How to drill I look at the wall with a drill. How to properly drill a concrete wall: technology. Choose a tool for carrying out a robot

It is not easy to damage the surface of a structure, as it is to drill through. But even though the need is so still vinicla, then for the help of a special possession, that dotrimannya of such rules, it is still possible to do so. And now about all the report.

burning position

Let's first take a look at why a concrete wall can't be drilled using the best methods. And everything is written in the structure of such a valuable material:

Like a bachite, the action of all warehouses is directed to the increase in the quality of the finished product. Particularly critical for zvichaynyh drilled є rubble, about which mittevo blunt їх rіzhuchі edges.

І for all the folding of the concrete wall, it is necessary to have it repaired more often.

For example, as required:

  • Hang the police on the wall, otherwise it's another furniture interior.

  • Finishing with plasterboard.

  • Installation of electrical wiring, installation of new sockets and vimics. At the same time, for laying the dart, it is also necessary to cut the concrete with diamond stakes.

  • Plumbing connection.

Vision technology

We were bred out of necessity and folds, which are blamed, now we can look at how to properly drill through a concrete wall.

Choose a tool

It is important for us to drill the concrete wall. , obviously, do not fit.

Choose the following from the following options:

  • Drill bits with brazing. Ale slіd vrakhovuvati, scho with tsoma, krіm wrapping, you also need a shock function.

Porada: not a trace of vicoristing a cutting tool with a helper for drilling a hole or a village, shards of wine are crushed.

  • Drills with diamond sawing. Such edges can cut a stone without a blow, but the price of them is rich.

Ale food, which drills through a concrete wall, is not limited by the choice of stained glass material.

It is also necessary to choose the tool:

  • Great drill. Just in that situation, you don’t have anything more to add and you need to open only 2-3. І in any case, sometimes it happens to pierce a ball of concrete with a steel pin with a hand.
  • Drill with impact function. It works with a small obligation and in that fall, as the diameter of the necessary openings does not exceed 13 mm. On the right, in the fact that the impact of such a device is caused by a metal “jump”, as if under intense tension, it is quickly erased.

  • Perforator. Healthy large volumes and you can use special nozzles to look like crowns, which are ideally suited for drilling sockets and sockets. In the new one, the blow is behind the piston system, as it is signifi- cantly tightened and more likely to go out of the fret, lower the “jerky” drill.

Pіdvesti podbags and give the rest of the supply for food, which makes it easier to drill concrete walls, the table is more advanced:

Carried out robot

Now let's figure out how to drill a concrete wall. For whom we take a perforator as a clear way to improvise zmagan.

The instruction for this operation looks like this:

  1. We check the shaft of the shaft for the presence of smittya. When such is revealed, yoga is seen.
  2. We insert the drill until it clicks. If so, in some models, you may need to pull on yourself the part of the nose of the instrument.
  3. It is carried strictly perpendicularly and we begin to drill, trochs pressing on him.

Porada: hour after hour, soak the working part with water. Tse to protect yoga from overheating and continue the operational term.

  1. At the drilling process, the drill can get stuck. In this way, it’s not good to try to spread yoga in order to wink, so you can make a kіnchik. Just take the tool out of the machine, insert a drill with a smaller diameter and try to expand the opening and increase the width of the drill.
  2. Follow the possessions, giving you to achieve.


We looked at how to drill through a concrete wall, the process itself is not so foldable. Golovne, correctly pіdіbrati іnstrumenti and dotrimuvatisya deyakh rules pіd hour of work. The most practical and rational solutions will be the use of a perforator with variable drills.

Video at this article to put your eyes on the view additional information, what is the content of the materials. Be respectful, and you have everything!

Nasampered sverdlіnnya opened at the glassy wall pov'yazane with the landscaping of the apartment or zamіskogo booth. Tsya service is necessary in the fall, if it is necessary to install an internal socket, or it is necessary to fasten the fixing under the TV set.

The price for drilling the opening at the corner wall to lie in the diameter and depth of the opening, as well as the factors that make the process easier. Before them, one can see a robot in important places and at a great height, the need to stop the antifreeze is too low.

Price list for drilling walls

Opening diameter (mm) Varity 1 cm.
up to 72 mm 15
82-102 17
112-122 18
132-142 20
152-162 22
172 24
180 27
200 30
220 33
250 38
270 43
300 47
320 53
350 59
400 71
450 85

Coefficient of folding work

Advantages of diamond drilling of stone walls

  • Cracks do not settle as much. Ruinuvannya wall, overwriting otherwise the foundation is impossible.
  • Vartist borinnya opened at ceglin to fall in the amount of necessary hour. The work of a perforator can take a few days, and the use of a tool with diamond crowns - hvilin.
  • Mezhі I will open the readings and vіdpovіdnі rozmittsі. The surface is ideally smooth and does not require additional sanding, which will save money on repairs.
  • No saw and sludge: you can carry out the work in the premises of the facilities.
  • Noise level up to 80 decibels does not indicate discomfort in the sick.

victoria sphere

Near Moscow, the burinnya tskli squawked richly. The method of zastosovuєtsya at the door, during the life and reconstruction of the bud. Private individuals are hunted for service, if it is necessary to arrange the apartment: install sockets or remember the wiring. On weekly squares, diamond drilling is carried out, if it is necessary to organize a ventilation system, lay pipes for water and gas supply systems, scorch and sewerage systems, install fences or railings.

We vikonuemo the whole range of services: carefully open in concrete, concrete, cement and other materials, chimneys are installed, minimal plumbing fixtures.

Certificates and licenses of the company

The services of drilling solid walls.

To work in the company "San-Mister": we have been working since 2004, we may have seen prices for drilling at the wall and other services. Find out about the prices for the services of the company on the site and fill out an application for a return call, which means food!

Under the hour of repair, it is often necessary to put a cornice on the wall, paintings, or to put on a hanging closet. And for him, with his own blackness, he would drill through the wall, and at the same time he would crush the chains. It is recommended to drill a stone masonry, so that you can see the sound of such works. It will also be a necessary and reliable tool - including correctly selected drills, the cutting edge of which is made of material, more than a solid one, a lower chain.

Drill bits for pins

The secondary drill bits, which are used for working with metal, will not help to drill a straight wall. More precisely, open the door to help you grow, prote in the right direction to act like a grindstone, and to become dull with a drill.

Open the drills in the center of the most effective for the help of the drills, which can be welded from the so-called "overcome". Features of a special alloy with different proportions of tungsten and cobalt are such that the preparation of a new drill does not impair forward sharpening for work with slotted surfaces. For the help of such a tool in the celin, it is easy to drill through the dowels for the police and other hanging elements of the interior.

Also, for drilling, having opened in the core, it is not uncommon to zastosovuyt and drill bits, which can be washed with diamond coating (diamond powder, which is galvanized on metal in 1 or 2 balls). For rahunok їх zastosuvannya, the result of the work will be more fast, the cost will be more expensive for the help, and the choice of diameters and lengths will be much less.

Detailed information about diamond drills and columns can be found on the website, as well as formulating a proposal for their delivery. The great drink can be drilled with the movement of diamond chips on the cutting surfaces. Such coatings are applied by diffusion sealing in a vacuum.

Before the start of the repair, it is necessary to use a drill with a wide diameter - as a rule, 6, 8 and 10 millimeters will be enough for more work. At times larger than 30 mm in diameter, it is allowed to drill not that drill, but a special core drilling machine, which allows you to drill a smooth opening at the target wall. If necessary, drilling on a large clay is cory with a drill, which may have rounded edges, which increases the wear resistance of the tool.

Features of drilling

The cream of the right drill, the maestro needs to use a puncher, or, in extreme cases, a percussion drill. Such tools do not just wrap the drill, but also strike them.

Under the hour of the work, do not forget about the following features of the drill:

  • drill bits with variable soldering and diamond filings become blunt after drilling through them with the help of approximately 20-30 openings;
  • in the process of drilling, one should sometimes lower the drill near the water, so that it will sink into overheating for the sake of greater accumulation;
  • so that the drill lasts longer, drill the chain next to the fastener wrapping no more than 200-300 rpm;
  • at the hour of vikonanny it is necessary to finish the singing of foreign entries. Vrahovyuchi, that the drill is heated up to a very high temperature, should be unique to the dot to the new one. It is not recommended to practice without zahisnyh eyepieces, which will prevent getting into the eyes of the saw and particles of the grain.

Be-yakі budіvelnі and ozdobluvalnі works can't do without drilling openings different diameter that depth for the installation of communication systems, ventilation, electrical wiring, elements of interior decoration or hanging furniture. Practically everyone stuck together, prote, not everyone knows how to drill the right wall, like tools and technologies to beat with it. There is nothing coherent in the process itself, so that in advance it is worth arranging the fact that it was necessary to complete it with the material, so for working with it, it is necessary for the mother to have theoretical knowledge.

Drilling process

Yak vibrati drill

If you are planning to carry out general repair work with a large number of openings, it is better to buy a hammer drill or rent it from any budding company. The primary drill may not show the vanity and become unacceptable.

As if you were virish to buy vlasnі, if you choose a good possession of the varto, you will come out of the upcoming indications:

  • the attachment is the mother's fault;
  • it is necessary to have a regulator of the engine wraps;
  • the drill chuck is responsible for giving the ability to punch drills with a diameter of 0.5 to 12 mm;
  • obov'yazkovo nayavnіst shock regime sverdlіnnya. This function, the cream of the wraparound, creating a reversible and forward movement, is drilled, which allows the destruction of hard rocks, and the drilling process becomes more efficient;
  • we will draw a special jumper directly around the drill. For zeglini, such a function is not necessary, but in robots with other materials it will be necessary;
  • Handy dials can work the function of independent clamping of the drill without a wrench. However, the next thing to be careful about is that the possibility of the present is added to the versatility of the instrument.

Since the function of shock drilling is daily, the procedure for drilling one opening will be delayed for a long time. Without percussion, the edge of the drilled element cannot pinch the rock, and it must be pressed with great force on the tool for an hour of work. It is not necessary to bring up the advancement on the internal mechanisms of the tool. Sverdlo begins to heat up quickly, after which it can swell, it will be lost in the opening.

Tools for robots

Before that, how to drill the wall, prepare the necessary tools ahead of time. You need:

  • electric drill or budіvelniy perforator;
  • dowels;
  • drill from variable metal with drill;
  • Khrestova or straight twist, fallow from selected dowels;
  • mittens and zahisnі eyepieces.

If you have a victorious drill without impact drilling, a drill with a drill will not work for you. For robotic cream resurfacing tools you will need:

Preparing for drilling

Before drilling, it was necessary to mark the opening of the future openings and, for the help of an olive, or a marker, apply on the surface of the marking. It is important to remember that in the middle of the walls there can be a water supply system, cable communications or steel fittings, as it often stops during the hour of life of richly overhead buds. It is necessary to resolutely follow the wall and perekonatisya, so as not to screw up the communication system and not to waste it on a metal rod.

As if you started a grandiose repair, not knowing the distribution of communications and pipes, it’s better to bring a portable alarm clock and a contactless device for detecting wired electrical wiring to the emergency store. These outbuildings are reasonably inexpensive, and are not recommended for any savings. If in the process of drilling you mess up communications, their repair or replacement will cost you more money, you can’t get reinsurance here.

In the case of high windings, electric cables can be buried at the seams between the whole and hooked. In such situations, speed up with a sizable twist and carefully drill an opening at the plaster or putty to the surface of the chain, so that it breaks at the wiring. After that, you can proceed to drilling with a drill or a puncher.

It is necessary to work on the cob for the help of a hammer and a core to bury it in the place of the future opening. Tse to fight so that the drill does not kill at the cob stage. Golovne, at the hour of the whole process, be sure to protect yourself from falling into other ulamkivs, by tightening your eyepieces or a special plastic shield.

Try to trim the drill as evenly as possible, so that the drill does not recognize the interest in the twist, the shards in the process of robotic work can be damaged. If you use a perforator and a drill with a drill tip, the robot has gone through smoothly, but if you zastosovuєte drills without a drill and a great drill, then the process will require the introduction of special technology.

Under the hour of drilling, do not press too hard on the tool, you will bring up the advancement, and the tool will be in harmony. Periodically remove the drill from the opening and cool yoga in a container with cold water.

Video about those, how to drill a stone wall:

If you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 12 mm, do not immediately insert a similar drill into the chuck and work it out. Repair the drill bits 4 or 6 mm, open the hole on the back of the hole, then replace it with a drill bit 8-10 mm and repeat the procedure. After that, supply a residual drill with a diameter of 12 mm and expand the opening to the required dimensions. go through the process more quickly.


On this day, one of the most popular everyday materials. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya mainly for zvedennya low-surface budіvel and private cottages. This material allows the construction of foldable geometric huts without the use of budding technology, before that, it can advance the mentality. Vlasniki such budinkіv vіdznayut high rіven zberezhennya heat and pіdvishchenu zvukoizolyatsіyu material.

Carry out whether or not you see repair work at the same time, it is simpler and more simple, lower at concrete, shards of material are good for all types of processing. Golovne, in the process of robotic work, follow the rules of safety technology and win over individually for yourself.

Drill bits for chains, concrete for drill

A lot of people are stuck with the problem of repairing an apartment, if it is necessary to install a wardrobe, a picture, curtain rods. Everything is tied up with sverdlinnym walls, and if your workhouse is made with shards or concrete, you need a drill and, most importantly, a tool (a drill, or a puncher). How to drill concrete?

You can open it for an additional drill with the function of a blow, for which you need a special carbide drill, a tip of some kind made from solid steel (BK8), which is called "overcoming" among the people. The drill may be specially sharpened for impact drill, the shank may be cylindrical in shape. Rozmіri sverdlіv pіd drill mayut diameter vіd 4 to 12 mm. The maximum length of the drill is 400 mm. Drill open a larger diameter drill, not a building one, due to its not too strong blow. Therefore, pickers do not allow diameters greater than 12mm. It is easy to drill a hole with a drill, which cannot be said about drilling concrete (ineffective). For this, a vikoristati perforator is better. The strength of the strike is greater (approximately twice), drilling takes less than an hour and protects your strength. As in the state there is no such tool, like a puncher, and you need to drill 2-3 open, you can speed up the drill. Ale, with whom, was hard to blunt, great vitrata. Approximately 2-3 open with one drill. When drilling with a perforator, you can drill 20-30 openings. The cost of drilling when drilling with inexpensive drills (approximately 20 rubles for a 6 mm drill and 40 rubles for a drill for a perforator). It is possible to drill visnovok: it is cheaper to drill concrete with a perforator.

After that, as the opening is ready, you need a plastic dowel, insert it into the opening, and then screw the self-tapping screw into the new one. The diameter of the dowel is chosen according to the following scheme: the diameter of the dowel is to be approximately twice as large as the diameter of the self-tapping screw. So, for example, for a 3.5mm self-tapping screw, you need a 6mm dowel. The dowel itself is guilty of buti exactly the same rosemary as the rosemary was drilled, it is clear that I will open the rosemary. What kind of drill to speed up in order to build a kitchen cupboard? For this cіlkom pіdіyde 8 mm. To move the picture, stitch and 5-6mm in diameter.

If necessary, drill a hole great expansion, over 12 mm, you need a puncher. Vіn zdatny visverdliti otvіr up to 120 mm. These are needed when laying plumbing pipes, for example. Storms (drills) for a perforator can be expanded in size 4 - 28 mm. Dovzhina was also drilled in different ways. Drill with a diameter of 4mm - the maximum working depth is 50mm, 5mm - 100mm, 6mm - 150mm, 8mm - 250mm, 10mm - 540mm. Storms with a diameter of 12 mm and more often have a maximum length of 1000 mm. Small storms are not long-lasting, to those who simply break when they are drilled.
The shank of the drill can be rose SDS-plus (standard for all rotary hammers). SDS-max rose (as a rule, zastosovuetsya in the industrial sphere), such is unlikely to be needed in butt minds, can be drilled with drills over large diameters (over 30 mm), tight and may be significant. An important point when drilling with a long drill (800-1000mm): it is recommended to start drilling with a short drill (approximately 350mm), then insert a long drill. All you need to do is to resist the fracture of the drill on yoga support.

Sverdla (storms) for perforator

Also, crowns are made on concrete, so they can be cut from 35mm to 120mm. Carbide soldering along the perimeter. They need to work drilling without impact. Tobto. turn on the puncher in the simple drilling mode, on the drill with a drill. So that the solderings at the crown did not dull quickly, it is necessary to break, not in one pass to open the door. The standard opening depth is about 150 mm. If it is needed more, then the sale of lower shanks. You can go down by 300mm. It is necessary to indicate that for crowns with a large diameter, a hard perforator (1000 W and more) is required. This makes it easier to work with a robot, the engine is less heated, for small diameters it is sufficient for a 700-800W unit, for example, for opening a power socket (as a rule, 68mm).

Concrete crowns and crowns

Є crowns for concrete with tungsten carbide filings. The point is that you can drill not only concrete, but also ceramic tiles. It’s even more convenient if you need to open a socket at the wall, and there are tiles on the walls. It is not necessary to change the crowns, just walk all the same, and concrete and kahel. It is necessary to indicate that such a crown has a hex shank, for drilling with a drill. Bazhano hard drill (not less than 800W).

Korinnya for cegli, concrete, kahl

What is the value of the quality of drills, crowns and prices: inexpensive firms-chiropractors - "Stayer", "Fit", "Enkor". Vartist such sverdlі, crowns dosit not high. For example, 6-8mm (mostly vikoristovuvani) costs about 35-50 rubles. A crown for a socket is close to 300-350 rubles. Expensive firm storms, for example, "Bosch" cost more expensively. Ale and the term of the service їх commemorated. For a booth as a whole, inexpensive options are available;

You can get a tool for drilling just like at the grocery stores, or you can use it on the Internet.

Mozhlya, you zatsіkavit:


    Small pardon
    “You can open it for an additional drill with the function of a blow, for which you need a special hard-alloy drill, a tip of some kind made from solid steel (VK8), which is called “peremozhe” among the people.
    VK8 is not steel, but a hard alloy based on tungsten carbide, there is no gap in this warehouse, and there is not a single hard alloy that can be beaten for soldering on a drill.
    And in another article miracle