How to prepare kimchi. Kimchi made from Chinese cabbage – homemade recipes. Kim-chi - traditional classic recipe

Good day to you, dear readers of the blog about weight loss. Do you know what herb is called the elixir of eternal youth in Korea? Kimchi, which is based on Chinese cabbage. Which vegetables contain a lot of lysine – this substance cleanses the blood, improves the body’s dry functions, and prevents the appearance of unhealthy fluff. Today we have Korean cabbage on our menu: the recipe is simple, you can easily make it.

Simple Korean cabbage recipe

Korean language is native, unknown to our family. Therefore, you can have slightly different names for hot Korean snacks with Chinese cabbage- chimcha, chamchi, kimchi. Despite the different names, there are different ways of preparing the herb - each province has its own secrets and the peculiarities of pickling cabbage. You can safely experiment with different spices, soften the heat of the herb with a rich taste.

Recipe for kimchi made from cabbage alone

This is the easiest way to prepare a savory and nutty Korean cabbage appetizer at home. You can, of course, buy this spicy herb at any market, or better yet, make it all with your own hands. You will spend a maximum of 40 khvilins for salting, and after 2 days you can enjoy homemade kimchi.

What do we need:

  • Chinese cabbage – 1 kg;
  • purified water – 1.5 l;
  • sea ​​salt – 30-35 g;
  • chasnik -6-8 cloves;
  • Cybula ripchasta - 35 g;
  • fresh ginger – 25 g;
  • Zelena Tsibulya- 30-40 g;
  • red pepper plastivtsy - 35 g;
  • tsukor – 5 g;
  • coriander, hot red pepper, black pepper.
  1. We are preparing roses. Do not mix the water from the tap - this will greatly reduce the taste and aroma of the snack. In addition, we really respect that the documents will not be dissolved at all.
  2. From a cabbage fork you can see all the zipped and ripe leaves - which is very important. If you want to sip some rotten cabbage in roses, after 2 days you will get sour with a unique smell.
  3. Cut the cabbage into 4 pieces, cut into thin slices, cut the cabbage into thin strips.
  4. If you place the vegetables in a saucepan, you must cover them all over, with a lid, so that the animal will not care.
  5. If you pickle the cabbage, it will be ready in 5 years. For a winter version, it is better to salt the cabbage for 1-2 days.
  6. We pour it out, we squeeze out the cabbage bits.
  7. Now that the spice paste is ready, place all the ingredients in a blender bowl, as detailed below.
  8. Mix the paste with the vegetables - use mittens, as splinters of hot pepper may irritate the skin.
  9. The finished snack is placed in a sterilized jar and closed with a lid. It is best to store kimchi in the refrigerator.

In some recipes you can add fish sauce or shrimp paste among the ingredients. These products are designed to impart a special taste and speed up the fermentation process. If you can only find them out, the price is high. You can happily do without these components delicious snack it will turn out that way for you.

Recipes for chamcha with cut vegetables.

For chamcha, you can use either vegetables, most often add carrots, bell pepper, daikon. If you want to add horny color to the cabbage, add some cleaned, trimmed beet to the cabbage.

Kimchi with bell pepper

A simple, yet deliciously delicious appetizer. I add it even when it’s hot, if you don’t like the baking taste, just change the amount of hot pepper.

  • Chinese cabbage -1 kg;
  • purified water – 1.5 l;
  • salt – 35-40 g;
  • red bell pepper – 300 g;
  • chili pepper – 4 pcs.;
  • chasnik – 1 clove;
  • soy sauce- 5 ml;
  • coriander, dried ginger, salt, black pepper.
  1. We need a large saucepan - 5-6 liters in volume. Add water to it and bring to a boil.
  2. We remove the vegetables, remove the leaves, cut them into 2 parts, and shake them.
  3. Leaves are cut into 3-4 div.
  4. I boil water, add salt, and whisk cabbage in small portions. To better tamp the sheep, speed up the towing.
  5. Cover the pan with a plate and set it up.
  6. If the pan becomes cold, we remove the weight - the plate may float on the surface. There is no need to cover the cabbage soup with a lid.
  7. Let it salt for 2 days. It is not the responsibility of the recipient to have any problems.
  8. Rossil angry, leaves through, easily visible.
  9. The hot pepper is visible, all ingredients, cream bell pepper, contact blender for details.
  10. Bell pepper cut into thin slices.
  11. We combine all the herbs in the warehouse, mix well, and place the sterilized jars in a glass within a quarter of a year. Pour brine on top, cover with a lid, and leave to cook at room temperature.
  12. When there are crumbling bulbs on the sides of the jar, we put the snack in the refrigerator.

Chimcha with daikon and carrots

This fragrant salad is a miracle prevention against colds. The country contains a large number of red microelements, which improve immunity. And the spicy components eliminate the substances, which will quickly destroy all pathogenic microflora.

What do we need:

  • Chinese cabbage – 1.2 kg;
  • daikon – 250-300 g;
  • carrots – 120 g;
  • Fresh ginger – 30 g;
  • middle head of the watchman;
  • tsibula ripchasta and green - 50 g each;
  • soy sauce – 30 ml;
  • chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • boron rice - 30 g;
  • tsukor – 40 g (can be replaced with 5 g adinomodo);
  • salt morska or zvichaina – 50-60 g.
  1. Let's take the top leaf from the pumpkin, add it well, cut it into 4 parts, but not until the end - just until the pumpkin.
  2. The wet leaves are sizzling evenly.
  3. Place the salted vegetables in a saucepan, cover with a lid, and set aside. Leave the cabbage for 5-7 years.
  4. Prepare the kisil - pour 400 ml of water into the rice beans, add zukor, cook over low heat until thickened.
  5. Now we need to make gostra pasta. Place finely chopped chasnik, ginger, hot pepper, tsibula into a bowl - mix everything to a uniform consistency.
  6. Rub carrots and radishes with thin strips.
  7. Mix all the vegetables with jelly, add soy sauce.
  8. We rinse the salted cabbage under running water and let it sit in the water.
  9. The skin leaf is coated with paste.
  10. Place in a saucepan, cover with a lid, and marinate at room temperature.

That's all for today, my dear readers. Now you know that from the original Chinese cabbage you can prepare not only tasty Korean cabbage, but also cinnamon Korean snack How to protect you from colds, illnesses and other health problems

Subscribe to our updates, share your recipes in the comments. Let's preserve youth, beauty and health at once.) See you soon!

I still wanted to make classic kimchi. Since winter is approaching, all vegetables are becoming more expensive again, so I just got inspired to prepare the kneading oil for a couple of days. You need 10 heads of cabbage at a time to earn more.
There are a lot of recipes for kimchi, as I said earlier, and this is the most classic Korean traditional herb. It’s like everyone’s dancing now, I give my master’s skin.
Maybe, if I can, I’ll be able to prepare kimchi, which is called forever, just like with fresh fish or raw meat. It’s scary to ferment until spring and it seems to stink. Ale not at once, lads, not at once, although... Well, it will be shorter to see.
The same difference, but still there is the abundance of salted shrimp - krill. I just stupidly didn’t know, but I clarified, they said it’s not critical, but it’s a shame. So I’ll just write in the recipe where it was required to add them.

Let's get started.
We need to cook cabbage right away. For this reason, we need to cut the “ass” cross by cross. And then with my hands I tear it apart into several pieces.

Rinse the skin part with water, so you can quickly soak the sheet, allowing the excess to drain off.

When the leaves come out, we rub them with saliva; there is no need to try too hard. Soak your fingers in the salt, rub the white part of the leaf and rub the excess along the greens.

It is stored in a basin and stored for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, we turn the cabbage over, soak it in the juice that we saw, and check it again.

Zazvichay godini for 2 cabbage to be salted. Turn over the skin 30 min. You can check the readiness by flattening the final sheet so that it doesn’t crunch or break, which means it’s ready.

While the cabbage is salted, prepare the sauce.
Add 2 tbsp of rice flour to 400 ml of water, stir and put on the fire, stir until it boils, add 2 tbsp of zucchini, stir and remove from the heat. Let's cool down completely. The porridge tastes like thick sour cream.

Carrots and daikon are shaky straws, the thinner the better. Instead of daikon, you can take radish, but it can also be without bitterness and with a slightly sweet taste. 1 cup each of this and that (I have 250 ml)

Green cibula, I took a batun and jusai (Chinese cibula, with a chasnik aroma), approximately 1 cup. Ale yaka tsibulya didn’t scream in principle, smut what would have happened))

Chasnik, tsibula and ginger, grind into porridge.

Once the rice porridge has finished cooking, add a cup of fish sauce and mix the tsibula with a chasnik. That’s where we send the bottle and a glass of red hot pepper! And this is the light version. The volume varies from 1 to 2.5 bottles, depending on how hot you like it. Kochukar needs pepper, it has the same Korean flavor, maybe a simple red one, or just kochukaru. Mix well. All you need to do here is to take a couple of spoons of shrimp, squeeze the juices from them into the sauce and add some additional ingredients there. I ran out of extra vegetables, stir the cabbage again and finish cooking.

The cabbage has been salted and is now rinsed in cold water, squeezed and proceed until coated.

The axle of the ass here needs to be cut, but not all the way to the leaf, the bits should be stripped.

Place the cabbage in a container with sauce and coat the skin of the leaf, adding trinities of vegetables between them.

The greased quarters are folded up and placed in a container, cut across the edge, so that the sauce does not seep out of the cabbage.

Once the mustache has been coated and placed, press down well so that the least amount of moisture is lost between the cabbage. When the sauce runs out, the whole beast is thrown away. I have 1.7 kg per kachan, add a whole lot of sauce. Spray the varto on the mittens! I’m already fine, but sometimes my hands get really hot.

If you leave the container for 1-2 days on the table or under the windowsill, the cabbage will ferment, which is easy to overcook by simply pressing the animal, and bulbs will appear. The longer you cook the cabbage in a warm place, the more sour the kimchi will be. I rubbed 1 dobu, and a slight sour smell of that bulb appeared. There is enough acid. Fresh kimchi can also be eaten.

Press the cabbage well again and remove the container from a cold place, where the cabbage can be stored for months. Don’t forget that the fermentation has not curdled, but has only mellowed in the cold, so the kimchi will last longer, and it will be more sour, just like with our sauerkraut.
After the food has been left in the refrigerator, it tastes so good. Now you can safely prepare a bunch of Korean herbs from kimchi or simply serve it as an appetizer before soups and other herbs. Before the speech, in the remaining hour, I have a rich writer, do you need this? write in the comments, tension is normal.

Preparation time: PT02H20M 2nd year. 20th century

- This is the favorite delicacy among Koreans, which is not the main one in their food, and almost every meal cannot be done without it. And how Koreans respect

kimchi- Strava, which is inevitably to blame for being on the table.

For a bit of history.

What is kimchi?

For lovers of hot food, and especially for those who suffer from hangover syndrome, it will be just before the place, then to the table.

Kimchi is the favorite delicacy among Koreans, which is not the main ingredient in their cuisine, and almost every meal cannot be done without it. And as Koreans respect, kimchi is a herb that is constantly on the table.

At first glance, it bears no resemblance to sauerkraut, which we have known, melodiously, since childhood, the Chinese pao-tsai and the Japanese tsukemeno.

We all, melodiously, know more about the hot Korean carrot, nizh kimchi – it’s piquant and unpretentious in its taste, like a touch of pickles.

Korea itself has a number of different varieties of kimchi, each with its own peculiarity, especially its own specific taste, which may seem unheard of for those who cultivate this herb first, and also in it and a lot of chasnik and hot red pepper. However, lovers of this herb, such as there are no people in Korea, are attracted by it itself, and they are ready to eat it steadily.

Kimchi, like our sauerkraut, contains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. For example, Chinese cabbage, radishes and red peppers, from which kimchi is prepared, are rich in vitamin A, and ground red peppers are also rich in vitamin C. And cellulose, like cabbage, is rich in fat. nude etching.

In addition to overcooked food products, for the preparation of kimchi, use not only chasnik and red pepper, but also other products: from the most general to the exotic. For example, some Korean cooks add ginger, sesame seeds, carrots, pine nuts, pears, chestnuts, seaweed and salted small shrimp and oysters.

Today, thanks to the efforts of Korean cuisine, kimchi, like Korean carrots, is gaining popularity throughout the world. The cob of which was budded during the hour of the 1988 Olympics, which took place in Seoul, when thousands of guests different countries The world first became acquainted with this country. And now in some parts of the world kimchi has become as basic as hot dogs, hamburgers, sushi and Chinese chow mein.

Kimchi, like our sauerkraut, goes before appetizers. Koreans rarely eat this herb on its own and instead serve it as an accompaniment to other herbs, especially rice. For Koreans, kimchi with rice is the most delicious, the neutral flavor of the rice is more piquant, and the saltiness of the kimchi harmoniously complements each other.

Various seafood pastes, which are added to kimchi, are a good source of proteins and amino acids, which are not found in vegetables. Oysters, the most popular seafood served in kimchi, are rich in calcium, fat, glycogen, vitamins and essential amino acids.

According to tradition, the family secret of preparing kimchi is passed down from mother to daughter, and many families write their own unique recipes, which remain unchanged throughout the centuries. In Korea, there are over 100 varieties of kimchi, which vary depending on the ingredients, the region of preparation, the time of salting, as well as the cooking technology. And as the Koreans themselves say, the skill of the cook is often reflected in his ability to prepare kimchi.

Kimchi recipe:

Need: 0.5 kg of Chinese cabbage, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 liter of cold water, 0.5 liter of hot water.

To prepare the seasoning: 1 tablespoon finely chopped chasnik, 1 tablespoon fresh finely chopped ginger, 1 tablespoon finely chopped green cibul, 2 teaspoons finely chopped dry red pepper, 2 teaspoons zucru, 1 tablespoon of salt.

Cooking method: For the cob of cabbage leaves, you need to add one type of one and pick them up. Then fill with cold water and leave to stand in a cold place for at least 8 years. The last sheet needs to be rinsed and squeezed. I'm heating up the water mix in seasonings. Add cabbage. Place the sumish in a large bowl. So that the leaves fit, it is possible that they will need to be cut in half. Cover the bowl with polyethylene and leave in a cool place for about 2 days. Pour the liquid and cut the leaves into slivers, and place them in the shoulder or I'll curse the jar.

The kimchi axis is ready! The finished product will yield approximately 0.5 kilograms.

What is required:

Chinese cabbage - 1 head

sea ​​salt

Rib sauce 4-5 tsp

Vesnyana Tsibulya 1pero

Fresh ginger 1 tsp

ajinomoto 1/4 tsp

tsukor 1-2 tsp

red chalk pepper for relish

Prepare yak


Cut the kale into squares 2-3 centimeters wide,

They clearly mix with chasnik, tsibule, and ginger root.

And the smut - cut into fine red pepper.

Then heat under pressure until the tender and spicy cabbage is ready.

Now, all winter long, the skin will be beautiful and the defects of vitamins will be easy to remember.

Recipe 3.

Ingredients for "Kimchi, Korean cabbage"

Chinese cabbage – 1 kg

Cibul head - 3 pcs.

Watch head – 1 piece

Chili - 1 piece

Ginger root - 4 pcs

Soy sauce - 100 ml

Otstova esentsiya – 2 tbsp. l.

Cucru - 2 tbsp. l.

Ground paprika – 2 tbsp. l.

Sil – 4 tbsp. l.

Peel the Chinese cabbage, removing the top leaf. Cut into 4 pieces, then cut crosswise into slices 1 cm wide. Place the cabbage in a deep bowl and sizzle. Cover with grub and let sit for 24 years.

Lightly stir the cabbage with your hands through the mixture and add the juice that you saw. Cut the cibul into thin slices. Clean the clock and wash it. Remove the red and green chilies, remove the stem and the flesh, cut into pieces. Peel and grate the ginger. Add to cabbage and stir.

Mix soy sauce with paprika, paprika and a small amount of water. Otrimanu sumish viliti u cabbage. Once the cabbage is thoroughly coated, add water. Cover the dish with a lid and let it sit in the cold for 2-3 days.

In principle, all spices can be taken to suit your taste (sweetness).

Recipe 4 (

Oh dear, I need:

1 head of Chinese cabbage

1 leek feather

Approximately 50-60 gr. coarse salt (not sea salt!!! and not iodine)

1\2 daikon (white radish)

I used about 6-7 tablespoons of finely ground baking pepper (cayenne is the same!), but I love it even more... You can take less

3 cloves or 2 teaspoons of dry chasnik (I tried it for a friend)

Ginger root, approximately 1\2

Rib sauce 1-2 tbsp. (You can replace it with dry fish broth, if you prefer to buy the sauce from a specialty store)

I added a little more grated dry fish (I don’t know what it’s called Russian... They survived), but it wasn’t too sticky.

So let's go.

Day 1.

1. Wash the cabbage and remove the leaves from the leaves. Remove the pump and cut it into large pieces (photo 01-05) The pieces can be laid out as large as the dishes allow. In the classic version, you don’t cut the cabbage - just add it to the top, cut the cabbage and separate the leaves with your hands.

2. Grind the leaves thoroughly from the juice until a sufficient amount of juice is visible. (photo 6-8)

3. Cover with a lid and leave for nothing

Oh well, another day.

Vranci drink kava :-) because we have a lot of boring things to do.

Carefully rinse the kimchi leaves from the salt. (Photo 10,11)

Miyomo daikon and leek tsibulyu (photo 12)

Cut them into strips (photo 13-15)

Mimemo and pure ginger root. Three on the third third (photo 16,17)

The axis is now ready :-) (photo 18)

Let's take all our spices (photo 19)

Mixed pepper, dry chasnik and fish concentrate (rib sauce) (photo 20)

Add three drops of oil (I added sesame seeds) and ginger, mix (photo 21,22)

Wear the mittens with ease! I grind the cabbage, daikon and tsibul together with the sauce, scho viyshov (photo 23-25)

It is compacted into a container (I used a pot for the microwave, as a matter of fact. You really need a large ceramic container) (photo 26)

Cover with a lid, burn with spit so that it does not get lost in the air, and leave for 3-4 days at room temperature. (photo 27-28)

After 3-4 days, open it carefully - the garni and kimchi may develop a strong smell.

Ale come out even more delicious, brown and beautiful (photo 29)

Before we speak, crazy herb for weight loss! Kimchi with rice (unsalted) and nori (water) quickly burns fat and cleanses the skin.

We are glad that the baby is suffering.

Mood: Dedicated to food lovers

Kimchi - obov'yazkova warehouse part Lots of Korean strains. This is the Korean name for pickled vegetables. In fact, if the Koreans are fond of kimchi, they will start talking about pickled Chinese cabbage, which is the largest vegetable that is used in the preparation of the herb. For other options, specify the name of the vegetable before the title (for example, O-ee Kimchi means a snack made from spicy vegetables). Kimchi is also used as an ingredient in many other Korean herbs, including in many recipes. The recipe for Chinese cabbage kimchi is simple: don’t worry about lactofermentation. This is the very process that creates sauerkraut and traditional salted cucumbers.

At the first stage, the cabbage is soaked in salted brine, which kills harmful bacteria. At another stage, the Lactobacillus bacteria, which have been lost, convert the zucchini into lactic acid, which preserves the vegetables and gives them this wonderful spicy taste.

What does kimchi taste like?

When you try this herb for the first time, you may be immediately overwhelmed by the strong smell and unique taste. However, as soon as you call to kemcha, you will deserve more for everything. This is not bad, because this snack is also famous for its healthiness. It is rich in cellulose, vitamins A and C, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), calcium and saliva, as well as rich in lactic acid bacteria. Evidence suggests that it is excellent for reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol, fighting cancer, rejuvenating and boosting the immune system. In many markets you can easily find ready-made kimchi. You can also create your own delicious snack, depending on your particular taste and spiciness.

When looking for recipes for kimchi with Chinese cabbage, you can find different variations. They add a little sugar, and other surfaces completely disappear from the milk. And people who include carrots in stock are respectful but not acceptable.

You can be smart about it, but you can get out of the over-insurance options effectively. This means that you and your family can earn kimchi for your success. Rely on the power of smell and taste, and you eat a wonderful snack. However, people are wary of following any recipe. So, in advance of the hour you can make the kimchi hot, and the excess ginger – sticky. If you crave hotchaguru or red pepper, adjust it to your taste. The kimchi can be soft or hot according to your choice.

A classic kimchi made from Chinese cabbage, mixed with radishes and cabbage, and seasoned with dried red pepper paste, chasnik, ginger, zucchini and fish sauce, salted shrimp or brown seaweed.

A mixture of sea salt and gochaguru (Koranic pepper flakes) is the key to creating miraculous kimcha.

How to cook at home

The Korean cabbage kimchi recipe uses a variety of ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of Chinese cabbage;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1 bottle of sea salt (for rosesol);
  • 1/2 bottle of great sea salt (for sizzle);
  • 1 teaspoon of sweet rice boroshn (or zvichay);
  • 3/4 bottle of water (for boroshn);
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated tea chasnik;
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger (grated);
  • 230 g Korean radish;
  • 3 bunches of green cibul;
  • 1/2 bottle of gochaguru (Korean plastics made from hot pepper);
  • 1 teaspoon anchovy rib sauce;
  • 2 teaspoons of fish sauce for shrimp;
  • 1 teaspoon of tsukru.

How to prepare kimchi from Chinese cabbage?

Beforehand, use gum gloves to prepare the cabbage and set the seasonings. Otherwise, your hands may be damaged by the salt and pepper.

There are three ways to pickle Chinese cabbage for Korean kimchi:

  1. Dry method. You need to squeeze coarse sea salt between cabbage leaves and leave for 4 years. Then turn the leaves over for another 4 years (8 years in total). For one whole Chinese cabbage, add 1 bottle of salt. After the end of the appointed hour, wash and rinse the sheets.
  2. Wet method. Add some salt and soak the cabbage for 12-16 years (turn it over after 6-8 years). Place the animal carefully so that the sheep are exposed to salt water. The optimal salt concentration is 15-20%. Fresh water/high salt 5/1.
  3. Adaptation of the dry-tip method. Take the salt mixture (water/coarse salt 16/1) from a large bowl and place half a head of cabbage there. Wrap them up from the sides, turning them over so that all parts of the cabbage are loose. Then remove the cabbage from | Season the salt and place it in a large empty bowl or roasting pan. Then nasipte the beast close? flasks of high salt (for the skin half) between the balls of leaves. Leave for 4-6 years. Turn the cabbage over and pour in more of the cabbage (8-12 years total).

The cooking time can vary depending on the temperature, the amount of salt and the amount of Chinese cabbage that is being roasted. The salting process takes place faster, and this process takes much longer. How do you know when the vegetable is ready and can you make kimchi from Chinese cabbage? If you bend the stem of cabbage, it will not be brittle and crunchy. After rinsing 2-3 times, the saltiness will be lost to a large extent, and the remaining amount will change during the fermentation process.

However, if you add too much salt, Chinese cabbage will lose its sweet taste. If there is too little of it, your kimchi will not be as tasty. In addition, cabbage that is not salted enough can become bitter or begin to rot.

Rib sauce

To prepare kimchi from Chinese cabbage, you can use different proportions of fish and shrimp sauce (Anchovy Fish Sauce and Salted Shrimp Sauce) according to your preferences. In the younger parts of Korea, you can get more anchovy and fish sauce. However, too much gives kimchi a bitter taste. Other types of fish sauce are also available in various parts of Korea, but the most common are sauces made from shrimp and anchovies. If you have prepared more seasoning as needed, you can freeze the excess.

Chi obov'yazkovo vikoristuvat sea salt?

Remember also that coarse sea salt is the binding component of kimchi. It's hard to give you the same taste and texture.

You can keep kosher, but it’s just great. If the amounts of salt are very small, you can speed up the process of removal from the leaves. It is not recommended to use kitchen salt (iodized salt), because iodine is lost to fermentation, and the texture and color of the salt may appear incorrect. The photo of kimchi made from Chinese cabbage, presented by Statti, shows the correct color of the finished product.

What to do after the salting process?

Rinse Chinese cabbage 3 times in cold water. Cut the cabbage into pieces 5-6 cm in size, non-waterproof leaves of one kind. Pour out all the water, placing the cabbage upside down next to the filter for 4-5 years. If you can’t create anything, the world above can lead to the appearance of unwanted aromas. There is a large space between the bottom of the filter and the top of the sink so that water can flow.

Earn boron roses

In a small saucepan, add a teaspoon of licorice and rice to cold water (1 teaspoon to 3/4 of a glass of water) and stir until all the breasts are cooked. Heat over medium heat, bring to a boil and cook until the consistency of creamy soup. Remove the mixture from heat and let it cool for at least 40 minutes.

Get gochugaru paste

Add all the hot peppers separately and mix well. Fill in approximately 20 layers to remove the brightest color. Details of the hour and ginger. The smaller the pieces, the more evenly the stench will be distributed among the kimchi. Wash and cut the green cibul and radish into thin slices. After which you can season kimchi with Chinese cabbage.


If the cabbage is spared zavoy rіdiny, mix gochagur paste with anchovy fish and shrimp sauces, additional ginger, chasnik, zukr, chopped green cibul and radish.

Tighten disposable gloves to protect your hands. Place the cabbage on a large plate and rub the seasoning mixture between the leaves. Pass your fingers along the skin ball, stripping the pieces of radish and green cibula from the white part of the leaf, so that the stench does not fall out.

Fermentation bath

Place the prepared cabbage in a container with a thick lid. As soon as they are finished, pinch the leaves with your hands. Fill the container 80% or less. In other conditions, the wine may begin to leak, as debris from the kimchi is released and gas is released during fermentation. You can use either a jar or a high-acid plastic container, or to achieve the best results, use special containers that allow probiotic fermentation and maintain the product at an optimal level.

Cover the container with a plastic sheet (wrap it in plastic) and close the lid. If you are using a small amount of cabbage and intend to eat it within a couple of days, you do not need to remove the plastic spit.

How long does it take to prepare kimchi?

Allow the fermentation hour to depend on the temperature and amount of salt in the kimchi. Lower temperature and less salt enhance the fermentation process. Fahivtsi say that complete fermentation at +5...+10 °C for 15-20 days allows you to extract the most delicious kimchi from Chinese cabbage.

The triviality of preparation lies in the face of your special advantages. Some people like it fresh, some unfermented cabbage, some people like it highly fermented and sour. At any time, if the kneading reaches the stage of readiness that you would like, put it in the refrigerator.

Remember that Chinese cabbage produces gas and juice, and the waste is actively fermented. Leave a little bit of space in the container, otherwise it will quickly overfill.

How to save ready-made kimchi for a long time

Traditionally, kimchi is preserved in earthenware containers under the name ong-gi. Ong-gi/Onggi is a dry ceramic that maintains cabbage and other fermented products in an optimal state. Long ago, in the Korean spring, kimchi were made, and then they were placed in ong-gi and buried in the ground to preserve the product all winter.

These days, most Koreans use a plastic container to store kimchi and put it in the refrigerator.

The product can be stored for 6 months or longer in the refrigerator, but it can add a sour taste. This type of kimchi is ideal for preparing stewed vegetables, rice with vegetables, etc. If you add fresh seafood when preparing a salad, kimchi with Chinese cabbage will last better for a month.

These edges are so hot and piquant that they will whet your appetite. Korean cooks use vikory to prepare essential products for us, only supplemented with incredible spices to fry and hot seasonings. This richness of the hedgehogs gives the herbs an unique aroma and pleasant sapiness.

One of the favorite and most popular dishes in Korean cuisine is kimchi, or chimcha, the recipe for which you will learn from this article. Having squandered it at least once, you will become a mischief maker of the same thing the next time. In fact, this marinated and salted salt is common among the Uzbek peoples. In Russia, instead of Beijing, they often substitute the original white pumpkin - the taste of which practically does not change.

Cabbage kimchi: first recipe

It is quite difficult to prepare the national chimcha at home. The recipe is subject to the presence of active ingredients:

A pumpkin of Chinese cabbage,

The watchmaker's head is whole,

Soy sauce (one hundred grams),

One pod of red and green chili pepper,

melena paprika (30 grams),

Cybula (three heads),

9% ocet (three spoons),

Grated ginger (two spoons),

Add several tablespoons of salt to two liters of water.

Cooking process

We wash the video, cut it into two parts and place it in a saucepan with salt water. We install an important cover at the top so that the cabbage is submerged under water. Leave for five days at room temperature.

Before the end of the term, grind all the overcooked spices and vegetables in a blender and let it steep for 24 years. Rinse the cabbage under water. We put on the gloves and the skin leaf is clearly coated with hot madness. Fill with warm, lightly salted water and reserve for relish. The next day, distribute the pickled vegetables into sterilized containers. The cabbage turned out to be so spicy.

Chimcha recipe, which is beyond description, is not only amazing savory yakki, ale i brown authorities. Korean cooks claim that the dish helps break down fat deposits, especially due to the presence of chili pepper. In addition, speeches that take place in the new world are consistent with the normalization of work. intestines and fight against free radicals.

Korean snack chimcha: another recipe

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, bell pepper, head of chasnik, cilantro pod, black pepper and a hint of relish.

Fill the sliced ​​vegetables with salt mixture, which is equal to a liter of water and two tablespoons of salt. The marinade must be boiled and poured over the cabbage - add three doses under pressure. After the indicated hour, wash the salt from the vegetables.

Cooking adjika: grind all ingredients in a blender or mince meat. Having put on gum gloves, carefully brush the leaves with the prepared mixture and put them in the refrigerator. When serving, garnish with sprinkles and cilantro. It's great to eat with some delicious kimcha (chomcha) as a side dish.

Recipe three - with pork meat

You need chimcha, about three hundred grams, as well as fatty pork - at least 400 g, tsibul - a splinter of heads, black pepper and salt.

Paseruvati cibulu na olive oil. Then add finely chopped meat. If it's nice to brown, add small pieces of Korean cabbage to the pan, season with spices, cover with a lid and simmer for 15 minutes. As a garnish for this wonderful herb, it is ideal to serve uncooked rice.

Now you know what chimcha is. The recipe is simple to prepare. Moreover, such cabbage helps to improve health and give strength, and you can boast about these vegetables far from your skin. Enjoy the taste and recharge your batteries.