What kind of licks are better for plastic or plastic wood. Did you buy plastic lips? Advantages before wooden licks. What is your katanna style?

For the Mysli people, winter is a special season, which brings with it a rich variety of species. Who doesn’t feel the sound of winter watering with a dog, like taking a trace of the connecting rod. Or about finding the right barlog, if you had to bravely stand at the entrance, so as not to miss the rapt appearance of the beast, not to let it attack the brave ones themselves, or crawl back to its hole. Arrangements for the season are being prepared in advance. Before us, Mysly's lips bathe; without some kind of winter business, it becomes impossible.

Running and mountain-footed species are not suitable for watering. Its depth and shape do not allow one to lose one’s breath in the deep snow, move between the trees, in the middle of the chagarb and in the thick undergrowth. Here we need more special, specialized arrangements. It is made from wood or plastic.


The design of the Myslyvsky Lixes includes a plastic casing and a combination of a wood and polyurethane foam core. For the value of the stench, do not sacrifice wood, for the sake of adding carbon fiber threads. Such runners are quick, maneuverable, durable, and require additional attention.

One of the disadvantages of plastic snowshoes is the bad coating when overshoeing over hump-like areas. Through those whose plastic is very slimy, it is important to climb up the slope, but descending is not safe. To correct this, the growers install a system of hooks that push the skids back.


Traditional skis for craftsmen who prefer to bake on plots with deep fluffy snow and fresh infusion. They are found in the plains, and in the localities with folding relief: hillocks, ravines, forest plots. When preparing runners, select wood species whose wood is of high value, such as birch and aspen. This allows them to work more thin and light.

Before skinning, the runners must be coated with special means in order to improve the forging.

See the wooden licks

In order to polish the keroving when trimming the humps and other humps, the craftsmen apply vicorous shortening. Obviously, Mysli woods are divided into three types: bare, stone and combined.


The boots are called original plastic or wooden ones, without a casing. They are victorious in the whole world. Before going on a hike, the stench will require the surface to be coated. And the trees are also tarry and tarry. Promislovtsy mean one of their shortcomings - licking back under the hour of a steep shift. This is especially true if you happen to be peeping in the forest, where trees and thick chagarb are not allowed to be touched by a “drabinka”. To finish this little part, pickers remove notches on the surface that sticks, and finally install special aluminum clamps or brushes with stiff bristles.


In the Siberian regions and evenings, the stone licks are wide. It’s a shame that the Russians themselves could see the technology behind the scenes. Kamus is the skin of a smoked creature, taken from the lower part of the legs. Glued to the lower, carpeted surface with a pile at the back of the heel, it paints the kernel at the intersection of the area. Allows you to easily walk forward, but avoids slippage when climbing at a high level. With such shells it becomes possible to finish small humps without losing fluidity.

The Myslivtsy call deer the shortest kamus, or the skins of elk, horse, and roe. The industrial enterprise does not interfere with its products. The blame lies between parties of small firms. The main part of this arrangement is the manual nature of the robot.

Kamus receives the main attention. In home minds, vikorista this advantage, myslyvets can produce a piece of wood that is much thinner than necessary for the purpose. This means it will be lighter, which is important for long transitions with snowy stitches. One small part of the camus is that when it gets wet in off-road conditions it becomes even more important.


Smart people try to combine the advantages of both types in one way and minimize their shortcomings. This approach caused the appearance of combined lice. When they are prepared, glue the camouflage 8 cm wide onto the middle of the surface, which is forged. Moreover, it can be spread throughout the whole area, as well as only in the bow part.

Which mysly faces are better: wood and plastic

Types of food: such as milky crusts, wood and plastic, help with the analysis of food products that were tested in both types. Most industrialists give preference to wood. The stench can be heard from such small pieces of plastic shells:

  • lick as you go up and onto a slight height;
  • vocally "shoot";
  • the waga is large (approximately 3-4 kg of pari).

Ale and plastic are torn by their fans. The main advantage that overcomes all the shortcomings is the presence of sticking wet snow. This is especially true in the spring-autumn period and in climatic zones in which winter is accompanied by partial periods. In addition, the stink is good to be found not only on fluffy snow, but also on the crust that has been sitting until the crust. They are easier to look after, they are not made of wood, they do not need to be oiled, and they do not deform when they dry out.

It is proven that to eliminate the problem of licking, glue the camus strip onto the empty shoe.

Bet about fastening

Prepare fastenings from various materials:

  • tarpaulin;
  • skin;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • textile;
  • transport links.

The method of fixation of the fastening is divided into 4 types:

  1. Sorry. Shkarpetka, it’s easy to slip your leg in a yak. The diameter of the ring needs to be adjusted so that the foot fits to one to the other phalanx of the big toe.
  2. The soft cream of the scrapers may provide additional fixation of the foot above the heel. This is handy when climbing at high altitudes, as well as when hanging out in different weather conditions.
  3. The heels have a plastic base with two straps to cushion the forefoot and one heel pad.
  4. Hard ones are characterized by the fact that the system is fastened like a toe, and the heel rests on the surface of the lining. The rigid fastenings do not stand up to tight fittings, so shoeing with such a fixation of the leg is impossible. When stepping on fluffy snow, it is best to wipe away the stench on the nose with short snowshoes.

How many mislivskie lizhi cost?

Prices for trade and myslivskiy golits of vicinity pickers start at 1500-2000 rubles. I, as a rule, do not exceed 5000–7000. In some cases, if the item is ordered according to individual dimensions, the price can increase up to 15,000 rubles. Kamus virobies are much more expensive, costing 15,000 or more. It is important to know which casing is vicorized and how much the surface that forges is constantly covered.

You will have to pay more for the products of overseas growers. So, a pair of Finnish company Karhu Jakt will cost no less than 25,000 rubles, and Peltonen Nanogrip is important to know for less than 30,000 rubles. Accurate information about how much imported products are priced can only be obtained at the time of purchase, since it is not only the selling price that is included in it, but also the exchange rate on the day of sale.

How to pick up

It is necessary to choose the right trades depending on age, growth, physical form, weather conditions, locality topography. So, for a fox it’s easier to keep the hair short, and on the plains to ensure long-lasting over-drying.

Respect! The standard rule for how to cook myslyvits is that 1 kg of water contains 30-50 sq. cm support.

In this case, it is important to ensure that the client’s energy is taken into account at the same time through a whole set of procedures. It turns out that if a person weighs 100 kg, then the surface area is approximately 3000 to 5000 square meters. div.

The maximum impact of the projectile may exceed the height of a person, the minimum – up to the arm stretched forward. The wider the licks, the shorter the stinks. If you are going to drive on powdery, deep snow, choose a wider canvas, making the snow tougher.


The main supplier of textile stores is the Mayak leather factory. This company has registered trademarks “Myslyvets”, “Taiga”, “Lisovi”, “Taigovi”, “Ribalski”.

“Mislyvets” and “Taiga” use the same technology in two options: wood and wood-plastic. The width should be 150 mm. The size is 145 cm for “Myslyvytsya” and 90 to 185 cm for “Taiga”.

“Lisovi” are prepared from birch and aspen trees. For ease of handling with wood, the width of the runners is narrower than that of the “Taiga” and “Mislivtsia”. Vaughn folds 110 mm.

“Taiga” is divided into pieces for transferring over deep fluffy snow with a shell of increased width (from 180 to 235 mm) and a design of the bow part that ensures fusion. The length of the runners is 125-190 cm. Despite the massiveness of these projectiles, their weight does not exceed 5 kg, which is why only birch and aspen wood are used for their preparation.

"Ribalski" are oriented towards small crossings. The depth is 125 cm, and the width is 110 mm.

Russian stores sell products from enterprises that may have a smaller scale of production, for example:

  1. Irbis, runners are made from birch, width is 15 mm, size 155 to 185 cm.
  2. Polisend produces leather under the “Winter” trademark in two versions: with and without camus. The width of the runners is 20 and 22 mm, the width is 110 without a cape, the width is 135 to 150 with a cape.
  3. The Poskryakov company produces heads from axes, length 124 to 190 cm, width 18-22 mm. Kamusov and combined products are produced in separate batches. Like kamus, horse skin is used.

Milk leaves from foreign manufacturers are presented in a small assortment in local stores and are mainly sold for individual purchases.

How to save

The first time you go out for winter fishing, watering or hiking in the snowy area, you need to treat the surface that covers it with special oils. After the skin infection, it is necessary to clean the runners from the snow and wipe them with dry plaster. To preserve it thoroughly between seasons, it is necessary to clean the surface of the fabric to remove any excess oil. The wood must be painted with birch tar or wood stain. Special resin can be purchased in fishing and fishing stores. The more you tar the mysly's lips, the longer the stink will last. It is recommended to tan Kamusovs in a cloth soaked in gas to protect them from moths. Then they need to be tied together in pairs with woven surfaces in the middle, inserting a wooden spreader between them, 5 cm in size, and place them in a dry place, and secure them in a vertical position so that the underlays do not stick out.

Respect! It is not possible to avoid licking near burning devices and under direct changes of sun.

With all the diversity of mystical personalities, the main criterion for their assessment may be ease of control and reliability. Don't forget to carefully check the instructions before skin exit. Even if the fabric is broken or fastened in deep snow, tens of kilometers away from life, you can destroy not just a shoe, but a person’s life.

And it's still plastic...

First of all, a lyrical approach about wooden trees. They are mainly sold with a plastic surface that is forged (although the wood continues to be twisted into the structure of the frame). People who used to ride on wooden skids, when switching to plastic ones, inevitably encounter a very unpleasant phenomenon - the greatest benefit that turns skiing from satisfaction into flour. People are amazed - I’ve already traveled N kilometers on trees a long time ago, and now I’m afraid I’ll just dry my feet, and now I’ve bought all this plastic. I’ll especially cover that such a person buys plastic licks not for herself, but for her child, redoing physical education lessons for her in the tedium of work, which again pins the tissue to licks. What's on the right? On the right is that plastic licks are richly slimy, lower than wood. First of all, when rubbed against snow, wood gets a good feel, which practically doesn’t happen with plastic, and then guess how they used to smear wooden surfaces with a smear ointment throughout the whole day, only under the block they added ointment a little warmer. These two factors ensured the significant impact. Now, buying plastic lips, a lot of people genuinely respect that they don’t need to be smeared, or put an ointment under the block, which indicates the temperature on the thermometer outside the window, like the sound of smearing wood. So, the results on plastic licks can be discussed, but we’ll talk about this in more detail in the section dedicated to oil. And behind the sneaky yaks, the plastic is richly stealing from the tree. In addition, the plastic carpet surface is highly durable. And if it’s not good on wooden surfaces and can’t get warm enough to reach above-zero temperatures, then on plastic your season may become richer. Also, don’t be afraid to suck plastic lips.

Learn from the classics

When choosing, there is a lot to consider depending on what level you ride, and what style you choose to ride mainly, classic or wrought iron. Unfortunately, different styles require different inventory. That’s what they call “universal” licks, but if you choose their strength and stiffness as optimal for a classic ride, then it’s, so to speak, difficult to ride on them. In addition, there is a nutritional change in the lubricating system - in the classic ones, the block is smeared with ointments, then rubbed, and in order for the ointment to be thoroughly lubricated, the block must be sanded. The skates should be left on a smooth surface that remains in place throughout the entire day, and the surface will be lubricated with forging oils (paraffins). And for classic ones, coating the block with paraffin is contraindicated. If you then apply an ointment to this paraffin (or any excess) that will lubricate, then it will quickly go away. Zagalom is not varto poednuvati nonsense. (Although you shouldn’t shy away from the word “universal” - these are absolutely normal licks, just choose the right amount of rigidity to match the riding style).

If you want to try different styles, you can buy two sets, but if you don’t, then stick to the classics. Konik requires extensive preparation of routes, but there are not many of them. And people lay a line for the classics in any forest or park. There is much more room for skiing. Please also ensure that the prepared skating tracks are laid mostly along a folding terrain with great ascents and descents - humps and ravines, and are designed for the preparation of athletes. It’s not easy to climb such a route for beginners; you can “get up” after another or third climb. And you won’t be able to pull yourself along this path. (If you have a good (and awkward) track for horse riding, respect what has been spared you. With such a fit, the skating style is easy to try.)

How do you choose the corn?

First about prices. Racing cars that stand at the top of the model range of well-known brands, such as Fisher, Atomic, Madchus, Rossignol, etc. Ask to pay 200 to 350 dollars. Inexpensive hams, such as STC, Karelia (Sorsu) can cost less than 35 dollars. Mass (amateur) models of popular brands cost around 70-100 dollars. As you are a newcomer, take our cues, since, of course, you are not influenced by your “image”. You can invest 30-35 dollars for a whole glass of ice cream. And once you have completed your sports training, you will understand what you need and where to go. Blame - since you have a lot of weight, say, over 70 kg. The main problem with inexpensive products is that it is important to choose the ones that suit your needs. Here you will have to move to a different price range and select mass models of popular brands. Let's turn lower to this food.

What are the differences between companies and companies in Russia? The quality of the top models of popular brands is, of course, still unattainable for our manufacturer. Such leathers are intended for high-class leather workers, which are smoothed and prepared in special workshops, usually in the countries where the company itself is located. The design of such vehicles is foldable and modeled on a computer. Before launching new developments, they are carefully tested by qualified athletes. When prepared, expensive materials are used, which often came from aerospace industry. The culture of production at such factories is even high, and all of them undergo extensive testing on special computerized stands. All at once allows the release of extra class. You can find out more detailed information about skiing by reading the magazine "Lyzhny Sport" No. 17, 10 and other issues. Protein producers earn their main money on skids for the mass market, which are needed in greater quantities for the food market. And here the situation is completely different. Let's draw an analogy with computer technology. It is no secret that components for mass products from such well-known companies as IBM, Hewlett-Packard and others are largely manufactured in Northern Asia, for example, in Taiwan. There is a similar story with mass licks. It is better for the owners of trademarks to locate the production process there, where it is cheaper, and to engage in the development of brands and the production of top models themselves. Apparently, there are great factories that produce a variety of brands, including under their own brand. There are such factories in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Ukraine (Mukachevo, which belongs to the Fisher company), and in Russia - the STC factory. The rest, for example, releases licks on the agreements of Madshus, Karhu, Peltonen. So, most of the cheap brands of these brands in our country are produced in Russia, just like the inexpensive shoes of Madshus and Karhu. And power lines and clubs under the STC brand differ from them mainly in a modern look and at a lower price.

Now a report about the importance of professional racing cars and mass racing cars intended for amateurs. The development of technology and materials used in racing rims is dictated by the efforts of manufacturers to ensure the highest technical parameters that allow them to achieve success on the market. Often these parameters are important, such as, for example, moisture and their harshness. These are high-quality materials with dyed characteristics, but they are much more expensive - carbon fiber plastic, steel filling, expensive acrylic polystyrene. For the surface that is forged, high-molecular polyethylene with various additives is cured, which is removed from the powder in the process of compaction under pressure and at high temperature. Such porous plastic is hard and can absorb more paraffin, which allows the oil to spread over long distances. In addition, different weather conditions and road preparation vary as much as possible. Therefore, the world of racing sports has a wide range of specialization, which makes it possible to achieve the finest knowledge in the minds of young people, but only a few pairs of races are lost. Models are produced specifically for wet and dry snow, and for hard and soft roads, or, like Madshus, there are 4 options: soft for dry and wet snow and hard for dry and wet (more than 2, fragments are released for conics and for classics). In addition, designers focus on such parameters as torsional rigidity, course stability, vibration damping and hardening of the tire when skidding on descents and others. There is a pre-river analogy with the light of cars. There are plenty of good cars that allow you to drive comfortably on different roads in different weather. Even if we only talk about fraud, since the price of victory is very high, for example, in Formula 1, there is a clear need for wine design solutions and specialization. These are expensive materials, materials for specific coatings and weather conditions, specifically adjusting the suspension under the skin and rubber and a lot of other technical nuances. Apparently, racing cars also show their best performance on specially prepared tracks. Just as it’s hard to see yourself racing on McLaren roads near Moscow, so it’s not possible to rely on super fluidity on the broken downy surface trampled by the nearest fox. Here the pre-river models are simpler.

Amateur (mass) faces are universal and suitable for most minds. They sell cheap materials. That's why the stench is a little important. For example, if racing bets are around 1 kg, then for amateurs the average weight is 1.4 – 1.5 kg. Inexpensive extruded plastic with a cohesive surface absorbs less paraffin, and, apparently, the oil does not stick to the skin as easily. This does not have any special significance, since your primary norm does not exceed 10-15 km. As it is written in the article by Ivan Kuzmin “To the Fathers of the Growing Lizhniki” at LZ No. 8, it is generally accepted that the lining of the lizhi means 60% of the wicked power of the lizhi, 20% is determined by the material, shape and structure of the surface of the lizhi, which is Yes, and the remaining 20% ​​is represented by oil lick Therefore, having long ago chosen your lips, you are removing the miraculous running parts, as its carpet surface is not made of any kind of plastic.

Another argument for the benefit of inexpensive licks - since you mostly walk in the woods and family, then such licks will serve you faithfully for many reasons. And if you want to become more comfortable as a skier, and buy your own racing models, then these simple skis will be lost to you for the first and the rest of the snow, which is how the roads are damaged.

Lick the notch under the block. It’s bad for the stench to lie in the soft snow. And let’s add that, as buyers often rely on them, they don’t need to be smeared. (In fact, they all need to be oiled - that’s what the winemakers recommend). Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so happy, since I don’t really want to go through all the troubles. Why? In a first-class way, behind the popular nuts and bolts, insanely, more beautifully. Otherwise, licks without a notch are more universal. The bait will work best on a medium-soft skin, but not on a short, hard (or crunchy) one and not on a fluffy one. And the original licks can be easily applied to the minds that have been replaced by changing the way of changing the ointment and changing the completely lubricated block. In addition, over time, the moth will wear out, and the powers that be in power will wear out. Ale zagalom brothers and do not take licks with a tick - this is the right relish.

In the midst of such a magical and enchanting time of fate, one would think about how one can borrow money for oneself? Why not play snowballs, sledding, horse riding and, of course, skiing. Why not bring back the most beautiful moments of the past from life? Today, the police shops for sports shops are filled with loose goods, since the food supply is no longer available: how to choose a lick, hirsky or bigovi?

How to choose the right tire: depending on your driving style

The first thing you need to do is go to a specialized store to make a purchase to determine what style of skating you are into.

If you are new to skiing and want to add a couple of licks for walks in the winter forest, then the style of your skateboard is classic. This style is popular with almost all people who start skiing.

Another style is skating. The lizhnik in this style resembles a sheepskin, with its inner part lying in the snow. This view takes care of the wide road and heavy snow.

Having decided on how to choose a beginner's ski, do not try to adopt the riding style of a pro, as it will be problematic to move around in the snowy forest on a horse riding ski.

Going by the Mountain: Which Lizhi to Choose?

Lizhi for skiing on mountainous terrain are called mountain skis. For the target audience, there are several types of stench:

  • professional- The name speaks for itself, this type of insurance is for professionals. The stench is labeled with the English word Sport. For buyers of such products, it is not worth the trouble to choose the right ones. All these people, like the first river, ride and ride with professional skills. Professional mountain licks are even lighter, but at the most expensive price;

  • amateur licks- This type of exercise is also known as sports and is labeled “Fitness”. This is the kind of thing to tell people who don’t ride regularly and don’t respect themselves as professionals when it comes to skiing. The smell is richly important for professional licks, and at an affordable price;
  • tourist or "Touring"- this type of purpose is for trivaval and folding tourist routes. The width of tourist straps is much larger than others, as well as weight, sometimes reaching 1.5 kg. Behind its structure, the stench is harsh, often accompanied by notches to eliminate licking;

  • truants- the stench is similar in appearance to tourist licks, but smells more like light waste. Walking skis are intended for short-distance skiing on snowy plains; beginners can choose them;
  • children and children- this type is marked with the word “Junior”. The smells are most often made of plastic, on the surfaces of this type there is a fastening under the original boot. Such licks are easy and handy for children to ride, choosing from the assortment of this series of licks is one thing you will be pleased with.

How to choose Georgian faces from growing people

First, choose the Georgian lips, increase respect for their dowry or, so to speak, size. If a person is a beginner and is not familiar with his or her strengths, then it is better to take a person with a size of minus 20 cm in relation to the person’s height.

People from the middle age of preparation will increase their respect for their face, which is 10 cm less for their growth. Fahivtsi choose gyrsk lizhi for their height or 10-15 cm less.

Choosing running and skating shoes correctly

Buy products from specialized stores and check whether the product conformity certificates comply with European standards.

Persh nіzh start to please, how to choose a lick running and skating, it is necessary to specify which type of ride you are going for. Running lips are used for short-distance speed riding, the scent is light, smooth, and sticky.

The horse's lips are the thinnest, and their heads have a visual difference in that they do not have an upturned mound.

How to choose big lips

  • Select your choice based on individual parameters, such as: growth, income, professional skills and, especially, financial capabilities.
  • The bikini faces are selected from a height range of +15, 20, 25 cm to a person’s height.

  • Your lick and your club are not guilty of being too great. The racers convey a fast pace of riding, increase respect for these parameters, and the remains of the stink are even more important.

How to choose skate licks

  • Ice skating skating shoes are stiff, which means that when you ride, the skating shoe may spring back and push the skating runner forward. This type has a blunt, not curved toe, and the bottom of the toe can exceed a person’s height by 17-20 cm.
  • This means harshness. Place the two outer ones vertically, with the rough surface one to the other, and squeezing the pads with your hands, marvel at the light between them. If the clearance is 3-4 mm, then this will suit you. If it is only 1-2 mm, then the purchase is more likely to be avoided due to the lack of rigidity.

How to choose a lick by age? The table will help to appear behind the dovzhina lick that club for the rod of an adult.

How to choose the right tools for a growing child

Children and young children are obliged to do their best to allow children to learn to ride and get maximum satisfaction from riding. There are plenty of fathers who will protect their children from dying.

As important as it is in control, the child may not be able to turn around, and at the same time it’s impossible to roll around. When choosing a child who is only going to start riding, it is necessary to consider the size of the child: if the weight is approximately 20 kg, then the minimum weight is 70 cm, 20-30 kg - for a child it is better to buy a 90-centimeter one.

« How to choose a lick Baby, so that you don’t get injured by riding them?” - This food is praised by the rich fathers. If the licking and alignment is correct, the child will feel comfortable on the road, and the likelihood of injury will be greatly reduced.

It is not at all obligatory to buy roads for children to ride. Children grow up and are often not professionals in personal affairs; it is much more important for them to understand that close people entrust them with important activities.

Correctly vibrati dovzhinu lick that club for katanna ditini additional help table:

Robimo choose correctly: wood or plastic

Trees e – this is a classic and environmentally friendly type of licking, reversing fates. To a few pieces of wood, you can add those that smell not as slimy as plastic. Besides, hers is much bigger.

Plastic lips more practical and everyday. The stinks play in exploitation for different weather minds and will become snow. If you put the skid on wooden skids in the above-zero snow temperature, then the plastic will pass the test with a bang.

In addition, plastic materials are durable and do not deform like wood, water, and water.

Take yours and tell your friends!

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How do you prefer to ski, or how to spend a minimum of pennies and get maximum satisfaction from skiing?

The part is in. For whom is this article? Here's the story.

There are conferences on the Internet dedicated to running. From time to time, people who come to this conference, especially newbies at this conference, choose food before choosing equipment. Over the years, evidence has accumulated that I wanted to formalize.

This article is mainly due to nutritional reasons, which people feel guilty about when they decide to buy food for themselves and their family, and there is no great personal guilt behind the blame for skiing in physical education classes at school. As a rule, after a lot of time passes, equipment, technologies, oils change, and people cease to be oriented towards their daily wealth. Unfortunately, stores do not always have qualified salespeople who issue nutrition reports that are faulty. As one of those whom I helped to please wrote, “Buv school in the AAA store. On a daily basis, without losing sight. They have no catalog and consultants.” or "Been flying into the BBB store. The seller was "fed" for a year. Nothing was known except the price." Before that, one of the orders of sellers, no matter what they say, is to “unwind” the purchase for the purchase of travel equipment, rather than sit in close proximity to the largest sellers. When you come to make a purchase, it is your responsibility to clearly know what you need.

I will try to find out how to spend a minimum of pennies and get maximum satisfaction from skiing for myself and my family.

Vibir lizh

And it's still plastic...

First of all, a lyrical approach about wooden trees. They are mainly sold with a plastic surface that is forged (although the wood continues to be twisted into the structure of the frame). People who used to ride on wooden skids, when switching to plastic ones, inevitably encounter a very unpleasant phenomenon - the greatest benefit that turns skiing from satisfaction into flour. People are amazed - I’ve already traveled N kilometers on trees a long time ago, and now I’m afraid I’ll just dry my feet, and now I’ve bought all this plastic. I’ll especially cover that such a person buys plastic licks not for herself, but for her child, redoing physical education lessons for her in the tedium of work, which again pins the tissue to licks. What's on the right? On the right is that plastic licks are richly slimy, lower than wood. First of all, when rubbed against snow, wood gets a good feel, which practically doesn’t happen with plastic, and then guess how they used to smear wooden surfaces with a smear ointment throughout the whole day, only under the block they added ointment a little warmer. These two factors ensured the significant impact. Now, buying plastic lips, a lot of people genuinely respect that they don’t need to be smeared, or put an ointment under the block, which indicates the temperature on the thermometer outside the window, like the sound of smearing wood. So, the results on plastic licks can be discussed, but we’ll talk about this in more detail in the section dedicated to oil. And behind the sneaky yaks, the plastic is richly stealing from the tree. In addition, the plastic carpet surface is highly durable. And if it’s not good on wooden surfaces and can’t get warm enough to reach above-zero temperatures, then on plastic your season may become richer. Also, don’t be afraid to suck plastic lips.

Learn from the classics

When choosing, there is a lot to consider depending on what level you ride, and what style you choose to ride mainly, classic or wrought iron. Unfortunately, different styles require different inventory. That’s what they call “universal” licks, but if you choose their strength and stiffness as optimal for a classic ride, then it’s, so to speak, difficult to ride on them. In addition, there is a nutritional change in the lubricating system - in the classic ones, the block is smeared with ointments, then rubbed, and in order for the ointment to be thoroughly lubricated, the block must be sanded. The skates should be left on a smooth surface that remains in place throughout the entire day, and the surface will be lubricated with forging oils (paraffins). And for classic ones, coating the block with paraffin is contraindicated. If you then apply an ointment to this paraffin (or any excess) that will lubricate, then it will quickly go away. Zagalom is not varto poednuvati nonsense. (Although you shouldn’t shy away from the word “universal” - these are absolutely normal licks, just choose the right amount of rigidity to match the riding style).

If you want to try different styles, you can buy two sets, but if you don’t, then stick to the classics. Konik requires extensive preparation of routes, but there are not many of them. And people lay a line for the classics in any forest or park. There is much more room for skiing. Please also ensure that the prepared skating tracks are laid mostly along a folding terrain with great ascents and descents - humps and ravines, and are designed for the preparation of athletes. It’s not easy to climb such a route for beginners; you can “get up” after another or third climb. And you won’t be able to pull yourself along this path. (If you have a good (and awkward) track for horse riding, respect what has been spared you. With such a fit, the skating style is easy to try.)

How do you choose the corn?

First about prices. Racing cars that stand at the top of the model range of well-known brands, such as Fisher, Atomic, Madshus, Rossignol, etc. Ask to pay 200 to 350 dollars. Inexpensive hams, such as STC, Karelia (Sorsu) can cost less than 35 dollars. Mass (amateur) models of popular brands cost around 70-100 dollars. As you are a newcomer, take our cues, since, of course, you are not influenced by your “image”. You can invest 30-35 dollars for a whole glass of ice cream. And once you have completed your sports training, you will understand what you need and where to go. Blame - since you have a lot of weight, say, over 70 kg. The main problem with inexpensive products is that it is important to choose the ones that suit your needs. Here you will have to move to a different price range and select mass models of popular brands. Let's turn lower to this food.

What are the differences between companies and companies in Russia? The quality of the top models of popular brands is, of course, still unattainable for our manufacturer. Such leathers are intended for high-class leather workers, which are smoothed and prepared in special workshops, usually in the countries where the company itself is located. The design of such vehicles is foldable and modeled on a computer. Before launching new developments, they are carefully tested by qualified athletes. When prepared, expensive materials are used, which often came from aerospace industry. The culture of production at such factories is even high, and all of them undergo extensive testing on special computerized stands. All at once allows the release of extra class. You can find out more detailed information about skiing by reading the magazine "Lyzhny Sport" No. 17, 10 and other issues. Protein producers earn their main money on skids for the mass market, which are needed in greater quantities for the food market. And here the situation is completely different. Let's draw an analogy with computer technology. It is no secret that components for mass products from such well-known companies as IBM, Hewlett-Packard and others are largely manufactured in Northern Asia, for example, in Taiwan. There is a similar story with mass licks. It is better for the owners of trademarks to locate the production process there, where it is cheaper, and to engage in the development of brands and the production of top models themselves. Apparently, there are great factories that produce a variety of brands, including under their own brand. There are such factories in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Ukraine (Mukachevo, which belongs to the Fisher company), and in Russia - the STC factory. The rest, for example, releases licks on the agreements of Madshus, Karhu, Peltonen. So, most of the cheap brands of these brands in our country are produced in Russia, just like the inexpensive shoes of Madshus and Karhu. And power lines and clubs under the STC brand differ from them mainly in a modern look and at a lower price.

Now a report about the importance of professional racing cars and mass racing cars intended for amateurs. The development of technology and materials used in racing rims is dictated by the efforts of manufacturers to ensure the highest technical parameters that allow them to achieve success on the market. Often these parameters are important, such as, for example, moisture and their harshness. These are high-quality materials with dyed characteristics, but they are much more expensive - carbon fiber plastic, steel filling, expensive acrylic polystyrene. For the surface that is forged, high-molecular polyethylene with various additives is cured, which is removed from the powder in the process of compaction under pressure and at high temperature. Such porous plastic is hard and can absorb more paraffin, which allows the oil to spread over long distances. In addition, different weather conditions and road preparation vary as much as possible. Therefore, the world of racing sports has a wide range of specialization, which makes it possible to achieve the finest knowledge in the minds of young people, but only a few pairs of races are lost. Models are produced specifically for wet and dry snow, and for hard and soft roads, or, like Madshus, there are 4 options: soft for dry and wet snow and hard for dry and wet (more than 2, fragments are released for conics and for classics). In addition, designers focus on such parameters as torsional rigidity, course stability, vibration damping and hardening of the tire when skidding on descents and others. There is a pre-river analogy with the light of cars. There are plenty of good cars that allow you to drive comfortably on different roads in different weather. Even if we only talk about fraud, since the price of victory is very high, for example, in Formula 1, there is a clear need for wine design solutions and specialization. These are expensive materials, materials for specific coatings and weather conditions, specifically adjusting the suspension under the skin and rubber and a lot of other technical nuances. Apparently, racing cars also show their best performance on specially prepared tracks. Just as it’s hard to see yourself racing on McLaren roads near Moscow, so it’s not possible to rely on super fluidity on the broken downy surface trampled by the nearest fox. Here the pre-river models are simpler.

Amateur (mass) faces are universal and suitable for most minds. They sell cheap materials. That's why the stench is a little important. For example, if racing bets are around 1 kg, then for amateurs the average weight is 1.4 – 1.5 kg. Inexpensive extruded plastic with a cohesive surface absorbs less paraffin, and, apparently, the oil does not stick to the skin as easily. This does not have any special significance, since your primary norm does not exceed 10-15 km. As it is written in the article by Ivan Kuzmin “To the Fathers of the Growing Lizhniki” at LZ No. 8, it is generally accepted that the lining of the lizhi means 60% of the wicked power of the lizhi, 20% is determined by the material, shape and structure of the surface of the lizhi, which is Yes, and the remaining 20% ​​is represented by oil lick Therefore, having long ago chosen your lips, you are removing the miraculous running parts, as its carpet surface is not made of any kind of plastic.

Another argument for the benefit of inexpensive licks - since you mostly walk in the woods and family, then such licks will serve you faithfully for many reasons. And if you want to become more comfortable as a skier, and buy your own racing models, then these simple skis will be lost to you for the first and the rest of the snow, which is how the roads are damaged.

Lick the notch under the block. It’s bad for the stench to lie in the soft snow. And let’s add that, as buyers often rely on them, they don’t need to be smeared. (In fact, they all need to be oiled - that’s what the winemakers recommend). Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so happy, since I don’t really want to go through all the troubles. Why? In a first-class way, behind the popular nuts and bolts, insanely, more beautifully. Otherwise, licks without a notch are more universal. The bait will work best on a medium-soft skin, but not on a short, hard (or crunchy) one and not on a fluffy one. And the original licks can be easily applied to the minds that have been replaced by changing the way of changing the ointment and changing the completely lubricated block. In addition, over time, the moth will wear out, and the powers that be in power will wear out. Ale zagalom brothers and do not take licks with a tick - this is the right relish.

How to choose a lick

As it is written above, the vaginal progyn is 60% responsible for the running speed of the tongue. Therefore, selecting this parameter is a problem in the selection process. The lining or the rigidity of the surrounding parts of the ligament stretch and dovzhin indicate the division of the liga's pressure on the snow under your skier. This characteristic is also called the contour line. Axle typical picture for classic caps (ATOMIC ARC Cap Classic K, babies taken from the site www.ernordic.com):

At the upper part of the baby, it is shown that the vice is divided into the snow with increasing pressure, approximately at half the level of the skier, if the skier is on two licks. At the bottom part, I divided the vise with one foot, so that the block with the grease, which is trimmed, is pressed into the snow. For skate skaters, the picture will be different, the fragments they have when shipping do not need to be in a maximum vise under the block (ATOMIC ATC Racing Skate):

Then the skating licks are stiffer than the classic ones for the same skating licker.

A good face can bend evenly, in proportion to the reports to the Zusillas. Otherwise, in certain areas of the snow there may be excessive pressure on the snow, which will lead to a thick coating in these areas. The axis of the baby from the article by V. Smolyanov (Journal LZ No....).

You can only check the diagram on the folding unit. Therefore, in the store you will have to try other techniques that will in turn indicate the acidity of the vaginal lick.

Well, you've arrived at the store... Let's assume that you've already decided on the style of katannaya, the price range and, perhaps, the models.

The order of actions could be as follows:

1. Take a look at some of the wedding that suits you. For classic licks, dovzhina must set the height of the lizhnik + 25-30 cm, for the forging of the lizhnik + 10-15 cm.

2. Flip the geometry of the line. (As the stench is crooked, then further procedures do not harm the sense, and will kill them). However, do not rely on the reputation of a popular brand. "Trust or distrust." Marvel at the licking of the carpeted surface from the side. The face is not to be bent but straight (the groove is to be straight), it is not to be a "gwent" - the lines across the scraper and the heel of the surface of the screw are parallel.

Turn it sideways and marvel at the fact that the surface of the leather is smooth and smooth without any humps, depressions or sharp kinks.

3. Choose the lick for its harshness.
For classics, the best way to determine the hardness is this: find the approximate center of tension of the skin (use the sides of the skin with two fingers). Place them parallel to each other on the RIVNE with a carpet surface (as you can do in the store, in case of emergency, use newspaper as a bed). If the face has a straight geometry, so that the width of the face is the same throughout the entire bottom (not side cut), and the sidewall is flat (it is not formed using CAP technology), then it is easy to check the frame - place the face on the side, it is very important lie down to the underside . Then stand on the same two feet so that the centers of gravity fall on the cob of the slippers. And then I quote “Short Course of Ski Sports Discipline” RDAFC: “Appropriate licks with the athlete’s care are taken into account those licks, the sticky surfaces of which are under the vantage part (extend 3-5 cm below the heel of the boot and 10-15 cm more fastening (meaning close to 20 cm from the toe of the boot)) the pads do not stick out if the athlete stands on them with both feet. In this case, if the person transfers the weight of the body to one side of the body, all the carpet on the surface of the lip must lie down to the pad." In practice, it’s easy to check - one person stands on the face, and the other is led under the block with a thin paper arch. If you stand on both sides, then the place where the paper stops collapsing indicates between the pads. If you transfer the vagina to one lick, then the paper under the boot is not guilty of collapsing, licking the pressure of it to the point of forgery. Then transfer the paper to another lick, it can also press the leaf to the lining. Checking behind the arch of the paper can be done by one person, just make sure that the water is evenly divided between the offending parts, if you mean the end of the block.

If you can’t use this method with your brain, you can approximately determine the stiffness like this: carefully fold the surface of the dough, which goes together one by one, and squeeze them with one hand 3 cm below the center of gravity. There must be a gap of about 1-1.5 mm between the lips (the force of the pencil is approximately that of a human vase, but squeezing the lips with one hand is not very handy). Just be aware that the force of the pen does not necessarily match your vase (for example, if you regularly adjust the pen with an expander).

Large stores sometimes have special stands for checking liquids. You can ask this person to create such a stand by saying your name.

The famous lizhnik, world champion Oleksandr Zavyalov describes another “folk” method of extreme cruelty. An average person (neither a gymnast nor a weightlifter) can use two hands to press the lizard until the sticky plastic under the block is firmly pressed. Since it doesn’t crush, it means that licks are definitely harsh for someone.

For skating The gap when squeezed with one hand is larger - 1.5 - 2 mm. And if you mean on the underside with a piece of paper, then under the hem the paper is liable to crumble a little or easily become wilted, since you have transferred the vagina to one lick.

If you haven’t been able to appreciate the hardness of the classic licks - those that are soft, then you can calmly admire the licks that are a little longer. As a rule, when the licks are long, the stench is harsh. For example, the Fisher company has switched to direct storage in mass models until the end of the day. Of course, you won’t be able to do such a trick with kuzankas, but for classic lickers the dovzhin is not so critical.

Ensure that cobs and children can take very soft licks, as long as they do not use high-tech equipment, they will not be able to fully cope with the tough licks. (Be respectful of the soft parts within reasonable limits, so that the pieces are softer, as dictated by the description of the technique, and not what can be squeezed between two fingers.)

Then reverse the evenness of the tightness of the face. You yourself will be able to verify the thickness of the vaginal prong, which mainly means the running parts of the ligament. Squeezing with both hands 3-5 cm below the center of gravity, marvel at the evenness of the tightness - the gap above and below must change proportionally to the forces and evenly. If you close the scrapers a little closer to the heels, then the gap between the scrapers will change slightly less than between the heels, but this is normal. As a result, the rest is due to the gap appearing under the block, approximately in the place of compression. In this case, it is necessary to press one by one with a stretch of the mustache, the gap between them will not be affected. The scarpets in the world of tightness are not to blame for diverging. In addition, the skin is to blame, however. (It is likely that the lick is not selected for its rigidity, and when squeezed further, one is slightly bent, and the other is bent.) After bending, you may lose the feeling that the nose and tail parts are similar to the enny "elastic".

The axis of the korisna window from the article by I. Kuzmin “To the Fathers of the Growing Lizhniki” at LZ No. 8:
Typical attacks are not even good licks:

  • The face clenches with noticeable pain from the very beginning.
  • The face squeezes even easily, and then a “stop” occurs; in such a face, with many times of frequent squeezing, you can almost knock at the front part of the block.
  • With a strong squeeze, the hair sticks together under the block.
  • If you strongly squeeze the hairband under the block, a gap of more than 2 mm is lost (from the ice to the ice).
    (Here there is a respectful squeeze with one hand).

(When selecting the right backbone, use a hand squeeze - this way you can quickly select a number of similar pairs, at the same time checking the evenness of the squeeze. And then, if possible, the remaining pick up your couple for a piece of paper, or check them more carefully.)

4. Turn over the center of gravity. Find the center of your skin's skin and steam. Then fold them at once, five times on one line. The centers of gravity should ideally be avoided, otherwise a separation of 1-1.5 cm is not fatal. (If you install a fastener, you will have to determine the center of the hole more precisely, for example, by placing a lick on the back of the knife or the end of a thin line.)

5. Turn the surface over. It is not supposed to be bent or curved in diameter, but it is supposed to be flat, behind the groove there is a groove.

Otherwise, preparation will be even more difficult - do not press the sander and scraper to the surface of the liquid. (With a little trouble, you can correct it. For this purpose, the lick will need to be peeled, which will require a final step.) To check, place a flat object on the cob, in the middle and at the end of the lick, it is very important lie down on the carpet surface.

It is not to blame for the obvious and great damage to the plastic - holes, bumps, etc. . Other flaws are minor blemishes, nicks are not as important as a bad break (severeness or harshness). At this point, you can flatten your eyes (and you can straighten them). Until then, it’s not your fault to be smooth. A smooth lick strikes harder. Therefore, all of them create a “structure” on the forged surface - the roughness is specially applied at the factory. Tears along the edges of new licks are removed with fine sandpaper and light ruffs from the toe to the heel of the lick. And the rags will appear at any time after the first months of the catanya.

6. Once a couple has successfully completed the verification process, you can expect to see their release.

If you, nevertheless, could not find a similar pair in this store or among these models and brands, please accept now:

The STC vikoryst factory is used for the production of light wood such as poplar or wasps, and the power to carry, most importantly, laminate plates and fiberglass. Therefore, it is important for you to come out. When I selected inexpensive training classics from STC (under the Madshus brand) for my 60 kg weight, I tried more than 15 pairs, and settled on one that was 5 cm below the requirement, for which in a small amount of plastic on the nose, and a number of cosmetic defects. Prote cruelty was what they needed. As a result, I removed the fur with a skin, and the licks came out far away. STC also produces cheap leather under the Peltonen and Karhu brands. In addition, behind sonorous names like Viking, Sable, Magnum there are also STCs.

The trees of Karelia (Sorsu) and Yew are more rigid, the wood in them is less expensive, and even more important, the lower STC products are in the same price range. Among these brands, you will most likely choose the right one, if you have something in the middle. Tisu vypusk 2001 rock is very culturally divided, but it’s expensive.

If your money allows, you can safely buy products from popular brands - Fisher, Atomic, Madchus, Rossignol, etc. Between the price of 80-100 dollars, there are fewer options and easier selection. However, all the main stages of selection must be repeated with such steps.

Select your favorite booties

If you allow cats, take boots on the soles of Rotefell NNN or Salomon SNS. This is much more beneficial for the old systems with welts. Of course, mounting these systems is not cheap. Ale stink totogo varti. If you find that your budget does not allow you to spend 40-50 dollars on racing fastenings, then buy what a miracle fastening you need to pay 20-25 dollars. The price range for boots ranges from approximately 50 dollars for tourist class boots to approximately 200 dollars for racing boots. As with licks, tourist boots are universal and made from cheap materials. It’s hard to keep up with the top models when it comes to running on the licks of the booties. If you intend to try it out in the skating style, then take a model for a sheepskin, with a high, stiff cuff that cradles the gomilkovostup. Or they are combined, similar to skates, but with the ability to remove the plastic cuff, after which you can run classic in them. Specialized models of the middle class are more expensive than those of the tourist class. When choosing, pay attention to the handiness of the boot. Various manufacturers will create a different shoe that will be ideal for your feet. You can buy booties from models from previous seasons - they are much cheaper for practically the same quality, although not all sizes are lost. For forest skiing, tourist class boots are suitable, for example, Rossignol X1 - X4, or Alpina and Salomon of the same level. Only take the fasteners under the sole (NNN or SNS). Boots with such a sole essentially have one more shortcoming. If you walk a lot in them on asphalt, the plastic sole on the wearing boot wears down almost to the metal bracket that fits into the fastening groove. It is impossible for the bracket to fall down at all - it is sunk deeply into the sole, but the characteristics of the throat are lost, and the commercial appearance of the booties is lost. People's craftsmen have come up with a variety of ways to protect expensive boots, since there is no way to get them out of pocket. One of the options is gum galoshes, which are worn on booties. More beautiful than galoshes with soft fabric in the middle. Simply remove the gum from the traces on the light-colored hoodie or rip off the farb. When I arrive at the place, I take the galoshes, seal them in a plastic bag so that they don’t get full of snow, and bury them in the snow under some kind of straw. I dress for the gateway. Another way of describing LZ No. 16. A roll of humum tube/hose with an internal diameter approximately equal to the diameter of the staple and the full open part of the staple is cut in a spiral and pressed (screwed) onto the staple. Before dressing, the tube is removed and placed in the bowel.

Vibration of your fingers

Most modern clubs are made from carbon fiber and glass fiber in varying proportions. The sticks made from 100% carbon fiber are light and stiff, but cost much more than the fiber (up to 200 dollars). Apparently 100% fiberglass clubs are not as stiff, bend and break easier, and have a little more pressure. Middle class clubs can be made from a mixture of glass fiber and carbon fiber. The higher the amount of glass fiber, the cheaper the clubs. Fiberglass is generally suitable for children and ears, as it does not have great power and strength.

Plastic (composite) chains break. This can happen when you fall on your heels or when you rely on your heels with all your strength when you lose your strength, though not forever. It was necessary to lamati the cheap fiberglass club with a strong stroke - without wasting the strength of the entire club - and it was ready.

If your weight is large, then take your big clubs with a large amount of carbon fiber. Or aluminum. The stench smells of little sleep with those aluminum clubs that bend, with the great rings that were released around 10-20 years ago. Modern aluminum clubs look the same as composite clubs.

The veterinary sticks of the STC production plant have given a bad reputation (the stinks are produced as inexpensive Madshus, Karhu - different stickers, div. http://stc-ski.ru/content/view/29/45/lang,ru/) and UEHK (Ural Electro Chemical plant). For a lover of such nasty vibes, the choice is Balakovsky clubs, the stinks are cheap, but their taste is good (they are sold under the Volzhanka brand). Decent wicker chains cost 300-400 rubles.

Zrostannya, cm Konik, cm Classic, cm
150 130 120
152 132 122
155 135 125
157 137 127
160 140 130
165 145 135
170 150 140
172 152 142
175 155 145
178 157 147
180 160 150
182 162 152
185 165 155
187 167 157
190 170 160
192 172 162
195 175 165

Maschennya lick

First, a couple of words for completely unknown things about oily skin. There are two main types of mastila: shepherd mastila and trimanna mastila. For the classic move of the nose, the heel part of the lick is smeared with forging oils, called paraffins. And the central part of the lid (block) is coated with oil, which is trimmed so that there is no leakage. The depth of the block is approximately 50 cm from the heel of the shoe, placed in the fastening, forward to the wear line. For cobs, you can extend the block another 10-15 cm until it is worn out. (It happened almost as people were advised to avoid smearing the backside (!!!) from licking.)

The skating licks are covered with forging oils throughout the entire day.

The choice and purchase of oils and tools for oil depends on how you plan to ride. Since the main meta is weekend hikes, the arsenal of abilities and, most importantly, spending an hour on preparation will change greatly. If you are planning to go to hell, then you will have to invest pennies and valuable hours.

If you have read the materials of Swix or other companies dedicated to the preparation of liquids, you can estimate how much time you will see minimal professional preparation of one pair: cleansing with soft paraffin (applied, removed with a plastic scraper, brushed), then applied 1-2 balls of weathering paraffin (applied, cooled to room temperature no less than 1 0 hvilin), removing with a plastic scraper, cleaning with a brush, polishing). So at the very least you will be dealing with one pair. Plus additional “satisfaction” - the smell (not strong at that), paraffin on the underside. If you have kilims lying on your underside - the end of kilims. Once, a friend and I were cooking at a house, the carpet was set on fire, then, wisely, they cleaned everything up, but the excess paraffin might have been lost on the underside, and the carpet began to weave wildly... You can guess the kind words of your friend... In short, rub no place to turn around And no one cares for at least 30-40 minutes, otherwise you will carry the excess paraffin with your feet throughout the entire apartment, especially the collection, if through dryness and static electricity the excess gets stuck until everything sticks. It turns out that while you are busy with preparations, your family members are anxious to ride. This is especially true for the “turned” fanatics. Fortunately, there are alternative options that are cheaper and worse for the results; they will be written about in the upcoming sections.

In order for mothers to learn about the process of professional preparation for lizhi, read Grushin’s article “How to prepare lizhi?” from the magazine "Lizhny Peregony" No. 5. Or pick up the SWIX Nordic ski preparation brochure from the Fisher store.

Lip ointments forging

Mastila forge comes in different types. Paraffins are most often used, and in professional sports they are also used in powders (powders or pressed), emulsions, pastes, etc. Such oil costs a lot of money, but it costs a lot to get it. If you are not going to work professionally, do not buy expensive imported oils. In most types of ham, the products are not worse, but often better (some varieties are more likely to be sold, some are imported). The term of reference to paraffins is practically non-exclusive. Ale too many brothers have no radio. And you don’t need a lot of different brands and types - the problem of choice inevitably arises - which is better for today’s weather... For professional oilers, there is a problem with paraffin, but those who like to torment themselves with a choice have nothing to do with it.

If the climate is local and you live in a warm climate, then it is better for you to buy fluorinated paraffins. For example, for Moscow, the most common tax rate in Moscow is 50%. If the moisture content is usually less than 50%, then you will be completely treated with fluorine-free paraffins.

Inexpensive paraffins include Uktus, Promin, Visti, MVIS, Festa paraffins. For Moscow, you can take the MVIS Marathon kit - it completely controls you. (These oils are found right in the Moscow region, and it’s bad to go there). The food is inexpensive (not 50-60 rubles), but the food is good. This is a set of light fluorinated paraffins (with a small amount of fluorine in place) for three temperature ranges. It’s time to take the pills – it’s a hassle for MVIS. And they have sleepy weather No. 238 at a temperature of -9+5, up to 100 km. It’s not often that there’s sleepy weather, which can lead to a really hot sun, or a frown, even if it’s worse. In my opinion, the main advantage for the amateur is the ease of application and durability of the oil. Once you apply it cold, you can ride for a month. It costs about 350 rubles, but it is spent even sparingly - you can spend it on a lot of resources.

For wet climates, fluoridated gels, pastes, sprays and emulsions are good. Apply to the surface of the carpet using a cotton swab or powder, dry or warm up with a hairdryer, then polish. Shvidko and handily. Shortcuts: expensive, costs a lot, takes up to 10-15 km.

Morning facial ointments

The oils to be washed are hard (in jars) and rare (in tubes). The ointment that is applied is liable to please two people. Perche - the ointment can be mixed. When sewing under the block, an additional pressure is created on the snow, and the crystals of the snow enter the ball of ointment, which rubs, the liquid “sticks” to the snow, which allows it to be pressed. After the post, it was necessary to get out of the ointment in order to prevent licking. If the licker is applied to one lick, the pressure under the block is also present, but in this case the ointment must be allowed to be applied to one lick and “galmuvat” the body at the time of delivery. Therefore, choosing the optimal ointment that will ensure the best results in trimming and shoeing is not easy in professional sports. The drawing of balls of various ointments, application in checkerboard order and other techniques are completed.

Amateurs can use simpler smears. In order not to fool your head, I’ll give you the simplest possible rule: for most minus weather conditions and inexpensive ointments to use (Uktus, MVIS, Visti, inexpensive (fluorine-free) imported SWIX, START, RODE, etc.) you need to apply ointment , lower Between the temperature range, it is 3-4 degrees higher than the current temperature. For example, if it’s -5 at a time, put ointment -1+1 or -2-0. The fragments of the snow, and therefore the snow, lie not only because of the temperature, but also because of the moisture of the air, the wind, old or new snow, and the region, then always take from them the plastic rubbish (the so-called “cork”) and warm ointment the coldness, the coldness that was smeared at home. If you haven’t put it into the ointment, then it’s superbly galling to put coldness on the beast, and it’s filthy to trim warmness. (To enhance the trim, you can also move the oiling area of ​​the pad forward until it is worn smooth.) It’s a couple of smudges to get dirty, and you’ll be happy to ride for the entire hour that you’ve lost. If the snow fragments are mixed, then for a specific region this rule can be adjusted in part based on the temperature of the ointment and the temperature of the surface. Don’t be afraid to experiment and you’ll soon find the best option.

For those who like to grind, 3-4 jars of ointment will cover the temperature range from +3 to -15 degrees. If you smear yourself at home, then before applying new ointment that you trim, you should remove excess old ointment with a plastic scraper. Apply the ointment in 2-3 thin balls, rubbing the skin with a stopper.

Rare ointments are most often called clusters. Apply the paste with a thin smear to the offending sides of the groove and smooth it out with a plastic scraper (in the cold it is important to create a better shape).

Clister may be needed for above-zero temperatures. Ale is very angry. First, put them in a cover, when you go for a ride, sun them in polyethylene, so as not to seal the cover. In addition, after the rolled cluster defrosts and as soon as it stands vertically, it begins to flow down completely. So, after rolling the cluster, it is better to immediately remove it with additional washing (gasoline, or use a scraper and dry gunner).

At sub-zero temperatures, solid ointments should be treated well. Ale for the singing weather minds, you may be stuck with the following problems:

  • Sublip. At transition temperatures (close to 0 degrees) and with fresh, especially falling, snow, you can encounter a “sublip” - the snow sticks to the ointment and turns into a snow ball under the block.
  • Icing (freezing) ointments. At negative temperatures (often at transitional -2 -0, but also melts at -25) “icy” ointments may begin to form - they crystallize from snow instead of completely leaving the ball of ointment after washing, they begin to break off, ends in ointment, and on A krizhana pick is placed on the surface. Most often, the ointment is softer (warmer) and less needed. It may also be the case that you will start riding on the road immediately after leaving the house, if it is still warmer outside. If the water temperature is below 0 degrees, and if the snowflakes on the surface turn into water, it’s too early to ride. Before the ointment cools down, it might go away quickly. Allow the licks (and ointments) to cool to a temperature of 10-15 degrees.
  • Standing in the snow and posture with it may be awkward, so the ointment, which allows the kittens to sit normally, can cause severe galmutation when leaving it. You can also notice the difference between the trimmann and the horse when riding on snowy fields and in the shade, for example, in a forest.

Necessary tools for preparing liquids and their replacements

Now about the necessary set of tools. If you look at the quality of SWIX (or other companies) in preparation, there is an expectation that you will need to purchase a whole lot of tools and materials. It is really necessary for professional training. Any amateur can get by with a fairly modest set of tools.

If you use a racing base (that's what some people call a leather surface), which is made of high-molecular sintered plastic, then the main tool is a sander, otherwise you can use other tools. On the right, the paraffin wax has a very large hysteresis loop at the thermostat - the paraffin either steams or melts. And at high temperatures, you automatically heat the base (the surface), so that the pores melt, and the paraffin stops entering the base. And the sensation of buying roads disappears (amazing article by Steve Poulin “Use the sand correctly” in LZ No....). You can buy a good polish for 60-70 dollars.

Newly, however, you will then apply hot paraffin wax, but it is still better to first process the vicor powders. As a last resort, you can get by with common dust (just don’t ruin the good stuff, take an old one without holes at the bottom). In this situation, be careful - keep the great vologa ganchir under your hand. If the paraffin has become steamy, you can slightly reduce the temperature of the base of the sanding by applying a plaster to it, and remove the melted plastic. The original material is cured with soft plus paraffin without fluorine, the melting point of which is 65-75 degrees, which also reduces the risk of meltdown. Set the wax thermostat to the minimum level at which the paraffin melts normally, and begin to warm the face, smoothly and without pressure transferring the wax from the sock to the fifth face. Be careful to ensure that it does not overheat, and that the ball of paraffin is kept in contact with the sander for an hour. It is better to apply the butt powder sideways, with the wide part of the sole. This option is suitable if you do not plan to permanently apply paraffin with sand.

  • Plastic scraper for removing excess paraffin. You can buy a branded one for 3-4 dollars, or you can replace it with the trick of a clear school line, orgskla, etc. thickness 2-4 mm. In which case you need to work on your feet: place a fine sandpaper on a smooth surface with abrasive sand, and press a line on the sandpaper so that the edges are sharp and straight, and there are no nicks or nerves news In addition, sharpen the edges of the line on the sandpaper (the edges will be deprived of the edges). Move the cuticles under the philtrum of your lips to then remove the paraffin from the philtrum. If you have a few pairs of licks, then prepare them for different bets. Check out the branded scrapers in the store to see what might be coming out.
  • A nylon brush that is used to remove excess paraffin after scraping it off. If you will be brushing too hotly after applying paraffin, a brush will not be necessary. For some people, it was necessary to use household brushes of the “powder” type or a hand brush with stiff nylon bristles. “Sand is an unimportant substitute for wax,” but you can still remove excess paraffin.
  • Coarse Fibertex (fibertex), for example, SWIX T265 - is required when preparing new strips for removing fluff from plastic, which is lost after machine sanding of a carpet surface. (In fact, the excess pile will come out on its own after many months of rolling). Fibertex doesn't have to be expensive. Approximately the same-looking Gospodar abrasive plates can remove the same abrasive and only add lint. There are also many analogues. Ale kupuvati yogo chi not kupuvati... Probably, not obov'yazkovo.
  • Fiberlene (fiberlene) – non-woven material, cured for residual polishing of skin. You don't need a sealant; you can polish it with an old nylon panchoha. Or just scrap it all together. Zreshta, we are aging with a stinking toe.
  • Emery paper SWIX No. 100 is used for sanding the pads for classic licks, so that the ointment is smoother. Not needed. Whether the skin is of the same granularity. And then you need to sand under the block if you are running over 20-30 km or ice.
  • Scraper for lint Swix T-89, used for removing lint - not needed by an amateur.
  • Cycle metalev. It’s likely that you cycle yourself - the process requires skills, and, most importantly, a gentle workbench in which the lick is firmly attached. Current liquids are released from the applied structure; it is not easy to cycle. The cycle requires something to remove the scorched plastic. And it’s as simple as shelling pears to squeeze a lick during a cycle - the hand trembled - and the axle was wobbly and sagging. Not necessary for amateurs.
  • The knurling is knurled to apply a structure to the surface of the forging. Not necessary for amateurs. The structure is universal, applied at the factory, and is sufficient.
  • A copper brush is needed to remove frosty paraffins. If you are ready to put up with small losses, forging, vikory and warm paraffin, then you do not need it. If you apply hard frosty paraffin, you will have to, brothers. Either stiffen the gel or soak it in the cold so that it can be applied with a thin ball and does not require a stiff brush.
  • Wash, vicorize to remove the ointment that rubs under the block. It is also suitable for washing paraffin wax, since it is not possible to cleanse the face with heat. Bazhano. All this has burned out, so it has never been cleaned yet.
  • Rubbed (cork), vikoristovuetsya for razvnyuvannya ointments, so to wash. Plastic is best suited for ointments. Korkova can be used for applying quick-fixes. You need to know it in a simple way.

Additional accessories for licks

Another bazhana rich - a thick cover. First of all, you'll save your lips, and, most importantly, you won't get overwhelmed by the ointment that rubs while you get to the bottom. It is very important to clean your clothes without cleaning or washing. Good ham hocks cost 200 rubles. Take a cover for 2-3 bets. No one has space and licks and clubs.

It's bad to take Velcro straps. There is less risk that the surface of the carpet will be damaged by clubs or fastened with other bets when transported. If it is not far to walk to the lizhi, then you can carry the lizhi without a cover. About licks, held together by ligaments, it’s easy to get confused. Tie the ligaments in such a manner that the soft lining of the ligament appears between the surfaces of the ligaments, so that the stench will not accumulate.

Ganchirki. To clean your lips, you will need old bavovnya ganchers. They are used to wipe the base of the spray dry after applying paraffin, to clean scrapers and other tools, to remove the ointment that rubs from the wash lines, to wipe off excess paraffin after passing through the scraper and brushes, and so on. After applying paraffin, you can polish the lick on the outer edge using gantry without pressing hard.

How to save money

The fragments of most models of lizhies, especially mass ones, fall into wood, so it is not possible to save lizhies near the heat or on a sunny balcony. My friend put a cover with licks on the glazed balcony on the sleepy side for the summer. And one pair of licks “povilo”, it’s good that they were inexpensive. Mastila can’t be saved near heat or in the sun.

Simplified technologies for lubricating

You can read about thinly applied oils using a hot method (with the use of wet sand) in the article by Stiv Paulin “Apply the sand correctly” from LZ No.... Zokrema, I don’t recommend using the same rubbish sands for this purpose - you can easily burn the plastic of expensive licks. You can also apply forge mastila without sanding.

You can try this method (by experimenting): take a metal ladle with a lid, say, a liter one. This is not due to the enamel, but rather to a metal ladle with a smooth, smooth bottom, rather than aluminum - it has high thermal conductivity. Boil water, pour 2/3 of the ladle, do not need more, so as not to scald yourself. Cover the ladle with a lid so you don't overcook yourself with steam. This combination can replace the sanding agent with the addition of soft paraffins during the first treatment or with oil with heat and a slight minus. As a rule, such paraffins have a melting point lower than 100 degrees Celsius. The paraffin should be first rubbed with a ball on the surface, and the liquid should lie horizontally, uphill with the rough surface, for example, on two stools.

Sprinkle and conduct the heat well by turning the ladle to melt the low-melting paraffin. Of course, you can’t use frosty paraffin like that, but there will be a 100% guarantee against base damage. In the world, change the water. Make a number of long passes from the scraper until the end of the lick. However, be careful, this method has a disadvantage - you can accidentally turn the ladle over and get scalded. For this reason, it would be better to add a bit of sand for a smooth recovery.

Another way. Paraffin can be applied in addition to intensive rubbing. We have to clean the lick first. If there is a clear ball of old paraffin lying on the surface, it is easy to get through it with a plastic scraper or a nylon brush. Rub a clean face with a thin paraffin ball with a paraffin bar (be sure to carefully monitor the appearance of the liquid on the window). It's not like it's a whole bunch of balls. Then take a cork bottle and intensively rub both sides 1-2 times. The heat that can be seen rises for partial melting of the paraffin into the base. Then walk a little bit with a brush from the sock to the heel. Spend minimal time. There is practically no brood; there is no need for a bench. In normal snow the distance is at least 10 km.

This is such a thing - a thermo-rost from the TOKO company - it is a piece of thick material with a friable structure, glued to the lip part of the gum. This combination ensures that there is sufficient heat when applying cold sanding. It is made of a thick synthetic surface, burned around a small flat wood. It can also be used as an alternative to cork rubbing when applying paraffin in a cold way.

What kind of facial ointments should I buy for preparing facials?

Depending on the level of your preparation and the skill of your hamman, you can see three sets of butter, which are sufficient for riding.


What complete set will you need for comfortable walks in the forest on plastic lickers without getting stuck or slipping? It is not at all difficult to buy paraffins, sands, brushes and other tools. All you need to do is buy a set of ointments to rub (for example, Visti or Sviks) and smear your face under the block, rubbing them with the stopper, so that there is no leakage. For walks, it’s entirely enough to use it without paraffin.

Axle to enter the warehouse of the required minimum kit:

3 - 4 jars (briquette) trim ointments that cover the temperature range from 0 to -15 degrees (adjust depending on the region), and one cork or synthetic wash.

Ointments and rubbing will cost you 100 – 200 rubles. If you can afford the pennies, buy an additional plastic scraper (about 90 rubles) and a bottle of branded wash (about 300 rubles). However, more has been written about the scraper and its replacement parts. You can do it without washing. As we have lived without it, we have to remove the old ointment with a scraper, and replace it with a bottle of extinguishing agent and gasoline. (You can clean the skin thoroughly, with a tan, not at all sticky, with a cotton swab soaked in gasoline. And the main “butt” advantage of washing is without a strong odor.)

Please, please be aware that with such ointments (solid ointments) you are not able to go out at above-zero temperatures, because in above-zero temperatures you will need rare ointments to lubricate (clusters).


This kit will allow you to carefully and thoroughly monitor your faces. What a set you need to wear, not only for comfortable riding in the woods be-yaku weather, and also the participation of most of the large-scale cross-country crossings of the "Lizhnya Rossii" type. This one includes the same things that are included in the minimal kit, plus a set of inexpensive paraffins, a sander, a brush, a jar of soap, a plastic scraper, and a set of inexpensive rare ointments. Such a set will cost more than 3,000 rubles. It is really necessary to add a special cooking surface to this set - it will allow you not only to properly prepare your dishes, but also to be satisfied with the process. (You can make the bench top yourself from whatever wood you have at hand, scraps of a tourist slab or something similar, and a few clips and screws to secure the links).

Stuck through.

This set may already need to be completed by a trained and prepared skier, so much of the information below may be already visible to you from previous publications from “L.S.”, from a trainer or other personnel. Tim is not a mensch, we are in charge of this list. In addition to everything that has been treated, you can add a set of ointments to apply. From instead of fluoride(solid and rare), as well as paraffins From instead of fluoride(this ointment is especially effective in the mind of advanced hair). You can also buy antistatic paraffins (needed for removing the hardened surface or static stress), sanding agents (powder-like and in the form of pure fluorocarbon tablets), knurling (for applying weather-proof structures to the hardwood surface i), sprays and emulsions. In addition, be aware that the prosperous skiers lather their mothers in their arsenal with ointments from different companies, since in different weather conditions they use ointments from different manufacturers. By the way, this set is for a stuck-in skier, and its quality grows exponentially evenly with the variety of the first two sets, taken at once.

Lizhi is a popular winter snack. Who doesn't deserve a long walk in the snowy winter forest? If ski riding brings you satisfaction, you need to choose them wisely. How to choose the right ones?

Before you choose a liqueur, you need to figure out why you need the stink. Because there are massacres - for tourists, athletes, for amateur athletes, for mystics or for extreme sports enthusiasts. Everything will be divided into races and towns. This article tells us about how to choose the right skins.

How to choose the right lick

There are two ways (styles) of cross-country skiing. The first one is not classic. Any person who has stood up on a face at least once knows about this - with such a catania, the faces collapse in parallel, one after the other. For katana in a classic style you need soft licks, with a long and comfortable sock.
Another method of skating is skating or freestyle. In this type, the liga is overshoeed on the licks, like on sheepskins, the inner part of the liga comes out of the snow. Whose face is so tight that their lips are tight.
And fans of skating both classic and skating style - especially for them there are universal skis that are suitable for skating in any way.

What to choose: plastic or wood
First, we select the material from which the liquids are prepared. The stinks can be either plastic or wooden. Wooden trees are much cheaper to construct, but they are already outdated and are rarely seen in stores. Such lilies need to be tarred before rolling, so that the wood does not absorb moisture. Plastic faces have come to replace wooden ones - they stink better, they don’t need to be oiled. Besides, they are significantly lighter than trees, mitsnishi and dogovichni.
Therefore, the answer is unequivocal: plastic.

How to choose the size according to height

So that the ride is comfortable, even respectful, so that the ride is of the required size. It’s very easy to choose your lips according to age – there are two main ways:
The first way to choose a diet is to control your growth with your hand stretched up. From this date, raise 10 centimeters.
The 2nd way to make your face taller is simpler - just add 10-15 cm to your height. To be more accurate, the table below can be used to determine the length of your face and finger depending on the growth

Zrostannya, cm

Dovzhina lick, cm

Dovzhina Palitsa, cm

From now on, choose your favorites according to their age. This is especially important for children. It is obvious that the fathers are bathing them with a large size “on the fly”, through which it is not easy for children to ride on them.

How to choose the harshness of licks
The optimal hardness is to lie near the person’s vagina. Therefore, buying licks, it is important to go to nourish their gluttony. It is very easy to check the liquid for the required harshness before purchasing. For this purpose, choose a product from the store. Right under the boot, between the lips and underwear, you can lose space so that the paper's arch can fit through there. If you can’t climb a leaf, that means the licks will be bad for you. Then stand on one floor with both feet - there is no harm in losing the space between the floor and the ground. Otherwise, it’s too harsh for this ruler. The axis can be easily selected according to the required hardness.

How to choose leather boots
Shoes for sled skiing are selected according to the sledding style. For example, for skating in the classic way, the boots are worn low and with a soft sole. And for skating style, the booties are thick and stiff. For lovers of the universal method of skating, there are so-called combi-skating shoes, these are shoes of medium hardness that are suitable for skating in any style.

We hope that we are happy to help you choose the right skis, and riding them will bring you nothing but satisfaction!