The main directives of the domestic policy of Bull Clinton. New Politics B. Clinton. Intermediate period, cabinet molding

At the time of the economic downturn, the election hour of 1992 was Biliy dim transition to the hands of a democrat William Bill Clinton.

The United States for Clinton reached the top of their prosperity, peace and prosperity. Another half of the 1990s. was marked by an unbelievable and even trivial economic boom. Founded by advanced technologies, the "new economy" of the United States demonstrated a high rate of growth, which led to growth salary and fast worklessness. President Clinton won the numerical capacity, as if giving the growth of the economy, in order to develop various social programs. In fact, under the new bula, a mitzna of "insurance trinket" was formed, which protected the Americans from spending time on labor, practicality, and annuals. However, not all the citizens of the United States were able to achieve it.

Remembering the success of the 1990s. the fight against malice and corruption has reached. The US order has significantly strengthened the support of science. As a result, the United States won unparalleled leadership in the world in the development of information technology and biotechnology.

Prote nastіlki significant growth of the economy created a piece of "overheating", which in practice instantly turned into a large-scale crisis. Material from the site

The New Politics of Bill Clinton

In 1994 The American investigation revealed that Pivnichna Korea was actively preparing for the nuclear bombing. Direct pressure on the Koreans did not help, nazriv bad conflict. The situation was resolved far away for the fate of the mediator. great president USA Carter. Vіn domіgsa please about the cherry of similar food in a peaceful way.

In 1998 American aircraft bombed Iraq after the fact that the security forces of the neighboring country announced that they had no need to cooperate with UN experts.

In 1999 American aircraft took part in the bombardment of the territory of Yugoslavia during the so-called Kosiv crisis.


The coils of the current modern US policy lie in the features of the formation of the support of that power, geographical distribution, the historical process and other laws that zoomed in on the formation of basic principles, which followed and continued the following administration, which changed one another. Naturally, the situation is like that of the United States, and that of the modern world is mindful of the difference in the main components in the current political course, which put the priority of national interests, the idea of ​​redundancy, insanely saving "freedom of hands", victoria of forceful methods.

The coming to power of the new head of state, as it seems, is accompanied by fundamental changes, both in internal and external politics.

The relevance of this to those who have a great infusion of the hour, like the world economy, and the US is pushing politics.

As a method of this work, the economic and political courses of the three remaining American presidents were developed.

Vidpovidno to the point of being appointed and ordering the follow-up, which means that:

1. commemoration of the economic and political course of B. Clinton;

2. promotion of the economic and political course of George W. Bush;

3. Vivchenni economic and political course of B. Obama;

4. pіdbittі pіdbagіv doslіdzhennya that formularyuvannі vysnovkіv.

The process of work was based on the materials of the press and book publications on various aspects of the economic and political activities of the American administration.

Economic and political course of Bill Clinton

politics bush clinton obama

Domestic policy

William Jefferson "Bill" Climton is the 42nd President of the United States. Having traveled to the settlement for a period of two terms from 1993 - 2001. Arriving in Bily Dim under the sound of "setting the fret in the booth" and "reinforcing the American dream", Clinton called out in the American community an unprecedented surge of oversight that has long been observed.

The main parameters of the policy of the Clinton administration were presented in the program, which took the name "We are the people. Together we can change America." This program document includes a detailed breakdown of the main priorities of the domestic and foreign policy of the American power with a clearly expressed position of the democratic candidate from the key nutrition of the life of the state, which is based on the results of the state’s successes.

In a whole ninth, the strategy of the democrats was formed from the following main points: 1) the internal economic transformation of the American power, which is considered the main rank of the conversion of the economy, tobto. in the transferred accents from the defensive chamber to the sphere of peaceful cultivation; 2) perebudova structure of podatkuvannya in order to create a system of fair allocation of pododilu podatkіv for all levels of the population; 3) expansion of the system of medium and high light; 4) radical reformation of the system of sovereign health protection, which is considered the main rank in the step-by-step combination of the global ability to eliminate the minimum medical service; 5) reform of the federal order, which means that the short-term 100 yew. working areas to allow changing the federal order to the establishment of the federal order, surrounding the area by embedding power groups in the order, and revisiting the practice of financing election campaigns.

Successes in domestic politics - stable economic growth for a similarly high level of employment - played a vital role in the reorganization of President Clinton to another term.

It was laid down at the 5-river plan and accepted in 1993. the program of economic transformations that continued for a long period of time during Clinton's stay in power gave its results. Clinton was already far away in 1998, three years before the appointed term, to file for approval by Congress to rebalance the budget. Over 14 million new jobs were created, the unemployment rate was the lowest for the remaining 24 years, and inflation for the remaining 30 years. The American budget for 1999 became the first balanced budget in the last 30 years.

America has never been so rich and prosperous as the years of the Clinton presidency. Decreased wages of unemployment, increased the number of working jobs. There was little inflation. The deficit of the budget was brought to a halt, and the state treasury was replenished with real pennies. In the 90s, the budget of the Pentagon was subsidized (from 6 to 3% of GDP), the reform of spending on social security and secure economic growth was implemented, which led to the transfer of income in the order above the vidatkami - mayzhe by 3% of GDP.

On September 20, 2001, the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton, left the seat of the head of state. I remember richly for my part in the scandal with Monika Levinsky, who I remember as a human being, as I shrugged off the military conflict in Yugoslavia, and who I forget about the memory of the US economy during the Clinton presidency.

"Rosijska Gazeta" presents the main facts and pіdbags of the work of William Jefferson Clinton at the plantation of the President of the United States.

1. Bill Clinton won the presidential election in the United States in 1992 and became the first Democrat in this suburb in 12 years. At zv'yazku z tsim it was appointed that the democrats could not wait until the formation of the president's command. For the first time Clinton was called upon by the chief prosecutor of the United States, Zoya Beard, as she called for non-payment of taxes and went through criminal investigations. So, at the very beginning of his presidency, Clinton did not like mutual relations with the Congress, which is the best idea of ​​the Republican Party.

2. The first is one of the biggest failures in the post of the head of the state - the failure of the health care reform, which was included before the transition of Clinton's campaigning votes. The reform provided for the provision of medical insurance for all the citizens of the United States, and the financing would fall on the shoulders of roboticists and workers in the medical sphere. For all those same days of political proof on such a high level and the victory of the Republicans in elections before the Congress of 1994 put an end to reforms. Tim Clinton himself has already made himself unkind on the cob of his presidency.

3. The 42nd President of the United States, having embraced his posting, two presidential terms, and tse mean that he remembered more than his failures. For the first time, I won a win at the elections for a lot of reasons for the rahunok of the one who voted for the polypshenni ekonomichniki in the country after the government of the republicans. Clinton's leading voice was the phrase "Fuck the economy, fool," which went all the way to President Bush.

Warto signifies that during the presidency of President Clinton, the US economy grew at a warring pace. Inflation was running fast, the lack of work was done to a low level, and the current borg of the United States was far from running fast. Another important fact is that under the hour of another presidential term, Clinton, the budget of the country has changed from a surplus.

4. All the same, Bill Clinton did not go far enough to tamper with the country without everyday scandals. One of them is the whole scandal of Clinton and Monika Levinska, at which time the president leaned on the impeachment. Levinski worked in the White House from 1995 to 1997, at the same time between Levinski and Clinton there were romantic episodes of a sexual encounter. In 1998, the investigation began, and for some time in both chambers, the Congress was scolded to the point that Clinton deserved to be impeached for perjury in court, if he disclaimed the facts of a sexual relationship with Levinski. In this rank, Bill Clinton became the third (after Nixon and Johnson) US President, who was threatened with impeachment.

5. The scandal of Clinton and Monika Levinski richly reflects on the old political activity of the USA in the 90s of the XX century. It is significant that the military operations began on the same day that Clinton's court case began - the attack on the US embassy in Kenya and Tanzania was carried out on the same day that Levinska appeared in court; operation "Fox of the Desert" was carried out by the US and Great Britain troops in Iraq at the same hour, if the impeachment hearing was held at the House of Representatives; in the fierce fate of 1999, the hour of hearing about the impeachment was already initiated in the US Senate, negotiations between the Kosovo Albanians and the Yugoslav authorities.

The Clinton government has undoubtedly become the most sumptuous political bag Gromadyanskaya war from Yugoslavia, as it took the life of a majestic lot of people and shattered the great Balkan country. The NATO army and the UN peacekeepers took the fight of the separatists from this conflict and were purely inspired by the numerical facts of the military villains against the Serbian part of Yugoslavia.

The period of the 1990s, as if falling asleep under the rule of Bill Clinton (1993-2000), was the last stage of rozbudov and the current light system of the economic and political interplay of the powers-participants of the light sleepy. Significantly change what the positions of the Successful States have bumped into, as if they were in the middle of the self-power, so in the light arena. As a result of completion cold weather”, Rozkol of the SRSR and revolutions in the lands of the large socialist bloc, the integration processes in the first geographical zones have accelerated, since long ago the reasons for the economic and political nature were weighed one to one.

In this rank, in the 90s of the XX century. Shangheni tripods of America called the Seryozha Situm, Yak Vimagatim, one side, all the їkhnih zusil for that, the saber of his liditiye in the svytovye is, and the same - Pidlastuvati, the Ekonomnita Base of Vydpydol. The very same task before the Clinton administration, the very fact of being rebuked under the government seems low 100 changes, what happened in the middle of the American power and the ruling elite.

Hotch B. Clinton came to power as "domestic political president," the shards in the course of the campaign for the fight against wines, having given the main respect to social and economic nutrition, inadvertently, food security was brought to the US policy. It was explained to us before them that the formation of new approaches in the sphere of security was the most important in security minds for the implementation of the US political plans, which may have a global peace-regulating character. At the Strategy, the expansion, represented by the Clinton administration, the expansion of NATO, the promotion of NATO and the US military forces in the regulation of conflicts, the modernization of defense, the change of the contractual base in the field of security, has become a priority.

Dіyalnіst admіnіstratsії Klіntona in rozrobtsі globalnoї strategії that strategії natsіonalnoї BEZPEKA that have virіshennі okremih, naybіlsh digit of Look prospects svіtovogo rozvitku, problems BEZPEKA Mauger rozglyadatisya yak Duzhe vazhliva scho viznachaє polіtiku the following admіnіstratsіy, to її analіz that uzagalnennya vidayutsya vazhlivimi she expired of naukovoї that practical point of view.

1. Political career Bill Clinton

The 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton, aka William Jefferson Clinton, was born in the small town of Hop (Arkansas) on April 19, 1946. Having taken a bachelor's degree in 1968, then continuing his studies at Oxford University in England. Have 1973 p. having taken the degree of Doctor of Laws at Yelsk University and turned to Arkansas to engage in political activity.

In 1974 Clinton ran for the US Congress and became the supreme star of the Democrats in Arkansas, not much winning over the Republican candidate, but changing his mind. In 1976 letter of appeal to the state attorney general, and 1978 p. - governor. Having brought to itself the respect of the lighting program, it was like a transfer of the promotion of taxes and the provision of qualification tests for the readers. Actively addressing the solution of the problems of manufacturing and implementation of ways to protect the health of children. Having embraced the head of the national association of governors in 1986 and 1987. Uvіyshov for the sake of democratic kerіvnitstva - a group of fading democrats, yak pragmatic change in the party representatives of professional unions, racial minorities and anti-militarists. In 1990 and 1991 rr. buv head tsієї for the sake of. Supporting the links between Ukraine and the liberals, pushing through the reform program of the social security system - the beloved child of the fading democrats.

Zhovtni born in 1991 Clinton entered the fight for the presidential post. Vіn acting for the reduction of taxes and military vitrates, the reforms of the protection of health and enlightenment. Having announced the program, it would guarantee the health of the skin American to education at an equal college and would allow students to repay subsidies for education, for the low-paid public works. Speaking out of sharp criticism of the republicans for victorious racial problems for the split of the nation. In the course of the election campaign, Clinton invariably balked at those changes and hopes. Nagoloshuyuchi at the time of change generations in the Kerivnitstvі krajina, napolyagav on the need for change to improve the economy. On the 3rd leaf fall of 1992, over 100 million votes were voted - 55% of the total votes. Clinton won 43% of the vote, Bush - 37%, and R. Perot - 19%. September 20, 1993 the United States will be inaugurated by William Jefferson Clinton as the 42nd president of the country.

2. Domestic policy

Arriving in the White House under the accompaniment of “put the house back on track” and “restore the American dream”, Clinton called out in the American community an unprecedented surge of changes that had long been overdue.

The main parameters of the policy of their administration were expanded by Clinton in concert with Gore and presented in their program, which took away the name “Nasampered is the people. How can we change America together? This program document includes a detailed breakdown of the main priorities of the domestic and foreign policy of the American power with a clearly expressed position of the democratic candidate from the key nutrition of the life of the state, which is based on the results of the state’s successes.

The essence of the new solution was to add basic respect to a number of needs of the population, tobto. nutrition of social policy In his Clinton program, having invested in various social programs over 50 billion dollars. on the river for the coming 4 years from the one-hour change in the budget deficit of the second half. Investments of a similar scale to allow the creation of over a million new high-paying jobs and to help the American power compete with other countries and preserve its status as a leader in the world arena. In a whole ninth strategy of democrats, there were such main points: 1) the internal economic transformation of the American power, which is considered the main rank of the conversion of the economy, tobto. in the transferred accents from the defensive chamber to the sphere of peaceful cultivation; 2) perebudova structure of podatkuvannya in order to create a system of fair allocation of pododilu podatkіv for all levels of the population; 3) improvement of the system of secondary and higher education, granting state positions for those who need to continue their education in colleges, development of programs for professional retraining of workers; 4) radical reformation of the system of sovereign health protection, which is considered the main rank of the step-by-step collation of the global ability to take the minimum medical care; 5) reform of the federal order, which means that the short-term 100 yew. working areas to allow changing the federal order to the establishment of the federal order, surrounding the area by embedding power groups in the order, and revisiting the practice of financing election campaigns.

On Clinton's thought, the only way, for the help of such an American power, can not only be effectively competitive in the world market modern minds, and save your leading positions in the 21st century, - I will create the best system for educating the population in the world.

During the first few months of his presidency, Clinton took up the cause of health protection and ratification of the American Pivnichnoye area about freedom of trade (NAFTA). Vin recognized his retinue as the head of a special commission for the development of reforms in the health care system. NAFTA was ratified by the House of Congress when the leaves fell, and the majority of Democrats voted against, and the majority of Republicans voted in favor of praise. The plan to reform the health care system has been criticized by members of Congress as something radical. The industry of health insurance thwarted the opposition of a serious lobbyist. At the beginning of 1994, members of Congress presented other propositions, and Clinton decided to come up with a conciliatory plan of democratic leaders to Congress. Republican obstruction in the Senate led to a vote on health care reform in 1994.

Based on some recommendations, broken on the cob of the 80s by active adherents of the theory of industrial development and development in the work “Looking at the 1990s: American strategy and light economy» D. Burton Jr., W. Gotbaum and F. Rohatina, The United States of America is responsible for seeing technological change as a major national priority. Between the order and the industrial stakes, it is the responsibility to conduct a trivaly dialogue, which allows the rest to openly discuss their technological needs, so that they can accept the latest and coordinated changes to the problems that they blame. As there is a need for nutrition about human resources, then in the book it was proposed to change lowly how to mutually support business and professional skills, protect health, educate, and retrain workers. A look at the Clinton administration's cronies - The mountain shows that they stole a lot of propositions, hanging in the book "Looking at the 1990s", and ranked them in the rank of national goals and priorities.

Successes in domestic politics - stable economic growth for a similarly high level of employment - played a vital role in the reorganization of President Clinton to another term. In the 1996 election, Clinton won 379 votes against 159 votes given to Senator R. Dole, and became Roosevelt's first Democratic president, let's use another term. Clinton's protege was supported by only 49% of the voters who voted, and the Republicans increased the majority in both chambers of Congress.

After the reorganization, the main problem of the Clinton administration was the achievement of a balanced budget for the one-hour implementation of the public elections for social programs. In the fall of 1997, it was necessary to wait for the republican majority in the Congress, the orientation of legislation towards reaching a balanced budget until 2002. medical insurance Medicare, the president, won congressional praise for expanding medical care for children and the disabled, and seeing subsidies for college students.

The main merit of the Clinton administration, as I.V. Skrinnik, believed that it was possible to expand and introduce a new economic philosophy into life, in the center of the individual, what is known within the framework of either the borders of the navkolishny trade union. Such a pidkhid, meaning also a rethinking of the role of the order, as if you can focus your respect on these aspects of the economy and the market, if not able to secure an individual’s equal life and development. As a result of the new economic and social philosophy, a number of ostentatious economic development they continued to check and reversed all the scoring results.

It was laid down at the 5-river plan and accepted in 1993. the program of economic transformations that continued for a long period of time during Clinton's stay in power gave its results. Equal to the 1992 budget deficit, approximately $357 billion in funding. or more, actually becoming less than 10 billion dollars. Clinton was already far away in 1998, three years before the appointed term, to file for approval by Congress to rebalance the budget. Over 14 million new jobs were created, the unemployment rate was the lowest for the remaining 24 years, and inflation for the remaining 30 years. The American budget for 1999 became the first balanced budget in the last 30 years.

Capital investment in the human factor has become a critical factor in the economic development of the Successful States of the XX century. For whom the role is played by the federal order "human resources" - social security, health protection, enlightenment. While in the 1950s less than 20% of the federal budget (3% of GDP) fell on this part, then until 2000 - two thirds of the budget, or maybe 14% of GDP, and with the improvement of state capitals and municipal government - over 21% of GDP. Warto golosity, scho is more important than social vitrates maє "abductions", obov'yazkovy character. The system of social security has made the “insurance” mitzna, which protects the interests of the population at the expense of labor, practicality, annuals.

2000 r. over 80 million American hromadyans - a third of the population of the country - regularly received additional help for the programs of state social insurance and assistance, totaling 1 trillion. dollars Tse 30 times more than the federal budget of the Russian Federation in the same hour.

America has never been so rich and prosperous as the years of the Clinton presidency. Decreased wages of unemployment, increased the number of working jobs. There was little inflation. The deficit of the budget was brought to a halt, and the state treasury was replenished with real pennies. In the 90s, the budget of the Pentagon was subsidized (from 6 to 3% of GDP), the reform of spending on social security and secure economic growth was implemented, which led to the transfer of income in the order above the vidatkami - mayzhe by 3% of GDP. The American economy has a great positive potential.

Express-analysis of Clinton’s writings, speaking about those who for the entire war period, for the blame of the “anomalous” twenty years, kerma vikonavchoi vladi Democratic administrations of Franklin Roosevelt - Harry Truman (1933-1953), the presidency of Osla, the party candidate, came first.

3. Zovnishnya politics

3.1. US global strategy

New US approaches to the end of security problems were formed in the process of developing a global strategy for the period following the collapse of the bipolar order. The concepts that were discussed in the course of the most important political discussions were taken up by the Clinton administration during the preparation of an official document, known as the "Strategy for national security of radiation and expansion."

It was blatantly voiced on several directions of the American policy of promoting democracy and the market economy: 1) to change the trade between the country and the market economy; 2) to want and develop new democracies and suppleness with a market economy there, for whom it is possible; 3) fight against aggression and acceptance of the liberalization of non-democratic lands; 4) to push the development of democracy and the market economy in the regions, which raises the greatest concern. In July 1994, with the help of President Clinton, the concept was framed in a new document of the National Library of Russia "Strategy for national security of radiation and expansion" (National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement). The main provisions of the document Bulo tverdzhennya about those scho boundary mіzh vnutrіshnoyu that zovnіshnoyu polіtikoyu stiraєtsya, zmіtsnennya natsіonalnoї Economy neobhіdne for pіdtrimki vіyskovoї mogutnostі, holding zovnіshnoї polіtiki that pіdtrimki svіtovogo vplivu US, active mіzhnarodna dіyalnіst zabezpechuє rozshirennya torgіvlі that novі robochі Georeferencing for amerikantsіv.

Victory in the presidential elections in 1996 Bula was regarded by the Clinton administration as a national recognition of the state-of-the-art political strategy hanging by her as an example of the XX century, and the future of the century. At grass 1997 White House presenting another important addition - the National Security Strategy for the new capital. (National Security Strategy for the New Century), in which the foundations of the policy of the Clinton administration were laid down on another term of government, a strategy for the future was presented. In addition, the following main provisions of the strategy were seen: 1. The USA is a nation with global interests; 2. The head of the state's kerіvnitstvа - podtremuvat prevazhuyut in all spheres - diplomatic, technological, industrial and military interests of the United States; 3. For the sake of the former head of the United States, they can work both together with other lands, and self-tightening, if necessary; 4. Received by the States as a single country, building a world leadership under the hour of solving international problems.

The Clinton administration hung up an ambitious political program, which would fix the alignment of forces favorable to the United States in the world and secure the ability to control the development of the international situation, depending on American interests and plans. An important place was introduced to the ideological component - the expansion of American values ​​and the transformation of international consciousness, similarly to the American model of democracy and the economic system.

In the course of shaping the global strategy of the United States, the creation of a new world order was put in place, in which the United States is obliged to preserve the status of the main system-creating center and in which the threats to the security of the hegemon's position will be neutralized as much as possible. For the same reason, the most important actions of the United States were the expansion of NATO and the representation of these organizations, they occupied the position of a non-transverse leader and wanted to save, as the main collective regulatory force, in order to be formed; fixed power model in the regulation of conflicts again for American leadership; vydkhіd vіd іsnuyuchikh kontraktі in the sphere of security, yakі vybrobrazhali stavishche, scho vosnuvalo vіyni (SNO, ABM).

As a result of the activity of the Clinton administration, those political scientists, who worked on it, took away the fixed concept of the creation of the Euro-American cohesion, which was based on the model of "cooperative security". Such a pidkhіd conveys the preservation of American leadership and includes the singing autonomy of the world leader.

The United States is able to regulate conflicts (the totality of Yugoslavia) to speak about those that the military-power model was fixed in theory in practice. In the concepts that argue for the United States, the main provisions are about the establishment of national sovereignty, about the subordination of national interests to the primordial democratic values ​​and the interests of the “democratic part of the svіtovoї spіlnoti”, in the United States as a non-transverse leader (hegemonomer). Voting "world" (like a camp without war and/or conflicts) as an inappropriate category, the United States took upon itself the mission of further expansion of democracy in the world.

In practice, military-powerful support is based on victorious substandard standards (the United States and its allies support one of the parties in the conflict); on ignorance of the UN and fundamental international norms (non-compliance with domestic powers); does not exclude the possibility of unilateral praise of the decisions received by the States; vikoristovuyutsya new vidi ozbroєn, including unsafe for the population and fenced by international standards; military operations do not allow clear-cut programs from the new military regulation of the situation (the creation of democratic institutions) in the krai-nah - objects in the flow.

Yak having appointed V. Kolosov, asking the Economist newspaper (1999. 24 April. R. 50) , until the end of the XX century. in democratic lands, the legitimacy of the forceful action began with a huge thought. Itself, and not the norms of international law, acted as the greatest arbiter. Thus, the American and other foreign leaders miraculously witnessed how the reaction called out the picture of the mass result of the Albanian refugees from Kosovo, who did not leave the television screens (1999). The meta bula has been reached. While at the beginning of the 1990s most Americans spoke out against the transformation of a single superpower with a light police officer, then, finally, in the spring of 1999, a huge idea was raised by NATO in the wake of the crisis in Kosovo.

The dismantling of the basic system of international security, directly interfering with Russia, shards, first, won, like the legal defender of the SRSR, was one of the organizers of that main regulator of the security system of the bipolar era, and in another way, she also took a new order of her own moreover, what kind of security system can be in the XXI century.

On the eve of the administration of Clinton in the American political-academic trade union, there were public discussions on how to resolve problems with Russia (NATO expansion, the crisis in Yugoslavia, the SNO-2 and ABM treaties, the share of the UN), as to look at the role of the system without the people. As a result, the United States entered into bilateral agreements accompanied by an intensive dialogue between the leaders of the two powers, during the course of which the presidents of Russia and the United States voted the powers to be partners in solving international problems and signed a low document, albeit for the format of such a polar agreement on bilateral agreements. The status of these treaties is essentially lower, their significance for international security is not so high, and the role of Russia looks less important. The stench did not know the problems with the Russians and the USA, they save the differences in the USA, and in the light of the legitimacy and correctness of the American policy.

3.2. Expansion of NATO on the way

Attached to the basis of the Organization of the Warsaw Pact in Chervny 1991. knew about the dissolution of NATO - until the voluntary decision was taken, the United States and its allies were not disbanded. Expanding the warehouse of the Pivnіchnoatlantichnogo alliance, kіlkіsnoї kіlkіsnoy, of little importance strategic importance, and from the very cob was seen from three angles: 1) expansion of the mission; 2) expanding the zone of coverage; 3) warehouse expansion. Russian diplomacy actually

At the fall of the leaves, 1993, At Rome, the sovereign secretary W. Christopher at the speech at the plenary meeting of the NBSU, pronouncing the program "Partnership for the sake of peace" saying: "At the same time, we will open the door for incremental expansion of the number of NATO members." The Clinton administration began to implement plans for NATO expansion into life, as if on the back of the head they were considered important. In the campaign to clarify the position of the Clinton administration regarding NATO, a great role was played by the famous political experts - immigrants from Northern Europe and Central Europe. “In this region, - write the scientific specialist of ISKRAN P. Є. Smirnov, - the NATO bloc, although formally more and not an adversary of Russia, but still, without ceasing to accept it as a threat, instantly take under its wing a little less than 50 million people and vpritul go to the borders, as if they were the most intriguing for Russia.

On September 10, 1994, B. Clinton, speaking at the NATO summit in Brussels, stating that "as democracy at the meeting knows the shocks, violence and instability right off the bat can be unsafe for America and other democratic powers." Vіn officially announced about the program "Partnership for the name of the world" (PVM), how small is the acceptance of the formation of new ventures in the field of security between the Alliance and Yogo partners in the name of the world. Having confirmed at the press conference that Poland, the Czech Republic, the Ugorshchyna and the Slovak region could become the first candidates for admission to NATO, as well as the PVM voucher for many members of the Allied Forces and other European countries, if they are not included in the NATO Alliance, the possibility of joining NATO

It was stated that after the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic, the world did not lose its military power, the building of the United States, as a decisive factor in regulating the order of the world. The expansion of NATO was characterized not only as an expansion of the military bloc, but as a threat to Russia and other powers that would not reach the new one, but as a wide expansion of the liberal democratic order, prompted by the 40 years of the Acquired States. The authors of the political concept of NATO's future stated that the fragments of NATO were created mainly by American forces, the United States may have the right to choose the process of fixing it, spying on it as if it were a wired international structure.

On the cob of another term of Clinton's administration, the nutrition about the expansion of NATO was left unsaid. The position of Russia was not defended, although it was brought to a broad dialogue with the United States in various forms of interaction between NATO and Russia. The most important for the United States were those who managed to neutralize their opponents in the middle of the country, to live with Russia, to radically change the strategy of NATO, grafting it into the global strategy of the United States.

The other half of the 90s of the 20th century passed under the sign of concrete steps to expand NATO to the downside. In 1999, Ugorshchina, Poland, and the Czech Republic joined the alliance. 2000 r. Okrem politologists have destroyed the power of further expansion of the alliance with possible access to the new Baltic region. So, at the additional Keito Institute, it was stated that the United States brought about a radical change in NATO doctrine, which is the essence of the bloc. It was said that NATO began to take over the borders of its own sphere of activity without being informed by the Washington Treaty of 1949 (the totality of Yugoslavia).

Experts from the Cato Institute recommended that the US Congress praise a resolution that defends the US military forces for military purposes, which goes beyond the security of the defense of the countries - NATO members. The congress was encouraged to move further away from the expansion of the bloc after the praise of 1999. three similar European lands. Such recommendations were not taken until the respect of the Clinton administration. Until 2000 navit those liberal experts, who opposed the expansion of the alliance, said that the United States cannot act in its own opinion and initiate the process of expansion.

3.3. Global assessment of Clinton's current policy

Having reached the reach of the decision about the adoption of the deacons of the lands of Khidnoy Europe to NATO, Clinton, it would have been possible, having obtained a victory in the sphere of international foreign exchange. Tim is not less, іz Clinton's slump, as V. Osherov designates, the most recent sphere has become the most modern politics. Clinton's outrageous political successes, which the American ZMIs were excited about, turned out to be a goddamned illusion. The conflict between Israel and the Arab world has only grown stronger, the world in Pivnichniy Ireland is so fair and no news, Africa is being flooded with a zone of uninterrupted bloodshed. The very idea turned into illusion about those that conflicts can be overcome with a path of behind-the-scenes favors, such as “let us be kind”. In fact, in any situation, there will be those who win and lose, and in order to create a bugatory, or even a bugatian conflict, we will not need a financial support, but we will need the courage of the opposing sides in my right to make a sacrifice, calm down, forgive. I force methods do not help.

For Clinton, the blues of America with a new light, the greens with Europe, have become noticeably more compact. The stench was by no means simple, richly ambiguous for some reason, but the presence of a sleeping enemy - SRSR - muffled the rubbish. The contagious factor is viparuvavsya. Natomist claims for hegemony, which in no way befitted anyone, became the object of arraignment, especially through the incompetence of people, as they dictated the modern policy of the United States in the Clinton period. The Europeans have taken the American defender and helped them, but if there was no one to defend, but the mind of others was lost forever, the camp was remembered to change. Bulo rich is a sign of growing opposition.

4. Analysis of the Clinton policy model

American political scientists Galperin and Harris in preparation for the 2008 presidential elections. conducted a follow-up, called by them “Ways to Peremoga”, in which they analyzed various models of politics, such as zocrema, and the Clinton model of politics. This model, in the opinion of the authors, blamed the process of searching for clues on two key nutrition. First: Why are the Americans so angry at the same time? To a friend: how can political leaders behave in such a situation?

Clinton's policy is the last centrism. It is based on a reconciliation, that most of the inhabitants of the United States are less likely to be swayed by ideological superchicks, less practical solutions to the main problems that face the country. Zvіdsi vyplyvaє, scho vibortsі zahally vіddayut preváz pokіynіynіy and pomіrnіy politіtsі, orientirovanіy na syadgnennya sensible kompromіsіv. The implementation of such a policy is shifted not by the mood of the left part of the electorate, but by the cynical maneuvers of various kinds of lobbyists of that group of vices, as if it’s definitely the fault of such ideological and political conflicts, so that for their additional thought they can be manipulated.

Qi installations are caused by choice of a whole political line. The main meta of Clinton's Politics was not in the emphasis on differences, but in the current help and obscurity with distant bridges between the conflicting parties. The tactics of triangulation became a practical way to achieve it. Vaughn is blaming the need to resolve conflicts for the additional construction of a third position, which lies not between the positions of the opponents, but as if above them. On the thought of Morris, like splitting and Clinton, triangulation best allows you to know solutions, more less acceptable for both sides and do not create either on the other side, or on the other side of the petty sense of defeat.

Successful development of triangulation tactics will require commendable support for the electorate. Tom does not have to marvel that Clinton has always given great significance to the results of opituvan huge thought. Vіn vvazhav 50-hіdsotkove lamented by a disturbing symptom, which vimágaє terminovoї correction of the political course. Clinton pragmatically, at least 65% of the respondents praised Yogo Dii, for he thought that no one would dare to throw Yomu Viklik in any way. At the same time, Clinton did not in any way forget the one-sided settlement of the presidential power for the lawmakers' and the ship's government - so in its entirety the soul of its own political philosophy.

Bill Clinton's opponents, George W. Bush and Karl Rove, often argued that the tactics of triangulation caused an overworldly peace and protection, instilled a bad policy, as they did not allow the head of the administration to win over all the resources of the presidential power. Author "Ways to Peremoga" show that the criticism of the hereafter is unfair. Clinton did not plan his career on the basis of his experience, which was often called, and the winner of his results for the selection of optimal (zocrema, least conflict) ways to achieve his own goals. I especially took into account the vindictiveness of the wines, taking into account these results in the fluctuations, if you needed to work unpopular crops or work on the aphids of strong differences. Lack, Klinton Pishov Nazustrich to the conservatives of the їkhnyom Bazhanni radically snakes the system of the fіnancial pre-mobs, Shcho wrapped in 1930s, I zbalanstati federal budget, Ale Polinovyu Tsіni, yaki bilia . Vin expanding access to higher enlightenment, which the liberals have been trying to do for a long time, however, having chosen such a completely legal instrument, from a conservative point of view, the mechanism, like treasury loans. Also, the Clintonian policy of triangulation worked quite effectively in many cases.

Prote your head, a real relaxation of suspensefulness, this policy still has not reached. The conservative republicans did not want to be united with the policy of the White House, but they did their best to weaken the position of the Lord. Of course, the campaign for the impeachment of the president became the crowning achievement of the president's connection with the scandal, as well as the connection with Monika Levinsky, the protests were shy earlier, moreover, in a bad way. Before that, through his exercise in the synthesis of sensible ideas, popularized at both poles of the political spectrum, Clinton often gave his opponents a lead for zakidiv in spinelessness and opportunism, for an hour it was important to parry.

Clinton was on the aphids of the Freak Show permanent settlement of culture, yak repeatedly showed his teeth to him. Defensively, Clinton jumped over the media freak show, not going to yoga methods. Clinton's pragnennya popularity significant world bulo viklikana usvіdomlenim bazhannyam robiti itself unstoppable to її attacks. It has long gone into the mind of you, wanting the scandalous right Monika Levinska to show that your strategy is possible.

Clinton's policy was not accommodating for radical activists of his party, but rather helped save the White House's energy throughout the entire presidency.


The period of change under the rule of Bill Clinton was generally successful for the president, and even more important for the country's development of the Prosperous States of America.

In the interior of the US domestic policy, as a result of the reforms, it recognized an unexpected boom in its economic social development. America has never been so rich and prosperous as the years of the Clinton presidency. Decreased wages of unemployment, increased the number of working jobs. There was little inflation. The budget deficit was brought to a halt, and the state treasury began to grow into real pennies. The American economy has a great positive potential. The main merit of the adminsitan Klinton Poleg in the one, the same rosobita in Zhitti Novaya Ekononichnu Filosophia, in the center is not Rushiyni that is self -regio nickname of the Yak Takiy, but Indiviydu, as well as the abstain, in the framework

In the realm of the current politics of the United States, the fates of Clinton's presidency were successful in making low and important approaches to bring the policy of the country to the world-regulating level. The Clinton administration was far away: 1) not just expand NATO, neutralizing the opponents in the middle of the country, but also consolidate the trend to a further expansion of the alliance to the North; 2) to understand the strategy of NATO from the global interests of the United States; 3) close the military-force model of conflict regulation.

Prote politicheskie podії imposed an unforgettable vidbitok on the activity of the 42nd President of the United States, until 2000 the fate called for the dismantling of the current security regime, strengthening the conflict potential of the world. The US policy has created a lot of serious problems for Russia in the implementation of the most important policy and in the security of the national security, which did not lead to confrontation between the powers, but saved the tension between the two sides.

List of references

  1. Alekseeva A.V. Expansion of NATO on the Road: Regional and Global Aspects. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  2. Clinton, Bill // Encyclopedia "Krugosvet" -
  3. Kobrinska I. I. US policy in Central and Northern Europe // USA - Canada - economy, politics, culture. 2000. No. 2. S. 55-71.
  4. Kolosov U. "Low and high" geopolitics // Vitchiznyany zapiski. 2002. No. 3 (4).
  5. Moshes A. L. Viysko-political reorientation of the lands of Central and Northern Europe and Baltic // Europe: yesterday, today, tomorrow. - M.: Economy, 2002. S. 674-688.
  6. Osherov U. At Clinton's Rocks // Novy Svit. 2001. № 5.
  7. Clinton Politics and Bush Politics // Washington ProFile -
  8. Rogov S.M. Power market in American style // Nezalezhna newspaper. 2000. No. 31.
  9. Skrinnik I.V. Internal political and social and economic priorities of the administration of Bill Clinton // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 12. Political Science. Light political process. 2000 No. 1.
  10. Shaklein V. V. Problems of international security and current US policy in 1993–2000. - M., 2004. S. 62.

    Clinton's policy and Bush's policy // Washington ProFile -

Bill Clinton

42nd President of the United States. Clinton William Jefferson (Bill) President of the United States in 1993 - 2000

Clinton Bill ( outside of im'ya under the people of William Jefferson Blythe III was born on September 19, 1946 in the small town of Hope in Arkansas. Tsiogorіchne prizvische having declined in the wake of Roger Clinton's father-in-law. In 1968, he graduated from Georgetown University (Bachelor of International Studies), Washington DC and continued his studies at Oxford University in England (State Government). After turning to the USA in 1970, he joined the law school of the Ielskogo University. After graduating from law school, he made contributions to the University of Arkansas. In 1976, he was appointed Attorney General to the State of Arkansas, and in 1978 he became the youngest governor in US history. In 1980, the rotation changed to another term, but it didn’t pass, in 1982, the rotation changed again. In 1992, roci were elected as the 42nd President of the United States, re-elections in 1996 were roci.

Wicked materials of the book: G.I. Gerasimov. History of modern Russia: a search for freedom. 1985-2008 rocky. M., 2008.

Clinton (Clinton) Bill (named after William Jefferson Clinton) (born 1946) - American state fiend, 42nd President of the United States.

I took an active part in politics from 1974, having put forward my candidacy for the Democratic Party in the elections to the US Congress in the state of Arkansas. In 1976 by the State Attorney General. Ocholyuvav group supporting J. Carter in Arkansas at the hour of presidential elections (1976). Dvichi being governor of the state of Arkansas (1978, 1982), in 1986-1987. - Poper. National Association of Governors of the United States. Dvichi leaning on the landing of the President of the United States (1991 and 1996).

In domestic politics, having entered into an investment program of 700 billion dollars. for education, the fight against the unemployed and other social needs for the short-term wages of military workers, the increase in taxes, and even the proposals for reforming the health care system were blocked by the Republican Majority Congress.

In the gallery of modern politics, having continued the line of the previous presidents on the role of the light arbiter for the United States under the hour of ending international conflicts. For the support of the United States, peace was signed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (1993); between Israel and Jordan (1994); Please Help Regulate the Bosnian Crisis (1995). However, the sending of American military contingents from Somalia and to Haiti, the position of the United States regarding the expansion of NATO was criticized both by the United States and by the light of the world.