What are the symptoms of PMS. PMS - what is it like in women. Zasіb vіd pms

Premenstrual syndrome, which is also known under the names of premenstrual ailment, premenstrual tension syndrome, PMS, PMS, as an ailment of official recognition of the WHO in 1989, the hour of the tenth review of the classification of ailments. Vtіm, tse illness or stanіzmu (pretty much medically means PMS in itself) was known in medicine back to the beginning. Riddles about premenstrual syndrome are entangled in the works of Soran Efesky, dated to other centuries of our era. Vіn designating, that the weakness of the woman, that she is afraid of the period, that before the menstruation, is connected with the m_stsevistyu, she lives. Trochs a year later, the Roman teachings of Galen, having also raised the problem of premenstrual ill health, having connected the blame with the phases of the month.

Mayzhe until the end of the 19th century, medical reports about PMS were surrounded by similar reports. There were no other serious breakthroughs in the roaming process. І less than on the cob of the 20th century on the right destroyed the dead center and the church different lands rozpochali actively pratsyuvati over vyvchennyam PMS.

It is accepted that the first of these, who seriously investigated the nature of cyclical changes in the body of a woman before menstruation, were Russian graduates Oleksandr Reprev and Dmitro Ott. Following them, the Briton Robert Frank created a serious material about the hormonal causes of PMS, and yoga spivvetchiznik Lewis Gray took a deep look at the psychological and sexual disorders of the representative of the beautiful state of the premenstrual syndrome. In addition, Gray herself caused PMS due to a decrease in progesterone in the body of a woman, which became the main indication in the current history of premenstrual syndrome.

During the premenstrual tension syndrome, there is a complex set of symptoms with a cyclical nature, which can be observed in women (not all) in the premenstrual period (from ten to two days before the onset of menstruation). PMS is manifested by a whole complex of disorders in the body of a woman of a psychoemotional nature, and also associated with the endocrine and vegetative vascular systems.

The etiology of PMS is another discussion food for anyone who is ill. There are only five main theories of how premenstrual syndrome can be considered.

The most popular is the hormonal theory. Її more in 1931. Propoponuvav slednik Robert Frank, a kind of stverzhuvav, scho development of PMS is conditioned by excess estrogen and lack of progesterone under the hour of the luteal phase. menstrual cycle. With all the veracity of this theory, it confirms the fact that premenstrual syndrome is not to blame for vagity until the state of maturation, after surgery to remove the ovaries and after menopause. At the same time, it is proved that they demonstrate that during PMS in a woman, the hormonal background is in a stable state, which goes beyond the hormonal theory.

The allergic theory of the etiology of PMS is based on the development of the body's sensitivity to endogenous progesterone. The pribіchniki tsієї teorії vykazayut on those, that under the hour of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, the test with steroid hormones gives a positive result.

According to theory, there is an imbalance in the process of the exchange of neurotransmitters in the CNS, premenstrual syndrome is seen as a functional disorder of the CNS, provoked by external factors.

The pribіniki theory of water intoxication confirms that during the hour of PMS in women there is a lull in the middle, which is provoked by neuroendocrine disruptions. And the theory of an increase in the hormone aldosterone and an increase in adrenocortical activity in the body puts the fact that estrogen increases the level of renin in the blood, which leads to an increase in the activity of other hormones.

Classification of premenstrual syndrome

In modern medicine, PMS is classified as trioma by characteristics: severity of clinical symptoms, foldability of overshoot and clinical form.
For the severity of symptoms, a mild and severe stage of overcoming the premenstrual syndrome is seen.
For folding, the PMS is divided into three types:

  • compensated - the symptomatology does not progress with time and is negligently attached to the present "black" days;
  • subcompensated - the symptoms are saved during the first hour of menstruation, and the severity of the manifestation of PMS is increased from time to time;
  • decompensated - with a plan of fate, the premenstrual symptom becomes more severe. The symptomatology is saved not less than the hour of menstruation, but for a few days afterward.

According to the clinical form, the premenstrual syndrome is subdivided into five types, for clarity, we can look at the following tables:

Type of premenstrual syndrome Developing
Nervous-psychic Depression, as if overgrowth in aggressive behavior.
Nabryakovy Swelling on faces, fingers and gomilks. In addition, the soreness of the breasts, the temple of sweating and the sensitivity to smells are guarded.
Crisis This type of PMS is accompanied by sympathetic-adrenal crises. The stench is characterized by hypertension, speeding up the beats of the heart, fear. Most of the time, the symptoms show up for nothing.
Cephalgic pulsing head bіl, boredom, depression, names of the upper tenses, drunkenness.
atypovium Manifested by uncharacteristic other types of symptoms: slight temperature rise, allergic reactions.

It is also necessary to obtain detailed statistics on the frequency of manifestation of lesser symptoms in premenstrual syndrome.

In the majority of women, PMS is manifested by drativity (94% of depression), roughness and sickness in milk infections (87%), abdominal distention (75%) and tearfulness (69%). The complex of symptoms, which consists of depression, headache and hypersensitivity to smells, is manifested in 56% of PMS symptoms. The skin of a friend of a woman during the premenstrual syndrome suffers from severe weakness, bloating and disguise, as well as advanced sweating.

Other symptoms of PMS are less widespread. In 44% of women, the syndrome is accompanied by aggressiveness (in the older woman, it often manifests itself) and a high frequency of heartbeat, 37% of women suffer from PMS for boredom, confusion and pain in the pelvic region, and in the skin of the female half of the population, diarrhea becomes manifested , hypertension and increased body mass.

Factori riziku viniknennya and folding overbіgu PMS

Physicians vvazhayut (hocha tse pitanya zalishaetsya dosit discussion) that a number of women may be able to overcome the premenstrual syndrome. Moreover, risk factors are formed according to the way of life of a woman, the presence of pathology and low third-party reconsiderations, which are not congenital factors. Zokrema, the ability to develop PMS and the folding of the yogo prot_kannya richly in these women, like:

  • lead an intensive way of life (work, connected with intellectual activity, living near great places, parts of stress);
  • be seen to the European race (this factor is the risk of confirmation statistically, but there is no clear scientific evidence);
  • may have pathological changes of mind (neuroinfection, thrush, toxicosis with pregnancy, ignition processes in the organs of the state system);
  • lead a characteristic way of life (the presence of regular physical adventures, eat properly);
  • may have problems with reproductive health (abortion and pregnancy, birth of children at the age of birth, part of pregnancy).

PMS as a tightening factor in various pathologies

Let's take a look at the fact that premenstrual syndrome can act as an aggravating factor in the development of low ailment. Here, the word "may" is especially important. It is less likely to be seen in deyaky fluctuations and there is no clear grounding for this process. Zocrema, PMS can aggravate anemia, bronchial asthma, migraine and epilepsy. In addition, milking often before the hour of the premenstrual syndrome is clearly manifested by various allergic reactions, and the ignition processes of the state organs in women develop during this period.

Looking at it, there is a need for a correct anamnesis of re-treatment more and more ill with PMS in a woman. Tse allow you to correctly vibuduvat the tactics of likuvannya and do not joke, cause confusion there, de їх їмє.

Diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome

Vrahovuyuchi of that fact, scho symptoms of PMS duzhe wide at dіagnostitsі tsogo zahvoryuvannya dosit often vinikayut pevnі trudnoschі: when peredmenstrualnomu sindromі mozhlivo pomilkove dіagnostuvannya іnshih hvorob, that scho symptoms of PMS in proyavlyayutsya bagatoh systems zhittєzabezpechennya i mozhut vkazuvati on neobhіdnіst zvernennya to rіznih profіlnih fahіvtsіv.

With a mild diagnosis, there are frequent depressions, if it is recognized as symptomatic, there is an effect. Ale po'yazany not z carried out therapy, and with the cob of menstruation, if the symptoms of PMS go through power. The doctor and the patient are satisfied: the glee was effective. Ale, after three days everything starts back up. The symptoms are reversing. I have less respect for the cyclical process, the drug is to kill the wisps, which the woman has a premenstrual symptom. And tse - zovsіm іnsha tactic likuvannya that absolutely Іnshiy pіdhіd before therapy.

Vibration fahіvtsya, which is necessary to treat with premenstrual symptoms, lie down in the type of this disease, shards of skin from newcomers are characterized by singing "marker" symptoms. We will suggest the need for consultation with a singing specialist, as well as see diagnostic procedures for the singing type of PMS in the following tables:

PMS type Specialist profile for diagnostics and treatment Diagnostic procedures
Nervous-psychic Neurologist, psychiatrist.
Nabryakovy Nephrologist, urologist. The follow-up of the visible function of the blood, the indications of excess creatinine and nitrogen, mammography.
Crisis Nephrologist, neurologist. Electroencephalography, rheoencephalography, craniography.
Cephalgic Neurologist, oculist, allergologist. Radiography of the cranial bones and the Turkish saddle, Electroencephalography, rheoencephalography, vision of the fundus.
atypovium The selection of a specialist and diagnostic procedures are considered in case of manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Similarity of premenstrual syndrome and vaginess

Low symptoms of PMS can be accurately repeated, show the first hour of pregnancy. Zokrema, both of these states are characterized by painful symptoms of milk diseases, intolerance to smells, stubbornness, and oppression of the emotional state. After a few fluctuations, if without a dead diagnosis of PMS, that vagity stray. Premenstrual syndrome can be mistaken for vaginess and symptoms. Tse may remember the skin medicine.

Obviously, the main factor that diagnoses is to perform a test for pregnancy. Only a few wines can accurately identify the cause of the characteristic physiological changes. This test is more important for all women in childbearing women, because it is good for hormonal hormones, premenstrual syndrome, it can negatively affect the increase in pregnancy and fetal development.

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome

Tse firmness to understand and accept the greater importance of doctors. The chronic nature, cyclicity and duration, as well as the nature of PMS, not until the end, make it less effective for symptomatic relief. Variations of a complete reversal of the premenstrual syndrome are known, but there is no way to find a regular system. Therefore, the tactic of treating PMS is aimed at easing the relief of those symptoms.
There will be therapy for premenstrual syndrome for trioma directly:

  • pharmacotherapy,
  • selection of hormonal preparations,
  • non-drug therapy.

Medical therapy for PMS

The need to change medications for premenstrual syndrome is assessed solely by the doctor and only for the intensity of symptoms of illness. Golovne zavdannya tsgogo therapeutic directing - improving the quality of life under the hour of PMS. It is important for women to need medicines of the Chotiriox group:

  • neuroleptics - psychotropic drugs for the treatment of mental disorders;
  • preparation with psychotropic and sedative infusion;
  • preparations to be injected into the organs of the endocrine group. Vitamin B6 and calcium are important. Їx zastosuvannya allows you to overcome depression and aggression;
  • phytopreparations, like a healthy one, can calm the day.

The choice of medications for PMS, especially for folding medications, may accompany the correction of life. Zhіntsi u takі period nebnіbnі povnotsіnny vіdpochinok, vіdsutnіst seroznyh pіzіchnyh navantagen, correctly eating and emotional calm.

Hormone therapy for PMS

The choice of hormones during the premenstrual syndrome is the primary competence of a physician. Change your mind before admitting guilt. Headache - lack of another phase of the menstrual cycle. In such cases, progesterone, bromocriptine and drugs in the estrogen-gestogenic group can be prescribed.
It is impossible not to recognize the fact that hormonal therapy for PMS is not recognized in singing colas. For example, non-commercial medical organization"Corporate Research" conducted a study on the effectiveness of victorization of progesterone for the first hour of PMS. These results could not confirm the sufficient effectiveness of this method. Vtіm, povnoї vіdsutnostі the result is also not suspected, to that nutrition vikoristannya hormonіv vіdkritim.

Non-drug treatment for PMS

Perelіk of procedures of non-drug therapy in premenstrual syndrome є supraclavicularly wide. In fact, if it is brought to light, if it is from therapeutic procedures, you can find a common symptom in PMS. For the very same choice of therapy to lie down as a doctor, yoga will overcome and the obviousness of possibilities.
Massages, electrophoresis, galvanization, balneotherapy are often prescribed to relieve symptoms of PMS. Also, there is a need for smaller procedures: electrosnus, franklinization, hydroaeroioonotherapy.

In addition, women with premenstrual syndrome should go through a comprehensive sanatorium-resort treatment. Okrim standard therapeutic procedures, trivaliy vіdpochinok calm nervous system that sign more mental manifestations of PMS.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a complex of signs that arises for a few days (from 2 to 10) before the onset of menstruation and occurs in the first days. In the last hour, the symptoms of PMS are daily.

The camp includes neuro-psychic disorders, vegetative-sudinal and metabolic manifestations. Practically, the skin woman, if she felt the signs of PMS. Prote vіn protіkaє less in tenth skin patient.

How and why is premenstrual syndrome blamed

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs in the ovary - ovum is released from the mature follicle. Vaughn begins to stick out empty stomach to the uterine tube for zustrichi with spermatozoa and zaplodnennya. At the site of the follicle, after bursting, the body becomes alive - illumined with high hormonal activity. In some women, such endocrine "bursts" react in response to the brain, in response to emotions, vessel reactions, and regulation of the exchange of speech. Often this individual response is passed down from mother to daughter.

Previously, it was appreciated that PMS is most often blamed on women with hormonal damage. At the same time, doctors are aware that such patients have a regular ovulatory cycle, and in other cases, the stink is healthy.

Theory development of PMS:

  • hormonal;
  • water intoxication;
  • dysfunction of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system;
  • lack of vitamins fatty acids at the eating place;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • allergy;
  • psychosomatic breakdowns.

With PMS, there is an increase in the output of estrogen with an output decrease equal to the gestagen. Estrogens zatrimuyut sodium and motherland in the body, vibrating bloating, flatulence, headache, chest pain. Estrogens activate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, inducing the adventitious regurgitation of radinin. Tsі stateevі hormones without intermediary infuse into the zone of the brain, in support of the formation of emotions (limbic system). Also, the level of potassium and glucose in the blood decreases, which leads to weakness, pain in the heart, decreased activity.

Vіd rіvnya gestagenіv to fall, how many days until the month of PMS. Qi hormones control the onset of menstruation. They stink, skilki trivaє premenstrual syndrome.

As a result of the disruption of the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, there is a tightening of the radii, which causes swelling of the intestinal wall. Blame bloating, boredom, constipation.

The development of PMS is administered with a lack of vitamins, magnesium and non-essential fatty acids in hedgehogs. Deyakі vchenі vvazhayut, scho in the result blamed depression, bіl at the breasts, drіvlivіst, increased temperature body.

The main significance of the mechanism for the development of PMS is the increase in prolactin in the other half of the cycle, allergy to internal progesterone, as well as the mutual effects of physical (somatic) and mental (mental) changes.

clinical picture

There are three groups of main symptoms that determine the severity of the disease:

  • neuro-psychic discord: tearfulness, depression, drastically;
  • vegetative-judicial changes: tedium and vomit, head pain and confusion, heartbeat, pain in the dilyance of the heart, increased vice;
  • impaired exchange of speech: increased milk rashes, swelling, bloating of the abdomen, right ass, fever, chills, increased body temperature, lower abdomen.

An obtyazhuyuchy factor of overcoming PMS is depression. When women are stronger, they are more sensitive to others, and they can smoothly pass from sick menstruation and migraine.

Form premenstrual syndrome

PMS may occur in the following clinical forms:

  • neuro-psychic;
  • swollen;
  • cephalic;
  • crisis.

The neuro-psychic form is accompanied by emotional disorders. In young women, there is a decrease in mood background. A leading sign is becoming aggressive and drastic.

The crumpled form is accompanied by the tricks of the nig, the individual, the povik. It’s getting tighter, the rings are nasty. Sensitivity to smells rises, bloating of the abdomen, fluttering of the skin. For rahunok zatrimki, the radii grow up the vaga (by 500-1000 g).

In the cephalgic form, the main symptom is cephalic pain in the folds with broadening in the eyes. Vaughn may have a mellow, pulsating character, accompanied by confusion, boredom and vomiting. Most of these women show changes in their hypophysis.

The crisis form is manifested by sympathetic-adrenal attacks: arterial pressure moves rapidly, chest pains appear, to crush, fear of death. With this turbulence, the heart beat is stronger, it seems that the coldness of the hands and the nig. The crisis will ring out in the sky, finish the hour, end the vision of the slaughter at the great obsyaz. Such a form is most likely to be the result of unrejoicing previous options.


When does PMS start? In case of a mild leak, 2-10 days before menstruation, three or more signs appear, one or two of which are the most pronounced. With a severe break, symptoms appear 3-14 days before menstruation. Їx need five, moreover, no less than two sharply pronounced.

Perebіg PMS in all patients of different age. In some, the symptoms appear at the same time and are attached to the next month. In other patients with romas, daedals are registered more sign. Become normalized less after the end of menstrual bleeding. At themselves heavy upheavals the symptoms are saved after the onset of menstruation, and the intercourse without scarg is progressively shortened. In such a situation, a woman can inspire practice. In some patients, cyclical illnesses continue after the onset of menopause. Vinikaє so titles of transformations of the PMS.

Mild PMS flow is accompanied by the appearance of a small number of symptoms, mild illnesses, not interfering with the normal rhythm of life. In difficult situations, the signs of which I will begin to instill in my family life, practicality, may cause conflicts with otochyuchimi. In important situations, especially during a crisis, a woman cannot work and will need to see a certificate of non-procedure.


PMS - clinical diagnosis, bases on the analysis of symptoms, virulence, cyclicity of symptoms. A review by a gynecologist is prescribed, a state organ is carried out. For proper hormonal therapy, it is necessary to determine the level of these other hormones in the blood.

The patient is consulted by a neurologist, if necessary - by a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist. It can be recognized as such research, such as electroencephalography, computerized tomography of the brain, ultrasound research,.

Only after a complex obstezhennya and a cautious gynecologist to make such a diagnosis and prescribe a cure.

Celebration of PMS

How to relieve premenstrual syndrome? For this reason, the following scheme is recommended:

  • psychotherapy;
  • correct eating;
  • likuvalna physical culture;
  • physiotherapy;
  • treatment of premenstrual syndrome with drugs


Rational psychotherapy helps to relieve such unacceptable symptoms, such as emotions, mood swings, tearfulness or aggression. For this reason, methods of psycho-emotional relaxation are victorious, which stabilize the behavioral technique. A woman to start, like easing PMS, help to stop with fear of menstruation.

Even better, conduct psychotherapeutic activities not only with a woman, but with her relatives. Rіdnі vchatsya better razumіti stan patsієntki. Help close patients to improve the microclimate of theirs. Through psychosomatic mechanisms, it is possible to improve the physical state of the patient, to make it easier to manifest the premenstrual syndrome.

Way of life and food

At the meal, it is necessary to increase the amount of food dewy cotton fabric. It normalizes the work of the intestines, removes excess fluid from the body. The supplementary diet is responsible for 75% of carbohydrates (more importantly foldable), 15% of proteins and less than 10% of fats. The implantation of fats is necessary to surround, shards of stench inject the fate of the liver in the exchange of estrogen. More often than not, it is necessary to take small doses of individually administered hormones. Such a rank, the most important source of protein in PMS, will be fermented milk products.

Korisno zbіshiti vzhivannya juice, carrot zokrem s addition of lemon. Recommended herbal tea with additional mint, melisi, valerian. Roslinna zaspokiylive with PMS helps to get into emotional discord, improve sleep that is more self-conscious.

Sliding into the presence of excess salt, spices, surroundings with chocolate and meat. Do not follow alcohol intake, scaling changes in the organism of vitamins of group U, minerals, change the exchange of carbohydrates. It suffers from the liver robot, which can lead to destruction of the exchange of estrogen, and I will become stronger.

It is not necessary to take a rich drink with caffeine (tea, kava, Coca-Cola) during PMS. Caffeine causes a lullaby, disrupts sleep, and irritates neuro-psychic disorders. The cream of this wine is strong enough for the engorgement of milk worms.

Preparations for treating PMS

For the signs of PMS, it is necessary to go back to the doctor. Vіn rozpoіst, how to fight іz yogo symptoms, congestion medical care. Let's look at the main groups of drugs for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.

  1. After obstezhennya at the gynecologist in case of elevated estrogen in place (absolute or apparent hyperestrogenia), progestogens are prescribed. Before them one can see Duphaston, Norkolut and others. Antiestrogenic effects may be gonadotropin-releasing factor agony, zocrema, Danazol.
  2. Antihistamines are prescribed through the promotion of histamine and serotonin in such patients. Tavegil, Suprastin, start zastosovuyutsya for nothing, starting two days before the early PMS and ending with the first day of menstruation.
  3. For the normalization of the robotic brain structures, which are responsible for the regulation of the vessel and mental disorders, prescribe nootropics - Nootropil, Aminalon, starting from the first day of menstruation for two days. These courses are repeated for three months after sleep, then we will break the break.
  4. As a result of the appointment of the level of hormones, there is an increase in the level of prolactin, Parlodel (bromocriptine) is prescribed, starting two days before the transfer of PMS, for 10 days.
  5. Due to the obvious manifestations of the symptoms, the recognition of a diuretic with a potassium-sparing effect to Veroshpiron, which is an aldosterone antagonist, is shown. Prescribe yoga 4 days before the death of self-feeling and take it with the intake of the current menstruation. As if the onset syndrome is manifested by headache, broken eyesight, it is recommended to use Diakarb.
  6. For obvious pain, the main drugs for treating PMS are non-steroidal antiseptic drugs, diclofenac zocrema. Yoga is prescribed two days before the deterioration of health. These preparations ignore the synthesis of prostaglandins - biologically active speeches, which are a rich sign of PMS. Lіkuvannya coursework carried out for three months. The effect of such a course is three to four months after it is applied. Then the symptoms of PMS are restored, but the sound becomes less intense.
  7. Zayva emotsіynіst, depressive discord, neurosis can be shown by the recognition of tranquilizers. Use special “day” preparations, which do not disregard normal activity, zocrema, Grandaxin and Afobazol. You can use antipsychotics and antidepressants. Such drugs are prescribed by a psychiatrist. Їx next take without interruption for 3-6 months.
  8. Vitamins A and E give a beneficial effect on the woman's state system, including the change in the severity of premenstrual syndrome. You can take them internally or introduce them internally for a month, drawing between yourself. With the appearance of anxiety-depressive disorders in another half of the cycle, drugs of magnesium and vitamin B6 are prescribed.

The treatment of PMS is carried out in cycles. In the first three months of vicarious diet, more sedatives, vitamins, non-steroidal antiseptic drugs. Let's have a break at the merriment for 3-6 months. When the sign of PMS is turned, other preparations with more serious effects are added to the treatment. Do not varto clear Swedish effect. Therapy is guilty of changing the diet, accompanying the modification of eating and the way of life.

Appearing unmotivated aggressiveness, the bazhanya burst into tears after revisiting melodramas: who is a woman without clinging to such feelings? There is a lot of feeling about premenstrual syndrome, but if you are looking for medical assistance, you will be low. Unfortunately, part of the doctors and psychologists vvazhayut tsey camp imaginary and put before the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome is not serious. Ale, the problem is real and will require a viable solution.

The term "premenstrual syndrome"

Symptoms of PMS: uncontrolled ferocity, aggression and others Premenstrual syndrome (also called premenstrual strain syndrome) is a symptom complex that repeats cyclically and lasts approximately 2 days (3-14 days) to monthly. Premenstrual syndrome is manifested by neuropsychic, vegetative-judicial and exchange-endocrine disorders. The frequency of this syndrome varies from 5 to 40% in the population. It is noted that if a woman is older, then she is more likely to develop premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in her.

Causes of PMS

I use impersonal theories about the development of which I will, but I do not explain the exact cause and mechanism of premenstrual syndrome. They see the hormonal, allergic theory, the theory of the production of aldosterone, neuropsychic disorders and "water intoxication". The main etiological factors are considered:

  • disruption of estrogen and progesterone levels in the luteal phase (increase in estrogen levels and decrease in progesterone levels);
  • increased secretion of prolactin (due to transformation on milk ducts);
  • pathological processes in the thyroid gland;
  • decompose the water-salt metabolism, increase the production of aldosterone, which leads to a zatrimka of sodium and sodium salts in the body;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements (vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc);
  • stressful situations.

Friendly factors PMS

  • living near metropolitan areas;
  • Rozumova Pratsya;
  • pіznі canopies;
  • psychoemotional lability;
  • a large number of vacancies ( , ) or, navpaki, їх vіdsutnіst;
  • operations in female organs;
  • fuses of the woman's state gallery;
  • brain injury;
  • Europeans;
  • unbalanced eating;
  • CNS infections;
  • hypodynamia.

Symptoms of PMS

Fallow in the presence of quiet chi іnshih manifestations, such forms of premenstrual syndrome are seen:

Neuropsychic form of PMS

The woman becomes drastic, whiny, irritable. characteristic shvidka stomlyuvanist, apathy and or uncontrolled fierceness, aggression. There is a sleep disturbance: at night, drowsiness during the day, scaling up to conflicts, weakening of the statuary pull. Also, intolerance to smells and sounds, or worse sprinyattya. Possibly more gasification, constipation, decreased appetite. The severity of the fall is marked: in girls in the puberty period, aggressiveness, fierceness, in women of the older age, weakness to depression. Dairy worms roughen up, the names of endings are established.

Swollen form of PMS

Stress sodium and rindine in the body to produce before the appearance of swelling. Bumps of the individual, gomilok, fingers on the hands, increased weight of the body (up to 500 - 700 grams), flatulence, increased sweating, weakness are observed. The classic manifestation of the swollen form is swollen and sore milky ulcers. Diuresis decreases.

Cephalgic form of PMS

It is characterized by intolerance to smells and sounds, headaches on a stage of migraine, confusion, drastically. Not alone, inattention, heartache, heart pain, diarrhea, drativity, heart pain. Possibly boredom and vomit.

Crisis form of PMS

For this form, sympathoadrenal crises are characteristic, which are manifested by attacks of arterial hypertension, tachycardia, pain in the heart, behind the sternum, rapt fear of death. On the ECG do not show whether or not recovery. The crisis form often occurs in premenopausal women (after 45 years) and in patients who suffer from pathology of the herbal tract, nirok, heart.

Atypical forms of PMS

Rod -roding 3 PIVIDICE FORMALICAL syndrome: GIPERMICHNU, YAK is characterized by the temperature of the temperature up to 38 degrees in front of the menstruki, the pins of the Mysyachny, the sinuster of the dream, Okremo you can see allergic reactions in virazkovy gingivitis and asthmatic syndrome, iridocyclitis, angioedema.

Classification of PMS

Premenstrual syndrome occurs in mild to severe forms. To talk about the easy flow of PMS, if you show є 3 - 4, then they overcome 1 - 2 signs. In severe PMS, 5-12 manifestations, 2-5 symptoms play a role in the middle.

Also premenstrual syndrome is classified by stages:

  • compensated stage- signs of illness are weak, there are no tendencies until progression, with the onset of menstruation to go on;
  • subcompensated stage i - signs of the syndrome of jaskra, manifestations, a number of symptoms increase, a decrease in the incidence is indicated, which is more common in the past, the symptoms become more important, the symptoms do not disappear from the ear of the month;
  • decompensated stage- Premenstrual syndrome is important, signs are saved at the hour and after the end of menstruation.

Celebration of PMS

Therapy of premenstrual syndrome is due to the regulation of diet and daily routine. In the world of opportunity, turn off or turn off stressful situations and conflict situations; physically right which increases the synthesis of enkephalins and endorphins (happiness hormones). In eating in the luteal phase of the cycle, it is necessary to combine strength, motherland, kava and myrrh tea, chocolate. Diet is due to sufficiency of a quantity of cellular tissue (fresh vegetables and fruits), and varto should be taken from malt.

As a method of normalization of the psychoemotional state, calming symptoms (motherwort, valerian, tincture of pivonia) are prescribed, in more serious cases, antidepressants (relanium, rudotel) and antidepressants (zoloft, cypramine). Piracetam, pikamilon are recommended for improvement of blood circulation in the brain. Effective holcoreflexotherapy, physiotherapy, vitamins (vitamin B6, magnesium preparations). Gestagenny preparations (utrozhestan, dyufaston) prescribe in another phase of the cycle or stop oral monophasic contraceptives (zhanin, marvelon, yarin). Sechoginn (spironolactone) is prescribed in the case of the onset form of illness, and in case of hyperprolactinemia, it is necessary to ignore the production of prolactin (parlodel).

Most of the taman woman showed strong sensitivity, timidity of mood, rapt spalahs of aggression. And yet, such peculiarities of behavior are explained only by subtleties of character. Really, the psychological state of a woman should lie in menstrual cycle .

premenstrual syndrome (short tsey camp is also called PMS) є collapsible complex of pistons that appear in a woman at the day before the cob of menstruation. All these symptoms appear as soon as menstruation starts, or they start in the first days of menstruation. In this vipadka go about exchange-endocrine , psycho-emotional і vegetative-judicial damaged.

How to compare the statistics, for those who have PMS, up to 80% of all women on the planet know with their best knowledge. As a rule, this syndrome occurs in women at the age of 20 to 40 years. But in the majority of depressions, women develop a mild form of premenstrual syndrome, which does not cause stench to fahivtsiv. But all the same, in deyaky moods, the symptoms of PMS become more pronounced over time. Later, for these women, if you notice unacceptable symptoms, which are relieved before menstruation, you should consult a doctor in order to prevent the worsening of the situation in the future.

What causes PMS?

Until today, the causes of the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome have not been identified in exactly the same way. Ale, all the same, there is an admission about those who manifested premenstrual syndrome - the result of a sharp haircut in the female organism. rest days menstrual cycle

In addition, among the reasons for the culprit of PMS are called cyclical sixty-six times in the amount of several speeches in the brain of a woman. Middle of speeches - endrophini , yakі without intermediary pour into the mood of the people.

Having manifested the premenstrual syndrome in a singing world, it is also necessary to lie down in the wrong way before eating: after all, the mother is caught in the body, the breasts become more sensitive, beware of the fact that it can be caused by a lack of vitamin B6 in the body. provoke more head, stronger heartbeat, can provoke magnesium deficiency in the body. There is also an incomplete idea about those who, before the manifestation of the premenstrual syndrome, were genetically weak.

Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

The symptoms of PMS are seen in women in absolutely different ways: in some women, it is pleasantly calm, while in others, the days before menstruation are turbulent. Ale diagnosing the camp allows the hour of vindication of such signs: the stinks always appear for the singing period before the cob of menstruation.

PMS in women can be manifested by periodic attacks of panic attacks, depressive mood, , become anxious. In some cases, PMS can lead to a breakdown in menstrual function.

Signs of premenstrual syndrome appear 2-10 days before the first day of menstruation. Premenstrual syndrome can run differently. So, there are three different variants of PMS, skin for some of the most important features.

At first option The development of PMS symptoms will not progress over time. The stench, as a rule, is blamed on the other half of the monthly cycle and is attached when menstruation comes.

At another option The development of the disease symptoms of PMS is less likely to occur if menstruation is repeated. In some cases, the intensity of symptoms increases.

At third option The flow of PMS symptoms and ill-health with rocks is less likely to get worse. The signs of one's own know only a few days by the way the menstruation has stuck.

Manifest premenstrual syndrome in different women can be different. For whom I will be characterized by tearfulness, show drativity, high sensitivity to sharp smells and sounds, discomfort in milky veins. As a rule, in women of a young age, PMS is manifested by tearfulness and a depressive state, and in older women, it can be aggressive. In dairy diseases, except for discomfort, other changes may also appear. Zokrema, the hurting maids are seen, they are strengthened, yak it is possible to miss. In addition, in the period of PMS, a woman may develop a face, homily, fingers, drinkability.

At home minds, a woman can independently spend or check that hour, if menstruation can come.

Diet, eating with premenstrual syndrome

List of dzherel

  • Radzinskiy V.Є., Fuks A.M., Toktar L.R. that spivavt. Gynecology: assistant. M: GEOTAR-Media, 2014;
  • Kulakov V.I., Prilepska V.M., Radzinsky V.Y. that spivavt. Helper for outpatient assistance in obstetrics and gynecology. M: GEOTAR-Media, 2007;
  • Aganezova N.V. Premenstrual syndrome: biological and psychosocial predictors of pathogenesis, clinic, complex therapy. Medical dissertation, 2011;
  • Ledina A.V. Premenstrual syndrome: epidemiology, clinic, diagnostics and treatment. Abstract of doctoral dissertation, 2014;
  • Gynecological endocrinology. For red. Serov V.M., Prilepska V.M., Ovsyannikova T.V., Moscow, 2004.

Lighting: Graduated from the Rivne state basic medical college for the specialty "Pharmacy". Graduated from Vinnytsia State Medical University named after. M.I. Pirogova and internship on yoga basis.

Dosvid work: From 2003 to 2013 - worked on the outskirts of the pharmacist, that manager of the pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded with letters of commendation and signs for bagatarism and summation work. Articles on medical topics were published in local media (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

According to the statistical data, which means PMS, it is necessary to know over 80% of all girls and women in the world. Most often manifesting the syndrome of vinica in the age of 20 to 40 years. In lonely periods, menstruation sags manifest themselves in an important form, so representatives of a weak status do not go to the gynecologist with scars. In addition to the worsening of PMS symptoms in women from month to month, you should consult a doctor, even if it can be a sign of health problems.

Theories of guilt

Fakhіvtsі in galuzі meditsiny trivaliy hour conducted doslіdzhennya, yakі so і could not help to reveal the cause of the appearance of premenstrual syndrome. Іsnuє impersonal theories of yoga vindication. Among them:

  1. Hormonal.
  2. Damage to the water-salt balance.
  3. Psychosomatic.
  4. Allergic reaction to endogenous progesterone.

If you believe the hormonal theory, then, having shown a sign of the premenstrual period, you will see it through a change in the level of the state hormones in the blood of a woman in another phase of the cycle. For normal functioning, the patient's body needs a stable hormonal body, which includes:

After ovulation, then in another phase of the cycle, there is a change in the hormonal body in the female organism. To this, the theory’s adherents consider that the reason for blaming PMS is due to an incorrect reaction in the brain, as they believe it to be a change in the emotional mood of that behavior, on natural changes in the concentration of state hormones. Such a singularity is a recessive schilia.

Somatic and psycho-vegetative disorders before the present critical days are experienced through the unstable state of the endocrine system. With any level of hormones, which may be a normal, not a virulent factor. Vidpovіdalnymi for changing the mood and behavior vvazhayutsya:

Features of that stage

As a rule, with the risks of worsening PMS, which in translation means premenstrual syndrome, only grows. Appearing to the syndrome of the bagpipe of the great cities, stronger, lower, strong women. Nearly 90% of state-aged girls note low insignificant changes in their bodies. The stench is beginning to appear before the present critical days. Call for 7-10 days to start bloody visions.

In some, the symptoms are manifested in a mild form without a splinter in the life cycle. Easier PMS break does not require the appointment of a doctor and recognition of the treatment. Otherwise, it is important to endure the symptoms, as they occur in important forms. Such a camp will require obov'yazkovogo zuplennya to a medical mortgage for professional assistance. The cyclical peculiarity of the low symptoms allows you to understand that it is PMS itself, but not an ailment.

Difficult appearances in the physical and emotional state of a woman, as if they are afraid of the next month, immediately stick to the cob of bloody visions. Even if the symptoms are unacceptable, they are saved by the prolongation of the menstrual cycle, then it is necessary to return to the gynecologist. On the right, in what can be a sign of the progression of a serious pathology in the reproductive system. With a heavy emotional state, it is recommended to turn to a psychotherapist.

Fahіvtsі subdіlyayut PMS at 3 stages:

In most cases, PMS is considered a natural phenomenon, so women don’t turn with scargs to their doctor. Seeing before the monthly ones, they are on the cob of vagity already similar, so the girls often stray. It is a strong pain to go to the doctor's office to stop them from taking not only painkillers, but also antidepressants without consulting a doctor. The faces of such a group effectively help relieve pain syndrome, and without the necessary therapy, PMS can go to a more severe stage - decompensation.

Having shown a sign of the premenstrual syndrome, all the systems of the woman's body are swallowed up, and they often get confused with other illnesses. Tse to bring up to the fact that the girls are looking for help, not to those fahivtsiv, for example, to a neurologist or a therapist, and do not take away the diligent exultation. I will be able to understand the exact reason for the loss only with a professional examination and a complete obstezhennі.

I will show symptoms

Skin woman PMS leaks in its own way. It is tied to tse z tim that whether any organism can have its own individual features. Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are divided into the following groups:

  1. Vegetosudinna. Stribki arterial grip, vomit, strong head pain, nudota, tachycardia, confusion and pain in the region of the heart.
  2. Nervous-psychic. Depressive state, tearfulness, aggression and drama.
  3. Exchange-endocrine. Nabryaki, rise in temperature, chills, soreness of the breasts, fever, sprague, back, damage to the dawn, memory loss.

Mentally, the premenstrual syndrome is divided into splinters of forms, but with it, the signs do not occur in isolation, but in common. Yes, at depressive the pain threshold of the woman is significantly reduced, and it starts to become stronger and more painful spasms.

Form PMS:

Women most often suffer before the ear of the month due to drativity, pain in the milk follicles, bloating, tearfulness, headache and bloating. Significantly, it is more likely to be afraid of weakness, pain in the stomach, confusion, tedium, vomiting and increased body fat.

Warto remember what Building PMS for the following ailments:

Parts of the cause

There are a lot of factors that can contribute to the development of PMS. Unfortunately, gynecologists and endocrinologists could not come up with a sound idea. Some of the reasons for blaming unacceptable symptoms are:

Vіdminnіst vіd vagіtnostі

Some of the signs of PMS are similar to the first symptoms of vaginess, and they can lead to a blackout. On the right, in the fact that from the moment of conception in the blood of a woman, the level of the state hormone increases. The same process is observed even before the onset of menstruation. Axis why qi become stray. Similar symptoms:

  • shvidka appeared vtomy;
  • bіl y across;
  • increased sensitivity and swelling of milk worms;
  • change the mood;
  • drativity;
  • vomiting;
  • boredom.

To conjure over the causes of the appearance of unacceptable symptoms, it is recommended to change their character. So, with PMS, discomfort in the breasts will pass from the next month, and with vagity, continue turbulence until the end. At the camp of the girls, the bazhannja z'isti neistіvnі speech, drink beer from salted fish. In addition, they develop a sense of smell and begin to indulge in natural smells. With the syndrome, sensitivity to aromas is also manifested, but there are no special similarities in the same way, but appetite is simply increased.

If I hurt in the opposite direction, then don’t start the stench of the term on the cob of the term. Toma is announced already from the 4th day of winemaking. The very same z'yavlyaetsya and toxicosis. You can live a little sip, but you can’t live long.

Before menstruation, the back starts to get sick, or right after ovulation, or for a few days before the ear is seen. Discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen is far from being experienced by everyone, but the symptoms of this symptom are even more individual. Frequent sechovipuskannya can be a proverb of critical days. And the axis of nudota and navit bluvannya zustrіchayutsya dosit often.

It is extremely accurate to determine what is found in the organism, smoothly. Often on the arch early terms, if new life only to be born, to signify vaginess is not a force to bring to an informed gynecologist for an hour looking at the armchair. At different times, ultrasound is prescribed for more accurate re-verification. Since it is not possible to see a specialist, it is recommended that you check out the trick and conduct a pregnancy test or take a blood test for CHL.

Methods of diagnostics

Remembering the date on the cob that last menstruation is not easy, it's easy to forget. To ease the task, it is recommended to keep a workbook or a calendar, where it will be necessary to record not only the break of the monthly, but also showing off basal temperature, symptoms and changes in the vase. Such an approach should be followed by a stretch of 2-3 cycles to simplify the diagnosis and treatment of PMS.

It is possible to determine the severity of the premenstrual period for the severity of the sign of that intensity:

  1. Easy run. A maximum of 4 symptoms of mild severity or 2 signs of strong severity are guarded.
  2. Heavy form. In 2 to 5 intense symptoms. So it is diagnosed, even though one sign helps the woman to practice.

The cyclical nature of PMS in the form of pathological manifestations of other diseases of the state system. Self-perceived 2-10 days before menstruation. Non-acceptable symptoms do not always pass from the current bloody visions. Quite often stinks flow from menstrual migraine and sickly critical days. It is possible to revive PMS in the presence of pathology for such signs:

  1. If the girl feels good in the first half of the cycle, then such illnesses, like fibrocystic, neurosis and depression, turn on.
  2. Endometriosis, dysmenorrhea and chronic endometritis are seen as intermenstrual crooked pains at the end of the cycle.

Gynecologists, in order to restore the stages of premenstrual syndrome, conduct hormonal analysis for progesterone and estradiol. In addition, the specialist prescribes additional obstezhennia of the patient. The following procedures may be prescribed:

Before diagnosing patients who suffer from an important PMS break, neurologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, therapists and cardiologists are also involved.

Therapeutic approaches

It is possible to achieve better health only in case of complex healing of premenstrual syndrome. Yogo is selected individually for the impersonal parameters. So, behind the flow, the form and the symptoms Women's PMS may include:

Preventive visit

Just as PMS does not give you a peaceful life, allowing you to practice, then you can’t fail without therapy. Alecia is not enough for an hour. After the completion of the course, the obov'yazkovo should follow the same preventive approaches. Before them one can see:

Balancing the diet, taking vitamins and minerals, physical activity, having sex and sleeping bring a positive mood and a garne of self-feeling, as you can take it before the onset of menstruation.