The court physician Marcus Aurelius. Enlighten that science. Nova to post a doctor: a good doctor can also be a philosopher

Galen- the famous doctor of antiquity, having been born in Pergamum, for example, the II century BC. Galen has a number of jobs in the anatomy and physiology of people. // Galen (Galenus), Claudius (bl. 130 - bl. 200) - an ancient Roman doctor who pushed the school ahead Hippocrates about anatomy, physiology and pathology; in philosophy - idealist, eclectically scho Plato, standing and especially Aristotle .

Galen (bl. 129-199 AD). The famous physician and anatomist from Pergamum, who worked at Rome and was a friend and court physician of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. A wealth of medical practices of Galen were saved and through the Arab dzherel they poured into the entire middle-class medicine and anatomy. The knowledge about the functions of the spinal cord was more fully assessed only in the 19th century, and the knowledge in the dissection of the bones and m'yazyv was given the terms with which the dossiers were corroborated.

Who is there for the ancient world. Dovіdnik Davnyogretska that ancient Roman classic. mythology. History. Artistic. Politics Philosophy. Orderly Betty Redis. Translated from English by Mikhail Umnov. M., 1993, p. 57.

Galen (lat. Galenus, bl. 130 - bl. 200 pp.) is an ancient Roman medicine. At the classical practice "About parts of the human body" presenting the first anatomical and physiological description of the whole organism. Vvіv have medicine eksperimenti on creatures. Having shown that anatomy and physiology are the basis of scientific diagnostics, wisdom and prevention. Recognizing the manifestations of ancient medicine in the sight of a single vchennya, which vplinuv on the development of natural science until the XVI century. Vchennya Galen canonized by the Church.

Galen (lat. Galenus, 129-199 pp.) Greek liar of gladiators at Pergamum, after which he practiced at Rome. Z 169 r - medical doctor at the court of the emperor. Recognizing the authority of Hippocrates, in the sphere of philosophy, adjoining to Aristotle. In yoga medical works, all the achievements of medicine are available, as well as yoga research in the anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacology departments. At the classical practice "About parts of the human body" by presenting the first anatomical and physiological description of the whole organism. Having shown that anatomy and physiology are the basis of scientific diagnostics, wisdom and prevention. As early as the 4th century, yoga created a great assessment and became a prisoner for medical doctors. Yogo medicine was held back by the Arabs, and for some reason it established itself as an authoritative institution.

Greidina N.L., Melnichuk O.O. Antiquity from A to Z. Slovnik-dovidnik. M., 2007.

Galen Claudius (129-199) - Roman physician and legacy of nature, a classic of ancient medicine. Bzhmrafiya. Born with a wealthy Greek architect. At Pergamon, I embodied the philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, the Stoicians, the Epicureans, as well as medicine, natural sciences. For the acquisition of medical knowledge, having risen in price, having visited Corinth, Smyrna, Oleksandriya. I’ll help you medically by pressing heavily on the gladiators, who have learned their anatomy. At 164 p. having moved to Rome, having become a court physician to the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, and after his death, to the son of Commodus. Follow-up. Some of them dealt with the problems of the central nervous system. Describing the quadrigemina, bulging nerve, 7 pairs of cranial nerves. Carrying out the results of the dressing of the nerves, having established that the nerves were tied to the wounds. Contrary to Aristotle's thoughts about the brain, it is like a sliver that sees mucus to cool the warmth of the heart, vowing that the brain is the organ of thought. Grounded on Hippocrates' vcheni, developing a vchennya about pneumatic juices of the body (De temperamentum). For yoga manifestations, “natural pneuma”, as it vibrates at the liver, it expands through the veins; “creature pneuma” that vibrates at the heart and expands through the arteries; and "spiritual pneuma", which settles into the brain and expands along the nerves. Before the "juices" the body of the wines introduced mucus (phlegm), zhovtu zhovch, black zhovch and blood. For the spiving of these "juices" he saw 9 temperaments, of which up to our time there were only 4 (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholy). Having stated that melancholic women are more often ill with cancer, sanguine women are. Looking at the effects, having taken into account that the stink of the first is not pragmatic, but changes in the body, the development of “heart warmth”.

Kondakov I.M. Psychology Illustrative dictionary. // I.M. Kondakov. - 2nd view. dod. I revision. - St. Petersburg, 2007, p. 120-121.

Create: Opera omnia, Venetiis, 1541-1545; Oeuvres anatomiques, physiologiques et medicales, P., 1854-1856; About recognition of parts of the human body. M: Medicine, 1971.

Literature: Kovner S. History ancient medicine. Part 1. VIP. 1-3, Kiev, 1878-1888; Lushevich V.V. From Heraclitus to Darwin: Drawings from the history of biology. 2nd view. T. 1-2, M., 1960; History of medicine / Ed. B. D. Petrova. M., 1954; Yaroshevsky M. R. History of Psychology: From Antiquity to the Middle of the 20th Century. M: Academy, 1996.

Galen (Γαληνός, Roman named after Claudius Gnlenus) (129, Pergamum, - 199, Rome), ancient Roman physician and philosopher walnut trip(writing in Greek). Having developed medicine and philosophy from Greece and Alexandria. From 169 years he lives at Rome, a life physician at the court of the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Vera, also Commodus. Majestic behind the scope of that infusion, that literary activity of Galen, which is rich in why he marked the way for the development of European medicine right up to the era of Renaissance, was adopted by a guiding thought about the sameness of medicine and philosophy philosopher")); yogo kumiri - Hippocrates and Plato (numeral comments on the work of Hippocrates, the treatise "Look at Hippocrates and Plato", "short" Plato's "Timaeus"), and also Aristotle. Philosophical look at Galen is eclectic. In logic, physics and metaphysics, Galen came close to Aristotle. In the metaphysics of wines, having added to Aristotle’s “chotir reasons” a p’yatu - “instrumental” (öi "ou). Galen’s main physiological and anatomical treatise “On the recognition of parts of the human body” (Russian translation, 1971) shows the subsequent implementation of the principle of teleology, which Galen did not care to shilyatsya to empirism in theory of knowledge and work importantly in experimental anatomy.

Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M: Radianska Encyclopedia. Goal. editors: L. F. Illichov, P. N. Fedosiev, S. M. Kovalyov, V. G. Panov. 1983.

Create: Opera omnia, ed. K. G. Kuhn, v. 1-20, Lpz., 1821-33 (species very old); vіd. treatises in the series Corpus medicorum graecorum, v. 4, 9.10; Scripta minors, v. l-3, Lipsiae, 1884-92; Einführung in die Logik, Komm., übers, v. J. Mau, B., I960; Galen's Institutiologica, transl., introd., comm. by J. S. Kieffer, Baltimore, 1964; Oriental Studies, v. l, Camb., 1962 (Arabic, Prov.).

References: Bowersoek Q. W., Greek sophists in the Roman Empire, Oxf., 1969, eh. 6.

Galen (Γαληνός) from Pergamum (129 - approx. 210) - Greek teachings, doctor and philosopher, who in his works gave a synthetic version of ancient medicine. From 169 years alive and working at Rome at the courts of the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Vera. A significant corpus of Galen's texts has been saved, which includes practical medicine (diagnostics, dietetics, anatomy, etc.), report comments on the books of the Hippocratic corpus and practice of applied philosophy (“About the thoughts of Hippocrates and Plato”, commentary on “Timaeus”, “ About the fact that the best doctor of the same hour is a philosopher”, “About the best medicine”). Galen's comments on Hippocrates complete the rich exegetical tradition, beating the turns of Herophilus of Alexandria (bl. 300 BC). Because the texts of the traditional tradition are practically used again (there is one small commentary of Apollo on China and the gloomy dictionary of Erotsian), Galen appears as the main body of reports about the medical comments of his predecessors. From the treatise "About your own power create" it was clear that in total 17 comments on Hippocrates were put together (11 were saved). Galen acquired a garne of humanist education, having mastered grammar, dialectics, philosophy, as well as geometry and arithmetic. Smyrna heard a Platonist Albina, And earlier in Pergamon - as the “learning of Gaius”, having also been shaped by the peripatetic philosopher “learning Aspasius”, - this is how the Platonic-peripatetic framework of his philosophical glances was formed. Philosophy in the vibes of the remains, shards of knowledge could be painted like a doctor - and in the center of your respect, the logic of that psychology appears. Discussions among various medical Hellenistic schools (empirics, methodists, rationalists) are rich in why they were philosophical for zmіst and studied such foods, as the nature of the knowledge of that method of reaching, spіvіdshenie theory and medical practice, the structure of causal-explaining practice, In the treatise "About those who have the best doctor at the same time - a philosopher" Galen, it seems that the knowledge of the gentle and seeing the ailment is related to the drills of logic, like the doctors sound unhinged (vol. I, p. 54.6-10 Kiihn). The idea about the vindictiveness of philosophy for a doctor is also presented in the Protreptika. About the seriousness of the logical ones to take Galen to say “Entrance to dialectics” (lat. Institutio logica) (the authenticity of yogo was misrepresented by Prantl), and also name the works of logic, including treatises on the theory of silogism (De libris propriis, vol. 19, pp. 43.9-45.10 Kuhn); 4-a to post silologism, named after Galen, perekuёtsya s Theophrastus and Eudemus. Zagalom at the logіtsі Galen, following Aristotle and Theophrastus, who was tamanly modern yoma of the Platonic philosophers (porіvn. Alkinoi , Apuleius); Having criticized the logic of wines, I want to accept Posidonius’s statement about a similar syllogism.

“About the thoughts of Hippocrates and Plato” (lat. speed. De placitis), in 9 books. - the main philosophical tvir of Galen, over yakim vin pratsyuvav ponad 10 rokiv (mіzh 162 and 176). Galen, having tried to show in the eyes of Plato and Hippocrates, how low the problems that the "physics" of a living organism are concerned about. At the book. 1-IV look at the nature of the forces that govern the people and the living things, that turns the truth of the sight of Plato and Hippocrates, Prince. V-IX are devoted to the problems of sensitive acceptance and methodology of follow-up. The treatise may have a polemical character. Galen accepts the Platonic rozpodіl soul on the base, affective and sensible, and at the link constantly criticizes the monistic psychology of the stoic for the list of the unreasonable soul and the rozuminnya of "addictions" (patosіv) as pardons of judgment. The stoicians are also criticized for the localization of the “providing vivacity” of the soul, just like the movable and the dry one, at the heart, - after Galen, this thesis does not show criticism, based on “anatomical evidence”, as if it were indicative of the brain. Chrysippus, whose treatise "About the Soul" Galen often quotes as the main opponent, is for us an important source of knowledge about stoic philosophical psychology; I'm standing by Posidonia Galen to inspire sympathy, having adopted the Platonic tripartite model of the soul. For Galen, it is typical to follow monotheistic ideas (together with God in mind, in the soul of middle Platonism) with a teleological principle (especially in “About the Recognition of Parts of the Human Body”): on the presentation of a wedding, Galen’s body comes to the visnovka, ordered” (vol. 3, p. 469.11 Kuhn), “the creator-demiurge knows everything that best view"(470, 11 - 12)," for everything, our creator can on the basis of one method of perfection of all parts, choose the best "(476.8-10); taking for granted the Platonic demiurge, Galen accepts the same Aristotelian principle "nature does not kill anything." Vіn vikoristovuє Aristotelіvske vchennya about the causes and for the middle Platonists add to chotiroh reasons p'yatu - іinstrumentalnu (...).

In physiology, Galen, following Hippocrates, was the addict of the humoral theory, which is associated with some of the main storage organisms of a human being - shelter, mucus, zhovta and black zhovch, skin with some associations with a couple of fundamental prolezhnosti (after Aristotle): hot, cold, and dry. The ailment is regarded as “poshkodzhennya of natural functions”, it looks like too much lack of some of the main yakost - they themselves are gone.

In the name of Galen, the development of the experimental method in medicine is attributed (which is not typical for ancient natural science); experiments, including vivisection of living creatures, were carried out using the method of stoic and Aristotelian statements about the physiology of the body, zocrema, in the course of such studies, the traditional point of view was demanded, which took into account the presence of pneumonia - in the blood, including . (Because when the corpses were spread, the arteries appeared empty). However, to explain the process of dihanna Galen, having taken into account the obviousness of being pneumic, as it can zmishuvatisya with blood and apparently up to three parts of the soul are subdivided into three vidi. A number of additional Galenic proofs to prove that the center of perception and the core of the rukhovy impulses is located not in the heart, but in the brain and spinal cord. In order to repeat water treatment, Galen gave great importance to medicinal preparations (recipes of their dedications to a treatise), also writing a few descriptions of medicinal plants (herbalists), which were repeatedly translated in Latin, Arabic, Syrian and Persian languages. The concept of "galenic preparations" is used in medicine and dosi means preparations taken from the herb syrovine by a special technology (tinctures, extracts, etc.). About the richly used works of Galen, only Arabic, Syrian and Latin translations are known. In the Middle Ages, as in the Skhodі, so in the Sunset, Galen, having lost his unparalleled authority in medicine, "the king of anatomy", and representing that ideal, about whom Hippocrates said: "the doctor-philosopher is similar to God."

M. A. Solopova

New Philosophical Encyclopedia. In several volumes. / Institute of Philosophy RAS. Science-ed. joy: V.S. Stepin, A.A. Huseynov, G.Yu. Semigin. M., Dumka, 2010, vol. I, A - D, p. 477-478.

Further read:

Philosophers, lovers of wisdom (biographical indicator).


Galeni Opera Omnia, ed. C. G. Kiihn, Lpz., 1821-33; Galeni Per-Gameni Opera Minora, eds. J. Marquardt, I.v. Miiller, G. Helmreich. 3vols. Lpz., 1884-93; Galenus: De usu Partium, 2 vols., ed. G. Heimreich. Lpz., 1907-09; Galeni De Placitis Hippocratis and Platonis. ed. and comm. R H. De Lacy, 3 vols. St, 1978-83; Galens Kommentar zu Platons Timaios, hrsg. von 3 J. Lanain. Stuttg., 1992; Galtim's Institutiologica, transl., introd., comm. by J.S. Kieffer. Baltimore, 1964; in Russian. trans.: About recognition of parts of the human body, Prov. .AT. N. Ternovsky and B. D. Petrov. M., 1971.


Kovner S. History of medicine, part 3. Kiev, 1888; Domini P. L. Galeo ela fllosofia, ANRW I, 36, 5, 992, p. 3484-3504; Hiisler K. Galen und die Logik.-Ibid, p. 3523-3554; Hankinson R. J. Galens philosophical eclecticism. – Ibid, p. 3505-3522; Idem. Actions and Passions: Galen's Anatomy of the Soul. - Brunschwig J., Nussbaum MC (eds.) Passions and Perceptions: Studies in Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind. Cambr., 1993, p. 184-222; Tieleman T. Galen and Chrysippus on Soul: Argument and Refutation in The Placitis Books II-III Leiden, 1996; Moraux P. Galien de Pergame. P., 1985; Frede M. (ed.) Indianapolis, 1985; Nutton V. (ed.) Galen: Problems and Prospects. L., 1981; Todd R. B. , De Lacy Ph. des 20. Jahrunderts zur Galenforchung, ANRW II, 37, 2, 1994, 1351-1420, 2063-2070.

The great doctor and not less the great writer of Ancient Rome Claudius Galen (Galenus - calm) was born in Pergamy1, the state, roztashovannyy in the western part of Asia Minor, under the reign of Emperor Adrian. Im'ya Claudius, elegantly, without wine. It appeared as a result of an incorrectly deciphered title “bright”, “glorious” (Clarissimus, shortened - Cl.), which was used on yoga practices, starting from the era of the Middle Ages.

Galen took away the enlightenment of Pochatkov from his father Nikon, who took away his popularity as a philosopher, mathematician and architect. Galen embodied philosophy from 15 years, moreover, among the ancient philosophies, Aristotle was the greatest influx on the new pressure. The father of Galen wanted to make his son a philosopher, but the dream that once he saw the father, and the Romans gave him a majestic meaning, tempted Galen to take up medicine. Selecting the specialty of the doctor, having learned medicine under the cerebration of Pergamum scientists: the anatomist Satirik, the pathologist Strotonik, Eskhrion, Empirik, Fitzian and other other scientists of the doctors of Pergamum.

After the death of the old man Galen, he became more expensive, at the hour when he twisted the anatomy at Smyrna. Yogo was the teacher of the famous anatomist Pelops (Pelops ous Smyrna, 100 r. n.e.), who uttered the term "aura" - a Greek word that means light wind or dihannya. Vіn vvazhav, scho tsey vіterets pass ships. There, under the curiosity of Albina Galen, he cultivated philosophy. After breaking at Corinth, de occupied in the studies of the famous Quintus, cultivating natural science and faces. Let's sweat about Asia Minor. Nareshti, having drunk wine at the Slavic Alexandria, diligently taking up the anatomy of Heraklion. Here you got to know the famous medical school and the robots of their representatives - Herophilus and Erazistrat. For an hour when Galen Oleksandriya saw the anatomy of human bodies, it was fenced in here. Budov and the functions of the organs were based on the mavpah and other savts. Rozcharovanie Galen after six rokiv expensive turning to Pergamum.

At native Pergamum, 29th century Galen, who served 4 years as a doctor-surgeon at the gladiatorial school, became famous for his art of rejoicing at an early age, vivihiv and fractures. If in 164 rotations in the city the rebellion fell, the 33-rd Galen, destroying Rome, became popular as a lecturer and an enlightened doctor. Vіn becoming familiar with the emperor Marcus Aurelius, getting close to the peripatetic philosopher Eudemus, visiting Rome, and glorifying Galen, who forged like a master doctor. The Roman patrician Beziy, together with Galen's friends, succumbed to the course of lectures on anatomy, and Galen read them at the Temple of the World with a great audience of doctors and hulks, like science. Among the hearers were the emperor's uncle Barbar, consul Lucy Pivnich, who later became the emperor, praetor, priest, philosopher Evdem and Oleksandr from Damascus. It is required to respect that Galen zavzhd i skrіz shukav nagodny nagnut on yourself respect, after chto vіn making his own enemies, scho spalyuyutsya addicted to get rid of the careless supernik. Zlyakavshis pomsti zazdrіsnikіv, Galen viїhav from Rome and zdіysniv dearer to Italy. Let's sweat when we see Pergamon and visit Smyrna with our mentor Pelops. He explained the reason for his departure of wines either to the rich life at Rome, or to the fortune-telling of the orders of the deacons of the doctors, and to the main rank - the fear of the Roman plague.

At the request of the emperor Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius, Galen, two years later, turned back to Rome through Macedonia. Emperor Mark Avreliy viklikav Galena at his Vijskovy tabir at the place of Aquileia on the birches of the Adriatic Sea. Together with the Roman troops, Galen turned to Rome. Galen was accompanying the emperor at the German departure. Vіn is alive at the post-trivoz, one by one changing the place of living, ryatyuyuchis zdebіlshý vіd primarnyh vorogіv, chiї namiri vіn rebіshuvav. It ended when he settled in the palace of Marcus Aurelius and became a yoga doctor. As if the night of the night was a term of exclamations to the emperor, who had shrunk at the sickness. Doctors could not give the emperor necessary for And they lied about Yogo with their diagnoses. Galen calmed the ailing one, having pleased him to drink Sabine wine, infused with pepper. On the coming day, Galen felt like Philolaus, that the author of "Razdumiv" considers him not only "the first among doctors, but the only doctor-philosopher."

Under the patronage of Marcus Aurelius Galen, he was appointed as a doctor by John the son, the future Roman emperor Commodus (161-192), who took part in the battles of gladiators and was beaten by the heirs at the warehouse of the courtiers. Galen forked the son of Faustini. To the words of її vdyachnosti vіn vіdpovіv: “Mizh mivolі, zavdyaki tsomu, even more try the fortuneteller, like your doctors live against me.” The pride of one's own goodness in the medical sciences, if ever, overwhelmed the proud Galen. Galen, having respected his old adversary, perhaps, the only healer Asclepiadas of Vithnia (128-56 BC), who started in Alexandria with Cleophantus and practiced later on the islands of Paros, on the shores of the Hellespont, in Athens, first settled in Rome. Asclepiad stood up against the ancient Romans: cleanse the periodic ones by carrying them with vomit.

At Rome, Galen wrote a few treatises dedicated to medicine; including "About the recognition of parts of the body of a person", and navit "Anatomy". It is a pity that most of the manuscripts perished before the Temple of Peace, when the entire Palatine Library burned down. The Temple of the World was like a treasure chest, de military leaders took trophies, riches - koshtovnost, and Galen - manuscripts.

Until old age, Galen turned to Pergamum, so that in peace and quiet continue to work on treatises on medicine. Galen, having lived to a frail age, died for Tsar Septimius Pivnochi. Such is briefly the peculiarity and life of the great Galen.

Now Yogo has brought medicine into the eye. Galena can be called the creator of etiology as a science, shards of guilt, systematizing the knowledge about the causes of illness in his hour. Vіn podіlyav khvorobotvornі factori іngesta (nanosnі), circumfusa (hardі, mekhanіchі), excreta (рідкі, drenching), scho call rіst and іn. Vіn vpershe having pointed out that the disease develops due to the infusion of causal factors on the sympathetic camp of the sick organism. Galen called internal disease factors such that they “prepare” the body for the development of disease. Galen spread ailments on the outer and inner, their causes - on the causes of the middle and far away. Vіn having shown that anatomy and physiology are the basis of scientific diagnostics, wisdom and prevention.

For the first time in the history of medicine, Galen was the first to practice experiment, and that yoga can be considered one of the pioneers of experimental physiology. In the experiment, the function of the leg and the mechanism of breathing, having installed the diaphragm, and the thoracic mucus expand the thoracic cavity, pulling in the leg. Galen wrote extensively about the functions of other organs. Deyakі yogo look, for example, at krovobіg, grass and dichalnu system were pardoned. Vin having described in great detail the details of the life of the human body, giving the names of the bones, mists and mucks that have been preserved in medicine until the present hour.

Galen vvіv in medicine vivisection, experiments on creatures, having previously developed the technique of expanding the brain. The studies were carried out on pigs, cows and others. It is especially necessary for support, that Galen did not in any way rob the growth of a human corpse, all anatomical manifestations were inspired by analogy from the body of creatures. Vіn went beyond the words of his idol Aristotle: “It’s so incomprehensible that it calls out sumnіv in the internal organs of a human being, that it is necessary to plant them in other creatures, the organs of which are similar to human ones.” Engaging in the glee of the gladiators, Galen was able to broaden his anatomical knowledge, as if he were guilty of impersonal pardons.

Galen was one of the first to experimentally establish the presence of pain in the case of rozsichenny cerebral speech. Vivchav veins of the brain and reportedly describing the lower empty vein, what to wear yoga name, how to take blood from the lower veins, walls and organs of the pelvis, from the walls empty stomach, in view of diaphragms, in other organs of the empty stomach (liver, nirok, nadirkovyh ulcers), in the form of articular ulcers, in the spinal cord and yogo membranes (chastkovo).

Galen zrobiv entered in the inventory nervous system people, saying that there is a gilling trunk, the skin of those who live in independent lives. The nerves were stimulated by speech and speech, which is the brain. The stink to serve as a witness to that rush. Sensitive, "soft" nerves, which go to the organs, and tied with m'yazas "hard" nerves, for the help of which, quite a few wrecks were wounded like Galen. Vіn pointing at the zorov's nerve and setting it, which nerve should pass at the eye's eye.

Soul organs Galen vvazhav brain, heart and liver. One of the psychic functions was attributed to the skin of them, apparently to the bottom of the parts of the soul proponated by Plato: the liver - nose pobazhan, the heart - anger and masculinity, the brain - the mind. At the brain Main role was introduced to shunochki, especially the back one, de, behind Galen, a greater form of pneuma, which is similar to the mind, which is the essential sign of a person, is seen, similarly to that, like locomotion (which can have its “soul”, or pneuma) is typical for creatures, and growth (new- still scho transfer especially pneuma) - for roslin. Galen gave great respect to the hypothetical "pneum", as it penetrates into the matter and chews the human body. A further development of Galen's nabuv vchennya about temperament. Vono, like in Hippocrates, was based on the humoral concept.

Introduce Galen to the field of practical medicine. In yoga practice, they revealed a lot of ailments of a great number of organs of the human body; report description ochnі ailments; given a number of practical reasons for judicious gymnastics and recommendations, how to apply compression, put leeches, operate on wounds. Vіn exulting people with electricity, crusting with living power plants of meshkants in sea glens - rib. The exultation of migraine, after Galen, was buried in the juice of dimyanka with olive oil and otstom.

Guide Galen and a whole series of recipes for powders, ointments, tinctures, extracts and puffs. Yogo recipes, in deshcho changed looking, zastosovuyutsya dosі i zvutsya "herbal preparations". medical care, which are prepared by a path of dewy or wild syrovina, and forged from it bouncy cobs. To galenic preparations, tinctures, extracts, linimenti, syrups, water, olії, alcohols, sweet, plasters, gyrchichniks are added. Galen developed the recipe for the cosmetic cold cream, which is used to get used to. ethereal olii, wax and erysipelas.

Majestic behind the scope and infusion of vikladatska is that literary activity of Galen, which is rich in why he marked the development of European medicine right up to the era of Renaissance, adopted by a guiding thought about the sameness of medicine and philosophy (pro.). Philosophy at that time meant a connection with people dedicated to the mystery of light and the nature of a person, - a connection that goes back to learning. In the era of Hellenism, the main topic of education was the mysticism of life. Most of all, it took on a psychotherapeutic character: the philosopher became a confessor - a healer of the soul. The need for such doctors was great, it was necessary to give people the opportunity to get in trouble with anxiety, negative emotions, fear and fear, as we once said, "stress camps." The philosopher, having taken a position, I will be like the rich vodnosins for the fate of the current priest. Yogo was asked to be happy for an hour of discussing important moral problems.

Over 400 treatises were written by Galen, 200 by zokrema - from medicine, in that number about 100 treatises were saved, the reshta burned down the hour after Rome. Galen made a dictionary and comments on the works of Hippocrates. Vіn got a lot of new Greek names, clarified the meanings of the old ones, having revived deyakі may have forgotten chi ill-understood for yogo contemporary hippocratic designations. Galen took the word diaphragma to the single meaning of "breast-abdominal pereskoda", having closed after the word ganglion, which meant puffy-like illumination, the same anatomical meaning - "nervous vuzol". Galen was unaware of the unambiguous name sternon - sternum. Vіn specifying the formal and zmіstovnu side of the term anastomosis. Youmu to belong to the authorship of namenuvan thalamus - lat. thalamus (thorax of the brain), phleps azygos - lat. vena azygos (unpaired vein), cremaster (m'yaz, which lifts the testicle), peristaltike kinesis - peristalsis and in.

The idealistic directness of Galen's works has sprung up the transformation of his veneration into the so-called galenism, canonizations by the church and panuvav in medicine with a protracted richness of the century. Galen occupies a prominent place in the history of medicine. For a long time they read only the creator of the humoral theory and the so-called rational medicine Galen, listened to nothing more than an authoritative thought. Yogo vchennya panuvala irresistibly stretching 14 centuries, right up to the era of Renaissance.

The first axis is known to be merciful, having dared to throw over that idol. Neem buv Paracelsus. In addition, he thought that during the hours of Hippocrates, medicine did not advance the future, but also smelt hard, that Galen called for a normal development and, moreover, shoved back, obscuring the true ideas of Hippocrates with the vague ideas of Plato. The authority of Galen was kidnapped, and then thrown off, the main rank after the appearance of the treatise "On the life of the human body" by Vesalius.

3.6.2. Great ancient Roman physician Galen

Who can get away, that in the book it would be possible to be surrounded by the father of medicine Hippocrates. Ale wants to vociferate, that a man’s body was not pinned with a stretch of a thousand thousand. The antique physician Galen borrows a vacant seat from the one important for all people.

Vіn was born close to 130 r. near the city of Pergamon. The young man was preparing to become a philosopher, having practiced the practice of Greek and Roman thinkers. After the death of the father, the leading architect, he took off the great recession and destroyed the roads. At Smyrna, Corinth, Oleksandriya, I took up philosophy and anatomy. It is important that Galen had a dream, a kind of wake-up call for that sensi who should take up medicine.

After returning to Pergamum, Galen, having become a doctor at the school of gladiators, de nabuv grand practical dosvіdu. In Russia, students of medical universities are trained to inject and put urticaria on old, undivided, budget-funded hospices. And Galen practiced on gladiators.

At the doctor's at Ancient Rome. Baby on the vase

It is not surprising that at the age of thirty years Galen became the court physician of Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. Galen is widely popular and can be considered one of the first educators in the medical profession. I read an anatomy course not only for doctors, but also for all patients. Anatomy of the body of people publicly was not possible. Yomu had a chance, as an illustrative material, to win dogs, pigs, bears, and navit mawp.

Galen having lived for either seventy, or eighty years - here it was dzherela to diverge from thoughts.

About a hundred of Galen's works on philosophy, medicine and pharmacology have come to us. Vіn dovіv, it's not the heart, but the head and dorsal brain - "the middle of the rush, sensitivity and spiritual activity." Galen robbed the whiskers of the one who “without a nerve, there is no such thing as a desirable part of the body, which is worthy of movement, which is called good, which is almost worthy.” Vin having described close to three hundred m'yaziv. Galen dovіv, that blood is collapsing with arteries, but not pneuma.

Galen, systematizing the manifestations of ancient medicine as a single system, which was the theoretical basis of medicine until the end of the Serednyovichya. He made his contribution to the bibliography in ancient Rome, having created two bibliographic indicators: "About the order of books" and "About books". First of all, in its own way, to the collection of Galen's works with recommendations on how and the sequence of their next reading. At the entrance to another indicator, it is said about the method of work: to help the reader to revisit Galen's right practice, which is attributed to him. The divisions adopted a systematic grouping of practices: work on anatomy, therapy and prognosis of ailments, comments on the practice of Hippocrates, work, directing against others medical schools, practice in philosophy, grammar and rhetoric

Galen is considered the founder of pharmacology. "Herbal preparations" and in our days are called infusions and ointments prepared in the same way.

Galen saying: "Get up at the table hungry, and you will be healthy forever." Qiu phrase is often quoted today.

From the book New Book of Facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archeology. Life] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

From the book of the Mystic of Ancient Rome. Mysteries, legends, retellings author Burlak Vadim Mikolayovich

Likar-mandrivnik “Uvіyshov, hoarseness to the praises, saying: - I will ascertain my own worthlessness. I conjure you in the name of the old fates of my future obedience in you, allow me to drink a glass of water, and then a trojand ... Be better in my eyes and be for me

From the book of Vbivtsi Stalin. Golovna mystery XX cent. author Mukhin Yury Ignatovich

And the axis and the doctor If we looked at the details of Stalin’s death, then I wrote that Stalin’s guards, while they were fighting, that Stalin was still dying, would not go to the same zmovu with Khrushchev and Ignatiev and vimagali would have spent the memory of Stalin the doctor. Tіlki lіkar mіg їх

From the book Everyday life of a woman near Ancient Rome author Gurevich Daniel

A child and a doctor For the doctor Soran Efesky, who was a pratsyuvav at Rome under Trajan and Adrian, the woman is especially stout; for the greater clientele of the won - a body or a part of the body: in the one-year-old breast, in the mother - the uterus and live. Prote gynecologist is necessary

From the book of MZS. Ministers of Foreign Affairs Secret Diplomacy of the Kremlin author Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

LIKUVALNYY LIKAR Suddenly Primakov became friends with his own doctor - Irina Borisivna Bokareva. Irina Borisivna worked at the sanatorium "Barvikha", which is the most comfortable and most prestigious in the system of the 4th Head Office under the Ministry of Health of the SRSR. hocha

From the book History of human stupidity author Rat-Veg Istvan

author Hopkirk Peter

From the books of Mark Aurelius author Fontaine Francois

Galen in the open «After visiting Rome and turning back to the Fatherland for thirty-seven years, I again took up jubilation. Ale, without a bar, from Aquileia, a list of emperors, they called me to themselves. After the end of the winter, the stench blew up to go to war against the Germans. Vtim, I

3 books Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergiy

Hamilton, Duke Galen, Clemens Serpen Count von (Galen), (1878-1946), Cardinal, Archbishop of Münster. Born on the 16th of February 1878 in Dinklaz. Having started his activity at the Catholic Church in 1904. chaplain at Münster. In 1919, the priest became a priest near Berlin, and in 1933, the Archbishop of Münster. Wu 1933

From the book Velika gra against Russia: Asian Syndrome author Hopkirk Peter

27. “Likar iz Pivnochi” “Little snows, in the early morning they fell deep into their heads, often churning hot storms, Lieutenant Colonel Gordon and Yogo Zagin traveled 400 miles through the Pamirs in three days. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd іnshih great gіrskih systems, scho converge there - Hindu Kush,

author Sukhomliniv Kirilo

Galen 129 or 131 - bl. 200 r. or approx. 210 r. The choice of Galen’s work, zavdyaki stunned by him practically all the knowledgeable at that time, the divisions of medicine, it was for 15 years to build the basic system of knowledge for doctors. At Rome, they carved for the life of a great man

From the books of the Doctors who changed the world author Sukhomliniv Kirilo

Arab Galen In the 20th century of the 9th century, the son of the legendary haroun al-Rashid Khalif al-Mamun at Baghdadi fell asleep the House of Wisdom - the scientific and religious academy, in the warehouse of which there was a large library, as well as one of the best observatories at that time. Vidatny ruler

From the books of the Doctors who changed the world author Sukhomliniv Kirilo

The Great Doctor of the Third Reich In 1927, Sauerbruch's officers were asked to go to Berlin to land the head surgeon at the Sharite hospital - the home and the best clinic in Nimechchini. Here the professor deals with surgical treatment of tuberculosis, chest injuries, sickness of the stravokhod,

From the book of All-World History in Disguise author Fortunatov Volodymyr Valentinovich

3.6.1. Genial ancient Roman poet Kvint Horace Flakk Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin was known for the great infusion of the ancient Roman poet Horace, and at the very least, it is important to deprive without respect of the commemoration of ancient culture. Quint Horace Flaccus was born in 65 r.

From the book People of Muhammad. Anthology of Spiritual Treasures of the Islamic Civilization the author Schroeder Erik

From the Lisovoi book: known light. Draw the Petersburg Permіst author Team of authors

LIKAR'S LOVE Old-timers of Lisny and Gromadyanka with the best words greet Dr. Mikola Petrovich Beneslavsky. “He was a miracle doctor, a strange person, yak could come to the rescue at any hour of the day that night,” they say about him. guess about

Like the republican period, the beginnings of knowledge from Rome and the provincial places of the Empire were in the hands of private readers. They recruited a group of children and taught them to read, write and write for a fee. Navchannya in the teacher's booth, and sometimes in the portico or the public garden. The school was called Ludi(pochatkova, elementary), and teacher Magistex Ludus. The students repeated the sounds of that word aloud, like a teacher, and memorized them. Formerly, on waxed tablets, the reader wrote the letters of that word, and the scholars copied them and forgot them. AT post school started from 7 to 12 years.

The grammatical school was bouldered with an attacking lanka, the Greeks were emphatically emphasizing the yak. A course of study in 4 stages. Grammar teachers embellished the school premises with busts of philosophers and writers. The scholars read and commented on the verses of the works, wrote the letters in the right way, moreover, they wrote the Greek and Latin literature in full swing. Uchnі, yakі reached 16 years, passed to rhetorical schools.

Holidays in the Roman school were three times from the middle of the wormwood to the middle of the zhovtnya. In addition, the scholars tried to borrow from the day of religious and community saints, as well as the ninth day of the skin. "nundini"(Rink day).

Irrespective of the fall of the suspenseful life, the Roman Empire highly valued the art of redism. The deyakі іmperatory allotted large sums of pennies for the beginning of schools of Latin and Greek rhetoric. For the functioning of the rhetorical schools, the rhetoricians and noble aristocrats began to step by step, and the rhetoricians (readers of the Krasnomovstvo) became part of the guests at the palaces of the emperors and the houses of the aristocrats; The rhetoricians tried to learn their auditory technical virtuosity and prompting phrases, warmness, understated loftiness of the language. In fact, the listeners performed with promotions on the back of the appointed

themes: "Medea Medea, as if to sacrifice her children", "Zeus, who adored Helios for those who were guilty of having given their chariot Phaeton", "Niobe, as if weeping for their children", etc. Mіzh hearers passed zmagannya z promov, and pomozhtsі otrimuvali, pochayachiy s serpov, books, varіst іѕ dоvnyuvaly tsіnі sіlih suchasnyh librіbrіtok.

The idea about oblashtuvannya in Rome public library place goitre to Caesar, who entrusted the implementation of this project to Mark Terencio Varro, but the death of the dictator caused the project to be created. The first realization of Asia Pollion, having fallen asleep at the library at the Temple of Liberty at the Roman Forum, in the residence of the censors. Another book collection at 28 p. BC vіdkriv on the stole at the temple of Apollo Octavian Augustus, entrusting him to a friend, I sing Ovіdіy max. Vaughn suffered through the years (during the fires of Rome: in 64 rubles and 363 rubles). Emperor Tiberius, having begun the library at the temple of the Divine Augustus, burned down 69 or 70 rubles. n. E Opened bookshops and other emperors. Therefore, for Kostyantyn I the Great, Rome already had 28 libraries.

Center scientific activity Roman Empire I - II Art. the largest Greek and Hellenistic cities of Oleksandriya, Pergamum, Athens, Rhodes were abandoned. Rome, Carthage, Massilia became the centers of science and illumination among them. At Oleksandriya and Nadal, the Museion and library were founded, in Athens - philosophical schools founded by Plato (Academy) and Aristotle (Likey). A lot of honorable Romans came to Rhodes to complete their consecration. Vinik is an important scientific and medical center near Pergamum Asklepion, such a buv at the same time as a chanting of the deity Asclepius, a school of doctors, a hydropathic clinic and a resort.

The period of the Early Empire was marked by the development of science, if the symptoms of an ear of crisis were feared and in the gallery of scientific and philosophical creativity. Kіlkіsno scientiс creatives grow up, prote scientiс methods and rude, develop creative fantasy and discover the originality of thought.

The philosophical thought continued to develop. The ancient science taught me to think, to speak clearly of its thoughts. Philosophers nonchalantly showed the spiritualists how you can live, how to live, how to improve your fortune.

So, in the works of Seneca, ethical problems were at the center of respect: light, rooting to the sensible cob, providence, to the greater deity, as in the images of the philosopher, they are sometimes associated with nature, sometimes they are endowed with rice of the beloved Father Almighty. Law of nature, at the same time, with the laws of God, which are necessary for people to live, as they may gravitate to the knowledge that they have in all vchinkah

guilty overwhelm reasonable grounds. It is necessary to look into the turmoil of life, then - talk about spiritual jealousy, as if robbed a person with a baiduzh to all the strong shocks. Philosophy "to create and shape the spirit, order life, manage actions, show what is required, and what is not a trace to work, sit behind the kerm and lead the ship through unsafe winds" [Seneca. Leaves of Lucilius, 16, 3]. The task of philosophy is to strengthen the human spirit from the vicious body, to teach it to be viable to the laws of nature.

Seneca is a prominent representative of the philosophy of stoicism, writing on 124 pages to Lucilia and the satirical sing to death of Emperor Claudius. The philosopher propagates the jealousy of all people for nature. Characteristic of this drive is the speech about slaves: "Stink slaves. Ale stink people. stink slaves. Ale stink judge around the house. stink slaves. No, stink comrades in slavery, just think about those that are allowed to share, however rich against you both "[Leaves to Lucilius, 47, 1].

Prote life special Seneki at rich vipadkah superchilo yogo vchennyu. For example, vin giving a penny on credit for a high income and being one of the richest people in his hour (volodymy mayzhe 300 million sisters). However, the philosophical look of Seneca plunged into the moderns, into the next generation and, without a doubt, into the Christian ethics.

In the midst of standing with great popularity Epiktet(about 50-120 pp.), originally from Phrygia, a slave of one of Nero's freemen. After the permission of the wines, having made philosophy in Rome, the stars of the letters of the vines, having leaned in Epiri. The center of respect for Epiktet has an ethical problem: a person is guilty of trying to gain freedom of the spirit.

Yoga philosophy was adopted by cosmopolitanism. Epiktet having voted the jealousy of all people; freedom for the new - human quality, accessible to the skin of the people regardless of the social status. You can spend everything: mine, honor, family, but you can neither choose nor strangle human freedom. The butt of Epictetus showing that before the vchennya of the Stoic in the singing world, there were accountable and humiliated versions. However, tse vchennya called out not to struggle, but to reconciliation; vono vyhovuvala among people svіdomlennya those scho іsnuyuchi social order - an inevitable need.

Inshim brought by a representative Stoic philosophy of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Look at your wines in the notes under the name "Alone with yourself. Think", Found and published after the death of the emperor. At the heart of this philosophy is self-analysis with the method of self-perfection.

Suspіlne life of all hours is given to Marcus Aurelius monotonous and one-man. "Remember, forever, that everything that is seen at once, has been

And earlier and sooner, you will know ... Guess, for example, hang the door of Adrian, and the whole door of Pilip, and Oleksandr, and Croesus. Everywhere everything was the same, only diyov individuals were different” [Mark Avreliy. Consider, 4, 32]. Toma and sound in yogo's words how well it is possible to thoroughly arrange political: "Do not dream about Platonist politics; be pleased, as if you were far away, no matter what, and marvel at such a success, like a chimalu rich" [Think, 2, 1]. The emperor himself, in fading away, is a way of life, appreciating the pragmatism, punctuality of his obov'yazkiv.

In the midst of the scientific prose of the early imperial period, an important place was occupied by historical writers. Nasampered, tse robot Padua titles of Libya(59 p. BC - 17 p. n. e.) Roman History" in 142 books, pierced by patriarchal and idealistic attitudes.

On the basis of solid historical material (annals, legends, ethnological myths, historical journalism, etc.) urbe condita) to the cob principate. Roman history is at the same time a historical and artistic literary creation, written by the "professor of Krasnomovstvo".

Lyviy develops the whole philosophy of history, raising to an unattainable height the republican valor that subtly contrasts with its present moment in the great past, as it did Imperial Romanum. However, "Roman history in the beginning of the city" of Livia is not so historically relevant to the great mind, but rather a historical novel, more dramatic, or an epic, written by a first-class master, good volodymyr historical material, and endowed with the gift of historical composition. We will remain as a historian of Rome, we will follow the style of the congress in the way of thinking to a galaxy of republican historians. After 100 years, Roman historiography did not know the original historians. The reasons lay in the objective political minds, which were put together for the attackers of the sickle, and the vastness of the very object of historical records. Extensiveness of the material and rich diyovih osib despised the historians.

Naprikintsi I st. BC came "Roman Archeology" Dionysius of Halykarnsky, who tried to bring the ethnic closeness of the Greeks to the Romans, easily laid out the material at random.

Typical historian of imperial Rome, prefect of cavalry Velley Paterkul, which is alive at Tiberia, having risen in price richly, that posterigav. Part of yoga practice "Roman history at the consulate of M. Vinitsia" has come to us. Like and yogo fellows, Paterkul interprets the historical process from a biological point of view, distinguishing the period of childhood, youth, youth and old age. Roman history in the image of Velleius Paterculus is the history of all the features, creators of history. If you don't think about it, you won't be led to the biographies of great people. Internal link between the podia at the viklad Velei Paterkul NE

speak with sufficient clarity, podії povіdomlyayutsya without vkazіvki on their causal connection and mutual deliberation. At the center of the history of Paterculus stands the emperor Tiberius, the patron of the historian and the object of yoga devotion.

The Roman suspіlstvo hung up to the іstorії folding and vіdpovіdalnі zavdannya. History explained the reasons for blaming the right way, told the truth that it recounted yoga, showed the examples of valor and shortcomings on specific examples ancient heroes. Before history, they turned with great interest, if they did not know satisfaction with the present activity, trying to know the joy in the distant past. І nevipadkovo, which is the characteristic rice of historians of the II century. became the magnitude of the past. Moreover, historical podії were laid out like in prose, and in poetic forms. Uvіyshov vogue historical epos, interpreting historical legends and historical legends. Lie down to epic creations "Argonautics" by Valery Flakka at 8 books, "Fivaida" Papinia Station in 12 books that tell about the share of the children of Edip, "Punica" Sіlia Italіka in 17 books, it was shown to be similar to the Other Punic war.

For example, the 70s - on the cob of the 80s of the 1st century. The rebels appeared in Judea 66 - 73 pp. Josip ben Mattafia, more vіdomogo pіd іm'yam Josip Flavius. At the robots "Jewish War" ta" Jewish antiquity" Vіn gives no less than citative material from the history of his fatherland, and above-average valuable data from the history of the Hellenistic powers and the Roman Empire.

From the Roman historians of the Antonin era, Publius Cornelius Tacitus (about 55-120 pp. AD) is mentioned, through the creation of a red thread, the negative setting to absolutism and love to the Republic, especially in early works "Dialogues about speakers", "Agricola". Quote from further yogo ("Nimechchina", "History", "Annali") with all the diversity and vastness of the plots, they are united by a single idea and a philosophical concept. The central idea is the revival of the Roman Suspіlstvo, and like the legacy of the crisis of the Republic and the consolidation of the Empire. The cause of the crisis Tacitus vvazha ushkodzhennya morality. For the data of specific minds dotsіlnoy political form Tacitus respects Trajan's "I will put an end to the monarchy".

Finish the original work of Tacitus "Nimechchina" (Germania. De situ ac populis Germaniae liber), de description of the camp, social arrangements and pobut of the German tribes. Crim direct mark - the recognition of the Romans with the Germans, which was naturally stretching out of the parts of the connection and closing with the German tribes, tvir mav and publicistic meta. Describing the simple devices of the Germans and depicting them as strong and healthy people, Tacitus contrasted the orders of the German wilds with the Roman ancestors, like a girshe.

The year was "History" ( historiae) in 14 books from Galbi to Domitian (69 - 96 pp.) and "Annali" ( Annales) - from the death of Augustus to the death of Nero (14 - 68 pp.).

Vіdpovіdno to philosophії stoїkіv, close to yakoї buv Tacitus, zavdannya іstorika polyadno nasampered in etichnіy otsіnci іstorichnyh osіb podіy. Tacitus does not have a wild conception, having respected the task of a moralist to his own guilt, and bringing history to the level of ethics and politics. The strength of Tacitus was based on Yogo's miraculous characteristics and dramatic depiction of predilections of his feelings on the face of social and political struggle.

Weaker than Tacitus, respect the yogo of a young co-worker Gaia Svіtlonіyu Tranquilla(about 70 - 160 pp.), Adrian's secretary. "Biographies of the Caesars" written by him in a songful pattern (early history, history of rule, callousness, way of life, character, peaceful life, death, funeral, obituary), beginning in the name of Julius Caesar and ending with Domitzian. Therefore, the history of the state is divided in the biographies of emperors and floods at court intrigues and tiles. Among yoga works, there are a few more treatises "About the Laika", "About the children of the Greeks", "About Rome, the Romans sound that morality", "About famous people".

Rhetorical element, the power of Svіtlonії, commemoration in the history of Oleksandrіytsіv Appiana(mid-II century AD), a lawyer for fakh, a procurator of fisku in Egypt. Yogo "Roman history" folded from a number of divisions, moreover, the material is grouped after wars. Of the saved books, one (7th) was dedicated to the war with Hannibal, the other - to Syrian and Parthian history, the war to Mithridates. An important part of the robot to become "Gromadyansky wars at Rome" in five books (ХПІ – XVII). The historiographical value of Appian's work lies in the fact that the stench of avenging a lot of data from the works of other historians, like Appian's corsist. Individualism and faith in particularity, what to create and change the historical background for one's bajan, characteristic of the historiography of imperial Rome.

Until the end of I - on the cob P st. cherish the creativity of the master Adrian Plutarch of Chaerones(close to 46-126 pp.). The leader of history, according to Plutarch, is brought up to the introduction of the most ethical values ​​of honesty to people, as they allow people to increase the wealth of nature's pledges of the possibilities of honesty, and vices are more likely to be fought on historical butts. Plutarch having done it on your own, create your own food (" Think about morality", "Treatise on music") that great series of biographies of the most important historical figures in Greece and Rome. Part of these "parallel biographies" (Vitae parallelae)(about 13 osіb) was saved and dosi viklikaє the interest of the number of readers. Plutarch describes the "gallery of glory" of Greece and Rome, as he is guilty of expanding the horizon of the chitach, giving him the idea of ​​beauty and showing him the different human types in their life and spirit. "For us, - even Plutarch at the introductory part of Pericles's biography, - will bring back that color, the beauty and acceptance of some kind of zmіtsnyuyut zіr and give him remorse. it’s time to call out to him powerfully.”

Three other rows of historians should be named Lucia Annea Flora, who wrote a short sketch of Roman history on the basis of the work of his successors (the head rank of Titus Livius). Flor tried to help the readers with her practice sovereign fiance, that it is not possible to acquire great historical practices. Looking at the material, the short history of Flora has become a great helper of Roman history, which is a hooting period from the beginning of the city to Trajan.

Monuments of literature, poetry, figurative art do not deplete the wealth of cultural values ​​of Rome. At the same time, the knowledge of the special sciences - law, everyday and military technology, the agricultural state, agriculture, etc. - was expanded. ius civile) and international law ( insgentium), the gnuchkosti of the court process.

Roman law was molded as a head rank, a shlyakh of ship practice, zvichaїv, decisions of magistrates, senatorial resolutions, comments and consultations of authoritative jurists about unknown and super-clear places for the law. Over the years, the number of judicial incidents has grown significantly, a lot of super-judicious decisions and ediktiv have accumulated, and it has been fatally marked in judicial practice. The thought about the systematization of laws was blamed for this. The systematization of Roman law is beginning to begin with the sickle, which led to the creation of codes of Roman civil law. The basis of Roman law was the kіlka fundamental principles (Ius boni et degui).

The right came out of the interests of the rightfulness of the individual, free from his actions and defending them. Among lawyers, they founded different schools and straight away. For Serpnya the schools were open analoguesі apomalists. Persh was stunned by a lawyer Labeo, friend - Kapiton (Capito). Nearly 400 creations are attributed to Labeon, reworked later by the lawyer Pavel and included before the Digest. Nashchaki Labeo, in the name of the proculeans Procula, the teachings of Labeon, looked at the liberal views, and at the rich food they stepped into the traditional ones. Spadkoєmtsі Kapitonіv (Sabinіantsі), navpaki, dorimuvalis conservative glances, uniquely like the innovations of that free cloud of law, like the proculeyantsi robbed.

Of the technical disciplines in Rome, budding mechanics was developed. Encyclopedia of mechanics, vzagali budіvelnoї mekhanіk, respect the treatise of the Roman engineer-budivelnik Vitruvia Pollio. Less than offerings to him, a copy of the creations from the gallery of the gallery is about the high level of Roman budding technology. Otherwise, it would not be possible to explain the thoroughness, mіtsnіst and roman budіvels.

Follow that warning about the strength of the state of the country taken from the great robot from 12 books Lucia Junia Moderato columeli"About the silsk state" (De rerustica).

In a systematized order, the viklav usі galuzі statehood - farming, animal husbandry, growing garden and urban crops, vigilance, lіsіvnitstvo, sowing herbs thinly. Columella proponuvav sіlskomu hozpodar systematization dosvіd greek and roman agronomists, additions to the orders of the lord-practitioner, the author of the treatise.

Pliny Sekund the Elder (23 - 79 pp.) having seen the encyclopedic practice "Natural History" (Naturalis historia) in 37 books, which avenges comments from various disciplines - cosmogony, theology, geography, anthropology, natural science, and history. The scientific and theoretical significance of the Plіnієvoї encyclopedia is insignificant, but as a historical fact, "Natural History" becomes the first value. The author has collected great material, more than 600 Roman and Greek creations. For the celebration of the gospodarskogo, I will arrange, techniques, mov, and pobut that vdach of the Roman Empire, Pliny's encyclopedia, as an extremely important reminder, which is not equal to all ancient literature.

Young part-timer Pliniya buv Frontin(40 - 103 pp.), who wrote a number of special treatises: "Yaro Viyskovski cunning", "About water pipes". The first treatise was worthy of great popularity among Italians condottieri(Kerivnikiv hiring military pens) in the era of Western European Renaissance.

The practical nature of the maw and helper of the rhetoric of Mark Fabius Quintilian (35 - 96 pp.), born in Spain. "Institutis oratoris" pіdbivaє pіdbіvaє pіdbags bahatorіchnoї roman roman vikladachiv rhetoric. Kvintilian, having moved to Rome under Vespasian, becoming a professor of redism and having taken away the wine city from the state. Yogo robot gave no less practical reasons s encourage promos, and s pronounce the scheme for preparing a speaker for children, so that they reach a pedagogical character. Vin is an opponent of philosophers and the claims of philosophers to those who only stench can wiggle a wise man. A true illumination speaker is a reasonable person, as if he were wearing his own shoes.

From the lives of the greater versions of the Roman Suspіlstva to know us listing Pliny Young(61/62-113/114 pp.), nephew famous legacy of nature. Vision of him Panegyric to Trajan being a promo in the Senate, voted before the emperor, and then specially divided for viewing. In addition, Pliny published his listing with prominent co-workers of that Emperor Trajan. Tse chronicle of moods of the senatorial nobility, її іnteresіv, pobutu. everyday life. Pliny himself was included in such a group, but he was also a human being, as if he was taken over by literary glory.

Pliny the Elder tells that the first doctor, Greek Arhagat, having arrived to Rome from the Peloponnese in 219 r. BC, having taken away the Roman enormity and houses for the reception of ailments, inducements for sovereignty [Natural History, XXIX, 12]. After him, other Greeks began to move to Rome. And the Romans themselves hurried to engage in medical practice.

Vlasne, the Romans began to take care of the medical right under the hour of the principate. For Octavian, having taken a wide recognition from Rome Anthony Muse, a kind of vilіkuvav princeps vіd mortal ailment, zastosovuchi method of cold baths and poultices. Behind this, the senators with a wet purse erected a monument to the likarev near the statue of Esculapus [Svetonij. Divine August, 59; 81]. Under Tiberia Aulus Cornelius Celsus, theoretician, having written a great encyclopedic practice of medicine, de giving the Romans a reason, we also know: turbulence about proper eating, to uniquely change temperature changes, to be more on the fresh air, on the sun.

One of the best doctors Claudius Galen, practitioner and theorist of medicine. A handful of wines pratsyuvav at Pergamon, de likuvav gladiators, and from 161 r. n. E settling in Rome, being left as a court physician for the three emperors of the Antonin dynasty: Marcus Aurelius, Lucy Viri that Commodus. Vin is one of the first to practice the preparation of mavp, in order to better know about the life of the human body.

Galen's special treatises are dedicated to the sciences of medicine - surgery, dichal organs, etching, the head and spinal cord, analysis of the living speech, and stinging. "Medical art" For a long time Galena was respected as an intelligent assistant in medicine. For all the breadth of his enlightenment, Galen was not a stranger to religious and mystical ideas, characteristic of that hour. Philosophy and light-gazing are nourished by the popular religious-mystical outlook, respecting that everything in nature, that human body is in order of light dotality, light-mindedness, as to stand above the light and cherub.

Postupovo in medicine was a reading of specialization: surgeons, ophthalmologists, laryngologists, facilitators of internal ailments, women's ailments. A lot of doctors are involved in the singing sphere of activity: sports doctors, doctors of gladiators, firefighters, midwives (most importantly women).

In the era of the sickle principate, the foundations were laid for the organization of medical service in the Roman army. Before obov'yazkіv roman likar included nadanny help sick, carrying out preventive visits, selection of recruits for the service, the healing of the wounded. According to Celsus, the doctors in the Roman army were better known in medicine, lower, yakі small private practice. Under Marcus Aurelius, the medical service in the army established a special emblem for itself - the goblet and the snake of Asclepius.

Rome had a lot of rightful doctors, but the population was placed before them with such distrust and sorcery. Why did it appear that doctors often used new, yet unknown methods of healing, likes and procedures, as well as those that doctors had little access to the imperial court, de їkh tsіnuvali and often entered into an intimate relationship with the wives of the imperial ї. Drawn in to the court intrigues, doctors for help helped to help us to suck out the unimportant political competitors in the fight for the supreme power. So, the court physician and friend of Livi, the squad of Drusus, the son of Tiberius, Єvdem nibito didpomіg otruїti Drusus. In the past, a little bit went about the squad of Claudius. Messalina that її doctor Valentin.

Deyakі likarі nabіvі nabіt on those scho scho sponukali rich shakhraїv and charlatans also try their hand at this craft. According to Pliny the Elder, the court physician took 250 thousand. sisters on the river. At Rome, the two Greek brothers were well known. Kos: Quint Stertiniiі Guy Stertin. Remaining court physician of Emperor Claudius. For the version of Tacitus, the rest of the squad of Claudius, Agrippa, bazhayuy raise the throne for his son Nero, for the help of the court physician, who took the swedkodiya stubble at the emperor’s throat, spent a man, and the likar was generously vinified [Tacitus. Annali, XII, 67]. Private practice brought the elder brother Quint even more profit and the brothers deprive their bastards of more than 30 million sisters [Pliny the Elder. Natural History XXIX, 7-8].

The Romans were overwhelmed by that silliness of some doctors who recognized illnesses as dear faces, most of them foreign. Wider in Rome was a hoard of foreign cosmetics, zokrema. with a healing tooth powder, after cleaning the teeth, it is clear.

Bula rozvinena child medicine - pediatrics. Finding a pediatrician can help you Sorana, which is alive at Rome under Trajan and Adrian. At his robot "Yaro women's ailments" wines at 23 divisions, having recommended, as a requirement to keep an eye on the infirmities, this from these divisions was assigned to the problems of the anniversary of the new people. Soran gives instructions, how they don’t need to speak, they show the quality of breast milk, how they don’t give up to the breasts, how many years they need to sleep, what kind of regimen the mother should do or the anniversary. The current recommendations of the pediatrician should not be dispersed even with today's views on these problems: for example, Soran, having taken care of the wrong way to calm the child, crying, giving breasts all the time; For the most part, they don’t celebrate regularly and less than a day, having forgotten the piece of anniversaries.

Bli y іnshі prirodnі аnd naukovі аstances. So, the most ancient lighthouse near the world, yak "vezha of Hercules", beating the entrance to the bay of the Spanish city La Coruna Buv zbudovaniya at II Art. for the reign of Emperor Trajan in honor of the god Mars. The height of the tower is 55 m.

Greek mechanic Geron Oleksandriysky vinayshov eolipil - I run the steam engine. The sack wrapped around under a whirlwind of water vapor. The members of the party took this guilt like a rozvaga.

Ale entrusted with progressive achievements in the field of natural sciences and technical achievements already in II. not. There are also signs of cultural regression. The center of astronomical knowledge was the Oleksandriyskiy museyon, which played a role Claudius Ptolemy(about 90 - about 160 pp.), an eminent mathematician, geographer and astronomer. In robots "Geography"vin gives the knowledge of geographical knowledge of the ancient world. Almagest Ptolemy was inspired by the prominent scientific achievements of Aristarchus of Samos and the heliocentric system of light-intelligence created by him. Natomist vіn propoponuvav theory, zgіdno z kakoyu center Sleepy systemsє Earth, and the Sun and other heavenly bodies wrap around it. This theory was adopted by the Oleksandrian vcheni, and by the year the Christian theologians, and it became the basis of the middle-class reasoning I will arrange the All-World. The geocentric system was left unharmed until the 16th century, when Copernicus.

In this rank, the cultural development of the Roman Empire I - II Art. poserіgali two tendencies: the traditions of Roman and Hellenistic cultures. The Roman culture gradually embraced the Hellenistic forms, but continued to preserve its own individuality. Prote entrusted with progressive tendencies in the її development of commemorative elements in the fall (want stench in different shawls to disperse at the hour).

The chief of modern medicine, Hippocrates, was a prophet: “The doctor may have information from rich speeches and, among others, from massage” .

Rozmaїttya pochuttіv podzhuyut dotika with us. Dilyanka shkiri in two square centimeters to avenge over 3 million clitin and 50 nerve endings. Our ancient ancestors were not aware of this, but they knew that dots to the body can wake and calm, make you want and punish. To this, various methods of dotics in life were won.

History of massage: who is first? From the first drive, there are a few thoughts. Naiposhirenishe - massage vinayshli from China. One more thing - having clearly formulated the founder of the Radian massage system, Professor I.M. Sarkizov-Serazin: “The people are as old as the distant past, so even in the present day we cannot ascribe to ourselves alone the honor of discovering the technique of massage. It would be wrong to say that the Chinese, Indians, Greeks made massage.

In the Chinese manuscript "Kong-fu" 2698, even before our time, the jubilant diya of various massage techniques is already revealed. Who is not a bagman China, with їhnoy prophylaxis of ailments, stupendous staging to the language of the body - they could be the first to pay attention to the results of rubbing the body with their hands, squeezing the m'yazіv, pomіrnogo roztyaguvannya. In all provinces of China there were schools, in which they enjoyed massage and ruhs. One can judge about the importance of the massage of the inhabitants of ancient China by the fact that most of these school directors had the title of "heavenly healer".

Prior to the speech, even then, they also prescribed a physiological injection of massage on the nerve and vascular system. The “Book about the inner person” of the 9th century BC says: “Just as the blood-bearing judges of the human body clogged up under the spit of the nerve, the body of the person was numb, then yoga can be used for additional massage.”

There, in the 6th century, a sovereign medical institute was created in the world, and massage was performed. In the 16th century, an encyclopedia in 64 volumes is seen, descriptive of all take massage.

History Indian massage for us is based on "Ayurvedi" - medical treatises written 1800 years before our era. Vzagali Іndіya z її unique methods cost a little about the middle of other lands. Adoring the body, the Indian zavdyaki massage gave it supra-wichness and plasticity, the flooring is necessary for the recognition and volatility of the Kama Sutra, which is hostile. Here it seems that the first person to receive massage was given by the Buddha himself.

Far beyond the borders of India, Sushruti gained popularity and widespread popularity. The founder of Indian surgery, Sushruta, gave a report on the stosuvannya tertya (rubbing), vice (removing) that indication before the implantation of that chi іnshoy receiving massage for various pathological states. And in special methodical instructions addressed to nurses, one can see not only the ability to perform massage, but also to improve one’s physical excellence, to attach great respect to special hygiene.

Romans vikoristovuvali all vzhe vіdomі vіdomosti pro those who seek power massage that multiplied їх. Particularly widespread in the system of physical therapy and in medicine, massage was taken off by the ancient Roman healer Asclepiad (128-56 BC). Galen, the court physician of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, describing stroking, rubbing, rubbing. The very wine was one of the first ones, having started a massage, finishing a specific technique.

The area of ​​​​the stagnation of the Romans massage is given as a landless area. Everything was courted by him - from the emperor to the slave. Until our time, there has been a discourse about the Emperor Adrian, who, after waking up once, like an old warrior at the vіdkritіy laznі tremt about marmur, zupiniv yoga and asking why he should win wine himself, on which vіdpoviv: “I don’t have a slave, like a bi me rubbing." And then Emperor Adrian, calling on the merits of the old warrior, gave him two slaves and the necessary amount of pennies for their morning. Adrian bobbed on the way to the path of the elders, who rub against the wall. Once upon a time, having pleased them to rub one by one themselves.

And the axis of the Ancients Greek massage buv privileged bagatih - mav, hanging with my scientific mys, social significance. Slave Masazhuvatisya not mali right. Great peace and that, in the minds of the slave-slavish suspіlstva thoroughly healthy, that physical strength was the main minds, both for the defense against enemies, and for the privileged minority among the conquered numerical slaves.

Greece, which deserves an honorable role in the history of the development of physical education, first began to mass massage for various types of physical rights. Here, the cult of health and beauty flourished. The Greek physician Gerodikos (5th century BC) was the first to signify his physiological impact on the body. He himself lived close to a hundred years and all his life regularly engaged in gymnastics and massage. Yoga student Hippocrates continued the development of massage techniques and stosovuvav yogo during healing.

Before speech, the popularity of cosmetic massage. There were special salons for looking after the skin of the face, hands and hair.

About the physiological infusion of massage, especially about the practical stagnation in sports, she wrote the famous doctors of Greece: Herodikos, Hippocrates and the author of the famous aphorism: “A healthy body has a healthy spirit” - Democritus.

Massage technique near the lands of Minor and Middle Asia sharply rejoiced at the classic massage of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome, she took away the name “shidny massage”. Yogo was robbed not only with his hands, but with his feet, trying to “see” the veins of the blood and to give the gnuchnosti to the swamps. Foot massage, or pedal massage, is zastosovuetsya and contagiously, most often in sports practice, if the patient has great that strong m'yazi and hands it is important to massage.

In the period when science opened up at the Skhodі, on the way panuvala power of the church that її dogmatіv: the spirit over the flesh. It seems unrealistic that if the massage procedure here was considered sinful, and gloomily gloomily the inquisitors could burn for the new one on bagatti. At the massage, they marveled at the pagan religion. In the XIV-XV centuries in Europe, the connection with the publication of work on the anatomy of people began to inspire interest in the culture of the body and massage. At the XVI century. the famous Italian teachings Merculialis in his rich work "The Art of Gymnastics" on the basis of critical analysis systematizes the practices of the past century, develops a massage, giving a description of new methods of development. At the beginning of the 18th century, the history of massage is associated with the names of such vchenih as Hoffman, Fuller, Andre. Of particular interest were the manifestations before massage after the appearance of the capital practice “Medical and surgical gymnastics”, written by the French clinician Clement Joseph Tissot in 1780, which was to provide data on the effect of massage in the practice of gymnastics.

Massages were done like doctors, and even more in that hour. So, for example, the thirty-five-five-year-old Wolfgang Johann Goethe bobbed down and conquered the idea again, according to Dr. Buchholz, after a thriving run at the start of the cooler, rubbing his legs, so tired. And if you spend three hours at the table (for example, rozroblyayuchi optimal geometry kulі), robbing the massage on the back of your head.

At the turn of the 18th-19th century, the Swedish gymnastic system of Peter Henri Ling celebrated a significant influx of great massage in the clinics of Europe. (1776-1839). Having violated Skhid, I got to know the bath massage. In the attack of rheumatoid arthritis, which could not be overcome by the best minds of Sweden, having allowed the massage therapist. Todi Ling dedicate his life to the popularization of yoga therapeutic authorities. In 1813, the Central Royal Institute of Gymnastics was opened near Stockholm. The very gymnastics to that in the Swedish system there is no difference between physical rights we massage without interruption. Before speech, Ling combined the ancient techniques of massage into the system, but without setting the indications and contraindications for dosing drugs.

Indicated before the massage, based on the development of anatomy and physiology, according to I.G. Metzer (1839-1901). Tse buv offensive krok at the development of massage.

At the 5th Olympian Games of 1912, the Swedes already had a team of special masseurs in the state.

In Russia, massage is reminiscent of old, old, but only as part of bath procedures. In Ancient Russia, bathhouse attendants-healers were born, they victorious for the jubilation of ailments and the key to the power of the wedding massage. With the arrival of Christianity folk zasib became vvavatsya chaklunstvo.

Like a jubilant zasib massage was born in Russia in the 19th century. The Russian nobility knew about massage at European resorts, where they saw their whole homelands. Three of these methods also gave precedence to the explorers of Peter Henri Ling.

Russian high schools have made a great contribution to the development of massage at a new level. S.G. Zabelin (1735-1802) and N.M. Amborik (1744-1812) pointed out to the blame the role of passive growths for the correct growth of children in the chest. Nil Fedorovich Filatov (1836-1904), the creator of the Vitchiznyan school of pediatrics, recommending massage.

Pershovіdkrivachem in Russia, the triumph of fractures of K.A. Schultz. Also, the practice of massaging in traumatological practice was adopted by the practitioners of K.F. Werner, M.V. Shmulevich, A.P. Zechenkova, V.F. Grube, I.G. Turner. Likar D.O. Ott achieved great results, zastosovayuchi massage as a cure for curative gynecological diseases.

S.P. Botkin widely recommended massage for diseases of the liver and the slug. With full-time ailments, massage in Russia zastosovuvav A.N. Maklakov, who should give priority to the science of light on the need for mechanical vibration massage in case of ailment of the eyes.

The great significance of the formation of massage in our country is small practice I.Z. Zaborovsky, which physiologically explained the significance of massage for sports. In 1888, the fate of Moscow M.K. Having created a massage and gymnastics institute, Barsov, Solovyov started the course of massage. In 1910, A.I. After falling asleep at the institute of medicinal cosmetics. At Petersburg in 1991, the fate of the doctor O.M. Zalesova opened a medical gymnastics school for women and children.

In 1922, I.M. Sarkizov-Serazin organized a course of sports, hygienic and luxuriant massage at the State Central Institute of Physical Culture. The stinks have become a reference school for the preparation of highly qualified masters of massage.