Ask the platoon for an hour of battle. How to accept the requested platoon from the world battle. Claim the heroes W-R-M

And so for the cob, for beginners, let's explain what a platoon is in World of Tanks (further WoT).
A platoon at WoT has a team of two or three graves, yakі zavzhdi spend at once in one and the same bіy and in one team. Tobto, in fact, the team is in the middle of the team.

Plus the gris with a platoon

One of the biggest pluses in a platoon is those that you can ring out for sure on the side of your sleepers. So you, with your spivzvodniks, can be independent and independent of your team, or you can get a base, and by the same token you will bring a lot of goodness to the whole team and instill її to victory.

How to create a platoon?

For gravitational gravitation, the platoon is already known to the right, but for gravitational gravitation, it is better to gravitate at WoT, or it may be difficult to call.
For the cob, for the creation of a platoon, it is necessary to enter a dialogue window for choosing the type of battle, so that you can be in the game interface, using the button "Biy!"

Then, if we had already created a platoon in the best way, we were left with no need to ask for graves, with which we want to pay (I guess that their number cannot be more than 2, do not rahuyuchi you).

Ready! We check the readiness of your spivvodnikov and press the button "Biy!"

Competent gra platoon

What is the cost of competently grilling with a platoon, then here the skin has its own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first drive. At my glance, for a literate grimy, a platoon needs literacy and the goodness of co-workers. Tobto gra platoon cost not only to travel all at once, sometimes shooting at the gates, even more literate in the situation. For example, if one of the co-owners can break through the defenses on the same flank, one of the co-workers can quickly change the place of expansion and streak the enemy’s strength, as well as the reshta of the co-owner enter the enemy’s tail or hit from the flank. Ale tse less than one possible options the development of the true truth will be impersonal, and in the skin of them, the grave platoon will need to assess the situation and take a decision on the drive of distant actions. As a rule, she is literate and a platoon can bring a lot of coriste for the team; Well, the axis at my glance and everything you need to know about the group with a platoon at WoT. Far away naked on the battlefields!

At the end, dodamo a couple of videos from water dispensers

Prepared by: KARTMAN1996

A dynamic platoon is a platoon that can be created right under the hour of battle. Possibility becomes available once a cob of 30-second speech.

At a dynamic star, like in a great one, blow:

  • voice chat;
  • platoon chat.

How to create a dynamic platoon?

When pressing the CTRL button, icons appear on the page. To request a charge on a platoon, you need to hover the cursor over the special icon and click on it with the left mouse button.

Icon meanings:

When hovering the cursor over the name of the grave you want to request from the platoon, press the right mouse button and select the menu item "Request from the platoon".

How to accept a request

About those that you have been sent a request to go to the warehouse of a dynamic platoon, give a system notification. To wait, hover over the name of the engraving that you request, and select the item "Accept request".

Show respect that a dynamic platoon can only be created at once with an ally.

The ability to withdraw requests from a dynamic platoon can, if necessary, be removed from the reinforcements.

Special reservations - all special bonuses for vipadkovy fights . There will be three types of special reserves available to the graves*:

  1. Dosvid crew.
  2. Fighting dosvid.
  3. Vilniy dosvid.

* Combat orders for the acquisition of special reserves will be available for the delivery of worms. About tse mi okremo povіdomimo on the portal.

Reserves are used for vikonannya at vipadkovy battles of singing battlefields, which will be available at the "Fighting plant" depository. After the meeting, special reservations are placed at the warehouse and an hour is saved. The term of the savings will be indicated when the award is made for the victory of the military task.

In terms of the bonus, special reserves are divided into three types:

  1. Malium - an increase of up to 7.5%.
  2. Medium - an increase of 7.5-12.5%.
  3. Veliky — zbіlshennya bolsh nizh 12.5%.

In the case of post-mortem statistics, the amount of additional income, removed after the activation of the reserve, will be indicated in a row.

Special reservations are less likely to occur in the fall battles and less of the surroundings an hour after activation. As if by protracted battle, the hour of the battle was over, dodatkov’s reward for the battle is not seen. Up to three special reserves can be activated at once. The activation menu can be found at the "cap" of the Angara. For yoga, it is necessary to click on the name of the engraver, and then choose the available special reservations.

With the release of the update on 9.8, the grі z'appeared one more visual novelty - lines of combat effectiveness. All the graves, like a team, are now showing up on the monitor screen!

Vibration lines of combat effectiveness can be switched off at the lashings.

Stitch image name Wash away the otrimanna

Enemy subversion
  • An embarrassment by shooting (like a revealed, and unrevealed enemy).
  • An understatement.
  • Slaughter by a ram.
  • sinking

Drawing shkodi

It is less than a change of the machine's quality (change of the absolute number of the quality in the marker):

  • When applied to N cars with one shot, a line with a multiplier N is displayed.
  • Vrakhovuetsya Skoda ram.

The application of shkody modules is not insured

Damaged modules and injured crew
  • Poshkodzhennya / ruynuvannya modules of the enemy.
  • Contusion of the crew of the enemy

  • Showing fortune-telling technology.

With an one-hour display of decals of machines, the names of the lines and the multiplier are displayed

Help for the poor
  • Ushkodzhennya shot an ally for the "light" of the grave.
  • Poshkodzhennya of the enemy after the caterpillars of the gravel

Armor Victory
  • Ricochet shot the enemy.
  • Non-penetrating armor shot the enemy.
  • The enemy's hit on the tank is grave without damage

Burial of the Basi
  • 10 more singles hoarded with a bazi gravec from the cob of a point

Zakhist bazi
  • Zbivannya boday one point zahoplennya bazi gravel

The present. You will take away the unique ability to buy and pump tanks, like for the best tribute, so for technical characteristics as realistic as possible. You can fight on different types of combat equipment, vikoristovuyuchi podstupnі strategії or try to destroy everything on your own. Ale, after all, is the guarantee of success in this country. It’s easy to get a rose from the team, as well as from the other members. Therefore, you can be a cіkavoy є the function of the creation of a powerful platoon, which is an analogue of the clan in others computer games. From the clan you will take the best and most knowledgeable people, on whom you can rely, and at the same time you will fight with them against any opponent. But for the cob it is necessary to understand how to create a platoon at World of Tanks.

Creation of a platoon

It's not really your fault to praise food about how to create a platoon at World of Tanks, so the procedure is even simpler. The right thing is that a lot of gamers simply do not mark the button they need, wanting to press it practically every day. Creation of a clan is not available from the menu, as you can see it, if you press the "To fight" button on the often victorious button. Having selected the item about the creation of the power platoon, you can give a name and make it active. Earlier given function The bula is available exclusively to premium-skilled players, so if you wanted to get a good platoon, you would need to pay real pennies. But all at once everything has changed and you can speed up this function absolutely without cost. Obviously, some nutritional functions will be exchanged, but not much influencing the process. Now you will have two tabs in front of you - "Ask for a platoon" and "Platoon" itself. You already know how to create a platoon in World of Tanks. Now you need to hurry up with the first tab and take up the steps in the rows.

Friends request

The first recognition of a premium client as a great one will be remembered already at this stage. If you vyrishili recognition, how to create a platoon at World of Tanks, then you need participants, and you will click in front of you quietly, whom you know, they have already been played with - naturally, quietly, who is chatting with your friends. Same for this i the tab "Request to platoon" is recognized. A list of your friends will be displayed there, from which you can choose the one who deserves a place at your place. For the better, if you have a premium account, then you can choose whether there are as many friends as possible, select additional candidates and send them a request at once. If you have a great appearance record, then you will have to fill out the request one at a time. Until that person, who has been sent a request, will not accept it or not, you will not be able to ask for anything else. So your platoon at World of Tanks should be popovnjuvatimatsya correctly, but not critically - just a little unhandy.

Creation could call

Obviously, if you have created a platoon in World of Tanks, you are unlikely to pay only for your friends. Growth is necessary for everyone, that expansion platoon is completely standard on the right. But for whom it is necessary to select specific warriors, as they fit your needs. Їх vie and you can issue in wimogi before the call. You can tell me the basic equipment, the minimum number of fights, the minimum number of battles, and also a lot of others.

Vyvchennya of special rights

If you have proven wrong, if you have created a platoon at World of Tanks, then you will need a bit of zusil, for those who pick up gravity are more difficult to do. Obviously, it will be much easier before Yogo’s call, to the fact that you will be proponated with less gravity, as if your help will be given. But all the same, you will have a lot of robots from the selection itself, which you need at the platoon.

Starting a hot test World update of Tanks, the test client is now available for download.

Redesign of maps: Aerodrom, Westfield, Karelia, Siegfried Line, Murovanka, Pishchana River. Added visual effects on the maps of Lasville and Erlenberg.

Added a new battle podium - Perevaga. Absolutely new combat mode, for those who will need to be greedy and wear ensigns.

Dynamic Platoon in World of Tanks

The most innovative thing is the ability to create a platoon in battle! Such a platoon is called dynamic. A dynamic platoon is available immediately in battle after a cob of 30 seconds. For such a platoon, a platoon and a voice chat are available.

How to create a platoon in battle?

When the CTRL button is pressed in the battle, the list of allied teams (in the woah) shows different icons.

Meaning of icons:

Ally requested from the platoon.

The ally has already rejected the request for a platoon from another ally.

Graveets can have requests from the platoon (at the same time, without a platoon, there are no requests yet).

Gravets can buti requests from the platoon.

You can choose any engraving from the list of available ones and click on it with the right button of the bear, after which the menu appears. Select "Ask Platoon". You can click on the request from the platoon. For this zdіysnіt tі sіmі dії ta type "Request request from the platoon".

Update 9.8: smut in a nutshell

On the hot test of the 9.8 update, learn about the new expansion possibilities for organizing a party. As part of the test, coristuvachi can move in dynamic cocking.

Dynamic platoon - the whole platoon, which can be created under the hour of battle. Possibility becomes available once a cob of 30-second speech.

At a dynamic star, like in a great one, blow:

  • voice chat;
  • platoon chat.

How to create a dynamic platoon?

To create a platoon, press the Ctrl button. After that you will be shown lists of commands, where different icons will be displayed.

Icon meanings:

When hovering the cursor over the name of the grave you want to request from the platoon, press the right mouse button and select the menu item "Request from the platoon".

How to accept a request

About those that you have been sent a request to go to the warehouse of a dynamic platoon, give a system notification. To wait, hover over the name of the engraving that you request, and select the item "Accept request".

Show respect that a dynamic platoon can only be created at once with an ally.

The ability to withdraw requests from a dynamic platoon can, if necessary, be removed from the reinforcements.

Special reserves - all special bonuses for vipadkovy fights. There will be three types of special reserves available to the graves*:

  1. Dosvid crew.
  2. Fighting dosvid.
  3. Vilniy dosvid.

* Combat orders for the acquisition of special reserves will be available for the delivery of worms. About tse mi okremo povіdomimo on the portal.

Reserves are used for vikonannya at vipadkovy battles of singing battlefields, which will be available at the "Fighting plant" depository. After the meeting, special reservations are placed at the warehouse and an hour is saved. The term of the savings will be indicated when the award is made for the victory of the military task.

In terms of the bonus, special reserves are divided into three types:

  1. Malium - an increase of up to 7.5%.
  2. Medium - an increase of 7.5–12.5%.
  3. Veliky - zbіlshennya bolsh nizh 12.5%.

Get respect! If you simultaneously activate a sprinkling of the same type of special reserves, their coefficients do not add up, and there will be a smaller coefficient. For example, you activated two reserves for an additional allowance of 5% and 12.5%, the diam- ime coefficient of 5%. It is not possible to cancel the activated reserve.

In the case of post-mortem statistics, the amount of additional income, removed after the activation of the reserve, will be indicated in a row.

Special reservations are less likely to occur in the fall battles and less of the surroundings an hour after activation. As if by protracted battle, the hour of the battle was over, dodatkov’s reward for the battle is not seen. Up to three special reserves can be activated at once. The activation menu can be found at the "cap" of the Angara. For yoga, it is necessary to click on the name of the engraver, and then choose the available special reservations.

With the release of the update on 9.8, one more visual novelty will appear in the grі z'show - lines of combat effectiveness. Mustaches of gravity, like bringing misfortune to the team, now appear on the monitor screen! Vibration lines of combat effectiveness can be switched off at the lashings.

Stitch image name Wash away the otrimanna

Enemy subversion
  • An embarrassment by shooting (like a revealed, and unrevealed enemy).
  • An understatement.
  • Slaughter by a ram.
  • sinking

Drawing shkodi

It is less than a change of the machine's quality (change of the absolute number of the quality in the marker):

  • When applied to N cars with one shot, a line with a multiplier N is displayed.
  • Vrakhovuetsya Skoda ram.

The application of shkody modules is not insured

Damaged modules and injured crew
  • Poshkodzhennya / ruynuvannya modules of the enemy.
  • Contusion of the crew of the enemy

  • Showing fortune-telling technology.

With an one-hour display of decals of machines, the names of the lines and the multiplier are displayed

Help for the poor
  • Ushkodzhennya shot an ally for the "light" of the grave.
  • Poshkodzhennya of the enemy after the caterpillars of the gravel

Armor Victory
  • Ricochet shot the enemy.
  • Non-penetrating armor shot the enemy.
  • The enemy's hit on the tank is grave without damage

Burial of the Basi
  • 10 more singles hoarded with a bazi gravec from the cob of a point

Zakhist bazi
  • Zbivannya boday one point zahoplennya bazi gravel