The reminder is a blue hair. Blue hair. Weed for washing the burnt horn of the eye

Smіtєva grass'yanista roslina hair blue є a representative of the family of folded flowers and maє likuvalni dominion. You can always plant in fields planted with livestock, wheat, flax, potatoes and other crops, on narrow roads, and use forestry. The cream is of a mimic wideness, the hairs also grow specially for decorative purposes and the preparation of medicinal products.

The main dewy syrovina, which is victorious in folk medicineє kviti blue hairs. stink great roses, dressed in blue or black colors, appear early in the spring and are saved until the end of autumn. In case of certain illnesses, with a jubilant method, the growing growths are stunted, as they ripen until the end of summer.

Botanical description

Flowers of blue hairs with a description of the botanical characteristics of the growth line are selected in single cats, the diameter of which does not exceed 3 cm. Small slips in the box are divided into two types: edge and inner. The vouchers, ruffled along the edges of the voucher, have a blue zabarvlennya, often form and є unstated. Internal tickets pofarbovani in yaskraviy and rich blue-violet colors, make a tubular form and two-state ones.

The fruits of the blue hairs are a simyanka of a poppy or gray-yellow zabarvlennia of a turn-egg-like form. Vaughn makes a smooth surface shine. On one їїn Kіntzi Rusyovaniya Rudi Chubchik IZ Tverdid bristles Voloskiv, the skillful Trochi of the Menche for the traffic jangle of the fetus itself (2.5 - 4 mm).

The stem is upright gillyastoy budovi and can reach 1 m, and then sound its height to become no more than 80 cm. The stench has a vuzka and a twisted shape, at the upper part of the stem - whole, and at the bottom - shovel. The stem and leaves are covered with thin arachnoid hairs. Roslina can be more developed root system, represented by a thin shear root.

Tsіlyuschi power roslyn

Folk recipes based on blue hairs are effective in curing ailments, which is due to a wide range of pharmacological activity observed in this warehouse. Among them:

  • glycosides (anthocyanins);
  • tanneries of speech;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, beta-carotene);
  • essential oils;
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, copper, salt, calcium);
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids and in.

Important: A large warehouse of growing sprouts, which give a biological day, can grow fallow in the place of the yogo sprouting.

People's interests from the blue hairs, you can likuvalni dominion and put such a influence on the body:

  • antipyretic and antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • relaxing and spasmolytic;
  • sweating and sechoginny;
  • early warning and regenerating;
  • antioxidant;
  • zhovchogenny;
  • antimicrobial.

A blue hair like a medicinal rose is taken from the warehouse of a complex treatment of colds, ailment of the sciatica system (cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, sechokam'yana ailment), to relieve swelling, as a result of damage to the robotic heart-vascular system of abo nirok. Yogo priyom spryyaє purify the body from shkіdlivih and toxic speeches, the removal of zavoi rіdini and the spalling of fats.

Zhovchoginna diya voloshka paints the etching process and the SHKT robot. They stop at ailments of zhovchovivіdnyh paths, liver, zhovtyanitsі, helminthic invasions, as well as to increase the appetite at the warehouse of herbal collections or on their own.

Sobi z votok that nasіnnya roslina zastosovyvaetsya zovnіshny when sick shkіri, gloomy eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, vtom, disruption of the daytime dawn).

Brown hairs of power of blue vicory are used for cosmetological purposes. Koshti on yoga basis to improve the standard old look shkіri in the area of ​​the eyes, on the face of that shiї, zamіtsnyuyut hair and zapobіgayut їх vipadannya.

Ways to fix hairs

In folk medicine, for judicious purposes, zastosovuyte regional vouchers or, more likely, hairs. The selection and preparation of the syroviny is being done in a vlіtku. On the back of my head, the flowers of the koshiki are resplendent, and then with our hands we carefully wiggle only the kraiovі koshiti. Otriman with such a rank, lay the siruvin on paper with a ball up to 2 cm high and hang near the dark place, which is aired. Dried tickets are stored at glass jars or fabric little bags and vicorist if necessary. The term of saving is to become a maximum of two rocks in a dry dark place.

Important: When hairs get on the tickets in the process of drying sleepy changes, the stench gradually wastes its contaminant and significant part kissing authorities. Such a syrovina becomes unsuitable for stagnation with a jubilant method.

Flowers of the blue hair were known to be used in folk medicine as okremy liquor in looking at infusions, infusions and infusions, as well as in the warehouse of herbal collections, which are used for treating the ailment of the sichoid system, herbal tract, hypertonia.

Nasty ticket

Nasty hairs can be antibacterial, zhovchoginna and sechogenous. Yoga is being prepared for this technology:

  1. Kvіtki kіlkosti 1 tbsp. l. place a small saucepan (enamelled) near it and fill it with a bottle of dill.
  2. Cover the pan with a lid and place 15 quills in a boiling water bath.
  3. Withdrawing the nasty step by step, cool to room temperature.
  4. The tickets are filtered, pressed.
  5. Boiled water in such a quantity, until the total amount is 200 ml, is added to the rose.

Take otrimaniy likuvalny zasib of 20 ml per day, at lunchtime and in the evening. You can save it in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Vіdvar kvіtok

Vіdvarіz vіtok vіtok vіkoristovuєtsya іn zahvoryuvannya і іs іt's hot temper аnd during colds, which are accompanied by coughing. Saponini, who enter to the warehouse of tickets, mum on the day, it is easier for him to leave the sputum.

For obedience vіvaru 1 tsp. Relatively detailed flowers are poured with 0.25 liters of dill and boiled for 4-5 quills. Potim zasіb insist 1 year, filter and take with laryngitis, tonsillitis or bronchitis 40 ml sprat once a day.

Alcohol tincture of flowers

  1. Mix in proportions 1 to 10 dried syrovin with alcohol or burner.
  2. Shchіlno close the container with the taken away sum and insist for 14 days, shaking every day.
  3. Drink 20-30 drops at a time, washed down with water.

Zovnіshne zastosuvannya

As a zovnishnіy zasіb kvіtki volochki najshli zastosuvannya zastosuvannya with teasing furrows, visipka, diathesis, allergic dermatosis, boils. From the vіvaru roslini slacken compresses, lotions, or simply wipe the wounds on the deck.

At the sight of the lotion, the hairs vikoristovuetsya when the eyes are ill. For otrimannya, I reserve 1 tbsp. l. the flower is poured with 0.4 l of okrop, insisted for 1 year, cooled and treated. With conjunctivitis, such lotions are used up to 8 times a day.

Recommendation: To improve the tone of the body, you can take a bath with hair cloves. In front of the pіvsklyanki kvіtok at once from the cats pour 0.5 l of dill and fill the sum for insisting on pіvgodini. Sweat summish protsidzhuyut and add to the bath with a water temperature of approximately 37 °C.

In case of blistering, it is recommended to rub at the root of the hair, as well as the skin of the head with warm fresh preparations of fresh flowers. A good effect with such a problem may be zasib, preparations from 1 tbsp. l. flowers of roslin, 250 ml of sprinkling and 250 ml of table 9% otstu. Sumish is infused for the first time, treated and rubbed at the root of the hair.

Just add 20 ml of alcohol to the infusion, or a burner, a lotion, which can be used to make a fat shell. To prepare the infusion in this season, vicorist is as dry as freshly picked flowers.

Zastosuvannya nasinnya hairs

Blue hairs are an effective way to fight against warts. You hang it up and apply it to the new creation. So the stinks at once from the trimmed leaves of the roslin can vicorist at the sight of compresses for the healing of wounds.

Important: People's health from hairs can be used for treatment only after consultation with a doctor, because the stench may be a contraindication, middle vagity, uterine bleeding, individual intolerance and other.

All materials on the site are presented to the site solely for informational purposes. Before zastosuvannyam, be sure to consult with the doctor OBOV'YAZKOV!

Voloshka - decorative roslina, which can be brought to the family of folding flowers. The color of the hairs is more or less different - the basic impersonal forms and charm.

Roslin is widely seen in the lands of Europe, Asia and America. There are over 500 different types of tickets available.

Voloshka miraculously endure strong cold and bitter sun. A tribal bloom, as if you’re watching for a linden in the spring, you can reach for the help of bright watering that resurrection.

Planting flowers is carried out, reaching a distance of 20-30 centimeters.

History of the Voloshka

Voloshka is seen from a long time ago, impersonal myths and legends are tied to him. A wreath from beautiful black flowers was found to be spun at the tomb of Tutankhamun.

In legends Ancient Greece the little hair is shaking, like a healthy zasib, the centaur Chiron, with the juice of such a splendid wound of his terrible wound. Centaurea cuanus is the scientific name of the line, the literal translation of which is the centaur's flower.

The Russian name is associated with a legend that tells about Vasil, a young man, transformed into a mermaid on a beautiful blue flower.

Voloshka was the beloved ticket of the all-world famous baikar Krylov.

Sort hairs

Іsnuє sprat of visible hair:

  • gіrsky - the height does not exceed 40 cm, the color of the fly (cherry - lime) with blue flowers;
  • pіdbіleny - the name given to the zavdyaki to the original zabarvlenny leaf (with a white halyavina below). The flowers are embroidered with an erysipelas color, with a white middle. Tall looking, reaching 80 centimeters;
  • large-headed - view, the height of which is more than 1 meter, the size of the buds and the effective yellow flowers;
  • the hair is beautiful - the flowers of the lower erysipelas are framed by a grayish-white leaf. The height does not exceed 40 cm;
  • short - growing up to 1 meter, color with scarlet-red flowers;
  • garniy voloshka - grows only up to 20 cm.

Victory in folk medicine

The color of the hairs is the core of the healing components. Roslin is effective in combating various ailments:

  • usuvaє verbinnya with eczema;
  • quickly help to recover from the symptoms of diathesis;
  • the camp became easier at the Zhovtyanitsy;
  • miraculously noticeable swelling;
  • usuvaє rheumatic pains;
  • May I express Zhovchoginnu and Sechoginnu diyu;
  • є excellent way, that znіmaє znіmaє bіl that inflamed;
  • zastosovuєtsya at the curiosity of gynecological diseases.

Before zastosuvannyam infusions and vodvari, prepared from hairs, you need a doctor's consultation.

Visadka that sight

For the reproduction of bugatoric hairs, vicorous vines grow up, as if they hang out on awnings (kviten - grass), near the ground, enriched with lively speeches.

It is also possible to multiply growth by the method of rozpodіlu. Kushch, behind the back of vibranies for the podіlu, digging, squirming in the step (10 cm) from the root, and zirzayutsya pagons.

The roots are thoroughly washed and cut into 2-3 pieces, the daughters are due to be present in the skin of them.

Ryasnogo that pishnoy tsvіtinnya can be achieved pіdzhivlennya, yak be carried out before the cob tsvіtinnya. For picking up the day, it is necessary to catch the moment, if the pelyusts wither, and the heart of the blossoms wake up to a dark day.

Withering blossoms develop and are taken up in a dark, dry place for 2-3 days, then from the head it looks like a spring, like a spring to sit in the ground.

Voloshka - roslin is not viable, it will require less fluffing of the soil and regular watering.

Flowerbed decoration

Cornflowers in flowerbeds miraculously merge with roslins, as if blooming at the same time with them, for example, poppy or calendula.

The stench is setting up a miracle meadow. Chagarnik, which is on the farm, miraculously see tall growths, see hairs, and for the design of alpine mountains, on the other hand, low-growing varieties are suitable.

In landscape design, weeds are used for landscaping mowing. Roslini, who lives in a flower bed like hairs, is guilty of streaming, unmemorable sights.

A single herbaceous roslina with a height of 25-60 cm with a straight gilling stem and a well-spread sheared root. The lower leaves are petiolate, peristolopathic or trifoliate; middle and upper - sessile, linear. Sutsvіtya - koshik, marginal flowers in the new funnel-shaped, black, internal - tubular parts, more violet, both articles. The fruits are simyanki. Blossom at the hearts - faiths.
Miscellaneous. Zustrichaєtsya in all areas.
Place of residence. Growth resounds in the fields, sometimes it radiates like decorative roslin.
The part that wins. Krayovі vіtki voloshki z vіtkovy koshikiv.
Picking time. Worm - verves.
Chemical warehouse. Kvіtki vengeance barvnik cyanin, glycoside centaurin, chicory.

Powerful hairs

In scientific medicine, the hairs of vicorous hairs are like a light sechoginny zasib - the stench enters the warehouse of sechoginous tea No. 1,4,5. In folk medicine, the growth is stagnant in case of ailments of nirok, sich mikhur, liver, as a sebaceous and zhovchoginny, in case of cold ailments, as a sweating, in case of damaged etching, as a tonic, hot and shlunkovy zasib. Nastіy kvіtok can be antiseptic and antimicrobial and often used in folk medicine for washing eyes with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, chicken blindness. Leaves are applied to wounds for quicker healing. In Belarus, moreover, the flowers of the hair stop when coughing, coughing, slunk diseases, uterine bleeding, tuberculosis

Ways to fix hairs

Pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with 1 bottle of okrop, insist with a stretch of 40-60 strands, strain. Take 1/4 bottle 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. Whose nastіy can be zastosovuvat for washing eyes.

Voloshka blue- Cenfaurea cyanus L. - one-, dvorіchna roslina from the Asteraceae family, or fold-flowered (Asteraceae, or Composffae), 30 to 80 cm high, with a well-spread sheared root. The stem is erect, gillyaste. The lower leaves appear early, pinnate or trilobate, with petioles; middle and upper - linear, sessile, functional all the time. The stem and leaves are lightly woolly.
The stems and needles will end with flowers-baskets. Krayovі vouchers in koshiki to do large, lіychastі, blakitnі, bezpіdnі; internal - dribnish, trumpet, violet, both articles, skin cloves have 5 tartarids and 1 queen with lower ovary. (If we talk about the hairy color, it’s on the edge of the very marginal flowers of the blue hair, rich in other species of this kind, the color of the flower may not be “cornflower blue”). a forelock mayzhe such a dovzhini, like a simyanka.
Flowers in worms are lime, fruits ripen in sickles. Reproduces exclusively during the day. One roslina makes 700 to 7000 living wages. Lastly, taking care of the similarity, perebivayuschie at the soil, not less than three rokiv, and when taken in a dry camp - up to 10 rokiv. Roslini, which dazzle the bright cereal crops, develop behind the bright type like one-liners: they germinate in the spring and until the autumn they reach the date of ripeness of the day. Nasіnnya near the Voloshka, which lives in the crops of winter cereals, germinates in the autumn and goes out of the snow at a rosette of leaves, hanging growing flower-bearing vtecha, more high and ryasnish, lower near the ardent hair. Tsya roslina can express zdatnіst to time its cycle of development to the cycle of development of grains fertilized by it - to achieve the maturity of the fruits and the seeding to the harvest of culture, in the crops like wines alive.
The current range of the blue hair is much greater - it grows practically on all continents (for wine, of course, Antarctica), including Mayzha throughout Russia, Crimean pivnichnyh districts. Typical places of residence - sow live, wheat, flax, other cereals and sleeping crops, young people, bet, rottenly grow, growth is also in wastelands, smіtєvih places near villages, on nasips of bays.
At the link with the improvement of agricultural technology and the stagnation of herbicides on the rich fields of hairs, the sign of zovsm or yogo number has changed dramatically, which has become galmuvati harvesting of medicinal syrovina. To be brought to introduce tse bur'yans, scho maє tsіnі likuvalni vlastivostі, into culture.

Gospodarske vikoristannya blue hair

Voloshka blue- Bur'yan cultural farming, vіdomy z preistorichnyh chasіv. In principle, wine is guilty of looking like a shkidliva roslin. However, such a visnovok is less than one-sided. It doesn’t seem like it’s already about those that the hair is the price of a medicinal rose, about what to say, zokrema, and the fact that I’m leaning on the sides of the book, it’s more like a garni. Bouquets and wreaths from hairs in Russia have always been high-spirited and simple people, and "gentry" susprestvom. Nevipadkovo hairs are seen on pictorial canvases, sketches, watercolors, etchings, little ones of rich artists in the whole world. They did not miss their respect for the miracle flower that sings.
Like a decorative roslin, a blue hair is introduced into culture, grows in kvіtniks, instills varieties with terry flowers. Vvazhaetsya good honey plant.
From the tickets you can take a stable barn of blue and black color for stained fabrics.

The medicinal meaning of the blue hair and the methods of the likuval vikoristanya of the hair

In the yakost medical care vikoristovuyut vysushenі kraiovі and chastkovo trubchasti vіtki vіtki blue hairs. Krayovі kvіtki mіst аnthocyanis (characteristic cіanіn for hairs); flavonoids - apigenin, quercetin; tannins of speech, essential oil, polysaccharides, carotenoids, vitamin C
Pharmacological studies have shown that voloska flowers increase diuresis, strengthen zhovchovidlennya and may have antimicrobial power.
In science medicine, the hair of blue vicarious only looks like a light sechoginal disease with nirk and heart surges at the infusion of 1:10. Zastosovuyt 1/4 flask 3 days a day 20 - 30 min. to zhі.
Folk medicine stagnates like a zhovchoginny, sechogynny and sweating zasib with watery, zhovtyanitsy, scorched nirok and sich mikhura; for colds, as well as for reducing etching. Nastya may have an antimicrobial and antimicrobial effect, relieving spasm of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Vikoristovuetsya as an antipyretic zasіb with fevers, acute respiratory illnesses and headaches.
To prepare the infusion, pour 1 teaspoon of syrovini with 1 bottle of dill, insist 30 minutes. and take 1/3 - 1/2 bottles 3 days a day before meals.
Nastіy kraiovyh vodka often zastosovuyut at eye lotion for the eyes and washing the eyes with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, chicken blindness - sickness, due to the disruption of the daytime dawn.
When smoking chicken blindness, it is necessary to take a diet: often introduce a liver into the diet with a hardened meal with rib'yachim fat.
In case of dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract, cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, yak additional zasib with mild gonorrhea, with nephropathy (toxemia of the vagina), with eczema, furunculosis, constipation of infusions of flowers: 1 teaspoon of dry dried syrovin per 1 bottle of okrop, insist 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 bottle 3 times a day 30 min. to zhі. In case of eczema and furunculosis, it is possible to vicorate well.
Flowers of the hair serve as the basis for the treatment of furunculosis with the sum of herbs. To prepare the infusion, 2 tablespoons of sumishi, which is added from the leaves of hairs and burdock root (15 g each), herbs of dvodomnoy nettle, succession, horsetail and veronica (by Day), pour 1 l in the evening. hot water and they pour, and the vranci boil on a povіlnogo fire 5khv., cool 30khv. they treat. Take one glass 5 times a day until noon. Likuvannya course - 1.5 - 2 months.
Pasta flowers vikoristovuyut during the attacks of the heartbeat. 1 - 2 teaspoons of flowers, brew 1 bottle of dill, pour for 1 year, strain. Use 1/4 bottle 3 times a day for 20 min. to zhі.
In case of angina, for rinsing vicory, use a lot of flowers: 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of okrop. Napolyagati 30hv.
One tablespoon of flower leaves brew 400 ml of dill. Vipiti at 3 priyomi for 30 min. to zhі. Bulgarian folk medicine vikoristovuє tse yak tonіzuyuchy shlunkovy zasіb і like hot water, scho zbudzhuє appetite.
Soak one teaspoon of flowers for 1 year in a sealed container in 200 ml of dill, cool, strain. Take 3 days a day 15 - 20 min. to zhі with a fleeting arrhythmia.
In case of warts, apply tovcheni nasinnya.
In case of a sharp hair loss on the deaky patches of the hairy part of the head, pour 1 tablespoon of flower hairs into 200 ml of water and 200 ml of octa. Pіslya napolyagannya, boil. Rub the hot nastіy on the skin of the head, every day 1 time for harvesting.
In case of blackened povіkah, barley and sunken eyes, tearing on the windshield, pour 1 tablespoon of flowers with 1 bottle of okrop, pour 20 min. Tamponi, soaked in infusion, apply up to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
1 teaspoon of pellyustok voloshki stretched for 1 year. in 200 ml of okrop and drink 50-70 ml 2-3 times a day until cystitis.
Leafing hairs are applied to cranes to speed up the frying.

Features of harvesting blue hair

Flowers of hairs are taken from the phase of the full bloom of roslin. They are plucked by hand from koshikіv, poking with it, so that the inner tubular parts of the flower are not squandered at the syrovin, which would increase the quality of the medicinal syrovin. Dry the suits near the protection of the sun and bright light places (in the hills, near the darkened rooms, thinly), spreading in a thin ball on a clean bedside. Following the memory, that the flowers, that sigh, become even lighter and at the same time lead to great sailing, so you can wind a small wind that can rise up and bring them to zero in the choice of syrovini and transportation.
Dry syrovina has a bright blue color, a pungent tart relish, odorless. It is hygroscopic, so it is better to save it in glassy or metal containers with slotted covers. Saving term: 1 rec.
In the Botanical Dictionary of P. Sedir we read about little hairs: “Behind the orders, this leaflet was opened by Chiron Korisniy in the form of zhovtyanitsa, kolok, zhovchnoy fever, gout, scurvy, helminths and malady regulated. Demon demons (Pliny). From the magic point of the dawn, the strength of the line grows stronger, as if before the selection, read the words of the spell over it. Being put into the oil of a lamp with a small house of blood of a female hoopoe, it causes hallucinations. If you throw a ticket at the fire and then marvel at the sky, then let yourself go, as the stars break in. Dim in the new, inhaling, shouting fear (Albert the Great) "
Voloshka to avenge the forces of Jupiter, Saturn. Choose at the Sun in Taurus and Misyatsi at the Bliznyuks.

Voloshka is in love with bagatma polova kvіtka. Vin pleases us not only with its pure blue colors, but also with its rich brown and splendid powers. Yogo is brewed to take it from the eyes, with boils, cystitis and other illnesses. Vin is a miracle honey plant, which gives us healing and savory honey.

How do you look and grow a hair

Voloshka has been known among the people for a long time, like the first spring of the fair season. In the middle of the wormwood, and in other regions already, for example, grass, appear in the fields, sown with livestock, onions, and along the roads.

Like a little hair, you know the mustache. Tse odnorichna or bugatorichna herbaceous roslina, up to 60 centimeters high with a thin stem and lanceolate-like leaves 1-4 centimeters long. Voloshka blue or polova - garna flower of a rich blue color with lower pellets, taken into a cat.

Blossom vines from grass, cherv until spring. The last one is ripening like summer.

There is a hair up to the Astrov family and includes close to 734 species, which are distinguished by one species of the same shape and color of pellus. Europe is respected by the Fatherland, and the growth of wines in the whole world: in Europe, Asia, Australia, America.

On our territory, the largest extensions of the hair are blue or polova, the hair is luchna, the hair is Russian, the hair is hirska, which grows practically throughout the territory, including the regions of the extreme pivnoch. Deyakі see the hairs brought to the Chervonoy book and are protected by the powers of the wealthy lands.

Voloshka is vvazhaetsya by the bourgeois, who notices the crops of grain. The greatest love of the city of yoga growth is the bridle of the road, the knot of the forest, the bows. Ale, the most beloved place - sow wheat, barley, wheat.

Voloshka korisnі power

The main warehouse chemical warehouse hair ticket є:





In addition, the new one has:


Mineral speech;

Barvniki (pigment protocyanin);

Ether oil;


Tannin speeches.

The main mineral salts in new potassium salt and magnesium are two more important minerals for the human body.

Roslin's blue hair is not for a bouquet - zirvana, it won't stand for a long time at the vase, and already the next day in the 'yane. Ale better take care of the color of speech and color when dry. Why do you love picking for bouquets from dried flowers.


The bark of the hair for health is little described, even though Aristotle went to the extent of the fineness of the hair. Preparations, prepared on a yoga basis, may be so powerful, like:









Voloshka showing up to zastosuvannya

In official medicine, flowers of blue vicorous hair are found in collections as sechoginal, anti-spasmodic and anti-spasmodic zasib. Basically, yoga is prescribed for nirk and heart swellings, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis. Zhovchogіnnі vlastvostі herbs vykoryvayutsya for the delight of the liver and zhovchnyh ducts.

More widely than yogo zastosuvannya in folk medicine for the jubilation of the vicorist, the petals of the flowers, leafing that root. For a long time yogo zastosovuvali yak effective zasib for the exaltation of conjunctivitis, and also for looking at the lotion from the eyes.

Preparations from the new at a glance, compresses, infusions are prescribed for:

  • Pain in the heart;
  • Inflammation of a different kind;
  • Damage to the sieve system;
  • Vodyantsi;
  • Zhovtyanitsі;
  • Zhіnochi ailments (stuttering of menstruation);
  • Pronosakh;
  • Head bіl;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Diathesis (to a child);
  • eczema;
  • Stretching of the tendon and m'yazіv;
  • Inflamed, that blackening of the eyes, barley;
  • Chronic illness of nirok.

Vikoristovuetsya hairy and like pain-relieving, antipyretic, soothing and bactericidal zasib, for weight loss.

Selecting and preparing syrovin

Like a medical rose in official medicine, a hair of blue or polova is planted. In folk medicine, sometimes vikoristovuetsya voloska luchna, like volodya erysipelas-bouzkovy flowers.

It is possible to prepare roslin only during the flowering period, like a three-trival period.

For whom, select specimens that have blossomed again, see the blemish and bleak leaves, shave in the petals of flowers from a flower cat.

Dry the material taken away only in the shade, in order to preserve all the curvature of the speech. The pelyusts, like they have spent the color after drying, do not stop for the glee, the stink shards have spent their power.

For preparation of compresses and lotions, healing of wounds and removal of warts, vicarious dry, dried in front in the same way.

Call in three - chotiri days of preparations, the material is still hanging and ready to be saved. For this yoga, they place utensils near hermetically sealed glassware and vicorist with a stretch of two roki.

Folk medicine also has root hairs. They are harvested during the flowering period, at once from the other parts of the growth. The root is cleaned and dried in a great way. For picking up, paper bags and cardboard boxes are most often used.

Voloshka zastosuvannya

And a number of recipes, in some hairs, blue vicorist in a fresh look. For example, drink from the hairs, the recipe for what to finish is simple.

5-7 g of voloshka pellets (a teaspoon with hot water) are poured into a bottle of dill and infused with a pivgodini stretch.

Tea or drunk from hairs can be drunk in a glass of water or diluted with dill, like tea leaves. Such a zavdyaka for biologically active speeches, which can be avenged in the dark, dark sky head bіl, fever and bloating, vgamuє spragu.

Tea, prepared in such a way, miraculously awakens the appetite, like drinking yoga for the first year before the meal.

Voloshka blue with ailments of the heart

Voloshka blue copes well with the inspiration of the body after suffering from heart diseases. For whom they are preparing an olive oil pan.

100 g of herbal ointment, add 2 flasks dewy olive(orange olive) and saturate the warm place (orange on sun) for 20 days. Best for victorious opaque dishes, which are sharply curled. Otrimanu sumish is treated and taken 1 teaspoon each day of the skin day.

Vityazhka helps to normalize the heart pressure, relieve swelling and infection of the body. The course of likuvannya becomes 2 months and it is possible to repeat yoga only after a pivroku.

Choice for hypertension

Take 15 grams of skin roslin: flowers of blue hair, berries of black gorobini, trees, white mistletoe leaves, valerian root, gloda fruit, horsetail.

Brew one tablespoon of the mixture with 200 ml of dill and infuse 30 khvilin. Treat and drink 70 ml after skin water.

For znyatya inside your eyes

For znyattya vtomi z eyes, swollen and recreating the color of the eyes vikoristovuyut sbir z hairs.

Flowers of hair, left eye, eyebright and elderberry are taken from equal parts, trimmed and brushed from dry dishes. In proportions of 1 to 100 soums, they are poured with dill and infused in a warm place (or rather in a thermos) for 6 years.

Such a nastіy vіdmіnno pіdіyde for instillation in the eyes, lotion, like imposing on the eyes for 10-15 strands, after which it is necessary to rinse the skin with warm water.

With a constant stagnation, the color of the eye protein is restored, and the gap is improved, the mucous membrane of the eye is restored. Celebrations are held in a few stages, with breaks.

Vtoma z eyes swidko znіme i nastіy іz voloshki, preparations for such a recipe.

Voloshka flowers - dry or fresh, are poured with dill in proportions of 1 to 20 (2 teaspoons per bottle) and infused in a warm place for 2 years, well wrapped. Potіm protsіditi і vikoristovuvati for ocular baths.

Choice for bleeding teeth

Dried dry root hairs grow in equal parts with trimmed grass trees and horsetail. 10-15 g collection (2 tablespoons) is poured into 100 g of water (pivsklyanka) and boiled on a small fire until the liquid is reduced by half. Take 2 tablespoons of blackberry until the bleeding starts again and fix the result for the next two days, living in the same dose every day.

Voloshka tincture on Goriltsi

Alcoholic tincture of the field hairs vіdmіnno vporaєtsya with zhovtyanitsa, sechostate ailments, ailments of nirok.

To prepare, it is necessary to infuse dry pelyustki on the tops (100 g per liter) for two stretches.

One tablespoon of the tincture is taken before each other for a day, washed down with water.

Type of constipation

2 teaspoons of root hairs brew 200 ml of hot water and leave for 2 years. Take it for a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before it for 15-20 minutes.

Voloshka in cosmetology

The hair is stuck for rinsing the hair, like a lotion for wiping oily skin.

Pour a tablespoon of flowers with 0.5 liters of sumish octa with water, taken from equal proportions. Vitrimati pіvgodini and profiltruvati. Rub tsyu sumish dvіchi for a day at the root of the hair. Rinse your head with plain water before going to bed.

Such a lotion helps to restore the structure and thicken the hair.

For looking after greasy skin prepare a lotion by brewing 50 g of fresh pelyustok with 0.5 liters of okrop. Insist on a stretch of the year and prociditi.

Wipe face with lotion today. Take it to the fridge or freeze the cubes.

Contraindications and side effects

The main feature, through the yak of a hair, is victorious with great protection - drowning in a new cyanide. Scientifically brought that singing safe dose for the reception of preparations of the plant is not available at the moment.

For this reason, this ticket is respected by the blasted and victorious її it is necessary more carefully. Whether it’s looking like it’s fenced off contact with the quotes, and especially with the juice of the hair, the women, the women during the lactation period and the nemovlyat.

Take infusions, if necessary, with great care, having previously taken a consultation with a doctor, then you will more often take other medical advice.

When you are guilty of any side effects, taking preparations from the hairs, it is necessary to take it negligently and turn to the doctor.

Sensitive people, especially quiet ones, who are allergic to the aistrov family, such as dormouse, kulbaba and others, may be blamed for an allergic reaction.

Shards of hair can have anti-spasm power, it is necessary to show caution in case of one-hour treatment with antispasmodic drugs.

The intake of drugs and infusions of herbs can cause a relapse sechokam'yanoy ailments, especially with an one-hour reception with faces, which are vicorated for the exaltation of sechokam'yanoy ailments

Paul's flower voloshka is not just roslin. Vіn hush the eye, she rejoices to help people at the butt. Tse bur'yan vіdmіnno pіdfarbovuє in blue color in vovnіnі virobi, vikoristovuєєєєєєєєєєє for pogotuvannya otstіv ta like seasoning for porridges, soups, pіdlіv and sauces.

Cornflower honey is considered to be the most valuable and highly valued by bjolyars. And for the old hours, for help, tsієї votives performed rituals, consecrated the life, and stole it from the filthy eye. The bark of a hair for a healthy person is practically invaluable - infusions, infusions, lotions, oils and rich other skins can be chosen individually.

Find out more about the splendid power of the most beautiful flower