Sanitary education. Sanitary trimming of autumn trees

  1. For security. Ailments, rotting processes, mechanical failures and other factors reduce the life of the heads, which can lead to collapse. An important gіlka zdatna fell out of harm's way, or injure someone.
  2. For the care of normal sanitary minds. Not far away, the sickness spreads the ailment on the sus_dn_ g_lki, which in an hour can hurt the whole garden. The result can be deplorable - here I give birth to a waste, and it is necessary to see dried up trees. Zavdyaks of sanitary trimming of trees should overcome similar problems.
  3. For a pikluvannya about the decorative power of the deli. You can carefully trim the needles, so that the sleepy shifts step by step went through them, or just for beauty.

The main meta procedure is the elimination of infected or rotting chicks, as they could expand the disease and lead to the death of all growth.

How to vikonuetsya sanitary obrazuvannya trees

The process is controlled incorrectly by stowing the pagons. In young pagonya, the order often grows from the base under the gostrim or vertically. In the hour the stench is tossing and reach significant rosemaries - approximately the same as the main stovbur.

Such gіlki may be seriously unsafe, shards of stink are even more infuriating to the influx of weather minds. A strong blow in the wind, a large amount of snow - and tovsta vtecha vtecha vteklyuetsya z izik poshkodzhennya navkolishhnіh ob'єktіv. Before that, a chip appears in this place, which foully pours into the old looking, that zahist grew up in the ailment. It’s better to see such gіlks at once.

Spіvrobіtniki LiWood neatly trim the sanitary trimming of trees near Moscow and the Moscow region. For the appointment of a servant, it is enough to call us for the indicated telephone numbers.

The drive for the sanitary treatment of roslin can be the disease of thickened crowns, ailments, and the presence of dry vines. This type of pruning allows you to create a decorative quality of mystical trees and to improve the fruiting of garden trees. As sanitary education is carried out regularly, the crown is getting healthier, the disease of the village of measles is reduced.

The professionals of our company carry out the crowning of both small and garden trees already rich in rock. Phone or write to us and we'll tell you about your growth like nobody else.

What is the sanitary trimming of trees and chagarniks

During sanitary circumcision, the following necks are seen:

  • dry or withering;
  • nadmanі or povnіst zlamanі, ale hung in the crown;
  • dry, but grown into a living tree;
  • hurt by ailments;
  • pnі, scho lost after wrong cuts;
  • weave, overgrowth and dzigovі pagon.

In other words, sanitary pruning of trees is the appearance of quiet parts, which can become unsafe for people or for the growth itself. At the first moment, there are dry chicks, cracks, which hung over the wires, the booths and the other wakes. The other has all those parts, which are infected with fungal infections, rot and old.

Pruning fruit plantings in the garden

In the garden, the most important drive for sanitary "surgery" is the infection of the growth with ailments or skidniks, as well as the evils of the bushes through different weather. The fruits of the tree can become infected with fungal infections during the flowering period, then even before the fruiting hour, the trees will dry out, the bark will swell, black. Spraying with fungicides at times will not give a result. Vryatuvati roslina may be less sanitary trimming of fruit trees. Injuries with ailments of the gulka are seen more often or more often. At the same time, all views are diligently cultivated with garden var or with special farboi.

Highly sanitary pruning is necessary for healthy garden trees. On the right, in the fact that often the skeletal branches of fruit trees look too old. The stench can swell like a heavy fruit, so when wet for an hour of wood, and through a strong wind. Sanitary trimming can be on the vase in such a state of sight and vipiliuvannya zlamanykh hiloks. Whenever the needle is broken, not beating the trunk itself, they vip with the transfer to the bіchnu gіlka. If you don’t go into it, then they vip such a needle on the ring.

Sanitary trimming of trees near the city

Nasampered, during the sanitary trimming, give respect to the dressing of the heels. The krone often has vertical barnacles or needles that grow under the warm apex of the trunk. Growing up, such twigs can be blown by the wind in the stovbur, which can cause the development of disease and the death of a tree. Most often, this problem is typical for young musk trees and chagars. In old roslins, during the sanitary pruning, dry peaks and dry tree ridges are seen. Tse allows you to rejuvenate the growth, improve the leafiness of the tree and the fineness of the leaves.

Іsnuyut acts rules for sanitary pruning of trees:

  • Obrazati ailments and dry knots are necessary for healthy parts. The jacks are moving away on the kiltse, and the frogs are above the golden nirka, but in such a rank that it won’t be tied up.
  • The zrіzi become smooth. Large splits can be slightly swollen in shape. Vertical gіlki zrіzayutsya navskіs, schob zrіzі water did not stagnate.
  • Great hilts are cut with three cuts. The first one: from the bottom of the chick, 30 centimeters from the stovbur, a depth of a quarter of the neck. Another: to the beast, 5 centimeters far from the trunk, lower the first drink. The third cut is carried out after the hilt falls, the residual hemp is cut off, which is overflowing.
  • Rani that split after cuttings should be smeared with garden var or with special farboy. Do not smear the wounds, they drank less than the white of coniferous trees.

When needed, sanitary pruning of trees (standards and conditions for which they are trimmed unsatisfactorily) can be carried out no matter how often. But most of the work is done in spring and autumn.

Trust the professionals!

In settlements, there is no trace of arranging to independently carry out crowning and saw cuts. Do not trust the work of a professional. Our fahіvtsі know how to correctly build the sanitary trimming of trees, the price of the fall due to the folding of the plant, the height of the growth, the number of cuts. In front of the cutting of trees near the city of chi hinshom locality, carry out green plantings and all necessary consultations. Only a few fakhivtsy zdіysnyuєtsya sanitary trimming of trees (documents that allowed for the work to be carried out behind the legitimacy of the order established by law).

We vrahuymo all the nuances, right up to the special possession, technology and equipment. Arborist-spilniks will carry out the work according to the rules of that safety technique, so that your garden and green plantings will be aesthetically pleasing and sanitary vimog. Learn visually what is the sanitary trimming of trees (photo and video), you can see on our website. Remember that the sanitary facilities of the village are not a bug, but the need of your garden or green plantings near your booth, hospitality, settlement.

Sanitary pruning of trees video

Obrіzka - by watching the fruitful and ornamental trees and chagars, which is grown in private or povy vydalnі hіlok, regulivannі їh rostannya, rozvitku, tsvitіnnya and fructification. If you don’t do it the right way, then you can forget about the plantings of greenery on your lot. Let professionals cut bushes and look up to our favorites, for a reasonable fee, they will help you trim your front garden at a glance.

Sanitary pruning in the garden

It won’t stop only, if the camp of a tree or a bush is already neglected, then a trivial hour was not piddavalis to watch. So її zastosovuyut with the method of growth and development of new needles. Sanitary trimming can be carried out with a stretch of earthly rock, and even more beautifully, it’s best to swipe through spring and autumn. In front of you, you can see broken and withered branches, as well as a part of drooping branches near the lower zone of the crown. Then we will carry out the freezing of crowns and rejuvenation trimming. It inspires the fading growth of old trees and chagarniks, stimulates the laying of generative brunnocks, inspires decorativeness and promotes the growth of roslin.

With sanitary trimming of the growth, such elements are seen

  • drooping and irreversibly shrinking needles;
  • zlamanі, zasli hіlki;
  • dry pagons that grow in a living tree;
  • g_lki urazhenі timi chi іnshimi ailments;
  • split, broken nail.

This is how you see the sawing of the views that were previously broken by the wrong ones.

When trimming trees and bushes, you may need: chainsaw, secateurs (with parallel forests or one-sided cutting), twigs, garden file, bushes, garden lower, podribnyuvach gіlok, drabini, metal brush for cleaning wounds and cutting (garden var, farba) їх pledge. All garden tools are to blame for being in a good state, so that the growth does not get hurt more. Workers should be properly cleaned and polished after the robot, protecting the air, and sharpening before the robot. It is not possible to stop the tool, like the needles and knots of the comrades for the size recommended by the picker. Underestimating the norms can be like a mess of a bush, and it can lead to an unfortunate mood.

When is the trimming of the tree and bush to be carried out?

The weather is slow to constantly make its own corrections in terms of trimming, sometimes stretching, sometimes quickly, the period works for about one - the second time. Ale is awesome best hour for bringing the decorative garden into order, the end of the day is brought in - the cob of the day. So, spend a good time near the crown and the little one like autumn. In the whole period of the tree, those bushes perebuvayut at the station of calm.

Fence for trimming old woods:

  • Pruning of the bush is carried out after the end of the growing season and to the cob of ruhu juice, then to the cob of swelling of the nirok.
  • The temperature is lower than 8-10 degrees below zero, which is unsuitable for carrying out the work of picking chicks and crowns with a method of stimulating the growth of the bush.

If there are native varieties of trees and chagarniks, then cut them down after the flowers. In such a rank, in the first half of the summer, the stench successfully establishes new pagons, on which the flowers of offensive fate are laid.

General rules for cutting

Sanitarycut is guilty of minimally injuring the growth, we clean the tool and keep it warm. Thin pagons, yakі up to 2 cm in diameter, cut with a pruner or a curved garden knife. Tovstіshi need to be seen with a knife.

With a knife, it is necessary to work an equal cut, so that the tissues of the growth do not change. This will require great precision. When working with pruners, it is important to choose the correct position. The instrument is guilty of rotting freely, do not zachіpati іnshі gіlki i do not jam the leak, which is being zrіzaєtsya.

When drunk, the first one drank the need to work from below, at the top of a sprat of centimeters in the main neck, about a quarter of the thread that is being formed. The other fights the beast, stepping 1 cm to the top. The sawing is required until the moment when the needle is cut through the fiber. With this method scraps the gіlka, which has fallen, does not see the shmatka in the hemp, which is overgrown. Yogo can already be cleaned later.

The correct zrіz or slew can smooth the surface and equal edges without measles, to wash. Vіn is not guilty to subdue the water and the mud. Even if the mind is nervous, it is necessary to clean it with a garden knife. If there is a spot with a diameter greater than 3 cm, it is necessary to cover it with garden var, so that the infection does not consume it. For hermetic sealing, it is possible to vicorate olive farba under the color of measles. We should clean up the mess of the village, then we will fill it up or cover it with garden var. putty is due to the coming characteristics:

  • be sterile;
  • mothers of antiseptic authority;
  • be water-resistant, so that the superworts and micro-organisms, which they already drank on the surface of the wounds, perished, but the new ones could not settle.

Apply putty obov'yazkovo slid on a dry surface after 20 strands after trimming, and not later than through doba. Fahivtsі do not recommend vikoristovuvaty like putty creosote and yogot.

Techniques at a glance

  1. Stare at the brunka. You can see a part of the poshkodzhenoy gіlka and direct it to grow in the way that you need. For whom on the run, you know healthy soil, which can be grown in the right direction, and work at an angle of 45 degrees to the bush. The secateurs are manually trimmed in such a way that the cutting plate of the bula is directed to a part of the leak, as if it is full. Nirka is guilty of being deprived of short-lived ones, ale and stumps over her are not guilty of being.
  2. Zrіz on the ring. In this rank, you can clean up a whole bunch, like you take food from the chagar trees. For the sake of it, it is necessary to work along the outer edge of the kiltsya - the month of the day of the day, de є having poured measles.
  3. Zrіz on the bіchne vіdgaluzhennya. For the help of such a technique, it is possible to transfer the excess of growth from non-consumable gіlka to health. Zrіz to fight according to the vіdnoshennyu until vtechі, scho zalishaєє such a rank, sob vіn becoming like a bi її prodovzhennyam.

Pruning of fruit and berry chagarniks

It is even more important to correctly trim the sanitary trimming of fruit chagarniks. So it’s not only to restore the growth of trees and bushes, but to increase the harvest. Sound like chagars like raspberries, currants, agrus, lohini, ozhini, and so on to spend the whole river.
Hanging, as if only to go down the first snow, then look back at the bush at the presence of chicks, which died, evil or sick chvor. It is necessary to see before the first living brunka. Even though the fruits of the bushes were not damaged during the winter, it is necessary to carry out a planned shortening of the pagons by 20 cm. In the spring, after picking I give birth (for example, from the bushes of raspberries, currants and so on), they saw the deaks in the flow that they bore fruit. The stench is less likely to take strength into the chagarnik and shade yoga. Also, with this rank, you can control the new growth of growth and growth of bushes. In autumn, they cut a part of the crown and bushes two or three days before the first frost. In this period, old fruit chagars are seen, old chicks, zayvі and іnfіkovanі pagony.
So should be more protective when circumcising the curls of the neck. For example, currants on the tops of pagons often form a large number of brunoks. The stench will ensure a great harvest of savory yagid. If you cut the pagons, then the nirks will appear, like the yagidki.
If the bushes are systematically trimmed, then the eye can see no more than two or three old trees. As a matter of fact, currants, raspberries, agarus and other fruit bushes have been planted and the replacement of a few old pagons on young people does not help much, but rather radically rejuvenates. Tobto see both old and young angels.

Pruning coniferous roslin

Sob coniferous chagars (for example, yalіvets, yew, modrina and others) delighted with their decorative outward appearance, hour after hour they needed shaping. The needles are cut off on a hinge, if you can easily endure the procedure.

Pruning of conifers from a sanitary method is carried out in autumn. During this period, the chagarnik should be cleaned from dry dry, ailing, and small bugs. Best practice with secateurs. Autumn trimming of coniferous trees and bushes. We will not take the introduction of special additions. Todі coniferous representatives kindly endure the procedures and quickly reach their decorative features.

Trimming beautifully blooming chagarniks

Beautifully blooming bushes grow for miraculous flowers, like pleasing the eye from spring to mid-autumn, fallow varieties. That is why the head of the meta їх trimmings is the reach of the cassock flower.

For the peculiarities of trimming the beautifully-colored chagars, they should be divided into three groups:

  • Persha: roslini, yakі do not make great pagonіv, scho replace, from the lower part of the crown (for example, buzok, magnolia, irga and so on).
  • Another: chagarniki, the flowers of which are seen on the pagons of the past fate (for example, hydrangea, mock orange, action, tamarix toshcho).
  • Third: flowers appear on the pagons of this rock (for example, spirea).

The chagars of the first group have grown up to grow out of the distance, they have dried up, they have fallen ill and have become ill. On young springs, trim weak and incorrectly trimmed pagons. Hydrangea and other chagars of another group are given to circumcise the weak and the weaker chicks in the wake of the flowers. You can also see subtle and weak growths. In order to secure the appearance of young pagons, they regularly trim the fourth or fifth part of the old ones. Bushes of the third group in early spring need to be heavily trimmed, so that new groves will be established.

Trimming of decorative leafy roslins

Decorative-leaf chagarniki should be heavily trimmed over the hinged ones. Zavdyaks to the correct view of stunted, withered and old pagons, parts of the crown can be reached by the active growth of young chicks. And the leaves, which have blossomed, reach the maximum decorative effect. In the autumn, clean up less poshkodzhenі, withered and ailing pagons.

Why varto zamovit professional sanitary trimming of coniferous, decorative and fruit and berry bushes

  • All robots are professionals, as they may be able to gain knowledge of those newcomers.
  • The services will be vikonan yakіsno.
  • All necessary tools.
  • Vykorivuyutsya certified speech and materials.
For example, to the park, people with files came to pick up our booth. I declared that the stench would churn the poplars. Mayzhe 100 pieces. І Navіt showed a logging ticket. True, in the logging ticket, no crowning appeared, but “circumcision that rejuvenates” appeared.

Then the people started those who stinks respected "circumcision, which rejuvenate." As a result, instead of one rose-colored poplar, the bare stovbur of a 10-meter crown was covered. More people they didn’t catch anything with the files, because I came. I poked their nose at the rule to look after the green plantings, hardened by the praise of the order of Moscow.

I said that I won’t let them saw anyway - I’ll just stand under a tree.

A bunch of stench tried to motivate me not to respect him pratsyuvati, relying on those who stink "just robots."

Tom was threatened by the viklikati police. At the top of my head, they felt that out of satisfaction I would write a statement to the police for illegal hacking.

The eve of the evening saw the mood - the stench brought deaks methodical vkazіvki from cuttings of trees (also, before the speech, confirmed by the decree of the order of Moscow), as if for strong evidence, you can read those that the poplar required to deprive one of the trunks. Had a chance to embarrass them - the rules for watching the green plantings may have great legal force.

After that, people went and didn’t come to our park anymore.

The key to all divine dialogue was the phrase about those who, like lumberjacks, will carry out trimming according to the rules (so they cut not all the heads, but only a small part), they will not pay for the work.

In return for everything, in Moscow, cuttings of living trees have been put on the shelf, not for the bark of trees, but for the sake of a surplus. True, the “crowning” of living trees is like a bottom of gold.

On the back - for budget pennies, zrozumіlo - the crown of a living tree is lowered again. Those who, at the same time, are dreadful of sourness, the barricade between the road and the house, the cost-free filter of the most safe for the legends, the finely dispersed saw, the place of life of the birds - the officials are hvilyuy in the rest of the black. In order to restore the lowered crown, the tree needs ten years, and, in any case, the natural crown will not be beautiful, but the stone.

Half of the trees did not survive the “cutting” - and even officials can, on “legal” substations, call the land like trees and vikoristati її to take a surplus - for example, forget to organize parking on a fee.

For those who want to vryatuvaty tree vіd barbarian cuttings - instructions from zastosuvannya:

The procedure for pruning trees near Moscow was established by addendum 1 to the praise of the order of Moscow No. 743-PP “Pro b confirmation of the rules of creation, utrimannya that protect the green plantings of the city of Moscow ”(addition - ce and є the rules themselves).

Vіdpovіdno up to clause 4.1.4. Rules, there are 3 types of cuts: sanitary, rejuvenating and molding.

Sanitary obrіzka - tse vydalennya old, ailing, sick, or poshkozhenikh hіlok. It will be carried out by hand, a ticket is not needed for it.

Forming trimming is carried out with the method of giving the crown of the given form and saving. Carried out without a ticket.

Circumcision that rejuvenates - « tse trimming of the needles to their basal parts, which stimulates the establishment of young pagonists, which creates a new crown».
For rejuvenation trimming of a cut leaf.

On May, rejuvenation bathing is carried out, according to the Rules for the supervision of green spaces: Trimming the heels is carried out, shortening them by 1/2-3/4 length.

Rejuvenation is recommended to be carried out in two places: part of the heels are grown in the first river, reshta - in the other .
Rejuvenation trimming of trees and chagarniks is carried out from the period of harvest to the cob of ruhu juice.

Okremo obumovlyuєtsya the order of pruning poplar: The rejuvenating image is necessary to grow old and old growths of poplar balsamic s by the method of zabіgannya fructification (piliannu) of trees. The optimal hour for carrying out this type of work is breast - birch. .

Otzhe, scho robiti, as people with files zbirayutsya carry out pruning of trees:

  1. Get them a cut ticket. Without a cutting ticket, stench can only be carried out in sanitary or molding cutting.

The scheme (dendroplan) and perelіkova vіdomіst are added to the logging ticket in the general order. On the scheme, a SKIN tree is indicated, as a virubati chi cut. At the crossroads of information about SKIN, the tree of the indicated species is indicated, the life of the trunk and what is carried with it.

  1. It is also very respectful to reverse all the parameters of the logging ticket, the relic information and scheme: if you have seen the logging ticket; the term yoga dії; the address of the robit; like the same tree is given to cut.

  1. Perevirte, chi є at the place of the conducted robit _information shield. Yogo nayavnіst - obov'yazkovy umova carried out whether robіt z logging ticket.

  1. Remember that circumcision, that rejuvenation, can be carried out during the period of "from the cob to the cob of juice." In the last hour, it is fenced in.

  1. Under the hour of the work, follow up with the lumberjack:

a) only those robots were victorious, on yak stink they may have allowed
b) the work was carried out only at the level of perfection up to the rules (to cut the tails only by ½ - ¾, and only a part of the tails).
c) Poplars have a special history. Even more respectfully, follow after him, that when circumcised, the great skeletal hilts (more than once), and part of the hilts are of a different order (I am still - more). In order for all the other tulks to be truncated by ½ - ¾. Obviously, such trimming is not necessary, but if it is less traumatic for a tree, it is less transformative of yoga into bare stovbur, and it is less beneficial.

Especially vulgar lіsorubi can wave As a methodical helper for the appointment of seeing the trimmings of the crowns of trees and chagarniks, we could work until the end of the viconation, approved by the decree of the Moscow Council on 17.01.2006 N 32-PP, in which it is written “ The sound of poplars is cut, like all breeds, after leaf fall to the cob of ruhu juice, forming stovbur and skeletal hilts on the stand not less than 15-20 cm from the fork.

In your opinion, you calmly tell them (and the police, as if they were such a viklikana) approximately like this:

First of all, it’s not a statement “you need to work like that.” It's like a statement of the fact "it's worth it to work like that."
In another way, status 32-PP is a help. And the status of 743-PP is the rule, for the lack of such an administrative duty was established at the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Moscow City.
Thirdly, in 743-PP there is a DIRECT NORM about those who need to carry out a rejuvenating pruning of SAMA POLI - clause “ When circumcised, the following are stripped of large skeletal spines, as well as part of the spines of a different order.
In this rank, in this case, the work is carried out in accordance with the law up to 743-PP .

Large fines were imposed by the administrative code of Moscow for the lack of rules for the establishment of green plantings. Incorrect trimming of trees under Article 3 of the Code: 4.17 (violation of the rules for the creation and removal of green plantations), 4.18 (earthly green plantations), 4.19 (illegal destruction of green plantations). Penalty for SKIN of these articles - 350,000 rubles. Have a sum to get out over a million.

  1. Tell me about the goal of the lumberjack. Tse greatly change their bazhannya sawing all in a row.

  1. As soon as you know if you want one damage when cutting trees, take photos of yoga at once.

  1. After whom, call at once hot line department of nature conservation (495-777-77-77 * 5) and fill out the application. Whenever your applications are supposed to be accepted (as well as being accepted) - rely on acceptance, and for the purchase, use the name of the operator. Obov'yazkovo write down the number of the application.

  1. Having reached the computer, send the scarga to the electronic reception desk of the environmental protection department - . Obov'yazkovo describe all the damage and attach photographs.

If you will be vimagati retelny dotrimannya rules of pruning, explaining to lumberjacks that in times of violation of the rules on them checks a great fine, then, more for everything, lіsorubi simply do not want to call you and go home. So you vryatuєte tree, scho th need.