the 1st quarter of the day and the announcement of the declaration of the important embassy of Radyansk Ukraine at the meeting of the RNC on the 3rd quarter of the year, the order of Russia praised the resolution, in yakіy voicing its "spіvchutya heroic exploitation".

M. Skrypnyk vvazhav rozryv federal links between the Ryansk UNR and URSR suto formal, and unification of both republics is indestructible. However, at the same time, the vineyard was folded at the vіdnosinakh between the kerіvnitstvom of the radyansk abode. In the opinion of the people's commissar of the right of the nationalities of the RRFSR I. Stalin to the Ukrainians to throw “bring into line and the republic”, and to the Ukrainian Radian center to deprive Taganrog, M. Skrypnyk promptly prepared a special statement, in a way protesting against the speech of one of the key fiends of the RCP (b) and the RRFSR. An unacceptable episode, perhaps, having laid down your ticket and on a distant special post I. Stalin with M. Skrypnik, for an hour they tried to dosit critical zabarvlennya.

The folk secretary of Ukraine, the yogo head reached the back of the Flautes, the non -trim the Teritaal, the worships of the warehouses in the Mira іnozhagi - more than three mesynos - the native of the pantets - Kihita . The status of Ukraine as a national-sovereign enlightenment did not change, constantly changing under the influx of factors of a political, diplomatic character, zokrem, minds of the Brest world.

Creation of CP(b)U

Spring 1918 great relevance of the process of uniting Belarusian organizations on an all-Ukrainian scale, establishing a party center. M. Skrypnyk took the blame from his right one of the original roles. Having not stood on the Prikhnikov -Livikh Platform, Yaki Vidnuili, the nozzan of the rebel is opposed to the storage of the reservation of Ukrainian, ni, on the position of the Prikhilnikovs, the yaki visited the same, without the pretext of the Russian . there are not enough forces for the new one, and the Communist Party of Ukraine may be obov'yazkovo buti warehouse of the RCP (b).